Social Studies

Topic 1

QI. Fill in the blanks.

1. Alaptagin was a ______commander in the ______army. 2. Alaptagin became the governor of in 962. ______3. Sabuktagin was Alaptagin’s ______4. Anandpal wanted to avenge his ______'s death. 5. Mahmud defeated Anandpal at a place near ______in 1008.

6. Mahmud's son ______succeeded him as the next Ghaznavid ruler. 7. ______founded Ghaznavid rule in .

Q2. Give brief answers for the following questions.

Q: Who were other Ghaznavid rulers after Mahmud?




Topic 2 Ghaznavid Rule

QI. Choose the correct answer. 1. Mahmud made ______raids on the Subcontinent. (17, 15, 21)

2. Ayaz was Mahmud is ______. (younger brother, general, slave)

3. Mahmud died in ______ce. (1020, 1030, 1029)

4. Many territories were taken away from the by

______during Maudud's rule. ( and Marathas, Seljuk

Turks and Hindus. Hindu Rajput and Uzbek Turks).

Q2: In the table below, write Mahmud's strengths and weaknesses (any 2)

Strengths Weaknesses 1.


Topic 3 The Ghoris

Q1: Fill in the blanks. 1. ______set Ghaznavi on fire which burnt for ______days.

2. Bahram Shah fled to ______after this attack.

3. The most powerful of the Ghori rulers was ______.

4. Shahab Uddin Ghori was the younger brother of ______.

5. ______was the most important Hindu religious city.

Q 2. Complete the following timeline.

Date Event


Arrival of Ghoris in India

Shahab uddin captures Muttan




Ghori's death

Q3: Circle the correct answer. 1. Ghazni was plundered by (Alauddin, Shajauddin, Karimuddin) as a revenge.

2. Bahram Shah escaped to (, , ) to save his (empire, son, life).

3. Mohammad Ghori was also known as (Mohammad Khilji Ghori, Alauddin Ghori, Sultan Shahab Uddin Mohammad).

4. The most important holy centre for Hindus was the city of (Ganges, Banaras, Kolkatta).

5. Ghori army (rewarded, appreciated, punished) Khusro Malik for his deeds.

Q4. Choose the correct answer. a) Feroze Khilji is popularly known as

i Jalaluddin Khilji ii. Malik Jalaluddin iii. Jalaluddin Rumi b) Mohammad was Balban's

i son ii- daughter iii. nephew c) The Tughlaq Dynasty was founded by

i Malik Kafur ii- Ghyasuddin Tughlaq iii. Malik Altunia d) Malik was a ruler of the

i. Slave Dynasty ii- Khilji Dynasty iii. Dynasty

e) The Lodhi Dynasty ended because of its last ruler

i. Zaheeruddin Babur ii. Dolat Khan iii- Ibrahim

Q5: Complete the table below:

Ruler Achievements/ Mistakes/ Successes/Strengths Fallers/Weaknesses Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

Ghiyasuddin Balban

Bahlol Lodhi

Allauddin Khilji

Nasiruddin Mahmood

Firoze Shah Tughlaq

Ibrahim Lodhi

Q6: Who were the troublemaker for each of the following kings and how were they dealt with?

Ruler Troublemakers Action

Firoze Shah Tughlaq

Allauddin Khilji

Ghiyasuddin Balban

Ibrahim Lodhi

Jalaluddin Khilji

Topic 4 The

Q1: For each of the following statements, write True or False. Give the correct answer for all false statements.

a) The slave Dynasty was the first of the Delhi Sultanate dynasties. ______


b) Qutubuddin Aibak was known to be stingy and miserly. ______


c) Iltimish was Aibak’s older brother. ______


d) is the first Muslim ruler in history. ______


e) Nasiruddin was a pleasure-seeking ruler who had no time for learning the Quran. ______


Q2: Read the clues and identify the personality.

a) I am Razia Sultana’s brother and successor. I was made the sultan after her death in 1426. Court intrigues saddened me and I preferred to stay away from court matters and spent time learning Ilm-e-Quran and calligraphy.

I am ______

b) I was once a slave but later became Mohammad Ghori’s trusted general and governor. After Ghori's death, his empire came into my hands and I founded the first of the Delhi Sultanate dynasties. Unfortunately, I did not live long to achieve all my dreams.


c) 1 was against my sister Razia Sultana and her husband and gave them a lot of trouble.


d) My father-in-law was the founder of the Slave Dynasty. I had been receiving many complaints about Aram Shah, his son, I defeated him and became the next ruler.

I am ______

e) Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud entrusted all his affairs to me because he did not like what went on in the court. I sorted out all the problems created by the Mongols, the Hindus and the outlaws, The Slave Dynasty passed down to the Khiijis because of my son Kaikobad's incompetence.

I am______

Q3: List all the rulers of the Slave Dynasty in the correct order.







Q4: Fill in the blanks. a) The part of the ocean that meets land is called ______. b) Areas around seas are called ______. c) A ______is the movement of water in the oceans and seas. d) A large wave resulting from tectonic activity in the ocean bed is called a ______. e) On full and half-moons, the Sun and the Moon pull water in the ______. f) An ocean current is the flow of water in a particular ______. Q5: Mark the following in the given map.

Dead Sea Baffin Bay Yellow Sea North Atlantic Ocean South Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean

Caribbean Sea Arabian Sea

Q6: Write True or False for each of the following statements and give the correct answers for false statement.

a) Ocean and sea beds are flat. ______


b) The deepest part of the ocean receives most light. ______


c) The weaker the wind, the stronger the waves will be. ______


d) Just like the Earth, the Sun and the Moon also have gravitational pull. ______



e) In high tides, the bulges rise high because the Moon's pull is the weakest. ______


Q7: Choose the correct answer and write it in the blanks provided.

a) Soft rock is less ______and breaks easily. (resistant - absorbent - reactive)

b) A large piece of land extending into an ocean or sea is called a ______. (cod - cape - peninsula}

c) A very large bay is called a ______. (archipelago - giant bay — gulf)

d) The largest archipelago of the world is the ______archipelago. (Indian — Malay - Maldives) e) The Aegean Sea has more than ______rocks and islands. (100 000 - 60 000 - 10 000)

Q8: Give three examples for each of the following landforms- a) Strait: ______, ______, ______

b) Peninsula: ______, ______, ______

c) Cape: ______, ______, ______

d) Archipelago: ______, ______, ______

e) Isthmus: ______, ______, ______

f) Bay: ______, ______, ______

g) Gulf: ______,______,______Q9: Complete the following statements.

a) Landforms are______.

b) Europe is one large peninsula made of ______.

c) A cape is ______.

d) A bay is ______.

e) A strait is ______.

f) An isthmus is ______.

g) An archipelago is ______.

Q 10: Write the name for each group of landforms:

a) Balkan, Arabian, Sinai, Iberian ______

b) Cod, Verde, Good Hope ______

c) Bengal, Biscay, Hudson, Fundy ______

d) Persian, Aqabah, Mexico, Alaska ______

e) Bass, Bering, Dover, Magellan ______

f) Panama, Suez, Corinth ______

g) Japan, Philippines, New Zealand, Finland ______Q11: Look at the pictures below and write the name of the landforms.