The Idea of Personality in Sufism: Three Lectures Delivered in the University of London Reynold A
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-62605-8 - The Idea of Personality in Sufism: Three Lectures Delivered in the University of London Reynold A. Nicholson Index More information INDEX "Abdu 'I-Rahim al-Bur'I, 66 Dreams, 9, 44, 63, 64, 65, 66, 'Abdu 'I-Wadud ibn Sa'id, 36 72 Abu 'I-'Abbas al-Qassab, 66 du'd,36 Abu Hamza Baghdadi, 65 Abu 'l-Harith, executioner, 35 Eckhart, 25 Abu 'J-Hasan al-Hirali, 63 Ecstasy, 13, 14, 19 Abu "l-Husayn al-Wasiti, 35 Evil, 54-56 Abu Sa'Id ibn Abi 'I-Khayr, 71 Abu Sa'Id al-Kharraz, 14, 63 fand, 14, 18, 20, 64 Adam, 17, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, lard, 2 41, 45, 55, 58, 59, 61 F dtilt-a, the, 34 'Ali, the Caliph, 59 Fear of God, 6 amr, 33, 45, 46, 47, 63 Freewill, 55, 56 Andrae, Tor, 5, 61, 63, 67, 70, Frick, H., 42 71 al-FuQali, 65 "drif, 10 futuwwat, 32 Asceticism, Christian, 8; Mos lem, 7-8, 26 Gabriel, 4, 22, 46, 63 'Attar, Faridu'ddln, 65. See Gairdner, W. H. T., 44, 46, 47 TadkkiYatu'l-Awliyd Ghazali, 23, 37-50, 51, 52, 63 Augustine, St, 38, 42 Gould, Gerald, 48-50 'Azazil, 31 Grimme, H., 45 baqd, 14, 18 Hallaj, Husayn ibn Mansur, I I, Bayazid of Bistam, 14, 26, 27, 14, 25, 26-37, 52, 59 57 baql,qat, 59, 60 BaYQa, 25 al-Haqq, 6, 29, 31 Baydawi, 25 Hartmann, R., 14 ·Boer, T. J. de, 72 Hasan of Basra, 8 Browne, Prof.
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