MTWC Editorial Jun.Pub

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MTWC Editorial Jun.Pub MTWC Group Events in June to check with your GO - see contact details p 5 June. Brooklands Group meeting, New Inn, Send. 5 June. East Anglia, Woolpit, group meeting, 12. 00 noon. 7 June. Brooklands group, Picnic on the lawn. 9 June. East Mids group, Bar- B- Q. 10 June. Far South West Group, Lunch at Hunting Lodge. 13 June. North West Group, Lunch at the Smoker, A556 Plumley. 13 June. YND Group, Pub meet at The Elm Tree, Elmton, S80 4LS 8.00. pm. 13 June. West Mids group meeting, Fruiterers Arms Ombersley, 8.00. pm. 16 & 17 June Brooklands Double Twelve. 19 June. Far South West Group meeting, Hunting Lodge. 20 June. East Mids Group meeting, Royal Oak, Brandon, 8.00. pm. 20 June. South Coast group meeting, Six Bells, Chiddingly, 7.00. pm. Come in Mog Night 21 June. Far Far South West Group meeting, Fox & Hounds, Scorrier. 23 June. South East Group. Horndon on the Hill Fete, contact Colin Wilson. 24 June. South East group. Barnard’s Farm, Motor Museum. Contact Dennis Plater. 26 June. YND Group, Lunchtime meet at Steve Listers. 12.00. noon. 27 June. YND Group, Pub meet at Reindeer Inn Overton, WF4 4RL. 8.00. pm. 30 June. Oxford Sub Group meeting, The Star, Stanton St John. 12.00. noon. Dates for your 2012 diary 8—11 June East Anglia, Worstead Weekend. Contact Tim or Sue, 01692 536790 30 June Curborough Sprint. See page seven for full details. a/o website 3—5 August Scandinavian Viking Run. 12—15 July 40 years of Holland MSCC. 6 scenic runs on 13th 14th & 15th. Three- wheeler races, WWII Harvard Air Display, 50cc racing, The Morgan promotional Tour includ- ing the world famous Louwman museum and much much more. Contact Machiel Kalf on 11– July YND pub meet at the Elm Tree, Elmton. 8.00. pm. 14—July South West Group lunchtime meet at The Huntsman, Falfield, Glos. Contents. Page: 14 Notice Board 27 Rewinations. 3 From the Editor. 15 Competition 31 Group reports. 4 Chairman’s report. 39 Used Parts report. 17 D Anscombe letter Exchange 5 Important notice. 18 L Critchlow letter Register. 6 Bulletin Index 19 Dear John letters. 40 Regalia. 1962-2011 22 Mogspares. 43 MTWC Racing 10 MTWC Challenge. 23 More ‘Specials’. Championships. 13 Committee 24 Blackburne Aero 44 Floggery. meeting resume´ update. Cover picture. Robert Joseph driving an MX Sports. Photographed by brother Howard Joseph. 2 VOL 67 June 2012 No 6 THE BULLETIN THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE MORGAN THREE-WHEELER CLUB Affiliated to the ACU and MSA: non-territorial CLUB WEBSITE As I mentioned last month, I I may not have a Group to was given the opportunity of From the Editor. meet at soon, as we are doing a head-to-head with my Super Sports moving to the Isle of Wight. Please bear with against the new model via MOG magazine. me during this period, for although I will try First of all, what delightful people they are. I not to let the Bulletin suffer during the time was instantly at home with like-minded folks of upset, I may be guilty of more editorial who treated me royally. Now to the crunch. I glitches (absit invidia Michael J). Once expected not to like the new version, ‘but’ I ensconced in Oakwood Lodge, I promise I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. It is a will try to resume normal service as soon as little cramped for my ageing frame although possible. I shall miss the West Midlands the arm room was excellent. Handling is Group, as most members there are long- superb and it goes like a rocket. At no time standing real friends and we share many was I anxious in any way, even when memories and goodwill. Good guys and gals pressing on through bends as it holds the all, and I thank you for our friendship. Just road like a Lotus Elan that I used to drive. I when the Clent Club got some decent beer on admit to enjoying it, even with its few tap too! development foibles and noisy transmission. I enjoyed the Opening Run, thank you Ian I can see that it will appeal to a certain type and the team. We returned home determined, and I’m convinced that some of them are but moist! At Prescott I met Chris Towner driving ‘proper’ Mogs at the moment. Would who was over here from the USA. I met him I buy one?... If I had silly money to spare, again at the CCM. What a nice and possibly, if only for the novelty. If I had the interesting guy he is. Some of these colonials choice of a well sorted original or… Well, I are surprisingly civilised considering how far can see the attraction of both, but so far I am away from Malvern they have to live! He not tempted to change. Back in mine, I drives a Buckland F-type and I confess to realised how much more leg room I have and always thinking that this was how the F-type a softer ride! Motoring correspondent would have evolved through normal Richard Dredge then drove mine with me progression. The new three-wheeler rather accompanying him. He was all fingers and emphasises this line of reasoning. thumbs to start with, but within fifteen minutes or so he was getting there. He was I was most upset to hear Dermot O’Brien say impressed with the low-speed torque of the that he was considering selling his Super JAP and liked how it cornered. Likewise he Sports. I am happy to report that the illness was surprised at how well the cable brakes has now passed and a few blows to the head worked. He left me feeling that he could have brought him back from the abyss. The easily understand the attraction of the real Twin now stays. All we have to do now is to thing and how much better, or perhaps convince him that it is not the sound of his different, it was from the usual small vintage JAP that causes the cloud bursts that seem to car. Well, ‘we’ all knew that didn’t we? accompany him whenever he ventures forth. 3 Hon Chairman - on Safari Brian Clutterbuck I am writing this over a week after our last banned from the British roads. Members would Committee meeting. At that meeting, in the not be surprised that it fooled a Member of absence of Ian and Maria Parkinson, the Parliament who pretended he knew all about the Committee were at a loss to know what it was that proposed legislation! was not recorded in the minutes of the previous JAP ohv engines have a split collet holding the meeting, or indeed in what way they had been valve stem in the tapered end cap. For ease of ‘doctored’. Minutes of meetings, of course, are not manufacture these are made in one piece and need a verbatim record and whilst much may be to be ‘split’ before use. They should be preferably discussed, it is only necessary to record accurately parted in two though the way they are made they the discussion relevant to motions put to the can be split into four. On no account should they meeting. A resumé of the meeting appearing in the be used without splitting. ** Bulletin will not necessarily reflect 5 hours of talk Chris Towner was over for the Opening Run and either! (Most reports from officers have or will be reckoned the week was the wettest drought he had recorded elsewhere in the Bulletin for the benefit ever experienced. He was also reminded, by the of the membership). Any inaccuracies in the picture of Mike Guess’s air cooled 60” JAP in the minutes are dealt with at the subsequent meeting April Bulletin, of an article he read in ‘Vintage and incorporated before a vote is taken on their Oval Racing’ published in 2009. The article was accuracy. about Gus Carlheim from Stanford, Connecticut The matter of the membership renewal fee is an who imported JAP engines for use in Midget AGM decision based on the recommendation of racing cars in 1939. He found that Harley 60 cu in the Committee which take into account, amongst motors from 1936 to 1945 had a stronger bottom other costs, Bulletin printing and postage. end and the same stud spacing allowed him to use Currently no charge is made for method of JAP air cooled barrels and heads. His engines payment. It is regrettable that Ian and Maria see fit were producing 100 bhp and still competing in the to resign their posts especially after having 1950s. fulfilled their tasks admirably. However, it does We had the pleasure of Tom and Marcia them no credit in using both the Web-site and the Blackwell from New Jersey over the Opening Run Bulletin misguidedly. weekend. Tom has an F4 and was delighted to use Long time member Ron Holloway has been in the ex Gerald Carr Morgan for the trip to Prescott. touch regarding the Beart replica bought in the Exactly the sort of use the car is for. A lovely 60’s by Jim Baker via Exchange and Mart. Ron caring couple who were on hand to comfort reckons it is the same car that was on offer to him, Daphne Phillips who took a tumble on the wet probably after John Lindop’s ownership. grass/mud. Daphne is still recovering from her Apparently the big fishtail on the body weighed a shake-up having partially dislocated her shoulder ton and was partly responsible for the excessive and put a hairline crack in a bone.

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