MTWC Group Events are also listed after the GO’s report

BROOKLANDS LANCS AND LAKES Next meeting 3rd March at the New Inn, Send, Surrey GU23 7EN th Post-Christmas Dinner 28 March at the MacDonald NORTH WEST Stewart (Canadian) Pavilion Bisley. 11th March - Wednesday Lunch at The Smoker EAST ANGLIAN Inn, A556, Plumley

EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT OXFORD Tuesday 28th March, Oxford Group Meeting, EAST MIDLANDS The Abingdon Arms, Beckley, noon. SOUTH COAST th FAR FAR SOUTH WEST 18 th Fri Mar 6 . Black &White breakfast meet, 10.00am, SOUTH EAST Fox & Hounds, Scorrier. Wednesday 4th and 18th March Wednesday th - Wed Mar 11 . VSCC lunch meet. 12.00pm, Hawkins Irregulars lunchtime meetings Arms, Zelah Saturday 7th March, the annual SE Group Mogjumble th Sun Mar 15 . VMCC Run, 10.30am, Tesco's, at The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill Wadebridge. th SOUTH WEST Wed Mar 18 VMCC Lunch meet. 12.00pm, Victoria, Roche. Thu Mar 19th MTWC Group Meeting 7.30pm, Fox & Hounds, Scorrier. FAR SOUTH WEST WEST MIDLANDS Wednesday, 11th March, Mid-month Meeting. Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20.00 Wednesday 25th HERTS, BEDS AND BUCKS. March, Monthly Meeting. The Clent Club 20:00 Y.N.D. 18th 10th March The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, A629 Rotherham, 3rd left Scholes (Sat Nav S61 2RQ). “Buffet Night” Dates for your 2015 diary Sunday 12th April MTWC OPENING RUN 25th 26th April MTWC Night Trial see page 26 May 22nd–25th 8th Dutch Run: Amersfoort see page 9 Jan May 29 to June 1st. Fougeres Rally July 24th-26th Viking Run see page 15 Jan

Contents: 14 Letters/postcards/emails 26 PH 8267/Night Trial 3 Editorial Witterings 15 EU Directive News 30 Group Reports Adrian M-L’s conrod 16 Help the Aged 40 Speedometers OPENING Run 2015 17 FL 5031 42 Bump Steering 6 Coombe Mills 44 New Members 45 Precision Engines 9 JAP Factory correction 22 Driving in UK at 70 46 Floggery 10 Competition report 23 Trackrod Wisdom 48 Page 48 11 Racing USA 24 Austrian Events 49 ….. 12 Making Do 25 Sandford Auction

Cover Photo: Yoshihiro Ogawa and his 1933/34 Morgan; taken whilst enjoying his first run of 2015 with Mt Fuji as an appropriate back-drop.



This is the only part of the Bulletin where I other day, he declared no recollection of use the first person and the part I always find contacting the DVLA when he reached that takes the greatest application. As the age. Alan has been unwell of late and Mrs contributions arrive during the preceding President, Sheena has been driving him … month, the copy starts to come together around (!) Alan was in good spirits - when I and it is a real pleasure as diverse articles spoke with him he had just arrived at the arrive. All good things must Critchlows - no doubt Julia come to an end … so let's … and Len would carry on. keep him happily It gives me much comfort entertained. that so many members are Sheena herself has been sending in articles, clearly having back trouble of late, having given thought to on behalf of the Club we answering questions and in send Very Best Wishes. the case of Alan Rance on Contemplating how page 6 an exposition directly youthful I feel (!) and the related to the venue of the forthcoming season with so Opening Run. many exciting events, I Alan has provided an realised that fifty years ago erudite piece on early this month, a sixteen year sawmill practice, so Opening old living in Somerset Run attendees will not only have prior insight joined as an associate and received his very but an understanding of the origins of some old first Bulletin. That copy, edited by Pete expressions. Thompson, was read over and over again and It is evident that discussions on the topic “to set the path that I have followed to this day. grease or not to grease” continues unabated and Names that were to become fully familiar will eclipse the UK General Election in May. appeared; Alan Lazenbury as Chairman, Mike As the files close for the month, comment is Guess, Hohj Podnil* Gary Caroline, Clarrie still arriving and will continue next month. I’m Coombes and so many more. By pure fascinated and intrigued by the comments so coincidence, I met Pete Loveless and similarly, far - and the diversity of opinion. two weeks later, Nev Lear. (we’re still friends) Tony Birks (he of the F-Type Handbook) Little did I imagine that so many would has penned an article on Speedometer become such good friends. Little did I then maintenance, Steve Uprichard is helping the imagine that I would have the privilege of aged on p16 and those of a certain age may having so many friends worldwide. Never did I read the DVLA advice on what to do with your imagine that fellow Club members would UK driving licence when one reaches 70. provide so many eye-watering laughs! Chatting with President Alan Lazenbury the Such is the pleasure and conviviality * Uncle John Lindop of Morgan Three Wheeler ownership. STOP PRESS NEW DATE FOR THE NIGHT TRIAL - SEE PAGE 26

3 Connecting Rod Adrian Murray-Leslie A few years ago I broke a slider coming design components and there are some who down a 1 in 4 hill on my way to an MOT test. look for improvements. Fortunately the garage owner was a vintage I have heard many say that the Club has enthusiast who promptly drove me the five run for seventy years so it must be all right miles each way to collect an old spare and now and doesn’t need changing and there are allowed me to replace it in his garage. Thank those keen to keep the structures, policies and you Roger Thorpe of Castleton. procedures fit for purpose and to develop the I decided this year, after quite a few years Club using modern technology and of general reliability from the that it was improvements. time to replace that get-me-out-of-jail slider My view is that if structures, policies and and its partner with new ones. procedures are fit for purpose, then we will As I proceeded with the job, I found a both work better and have fewer fallings-out broken rebound spring and a loose brake because everyone knows where they stand. In cable anchor and some rather less than free the car metaphor, this is the periodic acting track rod ends and the pivot of on the maintenance. outer end of the drag link was corroded and Then there are those who want to introduce tight. Oh, and the bottom wing stay on the modern technology and improvements, near side was bent. particularly in the field of IT and in the car I shall start on the engine and transmission metaphor, this is the floating cam conversion soon . . . . Then I thought about (OK, it isn’t that new!) or, not that I have improvements and, as the brakes were pulling done it, the introduction of electronic ignition to the offside, I made a floating cam conversions and LED lights and indicators, conversion and a better shroud to stop grease cunningly concealed in the louvres of a beetle coming through the rebound spring from back. getting into the brake. My view of all this is that periodic main- There is a metaphor here for the manage- tenance is vital to trouble free motoring and ment of the club. There are many Morgan Club life and improvements can make the owners who drive until something breaks, overall experience of both there are others who periodically check and Threewheelers and how people access, repair. There are some who only use original enjoy and run our Club.

Facebook Feature - Paul and Molly Nolte Most, I believe are familiar with Youtube … not so many are Facebook users, judging from the number of my FB friends who are UK MTWC members. Many, I suspect, are of the opinion that it is the province of the young - not so! I have found FB a great way to make more friends and use it

Paul and Molly Nolte are real enthusiasts and use their M3W all the time, being a regular sight around Okemos, Michigan. Have a look at “My friend Molly and her Amazing Car” on Vimeo or YouTube


MTWC Opening Run 2015 Sunday 12th April Combe Mill, Blenheim Palace Sawmills, Oxfordshire OX29 8ET … Why not make a weekend of it?

Opening Run April 12th - Update.

The Mill will be open from 10:00am to We plan to have a visit by a steam 5:00pm and admission will be free for traction engine and Combe Mill will be members of the MTWC via tickets we will providing guided natural history walks in supply on the day. the Blenheim Palace Estate. The walks will I’ve asked a small group of renowned be on the hour and will last about 45 mins Morgan Ladies to do the concours judging (there will be a small charge for these). and to select people and for a few Don’t forget there is suggested accom- additional prizes - so make sure you come modation on the website for those who dressed to impress! The prize giving will want to make a weekend of it. be early that afternoon. As this event is the start of our 70th year Ian and Maria Parkinson will be running celebrations let’s make it an event to regalia on the day so if anyone wants remember. specific items to collect please order early from Ross Herbert. Additional attractions will include the first See you there ... public appearance of the 1914 Morgan 4 wheeler which Chris Booth has been restoring. Charles Smith

MTWC -Touring. Anyone interested may wish to note that on Saturday 11th April, Maria and I have booked in to the Premier Inn, Ducklington Lane, Witney OX28 4JF See Other interested parties have also booked in. Discussions on how MTWC Touring will operate will take place. On the Sunday we shall of course be visiting Combe Mill for the Opening Run Ian Parkinson Combe Sawmills Alan Rance

A Revolution in its Time be made with a chalk (or charcoal) line, a To appreciate the importance Combe Mill, skilled man could use an axe to make the one has to consider the ways of 'cutting' line. The log would then be raised on 2 half wood before the advent of water driven logs or boughs and secured with a Tunber sawmills. Originally a log (or half log after Dog (a large 'staple' forged out of square splitting in half) would be hewn with a Broad section iron) to ensure stability. Then Axe. The log is first debarked, this was done depending on the length of the handle of the with a Barking iron or spud (both tools were broad axe; the man would either stand at the about 3ft. long, including the handle) which side of the log and working backwards cut the side (nearest him) vertical back to the line, or, if the handle was long enough, he would stand on the log and cut back to the line. Depending on the amount of wood to be removed, it might be done in several stages, also numerous. cuts with an axe up to and at right angles to the line could be made to ease removal of the surplus wood, i.e. the wood would be split from one cut to the next. On completion of the axing to the line; the 'trunk' would be Barking Iron rolled onto the flat just cut, so that the next 'flat' could be cut at right angles to the first. The process continued to make a square or rectangular section. This was obviously a was pushed along under the bark to remove long and laborious process. it . Oak bark was kept and sold to a Tannery; The next development was the Pit Saw in the bark being immersed in a bath of water which a pit, deep enough for a man to stand with the hides, which were converted to in, had two transverse beams on which the leather by the Tannin in the Oak bark. (the trunk would be rolled: probably after hewing last tannery still using oak bark for tanning is a flat as above. in Colyton in Devon). The trunk was then secured to the beams A line to cut to (with the Broad Axe) would with a Timber Dog and the head saw man stood on top of the log and steered the two-man saw, he was the 'top-dog'. The poor man in the pit, the 'under-dog' had to pull the saw down (the cutting stroke) and thus got covered in saw dust; a hat was essential. Obviously the trunk had to be moved from time to avoid cutting the beams! Until cast iron was made in the 18th.century, a framed saw had to be used; the frame had be wide enough to span the trunk (virtually double the width of the trunk, as there Broad Axe had to be clearance between the blade and the far side of the trunk ).

6 Initially it was used to oscillate the saw blade Top Dog or ... using a crank; however the breakthrough Top Notcher came with the invention of the Circular Saw and the rack to feed the timber to the saw. Sawing became a continuous process, vastly faster than previously. Now it was practical to take the wood to the saw mill where as, up

Underdog … or - in the pits Tunber Dogs

When cast iron became available, the 2-man to now, the wood had to be sawn close to saw was made, with a bar fixed through the where it grew. top of the saw so that the top dog could steer In time, the steam engine supplemented or the saw more easily, the long suffering under replaced the water-wheel. dog had a normal saw handle. Whilst an Would H.F.S. Morgan have built his improvement on hewing with an axe, it was Runabout? still a time consuming operation. Two trestles could be used in place of a pit; but Would the trunk first had to be lifted onto the here have Dog Tired trestles! been a Oak in particular was always sawn 'green' Morgan that is still with the sap in it ie. unseasoned: Motor green wood is easier to work, but tends to Company? warp as it seasons after working. Hence half Would we timbered houses tend to have uneven walls have our and are not 'true'. Club? The application of water power ie. the water wheel, revolutionised wood sawing ( as in the textile and iron industries).

NW CAMP 2015 - BUTTERMERE June 19,20,21 OS Map Ref. 174170


7 Front Suspension Adrian Murray-Leslie A Morganeer’s Garage Coconut Shy is at the top, the shroud and at the bottom the finally declined . . . rebound spring. The whole lot is pulled For many years I have played Russian together by a length of 8 or 10mm threaded Roulette with front spring/slider assemblies. rod. The precise dimensions are not too critical save that the outer tube must allow of chance involving sash cramps, cord, jacks the inner to slide in far enough to achieve the and other such improvisations. compression. The device is certainly easier to This time I thought I would honour my make if you have welding facilities. brand new Mogspares main springs, fresh In operation, getting the feet in between from the manufacturers, with something shroud and lug and between rebound spring better and at the same time protect my shins, and lug is helped by opening an initial gap the Super Aero and other items in the garage with a screwdriver. Thereafter the foot is from potential harm by making a proper tapped in with a hammer. compressor. All this led to a very peaceful and The device is simple: Two lengths of satisfying experience - with absolutely no square tube, one of which slides inside the un-clerical expletives. other, with a foot at the end of each to retain,

There are certain tasks in maintaining a daunting but even enjoyable. Morgan Threewheeler that benefit from the Here, Adrian has responded to the editorial application of a tool specially designed for the request for such articles. Similar articles are job. There are also tasks that need carrying out very welcome … why not share one with the with such frequency that a tool as described her readers? Next time: A novel and easy way to by Adrian, that not only makes the job less replace a V-twin cylinder barrel single-handed.


J.A. Prestwich Terry Wright

The JAP enterprise was, from 1895, the J.A.Prestwich Manufacturing Company according to its 1903 (approx) catalogue of Specialties for Animated Photography which had on its back page an illustration of what is probably its first 'cycle engine'. I don't know when the name changed to J.A.Prestwich and Company but it was certainly called that after it moved from 1 Lansdowne Road, Tottenham to Tariff Road (off Northumberland Park) in January 1911. The company was incorporated under the same name just after World War 1. 1a Lansdowne Road - currently a tyre depot below On 23 April 1951 this company and the and printers above. Photo: Terry Wright associated Pencils Ltd (founded 1919) were combined into a new company, J.A.Prestwich Industries Ltd, which was then floated on the London Stock exchange. I don't believe Lansdowne Road has become a supermarket - it appeared to be a garage (No1) and a tyre depot (No1A) when I photo- graphed it in the summer of 2013. I think the plaque has been put on No3 which was the Prestwich's home, at least at the census in April 1911. I am also enclosing a photo of the original Tariff Road factory which I took the same day. There was a second factory built Industrial historian Dr. Jim Lewis at the unveiling next door for Pencils Ltd but I am not sure of the commemorative plaque, March 2010, to the right of the door in the centre of the photo above. which was which. In the Idiotorial last month, I made mention of the plaque erected on the site of the JAP factory. The manner in which it was worded was decidedly ambiguous. It was the Tariff Road site that was demolished - certainly not 1. Landsdowne Road as Terry rightly states. Here, I have a connection. Until six years ago, Now destroyed, the famous façade, ironically then I was engaged in the survey and mapping of buried named the Triumph Industrial Estate utilities, for site developments, for clients including Photo: Terry Wright Sainsbury’s superstores. After I sold the business in 2008, the follow-on company were requested to survey the Tariff Road site for the Tottenham Hotspur Redevelopment Scheme. The famous façade was demolished to make way for a Sainsbury’s store , opened in 2014. I’m pleased to state that the demolition was nothing to do with me! Right: A contemporary print showing the extent of the Tariff Road site at its peak development

9 Competition Report Pete Clews

It seems that everyone except the girls at the some more officials to make sure that we have ACU office in Rugby have hibernated and little a someone in reserve in case of illness, anyone has progressed on the competition front. willing to volunteer please get in touch. A club member once said to me that in the Mallory Park Test Day 27th March winter months the competition notes could just This will be the first chance to test all those say “Ditto.” I didn’t agree at the time but as I tuning mods which we have all been beavering too am leaving for the ski slopes in a few hours away at in our cold garages over the winter. time and as it is not yet February his comment As we didn’t go to Mallory last year it is also a seems very appropriate. chance to re-familiarise yourself with the There are some things to report however; circuit ready for the Challenge Round on 11th firstly I have had full confirmation in writing and 12th April. allowing the 5 Speeders to compete as Zandvoort 1st,2nd and 3rd May Category 2 Class D three wheelers under the Sometimes we all make assumptions and I ACU national Sporting Code and am now only am guilty because I was asked several times waiting for the documents from Mark Reeves recently what and where was Zandvoort; being to allow us to put the Eligibility Scheme into brought up as an avid Grand Prix fan in the operation. 60’s I made the assumption everyone knew but Secondly, we must have all three of our it is clear now that there are those younger than venues (Loton, Prescott and Curborough me ...... it happens to us all!! inspected by the ACU before we can have the I’m still in negotiations about our competing at Course Licences issued. I have also been Zandvoort and I am optimistic that it will now asked to take active photographs of the go ahead. It will be a joint venture with meetings we run to include the start, finish, another one make club that should make for marshals posts and the corners. Apparently some very exciting racing. We all have our this is to give the ACU a clear idea of the fingers crossed! operation of the safety features at the venues Montlhèry 9th and 10th May but will involve Although it is a “demonstration” not racing it is a remarkable spectacle and we have 26 The ACU have again refunded our permit Morgans entered from England plus a few fees as a gesture of their wish to help the small others from the continent which is by far the grassroots clubs like ours. If you get this largest single make entry. VRM have also set Bulletin on time ...what?? Ed. you will be up a special parc d’exposition area for Morgans reading it while Sue and myself will be sitting who don’t want to take part in the track in a room doing our ACU Stewards sessions. Examination which Sue in particular needs to As they say in New Hampshire: pass if we are to have a Steward for our ‘SKI TODAY - meetings. An ACU Steward is not allowed to WORK TOMORROW. compete at a meeting where they officiate or to have any other role at the meeting. We do need

Appeal for Help Nev Lear You will have seen in the ‘Bulletin’ that I information in its archives that can be used am embarking on a project for the club to and if necessary poor quality material can be write a brand new book on the history, enhanced if required. But if you have any overhaul and use of the F-type. material that you think could be useful, and For this book I need some really top quality particularly photographs of original cars, and drawings, photographs and factory sales cars in the course of restoration then please literature to make a really super job of the get in touch. project. e-mail: [email protected] Obviously the Club already has some Tel: 01460 240978

10 Morgan Racing in America 2014 Larry Ayers

May 3rd 2014 kicked off the pre-war racing season with Red entered in the VARA British Extravaganza in Buttonwillow. My 1930 Super Aero ran in a class of 11 entries and had a best time of 3:17.206 over the 2.68 mile track. Red finished in 6th position during qualifying and placed 7th in the final race of seven laps and was the only trike competing. Dale Barry, who usually runs his 1934 SS, was using the Riley-Ford Sprint Car instead, giving it a good outing prior to the event at Indianapolis. The Sonoma Historic Motorsports Festival at Sears Point from 16-18th May had 17 pre-war vehicles with two trikes, my 1930 Super Aero, and Dale’s ’34 JAP SS in Group 1, Pre-1927 Sports and Touring Cars. This 2.52 mile circuit is fun and Team Red Morgan Racing: L-R . Greg Powell, Lyn sporty to drive with its 11 turns and Powell, Doug Henry and Larry Ayers. qualifying in position 10 was an … Donna Dell'Ario, the Crew Chief was elsewhere accomplishment. The final race saw an improvement on that, Red ran exceptionally well during all four finishing in 8th place overall after 8 laps. Dale track outings, qualified in 5th place and also finished the last race after rectifying his finished in 7th position, in the final field of 26 condenser problems. Race entries comprised vehicles. Karen was right behind in 8th National, Lagonda, Triumph, Chevrolet, Siata, place. Red’s best time was 2:45.382 around Riley, Ford, MG, and Packard to name several. the 2.238 mile, 11 turn Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca in Monterey, from 13-17th track. Karen’s time was only one second August featured two classes of pre-war slower than Red’s. Lots of fun! vehicles. Group 1A featured Pre 1940 Sports Support from other trikes in the paddock Racing and Touring Cars with 29 were Brian Pollock with his 1932 JAP. Super entries. Group 2A featured Racing Cars from 1927-1951, much faster than the Morgans in Additional support was from our crew, father the former group. and son, Lynn and Greg Powell, and Don The 1934 F2, BGO 8, Morgan Factory trials Henry (see photo), in their respective Morgan car, newly completed, and piloted by Karen four wheelers. Barry, received lots of attention and was the It was an exceptional racing weekend with a subject of a Fox Network interview. We believe a milestone was attained with Karen sessions each day, but the 1:30 pm race on the first woman to race a vintage Morgan trike Saturday saw the sun shining on the Morgan in the U.S. trikes. Long may the sun continue to shine on Dale Barry raced his 1934 DTZ beetle back and I had my 1930 Super Aero, Red, in this With good physical health and safe machines, group. The F2 ran very well and completed all we hope to participate in 2015 in Vintage four track sessions. The DTZ was black Racing, and you should join us while we can flagged during the final session for blowing oil still do this. Damn the torpedoes, full steam onto the exhaust which resulted in smoke that ahead! the track officials thought was a fire. It wasn’t Thanks again to our crews for their support … but the oil leak put him out of the race. and especially to my Crew Chief, Donna Dell’Ario.

11 Making Do John Chatwin

For many years, running an ageing cyclecar Yellow metal items on Morgans are required some engineering ‘expertise’. invariably bronze and good phosphor bronze Apprentice fitters and enthusiastic students can be purchased as ‘cored stock’ meaning could not afford to be anything but amateur that it is in fact thick walled tube. This avoids mechanics. Necessity soon honed the skills to wastage when re-bushing gearbox trunnions enable most mechanical problems to be for instance. To re-bush these it is a good idea overcome, albeit sometimes tenaciously. to turn down the worn unit, turn on a thread, It is almost de-rigueur to own a lathe and a any pitch will do. good set of tools in order to run and maintain a Then when making the replacement bush, vintage car these days, for specialists in our turn a thread on the inside to screw onto the type of vehicles by definition demand high first thread. Apply Loctite 640 to both threads, rewards for their undoubted skills. So it is screw up again, and finish the outer surface to important for some owners to be able to do a suit the fork eye. It will never come loose until bit for themselves. you remove it on the lathe next time. Those who grew up this way will find little Often such things as stripped inner threads on a Morgan that presents a problem. Agreed, on hubs and such like can be cheaply over- tempering and heat treatment is an art that few come by turning out a larger thread and have need of, but a lot of Morgan parts were making a new inner item to fit. One has to made on belt driven machinery using skill and remember that unlike Morris, Austin and etc, ability of the operators. Most of these skills early Morgan’s were built very much in the can be learned, and Camden Miniature Steam local blacksmith type of environment. With Book Co; have many publications on these just a few cast or forged items; the majority of subjects. the rolling chassis was what would today be The Club Librarian has on file most of the termed fabrications. drawings for factory produced items and many It figures therefore, that with perhaps a little are within the scope of the amateur turner. help from someone in the know, a Morgan can Centre and axle pins, hub bearing retainers and be rebuilt in a decent sized garage. Asking a number of other small parts can be turned up around will reveal those amongst the from good quality steel. Take note though! It membership who can help you to overcome is always best to buy your steel from a almost every problem, be it through wear or stockholder and specify what you are doing damage even. Never lose sight of the fact that with it. a bunch of ordinary men built these devices Don’t pick up a lump from the scrap-yard or and they had the same number of brain cells under the bench and assume it will do. For the and limbs as we have. amounts that we are talking about it is not Taken one step at a time most jobs are worth the risk as for our work we usually need achievable. Do not ‘re-engineer’ too robustly atHere least’s EN8,a pretty or viewfor load of the bearing Malvern items Hills EN24T. to restore inasmuchthe equilibrium that such thingsPhoto: as thrust Dave bearings Anscombe For anything needing a hard wearing outer and rose joints in the steering department can surface, green or red painted oil hardening negate the designed damping with dire results steel can be purchased from the stockholder. in the road-holding. Also, every pound of Generally, if one puts steel to the grind- weight added has to be countered by the stone, the smaller the sparks the higher the available modest horsepower. carbon content of the steel.

Questions Questions …

With the coming of the Touring Section,  What luggage should be taken … or not? pertinent and practical questions arise …  What is the best way to carry luggage?  What spares should be carried? Answers please ...  What are the essential tools for the toolbox?


Morgan Motor Company Recognised Three Wheeler Specialist Recognised ThreeENGINES Wheeler Specialist JAP



TheContact World’s mostthe specialistscomprehensive in-house facility for Situated onlyThe half Morgan a mile Three from theWheeler Morgan Factory, Contactwhy thenot visitspecialists us.

Unit 8 and 9 Howsell Industrial Estate, Malvern, Situated only half a mile from the Morgan Factory, Worcestershire, WR14 1UJ why not visit us.

Email: [email protected] Unit 8 and 9 Howsell Industrial Estate, Malvern, Tel: 01684 899084 Mob: 07815 119 447 Worcestershire, WR14 1UJ Or visit or website

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01684 899084 Mob: 07815 119 447 Or visit or website

13 Letters, emails, postcards Area of Low Pressure by email It would seem that April has come early this Mogspares Finances by email year or is it just the start of the silly season? I am concerned that Mogspares is reporting I refer to the Article in the Bulletin entitled depleting finances. Might I suggest that the Understeer/Oversteer which describes products are undervalued. Members/ variations in tyre pressures and their effect customers are well served and goods are sold on handling. at a minimal mark up with no charge for the I'm not surprised that a 50% change in vital service provided in ordering, stocking pressure had a noticeable effect, what and retailing them. Unpaid volunteers look troubles me is why be so foolhardy? At the after that. very best it is only putting one fault to A Morgan which has worn-out or broken counter another. vital components is worthless unless Tyres should only be inflated to the manu- replacements are available. This was brought facturers recommended pressures in line with home to me when I needed replacement gears loading, all the information is readily and, later, a new Holroyd gear, without which available from the makers. I couldn’t drive it. The replacement gear was, But back to understeer/oversteer. This is indeed, expensive but my much loved Mog the result of the balance between the "Slip was only fit to be a static exhibit without it Angles" of the front and rear wheel/s. If the and I would have paid whatever it took to rear slip angle is greater that the front make it mobile once more. oversteer is the result and vice versa. Mogspares has in the past embarked on What is the slip angle? It is the difference some excellent schemes to provide such items between the path described by the wheel and as JAP heads and cylinder barrels, gear sets, the actual path followed by the tyre caused shafts etc. Again, items not normally available by tyre distortion as a result of the side force from other sources and without which a on cornering. machine could be useless. Up until the point that the tyre loses I suggest that Mogspares could revise the adhesion with the road this can be expressed prices it charges . as: Best wishes, Robin Rew As an ex-Mogspares Manager I was obviously Side force (Newtons) = Cornering power very interested to read Graham Joseph’s (N/degrees) erudite explanation of the pricing structure. Slip angle (degrees) This club’s membership has always shown Generally speaking, a small amount of under considerable interest in the way the -steer is considered a good thing and Mogspares operation is run. oversteer a very bad thing, the former giving The comment in the fourth paragraph predictable handling with increasing effect as commenting the lack of funds rang very true speed is increased or the radius of the turn for me:- “Ordering larger batches could bring decreased, costs down and save much work for the team throughout the whole procurement process.” To get back to the balance that decides Why then are we not using some of the what we have got, it is largely dictated by the funds we have available from the Leavens centre of mass of the vehicle relative to the bequest to achieve what Graham is tyre contact patches and the behaviour of the indicating? That cash has now been sat in the suspension. club accounts for sixteen years with little or Thus, to finish up … although I could no benefit to us. ramble on about this subject, an F tyre with We would not be spending it or frittering it away, but investing it in the Club’s future. its heavy Ford engine has more understeer than a twin and unless the suspension can It would still remain as:- money in the bank! Knowing John Leavens personally I am keep the tyres in contact with the road you confident that this is how he would have liked will have no handling at all! Richard Smith his generous gift to be used.

14 White Asbestos White Out by email reduce with increasing tyre pressure. I do hope the debate about the dangers of Within the normal range of pressures and slip white asbestos gives support to the view of angles the reverse is generally the case. John Rowland. During the war, when the Regards, Terry Wright, Australia supply of art board must have dried up, my From Mrs Trellis heading back to N. Wales parents were presented with a fine piece of work painted on a sheet of the stuff. I have been walking past this for many years whenever I pass through my hall. Should I plan for a reduction in the number of visitors? Roy Summerscales Terry, Terry, Still Contrary! by email he's looking forward I don't think there is room to go into it now, to showing her Newport the Gower Penin- but I must quibble with Eric Eadon when he sula and Cardigan Bay, before going on to states, in effect, that 'side load resistance' will Bangor over the top of the co

Directive 2006/126/EC again. Stuart Tallack We were led to believe that the Directive neither open nor reported. was to be looked at with a view to revising Any changes now have to be discussed in it. (Not because our concerns are considered the European Parliament. The debate has to important, but because second thoughts on be reported and I believe it would also be other matters in the Directive were streamed on the ‘net. There isn’t much point expected.) Had that happened, we would pestering our MEPs to the point where they have had a fair chance of improving things. begin to ignore us, but sensible reasoned Unhappily, there are now no immediate letters now and also when we hear of an plans to revise the Directive. There has been impending debate must be worthwhile. one change for the better in that there will Nothing has been refused or rejected: be no more decisions made behind closed there are just no plans to look at doors. The clause which affected us in the 2006/126/EC for the moment. Directive was made in a meeting which was Is your car insurance due? Get a quote from the motor-insurance specialists. It will cost you nothing; it could save you a lot. SPECIAL SCHEME RATES FOR MORGANS

Morgan Insurance Consultants William Curtis House, Lenton Street, Alton, Hants. GU34 1HH. 01420 594242. e-mail: [email protected]

15 Help The Aged Part 3. Steve Uprichard

If, like me, you have an original luggage rack Here’s a simple solution using a piece of 1" x on your Barrel Back Morgan, you may well ¼" steel strip and a bit of stainless steel door have had this problem..... Many times over threshold, conveniently bent at right angles. the years I found that the suitcase, picnic I cut the strip with angles at each end so hamper or tent strapped to the tapering rack that it fitted between the outer strips of the would slide slowly backwards before luggage rack and then bent it so that it fitted slipping off onto the road behind, no matter underneath the centre strip. The stainless how well I thought I’d tied it on. steel was cut to suit. Holes were drilled in both, and tapped in the 1" x ¼" strip.

The two are used to “sandwich” the strips on the luggage rack and the angled cut on the bottom strip means it can’t slip off backwards, so neither will the suitcase. ... Simple.

16 FL 5031at Shoreham Messrs. Amos, Quantrill & Uprichard

The photos above have been provided by Peter Morgan (left), we can now date the photo more Amos and were found by a Mr Quantrill when accurately as having been taken between Sep- cleaning out a photography shop, Avery’s in tember 1930 and February 1933. The famous Brighton where he used to work. Lancing College is in the background." . There is no record of FL 5032 in the Registry The DH Gipsy Moth in the background was but detective work by and Steve Uprichard and registered G-ABER in August 1930, so the Peter they have deduced the following: photo must have been taken sometime From the Desoutter G-AATF behind the after that date. REBUILT AND REPLICA COOPER-STEWART SPEEDOMETERS

Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Replica speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers for late M chassis and for Sports and Family for Super Sports for our Continental early three speeders models models members models 0-85 mph dial 0-70 mph dial 0-90 mph dial 0-130 kph dial

Speedometers are shipped postage paid within the UK, rest of world at cost. New Speedometer Cables for three NEW speeder Sports and Super Sports Models Replica wiper motor driven by the front controls. off side wheel £60.00 plus shipping at £65.00 cost from the UK, $100 plus shipping at Cables are shipped from the USA at cost. cost from the USA.

Contact Brian Pollock at [email protected] Phone +1-206-228-1814 (8 hours behind GMT)


George Darbyshire Work on any classic and vintage cars. From maintenance and repair work to full restoration including fabrication and engine work. Pease call George on 01608 664996 or 07905168142 Or e-mail [email protected]

WHEEL BUILDING All types - Heavy-duty spokes. Well-proven. 2 and 3 speeder rims in stock. Other wheels: price on application. Wheels can be collected and delivered to race meetings. Quick service. Also Morgan paintwork undertaken by long-term enthusiast. Phone Greg Bibby on 0116 279 3048 (day) or 0116 279 2120 (evenings). Mobile 07860 237 945. E-mail: [email protected] The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire, LE8 0HJ

The Gerald Carr F4: now available for borrowing by members

The car has had extensive restoration to woodwork, bodywork and rear suspension, and the insurance has been re-negotiated.

Note that there is still an age limit of 25 years minimum.

To borrow the car for a long weekend, we suggest a donation of £45, to cover insurance and maintenance. To keep the operation going successfully, more bookings are required. . . . so get planning!

Contact; Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, Whitbourne, Worcestershire. WR6 5RF Tel: 01886 884362 email: [email protected]


G.E.E LTD Workshop: Gigg Mill, Old Bristol Rd, Nailsworth, Glos GL6 0JP Visitors by appointment, please. Tel/Fax: 01453 832 113

F-type chassis from £520 4-wheeler chassis to your spec: 4/4,+4,+8. Crossheads for all models. 3 and 4-wheeler. Hubcaps: polished alloy as original £29 pair, Stainless £35 pair. Mayflower rear lamp die-castings £58 pair, lamps red or amber £36 pair Dash parts, red and black sockets £21.50 pair. Our replica horn push Super Sports etc. £34,

Small chrome Horn push £9, Late F-type Bakelite horn push £20 Steering columns re-built, parts supplied. Morgan rear brake cam. £32.00 Cast polished rad cap mascots, Morgan flying ‘M’ flat or domed cap versions. £19 Paired wing Family type £30, Polished alloy Stork mascots £42 Bronze Storks £50 Radiator badges, German silver, for Super Sports, Aero, F-type and Grand Prix Stub axle inner nuts £4, lock tabs £2.50 F-type and 3-speeder stub axles £65 pair. Stainless steel bonnet knob sets of 4, suit F-type Series 1 and early +4 and 4/4 £55, escutcheons to match £15 set.

Brake shoes relined, clutches rebuilt, any make Morgan to Rolls Royce.

Many other new and used parts also in stock, yes we also have a range of bits for Bentley and Rolls Royce, mainly MKVI

19 Climbing Harting Down Julian Vincent

South Harting Hill near Petersfield, was hill in clouds of dust and a thundering the venue chosen by the Cyclecar Club for its exhaust.” Spenser followed but was less open hill-climb on June 28th 1913. The entertaining. chosen road was Telegraph Hill which Finally, “Mr Lambert, who drove a very branches off to the left. ancient Morgan, which he had only obtained “The hill has often been the scene of hill- a day or two before the event.” climbs”. The first portion is easy, and then Very ancient? In 1913??? follows a series of left and right-hand bends After the main contest, the Carden reprised on a gradient of 1 in 7. These require the its performance, catching fire just as it went most careful negotiation, not only on account round the first bend, “streams of fire pouring of their severity but also owing to their rough out from the engine and carburetter, which and loose condition. The hill then eases and fortunately are placed behind the driver. Mr climbs to the summit of the Downs, by an Holzapfel, who was piloting it, sprang out easily graded road where the fastest machine and, with the help of the crowd, which of must have reached 40 mph”. course rushed to the machine from all over McMinnies entered the 1100cc Monocar the hill, managed to extinguish the flames by class with his Morgan, as did AW Lambert. heaping gravel on the engine.” McMinnies and Lambert each entered the The map published in The Cyclecar appears class for 3-wheelers with passenger, to be wrong, so it’s not reproduced here. Just McMinnies in the Grand Prix Morgan. A south of South Harting the B2416 and the third competitor in this class was JW B2141 part company. The latter, named Spenser. Harting Hill on the OS map and running just In the event, McMinnies’ monocar was a north of Tower Hill, must be the hill that was non-starter leaving Lambert as the only other used for this competition. Cyclists, calling it single-seat Morgan in the class. His South Harting Hill, report a rise of 151 opposition, a Carden, failed (the engine metres over 1.9 km. but the slope is very ignited due to a sticky exhaust valve; when variable. the fire was put out, the engine wouldn’t start again) and Lambert made FTD in 1.33 minutes. One of his mudguards (they were flat sheets of metal, so probably only just attached) fell off and hit him on the head but he carried on! (too concussed to care, most probably … Ed) All three Morgans completed the climb in the three-wheel passenger class. McMinnies’ near-side tyre came off the rim as he was going round a sharp right-hander on the steepest part of the course. “The inner tube swelled to the size of a football before bursting with a bang. The machine swerved all over the road, but eventually was straightened up and disappeared up the

20 Notes from the Custodian/Regalia Officer Ross Herbert Frank Rozelaar is borrowing the ‘Gerald’ for the opening run as I am otherwise engaged on that day and I will hopefully have had a chance to carry out a ’shakedown’ run just up the road to the Morganeer’s lunch in February. Bill Higginson’s trailer has unfortunately succumbed to the dreaded rust bug around the winch mounting so some welding and re-fabrication will be required. This will not prevent anyone borrowing either the trailer or towing the ‘Gerald’ as I have an electric winch that can be used in the short term.

Regalia Matters We have quite a large stock of books at present so I’ve put together a reduced price book bundle for members plus a free lubrication chart and windscreen sticker!. This consists of: LP2 The Best of Clarrie LP7 The Book of the Morgan OP7 1937 Catalogue LP6 Three Wheeler Instruction Book LP2 Story of the Three Wheeler

These would normally total £49 but for this bundle the price is £25 plus postage. Please email [email protected] if you would like to order this or any other regalia items. Ross Herbert, The regalia range can be found on the Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, website under for sale/wanted or via the Whitbourne, Worcestershire. WR6 5RF members page. Tel: 01886 884362

email: [email protected] Ross Herbert


UK Driving Licence Renewal at 70 Rex Cole How to renew of some vehicle adaptations to make life easier. Since the law requires you to renew your Bear in mind, however, that there may be a licence at 70, the DVLA should send you an lengthy wait for the service, and you may find application 90 days before your birthday. that paying yourself will speed up the process. Renewal is free - all you need to do is fill in the During the assessment, staff at the Mobility form (D46P) and include your photo card Centre will discuss the concerns raised, either licence along with its paper counterpart. If you by yourself or your doctor, and do everything still have a paper licence, you will need to they can to help you stay on the road. You will enclose it and include an original document need to undergo a physical assessment to such as your passport or confirmation of establish how much movement you have in eligibility for the State Pension by way of your arms and legs, and how easily you can identification. In both cases, you will more operate the controls, a cognitive assessment than likely need a new passport photo. testing your reaction speed, and an eyesight Alternatively, you can renew your licence assessment. Your position and strength at the online at the Gov UK website, following the wheel will also be looked at. step-by-step instructions. If for some reason The assessor will then go through all of the your application form does not arrive, call the test results with you, and suggest adaptations DVLA on 0300 790 6801 or pick one up from that might allow you to continue driving. the Post Office. Remember, you will need to Everything from hand controls instead of repeat the process every three years after your pedals to switches that control the car's 70th birthday. functions are available to help you, so don't assume that you'll be banned from driving. Reassessment It may be that you need to undergo a However, it may be that a medical condition reassessment of your driving ability to ensure or disability make driving dangerous, and if that you are still safe on the road. This could be this is the case, the DVLA will instruct you to because you have developed a medical stop driving until your condition improves, at condition or disability that makes driving more which point you can reapply for your licence, difficult, or because you feel you would benefit provided your GP is happy that your condition from an assessment yourself. If you, your has sufficiently improved. family members of doctor have expressed Turning 70 doesn't mean you have to lose concerns, the DVLA can refer you to a your independence - but it is important that you Mobility Centre for a free assessment of your stay safe on the road, so if you have any current situation and suggest ways in which worries about your ability, an you can continue to drive, perhaps with the aid assessment is well worthwhile.

The West Midlands/South West Group Daffodil Run 2015 will be held on Sunday, 22rd March At the Beauchamp Arms, Dymock If you want lunch, please book for midday on 01531 89026

22 Trackrod End Wisdom: you choose!

From Brian Watts propensity to wobble in any way. I have an “A” frame which has pulled an F4, On the plus side, the steering is much lighter a Super Sports and an F-Super a few and I’m sure it does not wander as much on thousand miles. white lines or repaired communication One day, making for motorways to the trenches down the centre of roads. south coast, I travelled at 60mph, towing the Yet another old wives tale put to rest. F-Super ... without its chain, of course. Then I assume that regular greasing will nullify I hit a traffic jam on the Dartford bridge. At the grinding paste effect of road dirt. All in 3mph, the F-Super suddenly thrashed from all, a good idea and ‘well trousered’ that side to side in a violent manner. It had man. happened once, at an earlier date. I braked From Ed Mazula and it ceased. At the other end of the bridge, vvvDoes the phenomena of (John Rowland) I pulled to the side. I levered the track rod "The damping should be done by viscous ends apart enough to pour petrol into them. drag in the grease film, not by metal No more trouble. graunching together." I have greased cones for driving. I think and Ivan Dutton explaining "The damping that the A frame pulls down when towing but was entirely due to shear in a film of grease." at 3mph, with no weight of driver, the front Does this apply to grease between the leaves is too light and affected by the surface of the of leaf springs,? and would John and Ivan road. PLEASE have a go at explaining this. Most people will find that the steering jerks Also, I do agree with Terry Wright, ... if they have not oiled the bottom ends of the I worked for one of the largest airlines in the main springs where they rub on the sliders. world and they NEVER used spring/split/ There is another Morgan steering wobble, lock washers on anything on any commercial which can be cured by changing the front airplane EVER. tyres from side to side. Tyres NOT wheels. And on top of that the one that is even From Nev Lear worse and real crap and also never used on Following on from the comments in the airplanes is the Nylock Nut. Not fit for February ‘Bulletin’, I can only quote from airplanes, cars, bicycles, boats, THREE the last 50 years and 200,000 miles with my wheeled cars. I would not put a Nylock F4, exactly what I have been advising for Nut on a wheelbarrow. most of that time. From Tony Birks Track Rod ends….on the F-type they are I have always preached “do not grease the right out at the front, they get wet, they rust track rod ends, they help with the damping of and the steering gets stiff. You either take the steering to cut out steering wobble”. them apart weekly … or you lubricate them. When I was greasing the ball joints on the The second option is best. draglink some time ago I noticed the bronze From John Chatwin bushes were going green, verdigris, So I I read John Rowland’s article on steering dismantled both track rod ends …. and they with interest. I confess to listening to pundits did not look pretty. who abhorred oiling or greasing track rod I cleaned them up and decided to wipe a end cones, for many years…but occasionally, smear of grease on the cones and the used to squirt some oil on mine as the housings. I have found no difference in the concept of dry turning joints always seemed steering, although I run on 4.50” by 18” wrong. So I copied John and added grease tyres, but certainly no steering wobble. nipples. The dismantling and greasing by hand is Yesterday as the weather seemed good going to be an irregular maintenance, enough for a test flight I ventured forth. I perhaps John’s (John Rowland) grease found that he was right (as usual) and that the nipples may be the answer, over to the car (motor tricycle?) handled well with no members. Y er takes yer pick … Ed 23 Austrian Events Florian Kunz Our member from Austria, Florian Kunz is always busy in rallying, endurance and regularity events. Assisted by his wife Sibylle or his daughter Marlene, he does between 2000 and 3000 kms. every year. His red 1935 SS beetleback, restored by Chris Booth, with a JAP air cooled, twin magneto engine built by Ewan Cameron, has proved very reliable in often difficult conditions. A local engineer and 3-W enthusiast, Andy, always successfully prepares and improves the car for the reliability required in rallies. This year Florian and Marlene took the class win at the Ennstal Classic and won the “race car trophy”. With only 86 penalty-points, (one per hundredth of a second), it was a comfortable win ahead of some BMW 328s, an Aston Martin DB2 Vantage and a Lea Francis Hyper TT. The timed sections were at the Red Bull Race course, a local airport, on a hill climb and at the city GP in Gröbming. Another class win was possible at the “Saalbach Classic” with approximately 1000kms to drive. Some of the highest mountains in the Alps, like the Grossglockner, where the threewheeler had to ascend 2500m, were completed successfully. Hundreds of spectators beside the roads, or at the race circuits, cheered and applauded the small but brave car and all of them were happy and amazed to see and hear a threewheeler in the Alps.

24 Sandford sold at Retromobile Arcturial Arcturial at Retromobile Sandford Chassis # 2882 - In an amazingly original state - Very rare and interesting model - French registration from the period - No reserve Designated as a type S on its registration document, this rare threewheeled Sandford is in an amazingly original state. The body appears to be complete and fairly well preserved, the rear is in aluminium while the hood (bonnet) and some elements were probably remade in steel later. The dashboard is equipped with a tachometer and a Jaeger clock. Behind the bench we also found an old tool kit that was probably used at that time! This three-wheeler still has its gearbox and a Ruby four-cylinder engine was found on a pallet, not far from the car. Probably planned to be be for this car by Roger Baillon, it seems to be still mounted on a part of chassis from another Sandford and comes Inspired by the three-wheeled Morgan, the with the car. made in France Sandfords were better Moreover, the registration document also finished and were powered by Ruby four- has been found in Roger Baillon's archives. cylinder engines, protected by a hood. With a The date of first registration is not specified, limited production run, they distinguished but on August 1, 1951, this three-wheeler themselves in racing, including the Bol d'Or. was registered as 9977 AM 75. Roger This original piece is particularly desirable. Baillon bought this car in 1967, and since So desirable it sold for: £44,313, $67,539, 1951 to today this Sandford has had only two 59,00 euros or 8,123,957Japanese Yen - owners including taxes and commission.

Questions, Questions ...

It won’t be lost on many members, Exchange and Mart. The exorbitant sum especially those who attend Club paid was thirty pounds - leading to the meetings that the average age of Morgan following questions: owners is, unsurprisingly fifty-plus …  How many have been members for and that is being generous. Fifty years longer than fifty/sixty years or more ago this month, the editor bought his  How many members paid less than first Morgan, a runner but only just, £100 / £50 / £30 … or less for after placing a wanted advert in their first Morgan?

25 PH 8267 Story Continues … Richard Morris

Further to the letters/emails from Jeremy who did the engine change and why, I Jones and Lyn Evans, a 1928 Aero with would be grateful to hear from hem. Registration Number PH 8267 does indeed On occasion I drive the Aero over to the exist although not exactly in the form Brooklands Group meetings at Send, which shown in Lyn Evans photograph. I gather Lyn Evans sometimes attends - It now, if the same car, sports a circa perhaps our visits may coincide one 1923 Anzani engine CCW275 and has the evening correct flared wings and other standard features.I have owned the car since September 2000, purchased from a Mr Terry Grinstead of Beckenham who acquired it from Peter Harper, a Warrington old car dealer, in 1995. It was restored by Laurie Weeks in the late 1980's and history before that is confined to two old MOT certificates dated 1979 and 1981, the respective test stations being Abbey Garage, Hillingdon, Middx and the Airedale Motor Company Keighley in Yorkshire. If anyone can fill in the gaps between the early 1960's and 1979 and later, and

26 Officers of the Club

President: Alan Lazenbury Vice-Presidents: Rose Hoar, Laurie Weeks, Gary Caroline Directors of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club Ltd. Adrian Murray-Leslie, Alan Lazenbury, John Scruton

Chairman Adrian Murray-Leslie, Woodside House, New Road 01246 819021 Barlborough, Sheffield S43 4HY [email protected] Secretary Chris Harfield. Little Edge Farm, Broadmead, Edgworth, 01204 853561 Bolton, Lancs. BL7 0JG [email protected] Treasurer John Scruton, Nonesuch, 48 Private Road, Mapperley 0115 960 6240 Notts. NG3 5FQ [email protected] Membership Secretary Eric Bayley ) Bulletin Editor Nick Taylor ) See page 27 for details. Website Officer Steve Uprichard ) Joint Eligibility Jonathan Garside, 174 Victoria St, Newton, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 4AS Scrutineers [email protected] mob: 07979541223 0161 366 5015 Dave Hodgson, 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford BD12 0DF 01274 674381 [email protected] Competition Sec Pete Clews, 141 Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent 01782 396762 Staffs ST11 9PB mob: 07759 983993 [email protected] Registrar Steve Lister, West End Farm, West End, Elton, Matlock, 01629 650 933 Derbys. DE4 2BZ [email protected] Librarian Peter Thompson, Snapdragons, Gold Hill North, 01895 236 246 Chalfont St Peter, Bucks SL9 9DS [email protected] Regalia Secretary Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, 01886 884362 and F4 Custodian Whitbourne Worcs. WR6 5RF [email protected] Archivist Jake Alderson, 36 Stone Delf, Fulwood, Sheffield S10 3QX 0114 230 7197 Mogspares Charles Smith, 10 Elizabeth Way, Kenilworth. Warks. CV 1QP 01926 852228 Coordinator [email protected] Mogspares Financial Len Critchlow, Grange Wharf, Grange Road, Alvechurch, 0121 445 3199 Administrator Birmingham, West Midlands B48 7DQ [email protected] JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, Petersfield, Hants. GU31 5AW Phone: 01730 890199 Fax: 01730 890189 [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford (T), Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS mob: 07969 950015) [email protected] Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected] Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent TN30 6JL [email protected] Used Parts David Browne, Gorse Farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, 01507 534 315 Exchange Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Technical Adviser Chris Booth (T), 65 High Street, Rolvenden, Cranbrook, 01580 241 234 2-speeders Kent TN17 4LP [email protected] Technical Adviser Bob Angell (T), Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, 01244 532 714 3-speeders Flintshire CH5 3BZ Technical Adviser Colin Harris (T), 375 Amersham Road, Hazlemere, 01494 716 463 F-types Bucks HP15 7HR [email protected] Greg Bibby (T) The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, 0116 279 2129 (eves) Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics, LE8 0HJ Overseas Liason Bruce Campbell, 7 Bishops Close, Seaford, E Sussex, 01323 895512 BN25 2NW. [email protected] Event Co-ordinator Ian Parkinson, 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277832 BN25 2NW. [email protected] AGM Organiser Richard Atherton, 11a Kings Road, Portishead, Somerset 01275 817261 BS20 8HH. [email protected]

NOTE: On this page and in the list of Group Organisers, Officers of the Club listed who have a (T) after their names have indicated that they are trading in Morgans or Morgan-related parts. 27 Contacts

Bulletin distribution Advertisements One-off Morgan-related small advertisements The Bulletin is distributed for the Club in The Floggery are free for members. by the printers: Lavenham Press. Details should be received by the 5th of the

For queries regarding non arrival previous month. Continuous free ads at the - discretion of the editor. of your copy of the magazine, To submit an advert please contact: please contact: Doug Forbes Membership Secretary 2 Woods Batch Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Street Newquay, Somerset BA16 OBH Cornwall, TR7 3AH. 01458 841418 [email protected] Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected] Requests for commercial advertisements or Bulletin enclosures should be discussed with the Editor.

Subscriptions and membership records New membership forms, subscription renewals, and notification of changes of address and non-arrival of your Bulletin should be sent to the Membership Secretary Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AH. Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial Material Group Reports Material submitted for publication Group officers should submit their reports MUST reach the Editor before the 10th and dates of events and meetings, BEFORE day of the month preceding the date of the 10th day of the month preceding the issue, except when earlier delivery has date of issue, to the Assistant Editor been agreed or by contacting: with a copy to the Editor

Nick Taylor Doug Forbes Harts House 2 Woods Batch Gloucester Road Street Almondsbury SOMERSET BS32 4JB BA16 OBH 01454 617002 01458 841418 [email protected] [email protected]

Website Officer Back issues and the Index

Steve Uprichard Back issues of the Bulletin up to the year 5 Hall Drive 2010 can be read on the CDs advertised in Mottram-in-Longdendale, Regalia. Hyde,Cheshire, SK14 6LH Nev Lear‘s Index of Bulletin articles +44 (0)1457 762682 [email protected] is also included .

Articles and advertisements in The Bulletin are the copyright of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club, and must not be reproduced either whole or in part without the written permission of the Editor. Views or opinions expressed in The Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Club Committee. Reference to products or services does not imply the endorsement of the Club or Mogspares.

28 Group Organisers/Contacts

Australia Terry Doyle, 94 Disraeli St, Kew 3101, Victoria, Australia 03 9853 1908 Brooklands Trevor Seymour, 1 Chequer Tree Close, Knaphill, 01483 480 388 Woking, Surrey GU21 2PB email: [email protected] East Anglia Pete Jones, Spring Cottage, Tucks Yard, Manea, 01354 680430 Cambs, PE15 0JE email, [email protected] East Anglia Mike Pilgrim, Little Orchard, Bredfield, Woodbridge 01394 382773 (Woolpit) Suffolk IP13 6AW E Midlands Malcolm Bull (T), 53 MacDonald Road, Wyken, 02476 444 282 Coventry CV2 5FE email: [email protected] Far SW Mike Goldring, Rohan Coombeshead Rd, Newton Abbot, 01626 353717 Devon, TQ121PY 0777 3884256 email: [email protected] Far Far SW Eric Bayley,8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Tel. 01637 872618 Cornwall.TR7 3AH email; [email protected] Herts, Beds Angus Tozer, 57 Beechcroft Way, Dunstable, Tel. 01582 606812 and Bucks Beds. LU6 1EE email; [email protected] Lancs Steve Hughes, 5 Chelmsford Walk, Leyland, Tel. 01772 453054 and Lakes Lancs. PR26 7AA email; [email protected] North West Mike Guess, 189 Chester Road, Grappenhall, 01925 262 264 Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2QB email: [email protected] Oxford Bob Cragg, 1 Manor Farm, Culham, Abingdon, 01235 532 565 Oxon OX14 4NP email: [email protected] Scandinavia Lennart Nilsson, Skogsvillan, Grytetorpsvägen 6, SE-647 51 Åkers Styckebruk, Sweden mob +46 (0)708 937603 email: [email protected] Scotland Dan Smith, 26a Quality Street, Edinburgh, 0131 312 8330 EH4 5BS 07713099010 South Coast Stephen Clark, Lower Sandhill House, Bodle St, 01435 830161 Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4QU. e-mail: [email protected] South East Dennis Plater, 5 Wakelin Chase, Ingatestone, 01277 352 867 Essex CM4 9HH South West Tony Quinn, 3 Chard Close, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 4QA 01275 854789 e-mail: [email protected] North America Duncan Charlton. 1121 Lower Elgin Rd, Elgin, Texas. 512 965 7583 USA 78621 e-mail: [email protected] W Midlands Dave Anscombe, 80 High Park Avenue, Wollaston, 01384 372 307 Stourbridge DY8 3NA email: [email protected] YND Dave Hodgson 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] CONTACT ONLY Germany Ulrich Middelanis. Westenzaeune 38, Kamen D-59174 Germany email [email protected] This space is reserved (hopefully) for additional volunteer organisers/contacts Maybe from Italy, Spain/Portugal or Japan …. surely someone would like to send occasional notes of activities where you are … join in the fun and let us know what’s happening … a prize for the first entry! In accordance with the Club principles, no officer of the Club, nor the Club itself will enter into any mediation between any member and a commercial organisation over any dispute or complaint, even if the said organisation advertises in The Bulletin.

29 up his own detailed drawing. He showed us his Group Reports rear wheel. The fixing holes in the centre had BROOKLANDS stretched, as they do, and an old attempt at a Andy Messent and Gary Caroline entered repair by building them up with weld had rendered the wheel unsafe for use. on the 1st of February. Gary altruistically This year’s Le Puy came up in conversation shared his Morgan with Anthony Jenkins. I with people interested in extending the trip to noticed that by the lunch break Anthony take in a bit more of France. Gordon Naisby was ahead of the master on points despite advised us that anyone wishing to enter the Gary’s claims of small boys running across Send Hill Climb should do it ASAP as they will the course, or was it sheep or maybe cows limit the number of similar cars. but clearly something was distracting him Booking forms for the Christmas Bash at Bisley and spoiling his scores. have been returning thick and fast with twenty One of the most unusual tests was for the four people staying over-night. It will have been car to be attached to a Christmas tree and gone by the time you read this, I’m sure we standing in the centre of a circle by a length had a good time. Trevor Seymour of hairy string with a plastic duck rd suspended half way along. Then the car The Next meeting 3 March at the New Inn, Send, had to be driven around the tree without the Surrey GU23 7EN duck touching the ground or pulling the EAST ANGLIA tree over – and all against the clock. On a cold and frosty night, the regulars from Andy Messent Matchless Super-Sports far and wide attended a lively group meeting at sounded very sweet and much quieter since the hare arms. There was lively discussion and his engine rebuild, on the other hand Gary exchange of ideas, plans made for far off had refitted his noisy silencers for some summer events, our enthusiastic Malc Barker, reason. On a big site like Brooklands he offered to organise a Sunday pub meet for feb, could always be located. instead of normal meet. The Bull at Litcham, Morgan club spectators include Jon and was proposed, accepted and agreed, within Gail Mattey Trudy Messent, Gordon minutes. What an easy bunch to organise!! Naisby and Richard Morris who came in coming up, possibly a trip to the seaside, for his vintage Aston. Richard tells me he is pioneer run, a walk among the snowdrops, at about to start the rebuild of his three speed Lexham Hall, and our opener 'cauliflower run' Super-Sports. Jon Mattey thought either the I’ll keep you posted, wind was very strong or he had a soft rear Mr Josnes. rd h tire on his Super-Sport as it felt a bit Next group meeting, 3 Tuesday, 17 March, wobbly on the drive down. Despite wall to Hare Arms, Stow Bardolph. 8 pm wall vintage cars he could not find a EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT suitable pump. You responded to my call, and we were nine We drove to the group meeting at the New in January, but not a single Three-Wheeler or inn Send in a normal car (so easy to lose in other interesting car present. Blame well salted a car park) it had been snowing during the roads. Lively chatter accompanied lunch in the day and remained cold and wet all evening. warm bar, it being too cold for anything As we walked in the door we were outdoors. A mountaineer recently scaled the confronted with a table of tools and frozen Niagara Falls, but Ken thought him material Sam Savage had saved from the foolhardy, suggesting he should have waited scrap. I came away with lumps of brass and until summer. Trevor and Margaret will soon a dial gauge holder for the lathe. travel in a much larger three-wheeler, and see us Robert Carter has kept us up to date with again in April on returning from NZ and his restoration. He is still struggling to get OZ. See you all next month. the car on three wheels. Last month he “Raedwald” showed us the damaged rear fork and a new casting he will machine, having drawn

30 filling half the pub. A good atmosphere, The January group meeting got 2015 off to comradeship among the groups, the buzz of a great start Morgan wise, as the attendance conversation etc, our landlady was also very was very good, and we were honoured to pleased with the turnout, doing brisk have our new chairman, Adrian, come along, business at the bar.Tim Griffiths, a member and join us. When we get these large turn from the Brooklands group came along while outs, it can be difficult to be involved in all visiting Cornwall, hinted he might become a the separate conversations that take place, permanent resident, he would be very but there appeared to be a good amount of welcome to join our group. circulation, between all there. The F2, after its winter engine rebuild is I was not there quite as early as normal, as complete after some confusion with regards i was not long out of hospital, and not the correct timing set up, but, all is well, will driving, thanks to Paul Baker for being my need some fine tuning before the car is back chauffeur for the night, I was also nice, on on the road, hard to believe the car is almost getting there, to see new member, Richard eighty years old, still in fine shape. Woodcock, was already there. He has already Eric Bayley. bought a very nice MX2 engined Barrel Back Fri 6th March. Lloyds B&W Breakfast Meet Super Sports, which i have since seen, and Fox & Hounds, Scorrier. given my advise, on the jobs he intends to Wed 11th March. VSCC Lunch meet. 12.00pm. recommission the car, I am sure he will soon Hawkins Arms, Zelah. have it sorted, and in regular use, as he is a Sun 15th March VMCC Run, 10.30am. Chiverton Cross. very capable person, who i have known of, th for the last few years, through the VMCC. Wed 18 March VMCC Lunch meet. 12.00pm. Victoria, Roche. Malcolm D Bull th th Thur 19 March MTWC Group meeting. Next meeting Wednesday 18 March 6 ish 7.30pm. Fox & hounds, Scorrier. till late, at The Royal Oak, Brandon. FAR SOUTH WEST FAR, FAR SOUTH WEST Seven intrepid members met to partake of Our group meeting in January at the Fox & Hounds was as always, a jolly affair for intellectual discourse, pie and chips, scampi, our small group of Morganeers and friends, etc., the gourmet offerings of the Hunting Pat Ward came up with an interesting topic Lodge, Lee Mill. Matters discussed having experienced steerability with his new included:’How much we were missing JT's Land Rover, the problem was solved by his acerbic wit’and ‘The contributions made to local garage, they filled his tyres with the advancement of steam propulsion, both rail and road, by Goldsworthy Nitrogen, could this be the answer to our wobbly Morgans !!. John Layte of slider Gurney’ (everybody remembers him, don't fame was in good form, entertaining the they?!!). As a rider to this, Alan Goodwin's group with a few jokes and more of his experience riding a steam motorcycle. He declined to show us the scars! experiences, in all, a good night sharing a wealth of technical knowledge, seems, we Wendy Clements' return home from hospital I am happy to report that she is are never to old to learn some thing new. - now well on the mend to returning to the Next up was the never to late post Christmas lunch buffet meet organised by passenger seat of a three-wheeler once the Juline and Ken Burton at the very popular weather changes. Victoria Inn, Threemilestone, Truro. Good Some discussion ensued on a possible turn out, great food at a reasonable price, lots programme for the coming year to share of happy faces and conversation, we must do Morgan time, particularly with our neighbouring groups (FFSW and SW). I can this again. report that since the meeting I have contacted Lloyds Black and white breakfast meet again at the Fox &Hounds in early February Tony Quinn of the South West Group and a is becoming very popular with a good mix of possible meeting at Dunkeswell Airfield for VSCC, VMCC and Morgan owners almost an airman's breakfast and go-karting is

31 currently on the menu - more news later. We Another idea suggested was the possibility would also like to take at least one meeting of a cavalcade to the Opening Run on 12th across the Tamar and explore events with April (Is it still in April? A previous Bulletin Eric Bayley when all the Morgans come out listed otherwise.) but this was thought to be from under their covers. impractical due to our wide geographic At the time of writing, it is snowing spread. outside and with the temperatures Our meeting was ushered to a slightly plummeting we have not, as yet, had vintage hurried ending, as it appears The Swan had machinery on the road. As I have a load of allowed us to overlap with the celebration of work to do in the garage, I am hoping that someone else's ending. A Wake! Black ties other members of the group are further ahead and tights beginning to surround us as we with their renovations than myself and we exited. may look forward to seeing some vintage The nights are getting lighter – Hurrah! machinery outside the group venue in the No news on Guy Fawkes though. near future. Angus Tozer. Mike Goldring 3rd Wednesday, every month, Noon. The Swan, FSW meetings continue at the Huntsman's Northall, Beds., LU6 2EY. Lodge, Ivybridge - Third Tuesday evenings. LANCS and LAKES The snowdrops are opening out as I write HERTS, BEDS and BUCKS this so hopefully we are past the worst of the The Answers to the Photo Quiz winter and you are busy getting ready for (organised by Richard and Chris Bowerman) what should be a really great 70th anniversary were: year. There are plenty of events to look Who? Driver : Jack Whitehead, Passenger : forward starting with the two opening runs in Richard Bowerman. April and the Night Trial which is on our Where? Woodcote corner, Silverstone. territory this time on Saturday the 25th. When? 1967 approx. Please let Dave Hodgson know a.s.a.p. if you And The Winner of the most desirable would like to enter the event or can help out technical calendar was ….. Mr Howard with marshalling duties on the day. We are Chivrall. Well done to all. hoping that some will want to make a The quiz was based on one of some old weekend of it and join us on our opening run Morgan photos which Richard had spied on th on the 26 . ebay. You should be seeing this a few days before Our meeting boded to be a quiet affair but the first of the new monthly informal Sunday later swelled to almost record numbers, (a.m.) Vintage car meets at the Corner despite missing a few of our regular ladies. House, Wrightington (just north of Wigan) Our full compliment of 5 Speeder drivers on March 7th I hope that some of you will was out in force although only Chris want to attend this and maybe stop for Nickless's trike actually shared the car park Sunday lunch. This is being put on by a with Jerry R's Alvis. Not bad for January. Preston & District club member but I am sure Of our 5 Speeder drivers Chris Hewitt is a we will be made welcome and add interest. group founder member, having nudged me I had a good day up at Kendal recently with into getting things started back in April 2014 Bryan Rawlinson helping Peter Pattinson to and has had 5 Speeder articles published in remove and dismantle the gearbox off his the Bulletin. Mike Jordan regularly drives his 1932 Super Sports (very envious of the nice Mog up out of North London from Barnet to modern wood burning stove in the spacious be with us, and Chris Nickless can't stay workshop!). This is the first “modified R away because we are so friendly and type” gearbox I have seen and unfortunately welcoming (allegedly!) it requires some of the typical repairs (front The Dutch Run in May was discussed and wall broken out etc). Peter is keen to crack some of us shall be partaking in the delights on with the rebuild this year after a long – watch this space. absence from 3 wheels and we will be giving

32 him plenty of encouragement and support. Grand Prix (chassis 432) that had traveled One of our newer members is looking very from the UK to Canada via Vince Maielo in seriously at any F-type for sale at the moment New York State is finally becoming a so hopefully we will have another one in the vehicle. Bodywork has been completely section soon. The more the merrier! More reconstructed following plans of Chris news next month maybe! Alan Turner has Booth’s 1922 model supplied by the MTWC, just managed to secure early retirement so we the 1920 JAP KTW engine has been wish him well and look forward to seeing him refurbished, and all running gear brought up a bit more often, before he finally leaves us to working state. The correct materials for the and flits over to Holland sometime next year. period have been used throughout. The January Garstang meeting was very well Rebuilding the radiator was a particularly attended thanks to a surprise visit from five of time-consuming task with quite a steep the Thursday Club members, so we were learning curve. All this work was done in my rather too cosy in the small family room! basement workshop, and the car was then Lovely to see you all and I hope that you will disassembled and brought upstairs. The venture north again soon! See you at the engine was tested last year. I bolted it onto a March group meeting. trailer and hauled it to my son-in-law’s Steve Hughes country place up the Ottawa Valley, where Thursday 19th March – group meeting at the we could run the engine in the peace and Royal Oak, Garstang (group eating from 6.30pm) quiet of the great outdoors. NORTH AMERICA (To the consternation of the wildlife, the It may be snowing heavily in New England coffeepot silencers hadn’t been fitted at that (sorry, Ron G.) and finally raining in Calif- time.) The remaining tasks are to paint the ornia, but it's as though we're in late April body and finish some small items, then it’ll here in Texas. I'm enjoying it while it lasts. be ready to roll. Painting is being done with Member news: Fred Sisson of Indiana oil paint applied by brush, and soon I’ll be reports he is close to finishing the refitting of learning the art of lining using sign painter’s EYV 934, his modified 1938 F2 with brushes. I am particularly grateful to the Willment head. It’s getting new paint, MTWC’s South Coast GO, Stephen Clark for upholstery, soft springs from the Club, rare his quick responses to questions on many Andrex dampers, a new engine with some aspects of the reconstruction and also to more goodies inside, cam, alloy flywheel, Brian Clutterbuck whose support is .060 overbore, etc. Fred doesn’t just race this continuous and enthusiastic. Chris Booth has car, he drives it on the street regularly. also been a mine of information on many Kim Freeman of Texas is nearly at the details.” The car has front brakes, which finish line in his restoration of FV 8359, his might have been offered as an extra in 1923, 1937 Super Sports, a.k.a. the “Gunn” car. and the lever for them is inboard. It’s back to its original black color and Kim I also heard from Larry Thompson of has tried to keep as many original parts in the Hawaii, current owner of (currently car as possible. It is a real stunner. I’m sure disassembled) WD 4819, the 1933 Sports seen we’ll hear more about it once the shakedown in the Peter Sellers movie, "The Party." He period has ended. notified me of a 1934 Sports Special in David Smith of Ontario got in touch with Hawaii that he used to be part owner of. me recently. He had hurriedly reassembled Steve Lister was in the conversation and JO 8640, his 1933 SS, to bring it to our revealed an interesting fact -- it was originally gathering at Put-in-Bay Ohio in 2013 (unable registered GC 4 and driven by George to attend, as it turned out), so it’s going to Goodall for a year or so before being re- come apart again in the spring for wiring, registered as WP 7985 and sold to its first upholstery, and another paint job. He sent me private owner this web link to a story about his car: http:// Duncan Charlton Bob Barclay, also of Ontario, reports: “The very complete kit of parts for a 1923

33 NORTH WEST warm and water covered ice on the road, not Another quiet month with no Morgans that nice for testing. reported as taking to the road. On the other But I have just got permission from the hand the Whipping Stocks meeting was managing director of the factory here to see bursting at the seams. It was great to have their production and heavy foundry when we Bob Angell with us but we were missing have the Opening Run. But to see it in action Bob Haynes and Audrey who were having a we must come in the morning. It’s quite rest. Th’other Bob (Barlow) was also there impressive so I think it’s worth it. That providing a duo with whom to discuss how means that we start the meeting on Friday we were going to resurrect my Super Sports 24/4, around 9.30 I presume. I’ll come back bodywork. Unusually, we didn’t have much about closer details. in the way of new or odd bits of There will be other activities as well so I mechanisms to mull over this time. hope that you can enjoy the meeting even if The meeting was well supported by the you have to come later. Overnight stays will ladies and the presence of Val Hughes, all be arranged to a decent price. The program the way from Leyland, lifted F-type owners will end late afternoon 25/4. I’ll send out the present to three against only two 5- program to all group members when it is Speeders. Of the latter Graham Sherwood finally planned. Unfortunately it is still to was presented with a Club Sprint award by much house work in my head, so Morgan Comp. Sec. Pete Clews. planning is a little bit late. But as all happens Looking forward to more action next close to where we live there is nothing to month. worry about. The Viking Run goes to plan Mike Guess but please report to Stig or Christer as soon 11th March - Wednesday Lunch at The Crown as possible, See page 15 in the January Inn, Goostrey. (12.30 pm) Bulletin for details. Wednesday Lunch at The Crown Inn, Goostrey. Lennart Nilsson (12.30 pm) OXFORD SCOTLAND and NORTH EAST We are all looking forward to the Opening I have been back from NZ a week, but discover Run next month at Combe Mill, and as full nil correspondence from the group – not details are given elsewhere in the magazine, I encouraging, men! Anyway, a little news from the colonies, do not propose to duplicate the information namely I had some contact with Keith Lyndsell in this month's report. I just hope we can again, who has moved to Northland and taken his muster a few of our local Morgans that various machines with him – he reports the Mog haven't been seen at our meetings for a while. is now fully running and he has been participating This year's Woodcote Steam Rally is on in some runs and rallies, so well done! the weekend of 11th/12th July, and if you Also another snippet from OZ, in the latest issue want to enter, you can download an entry of Classic and Sportscar, there is a short article form from their website featuring a 1935 Family with hybrid power (one watercooled and on aircooled pot) and modified bodywork ‘to take a spare wheel’…thought a Bob Cragg st Family did that anyway? Tuesday 31 March, Oxford Group Meeting, More riveting news for you is that my engine is The Abingdon Arms, Beckley, 7.30pm dismantled (oh no, not again Dan!) this time to SCANDINAVIAN incorporate lubrication to those entertaining little Last week we had almost two feet of snow valve guides. Hope to have all running again for in a couple of days. When the roads were the first outing in March – we will see. By the time you read this, a notional cleared we had a nice layer of hard packed programme of meetings up should be posted on snow, the best you can drive on. I had hoped the website, but I still need suggestions for the to get the Morgan out to test it for winter chairman’s visit and the Touring Section’s driving, but we had promised our daughter to invasion. join them north for skiing and baby watching Dan, The Lone Ranger a week. When we came back it was 7 degrees Hi-oh Silver … Awaaay! …. Yes Kimosabe.. Ed.

34 SOUTH COAST the time by email as usual. The Primrose Run Continuing last month’s thread, Mrs. Clark will be on Sunday, 26th April. After lunch at and I occupy our own version of Cold the Roman Villa at Bignor, West Sussex we Comfort Farm not three miles from the will drive, by a circuitous route, to the original. In winter we pay heavily for our Military Aviation Museum at Tangmere for bucolic summer pleasures. Storms, blizzards, tea, tours and relaxation. The Come in a mud and isolation take their toll. The Morgan meeting is on Wednesday 17th June Starkadders would never have enjoyed the and will include a concours competition for luxury of mains electricity in the thirties but the Joan Booth Award. In July there will be a we are fortunate to be connected up - visit to Bodiam Castle incorporating a river sometimes. At this time of year the merest hint trip to Newenden for lunch. The Brittany of gale or thunderstorm extinguishes the lights Adventure in the week commencing 7th for hours. Ever resourceful, we have September is fully subscribed and detailed cultivated a portfolio of themed pastimes for arrangements are well under way. The Holly blacked-out evenings: knitting by head-torch Run will be on Sunday 6th December and will (artisanal); readings from Just William focus on the splendid county town of Lewes. (literary); Cluedo by candle-light (scary); A drive through the surrounding country lanes ukulele troubadour (romantic). Now we can will start and finish at the Town Hall where add the Morgan Jigsaw by firelight lunch will be served. And so to the Grand Prix (educational). The classy puzzle is awarded as on 16th December after which, with the loss of an extra perquisite to the winner of the the puzzle, Mrs. C. and I may have to resort to December Scalextric GP but, the current charades (Thespian). championship being vacant, it remains in our Stephen Clark custody. It is remarkable how much can be Wednesday, 18th March, 8.00 pm. Six Bells, learned about the detailed construction of a Chiddingly. Super Sports during the thirteen man/woman- SOUTH EAST hours required to complete this cutaway There should be two 5 speeders going to masterpiece. Such Fun! So next time you the Dutch Opening Run in May. That will snuggle down with Midsomer Murders on a depend, of course, on whether the problems storm-tossed night ….. spare a thought for us with Martin Brown’s car have been with our homespun rural entertainments. successfully resolved in time. January’s well-attended meeting at the Six The last few weeks (at the time of writing Bells featured the annual photographic this report) have been rewarding for the competition. Highlights of the past year’s armchair/tv- watching Morganiste. If you events were represented by about forty were still awake you could see, briefly, a light accomplished pieces of work arrayed on the blue V-twin Morgan parked at the side of a bar. By popular vote a delightful study of his rural lane somewhere near the coast in green Aero JAP at the “On The Edge” run Cornwall during an episode of the Dorothy L won Chris Booth the Lee Cowie trophy. Sayers Mystery series about the detective Special tribute is due to Valerie Campbell who Lord Peter Wimsey in which he assisted an takes copious quantities of photographs at attractive young woman to solve a Morgan events and assembles them into a murder. An unsavoury-looking character beautifully presented almanac each year. She sporting a full beard was by a tent with the does this for the benefit of the group and I Morgan nearby and explained that it was encourage anyone who has not thumbed playing up (nothing unusual in his appearance through these wonderful chronicles of our or the fact that the car was playing up!). It is activities to ask her for a look; she has just to be hoped that the Morgan will appear again completed Volume 9. Sam Savage brought his in a future episode long enough for it to be usual eclectic assemblage of salvage for re- identified, but if it does not would the owner distribution to those in need; the colossal die be good enough to let us know who he is and stock holder would not have looked out of how he and the Morgan came to be in the place in the engine room of the Queen Mary. programme. Here is a preview of the main events taking Two prominent Club members were place in 2015; I will provide full details nearer interviewed during the BBC 2 programme

35 which featured Worcestershire in the series SOUTH WEST entitled Great Antiques Map of Britain Hopefully the weather will be more screened on the evening of Wednesday 4th Spring-like by the time you read this, but February. Martyn Webb gave a history of there has been plenty of activity here in Morgan Motors and the cars it produced (in Wurzel-land. Our southerly meeting in which his 1923 Aero appeared), while February at The Hare & Hounds was well Richard Atherton talked about Peter attended with special guest Mike Goldring, Morgan’s Leica camera. The presenter, Tim the new Far SSW Group GO joining us. Wonnacott, gave an estimate of the value of Nev Lear is back in action after an op on his the camera but wisely refrained from shoulder, although not yet behind the commenting on the value of Morgan cars. steering wheel. Clements Bros had returned Colin Tatlow wishes it to be known that he from their sojourn in sunny Portugal over is not the person on whom the character Christmas and working hard on 100E- “Lawnmower Man” in the sitcom Still Open th engined F types, Pete's being a scratch build All Hours, shown on BBC 1 on Sunday 18 with a Roots type supercharger while Ron's, January, is based. being his re-acquired F Super, into which he According to the Group’s IT consultant, if is fitting an OHV inlet valve head. Exciting you know how to switch on a computer and stuff. Ian Parkinson was delighted to have go onto the Internet, and can go further still acquired a 1939 F4 for touring. It's a lovely and find Pathè News, you can view the original car and he is looking forward to Cyclecar Race held over 50 miles at getting it back on the road. Brooklands in 1928 which was in fact won Further north, Ray Loadman is making by Clive Lones (not H C Jones as stated in progress on his JAP Super Aero, a late two the introduction to the film). Amazingly the passengers in the two Morgans seen in the speeder that was converted to a three speed clip managed to stay in the cars despite box early in its life. Steve Kitching has sorted out his bevels on his delightful Grand

The Group meeting held on 7th February Prix and is back on the road. John and son was attended by no less than 19 members, James Page continue to make steady wives and friends, almost equally split progress with their Super Sports, see the Our between those from south of the River Cars write up in Classic and Sports Car Thames and those from north of the March issue, James being Editor of the River. Robert Carter brought along drawings magazine. and visual evidence of the progress he is The Weymouth camping weekend is now making with machining the rear fork castings likely to take place in June. More detail in provided by Colin Wilson at the meeting held due course. in January. It will not be long now that I have reviewed the email list and sent Robert’s 1935 Sports is back on the road. two newsletters in that last few weeks. If Sam Savage and John Macara made the you have not received any, but would like to long journey from the South Coast to be included, please send me you email Horndon-on-the-Hill and brought along address. some of Sam’s spanners, which SE Group Tony Quinn members were pleased to accept if only to Sat 7th March - Lunchtime - The Bell, Frampton save Sam the job of having to take them back on Severn, Glos. home. Thank you Sam and John for making Sun 22nd March - Daffodil Run, meet with West the effort to travel so far; it was much Mids group for lunch at The appreciated. Beauchamp Arms, Dymock, Glos Duoika Essential to book roast lunch. Saturday 7th March SE Group Mogjumble phone the pub on 01531 890266. The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill th th th Sat 7 April - lunchtime meeting, The Hare & Wednesday - 4 & 18 March - informal mid- Hounds, Putts Corner, Sidbury week meetings of the Wednesday near Honiton. Irregulars Saturday 4th April - at The Swan, Horndon-on- the-Hill

36 WEST MIDLANDS Speeder’ with an aluminium boat tail rear As announced last month, the Daffodil end. The condition is very good and the job Run this year will be held on Sunday 22nd was well done, but be careful - if you need to March. See last month’s Bulletin for details contact the DVLA (they can be sods!). I and don’t forget to book for lunch if you would recommend a talk with Steve Lister wish to eat at the Beauchamp Arms in (Club Registrar) first; he will be able to help Dymock. you through the official mire. Although the “Retired Members’ Lunch Morgan miniature models also came up Club” continues to be popular, I have been (damn that’s going to remind him to do persuaded that we should still hold our another article!!! – H). An early 1950s customary annual Group Christmas Dinner Mayfair/Gaiety die cast back was queried in March. After a fruitless search to find because it has no clockwork or cast in somewhere else that serves something keyhole. To put the record straight, they different from the usual pub grub, I have were made with no motor or keyhole but the returned to The Four Stones restaurant motorised version is more common. where we went last year, and have made a 2015 Group Events booking for Saturday, 28th March. The The big push now is - ‘The Buffet’. This is at restaurant is up Adams Hill, Clent, DY9 The Bay Horse, 8.00pm for 8.30pm, on 9PS. Please let me know if you wish to Tuesday 10th March (usual club night). I come and I will send you a menu. Three announced it at the January meeting and to courses will again be £20.95 per head and my delight I was descended upon with 19 advance booking (through me) is essential. fully paid up reservations on the spot (not The Opening run on 12th April will be the bad with only 13 there, what counting next event in the calendar and, the following method did you teach me dad? – H). The weekend, the VMCC Long Mountain Run price is £6.50 which can be paid to me in will take place on Sunday, 19th April and I either cash or cheque (Eric Eadon, 8 will post details in the next Bulletin. In the Ridgeway Road, Brinsworth, Rotherham, meantime, please put the date in your diary. S60 5HA, 01709 379037), or if you want to Dave Anscombe do some clever internet thing contact Heather Wednesday, 11th March, Mid-month Meeting. on via email ([email protected]) and Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 nd discuss PayPal. …. What?? PayPal?? Has Sunday, 22 March, Daffodil Run, Hell frozen over … oh .. no! that would be Beauchamp Arms, Dymock 12:00 th further south and left a bit … Jay Silverheels. Wednesday 25 March, Monthly Meeting. The Clent Club 20:00 Anyone that we have an email address for Saturday, 28th March, Group Annual Dinner, will get a reminder. It is a normal club night Four Stones Restaurant, Clent but the intension is to have fun with crackers, 19:00 for 19:30 paper hats (optional), general knowledge th Wednesday, 8 April, Mid-month Meeting. quiz, games etc (any ideas gratefully Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 received) - we aim to entertain wives, YORKS. NOTTS. and DERBYS. girlfriends, partners, non-Morgan and A great start to the year, 13 present and 1 Morgan nuts but due to licensing laws, over apology – excellent particularly considering 18’s only I am afraid (I’m sure your the weather, plus 2 new members showing granddaughter will start talking to you again interest for next month. soon dad! – H). All are welcome but I need I didn’t get chance to talk to everyone, but your money ASAP to secure the correct I’m sure most of the chat was about amount of catering. Morgans. I was in a discussion with a new On 4th May, the YND Group are to have a owner who is having trouble with registration designated Morgan 3 Wheeler area within the changes after a rebuild some years ago of a racing circuit at the ‘Donington Historic ‘SV JAP, Family, 2 Speeder’ (as per log Festival’. The meeting runs on the 2nd, 3rd, book and DVLA), recent photos now show a 4th May (Bank Holiday weekend) and ‘V twin LTOWZ JAP, Super Sports, 3 although the Morgan aspect is organised

37 under the YND banner all are welcome. For Next meeting 10th March ‘Buffet Night’ 8.00pm for food @ 8.30pm, The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, details of how to get a massive discount on rd normal admission prices see a separate J35, A629 Rotherham, 3 left Scholes. feature in the Bulletin (I can sense another Sat Nav S61 2RQ. (£6.50 in advance) Don’t forget, I expect a deluge of bookings round robin – H). I went in 2013, there were for our March Buffet (and your money) - plenty of classic races, stacks of one make £6.50 cash or cheque to Eric Eadon, 8 club displays and cars, trade stands and Ridgeway Road, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 hardly any restrictions to paddock 5HL tel 01709 379037 or £7.00 by wandering, plus half price entry to the PayPal to [email protected]. Donington Museum for the rest of the year. Eric Eadon and Heather

With close-fought racing every day, over Visit: 400 historic racing cars spanning seven I have registered the MTWC with the decades, historic rally car and karting action organisers and we will have a space on the and a ‘living motoring museum’ created by inner circuit next to the MSCC. You can use dozens of car clubs the code THREEDHF15 to get your bogof. – exhilaration and This code is valid for families and friends as entertainment is guaranteed, whether you well, but don’t publicise the code anywhere buy a ticket for one, two or all three days! On else. each day of the Festival gates open at As this is the first year we have registered, 07.30am and the circuit activity starts at the plan is to make sure we have a good 9.10am, finishing at around 6.30pm. attendance on the Monday but there is The provisional timetable will be nothing to prevent you coming on one of the announced early in 2015. Members of car other days with (preferably) or without your clubs registered to attend the event benefit Morgan. from a two-for-one ticket offer on advance Bogof prices are IN MULTIPLES OF TWO tickets when they quote their unique club code at time of booking (deadline Saturday, Two days 2 x £16 + 80p + £1.95 April 25th), and, at the time of booking, will Three days 2 x £22.50 + £1.13 + £1.95 and be asked to request the number of infield passes they require, allowing them to join If you book, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!! the other cars on display in their club's That way I can enter your Morgan into the dedicated infield parking area, to create a draw for the parade laps and possible get fantastic exhibit for all spectators to enjoy. some freebies if enough come! Children aged 15 and under (accompanied by Adrian M-L [email protected] an adult) get in for free. 01246 819021 07791 594660

MORGAN 3 WHEELERS 1909 - 1952 . A reference book for both newcomer and expert alike. £8.50 + pp ( £1.00 UK, £4.00 EU, £6.00 RoW ) (Cheque or PayPal accepted) Contact e-mail: [email protected] or Eric Eadon, 8 Ridgeway Rd, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5HL phone: +44(0)1709 379037


MERLIN ENGINEERING 01384 571936 Producers of the press-fit flywheel assemblies

with con-rods for 25 years

Machinists of all castings for Morgan V-Twin Engines Available NOW Matchless MX2/4 Crankcases

39 Speedometers Tony Birks Having recently looked at my book, ‘The Cleaning: F-Type Handbook’ and with some recent Use only paraffin ... no other cleaner, any information, I thought it might be time to fumes may attack the dial face and some expand on the information on page 44. mechanisms were varnished to stop rust, it I have found three styles of internals for could melt and stick everything up. Apply the speedometers (there may be more). A very paraffin with a very small artists brush early type is the expanding bob weights sparingly around the gear teeth and the which are attached to two legs, the faster the bearings in the plates. Do not put any on the car goes the bob weights are thrown out dial face or directly onto the digits on the pulling the legs together, similar to regulators odometer and trip. fitted to steam engines. To clean the dial face, mix a small drop of As the weight move out and the legs move washing liquid into a small amount of warm in they operate on a gear which moves the water. Using cotton wool damped in the needle and the odometer and trip if fitted, this solution, gently wipe over the dial face, then type will be fitted to very early Morgans, if wipe over with clear warm water, all it does fitted at all. The last time I saw the inside of is remove any dirt. Do not scrub or be heavy this type was over 50 years ago. handed. Rotating magnets. When this is done and the paraffin has dried This style is the most common and was out, apply only clock oil, 3 in 1 is too heavy. used in most cars up until the digital speedo- Apply the oil with a tooth pick, only to the meter was fitted. Two flat magnets are bearings and very sparingly. attached to a disc which is rotated by the Some rev counters, which should technically cable. Very close to the magnetic disc is be called tachometer, work on the same another outer disc. The outer disc has a lip principles. which goes over the magnetic disc and is Chronometric speedometers attached to the speedometer needle. The chronometric speedometer was first As the magnetic disc turns, eddy current introduced by Jaeger and then taken over by from the magnets drag the outer disc round, Smiths. They were fitted by Morgan to Series the speed indication needle on the outer disc 1, F-Types and to a number of pre- and post- reads the speed. The needle is held and war motor bikes. returned to zero by a coiled hairspring The Series 1 speedometer, were about 5 attached to it. inches in diameter, the F Types were 3inches There are several problems which may in diameter and read 0 to 80 mph. The occur with this type of speedometer. Heavy motorbike speedometers are 3 inches in oil may get into the movement, causing the diameter and read 0 to 80 mph and 0 to two discs to drag. The cable may have a kink 120 /130 mph. The bezel on the Morgan in it or be poorly routed which will cause the speedometer is pushed on and twisted and is needle to oscillate, it may be a slight not waterproof , the motorbikes speedometer movement back and forward or violent bezels were screwed on to the body and are swings. waterproof. If the speedometer is out of the car or you are looking for a replacement, rotate the the input is worm and wheel with a large speedometer while holding it in your hand number of gears inside. The speedometer, if and the needle should move freely, any delay or slowness with the needle not quickly is anti clockwise, if driven with conversion returning to zero there will be a problem with from the sprocket side it is clockwise. See the internals, including damage to the hair page 44 of my F type hand book. spring. The anticlockwise driven speedometers are rare, the clock wise are more common.

4037 Cleaning and servicing are the same as the side as with Morgan. One problem I did the rotating magnet, with special attention encounter with my speedometer were the paid to the bearings for the worm and wheel I missing plastic windows in the side of the am writing from experience. body for the side lighting, not fitted to I have been in contact with David Woods Morgans. I made replacements from the regarding chronometric speedometers and he plastic cartons Chinese takeaways are sent in, has supplied the following information: they keep the dust out. “Anticlockwise driven 0 to 80 mph speedo- My only contact with David Woods is the meters are rare, although 0 to 80 mph clock repair of my Chronometric speedometer, wise drive speedometers may be converted at where the bronze wheel seized and he an expense”. repaired it. It had done over 150,000 miles, I Motor cycle 0 to 80 mph speedometers should have cleaned it more regularly. The are available but the ratios may have to be turnaround time was very quick and the changed to suit the Morgan, (I saw a 0 to 80 mph speedometer for sale on eBay for £10), Contact: David Woods: Chronometric Repair also 0 to 130 mph speedometers can be and Exchange, may be found on: converted to Morgan ratios with a 0 to 80 and he is mph dial. based in West Sussex. The only problem with motor cycle Editors note: I have used David Woods my speedometers is the trip zero mechanism self for motorcycle speedometer repairs and comes out of the back of the speedometer not found is work to be excellent.

Features • Why Morgan decided to go back to the configuration of its origins • How the modern 3 Wheeler came about • How it was designed and engineered, and how it’s built • What it’s like to drive a 3 Wheeler • Strengths and weak points – how the factory has improved the Morgan • Could you be an M3W owner? • Factory options and aftermarket mods • A look at other three-wheelers on the market … and a few that didn’t quite make it into production • Dynasty – the Morgan family feud • How the Morgan might be developed in the future

Description: Revealing why Morgan returned By coincidence, an American three-wheeler, the to its original 3 Wheeler concept after a century. Liberty Ace (itself a modernised recreation of the How the new 3 Wheeler was created, became a V-Twin Morgan Super Sports of the 1930s) was best-seller, and was made, this book shows what selected as the starting point. Morgan then it’s like to drive, strengths, weaknesses, and designed and engineered the new model in an factory improvements made since the 2011 launch astonishingly short period. The management – from modifications, possible developments, and thought it might sell a few hundred 3 Wheelers; even why it is – or isn't – your kind of vehicle. however, orders flooded in after its launch at the Synopsis: In the early years of the 21st century, 2011 Geneva Motor Show, leading to considerable the Morgan Motor Company decided to return to complications. This is the story of how all that the configuration of its origins, with a new 3 happened and how an eccentric sports car with an Wheeler. One reason for this decision was that it American engine and a Japanese gearbox is, could no longer sell its four-wheelers in the USA, nevertheless, quintessentially English. due to the costs of meeting increasingly restrictive Nobody has yet told the dramatic story behind the legislation on emissions and accident safety creation of Morgan's best-selling model. becoming prohibitive for a small manufacturer. The 3 Wheeler, classed as a motorcycle, bypasses The first book telling the story of the new Morgan these complex requirements. three-wheeler.

4241 Bump Steer ... What’s That? Eric Eadon

I define it as – ‘ a change in direction of a front wheel as Fig. 1. it passes over a bump or pothole in the road causing that particular wheel to turn right or left whilst the steering wheel is being held in the straight position’. I know of 2 conditions which fit the above definition. Wishbone and steering linkage geometry errors – The upper and lower wishbones, upright and steering arm all rise and fall in an but the wheel should not turn. To do that without the steering arm turning wheel the ‘track rod’ must be the same effective length as the upper and lower wishbones and the ‘rack ball’ and ‘steering arm ball’ ends have to be at the correct height and position to ensure the track rod arc does not turn the wheel to the right or left has it rises and falls. (See Fig 1) At the other end of the steering rack the opposite suspension assembly needs exactly the same conditions; therefore, the Fig. 2. ball on the other end of the rack must be in the correct position for its suspension assembly i.e. the rack ball to ball must be This eliminates the drop arm, drag link and the right length. I presume the 5 Speeder track rod errors by using 2 long drag links rack is a bought out item and the buyer had with reduced arc changes. to choose the nearest standard item Possible, but not playing the game with the available so at the design stage the original cars – or is it? wishbone lengths or inner pick up points should have been adjusted to suit the 2. Excessive offset of the front tyre chosen geometry. contact patch relative to its upright swivel axis. In relation to 2 and 3 Speeders, just in case Consider a 3 Wheeler going along a flat anyone thinks the ‘pillar type’ system is straight road. (See Fig 3). A ‘force’ of better – think again. As the suspension e.g. 200units at the back wheel is opposed ‘slider’ and steering arm move straight up by the front wheels equally i.e. 100units and down the steering column drop arm, each. drag link and track rod all move in Look at figures 1 and 3, they both show different arcs and it is impossible to an ‘offset’ between the centre of the tyre reconcile the two actions. All we can do is ‘contact patch’ and the steering ‘swivel get the best compromise. axis’ at ground level e.g. 30units offset The latest 4 Wheelers with pillar type which multiplies together with the suspension, get that compromise by using 100units front wheel power force to 2 track rods operated from the centre of the produce a turning moment of 100 x 30 = rack – very similar to that used on the 3000units moment. This doesn’t cause a ‘Hillman Imp’. (See Fig 2)


Fig. 4.

Fig. 3.

problem as the other front wheel is doing the same so the 2 moments cancel each other out at the steering rack and the car goes straight on. Further along the straight flat road one of the front wheels hits a bump or hole and an extra force of e.g. 50units is added to that wheel i.e. (100 + 50) x 30 = 4500units moment whilst the other wheel continues to produce a 3000units moment. The 1500units moment imbalance moves the rack and steering wheel. Usually the driver is not quick or strong enough to catch it and the car turns – BUMP STEER. How is it controlled? – If the steering ‘offset’ is reduced from 30 to 0 on both Fig. 5. sides there will be no turning moment or bump steer i.e. 100 x 0 = 0 moment.

Solved …. mathematically but not practically. With no moment there will be no feel at the steering wheel and the driver will have no idea which way the car is going to go (dependent on which side of the contact patch the bump hits). To overcome this problem some offset is included so that at least the bump always tries to turn the wheel in the same direction, but it still means the resulting moment and steering is unpredictable so to help stability ‘castor action’ (trail) is introduced

43 New Members and Re-joined Members Eric Bayley

UK Alan Hatswell. Chestfield, Whitstable, Kent. CT5 3LR. Clive Fidgeon. Foscot, Oxfordshire. OX7 6RL. Mark Pickup. Framlingham, Suffolk. IP13 9EG. Brent Downey. Welland, Malvern, Worces. WR13 6LN.

Rejoin. George Moore. Castle Bytham, Grantham, Lincs. NG33 6LN

EU+ Roland Frayne. Nass, Co Kildare, Ireland. Max/Claudine Beaurin. Villeneuve - Loubet, 53379, France. Hugo Wiimars Langerwehe, 53379, Germany.

Rejoin Christian Willer. Keil, 24118, Germany Karl Almgren. Stockholm, 11430, Sweden.

ROW Roger Davis. Capital Fereral, 1424, Argentina.


4 Osmaston Lane End, Yeldersley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LS, UK [email protected] 01335 348718

JAP magneto bevel-drive gear sets, £80.00 pr; twin mag set, £115.00 Plus postage £2 UK, £2 Europe, £3 overseas. Square ML magneto pick-up and brush; £10. each incl pandp anywhere. JAP D shaped bevel-gear covers £25. incl pandp anywhere JAP half-round bevel-gear covers for late KT series engines with mechanical oil pumps: £25. incl pandp anywhere. (must be finish-bored in timing cover ) 50°/60° JAP engine plate sets £40. plus pandp £8. UK, £32 Europe. If you are not entirely satisfied with goods supplied, please do not hesitate to return them for a refund. David Browne, Gorse farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Tel: 01507 534315

44 Answers Answers! … Precision Engines In the February |Bulletin, one of the questions was “how many Precision engines remain and are any fitted to Morgans. Alistair Hibbert kindly sent these two photos of his motor, writing: “identified as No. 1. on both crankcase halves and on the timing chest, suggests that it may well have been submitted to HFS for consideration. What an order that might produce! … and no doubt .. Bl --dy cheap! It may well be the engine referred to at the Motorcycle Show in 1914” thanks Alistair .. Ed

Chris Booth also kindly supplied the following : “Here is a photo of a 'Precision'engine that I have had for some years, I don't think that it would fit a Morgan as the drive side main shaft is very long. The story that came with it, was that it had been bought new by a man who was going to build a cyclecar c1914, but never got around to it, in the 1920s it was mounted in an angle iron frame, and a round BSA motorcycle tank mounted above it to use for driving farm machinery, but in this guise it was not suitable, so was never used a great deal, when I looked inside it, it still had sticky golden oil in the crankcase, not black at all. Thanks Chris … Ed

45 FLOGGERY WANTED Super Sports – Unfinished or restoration project Anything considered. Steve Crowder – Member A11001 Phone WANTED : For Hire, Loan or Purchase. I +44 (0)7713 055069 Email need a trailer for a 3 speed Morgan, or the [email protected] possibility of hiring / borrowing a trailer for 10 days at the end of August to take my WANTED Aero in any condition or Morgan to Ireland for Irish National Rally. complete/incomplete kit of parts as a project All offers appreciated. Many thanks Vincent to prevent insanity in retirement and keep my Hallam 0114 230 5511 South Yorkshire. MX2 SS company. David Harman Memb No 4190 Phone 01568 797041 e mail WANTED : Spare wheel carrier for Beetle [email protected] Back Super Sports, usable, fit for a pattern, or a drawing of same. Colin Seaton Mem. FOR SALE: Morgan Kit. Very complete No. 10309. 01684 275410 or with many new parts incl a Buckland box, s/ [email protected] arms, chassis. Ropey MX motor and most of the mechanicals, no bodywork. I was going FOR SALE: Spring cleaning sale. Sixteen to build a 1932 sports, but there is so much new 9 1/2" gilled tubes, used but very good new stuff it might even be a good basis for a Aero radiator top and side panels in nickel racer. Email me, David Gardiner on silver, brass base plate and a soldering iron [email protected] and I'll send you modified for soldering tubes in place. £180. details and price. It's in NZ; I'm willing to Last two 8 foot lengths high spec 1 and 1/4" help get it shipped if it makes sense; apart CDS for chassis tubes. £45 10 foot lengths from the chassis it would pack small at this stainless steel 3/4" pitch chain, ideal for stage! David Gardiner F9583 winter work! £20 a length (2 makes 3 chains) Recon. Bosch dynastart £100. Four FOR SALE: Pirelli MT65 tyres, 4.00 - 18 beetle back type OC catches in stainless £20. 64S x 4, fitted by previous owner of my car Pair Aero tail panel sides, wired cockpit edge with a view to racing I think, but never used. etc. F.O.C. 01780 740833 / As new, any offers? Space needed. [email protected] Located in Leicestershire. Frank Orton, member 11023. FOR SALE: 1927 Aero,(See picture 01455 846132 below) British Racing Green,2 Speeder, full [email protected] rebuild and UK road registered in 2006,water cooled side valve JAP with total loss oil FOR SALE: JU5524 1934 Matchless MX4 system, completed 2012 Banbury Run, starts Beetle backed Super Sport – please email or easily and used regularly, lights only for phone for full details: [email protected], show, please call 01531 650 237 or 07785 01568 750324. (See Picture below) 508270 for more info, offers based on £22,750,Malvern,Worcestershire.

46 MTWC Opening Run 2015 Sunday 12th April Combe Mill, Blenheim Palace Sawmills, Oxfordshire OX29 8ET … Why not make a weekend of it? See page 5

Super stainless parts to complement your Morgan in 2013. New: Front hub protection plates, laser-cut for accuracy and flatness. £15.00 per pair. Beetleback catches. As original but with internal spacers to prevent crushing; polished stainless steel. Drawings showing fitting details and clip positions available if required. £110.00 per set of four. Morgan heat shields. ‘Morgan’ in script with or without the wording ‘Super Sports’ in small print underneath, or just a set of holes like a cheese- grater. Polished stainless ready to clamp to your exhaust pipes - no more burnt elbows. £100.00 per pair. Front spring covers, in polished stainless; £100.00 per car set. Hi and low level exhaust systems for all twins in stainless steel, p.o.a. All prices plus post and packing. Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 3BZ Tel. 01244 532 714 [email protected]

The Bulletin is printed by Lavenham Press Limited, Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9RN. Tel: 01787 247436


Page 48 ...

MOG Belgium Auto Retro Brugges … now , where have I seen these two before?

Tim Green the eEver-Affable Founder and Proprietor of The Green Spark Plug (on the left , blue sweater) held a Chinese Night for an array of Well-known Morgan Characters Photo: Gill Family