No. 1226 MONDAY, MAY 1, 1950 Price 28.00 yen


Supreme Court Rule No. 13 Attorney-General's Office Ordinance May 1, 1950 No. 42 Rule for Partial Amendment to the Rule con- May 1, 1950 cerning the General Secretariat of the Supreme The Regulations for the Establishment of Court, etc. shall be determined as follows: Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices of Legal Affairs Bureaus or District Legal Affairs Bu- Supreme Court reaus, etc. shall be partially amended as follows:

•E4, Rule for Partial Amendment to the Rule Attorney-General J concerning the General Secretariat UEDA Shunkichi of the Supreme Court, etc. Article 1. The Regulations for the. Establish- Article 1. The Rule concerning the General ment of Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices Secretariat of the Supreme Court (Supreme of Legal Affairs Bureaus or District Legal Court Rule No. 10 of 1947) shall partially be Affairs Bureaus (Attorney-General's Office Or- *dinance No. 12 of 1949) shall be partially amend- amended as follows: Tn Article 1, ed as follows: "Secretaries of Court: In the Annexed Table, the item of the Toyo- oka Branch Bureau in the Sub-section of the 6 full-time, first class officials said Branch Bureau under the Section of the 99 full-time, second class officials 235 full-time, third class officials Kobe District Legal Affairs Bureau shall be amended as follows: Technical Officials of Court : | 5 full-time, second class officials (Toyooka) Toyooka-shi, In Hyogo-ken : . 37 full-time, third class officials" Hyogo-ken Toyooka-shi In Kinosaki-gun : shall be amended as Nasa-mura, " Court Secretaries : Okutakeno- mura, 6 full-time, first class officials Sansho-mura 97 full-time, second class officials 254 full-time, third class officials In the Annexed Table, "Teranishi-mura" Technical Officials of Court : shall be added after " Saijo-machi" in the juris- ll full-time, second class officials diction column of the item of the Saijo Branch 42 full-time, third class officials." Office in the Sub-section of the Hiroshima Legal Affairs Bureau under the Section of the Article 2. The Rule concerning the Judicial said Legal Affairs"Bureau, and "In Takada- Research and Training Institute (Supreme Court Rule No. ll of 1947) shall partially be gun" in the item of the Miyoshi Branch Bu- reau in the Sub-section of the said Branch amended as follows: Bureau under the Section of the said Legal In Article 1, Affairs Bureau shall be deleted. "17 full-time, third class officials/' Article 2. The Regulations for the Organization shall be amended as of Civil Liberties Commissioners Deliberative "18 full-time, third class officials." Council and Federation of Civil Liberties Com- missioners Deliberative Councils (Attorney- Supplementary Provision : General's Office Ordinance No. 40 of 1949) shall The present Rule shall come into force as from be partially amended as follows: the day of its promulgation. In the Annexed Table No. 1, "Toyooka-ma- President of Supreme Court chi, Kinosaki-gun, Hyogo-ken " in the Location TANAKA Kotaro Column of the Toyooka Civil Liberties Com- -1- jrnssloners Deliberative ConnHI shall bo amend- for industrial purpose)" and "Imported Am- od aB " Toyooka-shi." monium Nitrate '* respectively.

Supplementary Provision : Supplementary Provision : This Office Ordinance shall come into force as This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into from the day of its promulgation. force as from the day of its promulgation.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Attorney-General's Office Ordinance Ordinance No. 45 No. 43 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 Ministerial Ordinance concerning the Partial The Regulations for the Establishment of Amendment of the Allotment Regulation of Petro- Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices of Legal leum Products for Agriculture,/ Forestry and Affairs Bureaus or District Legal.Affairs Bu- Marine use based on the Temporary Demand reaus (Attorney-General's Office Ordinance No. arid Supply Adjustment Law (Law No. 32 of 12 of 1949) shall be partially amended as follows: 1946) shall be established as follows: Attorney-General Minister of Agriculture UEDA Shunkichi - and Forestry In the Annexed Table, "Kitakanra-gun" in the MORI Kotaro item of the Tomioka Branch Bureau and the Ministerial Ordinance concerning the item of the Shimonita Branch Office in the Sub- Partial.Amendment of the Allotment section of the said Branch Bureau under the Regulation of Petroleum Products for Section of the Maebashi District Legal Affairs Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Use Bureau shall be amended as "Kanra-gun." The Allotment Regulation of Petroleum Pro- Supplementary Provision : ducts for Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Use (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance This Office Ordinance shall come into force as No. 114 of 1949) shall be partially amended as from the day of its promulgation. follows : In the present Ministerial Ordinance, "Chief of the Material Adjustment Office" shall be MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE amended as "Governors of To, Do, Fu and pre- fectures." Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In Art. 2 par. 3, "referred to as 'a fishing Boat Ordinance No. 44 registration * hereinafter" shall be deleted. May 1, 1950 Art. 3 shall be amended as follows: In accordance with the provision of Article 1 Article 3. Deleted. paragraph 1 of the Temporary Demand and In Art. 4, "for agriculture and forestry use" Supply Adjustment Law (Law No. 32 of 1946), shall be amended as "for agriculture, forestry the Ministerial Ordinance for the Partial Amend- and marine use." ment to the Fertilizer Distribution Regulations Art. 5 shall be amended as follows: shall be established as follows: Article 5. Deleted. Minister of Agriculture In Art. 6 par. 1, "allotted month" shall be and Forestry ' amended as "allotted period," and "Annexed MORI Kotaro Table No. 5" shall be amended as "Annexed Table No. 2," and par. 2 and par, 5 of the same Ministerial Ordinance for the Partial Article shall be deleted, and par. 3 shall be Amendment to the Fertilizer made par. 2, and par. 4 shall be made par. 3, Distribution Regulations and in the same paragraph, "the preceding 3 The Fertilizer Distribution Regulations (Min- paragraphs" shall be amended as "the preceding istry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance 2 paragraphs," and in the same Article, the fol- No. 56 of 1947) shall be partially.amended as lowing paragraph shall be added: follows : 4 In case that governors of To, Do,*Fuand pre- In Article 1 paragraph 1, next to "Superphos- fectures received allotment applications speci- phate" " Treble Superphosphate " shall be added, fied at the preceding each paragraph, after "Imported Potassium Salt" and "Ammonium inspecting and making out the demand record Nitrate (except those indigenous ones used for of petroleum products for agriculture, forestry industrial purpose)" shall be amended as "Im- and marine uses in accordance with the form ported Potassium Salt (except those which used prescribed separately, should submit it to the -2- Minister of Agriculture and Forestry until Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry before 80 days of the allotted period. Ordinance No. 46 In Art, 8 par. 1, "or shipmentofa catch" May 1, 1950 shall be amended as "a catch amount and fish- Pursuant to the Law concerning the Tem- ing situation," and par. 2 and par. 3 of the same porary Adjustment of Demand and Supply of Article shall be deleted. Commodities (Law No. 32 of 1946), the Ministerial In Art. 10, "Art. 6 par. 4" shall be amended Ordinance for Partial ^Amendment's to the Fish- as "Art. 6 par. 3." ing* Materials Distribution Regulations shall be In Art. ll, "Annexed Table No. 7" shall be established as follows : , amended as "Annexed Table No. 3." Minister of Agriculture In Art. 13, "the next month of an allotted and Forestry month" shall be amended as "the first month in * ,•E/ < MORIKotaro the next period of an allotted period,*' and "An- nexed T(able No. 8" shall be amended as "An- Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- nexed Table No. 4." ments to the Fishing Materials Annexed Tables from No. 2 to No. 5 shall be Distribution Regulations deleted and Annexed Table No. 6-1 shall be made The Fishing Materials Distribution Regulations Annexed Table No. 2-1, and in the same Table, (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance the column of"(5) Name of the Prefecture which No. 94 of 1947) shall be partially amended as fol- received the Marine Petroleum Distribution Book lows: and No. thereof" and "in (5), only demanders In Article 4 paragraph 1, " distribution amount for marine use shall be filled up" at themargin, of fishing materials by the Material Adjustment shall be deleted. Offices" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Annexed Table No. 6-2 shall be made Annexed Forestry (hereinafter referred to as material Table No. 2-2, and "registered number" in the adjustment offices) and for the persons as speci- same table shall be amended as "registered fied in each of the following items, upon inquir- number xof fishing boats.*' ing of the Commodities Allocation and Distribu- - Annexed Table No. 7 shall be made Annexed tion Council stipulated in Article, 34 paragraph Table No. 3 and the columns of "amount of a 1 -of the Ministry of, Agriculture and Forestry stamp" and "a revenue stamp" on the surface Establishment Law (Law No. 153 of 1949)" shall of the same Table and "^ at the column of *a be amended as "distribution amount of fishing1 revenue stamp,' a stamp equivalent to the defi- materials by To, Do, ,Fu and prefectures and nite amount shall be put on" at the margin, for the persons as specified in each of the fol- shall be deleted, and "allotted month" shall be lowing items"; and item (2) and item (3) of the amended as "allotted period" and "the month same paragraph shall be respectively amended part" shall de amended as "the period's part," as follows: •E and No. 3 on the back shall be deleted and No. (2) Persons operating biter trawler fisheries •E' west of130°E; 4 shall be ma,,de No. 3 and its succeeding each No. shall be moved up in order. (3) Persons operating floating factory whaling, Annexed Table No. 8 shall be made Annexed whaling of large type and whaling of small Table No. 4, and"the month part" in the same type. In paragraph 3 of the same Article, "the Chief. Table shall be amended as "the period's part." of the Material Adjustment Office*' shall be Supplementary Provisions : amended as "the Governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture"; and "the material adjustment of- 1, The present Ministerial Ordinance shall come fice," as "To, Do, Fu or prefecture" respec- into force as from May 1, 1950.* But, in the tively. revised provisions at Annexed Table No. 7 and Article 4 paragraph 5 shall be deleted; para- No. 8, the part concerning the revision of al- graph 6 shall be paragraph 5; and its succeeding lotment by month into allotment' by periods paragraphs shall,be moved up one by one. shall come into force as from July 1, 1950. In Article 4 paragraph 5 and paragraph 7 and 2. Applications concerning allotments by month Article 8, "the chief o*f the Material Adjustment for July, August and September in 1950 which Office" shall be amended as "the governor of have been submitted actually in accordance To, Do, Fu or prefecture." with the provision of Art. 6 of the unrevised In Article ll paragraph 1, "the government Regulation at the time of enforcement of the office having issued purchase coupons" shall be present Ordinance shall be recognized as it amended as "the coupons issuing^office"; and was submitted in accordance with'the provi-" paragraph 2 shall be deleted; paragraph 3 shall sions of Art. 6 of the revised Regulation. be paragraph 2; and in paragraph 2, "paragraph 1" shall be amended as "the preceding para- -3- graph,*' "the chief of' the Material Adjustment The Annexed Table shall be amended as fol- Office," as "the Governor of To, Do, Fu or pre- lows: fecture," and " by kinds," as "by manufacturers." In the Annexed Table, next to the column of In Article 12 paragraph 1, "enough to certify " Chubu Regional Construction Bureau Nagoya the authorization by the Minister of Interna- Work Office/' there shall be added "Chubu Re- tional Trade and Industry for equipment" shall gional Construction Bureau Kurobegawa Work be amended as "enough to certify the confirma- Office | Sakurai-maclii,. Shinkawa-gun, tion by the Minister of International Trade and Prefecture | Improvement of the Kurobe- River" Industry for establishment of the equipment." and "Nagoya Machine Equipment Office | Nago- Supplementary Provision : ya-shi I Collection? repair, equipment and custody of construction machines;" next to the Column This Ministerial Ordinance shalj come into of •E*Kyushu Regional Construction Bureau Ka- force as from the day of its promulgation. goshima Building and Repairs Work Office," there shall be added "Minami-Kyushu Land Procurement Office 1 Hitoyoshi-shi ] Buying of Ministries of Agriculture & Forestry land-to be used in works under the charge of and International Trade & Industry Kumagawa, Sendaigawa, Kimotsukigawa, and Ordinance No. 5 Oyodogawa Work Offices"; "Kanto Regional May 1, 1950 Construction Bureau Upper-Arakawa Work Office On the basis of the Law concerning the Tem- | Furuya-mura, Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken ] Im- porary Adjustment of Demand and Supply, of provement of the upperstream of the Arakawa Commodities (Law No. 32 of 1946), the Ministerial River and improvement of the " shall Ordinance for Abolition of the Regulations con- be amended" as " Kanto Regional Construction Bu- cerning Distribution Control of Cans for Canned reau Upper-Arakawa WTork Office ] Kawagoe-shi Foods shall be established as follows: | Improvement of the upperstream of the Ara- Minister of Agriculture kawa River and improvement of the Iruma and Forestry River," k( Chugoku- Regional Construction MORI Kotaro Minister of International Bureau Tottori Work Office ) Tottori-shi [ Im- Trade and Industry provement of the Chiyo River" shall be amended TAKASE Sotaro as "Chugoku-Shikoku Regional Construction Bureau Tottori WTork Office | Taisho-mura, Kita- Ministerial Ordinance for Abolition of the Regulations concerning Distribution ka-gun, Tottori-ken | Improvement of the Chiyo Control of Cans for Canned Foods River" and "Chubu Regional Construction Bu- The Regulations concerning Distribution Con- reau Toyama Work Office | Toyama-shi j Improve- trol of Cans for Canned Foods (Ministries' of ment of the Joganji River and the , Agriculture & Forestry and Commerce & and sand control of the basin of the Jintsu Industry Ordinance No. 1 of 1940) shall be River" shall be amended as "Chubu Regional abolished. Construction Bureau Toyama WTork Office | To- Supplementary Provisions : yama-shi | Improvement of the Joganji River and sand control of,the basin of the Jintsu Riv- 1. This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force as from May 1, 1950. er;" in the alloted work of Chubu Regional 2, With regard to the application of penal rules Construction Wrork Office, "and collection, repair, to acts performed before the enforcement of equipment and custody of construction machines" this Ministerial Ordinance, the former ex- shall be deleted, and in the alloted work of amples shall still be followed even after the Chubu Regional Construction Bureau Tsu Work enforcement. Office, "Improvement of the and" shall be deleted.

Ministry of Construction Ordinance Supplementary Provision : No. ^3 This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into May 1, 1950 force as from the day of its Promulgation, and The Regulations for Organization of Local Branch Offices of Ministry of Construction shall snail apply as from April 1, 1950. However, be partially amended as follows; the amended provisions of Chubu Regional Con- Minister of Construction struction Bureau Tsu Work Office shall apply MASUTANI Sbuji as from September 30, 1949. 4- )

Domicile? Waipahu, Oahu, T. H,, U. S. A. NOTIFICATIONS Residence: Waipahu,1 Oahu, T. EU, U. S. A. Attorney-General's Office Notification NAKANO Torao , No. 71 Born on June 22, 1914 NAKANO Setsumi May 1, 1950 According 'to the Regulations of Article 20~(2) Born on April 17, 1917 paragraph 2 of the Nationality Law, the follow- Permanent Domicile: No. 2444-1, Oaza Daigyo- ing persons renounced the Japanese Nationality ji, Daito-mura, Tagawa-gun, Fukuoka- on December 2, 1941: ken Attorney-General Domicile: Honok&a, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. ^ UEDA Shunkichi Residence: Honokaa, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A, MORITA Yonetoshi NAKAMUftA Masaaki Born on April 28, 1918 Born on January ll, 1919 Permanent Domicile: No. 1184, Oaza Tsushida, NAKAMURA Tomiyo Otome-mura, Kami-mashiki-gun, Kuma- Born on June 15, 1922 moto-ken , NAKAMURA Yachiyo Domicile: Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A* Born on September 23, 1923 Residence: Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., XJ. S* A, Permanent Domicile: No. 1445, Oaza Kishi, MASUDA Fumio Matsugae-mura, Kiku-gun, Fukuoka-ken Domicile: Piihonua, Hilo, Hawaii? T. H., U. S. Born on August 15, 1917 #à¬* A. Permanent Domicile : No. 2844-2, Minaxnikata- Residence: Piihonua, Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., U. mura, Toyoda-gun, Hiroshima-ken Domicile: Honolulu* Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. S.A. Residence: Honolulu Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. NISHIMURA Toshio Born on July 28, 1913 MAEDA Kiyoshi NISHIMURA Takeo Born on December 18, 1914 Born on October 1, 1915 Permanent Domicile: No. 88-6, Kokutaiji-ma- NISHIMURA Mitsua c,M, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken Born on February 20, 191&' Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T. IL, U. S. A. NISHIMURA Kazuo Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T. H*, U. S. A. Born on February 24, 1923 MANAGO Haruto Permanent Domicile : No. 1690-1, Hamada-mura, Born on February 28, 1919 Hotaku-gun, Kumamoto-ken Permanent Domicile : No. 1948-2, Kokubu-machi, Domicile: Waiawa, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken Residence: Waiawa> Oahu, T. H., U. S. A, Domicile: Eona, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Residence: Kona, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. NISHIKAWA Masanori Born on April 24, 1904 MINAYOSHI Kanayo Permanent Domicile: No. 2731, Oaza Hetami, Born on October 21, 1909 Tamamizu-mura, Tamana-gun, Kumamo- MINAYOSHI Shizuko to-ken Born on December 1,<1915 Domicile: Waimea, Kauai, T. H., U. S. A. MINAYOSHI Suzuko Residence: Waimea, Kauai, T. H., U, S. A. Born on May 24, 1919 Permanent Domicile: No. 379, Mita-mura, Ta- NISHIDA Minoru - kada-gun, Hiroshima-ken Born on March 31, 1921 Domicile: Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. / NISHIDA Sumie Residence:* Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on February 18, 1923 NISHIDA Yoshizuchi NAKAMOTO Shigeru Born on March 14, 3925 Born on April 26, 1908 Permanent Domicile: No. 526, Kokubu-machi, NAKAMOTO Hatsumo . Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken Born on March 3, 1931 Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. -NAKAMOTO Tokiko Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. Born on February 10, 1937 NAKAMOTO Shigeyuki NODA Tsukiyo Born on July 15, 1940 Born on June 13, 1921 Permanent Domicile: No. 1135, Oaza Gyoji, Permanent Domicile: No. 913, Oaza Midori, Yukuhashi-machi, Miyako-gun, Fukuoka- Nakamidori-mura, Hotaku-gun, Kumamo- ken to-ken -5- Domicile: Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., -If. S. A. SHIMIZU ffitsuo Residence: Hilo, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on June 4, 1927 NAKAMA Tadao SHIMIZU Shizue , BornonJune7,192& Born on January 4, 1922 SHIMIZU Momoyo Permanent Domicile: No. 207, Oaza Chin, Chin- Born on December 19, 1931 mura, Kunjan-gun, Okinawa-ken Permanent Domicile: No. 2935, Oaza Honjo, Domicile: Waikapu, Maui, T. H., U. Si A. Kanii-kii-mnra, Chiknjo-gun, Fnknoka- Residence: Waikapu, Mani, T. H., U. S. A. ken OKAJI Sanehiro Domicile: Kukuihaele, Hawaii, T.# H., U. S. A. Born on NNovember 1, 1919 Residence: Kukuihaele, Hawaii, T. H,, U. S. OKAJI Hiroyuki A. Born on February 13, 1922 SAKODANI Katsumi OKAJI Michiko Born on March 26, 1922 Born on April 8, 1924 SAKODANI Kiyoshi * Permanent Domicile: No. 229, Hei, Ochi, Ochi- i Born on October 16, 1923 ^machi, Takaoka-gun, Kochi-ken Permanent Domicile: No. 3628, Oaza Kake, Ka- Domicile: Kamaee, Mauka, Hakalau, Hawaii, ke-machi, Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima-ken T.H.,U.S.A. Domicile: Wailuku, Maui, T. H., U. S. A.% Residence: Kamaee* Mauka, Hakalau, Hawaii, Residence: Wailuku, Maui, T. H., U. S. A. T.H.,U. S.A. SHIRAKI Hisae OKAMOTO Yoshitaka Born on August 8, 1919 Born on August 6, 1922 SHIRAKI Masashi Permanent Domicile: No. 3641-3, Oa2a Nishika- Born on February 13, 1922 ta, Kamuro, Nishikata-mura, Oshfona- Permanent Domicile: No^ 301, Oaza Saburoma- gun, Yamaguehi-ken ru^, Akama-machi, Munakata-gun, Fuku- Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. oka-ken /Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. Domicile: Kona, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. OKA Shizue X Residence: Kona, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on September 29, 1923 SUMIDA Kiyoko Permanent Domicile: No. 547-1,* Oaza Kuchi- Born on May 4, 1917 wada, Yahata-mura, Saheki-gun, Hiro- Permanent Domicile: No. 1104, Oaza Yanai, shima-ken Yanai-machi, Kuga-gun, Yamaguehi-ken Domicile: Pepeekeo, Hawaii, T.lH., U. S. A. Domicile: Hakalau, Hakalau, Hawaii, T. H., U. S.A. Residence: Pepeekeo, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Residence: Hakalau, Hakalau, Hawaii, T* II., OGAWA Mitsue U.S.A. Born on February 22, 1917 SHIMAM0TO Tetsuo OGAWA Setsue Born on October 19, 1924 Born on November 3, 1925 SHIMAMOTO Sumio Permanent Domicile: No, 479, Imazu-ma|hi, Born on March 27, 1927 Numakuma-gun, Hiroshima-ken Permanent Domicile: No. 332, Oaza Shinden, Domicile: Wailuku, Maui, T. H., U. S. A, Bofu-shi, Yamaguchi-ken Residence: Wailuku, Maui, T. H., U. S. A. Domicile: Waipahu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. ODA Hatsuno Residence: Waipahu, Oahu, T. H., U. S. A. Born on February 10, 1911 SHIMABUKURO Fujie Permanent Domicile: No. 2400, Oaza Shimo- Born on April 12, 1917 hisahara, Takamori-machi, Kuga-gun, Permanent Domicile: No. 699, Aza Miyazato, Yamaguchi-ken Gushikawa-mura, Nakagan-gun, Okina- Domicile: Puunene, Maui, T. H., U. S. A. 1 wa-ken, Residence: Puunene, Maui, T. H., U. S. A. Domicile: Hakalau, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. SHIMIZU Sumie Residence: Hakalau, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on April 15, 1919 SUGAI Ken-ichi SHIMIZU Hisae - Born on November 12, 1903 Born on December 3, 1921 Permanent Domicile: No. 1227, Oaza Nakajo, SHIMIZU Iwao Nakajo-machi, Kita-kambara-gun, Niiga- Born on February 19, 1923 ta-ken SHIMIZU Hideo Domicile: Kau, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on November 3, 1925 Residence: Kau, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. -6 SHIKUMA Kentaro Oaza Suzuishi, Ishii-mura, AdacHi-gun, Born on August 8, 1922 •E Fukushima-ken Permanent Domicile: No. 2673, Shinjo-mura, Domicile: Ewa, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi-ken Residence: Ewa, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Domicile: Papaaloa, Hawaii, T. IL, U. S. A. SASAKI Zenkichi Residence: Papaaloa, Hawaii, T. H., U. S. A. Born on September 30, 1906 Permanent Domicile: No. ll, Aza KaeruncM, Oaza Kami-nakura, Sakura-mura, Shino- Attorney-General's Office Notification bu-gun, FukusMma-ken No. 72 Domicile: Papaaloa, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. May 1, 1950 Residence: Papaaloa, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. According to the provision of Article 20-(2) SATO Akira paragraph 2 of the Nationality Law, the fol- Born on June 14, 1914 lowing persons renounced the Japanese Nation- Permanent Domicile : No. 5, Kamitaruki, Saku- ality on December 2, 1941: ragi-mura, Ogaea-gun, Shizuoka-ken Attorney-General Domicile: Hilo, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. UEDA Shunkichi Residence: Hilo, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. SETODA Fukuichi I TANOUE Haruko Born on June 15, 1902 Born on January 9, 1915 Permanent Domicile: No. 1386 Ko, Oaza Kane- TANOUE Jitsuo maru, Tsunekanemaru-mura, Ashina-gun, Born on October 26, 1917

-,'7 ~ Domicile: Pepekeo, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. UEDA Sadayuki Residence: Pepekeo, Hawaii, T.H., U.S.A. Born on January ll, 1912 TAKETA Fumito ; Permanent Domicile: No. 277, Oaza Ono,Yoshi- Born on March 10, 1926 no-mura, Yatsushiro^gun, Kumamoto-ken TAKETA Ikuto Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Born on December 7, 1928 Desidence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H.* U.S.A. TAKETA Chie UEDA Ken-iehi Born on December 1, 1930 Born on May 5, 1924 TAKETA Kinue Permanent Domicile : No. 5601, Kawasaki-mura, Born on September 18, 1932 Hayami-guri, Oita-ken Permanent Domicile: No. 257, Kuchi-mura, Asa- .Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. gun, Hiroshima-ken Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Domicile: Waimea, Kauai, T.H., U.S.A., WAKAKI Taichi Residence: Waimea, Kauai, T. H., U.S.A. Born on August 16, 1912 Permanent Domicile: No. 90, Oaza Yanaizu, TANIGUCHI Koichi , Yanai-machi, Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi-ken Born on February 27, 1893 Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. TANIGUCHI Kiyono Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Born on November 5, 1908 Permanent Domicile : No. 460, Eba-machi, Hiro- YAMADA Haruto shinia-shi, Hiroshima-ken Born on February 20, 1920 Domicile : Kaanapali, Lahaina, Maui, T.H., U.S. Permanent Domicile : No. 2009, Kaitaichi-machi,. A. y Aki-^un, Hiroshima-ken Residence: Kaanapali, Lahaina, Maui, T.H., U. Domicile: No. 63, North Kukui Street, Honolulu, S.A. Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Residence: No. 63, North Kukui Street, Hono- TAKUSHI Tatsuo lulu, Oahu-, T.H., U.S.A. Born on May 4, 1926 YAMAMOTO Munco Permanent Domicile: No. 1285, Aza Uwan, Yun- Born on July SO,.1928 tanza-niura, Nakagan-gun, Okinawa-ken Domicile: Honolulu,/ Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Permanent Domicile: No. 26Q, Oaza Sayama, Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A.. Hiratsu-xnura, Mitsu-gun, Okayama-ken Domicile: Wailuku, Maui, T. H., U.S.A. TAKAMUNE Hisayuki Residence: Wailuku, Maui, T.H., U.S.A. Born on March 17, 1920 * YAMAGUCHI Hatsuko Permanent Domicile: No. 1788, Oaza Nishidera, Born on March 20, 1922 Kikuchi-mura, Kikuehi-gun, Kumamoto- YAMAGUCHI Kazuo ken ( , Born on October 1, 1923 Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Permanent Domicile: No., 4546, Hoshino-mura, Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Yame-gun, Fukuoka-ken TAKAESU Seiichi Domicile: Ken Street, Wahistwa, Oahu, tT.H., Born on March 20, 1918 U.S.A. Permanent Domicile: No. 69, Aza Aginaa, Gu- Residence: Ken Street, Wahiawa, Oahu, T.H., shikawa-mura, Nakagan-gun, Okinawa- U.S.A. ken YAMAMOTO Shin-ari Domicile: Maui, T.H., U.S.A. Born on April 13, 1916 Residence: Maui, T.H., U.S.A. YAMAMOTO Masayuki UETAKE Heiji Born on November 29, 1918 Born on November 10, 1948 Permanent Domicile : No. 83, Kubo, Toyama-shi, ' UETAKE Masato Toyama-ken Born on August 1, 1920 Domicile : No. 419, Koula Street,' Honolulu, Oahu, UETAKE Bunzo T.H., U.S.A. Born on July 7, 1922 Residence: No. 419, Koula Street, Honolulu, UETAKE Shigeru Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Born on September 3, 1924 YOKOYAMA Masashi Permanent Domicile: No. 826, Oaza Higashihara, Born on April 5, 1919 Hara-mura, Asa-gun, Hiroshima-ken Permanent Domicile: No.'14, Aza Omachi, Oaza Domicile: Wailuku, Maui, T.H., U.S.A. Kita-kiyohashi, Kiyohashi-mura, Futaba- Residence: Wailuku, Maui, T.H., U.S.A. gun, Fukushima-ken

o^^ / Domicile: No. 4141, Wajiiaiao Street, Hoirolnlu, hama, Hirao-machi, Kumage-gun, Yama- Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. guchi-ken Residence : No. '4141, Wahialae Street, Honolulu, Domicile: Hanapepe, Kauai, T.H., U.S.A. Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Residence: Hanapepe, Kauai, T.H., U.S.A. YAWATA Shizuye KIKKAWA Kazue Born on October 17, 1920 Born on April 17, 1916 . YAWATAYoshie KIKKAWA Shinobu Born on November 6, 1921 Born on April 28, 1921 YAWATA Chieko Permanent Domicile: No. 662-1, Oaza Kami- Born on July 4, 1928 fukagawa, Kakogawa-mura, Asa-gun, Permanent Domicile: No. 224, Oaza Kozanji, Hiroshima-ken , Kaji-mura, Kita-kambara-gun, Niigata- Domicile: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. ken Residence: Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Domicile: Ewa, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. Residence: Ewa, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. YOSHIHARA Toraichi Born on October 4, 1921 YOSHIMURA Kiyoko Permanent Domicile: No. 539, Saka-mura, Aki- Born on'July 22, 1915 gun, Hiroshima-ken YOSHIMURA Eumiko Domicile: Kapaa, Kauai, T.H., U.S.A. Born on July 31, 1916 Residence: Kapaa, Kauai, T.H., U.S.A. YOSHIMURA Kiyoshi Born on March 5, 1919 Ministry of Finance Notification YOSHIMURA Mitsuko No. 299 Born on February 26, 1922 May 1, 1950 YOSHIMURA Miyoji It is- hereby notified that the Tokyo Trust and Born on December 6, 1923 Banking Co., Ltd. (No. 1-1, 2-chome, Nihombashi YOSHIMURA Takao Muro-machi, Chuo-ku, T6kyo-To), Custodian of Born on May 3, 1929 the following Allied Nations' Property belonging YOSHIMURA Kunio to orin the custody of the Andrews and George Born on October 17, 1931 Company (5-gochi-5, Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Permanent^ Domicile: No. 1581, Kuga-machi, Tokyo-To) was released on April 10, 1950, in Oshlma-gun, Yamaguchi-ken accordance with the provision of Article 4 para- Domicile: No. 419, Koula Street, Honolulu, Oahu, graph 2 of the Enforcement Rules of Enemy T.H., U.S.A. Property Administration Law (Imperial Ordi- Residence: No. 419, Koula Street, Honolulu, Oahu, T.H., U.S.A. / nance No. 1179 of 1941): Minister of Finance, YOSHIURA Hanami pro tempore Born on December 15, 1918 Minister of State Permanent Domicile: No. 418, Oaza Tatega- UEDA Shunkichi

Sort 1 Quantity Location 1. Building (House No. 20) 3 buildings 194.54 tsubo 5-gochi-5, Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo-To 2. Movables 280 pieces No. 2, 3-chome, Shiba Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo-To 3. Subscription telephone c/o Minato Telecommunications Dis- rights trict Office, 9-chome, Shiba Tamachi, Minato-ku, Tokyo-To

Ministry of Finance Notification matsu, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka-ken) was released No, 3OO on April 15, 1950, in accordance with the provi- May 1, 1950. sion of Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Rules of Enemy Property Administration Law It is hereby notified that the Chuo Trust and (Imperial Ordinance No. 1179 of 1941). Banking Co., Ltd. (No. 3, 1-chome, Nihombashi Minister of Finance, Gofukubashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-To), Custodian of pro tempore the all property belonging to or in the custody Minister of State UEDA Shunkichi of Mr. Duncan J. Mackenzie (No. 2852, Taka-

0 Ministry of Finance Notification other than such groups shall be 100 (one hun- No. 301 dred) at most. May 1, 1950 Each group of pupils or students, who are HayasM Kogyo K. K. (iSfo. 3596, Asahi-machi, required to be not less than 10 (ten) and not Yokkaichi-shi, Mie-ken) was ordered to restitute more than 50(fifty) in number, must be led by the undermentioned property to Standard Vac- responsible persons of a certain number that is uum Oil Co., American Juridical Person, (Main recognized as a reasonable one by the Garden. Office: No, 26, Broadway, New York City, N.Y., 5. As for admission to the Garden,priority may U.S.A. and Branch Office: No. 8, Yamashita-eho, be given to those persons who come under the Naka~ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawaken) by Feb- following categories ; provided that admission ruary 28, 1950, in accordance with the provision be applied for a week at least prior to the day of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Imperial Ordi- of visit: nance concerning the Restitution of Allied Na- (1) Persons who belpng to schools or other tions' Property pursuant to the Ordinance con- organizations of education, science or culture* cerning the Orders to be issued In consequence who make it tlieir chief object to make of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration research and investigation on natural objects, (Imperial Ordinance No. 294 of 1946) : and who wish to enter and use the Garden Minister of Finance, with such research subjects as meet the pro- pro tempore per aim of the Garden at its founding; , Minister of State (2) Pupils or students in groups who wish to UEDA Shunkichi .enter and use the Garden for the purpose of Sort Quantity Location biological learning ; Movables 5 pieces No. 3596, Asahi-machi, (3) Teachers of primary or secondary (lower Yokkaichi-shi, Mie-ken or upper) schools who wish to enter and use the Garden for the purpose of increasing and Ministry of Education Notification deepening their biological knowledge ; No. 271- (4) Other persons recognized by the Garden as May 1, 1950 adequate for priority. The Rules concerning the Use of the National 6. The Garden shall be opeti from 9 a.m. to Garden for Nature Study (Ministry of Education 4:30 p.m. every day. However, visitors shall N6tification No. 186 of 1949) shall be utterly not be admitted newly later than 3 p.m. reyised as follows: The Garden shall be regularly closed on Mon- Minister of Education days and the days following National Holidays. TAKASE Sotaro In case of regular cleaning and repairing and Rules concerning the Use of the National other events recognized as inevitable ones by Garden for Nature Study the Minister of Education, the Minister, even 1. The National Garden for Nature Study (here- during the regular admission hours or on reg- ular admission days, may temporarily close inafter referred to as "the Garden") shall be the Garden or temporarily lessen the number used in accordance with the provisions of these of persons to be admitted as referred to above Rules. in4. '> 2. Visitors to the Garden shall pay admission 7. Persons who come under the.following cat- fee. However, in case that the Garden is used egories can be denied admission into the for regular school-instruction, or in other spe- cial cases, admission may be free in accordance Garden : with the provision laid down by the Garden. (1) Persons who haveno admission certificates; Rules on the admission fee of the Garden (2) Minors under 16 (sixteen) who are unattend- shall be separately prescribed and be notified ed by some responsible leader or guardian ; by the Minister, of Education. (3) Persons with babies and little children 3. Visitors admitted into the Garden must carry numbering 3 (three) or more in all; with themselves admission certificates issued (4) Persons suffering from infectious diseases by the Garden while they are in the Garden, or intoxicated, and other persons who arouse and return these admission certificates when disagreeable feelings among the public ; they leave the Garden. (5) Persons who seem to degrade public morals 4. The number of persons to be admitted into or disturb the order of the Garden; the Garden shall be kept 300 (three hundred) at (6) Persons with dogs or other animals; most at a time. In this case, the number of (7) Persons who have once violated any of the pupils or students in groups shall be 200 (two prohibitions described in the above-listed hundred) at most, and the number of visitors items. -1O 8, The activities listed in each of the fo%>wing Use of the National Garden for Nature Study items shall be prohibited in the Garden: (Ministry of Education Notification No. 27 of (1) To occupy or exclusively use without 1950), the Rules concerning the Admission Fee. permission, land, pond, pool, and other na- of the National Garden for Nature Study shall tural objects for the public observation and be prescribed as follows: study; Minister of Education (2) To sell or distribute things, take photo- TAKASE Sotaro graphs for profit-making, set up shows, or Rules concerning the. Admission Fee of hold meetings; the National Garden for Nature Stud^ (3) To make fire with wood orgrass,orsmoke 1. Admission fee of the National Garden for in places other than the designated places; Nature Study (hereinafter referred to as "the (4) To catch and collect animals and plants, Garden") shall be fixed as( follows: or injure and kill them without permission; (1) In case of persons of 16 or more^ years of (5) To enter "keep off" dields such as special age, the sum of admission fee"shall be ¥20 protection fields ; (twenty) one time for each person. (6) To wade the pool or pond; (2) In case of persons whoare6ormoreyears (7) To play sports and games in places other and less than 16 years of age, the sum of than the designated field. admission fee shall be ¥10 (ten) one time for (8) To dump duSt, filth and rabbish in spots each persons. other than the designated spots; However in case of a group of10to50pupils (9) To establish structures and equipment, or or students led by responsible persons of a bring them in; certain number recognized as an adequate one, (10) To spoil or destroy structures or equipment the sum of admission fee shall be ¥5 (five) one of the Garden; time for each. (ll) To ride cars or horses into, or park or tie For persons who come under the provision of them at* places other than the designated (1) of 1. above, admission coupon-tickets (¥5 places ; (five) one time for each person) may be issued, (12) To evacuate at places other than the privies if it is recognized as necessary by the Director or toilets; of the Garden, provided that admission days (13) To spoil drinking-water; and hours, admission times and admission (14) To spoil the quiet of the Gardenby drink- period be appointed. ing liquor, singing or reciting too loud and noisily, etc. ; N (15) Other acts which conflict with the security Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of public peace, morals, and health. ' Notification No. 1O7 Any person who makes any of the acts listed in the preceding items may be told to get out May 1, 1950 of the Garden. In accordance with the provisions of the Forest 9 Those persons who injure or destroy natural Law (Law No. 43 of 1907), the following area objects, structures, equipment, etc. in the Gar- shall be included in the Protection Forests: den may be requested to compensate the Gar- Minister of Agriculture den for losses which it suffers. and Forestry 10. Detailed rules necessary for the enforcement MORI Kotaro of these Rules shall be prescribed by the Direc- Yamanashi Prefecture : tor of the Garden separately. 7 cho of No, 0, Shinohara, Kamisasao, Shinoo- mura, Kitakoma-gun. Supplementary Provision : These Rules shall come inte force as from May 1, 1950. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Notification No. 1O8 v May 1, 1950 Ministry of Education Notificaion The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No. 28 Notification No. 185 of 1947 (Matters to be deter- May 1, 1950 mined under the Fishing Materials Distribution In accordance with both the provision of Regulations) shall be partially amended as fol- Article 3 of the- Regulations concerning the Na- lows: tional Garden for Nature Study (Ministry of Minister of Agriculture Education' Ordinance No. 29 of 1949) and the and Forestry provision of 3 of the Eules.concerning the ^ MORI Kotaro _II_ Jn the sentence of the establishment, " Article 4 paragraph 6" shall be amended as "Article 4 Grijjmp 2 paragraph 5"; and "Article 12 and paragraph (a) Fifteen "Special Ticketsn available in 5 of the Supplementary Provisions," as "and such To, Do, Fu and prefectures as a Article 12." candidate chooses ; In paragraph 1, "Article 4 paragraph 6" shall (b) Three "Special Tickets" available on be amended as "Article 4 paragraph 5." all J.N.R. lines. Group 3 Paragraph 5 shall be deleted. Six "Special Ticket's" available on all In Form No. 1, "Name and stamp of govern- J.N.R. lines. ment office of issuance" shall be amended as "Name and stamp of office of issuance"; and p2. Period of ticket sales "Government position, full name and seal of The ticket shall be sold during the period, official in charge of allocation," as "Official from the day on which the election-day is position, full name and seaj of official in charge officially notified to the election-day, of allocation." 3. Ticket selling agencies The ticket shall be sold at the following agencies : Ministry of Transportation Notification (1) J.N.R. stations No. 81 (2) Private railroads' stations May 1, 1950 (3) Tramways' stations In accordance with the provisions of Article (4) Private bus companies' head offices 176 of the Public Offices Election Law (Law No. 4. Persons authorized to use the ticket 100 of 1950), the procedure of issuance, etc. of The candidates for public offices, those who the Special Tickets for Candidates for Public recommend them and make official applications Offices- shall be established as follows.: for running for.the public offices in lieu of Minister of Transportation the candidates and other persons engaging in OYA Shinzo the election compaign shall be authorized to 1. Ticket sale limitation use the ticket. To those persons having made an application 5. Fare for running for public offices, J.N.R. (including (1) J.N.R.: J.N.R. Motor Service; hereinafter the same), The fare shall be: private railroads, tramways and bus companies a. ¥1,20aper "Special Ticket" available shall sell "Special Tickets for Candidates for in To, Do, Fu and prefectures. s Public Offices," in exchange of "Certificates b. ¥700 per ordinary ticket. of Fare Payment in arrear for the Candidate" c. ¥5,000 per "Special Ticket" available (hereinafter referred to as "Certificates of on all J.N.R. lines. Payment in arrear") to be issued by the Elec- (2) Private railroads and tramways: tion Meeting Chairman; provided that the On each line operated by one private rail- number of tickets to be sold to each candidate road or tramway company within the To, shall be limited as follows: Do, Fu and prefectures to which a candi- (1) To those candidates running for members date's constituency belongs, the fare shall of the House of Representatives, members be: of the House of Councillors (to be elected a. ¥300 per ticket covering a distance for the provincial constituencies), governors of 20 km. or less. of To, Do, Fu and prefectures and members b. ¥600 per ticket covering a distance of the Board of Education of To, Do, Fu of more than 20km. up to 50 km. in- and prefectures : cluded. Fifteen "Special Tickets" available in the à¬. ¥900 per ticket covering a distance To, Do, Fu and prefectures which a candir of more than 50km. date's constituency belongs to. , (3) Private bus: (2) To those candidates running for members The fare shall be ¥1,500per ticket on each of the House of Councillors (to be elected line operated by one private bus company for the national constituency) : within the prefecture which a candidate's con- Group 1 , stituency belongs to. (a) Fifteen "Special Tickets" available in 6. Available period of the ticket " such To, Do, Fu and prefectures as a The availability of the ticket shall cover the candidate chooses; period ranging from the date of issue to the (b) Fifteen ordinary tickets available on date of five days after the election-day. The all J.N.R. lines. ticket, of which the period of, availability has

18 expired, shall be returned to the ticket-selling fifteen ordinary tickets available on all J, N. agency..< R. lines shall be issued in exchange of each 7. Available section and class "Certificate of Payment in arrear" (Form No. (1) J.N.R.: 2), in addition to the preceding paragraph; The third class shall be good for the can- to the candidate who chooses Group 2, three didate on any sections between J. N. R special tickets available on all J. N-It. lines stations within the prefecture which his shall be issued in exchange of each "Certificate constituency belongs to. of Payment in arrear" (Form No. 3), in addi- Remark : tion to the preceding paragraph; to the candi- The ordinary.ticket shall be good for the date who chooses Group 3, six special tickets period and the sections designated on the available on all J. N. R. lines shall be issued ticket. The "Special Ticket" available on in exchange of each fCertificate of Payment all J. N. R. lines shall be good for allthe in arrear" (Form No. 4), in addition to the lines of J. N. ft. preceding paragraph. (2) Private railroads and tramways: 9. Fare The third class shall be good for the can- (1) The user of this ticket shall pay the ba- didate on any sections between the stations lance of the 3rd class ordinary passenger of private railroads or tramways within fare and upper class passenger fare for the the prefecture which his constituency belongs section of this tour on board, when he takes to, an, upper class car or cabin with this ticket. (3) Private bus: (2) The user shall pay charges of special ex- The candidate shall be capable of covering press, ordinary express semi-express and berth all of private bus routes, within the prefec- respectively, whenever he uses any of them. ture which his constituency belongs to. 10. Validity 8. Method of handling In case of being used by any person other One special ticket shall be issued in exchange than those qualified as the user, this ticket shall of each "Certificate of Payment in arrear" be withdrawn asinvalid. It shall hejthe same (Form No. 1). in case of being used after declination of the To the candidate standing for the membership candidacy. of the House of Councillors (to be elected for the ll. The forms of "Certificate of Payment in national constituency) who chooses Group 1, arrear" shall be as follows:

Form No. 1 Front

F orm N o. 1 C ertificate of F are P aym en t in arrear for the C andidate N o P refecture. D ate.. C an didate : N am e A ddress U ser : N am e A ddress T h e available period of this certificate- shall be for five day s from the date of issuan ce. SignNEedalemcteion M eeting C hairm an

13- Back

This is a certificate for deferred payment of passenger fare to be presented to the booking-office of J. N. R, or private railway, tramway stations or to the head office of bus company, when the candidate for a public office and his canvassers travel on the business relative to election affairs. One special ticket shall be issued in exchange of one sheet of certificate.

Form No. 2 Front r~ F orm N o, 2 (u sed in ex chang e for a J . N . R . ordin ary ticket) C ertificate, of F are P aym ent in arrear for the C andid ate N o...... E lection of C ouncillors for the N ation al C onstituen cy D ate., C an didate : N am e A ddress- U ser : N am e A d dress T h e available period of this certificate shall b e for five days from the date of issuance. Signed N am e E lection M eeting C hairm an


This is a certificate for deferred payment of passenger fare to be presented to the booking-office of J. N. R. stations, when the candidate for a public office and his canvas- sers travel on the business relative to election affairs. One J. N. R. ordinary ticket shall be issued in exchange of one sheet of certificate,

-14:- Form No. 3 Front

Form No, 3 (used in exchange for 3 J, N. R. special tickets) Certificate of Fare Payment in arrear for the Candidate No Election of Councillors for the National Constituency- Date Candidate: Name Address. •E •E , •E User: Name Address *. The available period of this certificate shall be for five days from the date of issuance. Signed Name Election Meeting Chairman


This is a certificate for deferred payment of passenger fare to be presented to the booking-office of J. N. R. stations, when the candidate and Ms canvassers travel on $he business relative to election affairs. Three special tickets shall be issued in exchange of one sheet of certificate.

Form No, 4 Front

Form No. 4 (used in exchange for 6 J. N. R.^special tickets) Certificate of Fare Payment in arrear for the Candidate No Election of Councillors for the National Constituency Date Candidate: Name ' Address User: Name Address The available period of this certificate shall be for five days from the date of issuance* Signed Name Election Meeting Chairman

15- Back

This is a certificate for deferred payment of passenger fare to be presented to the booking-office of J. N. R stations, when the candidate and his canvassers travel on the business relative to election affairs. Six special tickets shall be issued in exchange of one sheet of certificate*

Ministry of Postal Services Notification No. 13& May1,1950 The following' post office was abolished on April 30, 1950 only, in accordance with the pro- vision of Article 13 paragraph 4 of the Ministry of Postal Services Establishment Law (Law No. 244 of 1948). However, the affairs that have been handled at this post office shall be taken over by the undermentioned post office : Minister of Postal Services k OZAWA Sacki Name * Location Succeeded office Yamaguchi-kencho-nai Post Office Oaza Kamiunoryoy Yamaguchi-shi Yamaguchi Post Office

Ministry of Postal Services Notification No. 137 May1,1950 The following branch office of post office shall be established on May 1, 1950 in accordance with the provision of Article 13 paragraph 4 of the Ministry of Postal Services Establishment Law (Law No, 244 of 1948): Minister of Postal Services OZAWA Saeki Name Location Business Kencho-nai Branch Office of Aza Taki, Gaza Kamiunoryo, Mail, Postal Savings and Money Yamaguchi Post Office Yamagu$hishi Order, Post Office Insurance and Annuities. However, Mail collec- tion and delivery is not handled.

Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No. 92 May1,1950 The following branch oilice of telegraph office shall be renamed as from to-day: Minister of Telecommunications OZAWA Saeki New name Former name Rokkozan Branch Office of Nada Telegraph Rokkozan Branch Office of Kobe-sakaemaehi Office Telegraph Office

1B -T Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No* 93 , * *' May1,1950 The following post offices were opened telephone exchange business as from undermentioned dates: Minister of Telecommunications OZAWA Saeki Name Location Date of opening Rikttchu-nimaibashi Post Yunibto-niura, Hienuki-gun, Iwate-ken March 1, 1950 Office. Yatsuyama Post Office Yatsuyama-mura, Isshi-gun, Mie-ken Furuyashiki Post Office Mizukami-mura, Tama-gun, Kumamoto-ken March 20, 1950 Kamiminabe Post Office Kami-minabe-mura, Nishi-muro-gun, Wakayama- March 26, 1950 ken Shose Post Office Shose-mura, Naka-kambara-gun, Niigata-ken March 80, 1950 Fukuma Post Office Fukuma-mura, Imadate-gun, Fukui-ken March 31, 1950 Sonoki Post Office Sonoki-mura, Naka-kambara-gun, Niigata-ken Onisawa Post Office Susono-mura, Naka-tsugaru-gun, Aomori-ken Fujishiro Post Office Fujishiro-mura, Naka-tsugaru-gun, Aomori-ken Kashiwa Post Office Kashiwa-mura, Nishi-tsugaru-gun, Aomori-ken Funasawa Post Office Funasawa-mura, Naka-tsugaru-gun, Aomori-ken Iwaya Post Office Higashidori-mura, Shimokita-gun, Aomori-ken Mataki Post Office Mataki-mura, Nishi-iwai-gun, Iwate-ken Kadoma Post Office Kadoma'-mura, Shimohei-gun, Iwate-ken Gomyojin Post Office Gomyojin-mura, Iwate-gun, Iwate-ken Miyakawa Post Office Miyakawa-mura, Kazuno-gun, Akita-ken Kita-akita-niida Post Niida-mura, Kawabe-gun, Akita-ken* Office Oami Post Office HigasM-mura, Higashi-tagawa-gun, Yamagata-ken Nakahata Post Office Nakahata-niura, Nishi-shirakawa-gun, Fukushima- ken Chikatsu Post Office Chikatsu-mura, Higasbi-shirakawa-gun, Fuku- shima-ken Nagahashi Post Office Nagahashi-mura, Kita-tsugaru-gun, Aomori-ken Kitayama Post Office Kitayama-mura, Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken Komyo Post Office Komyo-mura, Iwata-gun, Shizuoka-ken Mutsure Post Office Sugiyama-mura, Atsumi-gun, Aichi-ken Asahi Post Office Asahi-mura, Tohaku-gun, Tottori-ken April 1, 1950 Iburi Post Office Oaza Iburi, Shimi%u-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi-ken April 21, 1950 Nakanohama Post Office Oaza Nakanohama-, Shimizu-cbo, Hata-gun, Kochi- ken Ilirata Post Office Hirata-mura, Hata-gun, Kochi-ken

Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No. 94 May1,1950 In Ministry of Communications Notification No. 4056 of December, 1937 (Matters concerning class of telephone office), following offices shall be added to the paragraph of 6th class and shall apply as from undermentioned dates : Minister of Telecommunications OZAWA Saeki Name of office Date of application Iwate ^ March 1, 1950 Rikuchn-nimaibashi Wakayama March 26, 1950 Kami-minabe Fukui Niigata Aomori March 31, 1950 Fnkuma Sonoki Fujishiro ,Fukushima Nakahata Chikatsu Kochi ^ April 21, 1950 T Iburi" -17- Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No* 95 May1,1950 Board of Communications Notification No. 99 of December, 1948 ^concerning the recognition of installation and maintenance of Private Branch Exchange and Connected Telephone by Nip- pon Telephone Equipment Co.? JLtd.) shall be abolisned. Minister of Telecommunications OZAWA Saeki

Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No. 96 May1,1950 It is hereby announced under the provision of Article 14-(6) of the Regulations governing the Private Radio Telephone for Broadcasting Service that the following receiver for radio broadcast reception has been passed the type test conducted in accordance with the provision of Article 14 of the same Regulations: Minister of Telecommunications OZAWA Saeki Name of receiver: Harmony Name and address of President : Steamer Eadio Telephone and Telegraph applicant : SFTIRAI Shtiichi Co., Ltd. No, 3, 1-chome, Yurakn-cho, Ohiyoda-kn,. Tokyo-To Name and address of manufacturer :* Date of sanction: April 17, 1950 Sanction number : No. 291 Type number of SM-8A manufacturer : Frequency band : 530 Kc~~1650 Kc 6 Me-18 Me Test frequency band (550 Kc-1500 Kc)

Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 273 > No. 274 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Kanazawa The project of city water-supply institution city planning and its business year, the park of Ota city planning, its enterprise and its enterprise of Kanazawa city planning and its business year was decided as mentioned below5 business year, the street enterprise for recon- on March 31, 1950. struction and readjustment of production of Its documents and maps kept at the Gumma Komatsu city planning and its business year, Prefectural Office and at the Ota Municipal the street enterprise for reconstruction and Office are open to the public. readjustment of production of Nanao city plan- Minister of Construction ning and its business year was decided respec- MASUTANI Shuji tively as mentioned, below, on March 31, 1950. (The documents andmaps are not mentioned Their documents and maps kept respectively here.) at the Ishikawa Prefectural Office and Municipal Offices of Kanazawa, Komatsu and Nanao are open to the public. Ministry of Construction Notification Minister of Construction No. 275 MASUTANI Shuji May 1, 1950 (The documents and maps are not mentioned The revision of planned street of Ota city here,) planning, its enterprise and its subdivisions of business years were decided as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. -18- Its documents and maps kept at the Gumma Ministry of Construction Notification Prefectural Office and at the Ota Municipal No. 279 Office are open to the public. May 1, 1950 Minister of Construction The project of street of Toide city planning, MASUTANI Shuji its enterprise and its subdivisions of business (The documents and maps are not mentioned years was decided as mentioned below, on March here.) 31, 1950. Its documents and maps kept at the Teyama Prefeetural Office.and at the Toide Town Office, Ministry of Construction Notification Nishi-tonami-gun, are open' to the public. No. 276 Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji May 1, 1950 The addition of planned street of Takasaki (The documents and maps are not mentioned city planning and its enterprise and its business here.) year were decided as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. Ministry of Construction Notification Its documents and maps kept tat the Gumma No. 28O Prefeetural Office and at the Takasaki Municipal May 1, 1950 Office are open to the public. The^ project of playground of Tsuchiura city Minister of Construction planning was decided as mentioned below, on MASUTANI Shuji March#31, 1950.., (The documents and maps are not mentioned Its documents and maps kept at the Ibaragi here.) ' Prefectural Office and at the Tsuchiura Municipal •EOffice are open to the public. Minister of Construction Ministry of Construction Notification MASUTANI Shuji ' No.277 (The documents and maps are not mentioned May1,1950 here.) The project of city water-supply institution of Takasaki city planning, its enterprise and Ministry of Construction Notification its subdivisions of -business years was decided as mentioned below, on March 31, ^1950. No. 231 May 1, I960 Its documents and maps kept at the Gumma The revision of planiied street of Komoro city Prefectural Office and at the Takasaki Municipal planning, its enterprise and its subdivisions Office are open to the public. of business years was decided as mentioned Minister of Construction below, on March 31, 1950. MASUTANI Shuji Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano (The documents and maps are not mentioned Prefectural Office and at the Komoro Town here.) Office, Kitasaku-gun, are open to the public. Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji Ministry of Construction Notification "(The documents and maps are not mentioned No. 278 here.) May 1, 1950 The project of street of Toyama reconstruction Ministry of Construction Notification city planning and its enterprise was amended No. 282 as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. May 1, 1950 Its documents and maps kept at the Toyama The addition of planned street of Iida city Prefectural Office and at the Toyama Municipal' planning, its enterprise and its subdivisions of Office are open to the public. business years were decideti as mentioned below, Minister of Construction on March 31, 1950. MASUTANI Shuji Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano (The documents and maps are not mentioned Prefectural Office and at the Iida Municipal here.) Office are open to the public. Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji 19- (The documents and maps ai-e not mentioned Ministry of Construction Notification here.) * ' - No.287 May 1, 1950 Ministry of Construction Notification In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 No. 283 of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning May 1, 1950 Law, the executive official who is to administer In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 the street enterprise of Karuizawa city planning of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning by Ministry of Construction Notification No. 286 ofN May h 1950, shall be Nagano Prefectural Law, the executive official who is to administer the street enterprise of lida city planning by Governor. Ministry of Construction Notification No. 282 of Minister of Construction May I, 1950, shall be Nagano Prefectural MASUTAN1 Shuji Governor. Minister of Construction Ministry of Construction Notification MA.SUTANI Shuji s No,288 May 1, 1950 Ministry of Construction Notification The project, of area of Matsumoto city plan- No. 284 ning shall be amended as attached in the draw- May 1, 1950 ing. The amendment shall come into effect as The project of street of Suwa city planning-, from May 21, 1950. its enterprise arid its business year was decided Its documents and maps kept at the Naga.no as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. * Prefectural Office and at the Matsumoto Muni- Its documents and maps kept at,the Nagano cipal Office are open to the public. Prefectural Office and at the Suwa Municipal Minister of Construction Office are open to the public. MASUTAN1 Shuji Minister of Construction (The documents and maps are not mentioned MASUTANI Shuji here.) (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) Ministry of Construction Notification No. 289 Ministry of Construction Notification May 1, I960 No. 285. ' The project of street of Karuizawa city plan* May 1, 1950 ning*, its enterprise and its business year was In accordance with the' provisions of Article decided as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. 3 of the Enforcement Regulation of City Plan- Its documents and maps kept at the Nag'ano ning Law, the executive official who is to ad- Prefectural Office and at the Karuizawa Town minister the street enterprise of Suwa city plan- Office, Kitasaku-gun, are open to the public. ning by Ministry of Construction Notification Minister- of Construction % No. 284 of May 1, 1950, shall be Nagano Prefee- MASUTANI Shuji tural Governor. (The documents and maps are not mentioned Minister of Construction here.) MASUTANI Shuji

Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 286 No. 29O May.l, 1950 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Karuizawa The project of street of Nagano city planning city planning and its business year was decided was amended as mentioned below, on March 81, as mentibned below, on March 31, 1950. 1950. Its documents and maps, kept at the Nagano Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano Prefectural Office arrd at the Karuizawa Town Prefectural Office' and at the Nagano Municipal Office are open to the public. Office, Kitasaku-gun, are open to the public. Minister of Construction Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji MASUTAN1 Shuji (TJie documents and maps are not mentioned (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) here.)

ZQ Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 291 No. 295 ' May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 > The project of street of Agematsu city plan- In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 ning, its enterprise and its business year was of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning decided as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. Law, the executive^ official who is to administer Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano the street enterprise of Matsumoto city planning Prefectural Office and at the Agematsu Town by Ministry of Construction Notification No* 294 Office, Nishichikuma-gun, are open to the public* of May 1, 1950, shall be Nagano Prefectural Minister of Construction Governor. MASUTANI Shuji Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji * (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 296 No. 292 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Ueda city In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 planning and its business year was decided as of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning mentioned below, on March 31, 1950.. Law? the executive official who is to administer Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano the street enterprise of Agematsu city planning Prefectural Office and at the Ueda Municipal by Ministry of Construction Notification No. Office are open to the public. \ 291 of May 1, 1950, shall be Nagano Prefectural Minister of Construction Governor. MASUTANI Shuji Minister of Construction (The documents and maps are not mentioned MASUTANI Shuji here.)

Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No, 293 No. ^97 May 1, 1950 May 1, ir50 The project of Tofimachi land replotting of Tn accordance with the provisions of Article 3 Ina city planning was decided as mentioned of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning below, on March 31, 1950. Law, the executive official who is to administer Its documents and maps kept'at the Nagano the street enterprise of Ueda city planning by Prefectural ,Office and at the Ina Town Office, Ministry of Construction Notification No. 296 of Kamiina-gun, are open%to the public. May 1, 1950? shall be Nagano Prefectural Minister of Construction Governor. MASUTANI Slmji Minister of Construction (The documents and maps are not mentioned MASUTANI Shuji here.)

Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 298 * No. 294 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Ueda city The project of street enterprise of Matsnmoto planning and its subdivisions of business years city planning and its business year was decided was decided as mentioned below, on March 31, as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. 1950." v Its documents and,maps kept at the Nagano Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano Prefectural. Office and at the Matsumoto Muni- Prefectural Office and at the Ueda Municipal cipal Office are open to the public: Office are open to the public. Minister of Construction Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji MASUTANI Shuji ' (The documents and maps are not mentioned (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) here.)

-21- Ministry of Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification No. 299 No. 303 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Ina city In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 planning and its subdivisions of business years of the Enforcement Regulation of City Planning was decided as mentioned below, on March 31, Law, the executive officialjvho is to administer 1950. the street enterprise of Akaho city planning by Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano Ministry of Construction Notification No, 802 of Prefectural Office and at the Ina Town Office, May 1, 1950, shall"be Nagano Prefectural Kamiina-giln, are open to the public. Governor. Minister of Construction Minister of Construction *. MASUTANI Shuji , MASUTANI Shuji (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) Ministry of Construction Notification No. 3O4 Ministry of Construction Notification May 1, 1950 No. 3OO The project of area of lida city planning' shall May 1, 1950 be amended as attached in the drawing. The The project of street enterprise of Nagano amendment shall come into effect as from May city planning and its business year was decided 21, 1950. as mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano A, Its documents and maps kept'at the Nagano Prefectural Office and at the lida Municipal prefectural Office and at the Nagano Municipal Office are open to the public. Office are open to the public. Minister of Construction Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji MASUTANI Shuji (The documents and maps are not mentioned (The documents and maps are not mentioned here.) here.) , Ministry Si Construction Notification Ministry of Construction Notification ' No. 3O5 No. 3O1 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 In accordance with the provisions of Article The project of street enterprise of Susaka city 20 paragraph 2 of the Road Law, renovation planning and its business year was decided as^ work of th'e following national road shall be mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. executed by the Minister of Construction: Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano Minister of Construction Prefectural Office and at the Susaka Town Office, MASUTANI Shuji Kamitakai-gun, are open to the public. Name of route: National Road 3 i- Minister of Construction Section to be renovated : MASUTANI Shuji From: Aza Hanemoto, Izumi-mura, Miyako- (The documents and maps are not mentioned gun, Fukuoka-ken here.) To: Aza Matsuhara, Nakatsu-mura, Mi- yako-gun, Fukuoka-ken Ministry of Construction Notification , Construction starting date: May 1, 1950 No. 3O2 May 1, 1950 The project of street enterprise of Akaho city INSTRUCTIONS planning and its business year was decided as > Reparations Agency Instructions mentioned below, on March 31, 1950. No.1 Its documents and maps kept at the Nagano Prefectural Office and at the Akaho Town Office, May 1,-1950 Kamiina-gun, are open to the public. The Regulations concerning the Organization Minister of Construction of the Reparations Agency (Reparations Agency MASUTANI Shuji Instructions No. 1 of 1949) sfeill be partially (The documents and maps are not mentioned amended as follows: Director of Reparations Agency here.) YAMAGUCHI Kikuichirj) -22- In Article 3, ", Removal Section, Transporta- (4) Compensation concerning disposition of tion Section" shall be deleted. Civil Property ; In Article 4item 3, "the Reparations Council" (5) Affairs not belonging to any other Section shall be amended as "the Liaison Conference within the Civil Property Division. concerning Reparations." 2 The Boom for Compensation shall take charge Article 6 shall be amended as follows: of the affairs under item (4) of the preceding Article 6. The Maintenance Section shall take paragraph. charge of the following matters : Article 10, The Investigation and Liaison Sec- (1) Custody and maintenance of reparations tion shall take charge of the following matters : objects ; (1) Investigation, summation and recording (2) Exemption of reparations objects from re- concerning Civil Property ; parations lis^t, conversion or reconversion of (2) Liaison, expenditing and coordination of the plants designated for reparations and the affairs relative to Civil Property coming use of reparations equipment; under the jurisdiction of the other adminis- (3) Inventory and.evaluation of reparations objects. trative agencies ; Article 7 and Article 8 shall be deleted, Arti- (3) Affairs relative to Civil Property not be- cle 9 shall be made Article 7, the numbering of longing to the Looted Property Section nor Article 10 and its succeeding Articles shall be to the Foreign Property Section excepting respectively moved up by*, two, and Article 7 those coming under the jurisdiction of the through Article ll shall be amended as follows: other administrative agencies. *2 The Room for Liaison with Japanese govern- Article 7. The Audit Section shall take charge of the following matters: ment agencies concerned shall take charge of (1) Drafting of budget, settlement of accounts the affairs under item (2) of the preceding and adjustment of laws and regulations con- paragraph. cerning Reparations Equipment Disposition Article ll. The Looted Property Section shall Expenditure (excepting Reparations Equip- take charge of the following matters: ment Disposition Business Expenses ; herein- (1) Investigation and examination of suspected looted objects ; after the same) and Reparations Equipment (2) Impounding, concentration, storage, pack- Disposition Income ; aging, estimation, transportation ancl resti- (2) Planning of obligations and payment of tution of Looted Property; > Reparations Equipment Disposition Expendi- (3) Affairs relative to application for exemp- ture and auditing of disbursement thereof; tion of Looted Property from the list; (3) Disposition of the other affairs relative to (4) Maintenance and guarding pf the Looted reparations expenses. Property Warehouses. (Civil Property Division) Supplementary Provision : Article 8. There shall be in the Civil Property Division, the General Affairs Section, Investi- This Instructions shall come into force as from gation and Liaison Section, Looted Property the day of its promulgation and shall apply as Section and the Foreign Property Section. from April 1, 1950. 2 There shall be in the General Affairs Section the Room for Compensation. IMPERIAL HOUSE MATTERS ~~ 3 There shall be in the Investigation and Liai- son Section the Room for Liaison with Japa- T. M. The Emperor and Empress' Visit nese government agencies concerned. T. M. the Emperor and Empress have signified Article 9, The General Affairs Section shall take Their intention that They will attend the Cele- charge of the following matters: bration of,the 3rd Anniversary of the Constitu- (1) Coordination and adjustment of the func- tion of to be held at the plaza in front tions of each Section within the Civil Prop- of the Imperial Palace on May the 3rd. erty Division, and planning of the impor- tant administrative affairs relative to Civil Property ; GOVERNMENT MATTERS (2) Drafting of budget, settlement of accounts and adjustment of laws and regulations con- NATIONAL PERSONNEL AUTHORITY cerning Looted Property Restitution Expend- Revision of a part of the Regulation iture and Civil Property Disposition Income concerning the Sectional Organization pertaining to Looted Property Restitution ; of the National Personnel Authority's (8) Planning of obligations and payment of Secretariat (Regulation No. 12 of the Looted Property Restitution Expenditure National Personnel Authority) and auditing o| disbursement thereof; 'The National Personnel Authority revised a 23- part of the Regulation concerning the Sectional May 1, 1950 Organization of the National Personnel Author- Whereas K. K. Murakami Gyogu Seisaku-sho, ity'^ Secretariat as follows and enforced as from No. 7, 1-chome, Matsubara-cho, SMmizu-shi, has May 1, 1950. applied for registration of preservation of own- ership of the buildings, machinery and implex ments belonging to the Factory of the said Regulation No. 21 of the National company located at the same location? for the Personnel Authority purpose of creating a factory foundation, any Revision of a part of the Regulation No. person who has a claim over the movable property 12 of the National Personnel Authority that is to be included in the aforesaid founda- (Regulation concerning the Sectional tion or any creditor of seizure, provisional Organization of the National Personnel seizure or provisional disposition of the above- Authority's Secretariat) mentioned property, shall file his claim with In paragraph 9, "Office Services Section (Sho- this Office within thirty-two days from the day mu-ka)" shall be amended as "Office Services of publication of this notice. Section (Naimu-ka)." % The inventory of the said foundation is avail- able at this Office for the inspection of the in- terested parties. Shimizu Branch Office, ^publicco^^^^m^^^^^ Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Bureau , JAPANESE NATIONAL RAILWAYS Japanese National Railways Notification No. 87 x -t # , May1,1950 May 1, 1950 Whereas Okurna Kogyo K. K., No. 32, 1-chome, The discount rate for straw products shall be Tsuji-machi, Kita-ku, Nagoya, has applied for provided for as follows: registration of preservation of ownership of the President of Japanebe land, buildings, structures, machinery, etc. be- National Railways longing to the said company's Head Office and KAGAYAMA Yukio Hagino Plant, for the purpose of creating a fac- (The text is omitted: Refer to the Railway tory foundation, any person who has a claim Official Gazette dated May 1, 195Q.) over the movable property that is to be included in the aforesaid foundation or any creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or provisional dispo- sition of the abovementioned property, shall file I^III]""^^ his claim with this Office within thirty-two (lays ATTORNEY^GENERAL'S OFFICE from the day of publication of this notice. Factory foundation The'inventory4of the said foundation is avail- able at this Office ±ot the inspection of the in- May 1, 1950 Whereas Dainippon Celluloid K. K., No. 217/ terested parties. Nishishiga Branch Office, Shichido-nishi-xnaelii, Sakai-shi, Osaka-Fu, has Nagoya Legal Affairs Bureau applied for registration of preservation of own- ership of the land, buildings, machinery, imple- ments, etc, belonging to the Arai Factory of the Fishery Foundation said company located at No. 230, Kannogi, Oaza May 1, 1950 Arai, Arai-machi, Naka-kubiki-gun, Niigata-ken, Whereas Masatane Hisa, No. 19-1, Motowake, for the purpose of creating a factory foundation, Onahama-machi, Iwaki-gun, has applied for reg- any person who has a claim over the movable istration of preservation of ownership of the property that is to be included in the aforesaid machinery, implements, marine stores and fish- foundation or any creditor of seizure, provisional ing tools belonging to sailing vessels "Kaiun seizure or provisional disposition of the above- Maru No. 8" and "Kaiun Maru No. 10" regis- mentioned property, shall file his claim with tered as their port at Onahama-machi, Iwaki- this Office within thirty-two days from the day gun, for the purpose of creating a fishery foun- of publication of this notice. " ' ' dation, any person who has a claim over the The inventory of the said foundation is avail- movable property that is to be included in the able at this Office for the inspection of the in- said foundation -or any creditor of seizure, pro- terested parties. visional seizure or provisional disposition shall Arai Branch Office, file his claim with this Office within thirty-two Niigata District Legal Affairs Bureau days from the date of publication of this notice.

r=ZA- The inventory of the said foundation is avail- Kawawa Iryo Kouri Sho^yo able at this Office for the inspection of the in- Kyodo Kumiai terested parties. Liquidator : Kunsei Iwasaki Onahama Branch Office, No. 1590, Nakayama-cho, Kohoku-ku, Fukushima District Legal Affairs Bureau Yokohama'

COMPANIES AND OTHERS Notice.re Dissolution . J^otice ,re Dissolution (1st Notice) (1st Notice) May 1, 1950 April 21, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on April 7, 1950* in company was dissolved on March 19, 1950, in accordance with the decision made at the stock- accordance with the decision made at the stock- holders' general meeting. Accordingly, the holders* general meeting. Accordingly, the Credi- creditors to this company are requested to re- tors to this company are requested to report port their claims within two months from the their claims within two months from the day of day following publication of the first notice. publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be -submitted within the Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. liquidation. Kabushiki Kaisha Arai Shoten Kawai Shoken Kabushiki Kaisha Liquidators : Masakichi Arai Liquidator : Yoshiichi Taniguchi * Nisaku Yamashita No. 7, 3~chome, Asahi-machi, Naka-ku, No. 258, Kita-nagata-machi, Minami-ku, $Fagoya-shi Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken

Notice re Dissolution Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) (1st Notice) May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on December 15, 1949, in company was dissolved on February 21, 1950, in accordance with the decision made at the extraor- accordance with the decision made at the general dinary general meeting of shareholders. Credi- meeting of shareholders. (Creditors to this com- tors to this company are requested to report pany are requested to report their claims by July their claims within two months from the day of 31, 1950. •E / publication of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted by the afore- Failing any claim to be submittted within the said date, it shall be excluded from the liqui- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the dation, liquidation. Kanto Gelatine K. K. K. K. Kaiyu Sha 4 Liquidator: Kenji Kojima Liquidator: Zenji Tamano No. 36, 3-chome, Benten-dori, Naka-ku, No* 1, 3-ehome, Nihombashi Muro-machi, Yokohama Chuo-ku, Tokyo

^ Notice re Dissolution Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) (1st Notice) April 25, 1950 <* April 22, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermention- Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned ed company was dissolved in accordance with association was dissolved on February 25, 1950, the decision made at the stockholders' general in accordance with the decision made at the meeting held on February 28, 1950. Accordingly, general meeting. Creditors to this association the creditors to this company are requested to are requested to report their claims within two report their claims within two months from the months from the day of publication of this notice. day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. liquidation. 25 Kyoei Suisan K. K. Notice re Dissolution Liquidator: Kinjiro HosomicM (3rd Notice) No. 1483, Mochimune, Shizuoka-shi April 25, 1950 , Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned ' Notice re Dissolution company was dissolved on February 28, 1950, in (3rd Notice) accordance with the decision made at the, stock- April 20, 1950 holders* general meeting. Accordingly, the cred- Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned itors to this company1 are requested to report company was dissolved on September 30, 1949, their claims within two months from the day following publication of the first notice. in accordance with the decision made at the Failing any claim to be submitted. within the stockholders* general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company who fail to report aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the their claims within two months from the day liquidation. Omi Bussan K. K. following publication of the first notice, shall Liquidator: Jiro Nishida be excluded from the liquidation. No. 68, 6-chome, Katae-machi, Ikuno-ku? Marutama Kogaku Garasu K. K. Osaka Liquidator: Otogoro Kato No. 23, 6-chome? Tanabe-nishino-cho, Higashi-sumiyoshi-ku* Osaka Notice re Amalgamation of Companies Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) (3rd Notice) April 10, 1950 April 25, 1950 Notice is hereby given" that at the stockhold- Notice is hereby given,that the undermentioned ers' general meetings of the undermentioned company was dissolved in accordance with the companies respectively held on March 31, 1950, decision made at the stockholders' general meet- it was decided that Yanai Kagaku Kogyo K. K, ing held on March 5, 1950. Accordingly, the should be merged with Yanai Kogyo K. K. and creditors to this company are requested to report the former continue to exist succeeding to all their claims within two months from the day the rights and duties of the latter which is to of publication of the first notice. be dissolved on the effectuation of the said Failing any claim to be submitted within the amalgamation. aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the In this connection, any creditor who has ob- liquidation. jection to the above decision is requested to re- Meiwa Kogyo K. K. port to that effect to the company concerned Representative Liquidator : within two months from the day of publication Hideo Kawai of this notice. No. 7, Mandai-higashi 6-chome, Yanai Kagaku Kogyo K. K. Sumiyoshi-ku, Osa^a No. 1582-4, Yanai, Yanai-machi, Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi-ken Yanai Kogyo K. K. Notice re Dissolution Address: ditto (3rd Notice) April 25, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on December 15, 1948, in Notice re Calling for Claims accordance with the decision made at the mem- (2nd Notice) bers' general meeting. Accordingly, the credi- April 27, 1950 tors to this company are requested to report Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned their claims within two months from the day association was dissolved on February 25, 1950, following publication of the first notice. in accordance with the decision made at the Failing any claim to be submitted within the special general meeting held on the said day. aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Accordingly, the creditors to this association liquidation. are requested to report their claims within two Yugen kaisha Mataichi Jto Kakejo months from the day of publication of the first Liquidator: Jiro Tsuji notice. No. 65, Abenosuji 3-chome, Abeno-ku, Failing any claim to be submitted within the Osaka aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. 26- Osaka-Fu Jidosha Tire Shogyo Kyodo months from \he day following publication of Kuxniai the first notice. Representative Liquidator : Failing any claim to be submitted within the Tetsuichi Osuka aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the No. 30, Minami 2-chome, liquidation. Kami-fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Iw,asaki Radio Denki K. K. Osaka Liquidator: Shiro Iwasaki No. 361, Masuya-eho, Marula-cho-agaru, Kawara-macM-dori, Kamikyo-ku,^ Notice re Dissolution Kyoto (2nd Notice) April 22, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Notice re Dissolution association was dissolved on March 1, 1950, in (2nd Notice) accordance with the provision of the Enforce- April 1, 1950 ment Law for Smaller Enterprise, etc. Co-oper- Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned ative Association Law. Accordingly, the credi- company was dissolved on March 25, 1950, in tors to this association are requested to report accordance with the decision made at the stock- their claims within two months from the day holders' general meeting held on the said day. of publication of the first notice. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are Failing any claim to be submitted within the requested to report their claims within two aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the months from the day of publication of the first liquidation. notice. ^ Osaka-Fu Kammi Kissa Shogyo Failing any claim to be submitted within the Kyodo Kumiai aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Representative Liquidator : liquidation. Heitaro Eguchi Ikeda Mokuzai K. K. No. 28, 1-ehome, Minami-hon-cho, Liquidator : Kumazo Ikeda Ifigashi-ku, Osaka No. 16, 67-go, Hondo, Nishiago-mura, Nifu-gun, Fukui-ken Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) Notice^ r

Notice re Dissolution Notice re Dissolution of Association (2nd Notice) (2nd Notice) May 1, 1950 March 20, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on March 20, 1950, in association was legally dissolved on March 1, accordance with the decision made at the stock- 1950. Accordingly, the creditors to this associa- holders' general meeting held oit the said day. tion are requested to report their claims within Accordingly, the creditors to this company are two months from the day of publication of the requested to report their claims within ;fcwo first notice*

27 Failing any claim bo be submitted within the Notice re Dissolution of Association aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the (2nd Notice) liquidation. March 20, 1950 Fukui-ken Rikuhaku-yo Nainenki Kogyo Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Kyodo Kumiai association was legally dissolved on March 1, Liquidator: Gerizo Ichiji 1950. Accordingly, the creditors to this associ- No. 32, Shiino-masago, Mikuni-machi, ation are requested to report their claims within Sakai-gun, Fukui-ken two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Notice re Dissolution of Association Failing any claim ,16 be submitted within the (2nd Notice) aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the March 20, 1950 liquidation. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Fukui-ken Nenryo Rinsan Kumiai association was legally dissolved on March 1, Rengo-kai 1950. Accordingly, the creditors to this associa- Liquidator : Tadao Yosnikawa tion are requested to report their claims within No. 53, Sakae-naka-cho, Fukui-shi two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim: to be submitted within the Notice re Dissolution aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the (2nd Notice) liquidation. / Fukui-ken Nyuseihin Shogyo April 27, 1950 N Kyodo Kumiai Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned \ Liquidator: Takeshi Oda company was dissolved on April 12, 1950, in No. 1, Nishiki-shimo-cho, Fukui-shi accordance with the decision made at the stock- holders' general meeting held on the said day. Notice re Dissolution of Association Accordingly, the creditors to this company are (2nd Notice) , requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of / March 2Q, 1950 the first notice. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned association was legally dissolved on March 1, Failing any claim to be submitted within the 1950. Accordingly, the creditors to this associa- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the tion are requested to report their claims within liquidation. , two months from the day of publication of the K, K. Fukuyoshi Seisaku-sho Liquidators : Yoshimatsu Nakamura first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Fukuji Onosawa aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the No. 106, Senju-naka-cho, Adachi~ku liquidation. . Tokyo / Fukui Hanao Kogyo Kyodo Kumiai Liquidator : Suteroku Okumura No. 51, Sakae-shimo-cho, Fukui-shi Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) Notice re Dissolution of Association April 1, 1950 (2nd Notice) Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned March 20, 1950 company was dissolved on March 31, 1950, in Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned accordance with the decision made at the mem- association was legally dissolved on March 1, bers' general meeting held on the said day. 1950. Accordingly, the creditors to this associa- Accordingly, the creditors to this company are tion are requested to report their claims within requested to report their claims within two two months from the day of publication of the months from the day of publication of the first first notice. notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. liquidation. Fnkui-ken Shigen Kaishu Shogyo Yugen Kaisha Saiuya Shoten Kyodo Kumiai Liquidator: Shigeru Kotani Liquidator: Hatsu lshigami No. 1090, Asai, Hamada-shi No. 7, Nishiki-naka-cho, Fukui-shi

-ZB- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) liquidation. Sendai Goran Hakimono Hambai K. K, April 10, 1950 Representative Liquidator : Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Keijiro Sato association was dissolved on March 1? 1950, in No. 167, Kokubu-cho, Sendai-slii accordance with the provision of Article 3 paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Law for Smaller Enterprise, etc. Co-operative Association Law* Notice re Dissolution Accordingly, the creditors to this association (1st Notice) are requested to report their claims within two April 25, 1950 months from the day following publication of Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned this notice. company was dissolved on April 21^ 1950, in ac- Failing^any claim to be submitted within the cordance with the decision made at the special aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the stockholders' general meeting held on the said liquidation. L day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company Osaka-Fu Gyosai Shokuhin Shogyo Kyodo are requested to report their claims within two Kumiai months from the day following publication of Representative Liquidator : this notice. Ichitaro Nakano Failing any claim to be submitted within the. 7-go-mune, Osaka-shi Chuo Oroshiuri aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Ichiba, 3-ehome? Shimo-fukushima liquidation./ ' Fukushima-ku, Osaka K. K. Daitomi Kikai Seisaku-sho Liquidator: Koji Konishi No. 84, Kami-ifuku, Okayama-shi

Notice re 'Dissolution (1st Notice) Ten day Report of The Bank of Japan April 5, 1950 (ll April-20 April) Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned April 24, 1950 company was dissolved on March 31, 1950, in ac- The Bank of Japan cordance with the decision made at the special (in ¥1,000) members' general meeting held on the said day. Assets Accordingly, the creditors to this company are Gold !.'. /. /.... 501,287 requested to report their claims within two Cash 929,645 months from the day of publication of this notice. Discounted Bills 48,457,412 Failing any claim to be submitted \within the Loans 62,525,207 aforesaid period^ it shall be excluded from the Loans to Government 80,910,805 liquidation. Government Bonds '. 156,702,779 Yugen Kaisha Murata Shokai Inter-Bank Remittance account 8,787,793 Liquidator: Enji Murata Agencies accounts 1,633,649 Nos. 2036-3, 10 and 16, Naka-ube, Ube-shi Other assets 17,092,177 Grand Total 377,540/758 Liabilities Notice re Dissolution Bank-Notes Issued 302,607,112 April 25, 1950 Financial Institutions' Deposits 4,149,207 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Government Deposits 44,381,366 company was dissolved on April 20, 1950, in Other Deposits...... : 5,029,856 accordance with the decision made at the stock- Inter-Bank Remittance Deposit ac- holders' general meeting held on the said day. count 7,995,311 Accordingly, the creditors to this company are re- Other Liabilities 12,693,006 quested to report their claims within two months C apital 100,000 from the day of publication of this notice. Surpluses 584,896 Failing any claim to be submitted within the Grand Total 377,540,758
