Jt OFFICIAL GAZETTE SOVERMMENTPRSNTiNSAOE^OY ^^^^^^^^J fnH+-#+-/!H±B HZ: No. 1226 MONDAY, MAY 1, 1950 Price 28.00 yen SUPREME COURT RULE OFFICE ORDINANCE Supreme Court Rule No. 13 Attorney-General's Office Ordinance May 1, 1950 No. 42 Rule for Partial Amendment to the Rule con- May 1, 1950 cerning the General Secretariat of the Supreme The Regulations for the Establishment of Court, etc. shall be determined as follows: Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices of Legal Affairs Bureaus or District Legal Affairs Bu- Supreme Court reaus, etc. shall be partially amended as follows: •E4, Rule for Partial Amendment to the Rule Attorney-General J concerning the General Secretariat UEDA Shunkichi of the Supreme Court, etc. Article 1. The Regulations for the. Establish- Article 1. The Rule concerning the General ment of Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices Secretariat of the Supreme Court (Supreme of Legal Affairs Bureaus or District Legal Court Rule No. 10 of 1947) shall partially be Affairs Bureaus (Attorney-General's Office Or- *dinance No. 12 of 1949) shall be partially amend- amended as follows: Tn Article 1, ed as follows: "Secretaries of Court: In the Annexed Table, the item of the Toyo- oka Branch Bureau in the Sub-section of the 6 full-time, first class officials said Branch Bureau under the Section of the 99 full-time, second class officials 235 full-time, third class officials Kobe District Legal Affairs Bureau shall be amended as follows: Technical Officials of Court : | 5 full-time, second class officials (Toyooka) Toyooka-shi, In Hyogo-ken : . 37 full-time, third class officials" Hyogo-ken Toyooka-shi In Kinosaki-gun : shall be amended as Nasa-mura, " Court Secretaries : Okutakeno- mura, 6 full-time, first class officials Sansho-mura 97 full-time, second class officials 254 full-time, third class officials In the Annexed Table, "Teranishi-mura" Technical Officials of Court : shall be added after " Saijo-machi" in the juris- ll full-time, second class officials diction column of the item of the Saijo Branch 42 full-time, third class officials." Office in the Sub-section of the Hiroshima Legal Affairs Bureau under the Section of the Article 2. The Rule concerning the Judicial said Legal Affairs"Bureau, and "In Takada- Research and Training Institute (Supreme Court Rule No. ll of 1947) shall partially be gun" in the item of the Miyoshi Branch Bu- reau in the Sub-section of the said Branch amended as follows: Bureau under the Section of the said Legal In Article 1, Affairs Bureau shall be deleted. "17 full-time, third class officials/' Article 2. The Regulations for the Organization shall be amended as of Civil Liberties Commissioners Deliberative "18 full-time, third class officials." Council and Federation of Civil Liberties Com- missioners Deliberative Councils (Attorney- Supplementary Provision : General's Office Ordinance No. 40 of 1949) shall The present Rule shall come into force as from be partially amended as follows: the day of its promulgation. In the Annexed Table No. 1, "Toyooka-ma- President of Supreme Court chi, Kinosaki-gun, Hyogo-ken " in the Location TANAKA Kotaro Column of the Toyooka Civil Liberties Com- -1- jrnssloners Deliberative ConnHI shall bo amend- for industrial purpose)" and "Imported Am- od aB " Toyooka-shi." monium Nitrate '* respectively. Supplementary Provision : Supplementary Provision : This Office Ordinance shall come into force as This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into from the day of its promulgation. force as from the day of its promulgation. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Attorney-General's Office Ordinance Ordinance No. 45 No. 43 May 1, 1950 May 1, 1950 Ministerial Ordinance concerning the Partial The Regulations for the Establishment of Amendment of the Allotment Regulation of Petro- Branch Bureaus and Branch Offices of Legal leum Products for Agriculture,/ Forestry and Affairs Bureaus or District Legal.Affairs Bu- Marine use based on the Temporary Demand reaus (Attorney-General's Office Ordinance No. arid Supply Adjustment Law (Law No. 32 of 12 of 1949) shall be partially amended as follows: 1946) shall be established as follows: Attorney-General Minister of Agriculture UEDA Shunkichi - and Forestry In the Annexed Table, "Kitakanra-gun" in the MORI Kotaro item of the Tomioka Branch Bureau and the Ministerial Ordinance concerning the item of the Shimonita Branch Office in the Sub- Partial.Amendment of the Allotment section of the said Branch Bureau under the Regulation of Petroleum Products for Section of the Maebashi District Legal Affairs Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Use Bureau shall be amended as "Kanra-gun." The Allotment Regulation of Petroleum Pro- Supplementary Provision : ducts for Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Use (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance This Office Ordinance shall come into force as No. 114 of 1949) shall be partially amended as from the day of its promulgation. follows : In the present Ministerial Ordinance, "Chief of the Material Adjustment Office" shall be MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE amended as "Governors of To, Do, Fu and pre- fectures." Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In Art. 2 par. 3, "referred to as 'a fishing Boat Ordinance No. 44 registration * hereinafter" shall be deleted. May 1, 1950 Art. 3 shall be amended as follows: In accordance with the provision of Article 1 Article 3. Deleted. paragraph 1 of the Temporary Demand and In Art. 4, "for agriculture and forestry use" Supply Adjustment Law (Law No. 32 of 1946), shall be amended as "for agriculture, forestry the Ministerial Ordinance for the Partial Amend- and marine use." ment to the Fertilizer Distribution Regulations Art. 5 shall be amended as follows: shall be established as follows: Article 5. Deleted. Minister of Agriculture In Art. 6 par. 1, "allotted month" shall be and Forestry ' amended as "allotted period," and "Annexed MORI Kotaro Table No. 5" shall be amended as "Annexed Table No. 2," and par. 2 and par, 5 of the same Ministerial Ordinance for the Partial Article shall be deleted, and par. 3 shall be Amendment to the Fertilizer made par. 2, and par. 4 shall be made par. 3, Distribution Regulations and in the same paragraph, "the preceding 3 The Fertilizer Distribution Regulations (Min- paragraphs" shall be amended as "the preceding istry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance 2 paragraphs," and in the same Article, the fol- No. 56 of 1947) shall be partially.amended as lowing paragraph shall be added: follows : 4 In case that governors of To, Do,*Fuand pre- In Article 1 paragraph 1, next to "Superphos- fectures received allotment applications speci- phate" " Treble Superphosphate " shall be added, fied at the preceding each paragraph, after "Imported Potassium Salt" and "Ammonium inspecting and making out the demand record Nitrate (except those indigenous ones used for of petroleum products for agriculture, forestry industrial purpose)" shall be amended as "Im- and marine uses in accordance with the form ported Potassium Salt (except those which used prescribed separately, should submit it to the -2- Minister of Agriculture and Forestry until Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry before 80 days of the allotted period. Ordinance No. 46 In Art, 8 par. 1, "or shipmentofa catch" May 1, 1950 shall be amended as "a catch amount and fish- Pursuant to the Law concerning the Tem- ing situation," and par. 2 and par. 3 of the same porary Adjustment of Demand and Supply of Article shall be deleted. Commodities (Law No. 32 of 1946), the Ministerial In Art. 10, "Art. 6 par. 4" shall be amended Ordinance for Partial ^Amendment's to the Fish- as "Art. 6 par. 3." ing* Materials Distribution Regulations shall be In Art. ll, "Annexed Table No. 7" shall be established as follows : , amended as "Annexed Table No. 3." Minister of Agriculture In Art. 13, "the next month of an allotted and Forestry month" shall be amended as "the first month in * ,•E/ < MORIKotaro the next period of an allotted period,*' and "An- nexed T(able No. 8" shall be amended as "An- Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- nexed Table No. 4." ments to the Fishing Materials Annexed Tables from No. 2 to No. 5 shall be Distribution Regulations deleted and Annexed Table No. 6-1 shall be made The Fishing Materials Distribution Regulations Annexed Table No. 2-1, and in the same Table, (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ordinance the column of"(5) Name of the Prefecture which No. 94 of 1947) shall be partially amended as fol- received the Marine Petroleum Distribution Book lows: and No. thereof" and "in (5), only demanders In Article 4 paragraph 1, " distribution amount for marine use shall be filled up" at themargin, of fishing materials by the Material Adjustment shall be deleted. Offices" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Annexed Table No. 6-2 shall be made Annexed Forestry (hereinafter referred to as material Table No. 2-2, and "registered number" in the adjustment offices) and for the persons as speci- same table shall be amended as "registered fied in each of the following items, upon inquir- number xof fishing boats.*' ing of the Commodities Allocation and Distribu- - Annexed Table No. 7 shall be made Annexed tion Council stipulated in Article, 34 paragraph Table No. 3 and the columns of "amount of a 1 -of the Ministry of, Agriculture and Forestry stamp" and "a revenue stamp" on the surface Establishment Law (Law No. 153 of 1949)" shall of the same Table and "^ at the column of *a be amended as "distribution amount of fishing1 revenue stamp,' a stamp equivalent to the defi- materials by To, Do, ,Fu and prefectures and nite amount shall be put on" at the margin, for the persons as specified in each of the fol- shall be deleted, and "allotted month" shall be lowing items"; and item (2) and item (3) of the amended as "allotted period" and "the month same paragraph shall be respectively amended part" shall de amended as "the period's part," as follows: •E and No.
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