About Some Difficulties of Cosmology and New Ideas for Solving Them
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Ergonomics International Journal ISSN: 2577-2953 MEDWIN PUBLISHERS Committed to Create Value for researchers About Some Difficulties of Cosmology and New Ideas for Solving Them Di Sia P* Conceptual Paper Department of Physics and Astronomy & Department of Neurosciences, University of Padova, Volume 4 Issue 2 Italy Received Date: April 14, 2020 Published Date: April 24, 2020 *Corresponding author: Paolo Di Sia, Department of Physics and Astronomy & Department DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000231 of Neurosciences, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padova, Italy, Email: paolo. [email protected] Abstract is a set of discrepancies with the observations made of the far universe. New measurements of the Hubble constant suggest The Big Bang (BB) theory is considered an accepted scientific fact, despite some lack of empirical evidence and although there implications about the validity of the current Standard Model of cosmology at the extreme scales of cosmos. NASA measured in 2014 that space in the universe seems to have an Euclidean shape. According to Stephen Hawking and Alan Guth, the also exist about the size of the universe observable today. A new model aims to resolve all these problems and offers a new universe started by a mathematical point, with an infinite amount of energy, which is a non-physical assumption. Problems vision of cosmology through the extension of the Einstein’s theory of relativity. Keywords: Cosmology; Universe; Contemporary Physics; Time; Space; Unification; Primordial Dynamic Space Model Introduction lose meaning, some mathematical physicists tried to change a fundamental assumption of the model, namely that the universe is the same in all spatial directions but changeable over time. newThe observational current conceptual data. In the framework attempt toof savethe universe, the Big Bang and (BB)in particular model, everyof its newbirth, discrepancy is having difficulty between intheory reporting and observed facts is considered a promise for further empirical the immediate consequences of an explicitly hypothetical research, seen as a progressive approach towards the truth event,From saying the nothingbeginning, about the BBthe theoryBB itself, has hypothesisonly spoken that of represented by the mathematical model itself. cannot be proven. The BB scheme is based on some concrete discoveries, such as the 1929 Edwin Hubble’s observation that The BB hypothesis emerged originally as an indirect the universe seems to be expanding and the 1964 detection consequence in the re-modeling of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Einstein thought also that the universe was static in space and time; he subsequently admitted that of the microwave background radiation, observations having the addition of the cosmological constant in his equations a big influence on cosmological theory. the universe was expanding, causing Einstein’s solution to free Theparameters BB paradigm to modify seems them, to anlack alarming of proven signal certainties; for every had no physical justification. When Hubble observed that the theoretical framework has fewer observations than the About Some Difficulties of Cosmology and New Ideas for Solving Them Ergonomics Int J 2 Ergonomics International Journal Interpreting the Quantum Vacuum scientificMost theory.of the observations on the universe occur experimentally and indirectly; current space telescopes which could replace the space-time as the fundamental arena produce measurements through an interaction of theoretical of theThe universe. superfluid Inside quantum this idea, vacuum time ismay an beidea considered in evolution as the numerical order of material changes; the vacuum would involved in every phase of the process, thus not offering a be timeless, in the sense that time is not its fourth dimension directpredictions view ofand anything. flexible parameters, in which the model is in a physical sense. It is a way to be built also on solid mathematical foundations, despite some attempts not viable It is therefore not surprising to hear some scientists to date [2-4]. Current science believes that the observer and all speaking openly to date about a crisis in cosmology; many observed physical phenomena exist in time and space. adkey hoc pieces mechanisms of the BB to paradigm be able toare accommodate becoming indefensible almost all However, recent research seems to show that time measured collectedas scientific data. theory, because the inflation theory is based on with clocks can be considered as a mathematical parameter transition from the initial BB to the physics that we can of materialThe fundamental change, the movementquantum thatvacuum flows throughwould space.be an recognizeA determining today; but function is it then of science inflation in theis essenceto bridge of the immediate medium of quantum entanglement information. meaning, or is maybe a convenient creation? density of a substance, if we consider the density as a scalar To explain the observations of galaxies incompatible Considering the classical relation defining the volume 3 field, we can re-write the canonical relation, for example in formwith ofgeneral matter relativity, that would the constitute existence more of “dark than matter”a quarter has of ℜ , thanks to the use of the∂ “del” ∂operator: ∂ been postulated over time as an unknown and non-visible ∇ = u + u + u all the mass-energy content in the universe. Subsequently, ∂ x ∂ y ∂ z when a series of measurements of accelerating galaxies x y z m has been postulated, which would constitute about 70% of ∇ρ = u (1) theseemed mass-energy contrary ofto the universe.theory, the existence of “dark energy” V where V is the volume of the physical object, m is its mass, All this has led current cosmology to reason in terms of ∇ρ has a minimum value ρmin in the center of the object, and ρmax is the density of vacuum at the borders of the universe to the BB paradigm; these choices, however, do not seem dark matter, dark energy and inflation, each of them linked observable today. We can read the difference in density of the but rather the method of maintaining the mathematical ρmax to ρmin. coherenceto carefully of describethe cosmological the known model, empirical adding adphenomena, hoc what vacuum as the source of its fluctuations in the direction from should exist for the model to hold. Fundamental and Emergent Time valid for the whole universe, it is necessary to accept that that the existing universal space radiates CMB. The redshift Therefore, to maintain a mathematically unified theory of lightThe from cosmic far galaxiesbackground may notradiation be due (CMB)to the expansiononly proves of energy of which there is no well-founded empirical evidence to95% date. of the universe is filled with unknown matter and ofthe a universe,galaxy, loses but partoriginated of its energy by an effect [5]. called “tired light”, in The problem with this cosmology is therefore its which the light, detaching itself from the strong gravity field Julian Barbour has shown that time has no physical assumption for conducting further research, sounding more existence [6]; it can therefore be considered a numerical dependence by the theoretical framework as a necessary apragmatic progressive to make approach new theoreticalto the truth, additions it seems rather therefore than that re- quantumsequential physics, order of but events also travellingin cosmology in space. [7]. These scientific thisthinking cosmology the foundations. is dependent Contrarily on the theoretical to the scientific path made ideal soof facts must be taken into serious consideration not only in far [1]. It is therefore important to search for a model of time having a two-way correspondence with time that exists in 2020, 4(2): 000231. Di Sia P. About Some Difficulties of Cosmology and New Ideas for Solving Them. Ergonomics Int J Copyright© Di Sia P. 3 Ergonomics International Journal a corresponding element in the model of the universe. Such the universe. Time is deeply linked to the perception and density and infinite temperature in the BB model do not have physical experience of the change that flows in the universe. [14]. on our experience of time, hoped that, contrarily to infinities are currently unproven and result non-falsifiable expectations,Nicolas Gisin, future speaking physical about theories the impact will not of have mathematics a higher About the Space-Time Singularities inside Black Holes onlevel a clearof abstraction mathematical than form, quantum this mayfield suggest theory a(QFT) model [8]. of Maxime Van de Moortel developed an idea of space- Considering the human experience as a basis, and reflecting in the universe. time has no physical existence in the previously indicated time closest to the time that the human being “feels” to flow meaning.time with Universalsingularities space within is not black empty, holes is full[15], of showing energy, that density [3]. When an observer is observing the movement of an we call “primordial dynamic vacuum” energy, with variable object in space, he does not observe the “duration” but theonly movement its “movement”; is measured for the byexistence the observer, of the duration,the duration the observer must “measure” the movement of the object. When A hypothesis may be that at the center of a black hole couldthe density therefore of space be isconsidered not infinite, as and systems inside of it themass-energy old mass- of“enters movement, into existence”. that we could A fundamental call fundamental unit of time,time. which can replacementenergy is transformed of the universe, into new a process mass-energy. without Black beginning holes be the Planck’s time, leads to the numerical sequential order and end in the hypothesis of a universe as a system in dynamic equilibrium. it is emerging time, it is a duration that comes into existence When the fundamental time is measured by the observer, Conclusion [7]. According to this line of thought, time does not flow in the Also Einstein had thought of the universe as timeless, universe “in itself”, but it is the epiphenomenon of change.