Par. 2: the Story of Zahhak and His Father
A GRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF ZAHHAKS RISE AND FALL, BY FARANGIS 1 An excerpt from: Warner, Arthur George and Warner, Edmond: The Shahnama of Firdausi, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner and Co, 1909, Volume II, PART III, SUHRAB: Part 18, p 174-172. Vgl. The Princeton Shahnama Project, (last accessed 28.4.2007). IMAGES BY FARANGIS Par. 2: The Story of Zahhak and his Father One of the desert spear-armed Bedouins Of noble birth then lived - a virtuous king, Just, highborn, generous, and hight Mardas, Who sought his God with reverence and sighs, He kept a thousand head of all milch cattle, Goats, camels, sheep, and kine - a gentle breed - With Arab steeds, all timid beauties they, And grudged the milk to none. He had a son Whom much he loved - Zahhak, a gallant prince, But hasty. People called him Biwarasp. Ten thousand is " biwar " in ancient Persian, And he possessed ten thousand Arab steeds With golden equipage - a famous stud. Most of his days and nights he spent on horseback |p136 Engaged in superintendence not in war. One day Iblis approached him as a friend And led his wits astray. The youth gave ear With pleasure and all unsuspectingly Gave to Iblis heart, reason, and pure soul, And heaped the dust on his own head. Iblis Exulted seeing that the youth was snared And gulled the simpleton with specious words, A GRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF ZAHHAKS RISE AND FALL, BY FARANGIS 2 Thus saying: "I could tell thee many things Known to myself alone." The youth made answer :- "Tell me at once, my worthy monitor! " Iblis replied: "First promise, then my story." The guileless youth swore as Iblis dictated "Thy secret shall be kept, thy bidding done." Then said Iblis: "Great prince? shall any rule Here but thyself? What profiteth a sire With such a son? Now hearken to my redo The lifetime of this ancient potentate Continueth, thou art shelved.
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