The Great Unraveling? August 21-24, 2020 Participant Biographies The conference organizers have done their best to share the most accurate and up-to-date information about participants, but errors or old information inevitably happen. Please contact Liz Duxbury (
[email protected]) if you have any corrections to be made and we will redistribute the bios packet at the end of the conference. Daniel Aldana Cohen Daniel is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the niversity of Pennsylvania— focusing on the intersections of climate, politics, and inequality—and is the co- author of A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green Deal. More... Ruth Andrade Ruth leads the regenerative impact strategy for Lush, is a Trustee/co-founder of Re.Alliance—a collective of practitioners bringing regenerative design to the humanitarian sector—and a member of the conference organizing committee. More... Nichole Argo Ben Itzhak Nichole is Director of Research and Field Advancement at Project Over Zero and an academic researcher whose work on intergroup dynamics has been published in leading journals and in consulting with governments, media groups, and policy think tanks to bring the science of intergroup conflict and cooperation into practice. More... Nnimmo Bassey Nnimmo is director of the ecological think-tank, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), based in Nigeria, a steering committee member of Oilwatch International, former chair of Friends of the Earth International, and former Executive Director of Nigeria’s Environmental Rights Action. More… Monamie Bhadra Haines Monamie is an Assistant Professor of Global Science, Technology, and Society (STS) at Nanyang Technological University, focusing on the political and cultural implications of energy transitions in the developing world, specifically in Asia.