The Ukrainian Weekly 1967, No.47
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Bishop Ellco Resigns Visit Protested Moscow Drops Soviet Ukraine Holds First Press RECEPTION FOR RUSSIAN Ги В aural Office NAMED TO ANOTHER POST IN ROME PRELATE PICKETED Conference at United Nations MOVE REPORTED TO CHICAGO, Ш. - Recently;; " According to news agency Bishop Kocieko was in AVOID DUPLICATION SECESSION QUESTION RAISED reports Pope Paul VI has ac stalled as the first Roman a reception for Metropolitan і Nikodim, official representa-1 ``'tffc News dispatches from Mos United Nations, N.Y.—The or analysis of the just-cov cepted the, resignation of the Catholic Bishop of the Epar cow report that the Soviet !first Р^55 conference held by eluded General Assembly ses Most R^y.' Nicholas T. Elko chy of Passaic, N.J., in 1963. tative of the Russian Ortho Government has decided to Ukraine at the United Na sion, Shevchenko pleaded for as Catholic Ruthenian Rite The new eparchy or diocese dox Church, sponsored by the drop its Committee for Cul tions on Wednesday. Decem more time to study the situ Bishop of Pittsburgh. for Byzantine Catholics was Church Federation of Greater tural Relations with Foreign ber 20, was marred when a ation. ' The Vatican announced on created that year by Pope Chicago, was held in the cafe teria of the Art Institute of; yJ,L Countries. The news comes on reporter raised a question of Secession Raised December 22 that the Pontiff Paul VI to accommodate the Chicago. Thirty persons ріск–! " nf the heels of reports of a secession from the Soviet Un named Bishop Elko. titular rising membership of Byzan eted the reception for the shakeup on the Soviet Com ion. Then a woman reporter, Archbishop of Вага and Or tine Rite Catholics. Metropolitan, who was visit munist ideological scene. Ambaasador Sergei Shev- possibly confused by a private daining Prelate of the Byzan chenko made it plain ahead of speculation among fellow cor Bishop Kocieko became Au ing the United States and The committee has been un tine Rite in Rome. time that the press confer respondents about the reasons xiliary Eparch of Pittsburgh planned a three-week tour. der the control of the party's ence was to be devoted to the for the press conference, ask in 1956. To the question of why he ideological commission, ac , Involved In Inquiry upcoming 50th anniversary of ed in all apparent seriousness came, he answered: "To bring cording to the Soviet system He was pastor of St. Ste Ukraine as a memer of the whether the eeceseion of U" Christian unity and better co of the party directing the gov Bishop Elko, 58 years old, phen's Greek Catholic Church Soviet Union. kraine from the Union with operation between Russia and ernment. was involved in an investiga in Detroit from 1941 to 1947 Moscow was possible under the United States. On the oc After reciting in Ukrain tion by the Vatican into com and St. John's Greek Catholic Unconfirmed reports have the Soviet constitution, as she casion of the 50th anniver ian, later translated into Eng plaints made by 35 of his 148 Church in Lyndora, Pa., from said the commission head, sary of the October Revolu lish, a long list of national had heard. Byzantine priests about the 1947 to 1956. He was profes party Secretary Peter N. De- tion, we are also celebrating achievements all duly attri Following a brief, private way he had run tjhe Pitts sor at the Byzantine Catholic michev, is to be replaced with the separation between buted to the wisdom of Lenin conference among the dele burgh diocese. f\ Seminary in Pittsburgh from Sharaf R. Rashidov, who now Church and State." and the direction of the Com gates around Shevchenko, Pope Paul had already sus 1950 to 1956 and rector from heads the Communist party munist party — including the 1958 to 1963. He also said that there is the Ukrainian envoy stated pended the diocese powers of in the Soviet Union's Uzbek claim that Ukraine now pro that it had been his feeling Bishop Elko and named him religious freedom in Russia, Republic. Both men are alter duced as much in eight days Ruthenian Catholics make and that "In our country we that the correspondents were tft the Sacred Congregation CAROLERS' CLEAR VOICES, SINGING "BOH PRED- nate members of the national as it took a whole year in up one of 15 Eastern Euro have anti-religious propagan interested in the life of U- for the Oriental Churches. VICHNYI," HERALD TflE SAVIOUR'S BIRTH party's politburo, the basic 1913 — the ambassador threw pean ethnic religious groups da, but one must not under kraine and the progress it has The ' brief r Vatican . an-j decision-making group for the the press conference open for within the Byzantine Rite. stand that to'be persecution made in the 50 years under nouncement did not give^e country. questions. of the religious." He said that Soviet power. That was the reasonfi for Bishop Elko's re THE SECRET MONEY Others May Go ;- -. there are advantages for all Asked about bis opinions reason for the conference, he signation fwm the Pittsburgh Christians in ,ihe USjMR. By MICHAEL KICZULA said. Лаьшя.–' -^-.c-.-. y- fell The reports" have suggested The .protesters/claimed fhai( Since the end of World WarTpulatiOn of gold or assets ot Net Informed flje The Pittsburgh diocese has itturopoUtan tHat other government com there is no religious freedom П, there have been nearly 170 foreign exchange. We Swiss, Communists been directed since July by mittees in the ideological Praised in Russia. They said 150,000 currency devaluations all over collectively, do not see any Attack Congress Would Ukraine favor a Viet an apostoHc administrator, the world, 12 in Brazil alone. field, such as the Committee Cong representation in New PHILADELPHIA. Pa. - priests, pastors, and ministers reason why we should try to KIEV. - The First World Msgr. Edward Rosack, Bishop The most recent one. of for Radio and Television, will York, Shevchenko was final John Cardinal Krol of Phila have been killed in the Soviet abide by or enforce other na Elko's Vicar General. course, was in Great Britain. also be abolished. This could I Congress of Free Ukrainians ly asked. delphia took the occasion of j Union They also said that tion's codes or prejudices." not be confirmed. came under attack in an ar- Metropolitan Nikodim is an There also have been talks Without any hesitation Declines Comment the celebration of Metropoli The announcement ехріаіп– | tide in the Literary Ukraine agent of the Soviet govern about devaluation of the A- Tax Heaven whatsoever, the ambassador tan Senyshyn's anniversary merican dollar, for although, ed that Premier Alexei N. dated December 15 here. said he was not quite inform to laud the latter's dedication ment. Kosygin's cabinet abolished J The article, signed by Y. Monsignor Rosack declined many feel that there is no Dr. Schafer also points out ed about any such request, or Among the protesters were the cultural committee to еіі– | Pashko, head of the Ukrain- to comment on the resigna to the press. other currency as stable as that Swiss banks will not take the recent Rumanian letter ой Mrs. Ulana Celewvch, secre minate duplication of effort, jian Journalists Union, said tion. The 25th anniversary of the the dollar, it is not so. The just anybody's money. They the Viet Cong political pro tary of Chicago's Captive Na Diplomats here have been that Ukrainian "bourgeois "The matter was between consecration of Archbishop American dollar Or the Brit will reject any account of gram, and could not there tion's Week Committee, rep told in recept weeks that the J nationalists" opened a new Bishop Elko and the Holy Metropolitan Ambrose Seny- ish pound have abount 50 per which there is some suspicion, fore comment officially. resenting Ukraine and the Foreign Ministry will in the "vicious" campaign of Нзз See," Monsignor Rosack said. shyn of Philadelphia was ob Rev. Jaroslav Swyschuk, edi cent backing in gold reserves, for example money stolen in With that, Ukraine ended "Everything that happened served with a Mass at Іттч– whereas, the - Swiss franc is a bank robbery. On the other future negotiate cultural ex against the Soviet people. tor of Chicago's Ukrainian change agreements. "Unable to deny the great its first attempt to expose its happened in Rome." culate Conception Ukrainian Catholic weekly, the New 100 percent covered by gold, hand,' Swiss banks would deal officials to a western press The abolished committee achievements of the Soviet Catholic Cathedral on Decem Star. and sometime up to 130 per with known tax evaders be conference. ber 3. 1967. cent. cause tax evasion is not a had served as the coordinat Union," the article states. Meanwhile statistics, com ing center for /Cultural and "Ukrainian bourgeois nation One of the Archbishop's piled by the judiciary commit- crime in Switzerland. Many Repeats Question N.Y. Students American movie stars bank in scientific exchanges for other alists resort to thin methods "less heralded but more im-'tee of the U.S. House of Rep- King of Moneys Switzerland just for that rea sections of the Soviet govern of falsifications and lies." Pick President portant contributions" was з | resents tives, show that from The woman reporter that son. ment. It was not immediately The article says that this 1917 to 1959, 55 bishops. 13. The Swiss franc provides had asked the question on NEW YORK, N.Y. - The dedication to the Catholic rlear whether the Foreign campaign was launched in or 000 priests and monks, and protection, in nearly all cases, The prime requisite of th` secession was Stella Margold Ukrainian Students Club press, said Cardinal Krol.