Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 62, 164, 176, 177 Aarhus Convention 183
Index Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 62, 164, 176, anti-discrimination law 25, 35, 125–6, 177 130–32, 134–5, 204, 218, 220, Aarhus Convention 183 222 Abhiram Singh v CD Commachen 116 anti-Semitic speech 200 abuse of power 88 appeasement adult suffrage 46, 108, 269 of minorities 21 affirmative action 22, 34, 40, 58, 65, 113, policy of 115 115, 119–23, 129, 132, 134, 158, Arumugam Servai v State of Tamil Nadu 231 207 Ahmed, Asad Ali 193 assembly, freedom of 56, 179 Air India Statutory Corporation v United Assistant District Magistrate, Jabalpur v Labour Union 241, 244 Shivakant Shukla 180 Aiyar, Alladi Krishnaswamy 88 association, freedom of 175, 227, 232, Alliance Européene des Mouvements 235–7, 245, 247 Nationaux (AEMN) see Alliance asymmetric federalism 58, 65, 273–6, of European National Movements 279 (AEMN) Austin, Granville 200, 231 Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) authoritarianism, rise of 3, 36, 37, 98, 173 100, 180 Alliance of European National authoritarian rule, rise of 92 Movements (AEMN) 173 Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) Ambedkar, Bhimrao 29, 86, 113, 120, 273 152, 271 American Journal of International Law Babri Masjid, destruction of 66, 165 80 backward classes 86–7, 112 American political system 69 backwardness, notion of 104, 121, 153–4 American Revolution 75 Bajpai, Rochana 85–7 Amsterdam Treaty 95, 235 balance of power 86 ancien régime 91 Balkanization of India 275 Anglo-Indians, political safeguards for bandhs (general strike) 166 87 Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage anti-colonial movements 46 Board v Rajappa 240, 243 anti-colonial nationalist movement 99 Baragur Ramachandrappa v State of anti-colonial struggle, in India 11 Karnataka 197 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Basaveshwara, Saint 197 (ACTA) 184 basic structure, doctrine of 11, 78 antidiscrimination and equal protection Baxi, Upendra 11, 38, 78 under EU law 22–3, 35, 218 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 3, 12–13, as negative constitutionalization 37, 98–9, 115, 151, 277 132–3 electoral victories of 99 politics of welfare 131–2 Indian nationalism 169 286 Philipp Dann and Arun K.
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