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NOTES ON NEWS. " Is 1w? ii cried the wrathful voice of the r-1 father. "I'll tease 'im soon in a way 'e 'e won't like.. Now, Jim. my lad, leave off, or ma,e &emit that .a seterne js ! aat. 'thee al get no dinner. An' sv'en I Res yer .don't get it yer don't, so mind that. We've 1 a tUiVr 16^ 'come mit ere to enjoy ateselves, and not. to Zjt..117,4" over am bat:tine of the mo,,,„, MILL.GIRL OR .HEIRESS? ;be moithered vri' a lot o' kids." THIS WEEK IN THE GARDEN. ignees..,,,,,t}ahhaa trout t he old King's Peig By MRS. A. J. PHILLIPS, 1 Jim. seeing the firmness of hie father's wee, the Initiate iface, did leave off, and peace reigned once One nearer God's heart in a garden seotle , 11.4e0. The Melo is Author of "Swifter than a Weaver's Shuttle," "The Grindstone," eta. 1 more. Than anyTArhere else 4e73 earth. . 'Kettle's mother," cried John 11,".1L legatee _curiam &Flit-11114'e haat' attiiie 'Enery joyfully. ■ he even to g. segue:. eseeschoily i , ,••• "There's a boy for Feta" chuckled Lie -•-•00"FT"' -' 11 tee mem:. cespeeettitiey 11%.1. Gt. mother. "Never geed the like of 'int afore. • "W''1/41 •4 aratite, Ask 'im to do a thing mid it's done at once. • •:41I"V:d tee Micemer sandy soil and place in a frost-proof frame. t • . Good lad! I'll make the tea, and every- ha aria in future hula the ineeei CHAPTER XVII (Continued). to see you. so I decided all hi a mement to Lifting Gladioli. - About now lift' By the spring a little growth will have Hanging Catepanuias.-Young growths - 310THER's i0KuPLE. give myself this little dissipation." thing will be ready in a jiff." Gladioli- - Before this, the flower suitable for cettings are pushing up freely II mid the teriirisaloIe Truces Act i-she ,. 'Aet g■ Ittett been made, and tram these young plants the vet ae ti, it_ ,.N Lose." eamo bark the hearty re- The talked in an animated manner for the beer. old girl?" asked .pikes will all have been removed. Came best spikes of flowers and largest blooms on the old plants of Campanula isophylia, You want 'some hats to go with some time, 'when suddenly `the Duchess at .the husband in an anxious voice. fully raise the entire plant, with the bulb .d. and the varieties alb, Mayi and superba. esee His wile hiliehml. -may be expeete Ineas c.0 kireses, child. and a lace coat. Don't up. attached, by means of a fork. Lay out on Five or six cuttings may be inserted in 3- na tem mce oidermesea the moues ,( gess with me, little girt. I want to drese "My dear," she exclaimed, in a queer, I "I reckon I 'ave. lad. Nice row there'd a bench or flour to dry. Some weeks later Seakale.-Before the heaves the down inch . wide pole, plating them iu a hand- ie e rave bin if I'd aemet it.. Oh, it's there met d tor elm comeiteit putpeses iji in my own way, so take pity upon a choked voice, "that girl twee there with the the bulbs will readily ; mirk from the stems. place a utout dick to mark the whereabouts light or under a bellglaes until rooted. Re- exquisite face. who is she? Good liras-vas, ia .enough, so don't yer het into a eweitt 'about •ta , IT b. a it;- L10.- ilt.• ae old WWI= aud ree.eive what the gods • of the beat and strongest crowne. It will pot the old plants now or in early spring. aa, you." is my Mabel come to life again !" U • ler leiter permettei pineeme. , 'Time mall's face (leered like 'tingle. Treatment of Cents:al.-These must now act an a guide when selecting the roots next mae re no I. latt . ells laughed, her young mueiral lauglitee, Miss Fitzlierbert had forgetten Pen for by frosts. month for winter forcing. The Cool Greenhouae.-Numerous spring the moment. "Well. I.'m not a great drinker. mis.sis. receive attention befeta destroyed , - seeped her hand through Penal arm. • • e &were, grown in pots, and usually grown M. .ii.I .111;y 1: ctl W esleeese but I like my !leer. Thee can 'are thi tea Do not cut theta Flown, blit lilt them whole, . large. gm r did 'the rest until eurne charming hats "Don't distress yourself. Duchema" el! outside in the borders, are valuable for the east ioetatice ie,etill early exclaimed quickly. "I had forgotten I 14.1: lin, anyone else like:. it, nil' wt.lenote, laying them out 4mnly on a dry floor, under Radishes.-lIeep a little light protecting be ;mile the ;unite site teseenine, a hien purchased. Veit's beauty attracted a shelter. to dre. When the foliage lum material always on hand for coaering beds' unheated haulm. A few of the most impor- attention. but she, fortunately. a surprise for yon. Not Mabel come to life but gii ine a sup n' beer tifore tea mina clay." tant plants, which may he potted up now, (Or getter, temettne three mouth; A yeey old a:fly of the party :poke for the 01 these whenever the temperature drops '-eineer beteg may e936. The teem, , anmeweions of it al!. as she was of the again. but her grandchild.'" are: double and single Wallflowers, atoe.k.s, ir poesibari! Let me speak to her, my forst tines. eYou be like yt,r feyther, very low. Mats supported on bent sticks , milar puriek1 Ltlltr:0 were ..4.al.tera, seem beauty and eelouring of her fee- are better than the usual straw or hay. Canterbury Belle, The Peach-leaved Cam- . _ al he dein' y grace ;eel eharm of her dear-now. at ones!" The Dechem: haft she said. "'E take to tea. but 'e took too mutat to 'is beer. panula, Phlox ranariensis, Evergreen Candy- nmentai Economies. aer figure. When t hev had reached tuRC front her chair. Eh, any on moo tuft, and the hardy Primulas. " Don't stir ). " cried Miss Fitz He rigid. could drink! Lamina yo' be like am, for I Ridge Cumenbers.---These lwill do little e car that the Trea:airy, At tile ,., marl were enjoying their tem Miss * • clIerbert suddenly deal to l'en: quickits. "She is toeking this way," and Ate 'ad no peace for nigh on eight year." good from new onwards. Cut all truits be- amemets has. laalie it lir* 0.! keekcitied to Pen. The man chuckled. fore frosts spuil them. The largest will re- Pruning Black Currents.-Do not delay .sm dear child, I wineter if you real in going over these and removing super. n Government slepartmenee tor thee: a rare beauty lam Leen gieen to you?" Pen eame at once and etiiod before the "Ay-. granny, to be sure. Nay, I remem- main fresh for several dama if placed in toy uleasuree. Revenue ie feat:1g, all her slender beatify. Th,s ber my feyther to well tu take after 'ml. cool quarters. Those which are very email theme growths. it is much easier to decide expelled it ure, raieed lovely startled eyes to hers for the amount of space available when the t heavy cute in eieute, then slie laughed and leitehed. Daebees lield out her hand. :Ind with a Bat come con, niiesie; we're all wantin' are useful in mixed pickles. .fieficit ie enticitated. with inert:m e . sudden. pretty get tire she tem over the something. to eat. Is an ready?" foliage is on the huahe.s. It is possible to eon deemed of farther rielactione, ; "1 ant afraid I don't see it quite a5 you see at a glance where the young growths Yen Pre myself. my Nee and figure email. wrinkles:1, hand and Limed it eoftly. "Ready and sr:atilt'. Conic on, John Carrots in Frames-Keep the ,1 soil uni- ✓ juet melted email::: via that 1111,, "So you are my kinewommea said the iold 'Enery; call - on Jim and Mary Lizzie. dried off, cut the stems back to within 6 ere overcrowded and which of the old to re- es melee up with lam" she anewered formly moist and the tops free fora green- mote 114 ot taxatien made tiles year will in_ mv inches pf the roots, clean off the dry son for their benefit. setae "and I am so aceustomed to my- lady in a low, trenololing voim--" Polly and Eninia are gone welkin' over there. pir on all the roots. and store on the fioor of fly. Continue to give plenty of nest year a. etrther reduction in alabel'e grauddaughter. ! ow dear, .it Just shout-do." about favourable occasions. Where tile' roots are It sand or .1:3,751},ta10. Mimesever. tt, We FitzDerbert langlied and said, "You down beside me, but do not epeah to me for They shouted effectually, and. presently the shed in fibre. If there is any weak MARVELLOUS MEMORIES. fear of severe frost reaching the roots swelling fast a few applicatiuus of ' e front white: it ie hoped to °lege .-v girl; hut there a wiedem in your re- a amnia:it. for your way are those of my the party was poniplete. They sat down iou tem yr.:.kt will here largely ea- through insufficient band or fibre, put some soot water will be of treat bone t, alwaye am. end I don't tliiult you would soon pretty girl who has been laid to reet so with much laughter to their meal, and for a using this early in the day. met. It m understood that various.. protectite material over them, until the As far back as the remote periods of an- silo. bend turned." loisz " ehort space of time there was smnething like . • * StMliV elannitted t'kelOtf.11 silence tni the bank. Pally mid severity of the weather is past. it is better tiquity, we are told, there lived men famous meaty came, and eel; it a host of dainty Ilve•Oy moved, Pen seated herself beside E11111/a silt Caulifiowers.-These prouds to I be excep- -0howiries cunsiderabie the old lady, and neither stirred nor /lake quite close to the tree, meter the shade of to plant the roots in. the material used, for their wonderful powers of recollection. e hr Miss. laitziterbert. She optimal tionally fine this autumn, but where they Mozart, lees . are ;teemed wheIly ineutacient, a leisurely fashion ditriug brealeft for mei tattle time, 'alien ..he felt ali. which Peu was taing. They were evidently heaving the etaike shewims above the top, when only thirteen years old. 1 Ii than to treat them in the tame way as root occupy poor or unraanured soil give a few Played from one hearing a now opera, which 4.eher tienemet for acute" bas mitime a teemed her Pleneure. a:emote. if the Duchess's hand in hers, and friends, and were discussing; polies of jute- manure-water during the iesnietit ill Whitehall. particuIerly ;e rest between them. After exhausting crepe of vegetahtes. good soakings of had been composed expressly to test his -Ore a- number are coming. Inv love," seated her eyes to find her Grace smiling • next fortnight. Half an ounce of nitrate dmiralty nnd -the War Office. where .. said. etniliug at Pen. "You'll find your uprin her. Church, Sunday-school, and dress, they the ;rode i bbe minimum ;Ia.:. turned the eonvereatinn to lovers. Pen Tuberous Begotiias.--eOur thoughts teen of soda to each plant will make on appreci- IL is said of Themistocles that he could call t that. IA:eh busy. Let one me. wile are they! "There. I am better mow. But why have able difference both in the time of turning 74.achtd, anii that any additionni VIII and Lady Chiselliuret and Lady Bel- you grown into such sweet girlhood without heard interesting excieniges of confidencee. to storing three Mr the winter. The posi- by name the people of Athens, which city am on the aehtine eerviees week my seeing you?" she asked: " 'E were took on al' another girt afore tions they occupy in the beds and borders in and the size of the head. 1 then numbered 20.000 inhabitant's. - r are motoring over; Mr. and Mrs: e * e sir rent 4+ft:it Anfet \abet will e such nice people; George Morris- "Let inc tell you." put in Madame 'C saw me," said Polly, "but I weren't are also required to plant bulbs and spring. George IlL, though deficient in education, d of k .. e 'neatly a love effair to pour into my quietly, and she told Pen's history. aiviug any of ani. I weren't pita shares flowering plants.. Lift the plants carefully Pillars for loses.-Those conemplatingti never forgot a. namo once heard or a face ,r.,:firkle man; Doris Plavman as he is "Strange," murmured the Duchess with any girl. Would you' with some soil attached round the tubers', the erection of pillars on which to grow once seen. Northern Electrification posts ii with her married sister, Lady thoughtfully. "Both Mabel and her daugh- "Not I,' came Eninia's emphatic answer. and stand closely together in shallow boxes Roses would be well advised to use A school teacher of London, whose name ona ..anc,:kg its big equipmeeit pro goatea And ehe read out a number of ter died when but young. We will hope and a It 'ud 'are to be an or :Retail' WI' me. Aly in au open shed, where they will go to rest which have bratahes or arms 12'k or more was Dawson, possessed a remarkable III. ;or 1I4. previdoog worie or reativ pray for better things for you.- Ah, trie! isominess." gradually. in ches in length. In this way tb re is. not mensotty. Ile could repeat the Book of Job • • tee sac expenaiture us millione. the le '...:1.1414'1111117;1.you manage?" risked Pen. "Do how wonderful to see so much of my child in "Then Ned came along, yer see, nnd we so much possibility of overcrowdi g. It is and the Piedras, and, on a wager of £200. 1.. ICii1w.ivesym-"Exhaustive ess. _. who come from a distanoe stay the you. You are the very image of her and she med it up all in a minute. I were fair The Rork Garden.-This should be a busy he repeated, without a book, Spenser's mo beteg gemeLl tiw queetii.•1 was very sweet. But go now, my child, struelt all of an asap Wen 'e asked me to time among the rock plants. From time to "Faarie Queene," a poem of nearly 4,000 et the Gas. stectiiiii youth riiid old age are pew mates. Get you walk wi"irn ; hot. I went out: don't yer time many plants benefit by replanting; Waltzes of nine lines each. seem from latmeat Crime aes tar Imre; 1 i jwct as they wish, and they keow it. hack to that foolish youth who is like a silly bother. 'Ea all rigid, is Ned." the centres of the stumps became worn ont Person, the Greek scholar, could repeat tern elueden aay mai Hertford. tine s e e ere ready at their disposal, but most moth where beauty is concerned. His heart "Well, I'm right glad. I am .an' all. for and stunted. In ITIOst ores the outside 'por- Milton's "Paradise Lent" backwards. remotes for the time which ie men motor home again through the is at your feet already." young men is queer fish and as slippery. tions consist of vigorous tufts anitable for A monk who resided in Ildoetow in the 11th .;- AA-riving at ii1iaetoTy Sul lit ;1.1,71. se The-se fortnightly reeeptione nf mine "I do not want it," laughed Pen with a You've got to treat 'em proper or they're off replanting, From the reserve garden or century could repeat the whole of the 'New protiern ie the neemeity ?es • year.' stutelium and 1 .ilwaye little shrug- of her white shoulders. as she t he 'emit mad away. Some of them do want border, nlante new to the rock garden can Testament. geeraticou o: .slaborate eavociticatel.. - ut, euntber of friends who are kind mimed away in the direction of a nierry e lot of eoaxing."- be travaplanted during the next few weeks. Houdin was once invited with his son to a at, re eish not ti frorget mc. group of ladies. Her friend smiled and replied loftily: • • • ▪ t. with the i.leetritieation nf tee gentleman's house to give a eilance. and as ore Bailie-eye, all of us will peon be •ea ovum' tlte last letter as she finiehed "Mabeas very gesture," murmured her "That weren't my experience. Ned did the Crown imperials.-Early planting is de- he went upstairs he passed the library door, I to tem eestinatiot -hem and exclaimed v1ii1itI Iii eurprise. great-grandmother- "Madame. I would not leoking, not me, I don't believe in girls sirable for the large i Lily-like bulbs of which was partially open. In that single le at her quiekly. but Raid nothing. lieve mimed seeing alabel'e grandehild for doin' the courtin'." • imperialis. During May and moment young Charles Houdin read off the %time Lengths. emsee in her own morrespondence, svhich, ft fortune. I must see more of her. 1 would "'Oo said I did the ceurtin't " exclaimed early June the yellow nd red-brown flowers necessary to erect eruificiently seamier nronee of twelve volumes and also recognised Entith Itruadesueting asenpriny size ir. .Or numerourL, was most interesting. have her life happy. dear friend. She is Emma. suddenly being bur temper. "Mv. are a feature of many cottage gardenia The the position of two busts. The gentlemsn. eat breakfast !Slam Fitzilerhert took so very sweet." ain't yer proud all of it sudden! 'Oo did the Crown Imperial thrives in well-worked supports' according to the weight t.ey will 4 en with the Poet Oilier with reeeta have to bear, amid to guard during the seance, was artfully led by tire- Las arm and took her round tbe grounds. The most -memorable evening of Pen's life eseirtha with Jim Waleson, I'd like to know? garden soil, the beatieureess being in a early father to nek some extesieseu of the wave bands memo- collapse. Too frequently pillm sx erected questions relating to tit 1 etc tite Broadeueting thonmitice. 'I se ate imiked ill ilence for some minutes, mime to a close at Islet. One by one the lam stood long enougli at street corners. moderately heavy ground. Plant 4 inches library, and Was astonished by the accurate bit Mies Fitellerberi mall "Did pa ever euests had departed in their ears, and when aping to see 'kn. I know that for a fact. deep and 6 to 9 iaehes.apart. The average that are useless for the purpose, sind entail of the lengths have been provieim, 11v renewal in 3 or 4 years, whereas if they are magician's anti-teens. Ii. but the arrauttenient at only -.. e: my of your own people. Pent" ' the Duchess -kiseed Pen affectionately, eke for I seed yer." height of the sterna is 4 feet. ." replied Pen. "I have never felt sufficiently strong and well erected, none --A len] t 4 lk.5 mete*: It 11 • said in her pretty old voice : "Ow ;eel- tongue do run on?" snapped eeeire. Aunt Helen wee erratav agninst "We shall meet again. of course, little Pally, getting rather red. "'Old on a bit, should require renewal for almost, ;10 yeara. Barone:me Avezterut, wife of the Italian :'•45• tiletn*: London, mei Montbeetiag-By hyarldisation and im- • Ambassador in Patrice, has died. wave r. erning kuowe te LilY eramtfather " kinswenian. I eball see to that. But, if by do, I didn't say yer did any martial'. Wet proved methoda a nietree: other agiereed with Helen there," returned eltanee my days collie le an end before then, of cultivation the varieties 21..1.11.Ce1 are yer thinkin' on, Emma, lass? You're of Montbretiaa (Fritearies) have greatly im- Star of Bethlebem.-For pot culture in Cattle from the Prince of Wales's ranch in --t(•s tlitiiightliitiv. "No doubt Sir remember that the blood of brave and noble very sharp all of a sudden. I didn't menu proved during recent years'. When lifting cool and cold greenhouse Ornithogalum Alberta wore landed at Plymouth. ents. - areply regretted hie lierelinees. Pro- MOO and women tows in our veins." you, yet. silly thing" arabiewn is the best Star of Bethlehem for The gmape harvest in Burgundy has le would have been only toe glad to Pen watched ber go through a mist of the bulbs during early October the thick miliereaet demi-len was made si- laninin replied in a Mollified yoke. and deehy roots, or stolone should be carefully pot culture. Pot the bulbs singly lin eeneli begun, and au abundant vintage 18 predicted - hie grandchild with him. I have times. "How sweet am is." she whispered. once more the eouvereation flowed in wide pots, or three bulbs in 6-ineh pots. for this year. r Judge ha weoli Crewforel, .,; ileard anything ehotit 1 b e new "Dear Madame, I have inueh. to be thankful eollected. Lay these in shallow boxes of tom Atthey County Court, in Lamm: mooting, diannels. It was broken by the hilt 1P i.- IH p014".CrNinli, I expect." for." mother's voles-. ordering them all to move en. •Wr. oter lyr tn the keels-. but 1 suppose lie muse 1/pkit.4 Mr. WhitiVek, al Lalheiti I tr.t ettorie and have a eup of cocoa before "Hi! come on. Pone and Emma. give us it ■ tinder tap see .1..v him and Lady Ridgeway for a going to bed, my dear," said Mitre Fitztler- hand wa them 'ere t hinge. I'm not going to Vto;l vil [Ir1.q:41%.41 in Manchester. but wee not int- ,.; me Mar testate League le Mr bert. - ellrry all. the whole show, if I know it. TRIAL BY ORDEAL '', hat lue reiatima. I wouldi not have l'en eat on the divan and Parker waited • w 'Voting, -it seemrd 'to 1,i• • lot 'Ave we got beverything? I'm blest if I ub.:rt.:pr._ '4'1f leinwn to them for the world." upon her and Madame. After the maid bad know_ We'd beet. catch the next bunt hack." ...Ala lite judge. - that s eed her benutiful bead proudly as Many :mil strange were the trials to which Rent Act eonaiet- emirs there was silence in the laig square "All right," laughed her husband, imitates !i.ertion the . and her vompanion smiled at her- room. Soitiellow it looked desolate and empty (suspected penlous were put in the Middle t 01014_ WIA I., •And t.1 any es genial with everybody after his beer. a Come Agee. The ordeal cumistad of various kinds': rvw, .d.:10.e saw the small mouth with its now the guests had gone, and Pen, looking along, old girl. I'll help yer, but I'll not sit THE POULTRY YARD ibc tesurt considers it gam i Miss Vitallerhert, saw a shade of saduc,,s such as walking Willa lded_ amidst heated gee . 1i curve a little ecornfully. at your side of the boat, for }mull weigh it 1.1nest emier er give such hi Ii '1.11ii• grandmother's side, my upon her face. She tarok her band tenderly elsouglualaree. piing tough tree holding Holpfull Hirtts for "ilearakyarelera." By "COCKCROW." it metes to nee that • down for sure," ,, and phuiging the iloitilo...Isr ithilitdavi.: other relatives on in her ow-n and spoke in a low, gentle voice- " ill the hand a. lied-hot qultily the whole of tbae ee, sea tete moil ate wonderfolly shall It Well. if we got in the arm into boiling water.. If the suspected ea.gaal"....eag".;eseera's 1 ''... "Madame, will you tell me of the romance water, 'appeu I'll float, but thee'll not float, AS Invoilved antl coufueed A{ vcrir which ie hidden somewhere back in your y ed thesebe o ricluealsoo_ 1.• have ever read. la' dad." anewered his wife, roariug at her own 1jtuixi J4 I aaeF itazeadederbertadeeply interested look "a" teeinorya" Pewirtronu tcluninjeuryll:rohueghwailals judged leve lute tett to this Court ti'i-. htlmour, aladanie smiled slightly. jliii-int driiinftedpress ainw , leaving Peny. wwitheeireless a cent. • inn. es-. thcr i uot eufficient ! %lee von secy2 my mother," be cried "Ali, me memory. It. is a picture gallery, byThaosie)iene3CCUSodof barofieyrat ry were put to trial To obtain the highest output of !eggs the $10.41-Wsu BnIITED S. taudation, tor the people lot 40b please tell me what you re- my iove, hill of pictures of my life." w,, rking folk, and once more she resumed on which the importance of hatching at the 14: ht time The most notable feature of the Spanish ef her. said to -Show me some of the pictures' whis- lee- reading She read on undisturbed until Mass bad been If they were unable must not be overlooked. If Inas do not go breed the white, face, which must extend "1' . mned to pay is flying visit to Helen ere declared g-uiity. tied Legislation. pered Pen. The delicate white hand rested a clock striking the hour warned her it was broody in the early season iiscuba re and ill all arch high over the eye to the base of a mother wae there, and you. a monisat upon Pen's lovely burnished hair. "Trial by ordeal" is ecetainly one of the the comb, except a Burrow line of fenthere, Ii."C O 'Oak at ail the eiteetii.- sca were lying in your test. I was, of time to be returning. She noticed the traffic foster mothers will have to be med. These Li oldestit'wthe' and rnbosr7devidespreadthey of judicial super- and be wide and deep, reaching to the wat- nee!. the eircumetancee of the e . "I will tell you ubcrat the foremeet pic- en the river was thinning a great deal, and a• tttoduerc1 t-o Mrs. Seymour. She ture in my kallery. since that will interest stitions. The custom prevails to a consider- appliances give quite satisfactory results if tles in front and ear-lobes behind, all of it • a, them tbe landlord. arid eal .1. as being a. very refined and gentle the banks were quite desigted. She was yeti most. It is of a tall, thin man, with a eliotia to rase and Nett off when she noticed able extent in Africa, Particularly on the employed with proper care, but ea a rule a being like "white kid." The earacbes are te do et mita a higher Coe- -- e ray indignant with her father, and West Coast, wheel) the accused is compelled plain face, a fine mouth. and beautifnl grey I woman menting rIlong the batik and stseid Lighar peneentage of healthy ehick4 will he large and deep, and should be free front t d ot here me. Mare eeeme ;earned about her husband. Any- to deur himself by the' ordeal of drinking inauy actiops etarted becauee eyes. I can see them glow and sparkle again till and watched her. There was something reared from a given number of eggs if wrinkles. The cock should be upright and . inhering your mother and seeing le; they did when I promised to be his wife. "bittertterwa,i vras nte chr." natural methods are followed. . Another point stately, with breast projecting and tail high. I t 13 01- al WA YS tleCearsa ry 1 .1 not fail to entice a very clam re- suspicious 1X11It her moveinents. She i Alas! can see them with the glow and life Walked in a stealthy manner. turning round It an ordeal as this thet Richard which poultry-keepers should bear in niind The plumage is jet black and, in the cock. ISIt V rantive .weeiciniodetion ie .• . between you. But about your Landgewe hr,,en thece r;e1fri‘icannflearotilleriiig, hadagnitonnutudtar-he toitoitnt. eutireIv dieregariii I , - dyiteg out of them as I, in a jealous rage, 'very now and again to see if anyone was io the very valuable help at their disposal in The comb is single and large in her, do you know aoything about sent him out of my life. saw him with a consultation with a liavo quoted_ in this cam. I rimming. She halted quite close to the hid- fellow poultry-keeper or both sexes, the cock's upright, and the bee's 'a' girl in his arms. ale had a fair and honour- den boat. eative king of Badagry.1 By good luck, the any other friend qualified to exchange views. falliag au one side; spikes large and regu- to thepoesees twelve persone. eothing 'whatever." replied Pen able explanation, but I would not listen. I traveller left the fetisialaottee nothing the II children, not reckoning time- I As Pen watched her a fear began to grow, Such conversations are useful. lar. The legs are blue or. head colour. The ' flung my ring in his face and bade bill' in her heart. Whet was she going to do? aortic; with the result that, in the revulsion weight of the birds is something upder 711e. mne years of agt'. f his iso ear, your grnnelmother wee the begone. Before he went he vowed be would of feeling iu his favour, lie was regarded as g I lave beard A. hi theerc r- She certainly looked as if she was meditate for a cock and filb., tor a lien. The breed, aehter t the Duke and Duchese of uever willingly seek ins again. that if we Stilget king Dot much lessbant a god. which are non-sitters, and !ay white. large I coasider it weuld be eL, her parents were quite pleased hie upon moue deed. Her face was thin and met it wo.uld be by accideut. That is ray white. She was respectably dressed in Tbe eo-crakel "red-wat43ia' is a decoction of Usn A Lrraut nine-air:arr. eggs, is of a nobly character. Ale to make an order tor pm- --' inntele for the baronetcy Wa5 romance with a sad ending. We have never the inner bark of one ofi the inimosam which. one. But it was a mistake. Mabel black, hut she appeared full of trouble. The small poultry-keeper has to face many h Cemeteries. met from that day to this. Mein have come She stood for a long time looking down at taken in stinker/1i iinrintatice, is emetic. If muty when she married Sir Itneer. and offered their -hearts and Dumas the person condemned to drink it gets dizzy.. lificultiem but often a little foresight will TITH..1aa.S 14 a sunless man of thirty-five. She to The, the water at her feet, and Pen watched her towing a pulelic inquiry the al but I have remained single." ka is concluded to he guilty. pelted with tuan failure into eitooem. For Metance. he nitli have informed Edmontea twenty-five, leaving a little girl, uneasily. Then she suddenly seemed to wake may have Courted failure by a careless eolee- "Dear Madame," whispered Pen, her eyes up. a.nd,looking sharply to the right,then to fitolliobe dead, even dragged over the rocks until kuun golf! f borreeciyoiungtoofeartkoeyysouirt- II Ilan they have seemed the - ' er, a helm of three yeters of age- full of tears, "yott may yet meet." tioa of breeds when stocking his ground. e :he Lie:brew C.D. Cemeteries ' enamelled with him over his cold the left, she went back a few steps, gave a Some broede are beet us egg producens, and ,1 -1 "Yes, it is poe.sibie. I pray every night little Still, and with a half-scream flung her- .!Si the fetish-man ho prepares three belquiftet tlItl e-rLa'tualYeo'ulisli idttelina thawtalltudanoY" berrIdba, tfeirs leaea• hey hied at Edmore ef his young wife, and I really do At is clearly wrong to stock them birds to emir mother saw much of them. that God will send him to me. if only once. aelf into the river before the horrified eves nomons am it in hie po Cr to make the er- turkeae require quite as good a house to eg a cemetery. The Distract before I die, that I may ask his pardon. deed drink strong or Wes . emetic or lamely, supply the table. Similarly, birds which - se you this. my dear Pen, became eif Pen. who saw the waters close over the excel in meat properties are not to be selected live in us lowle. and they certainly need a the applicatien on the grouleI Now, you see why it is that I ant Inclined o ulditiviulbe cte ulnita, iviaszte, i t tnan whose acquaintance good eiZ1,11 !louse. They require an almost Isere alteedy Two Jesisdi cealata'''.. ' ' Melrose is coming to-niebt. proman's head_ h if a largo egg yield is required. Thus it is a r 7 old. of mum, but wonderfully to take Rob's part. But, to bed, Pen, my :inie uni1flh11uf quantity of frtsh ass all toe, alai that reeidente hod "a child. It is nearly three o'clock. and you To be Continued., important foe the pouitry-keeper to decide py eluting' - uoe you to her, you are exactly which fowls beet suit his special re- keeperti of turkey:- I;tiew. for they will -have *1 II the wailittg have lost your beauty sleep. Don't trouble berm 'hew, whim the hol■se as opened iii the le which inglitened the ....Witham about my spoilt life, little girl. All is for PEARY AT mom L. quirements. Other errors can also avoided s. 'Pen nervously, "don't you WELLINGTON'S EARLY DEFEAT. if a Oen is decided upon at first and eyete- moneng, the birds. ;ill rush to gee out in IS'a °e our good if we but knew it. Now, good their migereess to areethe Ireely. Remem- hahreellor's Gloomy Outlook. l lad better remain unknown to her. Testae, and sleep well." maatically adhered to, and much amietance is ^`• I shall never enter their lives, and It may be- pOinted out that, the Iron Duke Peary. the discoverer F the North Pole, ber :hat a turkey',- home shoutd never be in be foolish to couut upon The next day Pen bad to herself, adisa disoeueso ug hotels wifh a Washington te- to be gained by careful rearliug- and the ex- Lletlt SVIL (11..e. 'suffered a severe defeat, when a boy, at the change of views with Priends. built- teeing towards' a cold merest. The Itins ol Valois in the FitrIferbert having an engagement in Ha- porter, once said: "Mode n hotels are heennt- front cu the house ishould be open, and the I! ma yet out of the wood- aVa, f.-7;la''"e. my dear," interrupted Miss hands of a schoolgirl two years younger t 4 !1 -h,. "that does not necessitate your warden. She rested mot of the morning,, than himself. Ile was spending a holiday ing more and more Inn nous. Every bed- trout of the shod somewhat higher thau the UL of us a weary. perhaem ?ear in lunched. thee determined to spend the ter- room now bas its private bath and dressing- back. The perehas shoukl be erected tie near trisivgle. and oij, have got ta IIU the background. And another in North Wales, and while playing marbles WHEN ASMAIZO1NO 1-111:In STOCK, Pre dear, my friends all call me noon on the river. She ran through the room. Them hotels can't do enough to make the leiek wall as proieible, tor then- the •tit, and ge through with it ,,aa gfae, with a boy of tho dietrict got into a dia- ir,,e1,,antliv,hhacadriQnort csah ivid, ,hut you are my pretty old-fashioned garden. and, opening a asute. is opponent's sister, who was watch- you comfortable." There are two eaursee ;emu for the poultry- turkeys van secure all the iihelter they re- 11.141101 bad tinme in the veal' t door in the wan, found herself out on the elle and smiled. 'II ing the game, fiercely tiefeuded her brother. Peary stroked his mous keeper when arriving at m decision as to his quire. These bitids , are not much mauler, Ittineertriag next year's Itualah'e es ly path beside the river. The gardener re- "In fact,' he said, "w eu I stoppivi, just. e ni aemember. afselame," replied Pen, The future hero declined to yield up tale Moak. _Firefly, he may purehme eggs hi the and prove highly proilitiale. ay the Chancellor illte a'11.- at be imetees, leased her boat, and soon she was rowing imp after my return from t lie North Pole, at spring of the breeds he has ehoeen to rear, week-dud speech a the river in the bright afternoon sun. After disputed marbles, whereupon the young girl hotel. Mr. Ford zr1 3 hope fell upon him and fought so desperately Simeon Ford's luxurious and hatch his own birds. Semedly, he may He saw. hOWNer. "some l rowing up a long way she moored- her boat bowed and rubbed bin hands, and said purchase a pen of birds in the late summer. Oue item oii which it was stil under a tree, and, getting out a book and that he was forced to retire from the field tin everything to iTrina BREA: Drf.' ignominimisly vunquislied. anxiously: We shall . The latter course is, perhaps, the bettor, in I o make realia large reductions. l _ some fruit. prepared to enaces herself. She make you feel at home.. Would you like a state of its larger initial cost. tancee it avoids Amung the nonmitting breeds is the Polish es0,000e)00 repreeentipg cost of aa tired of reading after a time, and became nice large ea.ke of ice in yrour bed, tar? brood. Though there are eases where time t. "fter. aaajh, Illaititt:ltrTEintrh::2:Xj:iit:. r-old house was the bastards attendant on the ase of an iii- neat. traffic onoftlieloruidveriaughter BIRD MORTALITY. Peary did not accept t he offer. cubator. If good laying pullets are bought. contrura will be found, taking them mill laid tbe Chsaicellor, "a CO intPerre=ntlyfi in the l!'a *I,: 4it to entertainiu preferably of one of the heavier breeds, such round it is noticeable' that the hens do nut U- that debt will begin to Insti ,g. The square bali- attracted her attention, and she turned On the average, scarcely 30 per cent. of as Orpingtons, .W yandotte s, or Plymouth ellow a very great tendency towards tatting. almusphere is favourable at tit aa aae aerated wito Lowers and beauti round to see a small crowd of people not far our British swallows survive from year to MIND THE PAIN I... hithi hacks, and mated with a vigorous male. They are good layers, the eggs being white it, poseiLle to re-borrow a' ; a,k';:w eahouserall platts, and a hidden orchestra away from her preparing to picnic on the year. Such would seem to be the perils of then. iodeed..Nive 6,_,ga mdnti: iie7eewt An inquisitive Alember ' of the Houle at speedy results will accrue, with an imme- and of an average laza. The tame-back of lowcr hiteniusiiacee. ruPbeen. river's. bank. She listened with secret • migration; but who ;can say that the risks diate supply of eggs. It is C satisfactory ecoutenies in over Comments was struck one day by the pre- advisable to pay the breed is their tendency to contract cold e4 the amusement to the noise and confusion which stay-at-home birds encounter are less? at the _ erpenditurea 'il scare of a policeman in one of the ',Ahem_ a good price, and ensure getting good birds, efighteat opportunity, and tor this atle of amethyet, was delighted ens The robin, pugnacious and cheerful se he for if fowls which were bream] too late are reasen the housiug accommodation should tataaarrthiag.asap Evening dress enited her uing. Martha Emma, yer lazy gobbin, always seems, rears He wondered v.•hy that particular leaby ,;e7hrad oevatedn set two or three broods in bought, their eggs will eot be fertile. and be ample. The white-crested Polish is neat 's Exhumation. iasuthiroFeRizatz Iiimoedinrbeenrtotot f3e.eltthteaartrlittlleeelll: to gore and do summat. Watch John the summer_ So does the sparrow; yet it is should always bave a guardian strolling un a•*1, the name,°gIel and down, and made inquiries. The record-s the ultimate expense win quite swallow up and well-niade in the hotly. Both the cock -frw dave - itsa as she introdueed her to her 'Enery. or sure as fate eat all them jam the fact that nether robins nor sparrows and the Englaue! -co tarts MOM of the House were searched, and it. was the original saving. Tberefore, "the best is hen have a good carriage and bear ilueet tia-mercvniii tip,' cried one plump dame. who was are appreciably lirlIner0116 now than when the ever the cheapest." themselves well. The plumage the seas memthorpe lives- oe ;I: perspiring - freely through her stoutness and they were lest September. found that 50 years pretiouely, of the body u should 1,rewr1l presiderta ,jla the heat. "Oh, my goodness. ain't it 'al" lobby was being decorated.teli a policeman had be gioursy black in colour, while the 1-1-a-laa meta' • aettlioil3nYienfg he been stationed there to k ep Members from ellen should be a pare white. A few black la rear, Atlanta., • the re linerbeg left. home ainttnra "Now don't you go for to complain," said IX/ NOT Ovscaowee on tee p.an. kir reenceeme ef Geo:, lila:pall mad interesting people. and e eberileei Broadcasting Station (2BD) h:LI soibug their clothes. , he order never fa:bikers, Wilt ho fouud in the. feint over the nsesl, a man who was evidently her husband. In many melee failure may be attributed nostrils. .but these make their appearance rral C.,.h.E.rpe„ founder "Some folks ain't never satisfied." been opened by Lord Aberdeen. having been countermandbd, the constable in to the over-crowding fallacy. If the run is nearly all eat41. hi breeding Cranhatu Church. laate,,I aartaDrsiltY- !rl'ilb"Afaatain:itzti "You go hon!" snapped his wife. "Get had kept his beat for beta a century. that variety , llal.lerttebdtiertnewhwies8th Sir Hugh Elles has taken over the com- small, and the fowls am allowed full occupa- birds with good @raids should be the rein al laglethoree 'ea u Sie entthf%eo.ar:as llirdacrntooenue.ngreeeceit. seine more beef on yer bare bones, my lad, titli Infantry Brigade at Porte- ones the tradita°. Georeig mand of the tion, the ground may become impure. A selected, of course taking into consideration ad ded that aese IV dear Mad and you'll know it. Besides, oo's grurnblin' mouth. Lieut.-Colonel Charles jarrott, who was 0 tb- ame; so we meet great deal of space may be eaved, however, dam and shape. wi. 't hes h agin -the'vreatber? I only sad as 'ow- it were Piuimp Cooper, a elected chairman of the Automobile Atmocia- pm ;rid Alsobainal.ng Crsguilral;te N Laalaimed the Duchess, holding out stone (sawyer, of East- by eystetnatic manipulation of the aconeinara e aenva-Li eat." bourne, was caught in some shafting, dashed lion last year, has retirea from the chaie dation. If a part of the run is covered, and the easel:et, emsA poetedfUrther uadea fSCUlti of to Miss FitzHerbert. "After a Pen wondered who they were; then came Professor W. II. Perkin has been ap. . a'' - menthe you look younger than against a wall, and killed. neuiship and the committee of the aestocia. the fowls spend some of their time in the br 44ed for aillogee to the conclusion they must .he a working lion, of which he was a ounder, owitig le pointed adviser to the headquarter.; re- inhume tbeif rela n oi 14'411' letter d - Barry Council wants; to spend .240,000 in covered section, it is possible to stock a Ifi aaugo party from Lancashire out for the day, judge. pressure of bueinees affaire. larger number of birds than weak' other- search staff of the British Dyestuffs. Cor- • elhorpg and his we a Mee e1 tghted me beyond, wordse eveloping the town as a holiday resort. - tr.i.irsi 1 4 aaa returned mg by their way of speaking. d wale be the ease. Plenty of emplo meet may poration. Ltd.. in Esuccession to Professor " Georgia. At :1104r1111:3e,s b_14, Ira V° Madame. "And 1 "'Ere you. John 'Enery, get seine sticks to- An ambition to becerne a great crimmal dEall 1 0 fth:bt0:1) honoured at your visit." Steeplejack for 39 aeara, John T_ Fleming lawyer led Walter Lear. a Toronto youth of be provided for the fowls if the Iluor of the Arthur G- Green, who resigned. h.! Chancellor cons a aaame aatti gether and make a fire. I've brought a died at Halifax, having fallen bolt. from et, abould a Pe ..aa. tit aa old, my dear," said the seventeen, to commit ninety-six burglaries covered run be well strewn with litter. Poul- Alter a collision I with a motor-lorry in a -11 att_ etiarati eal.. kettle. We'll 'aye' some proper tea. or my the top of a chimney. try in close confutement suffer more from ppitcat ion he entered Cr4131141111 I „ thould give myself this in order that he might gam first-hand Park-street. Camden Town, a motor-omnibus thea 'lei - name ain't Eliza Jane." want of exercise than from any other cause. inotuited the pavement. damaged two ahop will te. held either at • ea aata "Mother." came a voice, "do speak to Dying the same day, Mrs. Emily Charlotte knowledge of . crime, lie was sentenced to o the depths of a i I fronts ord. luxurious Jim; he's teasing our Mary Lizzie summat Francis, 61, and bar husband James, 67, of a reformatory for two years, to be followed The benefits of a little opeu-air run cannot and was brought to a itaudetill by a aaa' a sadden lotiging yeaterdal ' be over-estimated: lamp standard. fee dui." Sutton, 'were buried in the same grave. by two years in prison. .