1206 Radar Program, 134 14K Triad, 80 Linkage to China and North
Index 1206 Radar Program, 134 Agreement on Border 14K Triad, 80 Security (1967), linkage to China and North Malaysia and Indonesia, Korea, 82 129 1st Special Forces Group Agreement on Information (Airborne), 76 Exchange and Establishment of A Communication Abdul Khayer Alonto, 86 Procedures (2002), Abdurajak Abubakar 122–24, 133 Janjalani, 73, 75 AK-47, 28, 30, 111 Abkhazia, 32 durability and reliability, 31 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), 7, introduction into tribally 41, 73–78 violent societies, 35 dwindling support, 75 Al Harakat Al Islamiya, 73 raid on Sipadan, 145 Al Khobar gang, 80 Aceh, 42 Al Qaeda, 6, 30 Afghanistan, 40 arms from Afghanistan abandoned stockpiles of conflict, 41 guns, 23 black arms transfers from, African Market Complex, 33 35–37 Albania, 31–32 Agreement on Border Ambalat dispute, 130 Crossing, Philippines American Market Complex, and Indonesia, 128 27–30 08 Sulu_AM Index.indd 201 1/18/11 1:23:52 PM 202 Index “ammo dumps”, 39 grey, 20 Andaman sub-regional secondary sources, 23 market complex, 42 source, 23–24 Anglo-Malayan Defense transporter, 25–27 Arrangement (AMDA), types, 19–20 123 white, 20 Angola, 35 ASEAN Centre for Ant traders, 26, 79 Combating anti-communist groups, U.S. Transnational Crime supported, 28 (ACTC), 126 anti-smuggling agreements, ASEAN Plan of Action bilateral, 60 (PoA) to Combat Anti-Smuggling Treaty Transnational Crime, (1967), 128–29 120, 122, 125–26 apartheid, fall of, South ASEAN Way, 119 Africa, 36 Association of Southeast Armed Forces of the Asian Nations (ASEAN) Philippines (AFP), 7 export
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