Presidential Address. Charles Hutton Gregory
1$0 ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. .January 14, 1868. CHARLES HUTTON GREGORY, President, in the Chair. The following Candidates were balIoted for and duly elected :- DAVID PHILLIPS,as a Member ; THOMASPHILIP SHERARD CROSTH- WAIT,WILLIAN COOKE FABER, GEORGE FARREN, Major JAMES GEORGEROCHE FORLONG, THOMAS ELLIS OWEN, MIDDLETON RAYNE,HENRY PARKER RICHARDSON, JAGANNATH SADASEWJEE, JAMESSTEWART, Captain HECTORTULLOCH, R.E., and CHARLES WAWN,as Associates. It wasannounced that the followingCandidates havingbeen duly recommended, had been admitted by the Council, under the provisions of section IT. of the Bye-Laws, as Students of the Institution :-HENRY ADSMS,CHARLES AUGUSTUS ALBERGA, ROBERT WILLIAMPEREGRINE BIRCH, JOHH MONTRIOU CAMPION, LIND- SAY HEATH,ARTHUR WILLOUGHBY HEMANS, OSBERT HENRY HOWARTH,WILLIAM HENRY KING, FRANKHOWARD LAXDON, ARTHURHEMERY LE BRETON,FREDERICK HERBEIZT MOLLETT, GEORGEPULLIN POCOCK, GEORGE HENRY ROBERTS, EDWARD LEE ROBERTSON,DAMPIER SEABROOK SHAW, JAMES HENRY WALLER, and FRANCISWILTON. Mr. CHARLESHUTTON GREGORY addressed the Meeting inthe following terms, on taking the Chair, for the first time, after his election as President :- In addressing you, Gentlemen, ~ISI now do for the first time as President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, I feel deeply the honour youhave conferred upon me by electing me to be the successor of the many distinguished men who have hitherto orcu- pied this chair. If I can never hope to leave behindme such a reputation as they have achieved by high attainments and great works, my heartiest efforts will be devoted to emulating their ex- ample, by presiding with courtesy and fairness over your delibera- tions, and by promoting, by every means in my power, the interests and progress of the profession, in the earnest hope that, by your kind support, and the cordial co-operation of my colleagues in the Council, this Institution may be maintained, during my tenure of office, in undiminished usefulness and honour.
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