
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Abominable Science! Origins of the Nessie and Other Famous Cryptids by Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti Nessie and Other Famous Cryptids by Daniel Loxton. Our systems have detected unusual traffic activity from your network. Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it's you making the requests and not a robot. If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. If you continue to experience issues, you can contact JSTOR support. Block Reference: #f2778a50-c2e2-11eb-a6ab-1704d8bbdd02 VID: #(null) IP: Date and time: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:09:15 GMT. Abominable Science! : Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids. Throughout our history, have been captivated by mythic beasts and legendary creatures. Tales of , the Yeti, and the Loch Ness are part of our collective experience. Now comes a book from two dedicated investigators that explores and elucidates the fascinating world of . Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero have written an entertaining, educational, and definitive text on cryptids, presenting the arguments both for and against their existence and systematically challenging the that perpetuates their myths. After examining the nature of science and pseudoscience and their relation to cryptozoology, Loxton and Prothero take on Bigfoot; the Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, and its cross-cultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster and its highly publicized sightings; the evolution of the Great Sea Serpent; and Mokele Mbembe, or the Congo dinosaur. They conclude with an analysis of the psychology behind the persistent belief in phenomena, identifying the major players in cryptozoology, discussing the character of its subculture, and considering the challenge it poses to clear and critical thinking in our increasingly complex world. “As valuable for its analysis of the hunted as it is for the light it shines on the still-hopeful hunters.” — Publishers Weekly. “Highly recommended for readers looking for scientific but accessible evaluations of the existence of five notable cryptids that have captured our imaginations.” — Library Journal (starred review) Отзывы - Написать отзыв. LibraryThing Review. A skeptical look at famous cryptids - Bigfoot, the Yeti, Nessie, the Great Sea Serpent, and Mokele Mbembe (the alleged modern dinosaur from the Congo) - rounded off with a look at cryptozoology and . Читать весь отзыв. LibraryThing Review. Abominable Science! is a series of essays written in turn by Daniel Loxton, editor of Junior Skeptic Magazine and Donald Prothero a professor of Geology and Geobiology. In turn they examine various . Читать весь отзыв. Abominable Science : Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and other Famous Cryptids. Large numbers of people believe in demonstrably false phenomena, from UFOs and ESP to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Even though these fictions have been repeatedly debunked and discredited, they persist in the imagination and influence our beliefs and our society. Spinning tales of fantastical creatures may seem like a harmless pastime, but when pseudoscientists make “revolutionary” claims about the world and its history, evidence-based science, public policy, and human progress suffer. Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero complete an entertaining, educational, and definitive text on a variety of cryptids, presenting both the arguments for and against their existence and systematically challenging the pseudoscience perpetuating their myths. After opening chapters examining the nature and practitioners of pseudoscientific thought and marking its divergence from proper science, Loxton and Prothero take on Bigfoot; the Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman, and its cross-cultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster and its many, highly publicized sightings; Champ, Ogopogo, and other lake ; the legend of the Sea Serpent; Mokele Mbembe, or the Congo dinosaur; and the Goat Sucker, otherwise know as the Chupucabra. They conclude with an analysis of the psychology behind persistent paranormal and extraordinary belief, identifying cryptozoology’s major players, the character of its subculture, and its pernicious perversion of critical thinking in our society. Отзывы - Написать отзыв. LibraryThing Review. A skeptical look at famous cryptids - Bigfoot, the Yeti, Nessie, the Great Sea Serpent, and Mokele Mbembe (the alleged modern dinosaur from the Congo) - rounded off with a look at cryptozoology and . Читать весь отзыв. LibraryThing Review. Abominable Science! is a series of essays written in turn by Daniel Loxton, editor of Junior Skeptic Magazine and Donald Prothero a professor of Geology and Geobiology. In turn they examine various . Читать весь отзыв. Избранные страницы. Содержание. Другие издания - Просмотреть все. Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения. Об авторе (2013) Daniel Loxton is the editor of Junior Skeptic and a staff writer for Skeptic , for which he specializes in critical scholarship regarding claims of legendary animals. Known for his even-handed approach -- and for his lifelong personal love of monster mysteries -- Loxton is one of the most widely respected skeptical critics of cryptozoology. He is the author and primary illustrator of Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be (winner of the 2010 Lane Anderson Award as Canada's best science book for young readers) and of the photorealistic paleofiction storybooks Pterosaur Trouble and Ankylosaur Attack , the first two books in the series Tales of Prehistoric Life. Abominable Science! : Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids. Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids , by writer, illustrator, and skeptic Daniel Loxton and paleontologist, geologist, and author Donald R. Prothero; Foreword by science writer and historian of science Michael Shermer. Available on Amazon USA and UK. Publisher Columbia University Press writes: Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero have written an entertaining, educational, and definitive text on cryptids, presenting the arguments both for and against their existence and systematically challenging the pseudoscience that perpetuates their myths. After examining the nature of science and pseudoscience and their relation to cryptozoology, Loxton and Prothero take on Bigfoot; the Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, and its cross-cultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster and its highly publicized sightings; the evolution of the Great Sea Serpent; and Mokele Mbembe, or the Congo dinosaur. They conclude with an analysis of the psychology behind the persistent belief in paranormal phenomena, identifying the major players in cryptozoology, discussing the character of its subculture, and considering the challenge it poses to clear and critical thinking in our increasingly complex world. The Patterson-Gimlin film is a short motion picture of a “Bigfoot”, that was supposedly filmed on October 20, 1967, by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin, in California. Leonard Nimoy narrates the episode dedicated to Bigfoot in the TV series In Search Of… Abominable Science! was supposed to be a harmless, laid-back and jolly lecture. I knew nothing of the Great Sea Serpent, the Mokele Mbembe, i had barely heard of Bigfoot and the Yeti but i’m quite the fan of Nessie. So surely, this book should have been an inoffensive ride. No one believe in those monsters, right? Wrong! Daniel Loxton reveals that when asked “Do you think Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) is real?” in a 2012 poll, 7 percent of American respondents answered that Bigfoot “Definitely is real,” and 22% said Bigfoot “Probably is real.” Don’t snort! i just found out that 24% readers of The Guardian (at least the ones who bothered to participate to the poll) believe in the existence of the creature. I grew even more uncomfortable when i read in the book that Young Earth creationists are actively looking for surviving dinosaurs in the hope that the discovery of an Apatosaurous-like animal in Congo will bring the definite proof that the theory of evolution is a big fantasy. Abominable Science! is as much about absurd creatures as it is about pseudoscientists making radical claims about the world, writing off evidence- based research and undermining the teaching of science in the process. In an interview about the book, Donald R. Prothero said: “To me, the sad aspect of cryptozoology is that they practice “sham science”: they adopt the trappings of science (fancy cameras and sound recording equipment, night-vision goggles, camera traps, sonar, other devices) without following the methods of science, especially the idea of testing and shooting down hypotheses that have failed, and getting rid of ideas when they have been decisively debunked. This indeed reflects badly on the scientific literacy of Americans, since they don’t understand that science is not about white lab coats and bubbling beakers. It is about the methods you use to investigate claims, and the willingness to admit you’re wrong and throw out bad ideas when they fail.” Image released by “Bigfoot’s” finders at a press conference in August 2008. The press isn’t doing a great job for the advance of science and human progress either when they cover stories such as the one that made the headlines a few years ago when a policeman and a former corrections officer claimed that they had discovered the body of Bigfoot. Media outlets, from CNN to BBC, reported the news which, unsurprisingly, was a hoax. Prothero wrote some of the chapters in the books. Loxton wrote the rest. The scientist is inflexible in his belief that giving too much credit to the existence of those monsters does more harm than good. Loxton, however, is more tolerant. He has learnt that these fantastical creatures do not exist but he is still much seduced by the stories that surround them. And indeed the book contains plenty of interesting stories: This 1951 photograph of a purported Yeti was auctioned off at Christie’s London for £3,500. Eric Earle Shipton, Yeti in the Menlung Basin, 1951. This famous photograph of the monster of the Loch Ness was taken by Colonel Robert Wilson in April, 1934. He later admitted that he had built a small model monster around a toy submarine. Robert Wilson, Nessie, 1934. There have been plenty of Nessie “sightings: throughout history. One of my favourite is the one that ‘shows’ Nessie on Google Earth. But the more sophisticated the technology, the less evidence was found of the existence of those monsters. In 1987, for example, Operation Deepscan took place. Twenty-four boats equipped with echosounder equipment were deployed across the whole width of the loch and they simultaneously sent out acoustic waves. Operation Deepscan, 1987. Amusingly, some theories propose that the monster is actually a camel able to stay for long periods of time in and under water. Other believe that Nessie is a survivant variant of the Plesiosaurus. Just like the Zuiyo-maru creature, a carcass caught by the Japanese fishing trawler Zuiyō Maru off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. Analysis later indicated it was most likely the decomposed carcass of a basking shark. Photograph of the front of the Zuiyo-maru carcass. Taken by Michihiko Yano, April 25, 1977. I also liked to follow the hunt for the Mokele-mbembe which Americans and Europeans have been searching for in Congo, often to the dismay of local populations. The creature is believed to be a surviving brontosaurus. Daniel Loxton’s drawing of the Yeti included in Abominable Science! The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine. Questions? Email or call 1-626-794-3119 . » » » Abominable Science! by Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero » Abominable Science! by Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero. Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids. This is the hardback edition. THROUGHOUT OUR HISTORY, humans have been captivated by mythic beasts and legendary creatures. Tales of Bigfoot, the Yeti, and the Loch Ness monster are part of our collective experience. Now comes a book from two dedicated investigators that explores and elucidates the fascinating world of cryptozoology. Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero have written an entertaining, educational, and definitive text on cryptids, presenting the arguments both for and against their existence and systematically challenging the pseudoscience that perpetuates their myths. After examining the nature of science and pseudoscience and their relation to cryptozoology, Loxton and Prothero take on Bigfoot; the Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, and its cross-cultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster and its highly publicized sightings; the evolution of the Great Sea Serpent; and Mokele Mbembe, or the Congo dinosaur. They conclude with an analysis of the psychology behind the persistent belief in paranormal phenomena, identifying the major players in cryptozoology, discussing the character of its subculture, and considering the challenge it poses to clear and critical thinking in our increasingly complex world. Awards. 2014 Book Industry Guild of NY Excellence in Book Design Winner 2014 Association of American University Presses Jacket Design Winner. Praise for Abominable Science! [A] gripping read…a sensitive but devastating takedown of an entire subculture. —Nature. Occasionally wry but never mean-spirited, skeptics Loxton and Prothero press the field’s proponents to approach their subjects with the scientific rigor necessary to be taken seriously. —Discover Magazine. Abominable Science! will make an excellent tool for critical thinking education. —The Quarterly Review of Biology. This work is as valuable for its analysis of the hunted as it is for the light it shines on the still-hopeful hunters. —Publishers Weekly. This is an immaculately produced book rivaling the production values of the finest coffee table volumes. … Abominable Science! is entertaining, informative, and readable. —Christianity Today. Daniel Loxton and Donald Prothero…offer us a sharp analysis of the quest for unreal critters…and the people who pursue them, shining an arc light onto the hoaxes and faked photos, the made-up films, faux corpses, delusions, lies and plain bad science that plague the field. —The Wall Street Journal. Abominable Science! is a well-told, engaging story of . Loxton and Prothero present a lucid and compelling case to counter the false claims of cryptozoology. —Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History, author of Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life. Daniel Loxton and Donald Prothero…deserve applause for this definitive response to a century’s worth of international flim-flam. … They are kind and cautious, but also resolute. —Literary Review of Canada. Rated: “Outstanding.” —2013 University Press Books Committee, Association of American University Presses. Mythical creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot typically don’t appear in serious books about science. But those books aren’t Abominable Science! —The Scientist Magazine. Accessible and absorbing…Highly recommended…Likely to be popular. —Library Journal, starred review. Abominable Science is a loving tribute to monsters that we wish to exist. —Brian Switek, National Geographic Phenomena blogs. [A] brilliant idea executed masterfully. … Abominable Science! is science writing at its best. —San Francisco Book Review.