003 1-3998/85/1905-0437$02.00/0 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 19, No. 5, 1985 Copyright O 1985 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Leukotriene Inhibition Prevents and Reverses Hypoxic Pulmonary in Newborn Lambs

MICHAEL D. SCHREIBER, MICHAEL A. HEYMANN, AND SCOTT J. SOIFER The Cardiovascular Research Institute and the Departments of Pediatrics, Physiology, and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of California, Sun Francisco, California 94143

ABSTRACT. The effects of the leukotriene antagonist have been isolated from the lavage fluid of newborn infants FPL 57231 on the circulation were studied in sponta- with persistent pulmonary syndrome but not from neously breathing normoxic and hypoxic newborn lambs in newborn infants with other lung diseases (14). These findings order to evaluate the role of leukotrienes in the perinatal suggest that leukotrienes may play a role in maintaining the control of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Hypoxia elevated pulmonary vascular tone in the normal fetus in utero produced a 58% increase in pulmonary arterial pressure and also in the mediation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (p < 0.05) and a 37% increase in pulmonary vascular after birth. The effects of the leukotriene antagonist FPL 5723 1 resistance (p < 0.05). Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on the circulation were therefore studied in normoxic and hy- was abolished by the prior infusion of FPL 57231. Pul- poxic spontaneously breathing newborn lambs. monary arterial pressure increased by only 8% and pul- monary vascular resistance decreased by 10% from nor- METHODS moxia. The infusion of FPL 57231 during hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction reversed the increase in pul- Surgical procedure and drug preparation. Six mixed-breed monary arterial pressure (p e 0.05) and pulmonary vas- newborn lambs from 3-7 days old were operated on under local cular resistance (p < 0.05). The hypoxia-induced increase anesthesia with 1% lidocaine hydrochloride. Polyvinyl catheters in was maintained during the infusion of were placed in both hind limb and veins and advanced FPL 57231. Leukotrienes may play a significant role in to the descending aorta and inferior vena cava, respectively. A the mediation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Leu- no. 5 French flow-directed thermodilution catheter, with the kotriene inhibition with FPL 57231 may be useful in the proximal injection port 15 cm from the tip, was introduced into management of infants with persistent pulmonary hyper- the jugular vein and advanced into the pulmonary for tension syndrome. (Pediatr Res 19: 437-441,1985) measuring pulmonary arterial and pulmonary arterial wedge pressures. was measured through the prox- imal port. Cardiac output was determined by the thermodilution Abbreviations technique and calculated by computer (Electro-Catheter model PPHN, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn 5000, Electro-Catheter Corp., Rahway, NJ). Three milliliters of PG, prostaglandin iced-saline was injected into the proximal port for each measure- PG12, prostacyclin ment. Each cardiac output value was taken as the average of three determinations. Following surgery, the lambs were placed in a sling under a radiant warmer to maintain body temperature. An intravenous infusion of dextrose in water was started. Two horns were allowed for recovery. The exact mechanisms by which hypoxia produces pulmonary FPL 5723 1 was prepared immediately before each experiment vasoconstriction remain unknown. The production and release as a 1% solution in sterile water. of the noncyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid from the Experimental Protocol. FPL 57231 infusion prior to the onset lung may play an important role. Leukotrienes, the 5'-lipoxygen- of hypoxia. Following the recovery period, baseline vascular ase metabolites of arachidonic acid, are produced by mast cells pressures, cardiac output, and arterial gas measurements (1, 2), alveolar macrophages (3), and pulmonary vascular tissue were made in room air (NORMOXIA). Normocarbic hypoxia (4-6). Leukotrienes induce contraction in a was then induced by placing a loosely fitting bag over the lamb's variety of tissues (7-10). Leukotriene D4 infused into the pul- head and adding nitrogen with 5% C02to the gas mixture. The monary artery of young lambs produces pulmonary arterial F102 was varied to produce a Pao2 of 30-40 mm Hg in each hypertension (1 1). Leukotriene inhibition with FPL 57231 (Fi- animal. Measurements were made after 10 rnin of hypoxia and sons, plc, Loughborough, UK), a leukotriene receptor antagonist stable pulmonary hypertension (HYPOXIA). The lamb was re- (12), significantly increases pulmonary blood flow and decreases turned to room air. pulmonary vascular resistance in fetal lambs (13). Leukotrienes After the lambs resumed baseline values (NORMOXIA), an Received October 9, 1984; accepted December 27, 1984. intravenous infusion of FPL 5723 1 (1 mg. kg-'. min-I) for 20 Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Scott J. Soifer, Cardiovascular rnin was started. Measurements were made after 10 rnin of the Research Institute M-342A, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143. infusion (NORMOXIA + FPL 57231). Hypoxia was then in- Supported in part by grants from the American Lung Association and U.S. Public Health Service Program Project Grant HL 24056. M.D.S. is recipient of the duced as the drug infusion continued, and measurements were American Association, California affiliate fellowship award. S.J.S. is recipient made after another 10 rnin (HYPOXIA + FPL 57231). The of New Investigator Award HL 29941 from the NHLBI. infusion was stopped as hypoxia continued, and measurements 438 SCHREIBER ET AL. were made after 15 min. The lambs were returned to room air. infusion of FPL 5723 1 (HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1). Pulmonary Measurements were also made with an equivalent infusion of arterial pressure increased by only 8% and pulmonary vascular sterile water vehicle during normoxia and hypoxia. resistance decreased by 10% compared to NORMOXIA. Pul- FPL 57231 infusion started during hypoxia. Six to 24 hr were monary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance dur- allowed for recovery from the above experiment. In five lambs ing HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1 were significantly lower than during baseline measurements were made in room air (NORMOXIA). HYPOXIA (p< 0.05). There were no significant changes in Normocarbic hypoxia was again induced producing hypoxemia systemic arterial pressure and systemic vascular resistance com- (Pao* 30-40 mm Hg) and stable pulmonary hypertension. After pared to HYPOXIA. The 24% increase in cardiac output during 10 min, measurements were repeated (HYPOXIA). Hypoxia was continued and an infusion of FPL 5723 1 (2 mgkg-'. min-') was started. Measurements were made after 10 min (HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1). The drug infusion was then stopped, and the lambs I * ~<0.05vs NORMOXIA were returned to room air. Measurements and calculations. Pulmonary and systemic ar- terial and right atrial pressures were measured with Statham P23 Db pressure transducers and recorded continuously on a Beck- I- 5 5 E man multichannel direct-writing recorder. Mean pressures were >, E obtained by electrical integration. was measured with a a cardiotachometer triggered from the systemic arterial pressure. zauw 20- Cardiac output, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, and systemic ...... :_:.:.:.:.:.:...... arterial blood gases were measured during all normoxia and ...... hypoxia periods after a steady-state had been reached. The ab- - ...... 2 10 ...... sence of intracardiac shunting was determined by indicator di- a ...... lution technique. The validity of the thermodilution method has W ...... I ...... ::. been reported previously ( 15, 16). Pulmonary vascular resistance ...... was calculated as the mean pulmonary arterial pressure minus 0 - mean pulmonary arterial wedge pressure divided by cardiac NORMOXIA HYPOXlA NORMOXIA NORMOXIA HYPOXIA output per kilogram. Systemic vascular resistance was calculated + + as the mean systemic arterial pressure minus mean right atrial pressure divided by cardiac output per kilogram. The mean f SD was computed for the vascular pressures, resistances, cardiac output, heart rate, and arterial blood gases during all normoxic and hypoxic conditions. The differences in these variables were compared by two-way analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons (I 7). A p c 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

RESULTS FPL 57231 inxusion prior to the onset of hypoxia (Table I, Fig. 1). Normocarbic hypoxia (HYPOXIA) produced a 58% increase in pulmonary arterial pressure from 18.1 f 2.7 to 28.6 k 3.2 mm Hg (pc 0.05) and a 37% increase in pulmonary vascular resistance from 44.0 * 6.6 to 60.4 f 6.8 mm Hg.1-I. min-I .kg-' (p< 0.05) compared to normoxia. Systemic arterial pressure was unchanged. Systemic vascular resistance decreased - by 16% during HYPOXIA (pc 0.05), as cardiac output in- NORMOXIA HYPOXIA NORMOXIA NORMOXIA HYPOXIA creased by 1 %. + + 9 FPL5723I FPL57231 Infusing FPL 5723 1 during normoxia (NORMOXIA + FPL 5723 1) produced no significant changes in the hemodynamic Fig. 1. The effects of an infusion of FPL 5723 1 prior to the onset of variables or arterial blood gases compared to NORMOXIA. hypoxia on (A) pulmonary arterial pressure and (B) pulmonary vascular Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was prevented by the prior resistance.

Table 1. Effect of FPL 57231 infusion prior to hypoxia (mean f SD) Pulmonary Pulmonary Pulmonary Systemic Systemic arterial arterial vasculai arterial vascular Right atrial wedge pressure resistance pressure resistance Cardiac output Heart rate pressure pressure (mm Hg) (u) (mm Hg) (u) (1 .min-' .kg-') (bpm) (mm Hg) (mm Hg) NORMOXIA 18.1 + 2.7 47.1 k 4.8 68.3 k 5.8 193.0 + 38.3 0.37 + 0.07 218 k 45 -0.5 + 1.6 1.0 + 1.7 HYPOXIA 28.6 + 3.2*.t 60.4 + 6.8*.t 68.2 + 8.3 162.0 + 41.0* 0.44 + 0.09 266 k 53 -0.7 + 1.0 0.8 + 1.3 NORMOXIA + 17.9 + 2.2 44.0 + 6.6 65.7 +- 9.2 172.4 + 31.3 0.39 + 0.06 246 k 35 -1.0 + 1.1 0.8 k 1.2 FPL 5723 1 HYPOXIA + FPL 19.6 + 3.6 42.4 k 5.9 63.9 + 9.3 141.8 + 17.0* 0.46 k 0.04 303 + 37* -1.09 k 1.3 0.2 + 1.2 5723 1 * p < 0.05 vs NORMOXIA. t p < 0.05 vs HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1. n = 6; units: mm Hg l-'.min-'.kg-l. LEUKOTRIENE INHIBITION AND HPV 439 HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1 compared to NORMOXIA was similar effects of the compound is not yet known. When infused during to that during HYPOXIA. normoxia, FPL 57231 produces no significant hemodynamic During continued hypoxia, 15 min after the FPL 5723 1 infu- changes. sion was stopped, pulmonary arterial pressure had increased Pulmonary vascular tone is maintained through the apparent significantly by 44% to 28.2 + 4.4 mm Hg (p < 0.05) and balance between vasodilating and vasoconstricting substances pulmonary vascular resistance had increased 36% to 57.8 & 3.8 (18). Various stimuli, including hypoxia, that increase pulmo- mm Hg .I-' .min-'. kg-' (p < 0.05). These values were not nary vascular resistance may alter this balance by either increas- significantly different from HYPOXIA. Right atrial and pulmo- ing or decreasing these substances. Many cells, including mast nary arterial wedge pressures, heart rate (Table l), pH, and PCOZ cells, pulmonary macrophages, and vascular tissue, in the lung (Table 2) did not change throughout the study. Pao2 and arterial can metabolize arachidonic acid via the lipoxygenase pathway saturation were unchanged during normoxic as well as during to leukotrienes, formerly known as the slow-reacting substance hypoxic conditions (Table 2). Infusion of vehicle did not affect the hemodynamic variables or arterial blood gases during either normoxia or hypoxia. FPL 5 7231 infusion started during hypoxia (Table 3, Fig. 2). The hemodynamic variables, arterial blood gases, and the re- I * pi0.05 vs NORMOXIA sponse to hypoxia were similar to the above experiment. During Mean +SO hypoxia-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension, infusing FPL 5723 1 (HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1) decreased pulmonary arterial pressure by 35% (p < 0.05) and pulmonary vascular resistance by 37% (p < 0.05) from HYPOXIA. There were small, but not statistically significant, decreases in systemic arterial pressure and systemic vascular resistance from HYPOXIA. The 13% increase in cardiac output induced by hypoxia was not lowered by the infusion of FPL 57231. Right atrial and pulmonary arterial A wedge pressures, pH, and Pcoz were unchanged. Paq and arterial saturation were similar during both hypoxic conditions. Whether the infusion of FPL 5723 1 was started prior to or during hypoxia, pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance were similarly affected. 0 I I I NORMOXIA HYPOXIA HYPOXIA DISCUSSION + FPL57231 The results of this study indicate that an infusion of FPL 57231, a competitive leukotriene receptor antagonist (12), pre- vents pulmonary vasoconstriction with hypoxia and reverses hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in the newborn lamb. There is no attenuation of the hypoxia-induced increase in cardiac output. Systemic arterial pressure decreased slightly. Whether these effects are caused by leukotriene antagonism or inhibition or activation of other substances, or are direct vascular

Table 2. Arterial blood gas analysis when FPL 57231 was infused prior to hypoxia (mean + SD) Po2 PCo2 Arterial sat PH (mm Hg) (mm Hg) 6) NORMOXIA 7.39 + 0.04 82.8 + 10.7 38.8 + 4.1 95.3 + 3.0 HYPOXIA 7.37 + 0.06 32.2 + 4.1* 38.7 + 3.2 54.2 + 15.3* n NORMOXIA+ 7.40+0.05 86.7k10.3 39.2k3.2 96.3k2.9 FPL 5723 1 0 NORMOXIA HYPOXIA HYPOXIA HYPOXIA + 7.41 + 0.04 34.7 +- 5.3* 38.2 f 2.5 61.3 + 17.0* + FPL 5723 1 FPL57231 * p < 0.05 vs NORMOXIA. - Fig. 2. The effects of an infusion of FPL 57231 during hypoxia on n = 6. (A) pulmonary arterial pressure and (B) pulmonary vascular resistance.

Table 3. Effect of FPL 57231 infused after hypoxia (mean f SD) Pulmonary Pulmonary Systemic Systemic arterial vascular arterial vascular pressure resistance pressure resistance Cardiac output (mm Hg) (U) (mm Hg) (U) ( 1 .min-' .kg-') NORMOXIA 17.5 + 2.9 43.1 ,8.8 68.5 + 10.5 182.0 + 58.2 0.40 Itr. 0.08 HYPOXIA 30.3 + 4.7*,t 70.3 + 15.5*,t 71.0 2 12.4 174.0 + 64.4 0.45 + 0.1 1 HYPOXIA + FPL 57231 19.8 + 3.6 44.0 + 7.0 64.5 + 11.1 150.4 + 42.1 0.45 + 0.08 *p< 0.05 vs NORMOXIA. f p < 0.05 vs HYPOXIA + FPL 5723 1. n = 5; units: mm Hg. I-'. min-' .kg-'. 440 SCHREIBER ET AL. of anaphylaxis, and/or via the cyclooxygenase pathway to pros- enous LTC4-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction, with no effect taglandins (2-6, 19, 20). PG12, PGD2, and PGE2 are pulmonary on angiotension 11-induced vasoconstriction (33). These results vasodilators in fetal and newborn animals (2 1,22). Interestingly, suggest a specific capacity for leukotriene antagonists to block PGD2 is a pulmonary vasoconstrictor in older animals (22). leukotriene-mediated vasoconstriction. PGF2 is a pulmonary vasoconstrictor in fetal and newborn Although FPL 5723 1 prevented and reversed hypoxic pulmo- animals (2 1). The effects of thromboxanes, potent smooth muscle nary vasoconstriction in this study, it had little effect on other constrictors, on the perinatal are not hemodynamic variables during hypoxia. Cardiac output is either known. Thromboxane levels are elevated, however, during pul- increased, decreased, or unchanged during hypoxia (18). The monary hypertension associated with endotoxin infusion in new- hypoxia-induced increase in both cardiac output and heart rate born lambs (23). LTC4 and LTD4 are not only potent pulmonary observed in this study were maintained during the infusion of vasoconstrictors but also stimulate the synthesis of thromboxane FPL 5723 1. These results would suggest that the mechanism of and other prostaglandins (24-27). This leukotriene-induced syn- the hypoxia-induced increase in pulmonary arterial pressure is thesis of thromboxane and other prostaglandins can be blocked different from that which induces the change in cardiac output. by both indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor (26, 27), and The former mechanism is possibly mediated through leuko- FPL 557 12 (25, 28), indicating an interrelationship between the trienes, the latter possibly through autonomic pathways. leukotriene and prostaglandin synthetic pathways. Various doses of FPL 5723 1 were infused prior to the onset of FPL 55712, the parent compound of FPL 57231, is one of a hypoxia to determine the lowest dose that would prevent hypoxic series of chromone-2-carboxylic acids ( 12). FPL 557 12 has been pulmonary vasoconstriction: 1-2 mg .kg-'. min-' of FPL 5723 1 shown to inhibit leukotriene constrictor activity in many tissues completely inhibited the hypoxia-induced increase in pulmonary including pulmonary vascular, lung parenchymal, and tracheal arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance; 0.5 mg. strips in guinea pig and man (8- 10, 12). FPL 557 12 has other in kg-' - min-' was less effective in preventing hypoxic pulmonary vitro effects. In concentrations greater than 1.0 x M, FPL vasoconstriction. The effect of exogenous LTD4 in adult sheep 55712 inhibits thromboxane production from human can be inhibited by 0.66 mg. kg-' .min-' of FPL 57231 (32). microsomes (28). It also prevents anaphylaxis-induced throm- Therefore, we used a 1 mg. kg-'. min-' infusion during the boxane, PG12, and PGE2 production and release from guinea pig preinfusion study. To reverse pulmonary hypertension induced lung (19, 25, 26). PGD2 production, however, is not inhibited by hypoxia, 2 mg .kg-'. min-' was used because higher doses of (19). Whether these effects occur in vivo is not known. FPL 5723 1 may be necessary to block existing pulmonary vaso- In the intact animal, FPL 55712 inhibits the coronary artery constriction. This dose of FPL 57231 reverses hypoxic pulmo- vasoconstriction and improves the im- nary vasoconstriction in adult sheep (7). pairment produced by the intracoronary injection of LTD4 into In the clinical syndrome of PPHN, pulmonary vascular resist- sheep (29). FPL 557 12 also increases pulmonary blood flow and ance does not fall normally with the initiation of respiration. decreases pulmonary vascular resistance in late gestation fetal Pulmonary hypertension is seen in a variety of clinical situations, lambs (30). including meconium aspiration, , and hyaline membrane FPL 57231, the compound used in this study, is a proprionic disease (34, 35). There may be a common pathway mediating acid analog of FPL 557 12. FPL 5723 1 produces a similar degree syndromes that produce pulmonary hypertension. Leukotrienes of leukotriene antagonism with less antiallergic effects (12). Both have been isolated in lung lavage fluids from infants with PPHN, compounds are rapidly cleared from the plasma, with a serum but not in others with pulmonary disease without pulmonary half-life of < 10 min, and have a similar duration of action (12). hypertension (14), suggesting a role for leukotrienes in the path- In adult sheep, FPL 5723 1 attenuates hypoxic pulmonary vaso- ogenesis of PPHN. Despite the use of supplemental oxygen, constriction (7). In near term fetal lambs, intrapulmonary infu- mechanical hyperventilation, and nonspecific vasodilators in sions of FPL 57231 markedly increase pulmonary blood flow treating infants with PPHN, the mortality rate remains unac- and decrease pulmonary vascular resistance (13). In preliminary ceptably high (35). Leukotriene inhibition with FPL 5723 1 may studies in four newborn lambs, FPL 57231 (1 mg/kg/min) be useful in the management of infants with PPHN and other completely blocked the hemodynamic effects of intravenously patients with pulmonary hypertension. The results of this and injected LTD4. other studies suggest a significant role for leukotrienes in the Leukotriene receptor stimulation may produce direct cardio- perinatal control of pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary vas- vascular changes and induce thromboxane and PG synthesis cular resistance and in the mediation of hypoxic pulmonary (24-27, 31). These formed substances may add to the overall vasoconstriction. hemodynamic effects. FPL 55712 blocks both the direct leuko- triene effects and the effects produced by PG and thromboxane Acknowledgments. The authors acknowledge Philip Sheard, synthesis (7-9, 26, 28). FPL 5723 1 also blocks the direct effects MSc, of Fisons, plc, Loughborough, UK, for generously provid- of leukotriene (12) but its effect on PG production is not known. ing FPL 5723 1, and Debby Dewar, R.N., for technical assistance. In newborn lambs, the intrapulmonary injection of 1 pg. kg-' of LTD4 increases pulmonary vascular resistance by more than REFERENCES 300%. There is also a biphasic effect on the systemic circulation 1. Haas F, Bergofsky EH 1972 Role of the mast cell in the pulmonary pressor with an initial fall in systemic vascular resistance followed by a response to hypoxia. J Clin Invest 5 1 :3154-3 162 200% increase. Pretreatment with indomethacin partially blunts 2. MacGlashan DW Jr, Schleimer RP, Peters SP, Schulman ES, Adams GK 111, the increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and abolishes the Newball HH, Lichtenstein LM 1982 Generation of leukotrienes by purified initial decrease in systemic vascular resistance (1 1). In adult human lung mast cells. 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003 1-3998/85/1905-0441$02.00/0 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 19, No. 5, 1985 Copyright O 1985 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Effect of Infant Age on Aminopyrine Breath Test Results

ROBERT J. SHULMAN, CHARLES S. IRVING, THOMAS W. BOUTTON, WILLIAM W. WONG, BUFORD L. NICHOLS, AND PETER D. KLEIN USDAIARS Children's Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas 77030

ABSTRACT. The aminopyrine breath test has been used quantitate I3CO2 elimination of breath, demethylation of in adults as a measure of hepatic N-demethylase activity. aminopyrine was found to be positively correlated to age. In order to study maturational changes in enzyme function, By 20 wk of age, some infants had rates of elimination I3C aminopyrine (2 mglkg) was administered orally to similar to those measured in adults. Absorption was ex- infants (n = 16) between the ages of 1 and 38 wk. Breath cluded as a limiting variable, because no improvement in samples were collected for 6 h after administration of the oxidation rates was found when the aminopyrine was read- labeled aminopyrine for the measurement of I3CO2enrich- ministered as an intravenous bolus. Changes in nutritional ment. Using a number of different scoring methods to status and route of feeding (enteral versus parenteral) did Received August 27, 1984; accepted December 3 1, 1984. not prevent the effect of maturation on aminopyrine elimi- Address correspondence to Dr. Robert J. Shulman, Section of Nutrition and nation. Conclusions: 1) maturational differences are seen Gastroenterology, Texas Children's Hospital, 6621 Fannin Street, Houston, TX in the metabolism of aminopyrine; 2) these differences may 77nW. . reflect immaturity of N-demethylase activity or diversion This work is a publication of the USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center, De~artmentof Pediatrics, Bavlor College of Medicine, and Texas Children's of the liberated formaldehyde into biosynthetic rather than Hospital, Houston, TX and is suppoked by ~&ntAM28129 from NIAMDDK. oxidative pathways. (Pediatr Res 19: 441-445, 1985)