Board Papers for the West Coast DHB Board Meeting Friday, 26 March 2021
West Coast District Health Board Te Poari Hauora a Rohe o Tai Poutini BOARD MEETING Friday 26 March 2021 at 11.00am Ngati Waewae Arahura Marae, 1 Old Christchurch Rd, Arahura ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE MEETING PAPERS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE MEMBERS WEST COAST DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD BOARD MEMBERS Rick Barker (Chair) Tony Kokshoorn (Deputy Chair) Chris Auchinvole Susan Barnett Sarah Birchfield Helen Gillespie Anita Halsall-Quinlan Edie Moke Peter Neame Nigel Ogilvie Francois Tumahai EXECUTIVE SUPPORT (Attendance dependent on Agenda items) Dr Peter Bramley (Chief Executive) Gary Coghlan (General Manager, Maori Health) David Green (Acting Executive Director, Finance & Corporate Services) Brittany Jenkins (Director of Nursing) Mary Johnston (Chief People Officer)) Ralph La Salle (Acting Executive Director, Planning, Funding & Decision Support) Jacqui Lunday-Johnstone (Executive Director, Allied Health) Dr Graham Roper (Medical Director, Workforce, Legislative and National Representation) Karalyn van Deursen (Executive Director, Communications) Savita Devi (Acting Chief Digital Officer) Philip Wheble (General Manager, West Coast) Bianca Kramer (Governance Support) AGA-BoardPublic-26March2021-AttendanceList Page 1 of 1 26 March 2021 AGENDA – PUBLIC WEST COAST DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD MEETING to be held at Ngati Waewae Arahura Marae,1 Old Christchurch Rd, Arahura on Friday 26 March 2021 commencing at 11.30am KARAKIA 11.00am ADMINISTRATION Apologies 1. Interest Register 2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Meetings • 12 February 2021 3. Carried Forward/Action List Items REPORTS FOR NOTING 11.10am 4. Chair’s Update – Verbal Hon Rick Barker 11.10am-11.20am Update Chair 5. General Manager’s Update Philip Wheble 11.20am-11.40am General Manager – West Coast 6.
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