Of U.S. Plan on Beef, Lamb, Pork Or Poul­ M MEAT DEPARTMENT

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Of U.S. Plan on Beef, Lamb, Pork Or Poul­ M MEAT DEPARTMENT ' . ' > • *> . ■ ■ j - . ' ■ ■ ' ■ . I I ^ • raURSDXY/JANUARY 81, J95T lE u p n in n ' Are Sale Days at Shopping Center-Shpp Until 9 p. th. t. .truth',; ^avr> ^ad pr«l«e * t ^ o r Incic a t the ATvrage Daily Net Press Riin For tk*‘ YVeck EmIeS The Weather f'*y Ct«»4#I <*111 te« In raraeaat at O. S. WmHMr Mnj«ir John Jaaiiar}- SS. 1M1 Light »aow tonight, ending Sn^ PINEHlIRST IS OPEH THURSDAY nrday morning, proimhly freesfng r«on. I». want Cen- i 12,423 min before ending. l.ew .tonight S3. ■now n bur Operator. aad FRIDAY NIOHTS TUrbOO Bfemlier aMthe AaSIt AenunninK**'' > to 8 Inehea. Clenr- li*rtfor€l H.^apttal for BarMua af OI'JmilaHaa Manchester^A City of Village Charm lag. rolder Satnrdajr, High ‘25-Se. ^ 0 ' “ ^ • ArelP- *** T “'bntJy Mana- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 104 (SIXTEEN PAGESl MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1* 1957 * (Otoaatfled Advartlalsx an Pnga 14) PRICE n V B CENTR Bemrp nuinag*<l ± . >ri» latar.rt Klwartts -------------:------------- ^ y i IN TOP Q U A llTy ' Hofl**' 'iirl Scout Tito Postpones Ip re sie fe it/, t » fh. .1 Store Plans to V isitl5 „„^ 10 f. ;o,-k H aturday SpceMly H«d« The meat me-at-the- chopping-block boys art United States throMfing the book at / For Table Um lU WILL FIND you this week . , . that , Belgrade, Feb. 1 (/P)—; Optimism hole in your fre’ezer q t 'Yugoslavia announced today EVERYTHING YOU NEED ^ refrigerator is creating a Washington, Feb. 1 </P>-—Rising criticism of Secretary of that President Tito, “for the By JOHN M._ HIGHTOWER . K raft D« Luxe ia > n draft! Better fill it up Defense Wilson’s remarks about the National Guard and his time being,” will not visit the Washington, Feb. 1 (JPy— entirely new Idea in ^dole AT PINEHURST King Saud of Saudi Arabia apreads. , ... What’ll jmu'.'have? wife’s reaction to l^at outcry raised this question today: United States. How long before he resigns? For Wilson to quit now would In making this announcement, a confers with President Eisen­ Of U.S. Plan on Beef, lamb, pork or poul­ m MEAT DEPARTMENT... try? nake it appear he waa getting out? government spokeantsji, Branko hower again today amid opti­ , . For the flrSt time, the 0 Draakovic, diacloaed for the first flavor of the^oat expenalva Oder file. mistic reports from both he haa Indicated to neWa-' time officially that the govern- nidc.s on-the juii.l la1h.H. apread_niQn«y can buy haa----- ——ftucED r Abr noMi . .. Name your favorite men^he manned to stay on at B u lle tin loYnta cf the Unlliiil ^HIT-~n and" been capy<ired by an exclu- leaat iWll CJongreaa completea ac­ Y'.igoalayia had agreed on a Tito The Klng:a visit haa been "per­ aive proceaa. - The fla- let PRIZE KNOCKWCBST protein eating . , . We fect 8 0 far." reported George W. W ants U. N. SXri'FF.D TITRKEVS tion on me military budget lata WTule seeking trefstment at the vliit to Washington. vor have it... .. • thia aprlng^ In the aummer. Mliergeney room of Manchester Draskovic said "the two govern- Waditvorth, U.S: ambassador to * 10 LB. HEX TCRKEY8 But that aeveral weeka ago Memorial Hospltnf today, a M'eot n- nta- had considered the visit of Saiidi Arabia who la here for the TIXV COCKTAIL FTt-ANKFERTS ' — before hla atatement to- the President Tito to the United State* conferences. KRAFT DE LUXE Hartford liquor d«aler acolden- And one of the Arnlw who at- F o r c e K e e p KOSHER ALL BEEF FRAXKFI’RTS . Pork, nothing but Houae Armed Seridcea committee tally' dropped a vial of tear gas would be of mutual interest, ” , ^ la ao aubtle. ao wonderfully lat PRIZE VERY S.MAI.L SAFSAGE LINKS the finest center chops. Monday that "a aorr-of acandai.. he had been carrying for his pro­ But It a off now, Draakovic said, jpg- with Secretary of State Dulles dellcan, your taate can't tell a draft dodging bualnea^’ — dw l- let PRIZE B.\G SACSAGE Rib or Loin Pork Roasts tection. ’The gas filled part of the because of "the conditions and at- : vesterday told newsmen Oie talks It fronK that expenaive oped during the Korean W**" lower corridor and temporarily A r e a P e a c e apread—the only important ■ EXTRA THIN BACON FROM RATH AND MORRELL . be sure to have some mcaphere" in the United Su.tea. vvent very well. youtha below IS'i, the minimum blinded several attendants. These "Conditions." Draskovic | "U ii that wav among friends,” difference il .the far lower Shiirfine Apple Sauce or draft age, could enlikt In pWsNa-. price. \ Nathan Freedman, S3 Lnwior aald. make It appear “the time for he added. "We agree on what United Nations, N, Y„ Feb. Smucker’s Currant Jelly tlonal Ginu’d "and not be drafted Pd., West Hartford, waa taking such a visit is not as yet ripe." needs to be done and try now only i (/P)—Canada has daeided to go with your pork . to filtht.” his shirt off, reportedly In prepara- Thia aet off angry outcrlea frorti. This clearl.v referred to out­ to decide how to do It." not to sponsor a U.S.-backed . Of courae. you’ll keep . ... Tender Lamb Legs for having x-rays taken spoken opposition in the-U.S. Con- > But there has been no annoutve- It refrigerated, ^uat the way National Guard leadera — one of le of tn-o gas vials he was resolution aimed at breaking from Pinehurst set any whom called It "a damn lie"—and greaa to a Tito viait to .Washing- . ment of any apecifle agreement, you bought It. to protect carrytpx because of the- recent .ton. O n e Oongreasman. F.ep. | nor even of the details of the talks the- Sinai desert deadlock, in­ the delicate flavor of thia jar of mint jelly to quiv­ from membera of CJongreaa, aome rrlmei a^ve fell from M, pocket to O’Konski (R-Wia i threatened to themselv’ea. LUES new and different marga­ Of whom demanded hii reaigna- formed sources said toda.v. ering . the floof\aiid emshed, releasin'; reaign If Tito came to Washing- ' Both Elsenhower and Dulles The informants said (^nada'a rine . ao much for the tlon. the gao. \ svere reported to be deeply please Quality . now for the, Then came Prealdent Eiaenhow- ton. Others, such as Sen. Douglas i Foreign Minister Leiiter B. Pear* It • roiiM not be determined (D-Illl, threatened to boycott an.v I •o far with the progress of the ion decided to withdraw sponsor­ good newa on price . Tendercure Pine­ •r's comment at hla newa confer­ whether any pwNrnts were endan­ talks. g u A U T Y ence Wedneaday that Wllaon'a re­ Tito apegch before (Tongreaa. .A | ship on the iTound the resolution When you see this picture of a-tender, aizzling Pinehurat hurst' Corned Beef that gered, bat apparehHy no one waa bipartisan groun of Ho\iae leade. a They are understood to be seek- is not strong enough to bring a ateak. you know that our meat manager. Charlea McCarthy, mark waa "unwiae.” hurt. \ goes equally well as an And 'yeaterday, Mra. W 11 a o n had urged the fclaenhower admin- *"fT Satid’a support for the Eiaen- real solution to the Egyptian-Ta- haa itelected "steak" as "one of the meats of the week.” (Set Freedman had consa^ into the iatratlon not to invite ’nto. hower program, novy pending be- raeli dispute. 1 cent sale to introduce steaks at Pinehurst ciit to order, thick or thin . , or buy old fashioned N. E. Din­ apoke up Indignantly, aaying. hospital for treatment 'after be Drsakovic would not aav If the .Tore Congress, to. protect the Mfd- them rl^ t out of the case ... you get the same choice ner or in corned beef Elaenhower’a newa conference crit- dte East, against Communist con­ The break came as the SO-na- this new Kraft De Luxe! ieiam of her huaband waa "un­ slipped on loo aad wrenched hla U.S. government already had been tion General Asaerably prepared Bring.s thi.s margarine to quality Western Government Inspected beef . properly sandwiches with rye back. notified on this derision. quest. They also hope to lay the trimmed and aged. called for." She alio aaid 'Nve think Oasis here If not to conclude the to take up the crucial Middle -East you for only 20c lb., pro­ bread and mustard . he (her huaband| haa earned the i One attendant said ho aeaHy debate once again. posaed out from the goo. (Continued on Page Three) rleal for renewal of an agreement vided you buy 2 lbs. right to take it-, easy now.'’ I i'overing United States use of the Informanta aald that in its pres­ one at the regular price REGUUR SIRLOINS The White Houae had no qom- [ atrategtc air base at Dhahran. Sau­ ent form—modifled to Insure die of 39c lb. The 2nd for ment on Mra. Wllaon’a blaat. | di Arabia. Egypt—the resolution AND ALL yfllaon never haa ahown much ; Sand's meeting with Ei.aenhow- Ciw merely for Israeli withdraw­ onljMc . no limit. deep concern over prevloua clam- j ; er today was the last scheduled a l from the Gaza Strip ai)d the ora In Congreaa for him to reaign. .business conference of the two al- Gulf of Aqaba area to bq follow­ SHORT STEAKS But it la known that Mra.
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