Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, October 23, 1963 City Primary Vote Recorded Lighter CITY COUNCIL TOTAL VOTES Than 1961 Election William C
Hubbard, BUf.§er, Nesmith, Wlilson, Eckhardt, Bergsten Win Holzaepfel, Fair Mo.tly today, becomlll9 partly cloudy tonight. Highs tod.y near Buxton Park •. Incre ••lng cloudiness, a chanee of lhower. and cooler In thol ex· owon treme northwest Thursday. oil Board Winners Seroing the State University of Iowa and the Peop18 of Iowa CUrl Eatablllbed ill 1868 10 Ceuta Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, October 23, 1963 City Primary Vote Recorded Lighter CITY COUNCIL TOTAL VOTES Than 1961 Election William C. Hubbard 1,902 Iowa City residents placed Richard W. Burger 1,899 six of ten City Council nomi· James H. Nesmith 1,445 nees and two of three Park John B. Wilson 1,184 Board candidates on the final Nov. 5 election ballot during Richard D, Eckllardt 1,098 Tuesday's primary elections. Eric E_ Bergsten 1,082 The six Iowa Citians who will be competing (or the three City Coun Eugene T. Larew 709 cil positions in November and the Robert L. Dautrefflont 493 number of votes each received are : William C. Hubbard, 38, 300 Kim Richard M. Feeney 358 ball Rd ., vice president o( Jack son's Inc. , 1,902 votes; Richard W. DaZe R. Miller 297 Burger, 38, 1500 Washington St., vice president of Burger Construc PARIGIOARD TOTAL VOTES tion Co., 1,899 votes; James H. Ne smith, 60, 256 Magowan Ave., presi NOTffltln R. HoZzaepfel 1,510 dent of Plumber's Supply Co. , 1,445; W. John B. Wilson, 60, 501 Kimball RlcMrd Buxton 1,012 Rd. , operator o( the John Wilson Mike Carver Ponder.
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