February 2, 1950 TORRANCE HERALD 100,000 FOR ayers

It h»hcd like five team play for the rent of (he seiison I the "Black" Friday dlv^lon of tlte City .Buskeihnll I.eu);iie a Breaks Reco press t it-...- us Tony I»::ml:in ai-Riicd in vain to keep his leain li Local Boy tlii! leai.ue. With $95,450 already in his pockejs, Paul "Lefty" Pettit, Tony hlmr.i-.l innpcriimi-iit th;. floor last Kri- Honored at Narbonno High's fabulous Golden Boy, today turned his sights ii'-;; ?'A chauffeurs A sophomore at College of the oifenhotiser mm.nts lives Pettit, who. was under contract for his athletic and acting, a serious-handicap now if they] >' '"£ th-Mr | Pacific at Stockton, Warner as the I'l'odan-lteed ;'° thf' <"r''1dena oval, ability to Frederick Slephani, a Hollywood producer, pocketed a do continue, j on the campus at his- fraternity and anoni-| I'romoter Bill White said the neat $10,000 in extra cash today the difference between the was'declared a fount round, with Nation- j midgets .would use the regular that S*ephan1 paid for him and the $95,450 Pirate er game this He arrived in Torrance last $85,450 al Supply, was. also declared a I'traclt, not the figure "S" course contract. forfcif because they failed to - , '."; coul!" weekend to spend the week bo- meet the deadline for play. The 1 1'<'<' "y used by Jalopies tween - semesters with his par- regained the .movie right; drt Pettit, who will re­ .Stephani game from to the above, $5000 per picture' and 10 per team has won ones ceive, in addi*ior> the Torrance Merehimts during cenl of the profits. the second round, which leaves Poachers l-'ast of one I'liicb Out of the $95,000 figure will come PeUit's salary of $6000 n with the equivalent w.in and two losses. • Wardens of the California per year for the next three. Division of Fish and Game After the historic signing Tuesday afternoon in the company .make an average of one arrest of his father, Stephani, Roy Hamey, Pirate general , every 50 minutes of the day and and Boris Wooley, attorney for Pettit, the 18-year-old Harbor tailers. Bill midget card, it night for violations of the Fish Hills youth calmly walked his girl friend, Shirley jennings, to a Moore was top man for the tea- by White. and Game Code. . . show. iers with 8 points. Nonchalant about his ever-increasing riches, Pettit said: "I Bob Smith, and Lon Lee both can't touch the money until I'm 21." tallied 12 points for Fenwick's their .13-37 victory over Na­ Nearly a week of spirited bidding for Paul's services reportedly tional Supply. Dude Olson led followed his graduation from Narbonne High School last Thurv National with 19 points. day. . , Su Culmination cf it all came Tuesday afternoon when it was an­ nounced that an agreement had been reached between Pettit, Stephani, and Hamey whereby the 6 ft. 2 inch lefthander would receive in the neighborhood of $100,000 for his services. It was later learned that his contract calls for a figure of $95,450. Local citizens were irritated to read in wire dispatches and of the ifllHUWO left ann of Nurliuiut hear .over the radio that Pettit, a tried and true Narbonne ath­ riTcmv r.vrr, . . . H Herald photo. lete, hails from a place called Long Beach. In fact, a couple of fabulous Paul 1'ettit. " , DmiKli.Tty 2 proud residents phoned the radio station to complain. he helped Halftlinc i sand lots, up to the Narbonne varsity in 1947, where tluiiul 19. Guaranteed for Pettit's contract exceeds by more than $25,000 the previous hurl the Gauchos to three straight championships. record bonus figure of $75,000 paid to Catcher Buddy House City ~ Narbonne Will Ask 24 Months During that time he pitched two no-hit games -for by the Detro.it Tigers two years ago. at Dorsey in the city championships. Small Fry but lost one of them FITS THESE CARS: Deluxe #1 Case Hints of possible repercussions in the unique nature of Pettit's Other Paul racked up four more no-hitters as a member of the Am­ To Sponsor for most models of Chevrolet, Crosley, pact with Stephani were stilled somewhat in an announcement VARCON 1 erican Legion Junior nine before he was 16 years of age. Drop Two, Frazer,-Kaiser, Nash, Oldsmo- by Dick Butler, A. B. Chandler's representative. "The contract Dodge, said before the bile, Plymouth, tontiac, Studebaker BATTERIES apparently violates no rule in baseball,". Butler . During his high school career, Pettit pitched in 41 games, won Boxing Here Win One and Willys. deal was closed. 2B and lost eight. He had a won 29 and lost 2 record in semi- as low as pro ball, and a 6 - 3 Legion lecord. - .Torrance Recreation Depart­ REMEMBER: ReBardle»« of Price You Can't Under the watchful eye of Major league scouts, the sensa­ ment's small fry hoop artists Buy a Better Balt«ry-than "VARCON" who now scales 205 pounds, pitched six no hits amazing featt in his strikeout record 945 ng struction now be $7.45 tional southpaw, One of the rr.oit School gym van one contest and dropped tw, losing 13, in his last three years. men per inning. n at the High " "" " and won 73 games, while in 578 innings pitched or nearly two be asked of the commission decii ry Noff's Bciyl Playground teams, Impressing the scouts was Paul's sensational speed which over- Big Paul played -basketball In his sophomore year'and proved at next Monday's'meeting, Ly an G. Nolan said this for top stars in all fields of sport. in Chambers starred for the Paul in a picture unless the boy cuts a wide swath for himself the scheduled instruction, and the students have asked him to Is with 12 points, Sou III \vinil in the majors. iiuest the commission lor offi­ ic lone victory for the local The Piiate general manager said after the signing: "We are cial sanction so they may use us was rung up by "Red" j happy to land the boy. Our scouh have watched him closely Curley Tops 'Blue' Scoring the gym on Other nights. Moon's 8ili and 9th grade g 1-- 1 ' Heats in 90 seconds providing for a long time, rate him very highly, and believe he has a ho barely nosed the bea comfflit even on short trips. r>:!.51, in Monday's contest. chance to become an outstanding in the majors." Burns fuel from the carbure­ $2995 With 20 Point For Bocs The locals travel to Live O;ik t'i tor in a patertted sealed metal also said he At Narbonne, his there, Wayne Sloss, By Duunc Slittaii Park Manhattan Beach, for next chamber. grade in the big time. Srhedul believed that Pettit would make the Hui-lMir Docs led the Blue Wednesday division of the (It Welch, varsity I Week's games. pitch on the Harbor Hills Sloss brought Pettit, who learned to Basketball League by one gumo thU week with a 111-15 win ovc rf Torrance High CHAMPION' Spark Plugs Market while Columbia Steel edged hack Int School will be among the 15ojdav Greater Torraiice high school,'Junior college, and ri <> """" >» " . . i . You know "Champions" In sett of u tie with Ixivelitdy Hardware for second place from third ufle nationally iwogni/ed and field coaches! are 4 or more whining II-HK over Kcdondo Sea Foods. college track long-life and cflicient from various anas of Southern Trap Beasts of I'l-cy i for 'Herb Cm-ley was high man of* California attending the first r.u-1 Twenty live full-time trappe.s pi'rformance. Get a set to­ he evening -and the season -In ML San Antonio College ! and hunters are < mployi d by, day. Save On gas, get pep ihc" blue division, adding 20 Hermosa Boy sis;;;Midwinter Track and K ic I'd ' the 'California Division of Kis'h i and power! " nic on February It". ' anil (iainc in reduce the mini-' loints to' Columbia's 44 score. 1 losing Sea according to Hiluu-r Lodge, Ml. j IKM-S of predatory animals which Do Merrill led the Torrance and ani , >od five with 11 points. Top Hun Antonio College track coach ! prey upon game birds f.-ir the clime. . mills. I Onyal CYowshaw paced Wal and chairman ia n.M.A. to victory over In Two Tries velady Hardware with eight Hermoaa basketball tc hits to make the final score from Clark Stadium Playg VARSITY GOES HOG WILD and Frank featured play in th'e 'SUPREME' Compounded ch had 10 points for South Bay Playgrounds Basket ball Leagues by registering three? IN SECOND HALF SPREE 2-Gallon Con Yes the business of taking care of your per­ Alien Iliifferlii:!- kept his high wins over Torrance hoopslers In hiK •»> iioints In Hie lusl halt, mid HI of Ihuse in the j on the new out­ team j Drills position with the liar games played irler, Coach CIMf (iruyheld's Vai-sllA '-KiiHkcthall Reg. $2.19 sonal funds is serious, but you can make it door court al the Torraiice City p their first IKIUIIC victory last 1'Vldiiy liy ilowjih|.;r I.eu- | u- Docs, adding H (minis tc .I'.'ilk. safer by using the TOR- cm- 1U-1S victory over (Jrcalci a -11-31! win in "SUI'HKMK" Coiii|i(iMtidi'(l much easier and Following played on the Olympian's .nun, wns fairly even Jim Van Va eight and ninth glad., div- contesl Muhir Oil is rclini'il, ( islilh'il, Torrance Market. the d of tin- lir--t half wilh» RANGE NATIONAL METER CHECK PLAN!, r was bcM man for the loser.' ision, Bob Mcliowan's hoys re pi'dri-i.M'd and ciimpmiiii t'd I inn Tom Babbitt's leadine., lit- li. Konm turned- to upset l!l 'r 'or -aid he-t 100', puiv (liirnllin liiis cm les. the most efficient, most economical and best seventh and eighth gr.,dcis 27 211, :1 and to whitiwash Dick firesh 1>al - l'i" 1 "' l ""' li '" ""' !«'°"» II |i;vps \otir niolor i'l an ; s it plan ever devised. COME IN TODAY! We'll am's newly organized sixth '"" "'"> *"" k *•<* "!" '" »' 1\<;" luliriciiti-s. KeKiirdle s ol I lie ';ir, < grade aggregation 360. ,im ^ <» ^ *»»> "-'^ tnaUe in1 year tiKidol of our you how easy it is to start. at use "SI'I'KKMI.;" for lip k iricalioii cllictiMiey. show King led the winners scoring ell al center for Ihc. Tailai. tack with 8 (mints in the hitler and (I. Johnson al forward li.i "A FRIENDLY TORRANCE INSTITUTION1 contest. Don Hasten swished 12 l.eir/.nigi.|. lied viith II pomi-- to star for Torrance. In another game, Lurry cll hit the hoop for 1ft counters for almoM hall ,1 tin "I J" iMittan Leads Cees in AUTO SUPPLY CO TORRRHCE Win Over Leuzinger WESTERN ' Dll.llle iMillan led In: flHTIQIlRL BRI1K 1323 SARTORI AVE. . PHONE TORRANCE 265 Open Mgnday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. |TAKI<: 7!ll IIM'ilt IN (01 Ml av 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat 9 to 8 p m MEMBER OF FEDERAL INSURANCE COP | Sclrn bundled and twill- ideir win lulled III l-o:, Angclc