T Wc Fellows
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The BEACON WILKES COLLEGE Serving Wilkes College 25th Anniversary For Twenty-two Years Expansion Year Vol. XXII, No, 17 WILKES COT.LF,GE, WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, FEBRuARY 14, 1958 FIR T WC FELLOWS IP GWEN * * * * * * * * - * * * * ANNUAL SWEETHEART BALL TONIGHT Valentine Queen to be Crowned Campaign Goal Sam Mines Earns Award During Intermission Program; Near Reality Herbie Green to Provide Music The Wilkes College Development Given by Ciba Products Program is nearing the end with Plans that were once on paper became a reality last night only three days remaining, in order when Theta Delta Rho, with the co-operation of the Lettermen's to raise approximately $43,000 to Club, provided the finishing touches to the decorations for the meet its goal of $500,000. For Research at Wilkes annual Sweetheart Dance. The students of Wilkes, can meet Samuel C. Mines, senior biology major, is the recipient with a i'ed anci The gym, now this challenge and help toward the of the first Fellowship to be awarded at Wilkes white interior, will he the scene campaign total and maybe even go College. The of dancing from 9 to 12 tonight. over the top. Many students have announcement of the Fellowship was made earlier this week Heibie Green will provide the already submitted pledges of a by the president of Wilkes, Dr. Eugene S. Farley. > m 11 s i ' at the traditional affair dollam' a month for a total of $25. Formerly of Nashville, Tennes- which will feature the selection of The eager Wilkes Collegians will Several students have pledged two see, Sam resides with his parents, Queen. The queen will Participation Urged a Valentine leave today to sing this weekend dollars a month, for $50. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mines, 225 S. be chosen cluuing the intermission Pledges of any amount, big or at Keuka College. Keuka, an all- Franklin St., city. He has com- program and will be crowned by girls college, is located at Keuka small, are welcomed; and, payment In Asian Book Drive Stevens. mm pleted his requirements for a TDR president Peggy Point, New Yoi'k, approximately of pledge can be made according The second annual Books for Local merchants have donated sixty-five miles from Ithaca. to the wishes of the student. Also, Asian Students Drive will begin bacheloi"s degree in biology and gifts foi' the lucky girl, they in- By noon today most of the thirty students, clubs, classes, and other next week on campus. The cam- will receive his diploma from on campus elude: aleather writing case, a cos- Collegians will have departed on groups are welcomed to paign, sponsored by the Wilkes Wilkes in June. metics kit, four passes to a local the four and a hal C boom to submit pledges after the campaign trip Chapter of the Collegiate Council At the present, Sam is conducting the college. ends. for the United Nations, is one of The Collegians are sponsored by The first contribution by a cam- the organization's many projects an individual research project on the Junior Class, who are holding pus organization was taken by the to promote international under- their Winter Weekend at this time. male chorus, The Collegians. At standing. Dates for the men have been ar- their meeting yesterday they voted and submitted a group pledge of A concentrated effort will be ranged via pictures and brochures, on campus to obtain books which the men mailed to the girls $25. Shortly after their meeting, made members of the Wilkes Band met for Asian students during the several weeks ago. Judging from from February 17 to Febru- answers an unusual and likewise voted and submitted period the received, ary 28. The books most needed weekend is expected. a $25 group pledge. The balance to be raised, $43,000, are university and college level The first appearance of the group books in good condition, published will be at 8:30 this evening at a may seem like a big challenge for the students to meet, but, if only after 1945, and works by standard sport dance. Included in the songs a u s (Dickens, Hawthorne, which the Collegians will sing are half of the students at Wilkes sub- thor mit pledges, a figure of $10,000 can Hemingway, Plato, etc.) published "The Pilgrims Chorus" from Taun- before 1945. hauser by W a g n e r, "There's be reached. With participation Nothing Like A Dame" from South from campus organizations we can Last year more than half a Pacific by Rodgers and Hammer- further add to this figure. Since million books and eighty thousand stein, and "The Students' Marching returns were made at last night's journals were collected from uni- and "The Drinking Song" Campaign Meeting, the balance to versities, colleges, schools, publish- Song" books from The Student Prince by Rom- be raised may actually be less than ers, and librarians. These men the above amount. and journals supplied much valua- berg. Several parties for the well will be held on campus after the Mr. Moran said, "Student sup- ble technical information as dance. port in the development campaign as being helpful in advancing the 3 The Collegians hope to spend really represents a deed of love understanding of life in non-Asian Saturday either engaged in one of and service to the fame of their areas of the world. the many winter sports popular at college." Students wishing to contribute Judy Menegus Keuka or at one of several informal The challenge before the student to this worthy cause can bring the get-togethers. body is big, but, with a realization books to the college library or to movie, a bracelet and t\vo dinner The evening will feature a ban- of its importance and cooperation the bookstore during the above Sam Mines from the students, we can succeed tickets to Perugino's restaurant. quet and a Valentine prom. period. the allergic reactions of blood The backdrop, which was de- Sunday morning, the Collegians in reaching our goal. signed by Mary Homan and her will sing Mallott's "The Lord's vessels, through the immunization committee, will be one of the most Prayer" and a Bach chorale, "Now T.D.R. TEA NEXT FRIDAY ACCEPTED of rabbits, followed by experi- unusual seen on campus in recent Let Every Tongue Adore Thee", in Theta Delta Rho will hold its KESSMAN mental injections of serpasil for years. It will be in the form of chapel. annual Washington Day Tea next TO DENTAL SCHOOL serotonin release and pyribenza- three satin hearts. The center Friday afternoon from 3 5 in to Matthew Kessman, son of Mr. histaminic activity. heart will be 15 feet high and the McClintock Hall. This will be the mine for anti and Mrs. M a n u e 1 Kessman of in aid made by Ciba smaller two will be 7 feet high. first in a series of teas held by the The grant was following committee heads: band, Flushing, New York, was notified Products, Inc., of The three hearts will have a lace Bishop, backdrop, sorority for the local high school Pharmaceutical Fran Mary Ho- recently of his acceptance to the Summit, N. J. effect around the edges. man; ceiling, Marion Lames; re- girls. University of Buffalo, School of associate Since this is a 'girls ask boys' freshments, Mary Homan and Lin- Individual invitations have been Dentistry. Dr. Sheldon G. Cohen, affair, the fellows will receive the da Passerelli; tables, Marty Wag- sent to all high school girls who professor of biological research at favors that are traditional at semi- have applied for admission to Kessman is a senior terminal Wilkes, and chief of allergy service ner; lobby, Marilyn Davies; gifts, student in Dentistry. formals. This year's favors will Ginny Brehm and Maryan Powell; Wilkes for the coming year. Gen- at Mercy hospital, will act as ad- be boutonnieres. invitations and chaperones, Marty eral invitations have also been sent While at Wilkes, he was active visor to Sam with his project. Linda Passerelli is in charge of Menegus; tickets, Lyn Goeringer; to the local high schools and a in the Biology Club and is currently Sam's activities at Wilkes include selling small valentines with program, Betsy Gable; publicity, representation is expected from serving as treasurer of this organ- the Biology Club, the Fencing Club couples' names on them. These Mary Fi'anees Swigert; heai'ts, Lin- each. ization. lie is also doing research and the Beacon. He has been on novelties will be used as part of da Passerelli; favors, Jean Broody; This annual affair, in conjunction work under the auspices of Dr. the clean's list two semesters. the decorations hut can be taken decorations, all chairmen. with the St. Patrick's Day Tea, is Sheldon Cohen, in an attempt to Last year Sam submitted an as souvenirs at the end of the Tickets for the dance are on sale held to acquaint high school girls find the effects which cigar filler original research paper at the (lance. The price of these small for three dollars and can be ob- with the Wilkes College campus. extract might have on microscopic Eastern Colleges' Science Confer- hearts is only 15 cents, and they tained from any TDR member. Co-chairmen of the affaim' are animals. ence, and during the summer he can still be ordered from Linda. Judy Richardson and Marion Chris- Kessnman has been an active worked as a surgical orderly at The receiving line at the dance topher. participant in various intramural the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. will be composed of Di'.