C-ITS test-side City of data flow and interfaces

Bernd Noll Dipl. Ing

Boardmember of

Stadt Kassel – Straßenverkehrs- und Tiefbauamt

cimec project partner

1 Introduce Kassel

• North Hessian center in the middle of Quality-managing

• 200.000 Inhabitants

• 385.000 urban agglomeration Data-managing & • Frontrunner tradition in data control tools ITS technology

• Integrated OCIT network

• PT acceleration with PT-acceleration 98% traffic adaptive signal controllers

2 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Map: wikipedia.org Project

Cognitive assistantNetworked Human being and transport systems traffic

3 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Project

4 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Project

5 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Data flow in the Kassel test site


assignment of the vehicle

6 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Output: GLOSA Applikation

Idea Reality

Traffic Light will chance to green in 5 seconds. 80 % 95 % 100 % 95 % 80 %

© Rudolph, Universität Kassel

7 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Output: City TCC Interfaces

8 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Output: UR:BAN guideline

9 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 OCA e.V. City Workshop Kassel - April 2015

17 Experts 12 Cities 3 Countries

• Basel • München • • Wien • • Herford • Zürich • Kassel • Köln • OCA Büro Summary: If C-ITS Roll out in Germany should be successful industry should put the focus on : • We have to keep our customer (citizens) satisfied. • Workingprocess in the cities will change. Think about that, not only about technology! • Make the roll-out process clear and understandable. • Foster interoperability of systems and components. • Optimize useability and make operating simple • Foster quality management and data management tools

10 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Discussion with developer group (ODG)

Mobility Data Marketplace (C-)ITS Service Third Parties Provider

OCIT-C OTS/DATEX OCIT-Car TMC CoApp C2X enabled TSC TSC OCIT-C Function MAP, Routes Data transport OTS OCIT-O Cooperative

(separate Tools possible) TCC Application Traditional configuration data, Traditional configuration City RSU City Communication

Planning Tools and CoApp Planning Tools (CoApp) 3G/4G (Network) CoApp Service Provider System boundary „ITS for Urban TM“ 3. Party 3. Party RSU

HTTPS 802.11n ??

Pictures: www.gwm-.de CEN TC 278 TPEG/TSI www.123rf.com (802.11p) www.partyadresse.de www.ClipProject.info www.shutterstock.com

11 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 German OCTS Harmonisation Committee

Department of Municipal transportation OrganisationConsultants Suppliers

12 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 ODG: Final version OCIT V 3 development

13 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 OCIT-0 V3 / OCIT-I-V2 Some Features and Gaps

Features • Supply chain for MAP Data • CAM DENM Data Management • Hazard warning • PT acceleration

Gaps • Certification management • Complete supply chain

14 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 C-ITS roll out in Kassel - Next steps

Prerequisites for projects • OCIT-O-V3  Data flow to controler • OCIT-I-V2  Data exchance with tools for efficient workflow • TCC integrated RSU for every day use available (including legal security and liability) • Basic functions available C-ITS Project plan in the City of Kassel • Foster green light prediction 2016 • GLOSA pilot with smart phone (web based) 2017 • OCIT Pilot 2017 • WLAN 802.11p access points 2017 • WLAN 802.11p in PT vehicles 2018 • C-ITS PT acceleration 2018 • Public roll out GLOSA App 2018/2019

15 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016 Kassel – Partner for urban C-ITS Thank you for your interest!

Bernd Noll Dipl. Ing Stadt Kassel Straßenverkehrs- und Tiefbauamt Friedrichsstraße 36 D 34117 Kassel +49 561-787-3112 [email protected] www.kassel.de www.oca-ev.info www.urban-online.org www.cimec-project.eu

World Cultural Heritage Wilhelmshöhe

16 CIMEC Workshop- Brüssel • -66- • Bernd Noll • 12.September 2016