On the rights of manuscript


Speciality: 6203.01 Art theory, art investigation and criticism

Sphere of science: Art study

Applicant: Fakhriya Fakhraddin gizi Isayeva


Of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


1 The dissertation work was performed at the department “Art Study” of Choreography Academy

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science Worker Timuchin Ilyas oglu Efendiyev

Official opponents: Doctor of Art History, Professor Asiya Saidovna Galimjanova

PhD in Art History, Assistant Professor Jeyhun Jahangir oglu Rzayev

PhD in Art History Nurana Mirali gizi Salimli

Dissertation council FD 1.34 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art

Chairman of the Dissertation council: Corresponding Member, Professor ______Artegin Abdul Vahab oglu Salamzadeh

Scientific secretary of the Dissertation council: PhD in Art History, Associate Professor ______Khazar Atif oglu Zeynalov

Chairman of the scientific seminar: Doctor of Art History, Professor ______Rena Habib gizi Abdullayeva



Actuality of research and degree of its development. The people of Azerbaijan is reasonably proud of the rich works of art, literature and national-spiritual values that were created for thousands of years and are still created today. This creative values passed through many centuries and are manifested in folk art, miniatures, music, architecture and sculpture. All our national art always perfected and played outstanding role in aesthtetic educating of Azerbaijani people, besides, our national art served the recognition of our nation in the world arena, and is serving more today. The phrase "is serving more today" is used responsibly because the intensive development of the press, and radio, of the online information system- in one word, all of media as a whole - plays an unprecedented role in the promotion of our national art. As for television, due toits visual features and visual opportunities today it deserves special praise. TV plays the role of a powerful means of influence also because of the widening of its audience. In pre-independence period there was only one state-owned , but the thanks to opportunities provided by the independence era the number of TV channels in our country have increased incomparably. Now in the competition system, all TV channels, without exception improve their professional standards and they form great richness of themes. In such richness condition the art theme is seen separately and is loved by millions of viewers. Today, in our state, in public and private channels art programs are created in special program formats and have a permanent position in the TV program network. In such case, the theme of these programs, the professionalism of TV-presenters, the formats of bringing our works of art to the international arena, and number of other serious problems appear. That’s why the involvement of these issues in research, showing their

3 characteristics, forming the scientific-theoretical aspect of the problem, taking measures to eliminate problems in practice define the actuality of research. Another factor that defines the actuality of the research is the large number of TV channels in the Azerbaijani TV space and the neccesity of attention to the defects, manifested in this majority. Scientific analysis of art formats of electronic media of the Azerbaijani TV space, such as AzTV, ITV, “Culture” can greatly contribute to the experience arsenal of new-forming TV channels, operating on the basis of more rating indexes. From this position, the actuality of the research is doubtless. The actuality of research in the sphere of elimination of significant irregularities in the sphere of art criticism in Azerbaijan must be noted also. In Azerbaijan art criticismsome researches have been conducted on a number of problems of television as a whole. There are also a number of researches, carried out in separate TV programs. Besides, a number of monographs, textbooks,teaching aids and many analytical articles on various themes of TV art programs were written. However, it must be acknowledged that in fact there is a very worrying situation in this sphere. The few scientific articles mentioned above are a clear example of this unsatisfactory situation. Whereas, for example, Russian art critics and TV theorists carried out a lot of researches in this sphere. Since art is not a separate subject of this work, it would not be right to demand a comprehensive approach to pointed problem. This aspect of the issue is analyzed with special emphasis in our research. The scientific literature we have shown in this research has been cited as a source of reference. Extensive analysis of this dissertation and a comprehensive approach to these problems can help other researches. Object and subject of research. The object of the dissertation research consists in art programs that formed since the engendering of Azerbaijani TV broadcast and have reached a high level of professionalism today. The historical foundations of these programs are the Azerbaijani television - AzTV, ITV ( since 2005), the Culture Channel, created within AzTV, and the activity

4 principles of commercial-private TV channels, broadcasting all over the country. The main research object of the dissertation is the formats of art programs, which manifests themselves in the principles of periodicity in various TV channels of different typological character. Themes of programs, appoach and view at topics, issues, professionalism and other characteristics of such kind, comparison with anumber of foreign TV channels makes them one of the objects of research. Aims and objectives of research. The basis of any scientific research is determined by its aims and objectives. The main aim of our research is the analysis of television art programs from the art criticism position. This study and approach includes some other aims. They are following: - The initial history of art programs on Azerbaijani television, the main stages of this history; - difficulties connected with soviet censorship system, manifested in historical art programs on Azerbaijani TV; - principles of art programs activity in the national consciousness of the people and in the way to independence; - evidence of a new, free approach to the topics covered by art programs in independence period; - characteristic features of art programs in accordance with the typological character of TV and information policy; - the position of our national and spiritual values in the richness of topics of art programs; - the place and intensity of TV, teleplays and telefilms in the TV program network; - analysis of the latest formats of art programs and the formation of the theoretical basis of this analysis; - theoretical and practical presentation of the professionalism features of TV art programs; - effectiveness of reference to the world experience of the TV presenter problem in programs; - attitude to modern practical indexes of literary language issues related to the presentation of the topic in such programs, etc.


Methodological bases of the dissertation. In the dissertation in the scientific-theoretical analysis of long-term art programs in terms of intensity and periodicity in the Azerbaijani TV space the comparative method is preferred. In the research the polemical approach to previous researches in this sphere, the criticism of defects in many directions of the programs, the comparative analysis of similar programs on different TV channels is taken into account as a methodological basis. The main postulates, represented for defense: - historical factors determining the emergence of art programs on Azerbaijani television; - scientific-theoretical view of the ideological and aesthetic problems of art programs; - the task of human perfection in the problems of art programs; - the main directions of national art preferred in the programs, attention to them; - analysis of genre peculiarities of art programs; - attitude towards the formats of national art facts and to their presentation in the international arena programs; - analysis of plot and composition issues of programs; - professional peculiarities of programs. Bounds of the research. In the history of modern development of Azerbaijan, the tradition of independence began to manifest its terms also in the sphere of telecommunications. The beginning of TV history dates back to the middle of the XX century, to more exact to February 14, 1956. And today 15 TV chanels (including MTV, CBC, Dalga TV satellite) function in the capital of independent Azerbaijan and 9 TV chanels work in regions of our country Each TV channel serves its separate, specific audience basing on its own conceptual principles. This is also reflected in the creative features of art programs. Modern time doesn’t recognize boundaries anymore. The world TV tradition, foreign experience, international projects comprehend the interests of many, quite different viewers.


Scientific novelty of research. The analysis of TV art programs and the scientific approach to the problem have not yet been the subject of a theoretical study not only in art criticism, but also in journalism. The main novelty of our research is defined by the complex format of the scientific-theoretical and practical approach to the activity of TV art programs. This complex approach reflects the activity of art programs in Azerbaijan since its engendering period. In this activity a historical overview of art programs, the ways of their forming under soviet censorship, attention to the problem of national self-awareness of art programs during the fight for independence, new program formats engendering in modern times, key elements of professionalism of programs, etc. features are included and studied. The novelty of the research can be defined also by the fact that not only any TV channel, but also the entire TV program in this sphere is studied in the Azerbaijani TV space for a first time. In prevous researches the typological character of TV wasn’t taken into account. One of the important directions of research is connected with the typological character of the TV channel and it’s influence on art programs. In this sense, AzTV, which has the status of a state chanel, ITV, which has a public nature and is based on the principles of public interest, commercial TV channels, the financial sources of which depend only on the advertising market – all of them are analyzed from typological position Another scientific novelty of the research, is that in differ from previous researches, here the inclusion of literature, television theater, television documentaries and films, each of our national and spiritual values in the sphere of art is based scientifically, and a wide and deep analysis of program topics is involved. Theoretical and practical importance of research. The practical importance of the dissertation is defined by the fact that it can lead to further large-scale research in this sphere. A comprehensive view of art programs on Azerbaijan TV can be necessary both for theorists and practical journalists working with

7 the theoretical and practical issues of art criticism and television journalism. This research can be used also as a teaching aid in the teaching of various spheres of art, in the teaching of practical spheres of television journalism. The aprobation and application of the dissertation work. The dissertation work was registered in the Scientific Council on Art Studies and Architectural Problems of ANAS, performed at the Department of “Art Study” of Baku Choreography Academy. The results of the research were represented in articles, published in journals both in Azerbaijan and abroad. The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, nine subchapters, a conclusion and a list of references. Including, the total volume of the dissertation consists of 235.116 characters: Introduction - 10.821, 1. - 4.065, 1.1. - 15.704, 1.2. - 13. 299, 1.3. - 10.960, 1.4. - 12.004, 2. - 2.646, 2.1. - 31.075, 2.2. - 20.473, 2.3. - 29.122, 3.- 2.739, 3.1. - 26.237, 3.2. - 21.179, 3.3. - 18.328, Conclusion - 5.165, References - 8. 632.


In the "Introduction" part of the dissertation the art as a public institutionis is analyzed generally, theoretical views on the position of television programs in this system are summarized, theoratical and practical importance and other issues are presented. Chapter I, is entitled "History of the establishment of art programs on Azerbaijani television and the principles of its primary activity". The I chapter is divided into four sub-chapters. The first sub-chapter of the I chapter is entitled "Historical conditions gave rise to art programs on Azerbaijani television". Here a historical excursion on the issues of art in the early days of Azerbaijani television, the development and transformation of those programs into separate program formats, the reasons of such programs engendering are investigated. Seeing the growing role of art in aesthetic education and human development, the Azerbaijani State Television continued activity in this direction. The repression

8 of national and moral values by the Soviet state in the 1930s created a public fear of national art. But the new historical circumstances, formed in 1960s saved Azerbaijan state television from this danger. Especially with the coming to power of Heydar Aliyev in 1969, this danger disappeared completely and television was remembered for its national spirit. Another decade later, in the 1980s, television entered a new stage, differed both technically and creatively. Researchers characterize this period as a period of special development. In one researche it’s noted, that “We can say without exaggeration, that since 1980 ... our television has experienced a real period of maturity"1 [p. 93]. Y.Alizadeh and G.Maharramli noted in their researches that in that period the number of interesting literary-artistic and musical programs, programs prepared with the active participation of the audience, as well as programs, embracing socio-economic problems important for the life of the country began to increase. It is not without reason that in this part of our research we focus namely on AzTV as on main object. Thus, though decades (1956-1992) have passed since the establishment of television in Azerbaijan, but due to the fact that our country was part of the USSR, there was only one state-owned television. This aspect itself did not allow television to present the national spirit, especially the national culture, which represents this spirit more freely, in a creative way. "Television in Azerbaijan began to operate since 1956. Although the idea of creating a was put forward in 1965, its realization became possible only in 1968. So, television in Azerbaijan was established 12 years earlier than in Turkey. However, Azerbaijan entered 1990 only with one TV сhanel, i.e. State television, but Turkey entered 1990 with dozens of commercial TV channels ” 2 [p. 14]. The reason of it Azerbaijan had to get permission from

1 Alizadeh Y.M., Maharramli G.M. “Azerbaijan air-waves: history and modernity”, B.”Nurlan”, 2006, p.184. 2 Mammadli J.A. Electronic media-legal defence and experience. The Publish of Azerbaijan Journalists Defence Committee.B. 2002, 150p. 9

Moscow to produce even an ordinary newspaper. The creation of television had to pass through very difficult state institutions, and it was unthinkable to take any initiative. But, Turkey, as a country with its own traditions, respect to democratic values and European values, dating back to the time of Ataturk, created countless TV channels in the 1970s and 1990s. "A technical tool that has been especially valued since the discovery of the press by visualizing the conversation and the event with images"3 [p. 83]. So, the television became later the in the center of attention in independent Turkey state. Democratic countries attach special importance to television because "television is a technological tool that does not recognize religion, race or nationality. It is a technical tool based on cultures and religions ”4 [p. 69]. In this chapter the reference to scientific works and monographs of well-known scietists - "Azerbaijani art in the period of independence" (2012, 159 p.) by corresponding member of NANA, Professor A. Salamzade; "Problems of artistic style in information culture" (2003, 255 p.) by Doctor of Arts R. Abdullayeva; "Tradition: typology of art and cultural dialogue" by Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies T. Bayramova is presented. In 1995, on the initiative of the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Fund, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva Cultural Fund was established with the aim of providing comprehensive support for cultural development. In 1996, the journal “IRS”- "Heritage" was founded, it’s published in three languages and illuminates the activity of the entire cultural sphere of Azerbaijan. The second subchapter of the first chapter of dissertation is entitled “Tele space – Problems and perspectives”. It is emphasized in the subchapter that television, which is the quickest and most operative among the mass media, has an unparalleled

3 Rıdvan Bulbul A. General Service of Information. Ankara: Nobel, 2000, 294 p. 4 Küçükerdoğan Bülent. Kültür ve televizyon… “Televizyon ve…” Utopiya Yayın Evi, Ankara, 2009, 283 s. 10 mission in immediately informing the public about the current problems and events of our time and in forming public opinion. At a time when the role of television in the mass media system is growing, the most important task is to raise national television to the level of modern demands of society, to reveal effective forms and methods that meet the requirements of public consciousness and the political situation. Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev's article “Azerbaijan Tele Space: problems and tasks” published in “Azerbaijan” newspaper emphasizes these principles5 [94, p. 6]. One of the most popular public broadcasting companies in the world is China Central Television. (CCTV). The company consists of 22 independent broadcasting channels specializing in different spheres. Previously, China Central Television was funded only by the state budget. However, at present, CCTV activityits supported mainly by advertising revenue. The state supports separate social projects broadcast on TV channels. In China, meanwhile, every family pays a monthly membership fee of 18 yuan (4.65m) to access digital TV.6The functionality of television is very important in the context of national moral values. Thus, e.g. the artistic value of Azerbaijani mugham both for national culture and the culture of all mankind, its high significance was recognized in 2003 by such an authoritative international institution as UNESCO. UNESCO has declared mugham "one of the masterpieces of the folk and intangible cultural heritage of mankind." Azerbaijani musicians were the first in the Moslem East, who began to appeal to non-traditional audiences and performed mugham touring and recording gramophone records. For the first time in 1906, the English Joint-Stock Company "Gramophone" recorded Azerbaijani music on gramophone records performed by the famous singer Jabbar Qaryagdioglu and other Azerbaijani musicians. From 1906 to 1914, several European gramophone record companies, including the French company “Pate Brothers”, the

5 Akif Jabbarli, Pulse of Time. Baku, 2009. 6 Mirzabeyli E. While talking about TV chanels. 2019. 11

German joint-stock company “Sport-Record”, Russian companies “Extraphone”, “Concert-Record”,“Monarch-Record”, “Gramophone-Record”, “Premier-Record” have released dozens of records with Azerbaijani mughams, “tesnifs” and “rengs”.7 Once, most TV channels broadcast cultural information specifically on the main news hour. Now this criterion has changed. At the end of the information hour, sports news takes place immediately after the presentation of economic news. The audience is in a vacuum in terms of cultural information. Due to the small number of cultural programs, they cannot be included in the audience's menu in terms of popularity. The audience cannot be tuned to cultural mood and cultural programs. High-level programs remain in the memory, regardless of its ampoule. Programs reflecting the most important moral values, which are not reflected on state television and commercial channels, should be kept. The most important mission of state television is to preserve national traditions, art, history and culture in the country. The average statistical consumer of TV products gives an unequivocal answer to the question “What would you like to watch?” – “Accurate, accurate information, educational and intellectual programs, mugham projects, films without violence, murders and, in general, educational, educative and other similar programs. Unfortunately, sometimes the “cultural hunger” audience is forced to watch low-quality programs”8 [95]. The third subchapter of the first chapter of dissertation is entitled "Primary forms of art programs manifestation on Azerbaijani state television". In this subtitle the idea and content of the original formats of art programs on television, such problems as the manifestation of nationality in the conditions of Soviet censorship are studied. TV is the most serious and perfect transmitter of culture. Therefore, the fact that television is the subject of art criticism,which combine sociological, futurological, cultural aspects

7 Heydar Aliyev “The Collection of manuscripts about mugham” 8 Sabutay. Cultural menu in TV space. Baku, 2008. 12 in a single system, requires the analysis of all its art programs. The increasing of TV chanels number in the country formed different kinds of art programs, their whole typological system. At the same time, the disturbing moments of the Soviet era in the television presentation of works of art that do not fit into any ideological canons have left their mark on the history of TV. Presented composition can show the direction of development of the Azerbaijani TV space in the sphere we are engaged in research. At the initial period of TV functioning Abdullah Shaig said:”TV became cultural factor, entered our life. Its development on the level, necessary for our people depends on its senior staff and employee.” While criticizing some aspects of TV activity, the outstanding poet pointed out, that. Composer Fikret Amirov, who introduced the musical art of our people to the world, in 1971 published in “Communist” newspaper an article entitled "Performance and Exactingness". In that article great composer expressed his dissatisfaction with the promotion of brilliant genres of Azerbaijani professional music and art and gave advices connected with television activity in this sphere. As in that article interesting ideas about art programs in the period of our television forming were said, we need to include it in the research:“The Сhorus of Azerbaijani Radio and Television has been established for about 30 years. Undoubtedly, television for a long time has been the only propagandist of Azerbaijani choral music and has won the sympathy of our listeners. For the development of these two teams, we need to clear up some issues in their work. So, Chapel should be the main performer of academic style, complex, polyphonic, classical and modern works. There are a lot of performers in the radio and television Сhorus, whose level of mastery and sound ability do not match,so, it also creates fragmentation, makes difficult to maintain a unified harmony. This is the truth, although it is painful” 9 [20, p. 162].

9 F.Amirov. Performance and exaction: (About Rashid Behbudov)” Alizadeh Y.M., Maharramli G.M. Azerbaijan broadcast space: history nad modernity. Baku, Nurlan, 2006, p.162-163. 13

The fourth subchapter of first chapter is entitled "Principles of art programs operating within the framework of Soviet ideological canons." Here the influence of soviet ideological demands towards art programs, the cases, when it was possible to disturb these limitations are studied. The issues such as the means of national culture facts presentation, positive impact of some programs on the process of national self-awareness in Azerbaijan TV of soviet period is studied in historical-chronological aspect. A strange paradox has arisen about the role of television in society since the middle of the last century: in the West and especially in the United States, where television is most developed, TV channels have already adopted the concept that “a person returning from work in the evening will forget the worries of the factory or farm where he worked during the day, take off his shoes, put on slippers, lie on the couch, turn on the TV and look for the programs that he need. So, he will change his world of work and fall into a completely different world and provide his rest”10 [62, p. 77-78]. But ideology required television to promote the Communist Party's political line on television and even in art programs in the . Of course, we are far from describing the Soviet era in black glasses, which has recently become prominent in some scientific studies. Our television has done a lot for the national revival within the ideological canons of the Soviet era. However, it is also known that it was very difficult to initiate programs about national values and national art containing these values at an ideological time during 1960-1990, which claimed to unite different nations and form them with the concept of “Soviet man”. Today, our researchers rightly value the celebration of Novruz holiday in Azerbaijan as an official state document in 1969 and the intensive appearance of our national values on television with the coming to power of national leader Heydar Aliyev as a great historical event. An entire epoch of Soviet-era Azerbaijani television coincides with the reign of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who regarded the nation's national values as a sacred entity and brought topics related

10 Borev Yu.B. Aesthetics. M: Publishing house Visshaya Shkola, 2002, p. 511 14 to art to the screen. The opinion of TV journalist and researcher Sadig Eljanli is true that Azerbaijani television, which was mostly formed under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev, “showed anti- assimilation power, resistance ... became a screen of the people's spirit, a mirror of national morality” with its cultural programs against the assimilation measures of Soviet propaganda11 [ 14, p. 260]. The second chapter of the dissertation is entitled "A new look at art programs on Azerbaijani television in the period of independence." This chapter, in turn, is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter is entitled "Television art programs as a new format of look at system of national and spiritual values." In this subchapter new tasks assigned to such programs for protection and enrichment of national values in the present situation are more accented on theoretical generalization, refering to practical indexes. In such situation the main attention is paid to study of program formates, united the national and universal human values. From the point of view of culturology and the theory of art in the dissertation a large place is given to the creativity and theoretical researches of A. Salayev and V. Samedoglu (1980 - 1990). In the dissertation the works of foreign researchers in the sphere of theory of art and culture, philosophy are studied also. Among them a particular attention is paid to scientific works and researches of representatives of the German Frankfurt School of Aesthetics and Art Studies, such as T. Аdomo, М. Benjamin, Н. Marcuse, (In studies of named scholars the problems of relativity of elite and mass culture, the problems of seriality, repetition and restoration in modern culture are investigated). Another aspect of the actuality of research is the researcher's appeal to the works of well-known foreign artists and scientists, public figures, in particular, to the work of such researchers, as P.

11 Eljanli S.G. Mysterious word gate. Stories, essays, articles, fragments. B.: Shur, 2017, p. 432 15

Gennon, М. Eliade, V. Malyavin, М. Fukо, Ф.Lyotard, J.Deleuze, J. Badrillard. , М. Hardt, U.Eko, İ. Ilyin ("Postmodernism". Dictionary of Terms "M. Intrada, 2001). Programs that reflect the most important moral values that are not reflected on state television and commercial channels should be kept. The most important mission of state television is to preserve national traditions, art, history and culture in the country. Different countries have different approaches to this issue on tele space. The Russian experience is interesting. Public Television belongs entirely to the state in this country. In Russia, electronic media are conventionally divided into state and commercial chanels. In Russia, “First Channel” is a state-owned TV chanel, but “All-Russian State Television and Radio Company” that unites “Russia 1” and “Russia K” is a state-owned enterprise. In addition,in the neighboring country the NTV, TNT, TV-3 and other channels, which are united under the name Gazprom-media, founded by the state-controlled company Gazprom broadcast. (GazProm is owner of 50 % of the shares, and analogues of this structure are rare).12 We would like to give a small reference to the Azerbaijani diplomat of the Soviet era, Anvar Mammadov, who devoted all his life and activity to Russian TV channels. Anvar Mammadov worked as First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee of Television and Radio Broadcasting. Fluent in English, German, Italian and French, Anvar Mammadov was the First Deputy Chairman of Sergey Lapin, Chief of USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting ("Gosteleradio") in 1962-1985. During his work, Anvar Mammadov prevented the banning of some most popular Soviet films, including "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath ." In August 1964, together with Alexander Yakovlev, Anvar MAmmadov co-founded Radio channel “Mayak” (“The Lighthouse”), which was created to

12 Mirzabeyli E. Talking about TV channels. Baku, 2019. 16 compete with Western radio stations broadcast in the USSR. 13 [p. 35] The second subchapter of the second chapter is entitled "New format variety of art programs in the Azerbaijan TV space." By the time, conditions for the emergence of a variety of program formats in TV environmentwere created, which were the product of a new, different, independent creative approach. E.g, for a long time the viewer accustomed to the name "News” (“Khabarlar”) which was the only news program on Azerbaijani television. But in 1990th “ATV”, “Khazar Khabar” (Khazar TV), “Jarchi” (ITV) and other сhannels were created. So, the viewers became witness of the headlines of new programs expressing the information policy and typological character of each TV channel. Thus, a variety of analytical, educational, as well as software formats expressing culture and art engendered. Presentation of art programs with live audience on Azerbaijani TV channels can be considered as a new format. Watching and evaluating national music on a number of topics on ATV TV channel “Gunden-gune” program, mugham-related works such as “Shur” and “Kurd-Ovshari” reflecting Fikret Amirov’s work on the “Medeniyyet” channel and his symphonic music are among the interesting program formats for art critics and audiences from different classes. The “Medeniyyet” channel attracts attention with the presentation of fundamental programs which highlight all the urgency of the art and cultural fields as a whole. But, we can say in the present case that more attention is paid to new program formats here as a recent TV channel in the history of Azerbaijani television. The participation of the artist's wife, as well as the famous artist Elmira Shakhtakhtinskaya at a program (18.1.2017) dedicated to the talented artist Ogtay Sadigzadeh’s work, which highlighted the aesthetic vision of the two artists, interactive communication with a wide audience in the studio, as well as the host's communication

13 99dov 17 with the audience through WhatsApp are new elements of the program. The third subchapter of the second chapter is entitled “The main themes of art programs”. It is clear from the programs we pay attention to that the state-funded art programs, prepared on AzTV and Public Television and Radio broadcast present more topics, connected with our national and spiritual values, demonstrate respect the past and enrich the present.According to the Law on Public Television and Radio, the TV and Radio must pay special attention to our national and moral values. That’s why, in differ from private channels, addressing mainly to advertising, on AzTV and ITV channels, financed by state, namely in studied programs this task is fulfilled more successfully. It’s the reason, that the programs of private TV channels in this sphere are studied by the method of comparative analysis in third subchapter of second chapter.Other TV channels - private - also give a lot of space to the presentation of music. But here, the word "many" can also be taken in the sense of criticism. E.g. TV channels such as Khazar TV, ATV and Space TV sometimes are addicted to music, so they do not only overshadow other types of art, and sometimes even annoy the audience. The analysis of the wedding industry the art show is mixed and interferes the proper presentation of art. On many commercial channels, music is more of entertaining character and does not improve the aesthetic education of the audience, but spoils the taste by its banality. E.g. broadcasting of "Favorite Song" (“Sevimli mahni”) on Spase TV provoked criticism of viewers for its banality, noise, overly emotionalism, presentation of casual participants and unsatisfactory broadcast aesthetics. It is no coincidence that some of these programs have been severely criticized by the Television and Radio Council and their broadcasts have been limited. It’s pity, but information programs, the main duty of which is to present serious events, took place in our country and musical news also, don’t criticize such negative cases. The program "Beloved" (“Sevilenler’) broadcasted on AzTV

18 invited valuable intellectuals with special merits, distinguished in the art and culture of Azerbaijan, and praised the culture of the country on the background of their activity. The program "Azerbaijani miniatures in world museums" presented on ITV also expresses the theme with its clear headlines: such as “Kalila and Dimna” miniatures”, “Azerbaijan in historical museums”, “Outdated books” and others. In general, "the promotion of painting and artistry is an expression of the attitude of each nation to man, nature and the world in this direction".14 [p.143] The creative work of Azerbaijani artists is valuable in this regard. This powerful force of television has the power to bring back to us national folk creativity, every forgotten fact of our art. Chapter III of the dissertation is entitled "Creative principles of art programs on television." The main research in this chapter will be fixated on the professional characteristics of television programs in thу mentioned sphere. Therefore, in the first subchapter of the third chapter "The exponents of professionalism in television art programs." are studied. Today, TV experts in the Azerbaijan media as a whole the professional work of TV presenters is discussed mainly with complaint, critically. Certainly, the negative attitude of some "experts" is also evident here. We consider it more scientific and more objective to approach the issue in the dissertation basing on the principles of context-analysis, to give a comparative analysis of the presenters of the same type on TV channels of other countries, such as Russia and Turkey. In the first subchapter of the third chapter, we intend to maintain this principle. At the same time, a number of aspects such as the journalist's programming, topicality of themes, studio design, director and producer work, forms of communication with the audience are also taken into account. First of all, we would like to focus on the main parameters of professionalism. "The main exponents of professionalism in journalism coincide with the process of forming of the press ... When journalism has the task of enlightenment, the journalist's

14 Vachnadze G. World-wide broadcast. Tbilisi, “Ganatleba”, 1989, 672 p. 19 ability to have universality, e.g. comprehensive knowledge has turned out"15[p.16] Azerbaijani journalism and Azerbaijani journalists demonstrated real professionalism namely with the ideas of enlightenment. “The, demand to enlightened persons engendered as necessity of historical process development”16 (p.3). So, the journalist, enlightened the audience, were formed by the history itself. Today, in Azerbaijan professional press corps exist, its representatives continue the tradition of their preсessors worthily. Modern journalism undergoing a strong process of differentiation, operates in the traditional newspaper, television and radio, online system, TV is still the greatest need of the masses in this sphere, and the country television has interesting, professional journalists. The second subchapter of the third chapter is entitled "Problem of TV presenter in art programs on TV channels". The word "problem" is used here in a literal sense. So, the research is conducted both in connection with the press and in the course of work the existence of the problem and ways to elimination are studied. The general regularities of television are based on the principles of conveying its different functions such as art, aesthetics, enlightenment, information, on professional presentation it to audience. All these factors create the demand for the presenters with excellent knowledge, skills and talent. All over the world only commentators, showmen who demonstrate the credibility of any topic or presented information win the audience's sympathy. TV presenter is one of the most difficult works in TV. “The presenter must have a special charisma that attracts the audience and eradicate the defects, which are seen in the screen more clearly". 17 [p.241] “TV presenter must also take into account the typological

15 Nachivin Y. Serials enter our life. “Literary newspaper” (Literaturnaya gazeta), February, 26, 1974. 16 The Caspian as court of Enlightenment. Editor Farid Huseyn. Baku, Zardabi LTD, 2016, 652 p. 17 Radugin A.A. Aesthetics./ Under editorship of A.A. Radugin. M., “Center”, 1998, 240p. 20 nature of the television on which he works. There are well- developed principles of operation of the TV channel, which pays special attention to its rating and program policy and engaging new journalist, TV channel must acquaint him with those principles”.18 [p.414]. The operating principles of NBC News TV in USA can serve as a model for any other channel. NBC News TV channel always required of their TV presenters to have an honest, impartial working position, accurate and understandable style. It is clear from these facts that TV presenters must be devoted to their own professional principles. These principles revolve around all television programs, including art and culture programs. And, certainly, art programs require from the presenter the elegance, special approach required by the content of this sphere. Otherwise, TV presenter can perform a completely different task. Theoretical views on TV presenters focus on the fact that “TV presenters demonstrate their professionalism mainly in informative and entertaining programs, but demonstrate weakness in aesthetic education and enlightenment programs. The viewers expect from TV presenter wide world outlook, good attitude, high professionalism, literate speech, clear pronunciation, creative erudition”19[c.62].TV presenter - especially if the program is about literature, art, culture - acts as a communicator, a bridge between the audience and the artists, so he (or she) must have a very broad outlook not only on the topic, but in different spheres as a whole. Important defects, such as inability to control the course of events, lack of mastery of the subject, banality, unnecessary expressions and inappropriate jokes, rightly cause the audience anger. In the third subchapter of the third chapter entitled "Language and stylistic peculiarities of art programs on television", the problem of speech and style is explored. So, in this

18 Mammadli J.A. Theory of journalistics and its experience. Baku, Zardabi LTD, 2012, 616 p. 19 Zasurski Y.N.Powerful force-television. “Literary newspaper” (Literaturnaya gazeta), October, 21, 1986, 62 p. 21 subchapter the opinions of TV presenters and respondents, connected with language of texts, its style are discussed. The opinion of linguist experts are also taken into account. The language problem itself is considered to be a key fact of the national value system."Language is a bridge between the past and the future of the nation, ensuring its integrity and continuity. In this sense, language is the greatest wealth inherited from generation to generation. Social development, along with other factors, depends on the degree of richness of this wealth ”20 [p. 337] Today, Azerbaijan state emphasizes that “the media, including television, has a great responsibility to protect the purity of the language, to respond to the challenges of globalization, to enrich our language, to protect it from foreign influences”21The National Television and Radio Council periodically monitors the language of our TV channels. In the report on monitoring conducted by this organization in September-October, 2014 to determine the level of the in the country television space it is pointed out:“On June 25, 2003, the National Television and Radio Council adopted “Special Rules on Ensuring the Use of the State Language in the Sphere of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Territory of Azerbaijan Republic” to ensure the use of the state language in television and radio broadcasting. Thus, in accordance with the requirements of Article 32.0.6 of Azerbaijan Republic Law “On Television and Radio Broadcasting”, in all TV and radio channels established and operating in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the volume of the state language is defined as 75%. The task is to increase constantly the percentage and quality of use of the state language”22 The perfection of television language is a synthesis of speech,

20 Khalilov S.S. The life itself and its invisible side: phylosophical and literary- artistic publicism. Baku, Nurlan, 2013, 448 p. 21 Abbasov I. The Press is language phenomenon first of all. “525 newspaper”, September 27-28, 2011. 22 Kuchukerdogan Bulent. Culture and television… “Television and…” Utopiya Publisher House, Ankara, 2009, 283 p. 22 i.e. of words and visuals. The visuals of television are also included in speech, but in some cases, visuals are the closest helpers and can be substitutes for language. It should be noted that the terms "frame", "plan", "perspective" used as television terms and the points they express serve the quality of professionalism, and it can seem strange, but these elements are especially required in art programs. The perfection of television language is the synthesis of speech - words and visuality. Even television visuality is included in speech, but in some cases, visuality is the closest helper and substitute for language. When studying the artistic and aesthetic features of the dissertation, the following results are obtained: -art programs on Azerbaijani television have acquired new creative qualities based on national traditions; -the period of independence has created conditions for new approaches and richness of themes in art programs; -despite of separate typological nature, all our TV channels addressing the subject of national art, work basing on the principle of national and public interest; - the art programs broadcast on our TV channels have been enriched with new formats; -the enlightenment mission in art programs has expanded. Public television programs in this sphere are particularly different; -TV art programs are thematically enriched; -the genre palette of art programs has expanded. In particular, television performances, TV serials, documentaries, portraits are accepted by the audience with respect; -the professional quality of television art programs is increasing and there are facts of reference to world experience in this sphere; -particular attention is paid to the language and style features of art programs. However, along with all the positive dynamics of development, there are a number of criticisms of art programs in our national television environment. They can be grouped as follows:


- there are a number of art programs on television (except AzTV and ITV), which have a very limited range of topics and do not serve the public interest; - the TV presenters of some art programs on private TV channels are either occasional people or singers and actors who are not liked by public; - on some TV channels, it is enough to pay attention only to the names of art programs in order to understand that they are far from national interests; - the simplicity and banality of the format of art programs on some TV channels is felt clearly; - some of the art programs can be considered simply as "concert programs"; - many art programs duplicate both form and content of each other, and the search for novelty is not felt. In the Conclusion part of the dissertation the research is summarized, the activity of art programs on television is generalized, and suggestions and recommendations on the subject are presented.

The main scientific-theoretical points of dissertation are presented in following articles and thesises:

1. Creative peculiarities of literature and art programs. Education Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan State Universitiy of Culture and Art. “Scientific articles”, (scientific-theoretical journal). Baku-2017, N24, p.138-146 2. The main themes of art programs in Azerbaijan TV space and the main indexes of journalist’s professionalism. Education Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku State University, XXI Scientific Conference of young researchers and doctors. Baku-2017, p. 245-247. 3. Television art programs in the context of a new view of the system of national and spiritual values. Scientific article. Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. “The world of culture” (scientific-theoretical collection) (ISSN-2221-


7584), Baku-2017, XXXIV, p. 109-115 4. Primary principles of art programs activity on Azerbaijan TV. Education Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic, “Medeniyyet Az.” (“Culture Az). ( “Cultural Enlightenment” – scientific, methodic, publicistic journal), (İSSN 2413-2365). May-June, (319), 2018, p.42-45. 5. Art programs in the context of typological television Scientific article. "Search" international scientific journal-application, (ISSN-1560-1730), Republic of Kazakhstan-2018, №1 (1), pages 101-106 6. The exponents of journalist’s professionalism, peculiarities of language and speech style. Baku Choreography Academy (“Academy of Art”, (International scientific-theoretical journal) (İSSN 2219-9837) BakıuN1(4), 2018, p.109-112 7. The search of formats in our TV space. Union of Writers of Azerbaijan, “Gobustan” collection of arts. 3/180. Autumn- 2018, p. 73-75 8. Haydar Alivev’s conception in lightening of our national culture and art on Azerbaijan TV space. Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Subjects. .(ISBN 978-9943-5270-5-8) Materials of International Conference (v.2), Tashkent-2018, p.112-115. 9. The opportunities of unlimited broadcasting, its influence on TV in international context Sosialmentalityand researcher thinkers journal (İSSN:2630-631X), 2019, Vol:5, İssue:25, pp1658-1661 10. Heydar Aliyev's view of art and culture programs of Azerbaijan television. Azerbaijan National Academy of Science. “Philology and Art History” (ISSN 2663-4368). Baku-2019, N1, pages 197-199 11. Art programs in the context of the typological nature of television. Thesis. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. Problems of application of musical culture of Turkic peoples. Materials of the XVII international scientific-practical conference. Baku-2018, pp.109-113. 12. Educational function of television art programs. Thesis. IV

25 International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences in Turkish Cultural Geography. Azerbaijan / Baku-2018, 28-30 Haziran (June), p. 152 13. Professionalism, language and style features of a journalist in art programs. Scientific article. Baku Academy of Choreography. “Academy of Arts” (international scientific- theoretical journal) (ISSN 2219-9837), Baku-2018, N1 (4), pp.109-112.

26 The defense will be held on the ______at_____ at the meeting of the Dissertation council FD 1.34 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at Institute of Architecture and Arts, ANAS

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Electronic versions of dissertation and its abstract are available on the official website of the Institute of Architecture and Arts, ANAS.

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