P.L. 2543

Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 169 tad-19 ta’ Novembru 2018 mill-Ispeaker, l-Onor. Anġlu Farrugia.

______Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra

Second Session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace

15 - 16 November 2018 ,

Hon Anglu Farrugia, Speaker Hon Glenn Bedingfield, MP

Parliamentary Delegation Report to the House of Representatives.

Date: 14th -17th November 2018

Venue: Tirana, Albania

r Maltese delegation: Honourable Anglu Farrugia, President of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Honourable Glenn Bedingfield, Government Member Ms Karen Mama, Research Analyst, House of Representatives

Programme: At the invitation of the President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, Honourable Taulant Balla, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, , the Honourable Anglu Farrugia, participated at the Second Session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, plenary session, which was held at the House of Representatives, , in Tirana. Report prepared by the Honourable Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta.

Between Thursday 15U1 of November and Friday the 16th of November, I led a parliamentary delegation to the 2nd Session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. The meeting took place in Tirana, Albania and included the participation of over 30 countries from across the globe. I was invited to give one of the opening speeches and together with President Al-Jarwan to sign the declaration establishing the foundation of the IPTP.

The other members of the delegation were Honourable Glenn Bedingfield from the Government side and Ms Karen Mamo, Research Analyst. Hon. Bedingfield is also member of the International Affairs Committee of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) and participated to the Committee meeting. The 2nd session was spread over two days and came to a conclusion on Friday evening with a meeting with Mayor of Tirana Mr Erion Veliaj. On this special occasion, the Mayor of Tirana presented the Key of Tirana to the President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, H.E. Ahmed bin Mohammed AI Jarwan. Later during the evening, President Al-Jarwan and myself signed a declaration confirming the establishment of the IPTP back in Malta in July 2018.

On Thursday 15U,, my delegation held meetings with the Speaker of the House of Albania, H. E. Gramoz Rw;i, and also with the President of the Republic of Albania, H. E. Ilir Meta.

The main topics were of course the close collaboration between the two countries, especially with regard to parliamentary relations, where I recalled that during March of this year, when H.E. Meta came to Malta on an Official Visit, I highlighted the importance to establish a Joint Parliamentary Friendship Group between Albania and Malta. The Speaker of the House and His Excellency the President of the Republic Meta, acknowledged that both parliaments should speed up interactions and set this newly formed group into action. Opportunities for trade and commerce were discussed during the meetings with both the Speaker and the President of the Albanian Republic. Th areas covered focused on: medical tourism, the financial services, the energy sector, sports and cultural corporation. The discussion also addressed Albania's accession to the European Union. I reiterated Malta's support for Albania's EU aspirations, which started in 2009 and were officially recognised by the EU in 2014. I underlined that the current agenda for l enlargement by way of accession will be opened only after the European Parliament elections, (June 2019).

Honourable Glenn Bedingfield, participated also in the meetings that took place during the day also of the 15th of November 2018.

On Friday 16U1 November, I addressed the plenary session as one of the main Speakers, immediately after the Albanian Vice Prime Minister, Her Excellency Senida Mesi, and after the presentation of the Speech by the President of Albania and the Speaker of the House of Albania.


PR182434 14.11.2018


Speaker Farrugia to participate in the second session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace [ Speaker of the House of Representatives Anglu Farrugia left Malta for Tirana, Albania, to participate in the second session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, which was inaugurated r in Malta last July. Member of Parliament Glenn Bedingfield- the nominated member ofthe Maltese Parliament to the r International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace- is accompanying the Speaker. The second session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace will be held at the House of Representatives, Parliament of Albania, between the 15th and 16th November 2018. l l l [

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3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VLT 2000 Tel +(356) 2200 1700 Fax +(356) 2200 1775 [email protected] DIPARTIMENT TAL-INFORMAZZJONI DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION MALTA Press Release

PR182437 15.11.2018


Speaker Anglu Farrugia meets Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Gramoz Ru9i \ Speaker Anglu Farrugia met the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Gramoz Ruyi for the first time and discussed avenues for further cooperation. Speaker Farrugia mentioned the excellent relations between Malta and Albania and recalled the state visit made by the Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca in February 2016 as well as the more recent visit by a business delegation. Speaker r Farrugia highlighted that Malta and Albania have various opportunities on the horizon and said that the current momentum should be maintained. On this note, the Speaker welcomed the recently [ established Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group and recognised that this will further facilitate cooperation and opportunities for the two countries.

[ Speaker Farrugia also stated that Malta will continue to support the accession of Albania to the EU and looks forward to more countries recognising the importance of the Balkan States joining the single market and being fully participant in the EU's four freedoms, that is the freedoms of movement, goods, services and capital. As it has already done in previous years, Malta will continue to push forward the importance of dialogue with neighbouring countries, especially towards the east and south. The Speaker went on to say that there can be no peace and prosperity in Europe ifthere is no peace and prosperity in neighbouring regions such as the Balkans and the Mediterranean.

The Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Gramoz Ruyi expressed positive remarks with regard to the possibility of strengthening cooperation between the two countries and mentioned the Parliamentary Friendship Group as an excellent tool to bring into fruition a more productive relationship. He thanked Malta for its participation and commitment to promote tolerance and peace and recognised the importance of sustaining closer cooperation with a country that has always had positive remarks about Albania. He further explained that accession to the EU is very important for Albania, especially the younger generations, and went on to say that he welcomed Malta's support.

Speaker Farrugia is currently participating in the 2nd session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace in Tirana, Albania, between the 15th and the 16th ofNovember and is also holding a number of high-level meetings. The Speaker is accompanied by MP Glenn Bedingfield, a member of the International Affairs Committee of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace.

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3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VL T 2000 Tel +(356) 2200 1700 Fax +(356) 2200 1775 [email protected] r [ r [ f r [ ! l DIPARTIMENT TAL-INFORMAZZJONI DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION MALTA Press Release

PR 182442 16.11.2018


Speaker Farrugia meets President of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta and addresses the 2"d session ofthe International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace

Speaker of the House of Representatives Angelo Farrugia had a bilateral meeting yesterday with President of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta. Speaker Farrugia welcomed the excellent relations ( between the two countries and reaffirmed Malta's commitment to support the accession of Albania to the European Union. He highlighted the importance of parliamentary diplomacy, acting as the basis for strong cooperation at a commercial level. The Speaker explained that Malta is currently [ experiencing a boom in its economy and excelling in various sectors such as healthcare, education, and tourism.

The Albanian President thanked the Speaker for the excellent relations between both countries and r the two parliaments, particularly since the recent establishment of a parliamentary friendship group would further consolidate cooperation between the two institutions. Meta welcomed the recent visits held by business organisations in both countries and augured that the parliamentary friendship group acts as a spring board to speed up the establishment of concrete investment and business opportunities in Albania and Malta.

The Speaker also addressed the members of Parliament present for the 2nd session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), hosted by the Parliament of Albania on 15-16 November 2018. Speaker Farrugia welcomed the proactive work of the IPTP and of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) and congratulated the GCTP President Al-Jarwan for establishing close cooperation between the Council and the UN High Commission for Human Rights. This is an excellent opportunity to elevate the status of the GCTP and strengthen its position in the world.

The Speaker recalled parts from his opening speech delivered during the launch of the IPTP, which took place in Malta last July, and reiterated the importance of recognising that the concepts of tolerance and peace are an ongoing process and that these concepts require a reciprocal approach and the whole-hearted participation by everyone. Mr Speaker spoke on the role of members of Parliament to propagate values of tolerance and peace and the need to use similar inter­ parliamentary fora to strengthen dialogue and create a vibrant hub to exchange different ideas and beliefs.

Speaker Farrugia explained that Malta has for a long time advocated for a more inclusive region and provided a neutral hub to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between states. He mentioned the recent exhibition organised by the Office of the President of Malta entitled The Majlis: Cultures in

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3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VLT 2000 Tel +(356) 2200 1700 Fax +(356) 22001775 [email protected] Dialogue, which is an excellent example of how interaction between the East and the West is a possible and desirable goal.

Concluding, Speaker Farrugia recalled that the UN celebrates today the Day of Tolerance, which falls exactly on 16 November, and quoted a thought by Saint Teresa of Culcutta who used to say that: "if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other".

Mr Speaker is accompanied by Glenn Bedingfield, member the Committee of International Relations of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace.

The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, launched in Malta on 6 July 2018 is one of the two main pillars of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and enjoys worldwide membership. The International Parliament includes a total of jive committees on: International relations, Legal Affairs, Women and Youth, Sustainable Development, and Peace and Tolerance.

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, was officially launched in Malta in November of 2017 and has the goals ofpromoting tolerance, peace and humanitarian action across the world. Through the adoption of democratic principles and international law, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace aims to counter discrimination, religious sectarianism and ethnocentricity whilst promoting the role of women, youth and marginalized groups as key players in the development ofjust and peaceful societies. [ r

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Speech by

Hon. Angelo Farrugia Speaker of the House of Representatives

Second Session ofthe International Parliament of the Global Council for Tolerance and


[ [ I [ l L l' L 16 November 2018 HE Mr Ilir Meta, President of Albania HEMs Senida Mesi, Vice-Prime Minister of Albania HE Mr Gramoz Ru~i, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament HE Mr Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan, President ofthe Global Council for Tolerance and Peace HE Taulant Balla, President of the International Parliament Esteemed Colleagues Ladies and Gentlemen, r It is a pleasure to be with you today and together continue this very important project: the promotion of tolerance and peace across the world and future generations. I wish to wholeheartedly thank the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament HE Ruc;:i for hosting us today r and the President of the International Parliament HE Balla for organising the second session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. I am very proud to assert that the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace has chosen Malta as its headquarters and earlier this year, on 6 July, the Maltese Parliament together with the GCTP launched the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. The Ministerial and Parliamentary dimension greatly complement each other and continue to consolidate further the GCTP's core function of promoting a more unified and peaceful existence. I am also confident that the Council's outreach to international organization, such as the recent meeting between President Al-Jarwan and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Michele Bachelet, continue to elevate the GCTP status and strengthen its position in the world.

Colleagues, As we gather here for the second session of the IPTP, I am pleased to see many participants that were already with us in Malta. The International Parliament can now enjoy the membership of over 30 countries stretching from the North to the South and from the West to the East. Diversity, individuality and a large pool of perspectives are the characteristics that make us strong against the adversities of our shared human existence. In my speech delivered during the opening session, I spoke about peace as a continuous process - one, which is not limited to a particular geographical region or point in history but is rather a universal journey requiring joint and innovative tools. I highlighted the importance to transform words into action and be open to different beliefs and creeds. Furthermore, I emphasized the importance to recognize that tolerance and peace are not abstract unattainable concepts applicable only to certain countries or political realities, but are universal notions that should form the basis of our every policy and legal script. Moreover, I emphasized that tolerance and peace necessitate a reciprocal approach and the whole-hearted participation by everyone. From the youngest members of our societies to our elderly population, from the remote farmer working the land to the urban business CEO, we all hold the potential to be Ambassadors for Tolerance and Peace.

Esteemed colleagues, As elected representatives of our respective communities, we enact legislation and are in direct contact with our constituency. We are instrumental to promote and foster fundamental values of non-violence, respect of and openness to others, tolerance, solidarity and peace. Through our parliamentary work we need to reaffirm the importance of mutual understanding and r dialogue as the basis for any functional society and inter-personal relationship. By mutual understanding I do not mean the homogenization of society. On the contrary, through dialogue we create a vibrant hub to exchange different traditions and beliefs. Subsequently, they f reinforce each other to create long lasting peaceful coexistence. As members of Parliament, we also have an important role to use parliamentary diplomacy as a catalyst for the propagation of f tolerance and peace. Opportunities created by similar inter-parliamentary fora strengthen dialogue and provide us with the possibility to contemplate and act where elements of intolerance and hate seep into our discourse and communities. f Regarding Kosovo, I am pleased to assert that back in 2010 Malta actively worked in the European Parliament to push forward for the recognition of the country at a European level and my country was one ofthe first European countries to recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo. I join your message, Speaker Rus;i to urge the remaining EU Member States to do the same. Malta remains committed to act as a bridge between the North and the South of Europe. Already in 1975 at the meeting held in Helsinki by the then Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Malta advocated for an inclusive political dialogue thus promoting the participation of Southern Mediterranean states. In the years that followed, Malta continued to be a beacon of neutrality and facilitated the organization of numerous meetings and events aimed at promoting dialogue and peace. Only recently, the Office of the President of Malta I organised a cross-cutting exhibition entitled The Majlis: Cultures in Dialogue. The Majlis, is the space of hospitality and dialogue present in homes throughout the Arabian Gulf, offering l guests the opportunity to exchange ideas about how much common ground exists between different cultures, and how these commonalities have been expressed in technology, art and culture. The exhibition aimed to encourage visitors to respond to what they see and to share their own stories, creating dialogue between East and West, between young and old, between the past and the future.

Colleagues, As we yearly celebrate the UN Day of Tolerance on 16 November, that is today let us today once more embrace this opportunity for dialogue and maintain an optimistic outlook of our shared and common future. We are all part of this project and together we can make a tangible and long-lasting impact. On this note and to conclude, I wish to share with you a very brief but fascinating quote by the late Mother Therese, a loved saint of this country and an Albanian national, when she stated; ''If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other''

Thank you r r- r r [ f f f [ [ I [ l [

L l l _ l [ l l. l l l

I_ l t

[ l [ l Annexes:

1 • Letter of invitation, dated 16 h October 2018, from the President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace H.E. Ahmed Bin Mohamed Aljarwan, to the Speaker of the House of r Representatives, Parliament of Malta, Honourable Anglu Farrugia. • Invitation from the President ofthe International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace H.E. Taulant Balla, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Honourable Anglu Farrugia. • Invitation from the President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace H.E. Taulant Balla, to Honourable Glenn Bedingfield, Member of the Parliament of Malta. • Albanian Daily Newspaper reporting meeting between the Maltese Speaker of the House of Representatives Honourable Anglu Farrugia and the Albanian Speaker Honourable Gramoz Ruc;:i • Albanian Daily News electronic journal interviews Speaker Anglu Farrugia • Agenda Madliena, Malta 16 October 2018 Ref: 435/ 2018 Dear Excellency,

We would like to Extend to your Excellency our highest consideration and warm wishes of good health and continued success.

We are pleased to confirm the attendance of H.E. Ilir Meta, President of Albania and H. E. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, in the "IPTP" plenary session on the 16th of November 2018, in the main hall of the Albanian Parliament.

Your Excellency is invited to attend and give a speech during this session alongside the discussing and completing of our Parliament Agenda.

Your Excellency is also invited to a Dinner in the honor of the president of Albania on the evening of the 16th of November 2018.

Please find attached the preliminary agenda for the 2nd session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace 14-16 November 2018 in Tirana, Albania.

Please Also find Attached, your formal Invitation Card.


Ahmed Bin Mohamed Aljarwan President of Global Council for Tolerance and Peace

Address: 31, Heaven Saint, Triq Esprit Barthet, Madliena, Malta -Tel: +356 9966 8788- Email : [email protected] H.E. Taulant Balla President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace cordially invites Hon. Angelo Farrugia Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta to participate in the Second Session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace at the House of Representatives, Parliament of Albania, Tirana from 15-16 November 2018

Dress Code: Formal I Lounge R.S.V.P Email : [email protected]

L__ L__ .,___ .....___ '--- I r r r




H.E. Taulant Balla President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace cordially invites H. E. Glenn Bedingfield Member of the Parliament of Malta to participate in the Second Session of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace at the House of Representatives, Parliament of Albania, Tirana from 15-16 November 2018

[ Dress Code: Formal I Lounge R.S.V.P Email : [email protected] [ l r r r r



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TIRANA • Parliament SpoobrGrlmar&ftu!IIootlewkbenwentbetwo ~~putempha• --Putoltbedlo· Ill on KODDIIde cooperation c:ullioo wae allo cultural re· Speaker Ru~l !xpre11ed u anlmponwpllluofbUat· ltnlooawltldleanbe_.· p-alitude for Malra'a perm•· eral rdadocu, wldchabouldbe td tbrou&b the lllldtudonal -Dent &ieadlf 1Upport to Al· lndudcdlntbopdattdeaollu· C>lplllzalonol~ln ~>an~a:a eu._..mtepadoa twe.,._.__the the manqement of arcbeo­ ...... -that thll twO c:ountzra.Jn tbla ..pnr . lopcal ueu, berttap, Joll>t IUpportwiD c:ondnueln pur­ he mendoned. teverallm· youth ucbanse prosrams lUll ollba counuy't elfom ponantbU-_..u. wllb a particular foc:ua on and atepa toward& op"entns lbdudlngp10teetlonandpro___ · membenblp aeaolladou. 1be Albanian parliament •tbe Treaty of PrieadsbJp ...... _and apea¥t requested support -.MabaonciAibanla 10011. Heareuedlha...,.._ --lor Albaa't andtdacy for a wiD be I cooftrmadon of our entrepreneUnarewelcameiiJ non-permanent seat ln the -...... U...trdatiCIDIQ Albania In aecton or- Securtty Counc:ll for the •em New Danish, Ghanaian Amb. Present C~dentials 'mlANA· -..or the Repuh1k: Wt Mora -.r on 1'b.un«ky.thelttterl of c:redaatlala from the new • IIIDiiaaiadonoltheJCJnadom of Denmart, oncl of the Ro· flllbllcofGbana. ( In meetinJwtthnewly·ac· aedltedDanlahAmbaaador to Albania, Rea' Rouser Dfneaen, Praldent-... _.t..-.rerartheoup· port Denmukhu-­ AibamoforthedrN!opment f oncllllOiJathonlol ofdemoc· rocyUttlthelndopendenceof -..-r.r!he.,.­ ofbuatandpttl. Meta alao tcq>niHd fludof'oel01alpj,.,.. .., ••

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EXCLUSIVE/ Anglu Farrugia: Religious Harmony, a Fact of Life r


Albanian Daily News

Published November 19, 2018



(http:/ /www.speedtaxi.c:

AlbanianNews.corr (https:/ /www.facet [ The Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta, Mr Anglu Farrugia, visited Albania to attend the second session of the 335577143320264 International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. He also had several meetings with Albanian heads of institutions, where Malta's suppmt as an EU member for Albania's European journey was emphasized. We had the chance to interview Mr Farrugia on various topics, the main issues being Albania's chances for opening the membership negotiations, bilateral relations, but also the case of journalist Caruana Galizia, migrants waves and the lack of proper attention from the EU side to the Mediterranean and Balkan regions.

- Mr Farrugia, Albanian Speaker Mr Rw;:i after your meeting happily announced Malta's support over Albania's candidacy for the OSCE presidency and the UN Security Council membership. In your view, are these aims achievable, what do they say 1/6 11/19/2018 Albanian Daily News about Albania?

-They are quite legitimate aims. In my meeting with speaker Rw;i, I clearly indicated that you will have our Of course, Albania is doing a lot of good things, a noticeable progress, and we are suppotting Albania strongly in these initiatives, the first and foremost being naturally, the road towards EU membership. The OSCE candidacy and that of UNSC, as I said, would be good achievements for the country, but as I said, the most important is the EU, and a very impottant period is approaching in June 2019. In this regard, we are very clear: We suppott Albania unconditionally. r I also stated this in my speech during the conference (the International parliament session held in Tirana), adding Kosovo too. Because Malta is among the first European nations to recognize the State of Kosovo, and we didn't stop there. We were also part of an important resolution that passed in July 2010 in the EU parliament, which encouraged all the EU member countries to recognize Kosovo. These two complementary positions of Malta regarding Albania and Kosovo are firm.

-In fact you started answering to my second question, too. Mr Speaker, it's not a secret that in front of Albania's efforts to open the negotiation talks (and to so many other countries for that matter), without underestimating the conditions and r parameters already set, the EU's decision will undoubtedly be also a political one. From your point of view, do you think Albania's progress till June will be considered as sufficient?

-From my information and the reports I have read so far, Albania is making a lot of progress, and if the country keeps up that momentum, it will be in a very positive position to achieve the opening of membership negotiations.

-Malta has been and is at the center of migrant waves from Africa. How has this phenomenon affected the country?

-The effect is unavoidable. And another reason for that is because we don't have a very clear policy and attitude from the other EU states. Everybody is trying to defend his own side. Of course the solidarity among the EU nations is not very strong, and that's why this phenomenon is still not properly being addressed. Malta is taking all the steps according to international obligations, international treaties and conventions. We do accept the migrants on humanitarian grounds, we try to apply all the regulations regarding this issue, to legalize them and convince other European states to take some of them, that is, to share a part of the burden. However, we hope that after the next EU parliament elections and the change of Commission, we will have a clear and more sensible approach with regards to this phenomenon. The phenomenon in itself is very clear. The migrants cross the Mediterranean from Libya to reach Europe, and we are in the middle of their route, the closest and smallest EU destination. According to the Dublin Convention, the refugees that arrive at an EU destination are given the right to stay at their first entry. This doesn't make sense. Now imagine a small country like Malta, with roughly half a million inhabitants, to shelter all those waves of refugees. It's impossible for us to carry the burden, when on the other hand, the Europe as a continent of 700 millions doesn't help. Your question touches a very delicate and important issue that needs to be approached fundamentally from the EU as a [ whole.

-In this regard, how would you comment the stance of Italy's new interior minister? What should Europe do, in your opinion?

-Yes, the position of Salvini in Italy is very strong. Of course I understand Italy's position, as this country did accept in the previous years, quite a good number of refugees, irregular immigrants. However, that doesn't mean that the attitude should change from one position to the other so abruptly. We have to debate, to discuss, to tackle such issues, to collaborate and to coordinate with each-other. You cannot have unilateral positions just like that. The fact that you shout and make a lot of noise does not mean that you have the solution.

-Since you mentioned the next European elections, Mr Speaker, and taking into consideration the important changes that are happening in Europe's political landscape; what ki.nd of outcome do you have in mind, or are you predicting next summer?

-I think that the traditional parties will have a setback. I think that there will be a stronger right wing wave, with parties taking over in some areas, and so the balance of power between the traditional parties could be changed. Whether this will be ideal for Europe or not, we will have to wait and see. However, the European dream must continue, despite of the results of any elections. [_ -Mr Speaker, the case of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is unfortunately, worldly known. Malta's Police commissioner just said to visiting MEPs that the investigation "is at a delicate stage", while international investigation is also involved. How has this case been perceived in Malta?

-It is a very unfortunate case. We have the death, the murder of a journalist, a blogger, which of course like any other case 2/6 11/19/2018 Albanian Daily News

should be properly investigated. As you may know, it is not just the local police investigating, but also the FBI, the Dutch police and other help from abroad. After thorough investigation, those who committed the crime were charged. I go back in many cases ofrecent history all over Europe and the West, where we have many mysterious deaths which remain unresolved; journalists, businessmen, other prominent people and no one was ever charged. Now we are at the second part of this investigation, which- I agree with the Commissioner- is very delicate. We are in the process of hopefully finding those who ordered the crime and bring them to justice. What's happening in the media, international media included, -and I must add there are people who are interested in harming the government of Malta- is that some of them are trying to point out that somehow the government is involved. But this is not a matter of speculation; we have to wait for the investigation to be concluded. Because one thousand suspicions do not make one evidence. So yes, you are right, this case has drawn international interest, from the Council of Europe and European Parliament too, and we are always prepared to answer to whoever wants to ask questions, including the team of Euro-parliamentarians recently. The most important is to obey to the rule of law, which means leave the authorities do their job without interference. Hopefully the second part of the investigation will be concluded and all the questions will be answered.

-Let's jump in the Albanian territory. Archbishop George Frendo is practically a Maltese-Albanian now. I believe his example, his name and efforts have served as an incentive for a closer relationship between the two countries, hasn't it?

-Ohh, the archbishop is more Albanian than Maltese now Oaughs), since President Meta gave him the Albanian citizenship, right? Yes, that is true. In fact, after the regime change, in the early gos, the Maltese came here. We have one of the best colleges in Europe, the Preca College (originated from a saint, Saint Georg Preca) which has been established in Korea. There is one thing that we have in Malta, and as Archbishop Frendo has stressed multiple times in our meetings, is very strong in Albania too; your country is a model in the world regarding the religious tolerance. It is real, a fact of life, says Frendo, not a slogan. The Albanian society is exceptional in this regard: An Orthodox is married to a Muslim, to a Catholic and so on. You don't find this anywhere in the world, although it looks normal for you in Albania. So Malta and Albania do share this element, for Malta as you may know, since many-many years has emphasized the policy of peace based in tolerance. We did this by changing the Constitution, by closing the military bases (the British were here until the 1979), and we work to entrench these principles through our participation in international organizations, such as the conference of International Parliament here in Tirana, for which I would also like to thank MP Taulant Balla for his efforts.

-What relations do you have with the Albanian officials .. . ?

I have had early contacts and of course, a personal friendship with President Meta. We have worked a lot together since he was the Speaker of Parliament, but also as a President he was one of the firsts to come to Malta twice. We have good friendship with Speaker Ruci also; we have met several times. I also have met with other ministers and politicians, including Prime Minister Rama and deputy PM Mesi, with whom I discussed the possibilities of enhancing the medical tourism between the two countries, the financial sector, the maritime sector etc.

-Your last assessment leads me to the next issue: how would you describe the current state of relations between Malta and Albania? Is there room for improvement and where?

-We agree at the outset that bilateral relations are very good, since they go back to the year 1973. After the communism they have grown stronger. We have Albanian students and other citizens who live and work in Malta, they are good citizens. But we must go to a higher level. I will try to convince my country that we must open an embassy here in Tirana, and also to set air connection, that is, direct flights just like we have with Skopje. I know that tourism here is gaining force, but I am certain ofthe need that the area, the Balkans as a whole must reorganize its tourism. And of course, to explore the sectors I mentioned above.

-Mr Speaker. You spoke of the region, and the Mediterranean comes to my mind. There have been conferences lately, but the interest on the area seems to be switched on and off, without something substantial coming out of the many events. What do you think?

-Good point. The European Union for many years ignored the Mediterranean. It didn't emphasize the importance of working closer with the Mediterranean area and the Balkans. One thing I said to Mr Martin Schultz (then the EP speaker) five years ago, in Cyprus when the country had the EU rotating Presidency: You must pay attention to Mediterranean developments. l At the time the President Morsi was still in power in Egypt, Libya lingering at the brink of chaos, Syria was holding on, there were protests in Tunisia. Later on, things went for the worst and EU started asking how to deal with these events, when it was too late. L EU must be very attentive to the Mediterranean. Now everybody has realized it. I have mentioned it at the conference here in Tirana too: We are discussing about the refugees and Europe, but imagine what would have happened if Egypt was to go unstable. Some go million people would seek for safe shelter; what would happen to Europe? How would the Union deal with it? That's why your question is very important. We were emphasizing this issue since the 70s. So, more and more needs to be 3/6 11/19/2018 Albanian Daily News done for the Mediterranean, from policy adoptions to encouraging cooperation and good neighborhood. There are no two different regions, EU and Mediterranean, they are intertwined and what happens to the South, will affect the North. The intuition of Dam Mintoff many years ago (former Maltese PM and prominent politician, A.K), made him say that we should work toward a common Mediterranean policy. But when the EU started gaining force and becoming powerful, it didn't have this kind of insight and social heart- if you like- to use this approach for the region. That's why it would be good for Malta, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus etc, Albania of course, to work more together. As I told Mr Tajani, the EU Parliament president, the small EU countries must join their forces and have a common voice toward the big powers of EU. Because the big brothers, sometimes, impose things that are not good for the region.

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Arrival of the Delegates and the Guests. f

r Thursday 15.11.2018

[ 08.00 AM: Gathering in the loby of hotel Mak Albania of all the Delegates [ (handing the pins and the conference set to the delegates) 08.30 AM: Departure of the Committee Representatives outside the hotel.

Meeting of the Committees

09.00 AM: Bureau meeting 10.30 AM: Committee's Meeting 12.00 PM: Coffee break and snacks [ 01.00 PM- 02.30 PM: Closing of the committees

I Meeting with the high level of Government of the Republic of Albania

[ 03.00 PM: President of the Republic of Albania H.E ILIR META 04.00 PM: Vice Prime Minister of Albania H.E. SEN IDA MESI 07.00 PM: Speaker of the Parliament of Albania H.E. GRAMOZ RU(I

Friday 16.11.2018

Welcome and Parliamentary Session

09.30 AM: Arrival of the Delegates, Guests and the Media to the Parliament. l 09.50 AM: Arrival of Speakers of Parliaments and Regional Personalities. 1 0.00 AM - 12.00 AM: The Welcome Session

1- Speech of the Albanian Parliament's Speaker H.E. Gramoz Ru~i 2- Speech of the President of Albania H.E.IIir Meta 3- Speech of the Albanian Vice Prime Minister H.E. Sen ida Mesi 4- Speech of the Maltese Parliament's Speaker H.E. Angelo Farrugia 5- Speech of the Pan African Parliament Representative H.E. Janet Ongera 6- Speech of the Representative of Arab League H.E. Sa mira Bibasr 7- Speech of the President of IPTP H.E. Taularit Balla f 8- Speech of the GCTP'S President H.E. Ahmed Bin Mohamed AI Jarwan [ 9- Section for showing a film introducing the IPTP and its activities (7 minutes) r Closing the Welcome Session by the Albanian Parliament's Speaker Group photo of the Delegates and Members. r 12.00 PM: Coffee, snack break and interviews with the participants.

[ > 01.00 PM- 03.30PM: The Parliamentary Session . . . r . 1- Opening the session by the President of the IPTP 2- Verifying the attendance and legal quorum for the session; r 3- Approval of the plenary agenda. r Reports of the Permanent Committees (maximum 20 min for each committee)

...; r 1- Committee of International Relation's report and recommendations; 2- Committee of Legal Affairs' report (presenting the bylaws draft of the IPTP for discussion) and recommendations; 3- Committee of Women and Youth's report and recommendations; 4- Committee of Sustainable Development's report and recommendations; S- Committee of Peace and Tolerance Building's report and recommendations;

Other topics of discussion

03.00 PM: Discussions for the hosting of the third session (in February) and deciding on the matter. Closing speech from IPTP's President H.E Taulant Balla l_ 03.30 PM: Closing of the session t 04.00 PM: Meeting with the Mayor of Tirana. The Mayor will give the "Key ofTirana" to H.E. Ahmed bin Mohammed AI-Jarwan f President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace r 06.30 PM: Gala evening: Hosted by the President of IPTP H.E. Taulant Balla. Venue: Mak Albania Hotel r r Saturday 17.11.2018 [" Departure of the Delegates and Guests. [ f

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