P.L. 792

Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 58 tat-28 ta’ Novembru 2017 mill-Onor. Beppe Fenech Adami, MP.

______Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra

11/2812017 Search Results for "daphne" - Glenn Bedingfield

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581 search results for: daphne

Daphne's democracy 1 22 Nov 2017 I 14Comments I

A pensioner has been held in custody accused of making threats against Roberta Merltsola. No politician should have their life threatened, but what would Daphne Caruana Galizia have made of the accused in this case being denied bail? She had w ritten worse. More than once she suggested that the Prime Minister must be shot and[. ..] 11/28/2017 Search Results for "daphne" - Glenn Bedingfield 2 Daphne, our heart bleeds 20Sep2017 I SComments I

Here's Daphne Caruana Galizia talking about the Millers of Miller Distribution Ltd. . Read article here. This is the company that prints, publishes and distributes the Malta Independent newspaper, the newspaper where Daphne writes. The Chairman of this company is Malcolm Miller who is the brother of Mrs. Vella de Fremaux -mother of Leader of the[ ... ]

Daphne and her hold on HSBC, now 3 this is disturbing 14 Sep 2017 I 9 Comments I

We have become so used to hearing about leaks from HSBC. First it was information about Keith Schembri's account that was leaked and then it was something else. There have been so many of these leaks that I have lost count. Daphne is now disturbed by the fact that 'certain former employees of HSBC', who[... ]

Pluto's post: Daphne's misandry 4 10Sep2017 I 8Comments I

Reading Daphne's blog (or if you can afford her the appellation of a 'journalist', her often fake news portal} you cannot but notice her misandrist fashion. Is it envy of men? Is she perhaps remonstrating with the world that she does not possess (permanently that is) the male member? She seems to think that women[ ...]

o/ 11/28/2017 Search Results for "daphne" -Glenn Bedingfield

Tkaxkira oflra kbira gflal Simon, 5 Daphne u 1-klikka 02 Sep 2017 I 25 Comments I

Tliet xhurwara t-tkaxkira mingliand il-poplu Malti, Simon, Daphne u 1-klikka qalgliu tkaxkira olira kbira. Fil-gimgnat li gfladdew fetliu kampanja kontra Adrian Delia u nadmu gflal Alex Perici Calascione. Simon Busuttil kien earn kliemu, Daphnegnamlitha cara xi jrid !-establishment tal-partit permezz tal­ blogtagnha u 1-membri tai- Kunsill Generali li wotaw tawhom tkaxkira ikbar milli [ ...]

Simon jobdi Iii Daphne, isib Iii Delia 6 flati 30Aug 2017 I 6Comments I

11-Kunsill Amministrattivtai-PN kellu gnadma iebsa jiddiskuti r-rapport tal-kumitat tal-etika. Riedu jsibu soluzzjoni biexjeliilsu minn Adrian Delia, imma rna setgnux. Madankollu, Simon obda Iii Daphne u sab Iii Delia nati. Se jnalluh jikkontesta imma qed jgnidu car u tond Iii votanti, Iii Adrian Delia rivvotawlux. Din hi d-decizjoni ta' Simon: 11- Kunsill Amministrattiv jaccetta r-rapport [ ... ]

David defends Daphne, how dare 7 you call her a blogger! 12 Aug 2017 I 18 Comments I

PN failed candidate David Thake was offended because Adrian Delia referred to Daphne Caruana Galizia as "blogger". David must have been fuming when The Malta 11/28/2017 Search Results for "daphne" -Glenn Bedingfield Independent carried Adrian Delia's reaction saying Daphne Caruana Galizia launched a "personal and manipulative attack on my family and myself" and called her a blogger. He was so upset that[.. .]

Daphne's Deutsche Bank accounts 8 15 Jun 2017 I 12 Comments I

In her ever present scaremongering drive Daphne has once more painted a lurid 'fail' mark on one of our best local banks. I would suggest that people read the article at the end of this link for a better understanding of the context of this issue.­ bank-is-struggling-to-stay- al ive/articleshow/ 57616325.cms ?from=mdr

Don't bet on Daphne ending her lies 9 06 Jun 2017 I 24Comments I

Within hours of being sworn in for a second term, Daphne Caruana Galizia was back in action, fabricating news and spreading lies. Daphne told us that Betsson had been planing to pull out of the country if Labour was re-elected, that Dr Muscat would visit them to persuade them to stay, and the [ ... ]

Thank you Daphne 10 04 Jun 2017 I 41Comments I

Thank you Daphne. You won it for PL. One name, one face, one poison dominated this 11/2812017 Search Results for "daphne" -Glenn Bedingfield election. Daphne Caruana Galizia. She set the agenda for PN and they never dared to question her. They reacted to her every word, to her every lie, and built a campaign on hate. In the PN race to power[. .. ]

Daphne's timeless and tranquil 11 nature 30 May 2017 I 31 Comments I

It would be tempting to say that Daphne paid €1,000 for these shoes but this blog prefers to deal with truths, not lies. We won't make up a figure. These photos were taken at Casino Maltese, the meeting place of old for Malta's Fascists. Daphne appears relaxed now that she's come to terms with Simon leading[... ]

Daphne's fool proof sources 12 14 May 2017 I 23 Comments I

The following extract tells you everything you need to know about Daphne Caruana Galizia and her 'fool proof' sources (proof, that is, that they are believed by fools). You can read all about her skewed reasoning and logic and her 'amazing sources' here: "A few days ago, I received a letterfrom a firm of[... ]

Guest Post: ln-'normali' ta' Daphne u 13 Simon 14 May 2017 I 12 Comments I

II-Bogan tai-Bidnija ddecidiet li xejn f'dan il­ pajjii m'gliadu 'normali', u blial pappagall 11/28/2017 Search Results for "daphne" - Glenn Bedingfield imliarreg glial tal-apposta, Simon bed a jirrepeti dil-buzzword tai-Bogan kull fejn u meta jista', hekk kif ordnatlu hi. Gliax is sa liadd ma jista' jigih 1-icken dubju illi kull darba li Simonjibdajlissen kliem blial kantaliena, 1- iskript preciz tkun gliaddietulu hi. Lit-Times u [ ... ]

Biex Daphne tgliidlu prosit 14 29 Apr 2017 I 11 Comments I

Fl-aliliar intervjena! Biexjidher li qed jig bed il-liabel tal-partit u Daphne torsi Daphne ma tibqax tikteb kontrih. I mma ma paxxitux, ma qaltlux pros it. Xorta gliadha ma talimlux.

Guest Post: The sequel of Daphne 15 and Simon 28Apr2017 I 6Comments I

Do you remember, when they told us the plane was not hijacked. Funny how they have shut up completely about that now. Conspiracy theories abounded. Final truth. It was. So they built up a new story. She dropped hints. She even told us the day the big leak would come. So the Pilatus chairman knew. All [ ...]

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lt-trumbetta ta' Daphne stunata 16 28 Apr 2017 I 11 Comments I

Simon kapaci biss jirrepeti dak li tgflid Daphne. La Daphne m'gflandhiex provi tal­ allegazzjonijiet li gflamlet ma nistennewx li Simon se jkollu 1-provi. Kieku Daphne kellha 1-provi, Simon kien ikollu 1-provi wkoll. Galadarba Daphne tigdeb, Simon jigdeb.

lt-trumbetta ta' Daphne ma 17 tinteressahx ii-iieda fil-paga minima 11/2812017 Search Results for "daphne" - Page 2-Glenn Bedingfield 27 Apr 2017 I 5 Comments I

ld-disperament politiku li gflandu Simon blialissa li rna jiflalix jara li 1-liidma tai-Gvern flimkien mal-imsieliba socjali kollha,jaqblu li gliandha tizdied il-paga minima. Dan ii-Gvern huwa 1-aktarwielied kompetenti ekonomikament u gust ekonomiku, il-flolqien tal-impjiegi u tkabbir tal-gid jippermeti li 1-Gvern jgliin 1-aktar li hemm bzonn u i -iied nl-paga minima, flimkien mai-Unjins hija turija cara [ ...]

Trumbetta ta' Daphne, waqa' fl­ 18 aktar livell baxx ta' politika 27 Apr 2017 I 6 Comments I

Simon Busuttil qed juia lingwagg diigustanti nlwaqt li jaqbei glial persuni madwaru akkuzati b'korruzzjoni ankeni-Qorti stess u 1- agfiar ksur ta' regoli miii-Awditur Generali. Simon sar trumbetta ta' Daphne jirrepeti 1- allegazzjonijiet kollha tagfiha u waqa' fl-aktar livelli baxxi nl-politika meta fuq invenzjonijiet tiegfiu li issa huwa car li m'gfiandu 1-ebda prova dwaru, irid jibgliat Iii [... ]

Like Salvu, Daphne thinks li 1-poplu 19 Malti kollu injorant 26 Apr 2017 I 27 Comments I

So what if I don't have proof to throw the Labour Government into shambles?! As long as I keep repeating the same lies, something's got to stick! REPEAT!- This is the Bogan's mind-boggling head, spinning around her own set of lies. Well the only proof which the Bogan seems to have is up in [ ... ] 11/2812017 Search Results for "daphne" - Page 2 -Glenn Bedingfield

Daphne giddieba u TUBA mill-kbar 20 26 Apr 2017 I 90 Comments I

Li Daphne Caruana Galizia hija giddieba taf Malta kollha. lmma ma kontx nagflmilha stupida, daqs kemm tgflid li hi brava u tifhem f'kollox, imma mhux fl-elezzjonijiet. Fejn tidnoll-elezzjoni, ii- Bidnija Bogan tuba mill­ kbar u llum nabbret "id-data tal-elezzjoni generali" u qalet li qed ikunu stampati 1-karti tal-vat! "Ballot papers". Kif jista' jkun qed ikunu stampati [ ...]

Ma jgliid xejn originali- Eku ta' 21 Daphne 25 Apr 2017 I 27 Comments I

Simon Busuttil jirricikla dak li tkun qalet seflbitu. Segwa 1-iscript kollu, Kapaci jirricikla iktar miii-Wasteserv. Li mhux qed jinduna li se ddalifllu go flajt u terga tkun il-kawi:a ta' telfa kbira oflra.

By Simon's hook or by Daphne's 22 crook 25 Apr 2017 I 1 Comment I

The Bidnija Bogan seems determined to bring down the Maltese economy, if that is her only way of making sure PN have a chance of getting back into power. Now she is listing clients of Pilatus Bank with people with British and foreign names allegedly contributing on her comment board tut tutting about Malta's reputation.[. .. ] 11/2812017 Search Results for "daphne" - Page 2- Glenn Bedingfield

Daphne is lying again, Keith 23 Schembri reacts 25 Apr 2017 I 13 Comments I

In her latest blog, Daphne Caruana Galizia repeats a one year old lie about Keith Schembri. Lying will get you nowhere Bogan. Here is Keith Schembri's reaction: For over a year now I have been subject to a campaign of lies and character assassination. Today's story is nothing but a rehashed story Daphne Caruana Galizia had already[ ... ]

Daphne and Alice in Wonderland 24 24Apr 2017 I 28 Comments I

Today marks a very important day in Malta's history. For the first time, our country will be using environment friendly gas to generate power. Heavy fuel oil is history. The new power station has been dubbed as Alice in Wonderland by Simon and his coterie and criticised vehemently by his Bidnija Bogan. Now, this reminds[ ... ]

Daphne Giddieba bil-provi 25 24Apr2017 I 28Comments I

11-Bidnija Bogan tigdeb sfaccatament uta' dan gliandna 1-provi. Fl -ewwel opportunita tagliha biex fii-Qorti tipprova 1- allegazzjonijiet infondati li gliamlet fil­ konfront ta' Chris Cardona u fil-konfront ta' Joe Gerada, gliazlet lima tidhirx fl-Awla. Mhux talli tigdeb, talli ma tirrispettax 1- istituzzjoni tai-Qorti, dik 1-istess Qorti li tat zewg siggijiet Iii PN. Fii-Qorti llum Daphne 11/28/2017 Search Results for "daphne"-Page 2-Glenn Bedingfield kellha 1-opportunita li [ ... ]

Daphne and the Hitler connection 26 23 Apr 2017 I 9 Comments I

Daphne tells. us she has lots of documents but is shy about sharing them. She wanted an investigation into corruption but when a magistrate begins one she is the first to refuse to co-operate. Self doubt is starting to show. Maybe Daphne has been reading about the fiasco of the Hitler Diaries. Back in the[... ]

Daphne se terga' ttellifhom 1- 27 elezzjoni 21Apr2017 I 20Comments I

Bil-gideb tagliha Daphne Caruana Galizia se terga' ttellef 1-elezzjoni liii-PN. Diga' kienet wanda mir-ragunijiet ewlenin gliat-telfa elettorali kbira fl-2013 use terga' glial darb'olira tkun wanda mir-ragunijiet il-gliala I-PN sejitlef 1-elezzjoni li jmiss. Fir-rapport tat-telfa miktun minn Rosette Thake, Ann Fenech u Simon Mercieca kienu cari u kategorici li wanda mir-ragunijiet tat-telfa elettorali kbira [ ... ]

Konrad Mizzi reacts, says Daphne is 28 lying

19 Apr 2017 I 9 Comments I

Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister Konrad Mizzi refers to an allegation made by Daphne Caruana Galizia in a blog 11128'2017 Se!l"ch Results for "daptroe"- Page2-Giem Bedingfield post today, wherein she alleged that a company owned by Leyla Aliyeva "transferred very large sums of money", described as "loan payments", to Hearnville Inc and other companies. As with other recent allegations [... ]

Credit where it's due, Daphne has 29 provided many good laughs 19Apr2017 I 10Comments I

The Bidnija Bogan has excelled herselfthis week, with so much to say and so little to back it up. Accusations are made but where is the evidence? One is reminded of the saying that "empty vessels make the most noise." Her "army of spies" feed her information which she publishes without checking it out. [ ... ]

Ma bzajtx minn Eddie meta kien 30 Prim Ministru mhux se nibza' minn Daphne 16 Mar 2017 I 35 Comments I

Fejn huma 1-Laburisti?Tiftakruha din il-frai:i ta' wara li evita I-folia fi triq ir-Repubblika meta ressaqni 1-Qorti u heddidni bil-liabs fl-24 ta' Settembru 1999? Veru li domna biex tgliajnihielu r-risposta fejn kienu 1-Laburisti, imma kollha liaduha r­ risposta erba' snin ilu u gliadhom ma jistgliux inii:i:luha li I-PN hu 1-partit fl-Oppoi:izzjoni. Tmintax-il sena [... ] 1112B/2017 Search Results fc< "dap'lne"- Page 3-Glem Bedingfield


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Daphne, check out PA 1503/17 31 15 Mar2017 I 44Comments I

The Bidnija Bogan has reacted to an earlier story about her coming to live in Birgu and she denied it. I'm relieved to see that she has no intention to leave her castle. But I did not make up the story as she claims and asked for some proof. Check out PA 1503/17 and ask [ ... ]

Aggornata: Daphne titlef ir-rikors, 11/2al2017 8earcl1 Results for 'dapme"- Page3-Giem Bedingfield 32 Chris Cardona kellu ragun 09 Mar 2017 I 17 Comments I

11-Qorti ma laqgnetx it-taiba ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia biex tirrevoka 1-mandati kawtelatorji II fetflu kontra tagflha 1-Ministru Chris Cardona u Joe Gerada wara li kienet gflamlet allegazzjonijiet foloz fil-konfront tagflhom. L-lstorja falza tai-FKK Acapulpco gfladha friska fmoflfl kulfladd u kienet il-bidu ta' kampanja qalila tai-PN biexjgflidu li f'Malta ma hawnx il-liberta tal-espressjoni u m'hawnx [... )

Guest Post: Mario fizzled, Silvio 33 exploded and Daphne was caught in the blast 09 Mar 2017 I 12 Comments I

We all know that Daphne Caruana Galizia is a loose cannon. Less known, but perhaps suspected all the same, is that Mario de Marco was a slow-burning fuse, connected to the high-explosive that is Silvo Debono. As for Simon Busuttil? An out-of-step General back at the db funded headquarters? It all started when Daphne[... )

Pluto Hades with a message for 34 Daphne 06Mar2017 I 20Comments I

Dear Daphne, Cars don't grow on trees ... Dear Glenn, By way of explanation, the above message is intended for her Ladyship. She will understand. It's not just politicians who may have a price or who have accepted a consolation prize. Journalists have their price 1112812017 SeiYch Results for "daptne"- Page 3-Glenn Bedingfield too and so do bloggers. Pluto Hades

Daphne Caruana Galizia on why 35 Simon should have foreseen himself that he would be shocking people 06Mar2017 I 20Comments I

Simon Busuttil received a text message from CEO of DB Group asking PN to pay back the money DB Group gave to the Opposotion to cover the costs ofthetwo most highly paid officials, Rosette Thake the Secretary General and Brian StJohn the party's CEO. Subsequently he went on tv saying that he was[ ... ]

So Daphne, what would you call a 36 political party that asks a businessman to pay its wages? OS Mar 2017 I 31 Comments I

"When a corrupt businessman puts money in a brown envelope and hands it to a key politician, that is a bribe and a criminal offence, but when he says "Send an invoice for X job", it's not. But they do it for exactly the same reason, and let's make no bones about it."- Daphne Caruana[ ... ]

Salvu libes ta' Daphne gflal Karnival 37 26 Feb 2017 I 23 Comments I

Fula maqsuma ma' Daphne Caruana Galizia. 11-veru xeraqlu, eiatt qiegl'led, anka xagflru precii bflal tagflha giefl. Tasal titfixkel which is which! !=flief gflal kuluri tista' tgflid li lebsin 1- 11128/2017 Seirch Results for "daphne"- Page 3-Glern Bedlrgfield istess kKif jidher fir-ritratt mehud in-Naxxar dalghodu. Gliandhom liafna iktar affarijiet komuni u t-tnejn li huma tixirqilhom ta' furbani.

What a bunch of nasty hypocrites 38 they are, Daphne wanted to register her blog in 2015 24 Feb 2017 I 10 Comments I

Daphne Caruana Galizia had asked the Department of Information to be registered as the editor of her own blog. Testifying in the law courts in 2015, she had complained that it was not possible for her to be registered as editor, since there was no mechanism that allowed the registration of websites.ln other words, Daphne Caruana [ ... ]

Gidba ta' Daphne swiet €3,000 liii­ 39 PN 23 Feb 2017 I 26 Comments I

It-tort taglihom gliaxjibilgliu u jirrepetu kull ma tgliid Daphne Caruana Galizia. Mel a Ann Fenech tigbor il-flus u 1-gurnalisti tagliha jneffquhomla flibelli. Dalgliodu reggliu welilu tliet elef olira wara li rrepetew gidba ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia dwar Leo Brincat. Daphne kienet qalgliet qlajja dwar Leo Brincat li bliala Ministru nefaq miljun ewro fi vjaggar fi [ ... ]

Daphne's Breaking Old News an 40 attempt to deceive the PANA 1112812017 Sea"ch Results for 'daptne"- Page 3-Glem Bedl~fie!d Committee 20 Feb 2017 I 20 Comments I

The story which is being pompously reported as being a Breaking News Story, minutes before she appeared on front of the PANA Committee is a recycled news story. Originally the story about opening of bank accounts in the Bahamas has been published in April last year by Australian online portal AFR and which was reported by[... ]

Daphne's big Egrant scoop 41 19Feb2017 I19Comments I

Well you can't say Daphne does not put in the hours. She really has the best interests of the nation at heart. Up at 02:12 clicking and clanking away. Now she tells us" It's my guess that Brian Tonna is going to claim ownership of Egrant Inc". This is a supreme piece of in depth[... ]

Guest Post: Daphne's damascene 42 moment 16 Feb 2017 I 13 Comments I

I saw Daphne Caruana Galizia's photo with Simon Busuttil and I thought: What was Daphne doing with Simon last Friday in Valletta? Answer: They were marching in 'testa mood' (she deferentially some few paces behind him) under the somewhat doubtful banner of St Paul of the Shipwreck. Doubtful for two reasons: (1) [ ... ] 1112B/2017 Search Results for "daptl1e" -Page 3-Giem Bedl~field 43 Daphne fethet proceduri biex jitnehha s-sekwestru fuq €46,000 - Qrajtuha? 15 Feb 2017 I 53 Comments I

Daphne Caruana Galizia ippreientat kontro­ mandat quddiem ii-Qorti biex ikunu rilaxxati 1-flus fl-ammont ta' €46,000 li kienu ffriiati. Gl'laliex meta ingl'lad li 1-assi tagflha kienu ffriiati, ma jfissirx li 1-assi kollha tagflha ffriiati, iida l-am mont li gl'lalih qed tkun mfittxija minn Chris Cardona u Joe Gerada talli gidbet fuqhom.II-Qorti iffriiat 1-ammont ta' €46,000 biex jekk [ ... ]

Guest Post by Pluto Hades in reply 44 to Daphne's umbrage 13 Feb 2017 I 10 Comments I

Dear Glenn, In an earlier piece I decided to use the idiom "Murder will out", yes, us bogans do have a handle on the English language too. Her Ladyship decided to take umbrage at this and forgetting her idiomatic English, she was quick to say that we are accusing her of murder. Laughable theatrics aimed[ ... ]

The irony of life - Daphne donates 45 to Dar Merhba bik 12Feb2017 I 9Comments I

Everyone remembers that Daphne's husband Peter Caruana Galizia has filed a police report at the Mosta police station after he suffered a violent attack at their matrimonial home. In his statement to the police, Peter 1112.8/2017 Se!l"ch Results for "daphne'- Page 3-Glem Bedingfield Caruana Galizia reported that his wife threw plates at him in a violent attack. A clear case of domestic violence. Then [ ... ]

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581 search results for: daphne

Two-fingered salute Iii Daphne 46 Caruana Galizia 12 Feb 2017 I 32 Comments I

Fl-ewwel marc tat-tridu jkun hemm iktar nies. Din hi 1-folla li n-Nazzjonalisti setgliu igibu biexjipprotestawfisem Daphne Caruana Galizia.ll-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti gie jaqa' u jqum minn Daphne Caruana Galizia u 1-protesta tagliha. Dawk in-nies kienu hemm gliax ii-PN gabhom bil-privates gliax kieku 1-ammont kien ikun ferm inqas minn hekk. B'dak li n-Nazzjonalisti qed [ ... ] 1112B/2017 Search Results fur "daphne"- Page 4 -Giem Bedirgfield

The Malta Independent headline 47 inspired by Daphne 11 Feb 2017 I 29 Comments I

And PN says that freedom of expression in threatened!

Kemm hareg flus Simon Busuttil 48 ghal Daphne Caruana Galizia? 10 Feb 2017 I 34Comments I

11-mistoqsija li qed jagflmlu 1-fladdiema tal­ istamperija li numru minnhom, 1-aktar part­ timers gflad gflandhom jiefldu tal-pagi b'lura. 11-PN huwa partit fallut, kemm mill-flus u wisq aktar mill-ideat. Flokjigbor il-flus gflal Daphne Caruana Galizia, li minnha nnifisha hija ammisjoni lise titlef il-libell gflax ma gflandhiex provi, il-fladdiema tal-istamperija kienu jistennew li Simon Busuttil joflrog xi [ ... )

Franco Debono wkoll jaf x'jigifleri 1- 49 attakki ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia 09 Feb 2017 I 7 Comments I

Kif bed a jberraq bejn Franco Debono u I-PN, Daphne Caruana Galizia mil-ewwel flarget kontra Franco Debono biex tiddefendi Iii partit tagflha. Franco Debono jikteb:

Another victim of Daphne's barrage 50 reacts 11f2812017 Search Results for "daptm'- Page 4-Glem Bedingfield 09 Feb 2017 f 6Comments f

He can't move his little finger without being slurred by Daphne Caruana Galizia. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his relatives are one of her favourite subjects for denigration and you know why? Because Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando resigned form the Nationalist Party. That's a big no no for Daphne. She even bragged to have voted for him[ ... ]

Daphne attakkat aktar minn 500 51 persuna, Randolph Debattista huwa wiefled minnhom- aqraw x'kiteb illejla 09Feb2017 I 30Comments I

L-azzjoni li fla 1-Ministru Chris Cardona fil­ konfront ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia wara li ppublikat liafna gideb dwaru, wasslet glial bosta reazzjonijiet. Dawk li jgawdu minn dak li vilment tikteb biex tattakka 1-esponenti tal­ Labour fladuha bi kbira li xi l'ladd messilhom Iii Daphne taglihom u minn dak il-flin 'il hawn x'ma qalux kontra I- Labour. Mela dawn[... ]

Mario Frendo jisma' minn Daphne u 52 I-IGM jobdu 06 Feb 2017 I 58 Comments I

Attakk faflxi u viii fil-konfront ta' Mario Frendo 1-gurnalista stonkui tai-PN li jiddejjaq minn jikkritikah u jliossu mhedded jekk tikteb dwaru. Dan Frendo gliamilha pubblika li jiddejjaq min jikkritikali u Daphne tatu parir biex imur gliand Hstitut tal­ Gurnalisti Maltin biexjgflinuh. Tgflid qed isofri minn post traumatic stress disroder 1112B/2017 Search Results for "daphne"- Page 4-Glem BE

Lovin Malta poll: Majority of people 53 do not believe Daphne Caruana Galizia 05 Feb 2017 I 17 Comments I

Beppe Fenech Adami might believe Daphne but 58% don"t.And Lovin Malta is a PN stronghold.

Daphne Caruana Galizia wants us to 54 use our heads 02Feb2017 I 26Comments I

Daphne's questions answered here. Q &A. 1. Why would I invent a story- out of the blue- saying that Chris Cardona was right there that minute in a brothel called the FKK Acapulco in Vel bert, Germany, with other specific details of what went on there? Well because you've done it so many[ ... ]

Daphne praises Salvu 55 09 Jan 2017 I 11 Comments I

Salvu believes Hitler was progressive. Salvu thinks that all those PN Members of Parliament, Candidates and PN supporters who do not agree with him are "ignorant and a**holes". Salvu has Simon Busuttil's backing. Daphne praises Salvu 11!2a/2017 Sea

Everyone has listened to the Air Malta announcement asking all passengers to use the back loos and not go through the curtain if they are behind the red curtains. Daphne did not deny going to the front loos in front of the red curtains .. as she was photographed doing.... but is now claiming everyone can[ ... )

Daphne, qed tikteb u xxewwex gl'lal 57 xejn 13 Nov 2016 I 16 Comments I

From The Malta Independent on Sunday: Prime Minister Joseph Muscat remains the most trusted political leader, the November edition of the iSurvey commissioned by The Malta Independent on Sunday shows. As in the previous editions of the iSurvey, respondents were asked to state how much they trusted each party leader on a scale of one[ ... )

An eye for an eye (The public eye, 58 the private eye and Daphne's blatant inconsistencies). 11 Nov 2016 I 13 Comments I

This happens all the time with Simon's Blogger. It's two weights and two measures all the way. A few days ago Daphne Caruana Galizia chose to launch an outrageous and offensive attack against Keith Schembri, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister for 1112812017 Sea'ch Results for·~·- Page 4-Gtem Bedingfield allegedly failing to announce to the Maltese public that he is undergoing[... ]

Daphne please read 59 10 Nov 2016 I 9 Comments I

Daphne, since you are always on this blog, please read this and perhaps you will understand why Yana Mintoff Bland and her son were not charged by the police And why your blog is so dangerous. Thank god the police are serious and our courts are serious. Otherwise anyone whose surname was Mintoffwould [ ... )

Daphne Caruana Galizia needs 60 "private" lessons 06 Nov 2016 I 12 Comments I

Daphne Caruana Galizia is very upset. She thinks I have no right to compare Yana to Diana because one is a politician and the other the sister of one, which apparently makes the latter 'a private person'- whatever that means in Malta. We know that this has never stopped Daphne before and I can[... )

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581 search results for: daphne

Happy birthday Kristina from 61 Simon, Daphne: It really is such a hamallu thing to do 02Nov2016 I 14Comments I

It's Kristina's birthday today! We know because her fiance posted it on Facebook today. Happy Birthday Kristina. Not everyone in his party appreciates such gestures. His blogger had this to say on June 12 of last year on those who post such congratulations on Facebook: "I've noticed that a reallot of people from a certain [ ... ) 1112812017 Sei:l"ch Results tor "dapiYie"- Page 5-Giem Bedingfield

Daphne Caruana Galizia - on shame 62 and vindictiveness 270ct2016 I 6Comments I

The woman should really seek help fast. Or her husband should on her behalf, because she is clearly not able to see anything for what it is. This screens hot here under is testament to how very sick and delusional she is. She talks about 'vindictiveness' like some sort of distant relative- removed from her[... ]

Daphne Caruana Galizia, gidba oflra 63 27 Oct 2016 I 12 Comments I

Tridha li tat kollox, perfetta blial Mrs Bucket u fl-istess waqt tliawwad, tparla bl-addocc u agliar minn hekk tigdeb. L-aliliarwielied fll­ mira tagliha kien 1-assistent personali tal­ Prim Ministru, Ray Barbara. Jidher li xi nadd minn Net tv, jista' jkun Mario Frendo stess qalilha li xi liadd qallu gliageb Iii Frendo meta wara s-seduta tai-Parlament tat-Tiieta [... )

Daphne can't accept the fact that 64 she is not a WILF and will never be a MILF 26 Oct 2016 I 20 Comments I

Ugly 50 something year old- inside and out. Simon's blogger always manages to be be anti feminist in her writing. Always, and it shines through. In reply to a comment by one of her internet trolls she wrote: 'women are very rarely attracted to men they've got to 11/2812017 Search Results for "daptm"-Page 5-Glem Bedingfield keep' - right there she is [... )

Din il-bicca liamallagni mhux se 65 ssibha fuq il-blog ta' Daphne 250ct2016 I ?Comments I

Waqt li Simon Busuttil kien qed jipprepara gflad-diskors biex iwiegeb glial budget, il­ kandidat still a kellu affarijiet olira fmoliliu.

It-Tanker gie u Daphne telqet! 66 11 Oct 2016 I 16 Comments I

11-bloggerta' Simon, Daphne Caruana Galizia telqet gflaii-Londra mat-titjira tai-Airmalta dalgliodu kmieni. Ma tantx marret mgliobbija, il-bagalja flamra 1-kbira flallietha­ tanker gie u Daphne telqet! Emmnet Iii Ann Fenech u qed tibia? Gflax li jgliid il- PN gflaliha vangelu. Ma tgliidx toqgliod vicin Marsaxlokk. Ma tarax hux se tiniel gflal dak il-livell.

The Malta Independent echoes what 67 Daphne says 07Sep2016 I 17Comments I

As soon as Daphne Caruana Galizia writes something The Malta Independent echoes it. The tirade against Franco Debono is the latest example. Editor Stephen Calleja, wrote a long boring piece saying the Law Commissioner should go today. He did not say so when Giovanni Bonello went to a PN activity! It would be better[ ... )