Life cycles

The life All living things change and grow in stages from the start of life to the cycle of end of life. This is called a life cycle. Some of the animals that live in ponds and rivers go through incredible changes as grow. Many have to change and adapt from a life underwater to a life in the air!

Young Dragonflies are called nymphs and live in water. An adult Dragonfly is a flying insect.

To help you learn about the Dragonfly life cycle there are two tasks to complete:

1. The Dragonfly Quiz – Have a go at answering the quiz questions after watching this video: Dragonflies from PlanetDoc. 2. The Dragonfly Life Cycle Puzzle. Put the life cycle stages in the correct order and in the correct part of the pond.

The Dragonfly Quiz

1. What is a dragonfly nymph? 2. Where do dragonfly nymphs live?

3. What is the life span of an adult Dragonfly? 4. How long can the Dragonfly spend as Nymph stage? 5. How to nymphs detect their prey? 6. What can the nymph do with its jaw?

7. How big can a nymph get? 8. What does the nymph shed so it can grow?

9. Think of two differences between and the nymph and adult stages of a Dragonfly. 10. Name one animal a dragonfly nymph might eat.

Watch these to find out more amazing Dragonfly facts!

David Attenborough Dragonfly video BBC Earth Dragonfly Super Sense The Dragon Fly Life Cycle Puzzle Step 1: Draw a life cycle template like the one below. Step 2: Put the different life cycle stages in the correct order on your template. Write the names and draw a picture of each stage. Step 3: Draw a sketch of a pond. Include reeds around the edge, the surface and the bottom of the pond. Think about what part of the pond the Dragonfly would use at the different stages of the life cycle. Draw and describe the life cycle stages on your pond. There is an example drawing and word bank to help you get started on the next page. You can find more information to help you on these websites: Drawing of the Dragonfly life cycle: Video on the Dragonfly life cycle:

Life cycle template:

Life cycle stages: from:Images

Example Pond Drawing:


Word Bank These words could help with your descriptions of the lifecycle stages. eggs emerge fly moult climb Nymph reeds pond surface sink lay pond bottom adult mud grow pond shed wings

Fun to know: The Dragonfly life cycle is known as Incomplete metamorphosis. In this type of life cycle the younger nymph looks a bit like the adult but without the wings. The Butterfly life cycle is an example of Complete Metamorphosis. This cycle has a pupa stage and the adult looks very different from the young larva.