Prayer Diary

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Prayer Diary The Anglican Church of Australia Diocese of The Murray PRAYER DIARY 2015 Personal Prayer Points DISTRI UTE WIDELY PLEASE Please make a copy of the prayer diary for each pastoral assistant in your parish and make some copies available to church members throughout your parish or pastoral district. UPDATES ( CORRECTIONS Any corrections should be sent to the Registry registry& The Synod of the Diocese of The Murray of the Anglican Church of Australia Inc. PO Box 39 Murray Bridge, South Australia 5253 Last updated - 27 April 2015 DAY 31 Day 1 The Anglican Church of Australia: )eneral Synod Standing Committee and Office T,E IS,OP For the clerical and lay members of the )eneral Synod of Australia; for the Primate of Australia the Most Reverend Philip Freier; for the 1ohn our Bishop, Bridget )eneral Synod Secretary; Ms Anne .ywood. Almighty and eternal God, you who alone work great marvels: send down your spirit of saving grace on all Christian people, especially our bishops T,E AN-LICAN COMMUNION and other pastors and the congregations in their care; and, that they may The Archbishop of Canterbury 0 The Right Reverend 1ustin 2elby truly please you, pour upon them continual dew of your blessing. Grant this, ord, for the honour of our advocate and mediator, Jesus Christ. The Most Reverend Philip Freier and the twenty0three dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia, their bishops, clergy and people. Amen. WIDER C,URC, For the wor3 of all ecumenical bodies that we may realise the peace and unity for which 1esus prayed and gave his life. DAY 2 For all Christian 4eaders and their Communions ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS Pope Francis The Diocese The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 4egal Officers 4eaders of Reformed Churches Synod Solicitor 0 1ohn Strachan Chancellor 0 Dr Robert Tong The Anglican Church of Australia Adelaide 0 Archbishop 1effrey Driver Day 3 DAY 24 PASTORAL DISTRICT O. DELAMERE ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS St 1ames, Delamere Church 2ardens and Members of Parish Councils; Parish administrators and office secretaries and volunteers; Parish Treasurers and Secretaries Incum0ent 1 6acancy and Recorders Pastoral Assistants The Diocese )ail Filsell, Christine Filsell The ministry of the diocesan website 7http://www.murray.anglican.org8 Fr Steven Salmon 7Sandra8 0 PTO The Diocese Fr Andrew Forder 7Debra8 0 Deacon in the Diocese Fr Adrian Stephens 71eannie8 0 Priest in the Diocese Our former Bishops: The Anglican Church of Australia Ross Davies 7Christine8 )raham 2alden 7Margaret8 For the members of the South Australian Provincial Council and the other provincial committees. The Anglican Church of Australia DAY 30 Armidale 0 Bishop Ric3 4ewers ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS For the daily lives and witness of all faithful parishioners, their families, DAY 2 their homes, their wor3places, their schools For the witness of all who are involved in ,olunteer wor3 in their PASTORAL DISTRICT O. 3IN-STON-RO E community. .oly Trinity, 9ingston; St Peter, Robe The Diocese Incum0ent 1 6acancy For the Anglican Schools in the Diocese Pastoral Assistants 2oodcroft College, Marion Fennell, Alison 1effrey, Maureen Starling, Stephanie .unt, Principal Mar3 Porter Betty Dic3 Investigator College, 6ictor .arbor and )oolwa, Principal Don )rimmett The Diocese For the 4in3 to Resurrection College, Popondetta PN) For the wor3 of Anglicare SA in the Adelaide .ills and Southern Suburbs, Board Member Philip Evans Our lin5 Diocese The Anglican Church of Australia The Diocese of Popondota, its Bishop, the clergy and people. For unity Ballarat 0 Bishop )arry 2eatherill and greater cohesion, more resources for ministry, schools and hospitals. DAY 27 Day 5 PASTORAL DISTRICT O. YAN3ALILLA PASTORAL DISTRICT O. MANNUM-MOUNT PLEASANT Christ Church, Yan3alilla St Andrew, Mannum; St 1ohn, Mt Pleasant; St )eorge, Mt Torrens Incum0ent1 Fr Dennis Eales 7Mary8 Incum0ent 1 Fr )eorge 9irreh 7Faten8 Priest Assistant : Fr 1ohn Thompson 7Sigrid8 Pastoral Assistants Pastoral Assistants 1ohn Morgan Ian Mann, 1ean McQueen, )eoffrey S3ein The Diocese Fr David 2ithers 7Ann8 0 PTO Fr Robert .aynes 74eanna8 0 PTO The Diocese Fr David Smith 7Eileen8 0 PTO Fr Chris St 1ohn 7Roz8 0 PTO For the 4eaders and Participants underta3ing the Following Jesus Fr Alex Stone 7Beverley8 0 PTO Discipleship Program Mission Action Planning The Anglican Church of Australia All religious communities and societies The Anglican Church of Australia Bathurst 0 Bishop Ian Palmer DAY 28 AN-LICAN COMMUNITY CARE The wor3 of in the South East, Riverland and Murraylands. Pray DAY 7 for the wor3ers in,olved and for an increase in support for this wor3. ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS Than3s for the financial support of both State and Federal )overnments, and that it may continue. Chairman of Board 0 4ay Canon Michael The Diocese Bleby, CEO 0 Rob Foggo, PA to CEO 0 Amanda Mc9innon. The Registry 0 Registrar Donna 1ones and all who assist at the Registry occasionally or voluntarily. The Diocese Bishop Stuart Smith 71udith8 0 )4 For Anglicans in the Mallee District The Anglican Church of Australia Fr )ary Prince 71oyce8 0 PTO Fr Max Bowers 7Roslyn8 0 PTO Bendigo 0 Bishop Andrew Curnow Fr Alan 1ones 7Rae8 0 PTO Fr Phil Anderson 7Carol8 0 PTO Fr 2illiam Squire 7.elen8 0 PTO The Anglican Church of Australia Educational establishments and chaplains DAY 7 DAY 25 ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS PASTORAL DISTRICT O. TATIARA The Diocese St Barnabas, Bordertown; St 1ohn the Baptist, Mundulla; St Catherine, All those preparing for Baptism and Confirmation. For Clergy and 4ay 9eith; The )ood Shepherd, Tintinara People who prepare those for these sacraments and those who follow up Incum0ent 1 Fr Brenton Dic3 74yn8 with visiting and encouragement. Pastoral Assistants Diocesan Psychologist 0 Zoey Doueal Michael )aden, Beryl 2atson, Thomas 9nowling Professional Standards Director 0 Peter Caporaso The Diocese The Anglican Church of Australia For renewal in the love of the .oly Scriptures their inspiration and Brisbane 0 Archbishop Phillip Aspinall authority in the Church today. For all Bible Study )roups For all involved in intercession, prayer groups, Christian meditation and the teaching of prayer. DAY 8 Fr Peter Randle 7.eather8 0 PTO Fr Ian Robertson 7Robin8 0 PTO PASTORAL DISTRICT O. MILLICENT AND PENOLA Fr David Thornton02a3eford 7Deborah8 0 PTO St Mary the 6irgin, Penola; St Alban, 9alangadoo; the Tarpeena congregation; St Michael and All Angels, Millicent; St Nicholas, Beachport DAY 27 Incum0ent 1 Archdeacon Peter Carlsson PARIS, O. 8ICTOR ,AR OR Pastoral Assistants St Augustine, 6ictor .arbor; St Christopher, Mount Compass Dean Burrow, .oward Young, Fred 4uc3hurst0Smith, Margaret Bitter, Incum0ent 1 Canon Alex Bainton 7Cheryl8 4ay Canon Michael Bleby Pastoral Assistants Claire Finlay, Margaret S3uce, 1ean Maher, 4ynne Newbold, The Diocese 9irsty Newell, 1ohn Newell, )illian Colaruotolo, 1ulia Bloomfield, The Murray Anglican 0 Editor: Fr Paul Devenport, 4eslie Poole, Bruce .ic3s, Margaret Annells The Committee and for all the contributors The Diocese The Anglican Church of Australia For all involved in the musical offering of the Church, Organists, Choirs, Bunbury 0 Bishop Allan Ewing music groups, Music Directors and 4ibrarians. The Anglican Church of Australia The Defence Forces 0 Bishop Ian 4ambert DAY 23 DAY 4 PASTORAL DISTRICT O. SOUT,ERN 8ALES ALL PARIS,ES ( PASTORAL DISTRICTS St Stephen, 2illunga; St Margaret of Scotland, Mc4aren 6ale; The Diocese St Philip A St 1ames, Old Noarlunga; St Ann, Aldinga All members of Synod, the Diocesan Council, the Executive, the Incum0ent 1 6acancy Finance, Audit A Investment Committee, the 4egislation Review Committee and other committees and sub0committees. Pastoral Assistants All Provincial Council and )eneral Synod representatives Patricia Frith, 2allace Mausolf, 1udith 2ells, Ted Sandercoc3, Beverly Driver, )regory Roberts, 2endy Sandercoc3, Peter Chapman, David Mills, 4ouise 2ebb The Anglican Church of Australia The Diocese Canberra )oulburn 0 Bishop Stuart Robinson For the renewal of youth ministry in the diocese; for the ministry of chaplains in schools; for all youth groups and their leaders. Fr Percy 4es3e 7Betty8 0 PTO Fr Ian Young 71an8 0 PTO DAY 10 The Anglican Church of Australia PARIS, O. MOUNT AR3ER 2angaratta 0 Bishop 1ohn Par3es Christ the 9ing, Mount Bar3er; St 1ames, Bla3iston; St Mary, Echunga; St 1ohn, Macclesfield; St 1ohn, Mylor Incum0ent 1 Archdeacon Richard Seabroo3 AY D 22 Pastoral Assistants PARIS, O. STRAT,AL YN )eoffrey Barnett, Ronda 1aensch, Ian Newman, Trevor Philpott, Christ Church, Strathalbyn; St 1ohn, 4anghorne Cree3; St Mary, 4ynette Sto3es, Paul Stevens, Annette Schirmer, Margaret Adams, Milang; St )eorge, Meadows Sandra Pullen, Philip Evans Incum0ent 1 Fr Chris Talbot 79athy8 The Diocese Pastoral Assistants For all Sunday Schools, crBches and other activities run by our parishes Margaret .olt, 1an Payne, Barbara Fishpool for and with children and for their leaders. For the encouragement of The Diocese children in our worship and church life. For people from the diocese serving in the mission fields 0 Frances, Margaret, 1enny A Andy The Anglican Church of Australia Fr Malcolm Martin 7Rhonda8 0 Deacon PTO )ippsland 0 Bishop 9ay )oldsworthy Fr Peter Sandeman 7Deb8 0 Deacon in the Diocese The Anglican Church of Australia 2illochra 0 Bishop 1ohn Stead DAY 11 DAY 21 PARIS, O. MOUNT -AM IER PASTORAL DISTRICT O. T,E SOUT,ERN SU UR S Christ Church, Mount )ambier; St 4u3e, Mount Schan3; St Thomas, St Francis of Assisi, Christies Beach, St Aidan, Aberfoyle Par3; Port MacDonnell St Ninian, Clarendon, St .ilary of Poitiers, Morphett 6ale, Incum0ent 1 Fr David Price 74esley8 Christ Church, OF.alloran .ill Pastoral Assistants Incum0ents1 Des Ac3land, Margaret Boardman, Susan Christopher, Trevor The 6ery Reverend Dir3 van Dissel 7Mary8, Fr Ross Morony 79ath8, Christopher, Beverley .amson, Darren Schun3e, Fleur Roachoc3, Fr Peter Simmons 7Sally8, Fr David Patterson 1ulienne Feast, Richard Fisher, 2illiam .udd Priest Assistant 1 Fr Roger .ilton 7Robyn8 The Diocese Pastoral Assistants MothersC Dnion 0 Diocesan President: Eileen Smith.
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