Rector: P RAYER DIARY The Rev’d. Canon Janet Killen MOTHERS’ UNION IN JULY 4945.9993 Our Parish: (mobile 0408 491 681) Evening Group: Tuesday 18 @ 6.30pm Men’s Group; MU Groups; those Email: Guest Speaker: Helen Edwards on Disaster + who have served as Marketeers
[email protected] Pentecost 6 over the years and the new Op. (Mondays are the Rector’s day Recovery. Shop; Pastoral Carers and of rest—emergencies 16 July, 2017 grounds maintenance/church only please) cleaners. Day Group: Wednesday 26 The Diocese: Hon. Deacon: Bishop Peter; Sonia Roulston The Rev’d Greg Colby 10.30am Eucharist followed by fellow- (Archdeacon of Newcastle); Alison
[email protected] ship. Dalmazzone and Jemma Hore Church Address: (Exe. Assistants); Scone Gram- mer School; Area Deanery of 22-24 Church St., Maitland; parishes of Beresfield/ Belmont NSW 2280 (PO Box 116) Thornton, Branxton/Greta/ Lochinvar and Swansea & Win- Website: dale; Examining Chaplains ; Dioc- esan Ordinands & Postulants; and Parish Council: AFTER THE DISTRUBTION OF COMMUNION WE SING: discernment of vocations. Resource Team: Thoughts for the week: National & wider church: In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful, Rector’s Warden in the Lord I will rejoice! The Diocese of North-West Aus- Alan Booth Grace and Mercy –TONGA Province of Ao- tralia; The Diocese of Guadalca- Look to God, do not be afraid: People’s Wardens: tearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia nal; The Anglican Episcopal Lesley Byrne & Gary Wilcher lift up your voices, the Lord is near, Church in Japan; the Anglican Treasurer: Members are active in the wider communi- lift up your voices, the Lord is near….(repeat all) Episcopal Church in the Philip- Bev Young pines; and Orthodox Churches.