For the People of Modbury & Brownston Volume 18, Issue 233 September 2018 MODBURY WI - JANET WINS THE CUP Janet Thomas was the first winner of the trophy in the new WI Craft Class at this year’s Modbury Fruit and Produce Show. Janet submitted a bag she had woven in a complex checked pattern and made up herself, which was a real tour de force and a very worthy winner. Our new programme starts in September after an August meeting break and we will meet on the first Tuesday evening of the month from now on, which we hope will encourage new members as Friday evenings have proved problematic in the past. The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 4th September in the MARS Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Ground, Chatwell Lane, Modbury when the speaker will be hypotherapist Grace Jones from Elegant Thinking. In addition to our monthly meetings we have book, craft, walking and cinema going groups as well as visits to places of interest in the locality. Why not come along as a guest to the next meeting to see for yourself what Modbury WI has to offer? Please contact me at
[email protected] if you would like to find out more. Rosemary Parker The Modbury Pantomime returns with Puss in Boots on 3, 4, 5 January 2019 Anyone interested in being: onstage, backstage, costume, music, singing, dancing ** Support or Star** Please come to an Open Meeting at 11:00 on Saturday 15 September in Modbury Memorial Hall Nigel & Felicity Guild look forward to seeing you then; and/or contact us any time: 20 Church Street Page 1 thebrownstongallery ANTHONY AMOS (1950 - 2010) Master Marine Artist 15 - 29 September art prints sculpture jewellery I’ve got money 4 U Any person residing in Modbury Parish who is leaving school to start higher/further education or a training scheme is ENTITLED to a small, one off, grant from the Modbury Education Foundation Please apply by 1st October 2018.