

OPEN FORUM Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report November 2019 - PCSO Andrew Potter gave apologies for the Council meeting and sent the following written report: Newton Ferrers 12th, import/export weapons with intent to defraud her majesty [one knuckle duster ordered from abroad via the internet] words of advice given CR/10543/19. Noss Mayo Between 10th and 18th money stolen from rural carpark donation box CR/105983/19. 19th, offensive communication [Facebook message] CR/105099/19.

171/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Hosking, Cllr. Baldry, Mr. Lyndon, Mrs Story, Mrs Phillipson and Mr Thomas.

172/19 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. No interests were declared.


174/19 MINUTES - the minutes of 14 November Parish Council meeting were approved, unanimously, as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign.

175/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA – RESOLVED: quotes / invitations to quote relating to maintenance and pre- planning/planning enforcement should be considered in committee. (Vote: unanimous.)

176/19 DISTRICT COUNCIL(SHDC) 176.1 Councillor reports – Cllr. Thomas had not yet arrived. 177.2 Newton Ferrers public toilets – Mrs. Aubertin, District Council, had advised that the Parish Council’s offer would be reported to the Executive Members on 19 December with a recommendation that the District Council proceed with re-opening the facility in March 2020 until October 2020, in return for a contribution from the parish of £1,500. 177.3South Hams BT Payphone Kiosk Removal Consultation - South Hams District Council had been informed by BT that Newton Hill ( WAYLEAVE PP1084 PCO1 NEWTON HILL NEWTON FERRERS ), had been identified for proposed removal e on the basis of low usage ( 8 calls in one year to October 2019). South Hams District Council had been asked to consult with the Parish Council regarding the possible removal of the BT phone. The Parish Council could: 1. Adopt the phone box for £1 or 2. Reject BTs proposal for removal stating or 3. Confirm the Parish Council was happy for the phone box to be removed South Hams District Council would then take the response and prepare a draft notification to the Secretary of State and BT. The PC’s insurers had confirmed that there would be no additional insurance costs for public liability. They would, however, require a replacement rather than nominal cost for material damage coverage. Potential legal costs to renegotiate any wayleave agreement would need to be considered as would maintenance/reinstatement costs. The Clerk had made enquiries with a local electrician regarding potential electrical costs. Possible alternative uses were considered. It was agreed to put the matter back to 9 January 2020.

178/19 PLANNING 178.1 Community Land Trust – the Vice Chairman advised that interviews with architects had taken place the preceding week. Heads for terms of agreement were thought to have been reached with the landowners. A further £29,000 of funding had been received from Homes to progress matters. Planning decisions 178.2 Ashley Cottage, 7 Riverside Road East 3208/19/HHO - householder application for refurbishment to cottage including internal wall reconfiguration, relocation of bathroom, installation of roof lantern to rear kitchen in existing light well, conversion of existing loft into bedroom and en-suite bathroom with improved access to garden. (Resubmission of 1759/19/HHO.) SHDC: Granted. 178.3 Land at SX 547 475 Noss Mayo Car Park (Noss Hard) 3408/19/TCA - T1: Eucalyptus - remove due to roots interference with drainage and flooding risk. SHDC: Granted. 1/12December2019……………………………………………………..Chairman

178.4 Oakleigh 82 Yealm Road 3411/19/HHO - householder application for reconstruction of dormer rooms and internal reorganisation and refurbishment. SHDC; Granted. 178.5 Honeysuckle Cottage Riverside Road East 3462/19/CLP - Certificate of lawfulness for proposed replacement windows. SHDC: Granted. 178.6 Treetops 10 Yealm View Road 3504/19/ARC - approval of details reserved by condition 3 of planning permission 3684/17/HHO.SHDC: Discharge of condition approved. 178.78-12 & 14-17 Peters Field, APP/K1128/W/19/3234577 - variation of condition 3 of planning consent 37/1714/15/F, (proposed housing development comprising 16 dwellings and associated access road, car park and landscaping) for slate roofs to numbers 8-12 and 14-17 fixed with hooks rather than nails. Planning Inspector: appeal dismissed. 178.8 8 Riverside Road East 3167/19/HHO - householder application for internal alterations and dormer in rear roof (resubmission of 1674/19/HHO.) SHDC: granted. 178.9 Rowan Orchard Bridgend 2466/19/HHO - householder application to replace front porch with two storey extension. SHDC: Refused. Planning applications received including; 178.10 98 Court Road 2054/19/HHO/3878/19 - householder application for conversion and extension of garage to create ancillary storage, office and gym. Conversion and extension of outbuilding to create annex. It was unanimously agreed to put back consideration of the application to the next meeting. 178.11 Fordhill Woods 3842/19/TPO - T724: Beech - crown reduction by 2m to reduce weight and pressure on base and reduce risk of stem failure. The Parish Tree Warden agreed with the works stipulated to preserve the Beech Tree. DECISION; Support. (Vote: unanimous.) No statutory consultation: 178.12 19 The Fairway 3640/19/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning consent 1883/19/HHO. The Council made no comment. 178.13 Menryn Court Wood 3916/19/TEX -T1: Sycamore - remove, uprooted; T2: Ash - remove, uprooted; T3: Ash - remove, uprooted. Members were made aware of the Tree Exemption application. 161.18 Development Management Committee - no matters relating to the parish 161.19 Construction Management Plans (CMP) – Mr. Ingram advised that the CMP working group had met regarding implementation and enforcement of CMPs. A draft plan was put before the Council for consideration. Some amendment was agreed. It was suggested and agreed to invite Cllrs Baldry and Thomas to a meeting to discuss before taking the matter up with SHDC Development Management. 161.20 Consultation: the Council took note of The and South West Supplementary Planning Document and Statement of Community Involvement consultation. Both documents continued the joint working undertaken by the Councils on the Plymouth and South Joint Local Plan (JLP) adopted by the three JLP authorities in March 2019. The consultation on the SPD and SCI would run until 5pm on Monday 6 January 2020. 161.20 Derelict buildings – the Operational Group Leader (Building Control) had confirmed that having visited the property it was the Local Authority’s opinion that the building was not classed as a dangerous structure. They would monitor the situation in the next few months to see if the building deteriorated further.

In committee 179/19 MAINTENANCE – i)Grounds maintenance- five invitations to quote had been sent out. One had been received from South Hams Garden & Property Services (SHGPS). The Clerk had prepared a detailed report which had been circulated to the Council prior to the meeting. New provisions had been included for Legionella management, maintenance of the Green triangle, Collaton/Butts Park footpath hedge cutting, visibility splay cutting at Collaton Cross, Butts Park hedge cutting by the water tower adjacent to Parsonage Road and weekly play park inspections. SHGPS had confirmed that weekly documented smoke alarm testing at the Pavilion would be included with shower testing (with any 6 month battery replacement costs being in addition.) RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property Services of 30 October 2019 to conduct grounds maintenance for Newton & Noss Parish Council from 1 July 2020 for a period of three years in the basic sum of £17,033 per annum subject to agreeing formal contract terms, the provision of updated insurance confirmation, Health & Safety Policy, confirmation of compliance with Control of Waste Regulations, risk assessments, method statements, conduct statement and confirmation of compliance with the Parish Council’s Environmental and Tree Management Policies.(Vote: unanimous.) ii) Noss Play Park - budgetary considerations were taken into account. Potential repair costs would exceed the provision made for play park repairs. It was agreed that the expenses should be covered by the general maintenance/expense contingency budget provision. RESOLVED: To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property Services: 1.Remove the vertical wooden pole supporting the bucket hoist in the small sand/slide area. The bucket and chain attachments to be retained. Cost £35. 2. To remove the boarded roof of the shelter in the small sand/slide area and replace with treated planks to reform the roof. Cost £160. 3. To clean planks and attach 3x2inch anti-slip strips to each plank to reduce the slippery element on the horizontal planks on the rickety bridge. Cost £110.


4.Removal of the stone and concrete river by the rope bridge, by 1 metre either side and replace with sand. This included provision of x50 bags of sand. Cost £350. Any remaining sand was to be used to replenish other sand areas in the play park.(Vote: unanimous.) SHGPS advised reviewing replenishment of sand areas in the park in the spring when the ground was dry enough to economical get the larger volumes of sand to the areas. Earth Wrights – quotes had been sought from Earth Wrights to replace the vertical wooden pole supporting the bucket hoist in the small sand/slide area, to advise and quote to reduce the slippery element on the horizontal planks on the rickety bridge and to replace the horizontal pole on the rope bridge with a plank. RESOLVED: to delegate the decision to the Chairman and Vice Chairman whether to accept the quotation from Earth Wrights to replace the plank on the rope bridge in Noss Play Park in the sum of £340 plus VAT and any logistics costs, subject to: Earth Wrights confirming that the wood was treated, whether any warranty was offered and if the logistics fee could be negated by the existing pole being left for disposal by the Parish Council. (Vote: unanimous.) iii) Bridgend - RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property Services to replace the “keep clear” Parish Council sign at Bridgend Slip (Newton side) in the sum of £50. (Vote; unanimous.) iv) Ferry Woods - RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property Services at Ferry Woods/Kilpatrick Steps to: 1. Replace seven slats on the concrete/wood bench at a cost of £95 2. Repaint the wooden bench adjacent at a cost of £80. (Vote; unanimous.)

180/19. PRE-PLANNING/PLANNING ENFORCEMENT. The latest SHDC planning enforcement list and potential planning enforcement matters were considered. Further concerns had been expressed by parishioners regarding non compliance with Construction Management Plans. In meeting:

181/19 MAINTENANCE 181.1 Maintenance working groups and grounds maintenance: i) Sports Pavilion/playing field – the agreed Pavilion structural work was due to be undertaken at the beginning of January. Following the Clerk being called out to the Pavilion the preceding Tuesday night, following a report of an alarm and flashing lights going off, it was noted that SHGPS had been asked to include regular weekly checks of the smoke alarm batteries when testing the showers water temperature, including regular 6 month replacement of the batteries. ii) The Green/Dillon’s Green – the Christmas lights on the Beech tree were now in place. Cllr. Dan Thomas arrived. iii) Play parks Butts Park Play Park - Sovereign had advised that repairs to the zip wire cross beam had been brought forward and had due to be undertaken on 12 December. The Clerk had been advised that afternoon that the appointment had been cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday 14 December. Scaffolding had already been delivered to the Clerk for the works. Noss Play Park - funds received to date for replacement play park equipment included Locality (£1000) and Awards for All (£10,000). Funding offered; Newton & Noss Network £500, Revelstoke Trust £1000 and South Hams District Council Locality Fund £500 in principle. An application was pending with Yealm Community Energy. “Spirit of the Yealm” had been approached and it was intended to submit an application to “Pocket Parks.” Viridor Credit had offered funding of £19229 subject to a Contributing Third Party payment to Viridor Waste Management Ltd of £1922.90. The draft funding agreement had been received and forwarded to the Noss Play Park working group for consideration. Members considered the Contributing Third Party Payment to be unusual. Cllr. Thomas offered to seek advice on the terms of the agreement from SHDC Localities. Mrs. Ansell was looking into potential sources for the Third Party Payment. The funding agreement and Third Party Payment needed to be made by 10 January 2020. RESOLVED; subject to advice from South Hams District Council, to delegate to the Chairman and Mr. Steggles consideration, and if appropriate acceptance, of the terms and conditions of funding offered by Viridor Credits and authorisation of the Contributing Third Party Payment to Viridor Waste Management Ltd.(Vote; unanimous.) RESOLVED: to confirm that any funding secured by a successful application to Pocket Parks would be held by the Parish Council. To delegate to the Chairman and Mr. Steggles consideration, and if appropriate acceptance, of the terms and conditions of any funding offered by Pocket Parks. (Vote; unanimous.) Procurement - once the final amount of funding has been secured members were reminded that procurement/Financial Regulations would need to be considered carefully. Mrs. Ansell had requested a meeting with the working group to discuss the project and how it was to be taken forward. iv) Noss Recreation Areas – it was hoped that the slope on Noss Green would recover following the recent wet weather and childrens’ activities. 181.2 Footpaths – no reports. 181.3 Other areas for consideration – no reports.

RESOLVED; To vary the agenda to enable Cllr. Thomas to present his report. (Vote: unanimous.)



Cllr. Thomas advised that his report would be limited due to being in “Purdah.” i)Public toilets – Cllr. Thomas confirmed that the Parish Council’s proposal for an interim contribution would be going before the Executive Committee 19 December. ii) BT telephone kiosk removal- Cllr. Thomas was advised that the Parish Council was aware of the consultation to remove the kiosk on Newton Hill. Cllr. Thomas advised that Sparkwell Parish Council had been keen to retain their kiosk. He asked to be kept informed of the Parish Council’s wishes. If the Council wished to retain the kiosk he would support. iii)Even Keel Tree Preservation Order works - he had received a report from the SHDC Tree Officer. The applicant’s agent had advised that the tree in its present state had a risk ratio of 1 in 40,000. The Tree Officer had assessed the risk as 1 in 300,000. If the crown was reduced the risk would be 1 in 1 million. The Tree Officer had suggested the tree was well within the acceptable range for retention in its present form. The application would be recommended to be refused. Cllr. Thomas left the meeting.

183/19 COUNTY COUNCIL 183.1County Council report – there was no report. 183.2Highways/Transport – i) Gigaclear - Mr. Thomas had continued to liaise with Gigaclear regarding forthcoming road closures in Noss Mayo and signage/diversion improvements. The use of banksmen had been suggested, and a restriction on large vehicles using Pillory Hill/ Creekside Road. Attempts would be made to keep the roads passable at night. A further possible road closure for the same area had been received for March. It was agreed to contact Devon County Council (DCC)Highways to see if the work could be tied in with the work being undertaken by Telent/Gigaclear. Work on the highway at Butts Park had been terminated early to clarify ownership. ii) Notification of Road Closure - Kier had applied for a road closure to complete SWW Utility works outside Old Barn Cottage, Bridgend, Newton Ferrers 24 – 28/2/20. The Members had no comment. iii) Winter highways- the Local Highways Officer had advised that a new grit bin at Noss Mayo car park would not be within DCC remit and the Parish Council could go ahead and order their own. The Clerk had obtained costings. Members considered health and safety factors. It was agreed that a grit bin was unnecessary and that salt bags would be made available for public use in the car park. Mr Steggles would advise the Snow Warden. The Highways Officer would not support the grit bin request for Hillhead, Revelstoke Road as it was already part of the secondary gritting routes so would be treated during a prolonged cold spell. However, it could be a location that the Council may wish to leave one or two salt bags from the snow warden scheme. Mr. Steggles would advise the Snow Warden. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Cllr. Hosking to enquire whether DCC funding may be available for the purchase of snow chains to facilitate use of the Parish Council salt spreader. RESOLVED; To delegate the decision to purchase two sets of snow chains, to enable the Parish Council salt spreader to be towed, to the Chairman and Vice Chairman, and to authorise payment up to £250 plus VAT, taking into account any contribution from Devon County Council funding available. (Vote: unanimous.) Mr. Steggles advised that he would be able to store the salt and the spreader at this home. The Clerk would advise over what period the annual current storage fees covered. iv) Widey Hill advisory signs – the Local Highways Officer had advised that the current signing was standard of its type, but he would look at the junction to see if any improvements could be made. It would not be a high priority for replacement at the moment.

184/19 ADMINISTRATION 184.1 Events – none. 184.2 Land registration- Big Slip Quay land registration. There was no update. 184.3 Budget for 2020/21 – the Chairman and Mr. Carter from the budget working group had met with the Clerk 4 December to discuss the draft budget for 2020/21. The Cashbook accounts, draft budget comparison as at 25 November 2019, draft budget (incorporating budget, cashflow forecast to 31 March 2019 and anticipated expenditure) and draft reserves schedule had been circulated to members the preceding week. The council tax base and Council Tax Support Grant were yet to be confirmed by SHDC. Account had been taken of the potential 50 % reduction in the Council Tax Support Grant, increase in expenditure for the contribution towards the Newton Ferrers public WC's, increased grounds maintenance costs from June 2020 and website accessibility improvements. The suggested draft budget involving a Precept request of £58,587 was provisionally agreed in principle to be confirmed at 9 January 2020 meeting. 184.4 Internal audit arrangements 2019/20 – were considered. The Parish Council was satisfied with the service undertaken by Mr Vassallo for financial year2018/19. RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from Mr. Vassallo to undertake internal audit for Parish Council for financial year 2019/20 for the fixed fee of £170.00 which included visits to the Clerk’s home as necessary. (Vote; unanimous.) 184.5 Health & Safety – the Chairman had been in contact with three companies regarding services offered. It was agreed that he would make further contact in the new year with a view to a no obligation visit to discuss the Council’s needs. 184.6 Climate/ environmental matters – Dr. Hardy, on half of the Climate and Biodiversity Working Group:


i)Parish Council Environmental Policy- the group had looked at the Council’s current policy which was felt to be fit for purpose. ii)Climate and Environmental Emergency Declaration- a draft proposal was circulated to members. RESOLVED: “Newton & Noss Parish Council Climate and Environmental Emergency Declaration The motion for discussion tonight is that Newton and Noss Parish Council decides to declare a Climate and Environmental Emergency. The Parish Councillors recognise that as a result of human activity the earth is now in a period of climate change and at the same time environmental degradation. Therefore as the body which represents our local population at the grass roots level we call upon Government in Westminster, Devon County Council and South Hams District Council to do all in their powers to take measures aimed at halting climate change and to improve the environment for the benefit both of mankind and the rest of the natural world . The Parish Council already has a comprehensive Environmental Policy which is easily found on the website. We undertake from now on to cooperate with our neighbouring Parishes, local interested groups and Statutory Bodies to take what practical steps are open to us and to support others in actions aimed at carbon neutrality and environmental protection and enhancement. We are fortunate in this Parish to have a community orchard, playing fields, woodland and estuarine areas directly owned and managed by the Parish Council. Additionally, there is a woodland burial site and solar farm within the parish. The budget allows virtually nothing to support financially any new initiatives. the Council will be pleased to facilitate projects which the community can agree upon with climate and environmental protection as an aim.” Motion passed unanimously by Newton & Noss Parish Council. Potential Parish Council action in support of the motion was discussed. It was agreed to invite key members of organisations in the Parish and local environmental experts to an initial meeting with the working group in January. iii)Yealm Climate Emergency and Environment Action Alliance – the outcome of the latest meeting was discussed. No agreement had been given on behalf of Newton & Noss Parish Council to instruct a joint environmental adviser. It was hoped expert resources could be drawn upon from the Parish.

185/19 CORRESPONDENCE 185.1 Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm (DFPY) – Mrs Hirst had sent a report in November which had been circulated. Maxine Kennedy was currently supporting thirty nine families. Of these, seven families were from Newton and Noss and of two recent referrals one was from Newton and Noss. The Parish Council information packs for Dementia Friendly Parishes had been compiled and completed whilst working with the Four Rivers Alliance and were ready to go to publication. They would then be circulated to all local Parish Councils. They were working on the recruitment of Dementia Ambassadors and had held a session at Kitley House Hotel to present the proposition. On Tuesday 12th November they had attended the National Dementia Conference at The Guildhall Plymouth. Their stand had generated a lot of interest. The DFPY Chairman had been in contact thanking the Parish Council for the contribution and support Newton & Noss Parish Council, as a dementia friendly parish council, had made over the past 7 years to the establishment and sustainability of their charity. The charity had gained local, national and international recognition. Newton & Noss Parish Council, along with the other 4 parish councils, was promoted and mentioned nationally for its involvement in building inclusive dementia friendly communities at conferences and in the press. Newton and Noss Parish Council was well represented on the Board and Committee of Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm by Caroline Hirst; who had a regular link to the Parish Council in the absence of a councillor nominated by the parish council. This arrangement was working well. DFPY had a range of activities across the parishes for everyone in the community to join particularly people with dementia and their families. The DFPY Chairman had met with Lord Gardiner, Minister for Rural Affairs, 22 October, who had been extremely interested in what the 5 parishes and their councils were achieving and had congratulated DFPY on their work. As a result, he had commissioned National Association of Local Councils to undertake an audit of all parish councils to find the number of parish councils promoting dementia friendly communities across the country. DFPY was self-funded and Newton & Noss Parish Council were requested, in planning its precept/budget for 2020/2021 to take into consideration the work being done in the parish for people with dementia and their families and the publicity and reputation Newton & Noss Parish Council was gaining as a result of its involvement with the project. In the New Year the DFPY Chairman and Maxine Kennedy, Project Coordinator, would come and speak to Newton & Noss Parish Council in Open Forum. 185.2 Grant applications – South Hams Citizens Advice had requested financial assistance. They had advised that in 2018/19 134 people from Newton & had been helped. RESOLVED; To make a grant of £150 to Citizens Advice South Hams. (Vote; unanimous.) 185.3 Devon Air Ambulance – the planning application and supporting fee had been submitted to the planning portal. A funding offer from Devon Air Ambulance Trust in part support of the electrical work for the tower had been approved and authorised by the Chairman and Vice Chairman in the sum of £3652.12. The application for funding to Yealm Community Energy was pending. A parishioner had kindly offered to fund all/part of the additional installation costs for the landing site. 185.4 Twinning- the Twinning Association was working with Trebeurden and the YYC to co-ordinate the 30th anniversary of the Yealm/Trebeurden “Summertime” Race and the 10th anniversary of the Twinning in 2020.Trebeurden had asked if the Parish Council would like to send over an official delegation to mark the occasion. The Twinning Association would be 5/12December2019……………………………………………………..Chairman

advised that it was understood Mr. Tubb, Mr. Carter, Mr. Steggles and Dr Hardy would be in Trebeurden to represent the Parish Council.

186/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – cheque payments were checked by Mr. Steggles and authorised and signed in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Clerk and listed below. The Chairman and Vice Chairman had approved payment of invoices requiring settlement before 12 December meeting. Balance in Unity Trust Deposit account balance 30/11/19 £25163.60 Santander Current Account balance at 25/11/19 £71148.05 The balance includes: Monies held in respect of the Butts Park Play Park Improvement Project £1,383.32 Monies held in respect of the maintenance of the Revington Memorial Seat £390 Big Greenspace Challenge £59.43 Monies held in respect of Noss Play Park refurbishment; Awards for All £10,000 Monies granted by Parish Council/ Revelstoke Community Trust/RYDA/Community Rights Programme for Neighbourhood Plan £248.39

Payments 20 November 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22064 The Solar Centre Ltd Christmas Lights for The Green £179.96 Total £179.96 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £179.96 total to date; £489.96

Payments 3 December 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22065 Planning Portal Planning application fee- Community night landing site* £142.00 Total £142.00 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £142 total to date; £631.96

Payments 12 December 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22066 The Tilly Institute Hire fee; NNPC meeting 12 December 2019 £10.00 22067 Newton & Noss Village Hall Grant: Christmas tree and lights * £30.00 22068 WI Community Hall Grant: Christmas tree and lights * £30.00 & District Community 22069 Transport Association Grant: community transport* £150.00 22070 S. McDonough Net salary November £1,301.03 22071 CPRE Annual membership fee £36.00 22072 Society of Local Council Clerks Annual membership fee £180.00 22073 K. Thomas Expenses reimbursement- HDMI cables for laptop/projector £22.58 22074 South Hams Garden & Property Services Grounds maintenance - November £564.50 22075 South Hams Garden & Property Services Noss Play Park gate padlock £25.00 22076 South Hams Garden & Property Services Collaton bus shelter repairs £175.00 22077 South Hams Garden & Property Services Pavilion Legionella management £390.00 22078 South Hams Garden & Property Services The Brook bench repairs £20.00 22079 South West Water Sports Pavilion 7/8/19- 22/11/19 £15.55 22080 AJ Watkinson Newton Voss and steps cleaning November £102 22081 AJ Watkinson Noss Voss/ steps, Popes Quay, Crocker’s Quay cleaning November £50 22082 S. McDonough Expenses reimbursement £499.99 Total £3,601.65 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £210 total to date; £841.96

BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance November £311.50 6/12December2019……………………………………………………..Chairman

November DD EDF Sports Pavilion £11.00 DD B & CE Holdings Ltd Pension payment £71.99 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00

187/19 MEETINGS ATTENDED: 187.1 Harbour Authority – Mr. Carter advised that repairs were being undertaken to steps at Pope’s Quay and the slipway at The Brook 187.2 Halls – the Vice Chairman advised that a new member had joined the committee.The Chairman advised that Newton & Noss Village Hall committee appreciated the grant for the tree and the lights from the Parish Council.. 187.3 South Devon AONB Partnership Committee meeting – the Chairman had attended. A short video was shown of waste collection from South Hams shorelines and estuaries which was then sorted and recycled or incinerated cleanly.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm
