A Checklist of the Birds of Washington State, with Recent Changes Annotated
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WESTERN BIRDS Volume 7, Number 1, 1976 A CHECKLIST OF THE BIRDS OF WASHINGTON STATE, WITH RECENT CHANGES ANNOTATED PHILIP W. MATTOCKS, JR., Departmentof Zoology,University of Washington, Seattle, Washington98195 EUGENE S. HUNN, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington98195 TERENCE R. WAHL, 3041 Eldridge,Bellingham, Washington 98225 The last comprehensivetreatment of the birds of WashingtonState was by Jewett et al. (1953). Since then severalstudies have been pub- lished (Alcorn 1962; Larrisonand Francq 1962; Larrisonand Sonnen- berg 1968; Wahl and Paulson1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974) and more than fifty speciesnot cited by. Jewett et al. havebeen attributed to the state's avifauna. However, no systematicreview of these attributions and no compilationof relevantbibliographic material has been attempt- ed since 1953. The present list includes without annotation species whose status is adequately characterizedby Jewett et al. Additions and radical changesof status up to 31 December 1974 are annotated, and speciesso treated are markedwith an asterisk(*). Speciesattribut- ed to the state and consideredby us to be inadequatelydocumented are discussedin a concludingsection. Within the list the speciesare codedas follows: N Nestedsuccessfully at least once (241 species) X Irregular,casual, or accidental(52 species) E Extirpated (1 species) S Sight record only (5 species) I Introduced, or reached the state as a result of introduction elsewhere(11 species) Western Birds 7:1-24, 1976 1 WASHINGTON CHECKLIST In addition, lower caseletters immediately preceding"N" modify the breedingstatus as follows: xN, irregular,casual, or accidentalbreeder; eN, formerly bred; iN, breeding population introduced (for casesin which a migrant or wintering populationnaturally occurs);pN, breed- ing presumed. We have establishedat the Thomas H. Burke Memorial Museum, Uni- versityof Washington,Seattle (hereinafterreferred to asthe U. W. Mu- seum),a permanentfile for photographs,tape recordings,sonagrams, and written documentationsof rarebird observations.The presenceof each of the 377 speciesin Washingtonis supportedby the deposition of a specimenor otheradequate documentation in a museum,publica- tion, or thispermanent file. For sightrecords, adequate documentation requiresthat a fully recognizablewritten descriptionbased on notes taken at the time of the observationbe available. However, for in- clusionon the presentlist suchdocumented sight records must have in- volved at least two observers, and must have received the unanimous acceptanceof the authors. NOMENCLATURE Nomenclature and classificationfollow the AOU Check-list (1957) as corrected(1962) and amended (1973)by the AOU Committee on Classificationand Nomenclature.The sequenceof genera,with the ex- ceptionof Apbriza,is that of the AOU Checkqist,and the sequenceof specieswithin the expandedgenus Calidris 'is that of Voous(1973). The policyof conformingEnglish names with their usagein the primary breedingarea is interpretedto includethe Shy "White-capped"Alba- tross (Diornedea cauta) and the Buller's "New Zealand" Shearwater (Puffinusbulleri). We anticipatetaxonomic revisions in three instances. The Brant(Branta bernicla) includes the "BlackBrant" (B. b. nigHcans) and the "AmericanBrant" (B. b. brota). The Red-napedSapsucker (Spbyrapicusnucbalis) and the Red-breastedSapsucker (S. ruber) are specificallydistinct from eachother and from the Yellow-belliedSap- sucker(S. varius). The CommonCrow (Corvusbracbyryncbos) includes the "Northwestern Crow" (C. b. caurinus) and the "Western Crow" (C. b. besperis).The rationalein eachcase is noted in the annotations. WASHINGTON CHECKLIST GAVIIDAE PELECANIDAE Common Loon N White Pelican eN Gayla irnrner Pelecanuserytbrorbyncbos *Yellow-billed Loon Brown Pelican Gayla adarnsii Pelecanus occidentalis Arctic Loon Gayla arctica SULIDAE Red-throated Loon Gayla stellata Blue-footed Booby X Sula nebouxii PODICIPEDIDAE PHALACROCORACIDAE Red-necked Grebe N Double-crested Cormorant N Podicepsgrisegena Horned Grebe xN Pbalacrocorax auritus Brandt's Cormorant N Podicepsauritus Eared Grebe N Pbalacrocoraxpenicillatus Podicepsnigricollis PelagicCormorant N Western Grebe N Pbalacrocoraxpelagicus Aecbrnopborusoccidentalis Pied-billed Grebe N Podilyrnbuspodiceps ARDEIDAE Great Blue Heron N DIOMEDEIDAE Ardea herodias *Short-tailed Albatross X Green Heron N Diornedea albatrus Butorides virescens Black-looted Albatross *Little Blue Heron X Diomedea nigripes Florida caerulea * Laysan Albatross *Cattle Egret X Diornedea irnrnutabilis Bubulcus ibis Shy Albatross X *Great Egret Diomedea cauta Casmerodius albus Black-crowned Night Heron Nyctic•rax nycticorax PROCELLARIIDAE American Bittern N Botaurus lentiginosus Northern Fulmar Fulrnarusglacialis THRESKIORNITHIDAE Pink-looted Shearwater Puffinus creatopus White-faced Ibis X * Flesh-looted Shea•vater Plegadiscbibi Puffinus carneipes *Buller's Shearwater ANATIDAE Puffinusbulleri Sooty Shearwater Whistling Swan Puffinusgriseus Olor columbianus Short-tailed Shearwater *Trumpeter Swan iN Puffinus tenuirostris Olor buccinator Canada Goose N Branta canadensis HYDROBATIDAE * Brant *Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel N B•ranta bernicla Oceanodromafurcata Emperor Goose X Leach's Storm-Petrel N Pbilacte canagica Oceanodroma leucorboa White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons Snow Goose PHAETHONTIDAE Cben caerulescens Red-billedTropicbird X *Ross' Goose S Pbaetbon aetbereus Cben rossii WASHINGTON CHECKLIST Fulvous Tree Duck X CATHARTIDAE Dendrocygnabicolor Mallard N Turkey Vulture N Anas platyrbyncbos Catbartes aura Gadwall N California Condor E Anas strepera Gyrnnogypscalifornianus Pintail N Anas acura ACCIPITRIDAE Green-wingedTeal N Goshawk N Anas crecca Accipiter gentdis Blue-wingedTeal N Sharp-shinnedHawk N Anas discors Cinnamon Teal N A ccipiter striatus Cooper's Hawk N Anas cyanoptera Accipiter cooperii European Wigeon Red-tailed Hawk N Anas penelope Buteo jarnaicensis American Wigeon N SwainsoWs Hawk N Anas americana Buteo swainsoni Northern Shoveler N Rough-leggedHawk Anas clypeata Buteo lagopus Wood Duck N Ferruginous Hawk N Aix sponsa Buteo regalis Redhead N Golden Eagle N Aytbya americana Aquila cbrysaetos Ring-necked Duck N Bald Eagle N Aytbya collaris Haliaeetusleucocepbalus Canvasback N Marsh Hawk N Aytbya valisineria Circus cyaneus Greater Scaup Aytbya rnarila PANDIONIDAE *Lesser Scaup N Aytbya affinis Osprey N *Tufted Duck X Pandion baliaetus Aytbya fuligula Common Goldeneye FALCONIDAE Bucepbalaclangula Gyrfalcon Barrow'sGoldeneye N Falco rusticolus Bucepbalaislandica Prairie Falcon N *Bufflehead xN Falco mexicanus Bucepbalaalbeola Oldsquaw PeregrineFalcon N Falco peregrinus Clangulabyernalis Merlin N Harlequin Duck N Falco columbarius Histrionicus bistrionicus American Kestrel N King Eider X Sornateriaspectabilis Falco sparverius White-wingedScorer TETRAONIDAE Melanitta fusca Surf Scorer Blue Grouse N Melanitta perspicillata Dendragapusobscurus Black Scorer Spruce Grouse N Melanitta nigra Canacbites canadensis Ruddy Duck N Ruffed Grouse N Oxyura jarnaicensis Bonasa urnbellus HoodedMerganser N White-tailed Ptarmigan N Lopbodytes cucullatus Lagopusleucurus Common Merganser N Sharp-tailedGrouse N Mergus rnerganser Pedioecetespbasianellus Red-breastedMerganser Sage Grouse N Mergus serratot Centrocercusuropbasianus WASHINGTON CHECKLIST PHASIANIDAE SCOLOPACIDAE Bobwhite N I Ruddy Turnstone Colinus virginianus Arenaria interpres Scaled Quail N I Black Turnstone Callipeplasquarnata Arenaria melanocepbala California Quail N I Common Snipe N Lopbortyx californicus Capellagallinago Mountain Quail N Long-billedCurlew N Oreonyx pictus Numenius americanus Ring-neckedPheasant N I Whimbrel Pbasianus colcbicus Numeniuspbaeopus Chukar N I Upland Sandpiper N Alectoris cbukar Bartramialongicauda Gray Partridge N I Spotted Sandpiper N Perdix perdix Actiris macularia Solitary Sandpiper MELEAGRIDIDAE Tringasolitaria Greater Yellowlegs *Turkey N I Tringamelanoleuca Meleagrisgallopavo LesserYellowlegs Tringafiavipes GRUIDAE WanderingTattler Heteroscelus incanus Sandhill Crane eN Willet Grus canadensis Catoptropborussemipalmatus Surfbird Apbriza virgata RALLIDAE Red Knot Virginia Rail N Calidris canutus Rallus limicola Sanderling Sofa N Calidris alba Porzana carolina SemipalmatedSandpiper Yellow Rail X Calidrispusilla Coturnicopsnoveboracensis Western Sandpiper American Coot N Calidris mauri Fulica americana Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla *White-rumpedSandpiper X HAEMATO PODI DAE Calidrisfuscicollis Baird's Sandpiper Black Oystercatcher N Calidris bairdii Haematopusbacbmani Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos CHARADRIIDAE Sharp-tailedSandpiper Calidris acuminata *SemipalmatedPlover xN *Curlew Sandpiper X Cbaradriussemipalmatus Calidrisf erruginea *Snowy Plover N Rock Sandpiper Cbaradrius alexandrinus Calidrisptilocnemis Killdeer N Dunlin Cbaradriusvociœerus Calidris alpina *Mountain Plover X Short-billed Dowitcher Cbaradrius rnontanus Limnodromusgriseus Dotterel X Long-billedDowitcher Eudrornias rnorinellus Limnodromus scolopaceus American Golden Plover Stilt Sandpiper Pluvialis dorninica Micropalama bimantopus Black-bellied Plover Buff-breasted Sandpiper Pluvialissquatarola Tryngit•ssubruficollis WASHINGTON CHECKLIST Marbled Godwit *Little Gull X Limosafedoa Larus minutuo *Bar-tailed Godwit X Heermann's Gull Limosalapponica Larus beermanni *Hudsonian Godwit X Black-leggedKittiwake Lirnosa baemastica Rissatridactyla *Ruff X Sabine's Gull Pbilomacbuspugnax Xema sabini Forster's Tern N Sterna forsteri RECURVIROSTRIDAE Common Tern American