Hazardous Material Sites
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Appendix G3 Hazardous Material Sites Appendix G3 Hazardous Materials Sites TABLE G3-1 Hazardous Materials Databases Searched and Number of Sites Identified within 660 Feet of Each Segment Segment Database Abbreviation Definition A B C D E National Priorities NPL Hazardous waste sites for priority cleanup 0 0 0 0 0 List under the federal Superfund Program (a subset of CERCLIS) Comprehensive CERCLIS Data on potentially hazardous waste sites 0 0 0 0 1 Environmental that have been reported to EPA Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS – No CERCLIS- Sites removed from CERCLIS where no 0 1 0 1 0 Further Remedial NFRAP contamination was found or where Action Planned contamination was removed quickly Resource RCRA- Hazardous waste handlers with corrective 0 0 0 0 0 Conservation and CORRACTS action (cleanup) activity Recovery Act Corrective Action Sites Resource RCRA-TSD Sites that treat, store, or dispose of 0 0 0 0 0 Conservation and hazardous waste Recovery Information System RCRA large- RCRA-LQG Facilities that generate more than 1 0 3 2 5 quantity generators 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste or more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month; hazardous waste generation indicates commercial or industrial activity that stores and uses hazardous materials. RCRA small- RCRA-SQG Facilities that generate between 100 and 45 6 51 108 46 quantity generators 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month (generators do not store, treat, or dispose hazardous waste); hazardous waste generation indicates commercial or industrial activity that stores and uses hazardous materials Emergency ERNS Information about reported releases of oil and 3 3 2 4 1 Response hazardous substances Notification System Brownfields Sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields properties addressed by 1 1 1 0 2 Listing Cooperative Agreement Recipients and Brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments Toxic Chemical TRIS Facilities that release toxic chemicals to the 0 0 0 1 0 Release Inventory air, water, and land in reportable quantities System under Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, Section 313 Federal FTTS Administrative cases, pesticide enforcement 1 0 3 3 0 Insecticide, actions, and compliance activities related to Fungicide, and FIFRA, TSCA, and the Emergency Planning Rodenticide and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Act/Toxic over the previous 5 years Substances Control Act ) East Link Project Final EIS G3-1 July 2011 Appendix G3 Hazardous Materials Sites TABLE G3-1 CONTINUED Hazardous Materials Databases Searched and Number of Sites Identified within 660 Feet of Each Segment Segment Database Abbreviation Definition A B C D E State Confirmed or HWS (CSCSL) Washington State equivalent to CERCLIS; 10 3 12 5 9 Suspected sites with confirmed or suspected presence Contaminated of contaminated soil, groundwater, surface Sites List water, sediment, or air State Hazardous HSL Contaminated sites that have been assessed 0 0 0 0 0 Sites List/ Model and ranked using the Washington State Toxics Control Act Ranking Method. HSL is a subset of the Cleanup Program CSCSL Sites Register Confirmed and CSCSL NFA Information about sites previously on the 7 2 12 10 8 Suspected Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Contaminated Sites list that have received an NFA Sites – No Further determination. Because it is necessary to Action maintain historical records of sites that have been investigated and cleaned up, sites are not deleted from the database when cleanup activities are completed; instead, an NFA code is entered based upon the type of NFA determination the site received. State Landfill or LF Inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or 5 1 3 3 2 Solid Waste Site landfills in Washington State Lists State Leaking LUST Reported leaking underground storage tank 23 8 20 19 5 Underground (LUST) incidents in Washington State Storage Tank List State Registered UST Underground storage tanks (USTs) 39 11 35 48 19 Underground registered in Washington State; registration is Storage Tank List not required for residential heating oil USTs Reported Spills SPILLS Active or inactive facilities or open dumps 11 8 15 12 12 that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites Sites with INST CONTROL Sites that have institutional controls 0 0 2 0 0 Institutional Controls Voluntary Cleanup VCP Sites that have entered either the 10 1 15 8 9 Program Sites Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) VCP or its predecessor Independent Remedial Action Program State Independent ICR Cleanup action reports received by Ecology 20 5 27 24 7 Cleanup Reports for review and approval; cleanup actions are List done without Ecology oversight Dry Cleaner List DRYCLEANERS Registered drycleaners who registered with 2 0 1 0 0 Ecology (using the Standard Industrial Classification [SIC] code of 7215 and 7216) as hazardous waste generators Water Quality NPDES Permitted wastewater facilities 8 2 14 10 7 Permit System Data Inactive Dry INACTIVE Inactive dry cleaner facility locations 0 0 4 5 1 Cleaners DRYCLEANERS G3-2 East Link Project Final EIS July 2011 Appendix G3 Hazardous Materials Sites TABLE G3-2 Hazardous Materials Sites Identified EDR Map Risk Segment a Label ID Ranking Site Name Address Database 4TH AVENUE SOUTH/SOUTH A N203 4 -- SPILLS JACKSON STREET BUSH HOTEL LIMITED FINDS, MANIFEST, A N205 4 621 SOUTH JACKSON STREET PARTNERSHIP RCRIS-SQG A N206 4 -- 303 SOUTH JACKSON STREET SPILLS 1407 SOUTH DEARBORN A N216 4 WATERMARK PRESS, INC. FINDS STREET A N230 4 901 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH 901 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH NPDES 4TH AVENUE SOUTH/SOUTH A N235 4 UNKNOWN SPILLS ROYAL BROUGHAM WAY I-90 BETWEEN SEATTLE AND I- A N248 4 I-90 BETWEEN SEATTLE AND I-405 NPDES 405 A N255 4 PRIVETT ACADEMY 2448 76TH AVENUE SE FINDS A N261 4 7700 CENTRAL 2630 77TH AVENUE SE NPDES A N264 3 NATURE 8602 NORTH MERCER WAY SPILLS A N272A 4 CITY OF MERCER ISLAND 9611 SE 36TH STREET FINDS, NPDES CITY OF MERCER ISLAND, SPRING A N272B 4 MERCER ISLAND CITY HALL LF SPECIAL COLLECTION EV CITY OF MERCER ISLAND, FALL A 272C 4 MERCER ISLAND CITY HALL LF RECYCLING COLLECTION EV A 394 4 TRUCK CENTER CORPORATION 600 5TH AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG 5TH AVENUE SOUTH/THOMAS 5TH AVENUE SOUTH/THOMAS A 405A 4 ERNS STREET STREET 5TH AVENUE SOUTH/VIRGINIA 5TH AVENUE SOUTH/VIRGINIA A 405B 4 ERNS STREET STREET FINDS, LF, RCRIS- A 408 3 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 1400 SOUTH LANE STREET SQG, SPILLS, UST A 409A 4 LC JERGENS PAINTING COMPANY 900 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG A 409B 3 RECYCLING DEPOT, INC. 851 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, LF, NPDES FINDS, ICR, LUST, A 409C 3 TEXACO 632320271 852 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH MANIFEST, RCRIS- SQG, UST, SEATTLE CITY AIRPORT WAY A 410 4 830 4TH AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG BRIDGE A 415A 4 POPICH SIGN COMPANY 831 AIRPORT WAY SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG CSCSL NFA, FINDS, A 415B 3 UWAGIMAYA VILLAGE 514 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET ICR, UST, VCP FINDS, ICR, LUST, SHELL NO. 64819; TEXACO NO. A 415C 3 511 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET MANIFEST, RCRIS- 632320366 SQG, UST, FINDS, RCRIS-SQG, A 415D 4 IMMIGRATION NATIONAL SERVICE 815 AIRPORT WAY SOUTH UST A 416 4 SQUARE D COMPANY 830 CORWIN PLACE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG East Link Project Final EIS G3-3 July 2011 Appendix G3 Hazardous Materials Sites TABLE G3-2 CONTINUED Hazardous Materials Sites Identified EDR Map Risk Segment a Label ID Ranking Site Name Address Database 1200 SOUTH DEARBORN A 417 4 AT&T WIRELESS, DEARBORN FINDS STREET 1300 SOUTH DEARBORN A 419 3 HERZOG GLASS, INC. FINDS, ICR, LUST, UST STREET A 420 3 PACIFIC FISH COMPANY 617 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET FINDS, LUST, UST FINDS, MANIFEST, A 422A 4 COLORGRAPHICS, INC. 1421 SOUTH DEAN STREET NPDES, RCRIS-SQG FINDS, HWS, NPDES A 422B 3 RALPHS CONCRETE 800 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH (2009) RALPHS CONCRETE PUMPING A 422C 4 816 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH FINDS SEATTLE BAUGH CONSTRUCTION STORAGE A 422D 4 826 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG YARD MODEL AND INSTRUMENT FINDS, ICR, RCRIS- A 422E 3 836 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH DEVELOPMENT SQG FINDS, HWS, ICR, A 422F 3 SIGNAL EQUIPMENT, INC. 838 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH LUST, UST, VCP FINDS, LUST, RCRIS- A 422G 3 MODEL AND INSTRUMENT WORKS 861 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH SQG, UST A 424 4 KIEWIT PACIFIC COMPANY SOUTH DEARBORN STREET/I-5 FINDS, RCRIS-SQG WASHINGTON STATE FOOTBALL A 425 3 SOCCER STADIUM AND FORMER KINGDOME SITE CSCSL NFA EXPOSITION CENTER CORWIN PLACE SOUTH/I-90 A 427 3 WSDOT, CORWIN PLACE SOUTH NEAR SOUTH DEARBORN LUST, RCRIS-SQG STREET FINDS, ICR, LUST, A 428 3 THE SALVATION ARMY A.R.C. 1000 4TH AVENUE SOUTH RCRIS-SQG, UST FINDS, LUST, A 429 3 CITY OF SEATTLE 805 SOUTH CHARLES STREET MANIFEST, RCRIS- SQG, SPILLS SEATTLE CITY HEALTH FINDS, ICR, LUST, A 430 3 705 SOUTH CHARLES STREET DEPARTMENT RCRIS-SQG, UST A 432A 3 UNKNOWN 630 SOUTH CHARLES STREET SPILLS A 432B 3 TRIANGLE PROPERTY 901 MAYNARD AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, LUST, UST A 436A 4 FRYE ART MUSUEM 1061 6TH AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, ICIS FINDS, MANIFEST, A 436B 4 POPICH SIGN COMPANY, INC. 1045 6TH AVENUE SOUTH RCRIS-SQG A 436C 4 JAMES G. MURPHY COMPANY 1001 6TH AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG A 436D 4 ALLIED BATTERY COMPANY, INC. 1031 6TH AVENUE SOUTH FINDS, RCRIS-SQG A 439A 4 SEATTLE CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES 707 SOUTH PLUMMER STREET FINDS, RCRIS-SQG A 439B 3 KEN STATION 1030 7TH AVENUE SOUTH LUST, UST G3-4 East Link Project Final EIS July 2011 Appendix G3 Hazardous Materials Sites TABLE G3-2 CONTINUED Hazardous Materials Sites Identified EDR Map Risk Segment a Label ID Ranking Site Name Address Database SEATTLE CITY TRANSPORTATION FINDS, MANIFEST, A 440 4 1010 8TH AVENUE SOUTH DEPARTMENT RCRIS-SQG A 442 4 BAUGH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 900 POPLAR PLACE SOUTH FINDS, UST FINDS, FTTS, RCRIS- A 443 4 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC.