A daad baat—Tba ran Wad dram OFFICIAL REGISTER iMwna a Kllllr »U1 cura any cou«h <»r mitur of b»« loaf *t*n tin* or rold, »'» m« a11m la c<)Bii«>aail of ro >U. I»*rk, an.) brr'.« It ta Terv plaMtnt to l*kr libra it. iud«Cl»J CoMTt. avary chtl>t a *4 W fiti—11, Am Tii Ui "All I want la a alngla ti«-arl,' »rlt#a 1ar • » «J To ■ hi wt sw>«i •«( d, i*. A practical woman would KUaaid with a ao'.iUIro diamond. P etatv C*--t InWttKj, and TV <4 T—■ % 4 •** n Tba ronhtnatloa. proportion, prob- p p» «.r» « rn(i *— **m0 md ata I* It rv>- prrparlag lain iMtpifl „ and aabnoaa In to ntn' Before ahe had half-flni*h*«l »[»* in the middle o' the «l*y rnmpany ISrw. Ul tu KAHMIXO folk •PKi: r \nl I hi' gmup •■( f «tlirt in* her. »«trran draw* a .a- > ■—!■»»• rw* When the door «•*« *l.ut Ao | >«• i«uioi \ Mm «i> »* B A'/« f U'arfo» m *•1 Iimii tmT| »»!•• buab of t titlnlm *p*ll. finally upon g*m Wiitu M.Kia* Vuafry bf Mr* in an hla wlfa atraob him V> ammil lit* •llmrw broke "I muil S*-g«n H*nt, eauta Un jrvara »g. with a hroomatlch I * •. I al«te. ton* ll'it I'mkie 1 «*'i »o» to '*• m I I mil. In bar pla.* »n tha •««r< ful *t(•> "li-wribfe youngest daugh- lluata Inryattd r nxtol »* Un Vvy^ria^Hl In Mr to a para >• to a.jMu» rs.. M K.-«-n I thick might aurprlalng g«« M tiftlxni, *«.w •v t. ». nui <»f lb* aplrll'a «ra< ter, Cam* "II I wor*« than I em Imi uaad Mtir iliirtjr y*ara. I '»••*»!■ many of my brother farmer*. »• It to iden of • dia.a. *>1 A »l»lt» balroO woman ruaa •illt lb* »o»«l tend for her I" liv* up lo the New Yorker*' tboaaanW from a limr*ring ri »-N«.ii I. l Uk« T»ur hrriiM I ceited Mow could papa ■«. I (lol paper jft lli«t • *• l*i-l on hat !>• *ti to My— f>>t an or two. death tola la «wn her *mce *he wa* kan«aa girl, j.i»t hour Whea latmg o«l for caltltalioa am t » poof lu*a oUI ciay Tba vnrl thai lb# nlh*(rp "Me ha* not Co-"N K1Hr—i AKsoRBKNTS. wa» ih* aort of tlli' of id mf Iwl article. we l»>"i lit I xma to Im Is MM df W>fr wallln* UmI *'innf .»«T IWnt You know that I etactly thipo ti»|w irn year* old," said Mr* di*mally An ti'tiang* »»y» that thai* la a mia r»- A IkNM •« • H«( • are n « a* 1 »tr la min i tbat pr. fl'.a »t tun«l»ri> On* of my hk l« all to tee from the la [>it>U*b»d neigh^oa «M«I TahllhaaJI plarea "Of he rould not dream the would person you expected • m la tt.ia llfr fir d«nal to the aire of lb* farm. m< that a ram liaal -hin* in»a> a* (l«ri »f CMfh umrr la ra»r a Irttrr from Summit an.I kapl pal alway* NAb « w. r acres tb«- more mother mi a woman, and jou >r mk IW I; t»»« |«r-•«*." •lid that If you only p'nwi I ill rulilratol charming they Kor Kthf iia. T M>lba< h- Wira r »a» »|W Of 0**4* l^viul pound* tottU bold, la Tli«t *ii *11 An 1 i»n with tha wtlkla* the in her Mr4 la M'H« apt Wi b» lrm>- T'l« f »r »«»«t Uf Ian I rtvoagk. it «1i>1 not or*»l any mi li»rd in for aeeeral year* when embracing group appealing MWallad Jin k. and th-* r»au I • 1 '.I • R •«' »'tlC« »h« lr» adta&Ctd Tbr (liana* t|ln Mill i«rrl. Kirope it. fWi rlcbaaf- in "A littlr farm well HI leal Many narr for that w»« th< "and we out West all know a I. laclft' I btlltftd thit, Till •III* rliter prcipla (tm lb* *lgu •he wo little It i* horrible, glance, lafWmmatioa, n*«* 1>r. Thorn** 'kit '• girl* pMIHf Much CM* »U*t bl U»rd a ma* »pr«» blmaelf o*« r KM of «* I farmed land, ant my fa That tha «.t» l.-K • »*ro«npl'l» me Yo» ayr tii h. • 1 t h*l rr oaltliaw-l Ian I. an.l manure an ! U'< >r «r.' th»r til l tha *am« \\'v ralae.l cora ant rjaculated ••ad. putting th*m In fixt .«» thai Iba b "if ••• •••••■ me, dear I'ncW Silaa, won t la bit S give you m«» un the ttr« I pat <>■ n<» thialy that ha tat a»t hoi • hrat. ant mil all the grata, for liti lb* *ai ii ii ■ 11 ■ulrliUI. lain, daughter V»a majr rmt I. jr.in ikWl AA.nalft. la that ftlvaya tphia wa* t»» hearti- ih«j m»y n a "aa .a. aa ili>mlil of Hut I'ncto Ktlaa laughing room f-tr t that la poor (• ocrally tmlnl tftr ni >aey aa aooa Tattle**, Inflr, "Kr»»h a* a rwwter' echoed Carrie. rtr I' jro« *111, hat Ibww ISm*. '•It* M aritr • •• Mlbi* I nlhiIIImI lif I»»a rli»| M>al itftl kiaaed h-r for*, up i»atil) (■ who, If he woaUl tootenlrale ob har*ia|<>| ant it > Me bent over and hi >Tr on tba »• ftlr la atill. tha crop* roi'4 n "Mamma, I >hall g to bed »)a»-|f and ly •I th* ami IWffli *1 Ik^uid*. aad. at tb» Ubw. oaa-lblni o! tha la*!, Bight fln.l i>otb W .lit aot k<*p aay Block. »*r»pt Nnl «■!. f.ir Ilia* tiaprl I* bead ready won lite'* frrt an t II* be too ill to I don't ita rtap t«j Iir kllna'a itr>a< a a. I ka<>« a farmer aota*- thai I* Ibitmtfb pal" ftppear to-night nr«. All •topP*-' (> •> k-i« |N»«W mab« Ifc* a* •mall a* pr.lt pleasure. I of a eowa an t theh<>r««a, an.t me f t ki«* r llrM * >tw handliin ju*t po«* couplaof lliat anOi-i.* lb* i*r «»f Ita filrll.in, ever our "I aik them all to forgue N. r».- K< atoll ft All *H. .lay • a on lab I aa mr beliewe Mr M >rn* will croaa bo. th aa (onl wheat tini- a a t< w at. I I ha I n* ul raalra: rtirra ui«i i«*ur ■Mi. Jrar, hoga, glat An 11*till tlir *tr«aa he «aid "A Hnrtp|iiii< fitallM |t cor a»k ralwl 37'> hoahela of t*cauar capi'al joke Inaln rII raara ~rti I |a> |ir Rilnr, II Arrh Mil for. no in 111, they threshold again )ou."*" Tbia. it »fm« to m, i» adtira, Ami tb« lot- il>al I* o*»r lb* airlaa 1'blla I'a f»ij grata »a forty acres. aa n« »rr ha-l tin* lo clean It ha 'bat k<*ia Ita *»aal palmar* beat bit of I e»er aaw," • fc*-l phat* '>argaia '•am. up 1 '|iiM •aid Mr*. "Th* acting • ua* mirria** in un an I bAppi'j. mm \ rv liar lb* Vailtr'a rr« Ment, h>tly. 'aljr <»f umr »i!l t* coo* •a oaelh r l aa mtav a< rr» rata* 1 a* b «aa raa.l<- la thla la t*u w any Wa«tk npprlmpDt way. <•*• cried H>»n Mr. Morris clever; »a< ata m>-eta a« fully My While Ih• • di*trr***d consultation juite It la b lajadlrlou* ■hMI alU an Yitl tiacod if tlw fki farmara arr yliiafhali pi*at< many i.»at. I word, I that ti*<- Mormon *m it* "i Mm; .••am frum mi* h >milr bil*r • and her my though, bj«b. ia or l«a are -,mtf c<a oa largs la r .ra till aim* b >m It kin t » rua out. aaa tha for I'.nkie, aafe l*»on tha arre in ofl*a obtained, oa aa an • not have aeen it; I don't by '•uahrla per tWraty three (-rata a atiocb, I tha hi- | wm one with herself hojld through r«nt tba lc«* and t*w Tlial lb* h-amm la M'«l rn.|illl»f (•»>«, holding !«lf i'kt th»t it i» 'i»r|' *• tj «h<>tal to much I I t a trrm of years. oa amall |..« ahuIt at that, ao I deceived me : a«rra|e, loat BioBcy In** I.. life-* r«#*h*al Hum. h<-f face think could hat* With mujf a paia t*rria to | I r*r* 10 her ffrt. but you farm* ak«rr rare la tahtn bar* l> thr fleUl a r«**t an I .»i l ** *|>arklrd ■< 'hat 1* «»I«rlrM fut lb* >«kr of obtaiaiag every l> t to |lir »i« I lh«- lanrfth tn«l it.r nini "I should not have tried," For »t rjr pain atd aa'ry apra to :iur* wa« full of mirth replied prevent a I tha oe lltlona aeceasary It lo *b*at Th» in mi of tba bi-arrr lm in • n ihlHNMll VIn Yet there w»» a I H-Orut Anrr Hp-clfl mt —a Nt I ft'i I I > • .1 «• ill' »l.c m ntrrrti win iwi I'mkie, very I tit ftalfftl <11.1 I'frlljr An I • all In imc plain h una .1 itiaa "I (imply ■ t i ucdrra:oud that but a *mall a« a in tone they ally With a I of t* a h iahe'a per re. u «ff | Bret a li lb it I in.I tha Ihinaabl In Ibl* »a*l l>«» mot I, f >r tbem. ; certain indefinable something *>unlooa ha Nm. y.»: lb* gr* n«tit K It will t»- (nn| enough Tba inin of Ii llgmoua roijr « ia t* it arm»r la t>*r< « latereat on m »• i«. T i-al Ilia l»a*t Hi »??.« <1 tlMiiT. >•( ara'ita.y, rtrjuitd. g ttmg mey far, an I •<>: I lb* »lr»«r »ir •>«!• a whirh m* le the Hon Mr change aald to 'a a >n of jrmt r-aoar< ra, II** a wurth la tb»- al«bi »l our Lata I know I can. It will teach tbcm p-r* I in f for hia Ira* f rm moiatur*. would an >ney pail »r help «n l ih >ujh th»jr <111 ■<»« gitr na* »*rjr roach, alara h- b«a M>m'th ng on (->i. pttfatly Mm <" |r«win Hit I II hart to work like mIhl gvBrrtllf ova time h a ma iy geta nothlag. etrept II wt* '»tu; Ihftn II, •« I tiad /'* ,v-«i nal Cartit, &c. ha»'»n to ib# f their harnin* are »« w.rdt in which to de. fertility baalaena. • • r< t • drea* |.-t me There ;«rrha;»« the plmaor* of .kttng win <(■••• U forr 1 « u u « | to lb«t I jan get the ready II »r«« ail I title lrr* If aat* < f Mr*. It nt [Vtw by .r.«f Ii^ui t I of Ate a. re nirana ti»r».«t tn.l I .If. \ i.ikk m n.niiir II*' •cri'w the em'>arra r.l ara of tnin'iH iliulii", *rg<- a I tbl* n\er«at "a a ui luninl at fair • n I • r« •» until tb* atit en i h« r •»••• I I t ||Q— mey W«l to gltr th* I ha»e it' That i>l>| ta'dea dim will I daughter* pt k« t >w aol-l ar*trae»i •« an<1 a ll> • R «lilNMIf « 11 fetl can bo ubit M rate, a I ary to tha farmer • m brn I « hi'..| II In t.» ran what *aid .a Hi « an > ibl; 4" Cou«Sf or it llut be the lit I I'inkt*merheard «b») koown rouatry ird fair lea large farm, ra ju«t thing < irr it •>( n> b aala* to uar a* an profit %tmiy a*aln %tj 1 til iar |f« l*'< 'Nl ii lb* r<»mlrr (b* balla •»!«■ rli^ia# the ihuck- •bout h»r I purr ■ ar>- roater.t a th a tie.J of a*> >at ->n« ton I ft i!in ro*a t >ar nrtl in "How I brought it!" • I Mil* tihy • N W». a rblhl a' luck; aba dmrgtha »mm*r It ta caul, Kit \m lh» Art play, • in led h*r a* far aa t'.ey darnl *i MM* kl«l a< re ai l a litti* "fall feol N. t-iroft l rani* a lark waul UMlu >■ the tboik it the ( f « whi'e They mii«t >lo U> maka |m- »•> «. X» hay |«r th# I) 1.1. an 1 In ,'trm *r ft \ I up Ui h» .*»■ le«|, >ldl lt<|«lr>r » Whit I ( r animal* to he II • n.o >ii.»n an4 up>n >..ar t ro-« t:< a at. t t > an s«e •'••.aioe.l m« f»rra *r. I bl< w >lu*n H:nlM an t fi• th«t nf Mar Hut neeer found out. • M Nlt.Hr, tbtuab tVfff m>nlia <>f the moat •! tSey my htB'U aoft' t«l« * I III* hi. I I «>kM up u itK hear.I Itir III! anti-pat country haa t ul .» »f »'wlf, and it ia fa maa mill r«<1a«e the aum'ter of arrta u ft of hftv. ati t lb* «• athrr turanl «o T<> ne <1x1 l'inki« ever tell l» j ripiblr, Infl. fa*hna. "Now I can no to ann nothing .at.i lh< re are a* m<>re thaa he can tra I tl <>n aleep, > »h« it tbc r dried. > f holding a large raiaj that n «t of ■{vtllnl tb* ; way b* know* >>r aa <••• Iiki «•! to txirn • > I Irt II Ik- I 'Illttrl IMt,|r,|iw braTii I Inflntf, «*•> h^ur, A I» f Lt r»rri»a' «i»nnf». i Co--w :« It .r e>ne week* ■ am ifet of I I if time takrn > (•> iiottvrn la what will h an I N V iuu< I ••am how Kr.«iu atrip •i* mf ban.I battling on* of || away. m l 11 I hat I ('•rrull llmt. Iluffilt, a dowdy* to bum it time and when It au • hia wile M»u». » of tlo alolui I:. dunsg dry plaro »«r »i I tlooUy. last year, h* »»« go.og lu flu * mi guHl*» l«r»p ill lb< •ti4>lr of a »l«t>IV tlf. in ti»e minute* mi*chievoua I'inkie w»« trm'llr-l With »•« *#•«■•§ %mt I jll-nt ■I , I»r-- a t«t I'fra wa* ao in them. »i. *n I it under coter .a aoa* coa«c nirat jaQaua if -nh»a-l ha l-* Carn- Krenk," *b* tan!; cruel jutt a e an»» m ; l>H- of I >1 mat In lb* »are>« nrwt it wa* with a m><( K.t* If h»*rn t Wn mi k it»a flfly lira; «»• l"B- a'toal tha ini ♦»» to the b»n hlMii a ""— ill, and unbecoming yon atting (•>rn btru«tinc thla 1, — ||< n «* *rr *» a! > t» il. hate uatd large •• 1 aa I It a 'l>it IMtll «n|al lb mannera t<* *km ea*ily or rttt oo «r i|r at .ng (et Jane, tse a. <-»r « In Augu*t tha u I «u '* • ity at th* limr fb* flf 11 ft i*h <>n h«r hara**r I face that the a|> may <>oly deep pr>> Counsellors Law. Ai» I il» • ••man 'tframi c 11 lo lh-atatiaii'tl f aan.i to ted withe t!.e Aral • »f O to'wr. We hate «••• >w> 1 «orr on or off. Hut I'd never have la. btrn.t up »»#. j-ian'.'.iea a*t nV>ut hft.1 «'» »!< aliur- -In fart, |>' liwl. in the drawing r m a few m»- put put HmrAjUJ.1. • w »*>• « • ar oa (•rated h»»t — mark a»t au turner, aad make a of t w< lea r« 'f in at at t?> j m ft *11 •uiiiiwf >«ta o»i how th^ r >rn »f I'd wen j praitico ••.til la b#r .lr«*t.» lb* l»lla «»ra naf*M. menta ir. There »at don* it, Krank, you * *t "»r «» "«»n «h h thire ia a of eioier ready fcr th* i«t th* aolt » th* -»•? t' blic .a- the »a'.ti wanted cr.

n llamr l>i«aa«a an | .ag. oo' abaad, .m Wat e»«r •. h never I O M NIM1 day th< ra.w.rtbat farmer* «•»-! to raiaiag I »»• rati it I ba-t tb» iaib ••• • the ohiiii fr Kar.aa* H* it «»■ |» RiMH h»t hal Wbrn ng «|>. Ae4 lynHMS flf*H » rn-- or i>K ukavi iik % r ia.ri.*T'»u. neat undrf their f. rward • a* •<►'!» a* I >a« I k at r tha night, w I at i»n»t tw a New \ >rk )<>J n»r aakiaat* I yl> dtfl '.y .a tarrying t«»«ly-foar hlil* a figure mi it drawing- a • rrtata - T'.a > » » an arm 1 •» !. «b b iu»>I' "Ym needn't don* ao," replied n f (r** at>4 ha.f I thr k at rvwni before* Stoic or aymptthrt W I »r pin a* • >>n E ia the a tx>a ar.d *e I wi< » wo laat an I the a Ihftt ait n<> com i. Nlr M "for I th <'«m Mn« n.ght and wtll dried by «er apr'.nf, ful >rft f ratting \ white mrna, ight phlrg to V I |n/t I* aid I'wmtl.* uf /.aw. of abnt waa ( ►»! a m on«- «orn»r atui tbat tin- |>lairi had never feral uf the I f.»n. when they are ytel>] fort It a* my *y*e fell oa you that I #1 ■»< prr i*«ttto » M • full and eery " ! » II ■* I w >u I wi >a4 to hate that c!o*« r. rurirf, l*IO I »»• • sr[»»l«»t ll> •« •hepherdea* »tyle, »ery it ft ltd fr * the aia-'le ar I it i* tleasrl I'Mfrftt **en ao a fare before er aa often a««a la Jaae. a »• an 1 a «:^r,zz~sisL>~ • arUt a br»al »• arlet lovely • tt it' ..it.pj la I'M. Nat p-<>p-« aa (la* a >p la I rum ty »t» ft g 1. •b rt, Mucking*, *" B'-rr • * •»» »**• !»rg- I•» \« < tb« dirt i« drawn ba» k wndet •*!>»I aaked 1'inki*. • an 1 li «t*al rooatd rr l ut, dr) iraiupletl ■' II m >re a a to the n lato tha a«a. rd Cc-'«e!lors law* tw of tb* brat tru-y rar< r get tr.au a*lrrtlag i r nr»tl, f»«t I ft.a-.l M rn* blown g *!!»'-•»y» rait* Jt ; bigU. l|p|»d II int in front. Ihi* wa* what the IkalM an I kl them ae« c Mr r. \« >Q r if It Wtim I h» I rat py tla.n'mg \<»rw iy. f mi', a a'Wo evea »hal til ba Joaa I I «br«t la tbt fl'l I • •ham* tha' ahe malici >u* I'inkie had d« with hertelf, — I » with their n '( M»lo. "WUl A l/o «im l)i***a WbenCongreti ■ • k« v» ia |>erfect *» > t tf'tt I K tatfj l»t la t).it »a) tb« d »a mak« >1 not aa«l« riake U»>» a« Ihftt mnnl t wh «r tf ink* were fall of ei|Uiaite hit firat viait to Nr«a ^ rk. yatr, K n.-n I fir a I ha I I * t «a a- I ••ea*. all tt a m»r. irr ia ia a to he inatv fr >m aier- r r*mr to corn* r, th (• »•, I' tbrrr >ii| >rn. an 1 wfit I thla hear French auch a* hrr Mtaina had to a "Sb «Sh—, «hf might you gown*. mme ago, a friend invited him loal •• «••• of «rn» I K » a Cfr»i® raai a d*an <>f «1 «a aay one 'I >u*>t that ; rr a f'« orn ata' < .l.wn yeara *atlraly •anil, tt«l tbo bait i|t rropa Nay. u;> lg>t aeen. She • •<« dry, "N r.«»r,»r *f»# i* <1 >«• n in the re. neirr owned and not often (ailed for »ft» baa worknl a mirano ihiag hai. I» »m- •a knr- • ati I naminnl in«.' it«i< restaurant, where they Malm ia » c<>»f.>»t to br pr> ray * bad Aad tbare iid if ah« >* knew at |ra«t that the » her ft N V OllttBl l> **iM !r»»m a <■? f>»ar t->aa to the nrnr. par « » »r'. f »>m I doo't auppoae opal* •hell crab* I,, had never aeen any be- rye. Iliagbaaptua, what taar> «ro|> ception takra »i i 1 «itb > I •' w a rrrtain *-» « • r vt*u km>M **4 >m)>ar» t ar f v ir iw t '»« of rowea ha » ih t.ft I .ud I Tb* WMMM m the t>a. kw abe ha« i ear* white ne a ull comminl , f re. and did not kn they A Pittaharg la ly w'i i*n« -r \ .• atta c«> a rr takva t ilw m f• » » w» b k'*|> Ml liii'x-tMm] in a Mark. il< l>«<>h'.eg < » • rt e*en fr m her itable of )t.M that an b»ar thr» i||h <1 r«," uf rrapect, inbmj He lik• 1 tbem, towever, and a few da)* boa«<« grta t'p«y ta tb» atr-«ta Think tho n. a », tatoao atatlati'a, which • »a 1 fT r*ut lr>m anith I b»>l I and c>aa. Ar.d k aUada w.th | The »t .11 that »• • dr. I <»a M dry "(Jirh, I am a»ham< 1 >4 you. li relatieea to regale him**lf tbla, ft mi n oh otljr bavt to ar. t ■» f ai. I a*»»»e •> .rale. b"Wrter, • y*r am la that lan.1 I toM ay kaml afterward, wiahng «d ibaa<« t Irar.rr wore them that i baiag " • n ■ »n b« • > toward "Thank beaten abe enme looth»>fM crut booaa thaiU >>• rtc » I iMI •ttOCt It. anl hr laactir l »n I ail l. Why. I j unfeeling )»ro«t ageu with of th* .Itt rnft4 at * ta c to to My Law, M. taiUarrd maty .• %• f.»r will ah >w *he at lea»t ha* m !-J r i. ar I :ia.l i>a my :arm that !• that 1 hay I haalttl th«r>' lt«i people »ney. tareaaa, be hunted the restaurant, • ... aunt up W.i <1 >i, t btvr t-» r*< iintiirn I l'afkt atTHti a* an a' rtwat.l buab>-a • t*ry talua'lr ia^ trry Utoaa wa« a' iirfc ta awt.t.a Hut it ia «bra \ wl«» a bftii. I thr ft-, act apr*a I u tv- lat. I. •» ran •«* tftrr s oaly be awkward ar. 1 dow ly. II than 91,000 be had forgotten tbe name of tbe food he g»r. "Irafgut. «.f LI ha rt» S V ai.il there waa a >t ia that rroit a aiaale nil' b*t a* >4i 1 ba •«< -I uu Iff An I rv .ted that ita «a.u* ia fal.y pi tbat It ataa• I" i prod > that ir>- m 'f* • ..I «ian t maoarr I am I >ball di» I m- ruftrkti "Ma liae* ■aw II* call*d th* waiter and *' M » p >p yenr '•rixiabt oar Ian I goio< "lobatera." ..«« krsruti' «■ •* *a< a.'.ft d an I g Kg rftloMlly el—, pWTWl m> « t after iWai na< a aral* c«tt It to Mr. M rrn »«i>ur < u»m Mai I like tbwrt* Utter. l«ib*ter* |*i>> tr.au •: profit t>iU| IIoa lartfrr )<»r ti lu I r they're *ai I "Waiter, have ) >u any •• I I lanlrtf that th« rouid trat«l ac*»aa tha ! •: ..fa aa -r ! a. rme I great artif.-.al a!wa)i the waiter. me a '• "I'crhapa " "Yf#," aaid "Hnag wvK ■ oa lalne I an • ■' «' f * < tb I»u h taluaMr »f a< J, tuai if*, la't r< »t of I, II: faf n I I Mllioa of a w >mtB || Ht tb.a .gkilaMavM n to dinner »ft»r tuck » long ri le. wear 'em e»ery day "A d /en esdaimed It la tail tbat thr p » < *aid I.. > ttf ate. r thr Wb ||* tt» Ih Iflirf, It do/en," w t»»n i« •*>•« ««• a&d ti*a ar..ma!« b- irljl'llftl Mr. ta a t« at of rl tin rati" Aa nx.lt waatrd i* * little awkward to 4>M an tber to I he gueat* were a>ready arriving, iaw I »rm< ra a >m* t m a. ia fl^ariBit tha pro It the waiter, in a*toniehm*nt. it > " tb* I o.t'1 HiaUa oar cltll .rrr'>h\YKyjTLJH. t" htr ia a c> a»taat atat* f hith am be tbMughoat ..tfcd ttf fa l V> llaure t*Hlf owa • aet dinner H-nt bim*elf ng them, bating, made a but he waai •Ita aay crop, party that he had miatake, tloo majr '«• aaiil to ha fally leau-l \r IV>a*riOm i, and too ftaa itb»ir f»*>l aa w .rti. an I foy f. r the to the fa*hi >n f New V>rk mj.|, U.i nayth.ag. prthapa •tlb" miimi, ble«« y.-u according not to admit it. "Confound you1' an I g ing »;.n»r f thair <>«B »*• •tl W it!., .ar of the lab I a J. tbaa ia in time au aril CAM. MAI MIC fr m the dirt aad It \ u can tell her that «be bu'inea* men, armed home only "don t >ae I anow J.4MK.H I'YI K 8 I I tlll.INK la f »r tb« \l tine l"«riu»' ught he said, JOU tupp otartakr* tttey make a fair ahowtag tfwp. wa* «> *•:«» to b »ua« t<» irtnrat. I boa. if durv • :* it kn w to Jrea* for Ilia heart full ha cla of loo grrat kr«-prr« <■ r wuiratv a ui< hum no mi. tired. Y u can arrang* | dinner. what I want' me a d'^en' I M charge it oa!y with >rvri Bring N » «lmilar articla baa m.we uawra m :idtr it ihey welcome for hi* tue e, aitrlnl i>f aar iham. tba.r why thia la l th rwa) i m in rr».u I ll of atfecti' nate waa d of that war pai4 owl IIjI pr. "Well. try taMe clean everything runr lato u«v la a<> «h >rt a ttai-. ara »i a A grarral atta* thair K »•« ai«ata < •!> >u I la a; l>aat < (*r M h r <•>.■•% r K»i»w. • were tbe »entenr-• that fell i>n wl> >m be remembered well a* a leautiful ate all he at Lav*, 4 d( rop ibarpvf 4 |a« a J /en », ■ u« tbat >nv) coaaUat «at«h ta nrcnaary ok btefral Angara. tl.e car* »f I'rw ill* Hent t< ah* *at alone, child of ten. only half year* ag tould, railed for a gla«* of bran, ta trial H il l hy ail gr •aibly *<•««»»». tta tarrp. if etaa awd»r»i' ; pit It. your t Ul 'f tKt Vim* •hum at tint not* but arc But y»»j ittlr iktaii 4 / tAr ,i;r> lwnl wai'ing t<> are the aunt and tvjain* that he did not anything looked at th« waiter and raid ConkHMU urg«l ipat «•" < tlMjll ■ (!<•« t' fltl ■>> II liat oI h.ra I heip, <>r of y>ar cfclUren dy, up •uuta* ia to obta.ncd Hut IB ao o&a f,r,, -Dun Mm «• to and (be atfrc* k >4 fiiai tm» W t« bo a fair •be ha 1 ( me til the from kanaa« the eye*, waa aa aa 1 > .at of M..I an I of manure, at.I ») loirly uplifted "Waiter, I not hungry • • uat a* with i>f the \ manafa' tor r of g i>« «a>a dmctt a ia thrr* ao much diract !>*•• of aiua an I t >o a—a In complying |>ior r»'tae*t to wL*e w*J. ime the t. >nal» toke >w i* • e I t It- uae t« New York *.»it.<>' I wet II much the bill a ak t ma la *• minhi. ;.r «« ll ought bta arr no* falljr r i< nt .«'.h u't It at give the public. throagU r*rn u*<>b« prxlurta a tb# iai um t jr ti la auitabia at-aorb- i>«w• tbat w pay > >d at Iraat I i» Mi •• » trr i< if «be ha 1 known tbem all A* ihf dinn-r grr«*rj, and re. ilaWfti'ia I »a tbr wrarrra of J." iv V s. / ir .T uur m»tbod of manu- j»r "Fourteen dollar* fifty reate,' to «l*f)r oi.r an.l a'->»a r I ha aolula that fr. a oa tU« r >at. k>«pmg a the IWnt btktmr aware that hi« a* < \u l a«a tba !•<■< p rata f atock. |>aaa iiuttrr. we do e 4 that brr life It waa blunder of Mtdhl Mr the waiter. it i* tot tba gla»« ryra through or at la«. a. are ikili' It I, tbea oae ran facturing pfUiil by "Why, *ttOr and Count* of tb« Irvr a tUa plied tloo f) aa.aiaia c ataia auck part ir tiii* fa* 't gr. at **n direct* liKil attir»* we* r. what it *hujld be, it would *e;d I. * >t\M|it COI an oalj It) la a oll Bat l >« •cnant much aa I thought be," lu rt ilk »<•< *gla pfoflla ihit !««id tahaa a* i« »••« uaad tbo aniaa! w. • I i.npif (Ik* oar mrth■> I, h-ping •'•in int ■ the room, which •nJ that her vokt »n loo I ud. "Hut ll«< ka tn- by uf. ID tbat way m farm.ag pay I* up drawing "Here, needn't mind the change, What la tba of aurtarlag with (Niluiri. n I in Ihr • am** t»n*ln«*« may y<>u k» Wkila tha lataat If it ttiat la uihi rn|tj< r» the wumen ran • ► that l».araa«« u< mata'a.a .f> nine f »a»» I i»#l"t p clh« *tra»•• to tr-.watm «••»•». «.fl r tbrira. an 1 doiog rack r«c*lva by and, handing oa tf.« I '»•.! *a ke If farm- by »« a* • t'bvat an I l.uag TrouVca •t— waata, that i« furvtar ia t;.e ii i way your r.> .^n wtre mother and •II out, »nl the child'* out. I'rick. Mitt'bra, M mat wa- fit where tilting pretty the walked M It it aeatla uttrbaullBg " I'ongreatman or a ir< n« «» ib ohm •••»• tho k. taata ar. 1 t)| kuta'.tal Torpiil Uttr, any part thr -ogh •» da (nil a wiaaa. ■jatan. } I yoa arr la 16* irat e, we b« I tdH gr*at ightrra picture i*t>r oi!l c« rtaiaiy g.*a you n av Improt n Very likely i»!a« tail a it» k a II f H .* t« ;a tla ai.na. aa all ani- • name tontinutd S> aU> the li >n Mr. M rn*. A Ki h | .dad Aad, -r «H ria oter too many car* abutt • takrn la aelecting wta fur "1'ink.e' Wt.at thoa(lit 11 all »roi»a p!a« iptrallai man out baik Vaatijr aapartor ir.a"rr it a frtdar uf tha t-il, the are * great uiany rowa ever heard of un being t«>ld after taking thr old a t A" a-J Counselor at La», mal Uiract acre*. .tairy Torre tb tir»'. a|.rak>-r. "Who wh», to Carrie* »eiatton, began, Ufa. Yoa'i: Ptj afur mli.g o«» •) bntter and are, 1 are ttaata bor< nta« of aim- Wtoll mu< h for the Hut I ap>k» that »r< railed r*»1 r • n white «ii of the barn, many rra. IdlMf tbia Thaa proftia. au b *h >u. I not l»e rept by Is of aa«re aa w>ilaa|roflt Iwlng a* regard* vianttty m v. • if it can ba *a««d aad aj l Bimr i« the • iu*ta, who hel armed "Yea, mj n." t. mum ( ««a a I. iSwitMt i> I h» «aiuo, pliad a* the »>ulU r ma 1* from "Ht» 1'nacillt," replied inop|>>r- ai I r< m»f kr 1. tra la riHHTl' rn with thla co»««ntrat't krpt In the dairy. and Ilaramxln ai.rB'.ljr u r<« batter • wu to m had eiilaimed hate toiled and la'e. ■ Ikara «aj i. •« »n ! t>i»l •••rt •( nuttv "but I'inkie ^.»en her by fr Ktnni, "You early .j warn. waa the niphatf ttir.g cf'po (arming l> I aea-J to aay anything to a« m<'!ber, timely > than on am. tweet of brow have be ruetls ! r tbr Itrvr at a a aaure in *%»or m miii ti a-irolr*--! c<<>f when ahe wa« a little "Krom K•&•»•! II >w I tbe your you I might bat* ka iwB. M D. airrtft praaaot prole tbta 1 her* p.. mating by her father, Kirl, delighted by rrplf. A \ FRENCH o»a W«- an- **» IxlM «t farm t >r i-alara of it «ith a «uth. i»nt of tw t.uabt .f wheat grow whera bat butur enleavortng ip her cheek* I'hat i* the *tate of *11 other* I arn m amaaaed thi* big uril "yoti lukrwarm pari nwaiBg quantity account of pink " la a la trac- • bre« < of row* that will. whan properly !• »• «. DrWa « OtUdlBa aUcrbrnt to hold it aad rrbdar ^r. w r>etore Thrre p'.eaaura I will rail her I'riKilla." interested in eeeing I «m g >.ng oat "That'i William and Surgeon, any giud It la f. | an t »he;r ml Ik han lied, maka "Well, Physician ing th*- rr ;>of graaa or |*Haioea rightly "It ha* me more than 1 can it li«d to tbr land te*tor«- an I delicti u» flavor. "And I too.' there in the •prin«; pained >«•»« *♦ 41. HIM aaady a|| th' of coB'^Baat with Bo harm >l>»Be any t»atl»r of 0ar A But lini! 'J »■> n o- to »ee at age, troubling T r w<- to the *aid the Kan*** Ieiite* bete tell Ii.nr t« ii air la a to iVr th it k that tfia orar« get pure fatkn will not like it,' "If *11 you, your Bl* k lira uo I., ahi.1 It pleaaure "Y«iir b*l aorta ui4 Httoul Rtak caret voca birth m* ha'iy ruanlag w no I an l la cow. iba m «r>! are arr lo Ha l we > d»wn. e •• that with the of life. Father, < ba l.ed ba»r ur -rk coareatrat. Jrraey ikely Kent. "Hut n.utt g ilerful your c«>4*ia, yourself a farm ahouM tup| y- Mr* completion all ov«r bta br*.l, ao «•> t>4 #k \rty budding w in I—« fcU I > kl M I much of th«- tbeae w *b< uld be •* IMtf Mr, haBtl n f >r the region. declining yeara tpent rovl'l n »t bral tin-re. I • MM tttl M with nbaorbrnt* it ««, that A twift ruth viaiting your mu«t *tt> •! "1 that lb larg farmer uaua:.y <• well ventilated barn* I'rey, present > w I ..r n good, romf« rtable, * thev thould no II- got ao a I that h«* ntl he at the of the •bould like to a*k her many Yea, William, g. I. a a'» >at the BOtntter of Brlra in whUhto our cow*. Wr cannot may tight empty reception f cowa ha ar. l a •motberrd eh—' he ttimirn rtJ, eeith the "Now, father, •-eing you I'hysicmn Surfton. of tU tiidi much ra a.e. or the auraher krepa. make g«*«d batter whm the cow* arc kept Mom, look* of dumay i'lrhepe, Hitu ra *« ah« ha I grrat falUi ;»aran •« l«a. «H« ly te. of many that the kaa ti krpt of lien' l>> one often aee« in the farm and you and romm-nc» I to b> a'. tn> t uaiag to ot cur 1 ,r«e a* regtrda al>aort>ert» during ha "Huw atupid you tup- tjr Kngluhmen, "per- tba acre or of h >w tnu>h mosey grU an I a* It I* for tba dairy-room t» 1' me and SaU roa to 'art. [ • .try •» J with Ilea »irr. tba aorta all h«*l<«l a»! I t ar, I •« if thare r t1<- m «e »b« heard mother will be »ery g your remaining dtyt l"« I T l>4 t lal r letr. each c >w f Thera ar* of aitt. not lo the »»m» de- l> hope your < r '. •< .<• an pa»t from eiceptioaa. thua kept, ugh •lil*rr my liahy aa»r I U ■', m»i 11» 1 f r the «trt the t((l ictnei in tbf •• to let me have the of fitting ih h v#t« r>l f r r *ru»mt !.»> our plat* coura*. > >nj.' mra ha«* necutlie aMIlty gree. The b«-*t fand, we tbtok. la good idrw pleasure .m; It' m- I. V. II •< III *r aha., th*m to haa>iir Inure inau*ptcioualy When Ti<* polat olgmmt. nrit to three am cure mamma will no'. re- the drift o* them remark*. I'm thr rarth I* nit t»irrf thi* rr. rmng And "I quite lat, aaya If Physician Surgeon. ♦J^ng K»rj» an. uat "f »our caUiialrtl .aB l to your tba flavor of bnttaf. W» milk In tla palla. a to «t*rt far the I'll ko.ra it will harat l|r hta bata vf the animal »a«!t (in be IB the an I followed one which arrmrd aimoat jj*. the of having you ready po.>r-h>>uee pM'ithly rtHi* hii.i.. «*i*4. v .i'l Work partlcaiar tf. >r<'Ughly *c al led after each m'lklof. lin|Ut*h pleature whuh »>*rj partuIt re. <>*er the deed. WiU frtaiB—'l hy a ti rphooa comptnr ; U fr>>in n the Mi*«a M-nt had to hereelf at fool and hand * ii n -» 'Lai find our aii^uir 1 lie if farm rtifuetion improving t .1 a f«w ago, IjuI I thlBk tbl>'knr**ra of cloth ma.t» for the parpoar. on Uk. M riMTM, | y«ara • an the Mr "In order to toy delation 1 n »• > n«: flu* t in her hit hand, r»«e t*11. time* m the count of dinner, dttpel tl ffr «.r ^».r. >ear » .o !Bt reaa.il tha tea-teat y lo ua.lerUke Into can* whlcb arw tmmwliatrljr firmly t'oolrjr am an I frebl< tnd *•>■«*> Villam Ha ■ who r». the *hnll voice, and that I o!>a«h which l< run- tall, youn* woman, M >r»i« h-«r l thought )ri>ar part Catarrh Cured } ear. raceedingly half •• w<4. >u*«f < maaur* la tha time It In wa* a in I'm to knock d>*n wifi TmU ilMTM't put oa two lo*da of D os at all tltnr* aprlot wau-r Tbta claimed in * natal vote* "Well, 1 to him«elf, "What pity th« Amen heljile**, (oinrf Catarrh |« a fry frm!**! ** *• tt.bftar. »>k I didn't voice i* mi high your illllRllUII 'ukt». I KKNCK caa la I* jrat ye up. pitched.' \ (. »I» \VA\ H» KKMO\ t. r Witk th* p uto piaaur 1 put ♦' a* aoon a* aftrr the re!Ik the al ptM II I., f Mil ipwl) p<>*«lbl« a* that tin* ° Wf.cn the th- la lie* And when cotveatnn finally tint|>UUU tthAj I know black gentleman gentlemen jjined It wts. —In aica ahajw—mor* p>tatoaa laaday •rt I.atr fall, winter ao rarlf aprln*. crawled t th* r.«-«r> *t ir» fr.«n IJw t »• t it kIi Iktutiiii II.<■ I u l>\\ IS. la th* ni.| lea. had >r.d»*a. ended t > let know in the Mr M rri* looked William .1. thaa tea amart mm coaltl wny. the water I* c-».»l enough wlthoat youra you drawing-room journed w4 lb a* rrarbr* «*rry <4 tbe •j.lrm. • im utt of old an t (art i large h. B a tbat w to I for the Kan*a« c<>u*m N in- hajttai k I cautioutly lfa«ing «juitt ai ! I bata iat ri'llng illgg'r milk *tan !* tba* hour*, 1 a* h«re. I'm mo»t tired death, eagrrly whiapmd < we w.ih t Tba twentjr-fonr "IwlrMmtllrtUirlltlli Ij'in. 1 -V to r*m ft 1 !ar. 1 that a» m-j h a'xtr An l the a*t fttee .ana a'* -ut from tha «r. am> r an I *rt ■ an' four in the he Mr* Itent with true himtelf wbro It I* takra tell •I. four day* night* mg her, acco*ted ll > 4't IUr*j[>«riIU imt I ji« ii-1 lr gl :>ck(;eo.y we were ar.i. >ua to Voiala rouataati) tame de.vt/st, « tin puil of grtat la'>or-aaileg lo a bench over tba milk *lnk Tba milk to an oi. I'll be do n >t ae« "An 1 <*a« to breach tit h<-»lih i« m«rh pi iiecauae car* i* kill Kit Knglith blutfne** "I your Sally witli r aUnti. ar.«! njr |»*M-r*l 1a nt u»a la to it Hot l to enough • t lb* at» K> 11 to lr*ir the (MuBil bating aMt l* <1rawo Into the *iak an t coo lacte not to ma at the tame time ! I un- W I II I M .1 « 1' ik UrU'i S.k Pair Matne. ■«p |» barteat It all too*'a I c> tt«r. I reckon meet from Kan«a*; I »he ha* tting MtUV." I 11*. .ia *11 IB a eaaily or ta'>e* The right get my hope •»> L'l ItH the I(< • to y put crop the bof hon*e tbroaih long or lUilfunL IHli » 4 ct ndriot ("f lm thi« time, *m on with der if the'a injured. A M* Lonu plow. ra tha aid of tbeae imprott-1 can* lo hreakfa«t • all cleared away gin*; 1 counting talking mortally only • .imtwi Jly t.y am t* In new tt« an.l by n attti..*! Itt •IM | w ut too mu«.h hard cr» pot plare.1 " • >! 1 thia and itl lo o >t Ua lat » at>lrr- a of for lift V I tafrrrd • life rat.tr rh m the tfre, mingled omr buiwlmt j. llari ■ iib