Official publication of THE VASA ORDER OF AMERICA A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization Organized September 18, 1896 The Grand Master’s Message

Rolf Bergman

Vasa brothers and sisters! ruling takes effect in 2008. It is our current understanding God fortsättning på det nya året! I hope you had a won- that the local lodges do not need to respond to this as the derful celebration of Lucia at your lodge and that Christmas Grand Lodge files an annual tax status form that include all was a time of joy from the gathering of family and friends. local and district lodges in the . However, I While the time just before Christmas can be a time of stress, have asked GT C. Richard Overberg to look into this issue in at least for those that have responsibility for decorating the more detail and write a letter to each lodge as well as publish house, cooking special foods, etc., the extra work seems this in the March/April issue of The Vasa Star. worth while when we finally stop to enjoy the presents and the gifts of people in our lives. Hopefully we had time to Vasa Syskon! remember that the gift of a Child in Bethlehem long ago is God fortsättning på det nya året! Jag hoppas at ni alla the main story that brings hope to the world. That is a cause hade trevligt under Luica-festlig- heterna uti Era loger, och for joy. att ni under julen kunde glädjas åt att fira tillsammans med As you will notice, if you have not already, this issue is era familjer och vänner. Tiden före jul innebär också en hel filled with Lucia pictures and stories. Thanks to everyone del stress med allt julpyntande, matlagning och en hel del who worked hard and fast to send his or her stories in to our annat som hör till, men man får ”lön för mödan” när allt till editor by Christmas. Special thanks to Editor Marie, and our sist är färdigt och det är dags att njuta av presenter och de editor at Zimmermann Printing, Jill Schroeder, who worked gåvor som människorna i våra liv ger oss. Förhoppningsvis very hard to put together the various stories sent in, most of tog vi oss tid att minnas gåvan i form av ett litet barn från which did not arrive until just before Christmas, in about two Betleham som föddes för länge sedan, som är huvud-orsaken weeks time. On top of that we had so many entries that we till hopp och tro i världen och som fyller oss med glädje. had to add a few pages to get them all in. Because of the Som ni ser är denna upplaga fylld med lucia artiklar och timing and amount of material this issue of The Vasa Star bilder. Ett stort tack till alla ni som skickat in detta i god tid will be a couple of weeks later than planned. och skickade dem till redaktören före jul. Ett speciellt tack In case you were wondering the production plan is to går tilll redaktörerna Marie och Jill Schroeder på have The Vasa Star delivered around the middle of the two- Zimmermann Printing som har jobbat hårt med att ta in och month period for which it is dated. That means that the förbereda allt, där det mesta materialet inte kom förrän strax Jan/Feb issue should arrive around February 1. There will innan jul, vilket gav endast en par veckor till att sätta ihop be variations depending on location and local post office allt. Dessutom hade vi så många bidrag vilket gjorde att vi delivery schedules as The Vasa Star is sent as bulk delivery fick lägga till några sidor för att få med allt. På grund av and the post office has a few days discretion in delivery. detta blir The Vasa Star ut-skickad några veckor senare än Somewhere in this magazine you will find a summary, planerat. written by the Grand Secretary, Joan Graham, of the actions I denna upplaga får ni läsa en summering, från SLS Joan taken by the Grand Lodge Executive Board in its meeting in Graham, av handlingarna från Storlogens Exekutiva Råd Massachusetts at the end of September, 2007. If you have möte i Massachusetts i slutet av September, 2007. Om ni har any questions or need clarification on an item send GS några frågor eller undrar över något av det som är skrivet, Joanie or me a note. Further the next GL Executive Board skicka gärna ett e-mail eller ett brev till mig eller Sy Joanie. meeting will be in May, 2008, the week before DL Lake Vidare, nästa möte med Storlogens Exekutiva Råd ska hållas Michigan No. 8 celebrates its 100th Anniversary in its annu- veckan innan DL Lake Michigan Nr 8 firar sitt 100-års al convention in Frankenmuth, MI. Again, if any of you jubileum i mitten av maj 2008. Igen, om någon har något have items or concerns that you would like to have the GL som ni skulle vilja att Storlogens Exekutiva Råd ska Executive Board discuss, please send me a note. diskutera på detta möte, hör av Er. Many of the local lodges have received letters from the Rolf IRS concerning their tax status. According to the letter the THE VASA STAR (USPS 657-020) THE VASA STAR JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2008 January-February 2008 Vol. 101, No. 1, Serial 847 Published by: Letter from the Editor Vasa Order of America Christmas is such a wonderful time but I do miss not having snow! Growing up in Sweden during this time of the year still brings back memo- vasaorder.com ries of going to school during the dark winter months, white snow shim- HEADQUARTERS: mering and making crunchy noises under your boots as you walked. The c/o Joan Graham air was so crisp and clear it made it very special and the brisk cold really Grand Secretary woke you up! 5838 San Jose Avenue As the GM explains in his message we feature our Lucia’s in this Richmond, CA 94804 Jan/Feb issue, it is the ONLY issue we will have Lucia’s. I still continue to Phone: 510-526-5512 receive Lucia articles and beautiful pictures that I cannot put in. PLEASE E-mail: [email protected] look at our deadlines for these submissions on Page 3 under Deadlines for The Vasa Star listed in every issue. I also want to remind you that pictures Grand Master: that are attached to an e-mail should be scanned in a JPEG file at a resolu- Rolf S. Bergman tion of 300 dpi for best possible appearance in The Vasa Star; lower resolution will make them 3236 Berkeley Avenue look “blurry.” Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 We have some changes for upcoming issues that you should be aware of. Starting with this Phone: 216-371-5141 Fax: 216-274-9664 year’s (2008) Lucia contributions we will have a special centerfold that will feature only the E-mail: [email protected] Lucia’s, their name, lodge and a short bio; no articles please. There are several good examples of what we are looking for in this issue; Svea Lodge #253, Omaha Lodge #330 and Balder Lodge Editor: #343 deserve mention. Other contributions will be treated as usual and put under DL News, Lodge Marie Carlson News, etc. 9560 Curberry Drive Another change beginning with the Jul/Aug 2008 issue is that the cost structure of Obituaries Mentor, OH 44060 will be changed. Beginning with that issue, the cost for up to one column inch will be $8.00; Phone: 440-255-4665 longer obituaries will be charged at the flat rate of $25.00. E-mail: [email protected] I know that not only The Vasa Star changes, but also the world we live in is constantly chang- Circulation Manager: ing. There will likely be many changes in our personal lives as well during 2008. (Address Changes) With these changes in mind, I wish you “Welcome” to a New Year with The Vasa Star. Please Cathy Anderson send me your ideas or suggestions for changes in order to improve our publication. Marie 13194 N. Woosnam Way Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Phone: 520-219-9433 E-mail: [email protected] Brev från Redaktören Julen är en sådan underbar tid men jag saknar snön! Att växa upp i Sverige under den här årsti- Membership Chairman: den, påminner mig om när jag gick till skolan under de mörka vinter-månaderna, vit snö som glit- Tore Kellgren trar och som knarrar under stövlarna när du går. Luften var så klar och ren, det var verkligen 5971 W. Walbrook Drive speciellt, och den kalla luften gjorde dig ordentligt vaken. San Jose, CA 95129 Som GM förklarar i sitt meddelande så har vi många lucior i detta jan/feb nummer, och det är Phone: 408-996-1970 den ENDA upplagan som vi kommer att ha lucior i. Jag får fortfarande lucia artiklar och många E-mail: [email protected] fina bilder som jag inte kan föra in. SNÄLLA titta på våra press stopp (deadlines) för dessa bidrag Send bottom section of white copy of på sidan 3 under Deadlines for The Vasa Star, det står i varje nummer. Jag vill också ta tillfället i application for new members to him. akt och påminna er om att bilder som skickas genom e-mail bör scannas i en JPEG fil med en skärpa av 300 dpi för bästa möjliga klarhet i The Vasa Star, annars ser de “suddiga” ut. Orders for advertising should be sent to: Vi har några förändringar som kommer att träda i kraft och som jag vill att ni uppmärksammar: THE VASA STAR Från och med årets (2008) lucia-artiklar kommer vi att ha ett speciellt mitt-uppslag som endast Marie Carlson innehåller lucior, deras namn, loger och en kort biografi, inge artiklar. Det finns flera bra exempel 9560 Curberry Drive på vad vi vill se i den här upplagan, Svea Lodge #253, Omaha Lodge #330 och Balder Lodge #343 Mentor, OH 44060 för att nämna några. Andra bidrag behandlar vi precis som vanligt och samlar under DL News, Phone: 440-255-4665 E-mail: [email protected] Lodge News etc. En annan förändring som vi kommer att införa i och med jul/aug 2008 upplagan är priser för Dödsannonser. Med början i den upplagan kommer en spalt inch (ca 3 cm) att kosta $8.00 dollar, Advertising Prices: längre dödsannonser kommer att kosta $25.00. Full Page Black and White $500.00 Jag vet att det är inte bara The Vasa Star som förändras, vi lever också i en värld som ständigt Half Page Black and White $275.00 förändras. Det kommer antagligen också att ske en hel del förändringar i vårt personliga liv under Quarter Page Black and White $150.00 2008. One Column Inch $ 30.00 Med dessa förändringar i åtanke, önskar jag Er varmt Välkomna till ett nytt år med The Vasa Star. Var snäll och skicka mig era idéer eller förslag till förändringar så vi kan förbättra vår tid- Half Page Color $500.00 ning. Full Page Color $800.00 Marie Available only for inside front cover, inside back cover or back cover. Deadlines for The Vasa Star: 10% discount for Vasa Lodges and Members Jan./Feb. is Dec. 1st July/Aug. is June 1st THE VASA STAR (ISSN 0746-0627) is March/April is Feb. 1st Sept./Oct. is Aug. 1st published bi-monthly by the Vasa Order of America. Periodicals postage May/June is April 1st Nov./Dec. is Oct. 1st paid at Richmond, CA, and additional Deadline for Christmas ads: October 15th entries. Deadline for Lucia articles is Dec. 24 – picture and article, 200 words or less. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Vasa Star, P.O. Box 69997, Oro Cover: Valley, AZ 85737-0025. Barnklubben Elsa Rix #1 members and Grand Master Rolf Bergman. Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 3 ARCHIVES NEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS The Archives hosted much holiday cheer during November and December. While the visiting season wound down, we enjoyed several bumps of activity: two weekends of Julmarknad and the glorious two-day event in Bishop Hill called Lucia Nights, when the museums, shops, and restau- rants stay open into the evening, each with its own Lucia serving Lussekatter and providing the promise of light that will soon arrive. The village was covered in snow and com- pletely illuminated with white lights in the windows and PAGE 15 luminaries along the walkways. Bishop Hill looked the part as a Christmas Village, wintry yet warm with light and fervent anticipation. Lucia, Marie Fredrickson. Archives News...... Page 4 Two Lucia’s served in the Archives and several jultomtar, Jesper Jenner, Sally and Josh Christianson, all members of our local Vasa Children’s Club Pride of the Family. Swedish Language Lessons...... Page 5 When I remarked on the bustling energy of youth in the Archives during Lucia Nights, not only from our own group but also from various families coming through, one of the jultomtar piped up “Yeah, the Vasa Archives are like a kids’ magnet!” The GL News...... Page 6 Children’s Club leader, Patti Christianson, and I agreed with a giggle that, if so, The Vasa Order could look forward to a whole lot of energy coming down the pike and mov- ing us into the future. DL News...... Page 8 Submitted by: Lars Jenner, Archivist/Manager, VOA National Archives

A Message from the VOA National Archives, Inc. Lodge News...... Page 9 Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the Vasa Order of America! The time has come for the National Archives to be self-sufficient. To do so we need to increase the endowment fund so that the income from it can support the operation and Swedish News...... Page 21 development of the Archives. We ask your support. The National Archives is a 501 (c) (3) corporation and memberships and donations to the Archives are tax deductible. New Members...... Page 24 In addition to the normal operating expenses, there will always be a need for addition- al funds to finance any repairs and renovation. For example renovation expenses of $13,500 for repairs of damage caused by excess humidity, which is now controlled, and Youth News ...... Page 26 maintenance of the adjoining residence are current needs. This year’s generous donation from District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 will be used towards these repairs. We hope other district lodges and local lodges will also consider annual donations. Please Meet...... Page 26 This appeal is going out in the Vasa Star to reach you and invite you to become a member of the Archives, to make a donation or both. You may be working for a business In Memory Of...... Page 27 that has a matching gift program, which may double your donation. If you are in the leadership of a corporation, the Archives Board asks you to consider a donation in the name of your corporation. We will also respect anonymous donations. Culture ...... Page 28 During December we received a generous gift from a deceased member’s estate. Please consider the Archives in your financial planning. At the present time we have two types of annual memberships, $15 individual and Book Review ...... Page 30 $30 sustaining (which includes: District Lodges, Local Lodges, PDM Clubs, Youth Clubs and Vasa Activities Club) as well as a $100 Life Member. The Archives Board is herewith announcing a fourth category, The Archives Patron’s In Memorian ...... Page 31 Club, a one time contribution of $1,000 from individuals, lodges, couples, or corpora- tions. The members of the Archives Patron’s club will be suitably recognized in the Archives reception area. The Life member contribution, the Archive Patron contribution and other donations will be placed in the Endowment fund unless directed otherwise. Please give serious consideration to supporting our Archives by becoming a Member or making a donation. For the convenience of members in the US and Canada we have included an envelope in the center of this issue for mailing your membership and/or donation to the Archives. Svenska medlemmar ombedes sända medlemsavgifter och donationer via Stödföreningarna. To those of you who are already members we can’t express our thanks often enough. In Truth and Unity, PAGE 29 The Archives Board

Page 4 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Swedish Language Lessons by Lillemor and Richard Horngren LEARNING SWEDISH – LESSON 10

Hejsan, skyffel, skyffeln, skyfflar shovel Här kommer lektion nummer tio – Here comes lesson num- att fråga, frågar, frågade, frågat to ask ber ten. skotta snö shovel snow This lesson will appear during the wintertime when many of att hinna, hinner, hann, hunnit to have time to do you experience the kind of weather that makes you house- trottoar sidewalk bound. What a great opportunity to work on the Swedish körväg driveway lessons. Try to learn a new word every day and repeat it often. tacksamma grateful If you can associate it with something you see or use everyday, verkligen really so much better. As an example while setting the table repeat uppskattade appreciated these words every time…gaffel – fork, sked – spoon, kniv – knife, tallrik – plate and glas – glass. SVENSKA/SWEDISH Snö!!! Det började snöa mycket tidigt på morgonen och det NYA ORD/NEW WORDS slutade inte förrän sent på eftermiddagen. Tvillingarna, Lars snö snow Olof och Karin Helena, som går i skola inne i Stockholm, att börja, börjar, började, börjat to begin behövde inte åka dit den dagen. Deras pappa Erik, föreslog att att snöa, snöar, snöade, snöat to snow de skulle hjälpa de grannar som inte kan gå ut när det har snöat. mycket very Han sa att många är äldre som inte kan skotta snön. Barnen tidigt early hade hellre velat åka skidor eller kälke med sina vänner. morgon morning Innan de gav sig ut åt de lunch. Ingrid serverade en god att sluta, slutar, slutade, slutat to end grönsakssoppa, en ost smörgås, mjölk och kaffe. Tvillingarna förrän until måste hjälpa med olika arbeten i hemmet. Bland annat (bl.a.) eftermiddagen afternoon får de duka bordet vid varje måltid. För denna lunch tog de går i skolan attend school fram en sopptallrik, en sked, en kniv, en gaffel, ett glas, en kaf- att behöva, behöver, behövde, behövt to need fekopp och en servett för varje person. Ingrid undrade varför de att åka, åker, åkte, åkt to travel tog fram en gaffel men hon sa inget. dag, dagen, dagar day Erik och barnen gick förbi grannen med sina skyfflar på en att föreslå, föreslår, föreslog, föreslagit to suggest kälke. När grannen Sven såg dem, frågade han vad de skulle att hjälpa, hjälper, hjälpte, hjälpt to help göra. När han hörde att de skulle skotta snö, tog han fram sin granne, grannen, grannar neighbor skyffel och gick med dem. De hann med att skotta flera trot- många many toarer och körvägar innan det blev mörkt ute. Det var många gå ut go out tacksamma grannar som verkligen uppskattade hjälpen. när when äldre elderly ENGELSKA/ENGLISH att skotta, skottar, skottade, skottat to shovel Snow!!! It started to snow very early in the morning and it hellre preferred did not end until late in the afternoon. The twins, Lars Olof and åka skidor ski Karin Helena, who attend school in Stockholm, did not need to kälke, kälken, kälkar sled go there that day. Their father Erik, suggested that they should vän, vännen, vänner friend help those neighbors who cannot go out when it has snowed. att servera, serverar, serverade, serverat to serve He said that many are elderly who are not able to shovel the god tasty, good snow. The children had preferred to ski or ride the sled with grönsakssoppa vegetable soup their friends. ost cheese Before they headed out they ate lunch. Ingrid served a tasty smörgås, smörgåsen, smörgåsar sandwich vegetable soup, a cheese sandwich, milk and coffee. The twins mjölk milk must help with various chores in the home. Among these they kaffe coffee have to set the table for every meal. For this lunch they brought olika different out a soup bowl, a spoon, a fork, a glas, a coffee cup and a nap- hem, hemmet, --- home kin for every person. Ingrid wondered why they brought out a bland annat (bl.a.) among others/those fork but did not say anything. att duka, dukar, dukade, dukat to set the table Erik and the children passed by the neighbor’s with their bord, bordet, --- table shovels on a sled. When the neighbor Sven saw them, he asked måltid, måltiden, måltider meal (time) what they were going to do. When he heard that they were servett, servetten, servetter napkin going to shovel snow he brought out his shovel and went along. kaffekopp, kaffekoppen, kaffekoppar coffee cup They managed to shovel several sidewalks and driveways att undra, undrar, undrade, undrat to wonder before it got dark outside. There were many grateful neighbors varje each who really appreciated the help. gå förbi pass by Lillemor and Richard

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 5 GRAND LODGE NEWS Highlights of the September 2007 GL Executive Board Meeting

The Grand Lodge Executive Board showed that General Fund expenses came Many upgrades are planned for the Vasa held its first annual meeting in in under- and on-budget during the first web site, including Cultural program Marlborough, MA September 12-14, year of this term. The Vasa Star budget ideas, expanded Youth page, photos, etc. 2007. Special thanks go to Board was over-budget due to increased costs. 14. Local Lodge Institution Member Pam Genelli for making all the A review of costs, circulation, and print- Ceremony will be made available in a meeting arrangements. All the board ing for Swedish members will determine format to fit the “white book.” members stayed on to attend District ways to keep costs within overall budget. 15. Officer training materials used Massachusetts #2 Annual Convention the 7. Grand Lodge Membership in Sweden will be translated and made following weekend. Chairman Tore Kellgren reported that the available in USA and Canada. Many topics were discussed at the new, one-page Membership Application 16. Grand Secretary Joanie Graham board meeting; most importantly, the is now available on the Vasa web site reported that the every lodge received issues that were referred to the board (vasaorder.com) in an interactive format. copies of the updated Constitution and from the Grand Lodge meeting held in 8. The four-color informational Bylaws, the single-page revision to the San Diego in 2006 composed over half brochure that was provided free-of- Order of Business, as well as the the agenda. Here are the highlights of the charge to every district last year will be Official Address Listing for 2007. Any meeting. If you have an interest in any made available on the Vasa website for member may order copies from Vice topic discussed, please contact the Grand downloading and printing. It is being re- Grand Secretary Helen Mingram. Secretary for more information formatted to fit on standard 8-1/2 x 11 17. The Official Address List 2008, ([email protected]). paper. Copies may also be requested from giving the names and addresses for all 1. The Vasa March, composed by Vice Grand Secretary Helen Mingram. lodges in USA, Canada, and Sweden will Vasa member Alfon Bergstrom will soon 9. For those members who have be distributed as it was in 2007, mailed to be available to every lodge as DVDs and earned the Years of Service Jewels for every lodge. Any member may order the sheet music. Brother Alfon generously membership of 50 or more years, the directory from VGS Helen Mingram. donated the copyright to the Vasa Order. Local Lodge Secretary may request the 18. GS and GT process: All forms 2. The Bo and Sigrid Bjorling first jewel gratis, to be provided by the used by the Grand Secretary will soon be Memorial Music Scholarship has been Grand Lodge free of charge. When the available in an interactive format on the established with a generous bequest from member reaches the next level (55 years, computer. The receipt and payment struc- the estate of member Sigrid Bjorling. The 60, 65, 70, 75) it is expected that the pre- ture for GL finances was reviewed. first award will be presented in 2009. vious jewel will be returned in exchange. Vouchers will be computerized. All 3. Plans are being made for a Youth If the member wishes to keep the jewel, a checks will continue to require both GM Seminar to be held in 2009. bill will be sent with the next-level jewel. and GT signatures. Electronic fund trans- 4. Vasa Archives Report: Board Only the Local Lodge Secretary may fer between USA and Sweden has been Member (and Archives Secretary/ order the membership pins and jewels. set up. Financial Secretary) Jake Gruel reported 10. Procedures, tracking and clarifica- that the new Archivist Lars Jenner is on tion of eligibility of the Old Age and duty and has many new ideas and sugges- Benefit Fund were reviewed. Any mem- CORRECTION NOTICE tions for the Archives. The board ber, in the USA or Canada, of five con- 1. In the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of the acknowledged, with thanks, the contribu- tinuous years or more, and in need of Vasa Star Greeting DL 8 in District No. tions of funds, equipment, and/or work financial aid and assistance may apply 8 Christmas greeting Lowell Nordling from: District Lake Michigan #9, Jake through their local lodge secretary. should be Tom Cleveland. and Marge Gruel, Sten and Nancy Hult , Assistance from the OA&B Fund is also Submitted by: Sheila Lundquist Lennart Petersson, and Roger and Judy available to local lodges unable to pay 2. “A Fragment of a Memoir.” The pic- Anderson. per capita tax. Contact Grand Secretary ture is of David and his older sister 5. The Grand Lodge has selected Joanie Graham for more information and Dorothy Olson Horr. Roberta Mueller, Concordia College’s Sjolunden Language application forms. Solidaritet Lodge #396, submitted Village fundraising campaign as the 11. Change-of-address forms will article. Translated into Swedish by charity of choice for this four-year term. soon be printed in The Vasa Star. Stefan Bengtsson. $1,000 will be donated each year. District 12. Discussion was held concerning and Local Lodges, as well as individual the consolidation of several one- and 3. In the Sep/Oct issue, DL Rhode members are encouraged to support two-lodge districts. Island #3 left out the name of John Concordia College in building a Swedish 13. The Executive Board is working Boisvert of Svea Lodge #362 as one of village at the Language Camp. with the Vasa Webmaster to develop a the scholarship recipients receiving his 6. A review of the budget prepared at members-only site on the Vasa web site, award from Kehn Jonson, Sr. the Grand Lodge meeting in San Diego accessible with a user ID and password. Submitted by: Blanche L. Richmond

Page 6 Vasa Star January-February 2008 CAMPAIGN RESULTS Membership 2006 – A Campaign For Vasa

Congratulations to DL Central Canada #16, to LL Bråviken #751, LL Solstad #709 and LL Glenn T. Seaborg #719, and to Bob Burman of LL Sveaborg #449. Each has won an Award in the Grand Lodge Membership Contest

New Local Lodges: Nordic Folk #761 Club, DL Lake Michigan #8 $200

New Activities Clubs: 37 - Smultron DL Pacific Northwest #13 $200 38 - DL #18 PDM Club DL Alberta #18 $200

New Children’s Clubs - None

Top three winners of the District Lodge Award for the highest percentage gain* are: Rank % Gain DL Name & No. Prize 1st Place: 3.6% DL Central Canada #16 $250 and Grand Master’s Trophy 2nd Place: 2.6% DL Iowa-Nebraska #17 $200 3rd Place: 1.3% DL Norra Sverige #19 $100

Top five winners of the Local Lodge Award for the highest percentage gain* are: Rank % Gain LL Name & No. Prize Membership 1st Place in District: 29.4% LL Bråviken #751, DL #19 $100 66 1st Place in District: 21.4% LL Solstad #709, DL #21 $100 34 1st Place in District: 20.6% LL Glenn T. Seaborg #719, DL #15 $100 73 4th Place: 15.6% LL Olympia #550, DL #13 $ 40 37 5th Place: 15.0% LL Vänersborg #471, DL #19 $ 30 45

The winner of Most Members Initiated Award by a local lodge: LL Bråviken #751, in DL Norra Sverige #19 by initiating 16 new members and will receive $100.

The winner of Most Members Sponsored Award (in 2006) First Place: Bob Burman of Sveaborg #449 in DL # 12 with 9 members. Brother Bob will receive $100. Second Place: Barry Ostrom of Tre Kronor #713 in DL #13 with 6 members. Brother Barry will receive $50.

This year four District Lodges did not submit their reports in time to be considered for the membership awards. There well could have been others who had greater numbers, but unfortunately, their reports were not submitted by the deadline. The Vasa Order experienced a very deep decline during 2006. Of the thirteen districts reporting, you can see that although there were three districts in the Largest Percentage Gain category above, only two Districts had a net gain of members, both of them increasing by only one single member. (This may seem confusing, but by rule, percentage gain does not take members lost due to death into account.) They were the only Districts that show any gain. Two Districts had no gain and the rest lost more than they ini- tiated. We are not initiating as many new members into the Order as in past years and, more importantly; we are not keeping our members. Of the losses experienced in 2006, 32% were lost due to death, 1% transferred to other lodges, and 67% dropped their membership. “Membership 2007 – A Campaign for Vasa” can be an incentive for Local Lodges and District Lodges to create something new in their lodges. New Children’s Clubs! New Activities Clubs! New Local Lodges! The Grand Lodge has available a “Prospective Member Packet” and a “Welcome to New Members Packet” which can be ordered from the Vice Grand Secretary. Order a supply today. Local Lodge and District Secretaries: Be sure to get those Yearly Reports turned in by the deadline, so that your lodges will be in the running for Cash Awards at the close of “Membership 2007 – A Campaign for Vasa”! Let’s turn this around and start an UPWARD trend! Awards to new Activities Clubs are subject to verification of active status at the time of the award. * The District and Local Lodge Membership Contest Rules are as follows: Percentage gain is determined by: total # initiated minus # lost for other reasons, divided by total membership at beginning of the year, multiplied by 100. Transfers, dual members and those lost by death are not counted. New Lodges instituted are not included, nor are those due to mergers. Deadline is March 31st - District Secretaries must have their reports to the Grand Secretary to be included. In Truth and Unity, Tore Kellgren – Grand Lodge Membership Chair – [email protected]

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 7 DISTRICT LODGE NEWS

Director Inger Hanright. Other guests DL Connecticut #1 were from New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachussetts, Rhode Island, Ohio and District Lodge CT #1 along with the Pennsylvania. Officers’ reports were Apollo Singing Society and The given and motions were discussed and Scandinavian Women’s Chorus of CT voted on during the Saturday morning and (AAUS) have joined together to present a afternoon sessions. Lucia Fest and Christmas Concert each After a wonderful cocktail hour, the of the last three years at one of the area Saturday banquet began with an impres- churches and at Ikea, New Haven. This sive flag ceremony and folk dance exhibi- has been a great opportunity to reach out tion by 22 members of Barnklubben Elsa to the community! Rix #1. Someone pointed out that the Submitted by: Paul Ljunggren future of Vasa lies with our youth and how it made them proud that three Elsa Lucia Fest and Concert at Ikea New Haven. Rix college students traveled to the con- vention to be a part of this special perfor- mance. Smörgåsbandet, consisting of DL Rhode Island #3 Jeanne Ericksson Widman, Wayne District Lodge Rhode Island #3’s Soderland and Einar Ericson, all Kristina Club #161 held their annual Lindbergh Lodge #505 members, provid- “Toys for Children” drive. They staged ed music for the evening. The dance floor Santa’s Workshop and made toys for was always in use and nobody wanted this him. They sang and danced around the magical night to end. Yule Tree and sang the Gingerbread A beautiful memorial service, led by Song led by Karen Soderberg-Gomez and Donna Sandberg (Thule Lodge #127), Edna Wilson on the piano. The last part opened the Sunday session and the dele- of the program was the St. Lucia Pageant gates and guests joined in singing several with the Starboy. MC for the program lovely hymns accompanied by was Lily Zarli, she led the singing of Smörgåsbandet. Christmas songs while they prepared for Nominations and election of officers the Lucia pageant. Admission for the pro- produced the following slate of officers L to R: Laurie Doyle, DM, Tomte, Youth for the 2007-2009 terms: gram was one or more new toys Supervisor Beverly Cianfarani. unwrapped. To end the program the District Master – Karen Snowberg Tomte appeared shouting God Yul and two organizations this year, Emmanuel (Freja Lodge #100 & Göta Lejon #84), passing out candy canes to all the chil- Lutheran Church in West Warwick, RI, Vice District Master – Carl Geffken (Svea dren. After the program light refresh- and the Marines “Toys for Tots.” Lodge #340), District Secretary – Alice ments were served. The toys were sent to Submitted by: Ray Johnson Schmutz (Svea Lodge #340), Vice District Secretary – Gail Olson (Svea Lodge #340), Treasurer – Dennis Johnson DL New York #4 (Göta Lejon #84), District Cultural Leader District Lodge New York #4 held its – Miriam Emerson (Lindbergh Lodge 59th Biennial Convention at the Holiday #505), Member of the Executive Board – Inn in Suffern, NY, from October 5-7. Elaine Lindquist McGrath (Olympic The hosting lodges were: Lodge Göta Lodge #235), Trustee – Edwin Sandberg ( Lejon #84, Lodge Freja #100 and Lodge Thule Lodge #127) and Auditor – Edwin Stenland #727. A welcome reception Emerson (Lindbergh Lodge #505). opened up the convention on Friday night The new officers were installed and and Vasa friends had a chance to renew congratulated. Grand Master Rolf old friendships and make new ones. Bergman and Grand Treasurer C. Richard After breakfast, the Opening Overberg had some very uplifting words Ceremonies commenced with a regarding the future of Vasa and the Presentation of Flags and singing of the importance of traditions. District Master anthems. District Master Margaret Karen Snowberg thanked everyone for Lindblom made introduction of visitors coming and wished them well in the years and honored guests prior to her welcom- ahead. No decision was made in regards Smörgåsbandet; Einar Ericson, Jeanne ing speech. The Grand Lodge honored to the hosting of the 60th Biennial Ericksson, Rolf Bergman and Wayne guests included: Grand Master Rolf Convention in 2009. Soderlund. Bergman, Grand Treasurer C. Richard Submitted by: Elaine Lindquist Overberg and Grand Lodge Cultural McGrath

Page 8 Vasa Star January-February 2008 LODGE NEWS

North Star contributed monies to the Brage-Iduna Freja Lodge #100 Scandinavian Cultural Center at White Plains, NJ California Lutheran University – a good Lodge #9 decision. East Longmeadow, MA Three new members were recently Unfortunately, immediately after this initiated into Lodge Freja. Jim Peterson is New Years, we had a big loss. Åke Winter arrived early in December with the grandson of two of Freja’s founding Sandler, District Deputy, passed away. a quick succession of storms! The fourth members. Although he lives in He was 94 years young and a very fine storm forced postponement of the Lucia Massachusetts, he comes “home” to gentleman with a keen sense of humor. celebration into January. On December 8, check up on his folks (his dad is 90) fair- He had an illustrious career. Åke was however, members of Brage-Iduna Lodge ly often, and tries to time it so he can often a contributor to The Vasa Star. He traveled to to enjoy what make our meetings. will be greatly missed by his friends, and has become the largest Scandinavian Our second new member, Kristen especially his dear wife, Jane and family. event in New England, the annual Purdy is the granddaughter of one of our Submitted by: Elinore Thornton Swedish Yuletide fair presented by members and the daughter of another. The Swedish Women’s Educational Kristen is our youngest member and had Association. attended meetings with her mom for Fylgia Upon entering the historic Cyclorama many years. As a single Mom, Jennifer Lodge #119 exhibition building, we were suddenly toted Kristen wherever she went on the among a throng of visitors browsing the weekends. Kristen has been a cheerful San Francisco, CA many vendors’ booths displaying all sorts addition to our group, even before she was “official.” of handcrafted holiday products, from The third new member contacted me knitwear, to Santa figures, to bakery after looking us up on the website. goods, to “Hemslöjd” (homemade paint- Victoria Holmberg is a young woman ed woodcarvings). from Sweden who now makes her home The cavernous hall resounded with in this country. She is a delightful gal, Swedish music all day — a trio of gentle- and is looking forward to being part of men on accordions, the Stämbandet vocal our Freja “family.” group, and the Boston Scandinavian Submitted by: Karen Snowberg, Ensemble. Chairman In the adjoining Children’s Corner room, folk dance lessons were underway! Two experienced dancers led the practice North Star with a live violinist and accordionist Lodge #106 playing the spirited tunes. At low tables, youngsters busily crafted colorful decora- , CA tions and got acquainted with Astrid We, at North Star Lodge #106, Los GS Joanie Graham and Chairman Bob Olson Lindgren’s storybooks. Angeles, CA, wish all of our Vasa friends with a framed letter from GM Rolf Bergman Meanwhile, families were sampling a Gott Nytt År. We had a full, interesting congratulating Lodge Fylgia #119 on its Swedish cuisine at the “Kaffestugan” year with luncheons following our meet- 100th anniversary. (köttbullar med lingon), the ings. On Sunday afternoon, October 21, “Våffelstuga” (Swedish waffles with top- We began the year celebrating our 2007, Fylgia Lodge #119, San Francisco, ping), the “Lill-Stugan” (pastries), and of 100th year, under the leadership of CA, celebrated their 100th Anniversary at course the “Glögg booth.” Chairman Erik Lindberg. We convinced Swedish American Hall, 2174 Market St. Then out came a splendid Lucia pro- Erik to lead us again this year. Most offi- The Master of Ceremonies was Ted cession of young participants from cers will retain their positions, but Henny Olsson, Chairman of Fylgia, Robert E. Svenska Skolan Boston and children of Heuberg will be our new asst M.C. Olson, welcomed all and presented SWEA members. They captivated the We had a joyful Christmas luncheon awards. We were honored to have the large audience with lyrics in beautiful following our December meeting. Nordic Consul General of Sweden, Barbro unison, their clear, sharp voices ringing Fox Restaurant catered our Scandinavian Sachs-Osher present, who gave greetings out in such distinctly enunciated meal. District Officers Nel and Bob Solt from Sweden. Also, we had greetings Swedish! So exhilarating! joined us. Eleonora Nyren and Uno from Joan Graham, G.L. Secretary and Kaspersson joined North Star as dual Members of SWEA (see http://swea- present was Helen Mingram, Assistant members from Mayflower. G.L. Secretary. Ed Netzel, District boston.org) are Swedish women who On January 15, 2008, District Officers Master of Golden Gate #12, spoke and now live abroad; chapters are in 35 coun- were invited to join us as we celebrated many of his officers were present. A deli- tries. 101 years! Nordic Fox again catered our cious smörgåsbord buffet was provided Submitted by: John Morgan luncheon. Continued on page 10

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 9 for one year, and held planning sessions Fylgia Lodge #119 with a committee of people. Fuller was Continued from page 9 enthusiastic about this celebration and by Pelle Nilsson and enjoyed by all. The put forth much effort into making it a hall was beautifully decorated by Carol very memorable event. Serving on the Martin and her sister, Marilyn Schroeder. committee with Fuller were Don Carlson, Tea lights and flowers graced the hall and John and Susan Sipos, Allie Nelson all decorations in blue and yellow. Withers, Edwin and Donna Sandberg, Musical entertainment included Dråm, Nels John and Alberta Nelson, Betty Erik Ask-Upmark, and Anna Rynefors, a Lawson, Donna Johnson, John Johnson, Chamber Chorus, and Nordahl Grieg John and Lucile Marsh, Don Sandy, Leikarring Dance Group. Jean Stohl Wayne Nelson, Tim and Randy Miller, Nelson presented a centennial poem with and Richard and Trudy Kraft. Betty slides prepared by Ted Olsson. The com- Lawson hand addressed all of the invita- mittee that worked so hard and long was tions, which were created by computer Victoria L. Peterson, Chair, Barbara and artist Susan Sipos. Susan Sipos also cre- Dennis Erickson, Torborg Lundell, Carol ated the program for the evening, featur- Martin, Jean Stohl Nelson, Christine and ing a color photograph of the lodge and Robert E. Olson, and Astrid and Ted many Swedish pieces of artwork. Olsson. Richard Wooster, Past Chairman, The celebration included music pro- handled all the printing for the fest. vided by the group known as the Svenska Fylgia looks forward to the next 100 Spelman, and included Don Sandy, Kathy Petersen, Hannah Petersen and Tim years. We had a Julfest (julborg) in Melanie Antes December. Coney. The Swedish Children’s Dance Please visit Fylgia’s website Team performed prior to the dinner, Melanie Antes, a member of Thule for more information and the 2008 under the direction of Donna Johnson, Lodge #127, was chosen as the Lucia of schedule of cultural events. and after dinner The Adult Swedish the 50th Lucia Fest in Rochester, NY, on www.Scandinavius.com/Vasa/Fylgia.html Dance Team performed. Dancing and December 1. Twenty-two children, Submitted by: Jean Stohl Nelson happy Swedish music was enjoyed and including star boys and “Tomte,” partici- Photo Submitted by: Tore Kellgren appreciated by everyone. pated in the event by singing several Chairman Fuller opened the program Swedish and English songs, with instru- with a welcome to all, and historian John mental songs, and Swedish dances. Philip Thule Lodge #127 Sipos, who gave a brief history of the Tierney was the emcee, and told the his- pledge first., led the pledge of allegiance. tory of Lucia. Scandinavian treats were Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY Rev. Alan Anderson gave the invocation. enjoyed after the program. Melanie’s sis- Darlene Hetrick led the group in the ter, Melissa was also the Lucia a few singing of many songs, both Swedish and years ago. American versions. Also taking part of Melanie is a senior in high school, and the Swedish song singing was Gary will enter college in the fall. Melanie’s Kindberg accompanied by accordion grandparents are also members of Thule player Don Sandy. Lodge # 127 in Jamestown, NY. On display were items of the lodge Submitted by: Ted Fredrickson from years ago, including dress uniforms, historical records, photographs of the past chairmen, and the original charter, dated Nobel-Monitor December 17, 1907. Chairman Fuller rec- ognized all of the past chairman of the Lodge #130 lodge during the program. Cleveland, OH Present for the dinner celebration were Rolf Bergman, Grand Master from In spite of the snowy weather, Noble Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and Grand Monitor Lodge #130 enjoyed their St. Treasurer C. Richard Overberg from Erie, Lucia Fest on Saturday, December 15, Pennsylvania. The county executive Greg with more than 180 members and guests Grand Master Rolf Bergman presenting to Edwards was present and congratulated in attendance. The array of food, supplied Thule Lodge #127 chairman Robert Fuller, a the lodge on reaching this remarkable by the Lucia Committee and Lodge mem- certificate for the 100th anniversary at the goal. bers, was plentiful and featured many of recent celebration. Thule Lodge looks forward to many Sweden’s traditional foods. The Vasa Voices’ men’s chorus with an amusing Hello from Thule Lodge #127. Our years of preserving the Swedish heritage rendition of “Lutefisk, Oh Lutefisk,” ser- lodge celebrated its 100th anniversary on through events and activities, and wel- enaded diners. December 1st in Jamestown, NY with comes visitors from other lodges. If you Following dinner, the Lucia many people, visitors and officials are in our area, we welcome you. “God Procession, led by this year’s St. Lucia, attending. Lodge chairman Robert Fuller dag” to all! Kristi Johnson, made their way has been planning this very special event Submitted by: John Sipos, Lodge Historian Continued on page 11 Page 10 Vasa Star January-February 2008 talked about her trip to Scandinavia last Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 summer, concentrating on the Falun Continued from page 10 copper mine, the “Tällberg Majstång,” and the Dala Horses of Nusnäs. We were proud and happy to have Kelsey Root of Pine Grove, CA, as Lucia at our Christmas program this year. Kelsey, age 14, daughter of Roger and Jackie Root and granddaughter of Nancy Root, a 40-year member of Tegnér, is a

Lucia was Kristi Johnson to the stage where the children’s chorus number of traditional songs, all in charmed the audience with their Swedish. A truly memorable program, sweet voices. The program ended enjoyed by all. with the dedicated Vasa Voices singing a Submitted by: Mary Schoeniger Tegnér Lodge #149 Oakland, CA Kelsey Root We celebrated our 99th Anniversary at time member, to the meeting. “Happy freshman at Amador High School. She a restaurant in Alameda on November Birthday” was sung to our past Chairman, loves to play volleyball and belongs to 10th. More than 30 members and guests, Laura Nordendahl. We discussed plans Interact, a community service club, and including District Master Ed Netzel and for our December Lucia program. likes to help at her church. Last summer his wife Judy, District Cultural Leader The Charter was draped in memory of she enjoyed a trip to Washington, DC, Swede Englund, and PDMs Birgitta and 92-year-old Walter Nyland, who died Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York. Tore Kellgren ate, drank, and reminisced October 22, 2007. He was a long-time For many years the Root family have about the lodge’s activities over the years. member and had served our lodge as made the long trip from Pine Grove to 10-year pins were presented to Christina Chairman, Trustee, and Delegate to con- attend our Christmas celebrations. For and Roger Lister, DM Ed Netzel present- ventions. He was very active in the Bay several years, Kelsey has been an atten- ed a 40-year pin to our Chairman, Marie Area Swedish community and held offi- dant and her brother, Kristopher, has been Ann Hill, and a 50-year pin to Jan cers in several other Swedish-American a star boy. Her older sister Kristin was our Norberg. We are looking forward to our organizations. He will be greatly missed. 2004 Lucia. 100th Anniversary next year. For our cultural program Ann Tennis Submitted by: Ann Tennis The members met the next week for their regular potluck supper and business Linné Lodge #153 meeting. Stig Björk prepared the “kåldol- mar” for our entree. We were pleased to South Bend, IN have PDM Myrtle Widmark and Dorothy Scherer of Monitor Lodge with us. We were also very happy that Carol Madigan brought her 98-year-old mother, a long-

Here is a group picture of the Linné Lodge 153 at our Christmas party held at Perkins Restaurant in Elkhart, IN, on Saturday, December 1, 2007. We had several District Master Ed Netzel presenting 50-year visitors, including Tim Anderson from Elkhart, Jim and Darcy Anderson from Rolling pin to Jan Norberg after giving a 40-year pin to Chairman Marie-Ann Hill at Tegnér’s 99th Prairie, IN, JoAnne Cobbum from Elkhart, IN, and Ken Huggett from Lakeville, IN. Anniversary dinner. We shared good fellowship and great food. Submitted by: Virginia Johnson Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 11 Bellman. She covered many of the beau- Joe Hill (born Joel Emmanuel Astor Lodge #215 tiful melodies and lyrics celebrating the Hägglund in Gävle, Sweden), composed Astor, OR Swedish love of nature, but what made “De Är Makt i En Union” (“There is her program especially relevant was the Power in the Union”). The melody is The Astoria Yacht Club rang with information that many of the composers simple and to the accordion accompani- good fellowship as members and guests in the early 20th century were social ment of Sven Sundstrom, the audience ate their fill of soup and rye bread at activists who helped Swedish immigrants sang the words in Swedish. Doreen Astor Lodge’s Annual October Peasoup gain equal rights in the workplace. Ture explained that Joe was an occupational Special. Candles in a Swedish-made can- Nerman who, in 1918, wrote “Den songwriter, a labor activist, and a mem- delabra shed a warm glow on tables fes- Vackraste Visan” (“The Loveliest Song”) ber of the Industrial Workers of the tive with fall flowers and placemats with was a Swedish socialist born in World. fall leaves. Norrköping. He was a journalist who One of the most beautiful songs sung First on the agenda was the awarding wrote poems and songs. In 1915 he trav- was Ulf Lundell’s “Öppna Landskap” of a Lifetime Membership in Pacific eled to America to write articles for (“Open Landscapes”). Doreen said it is Northwest Lodge #13 to Peter Swedish newspapers. He started a speak- now considered a second national anthem Strandberg. District Master Alice Iverson ing tour to American workers of in Sweden. The evening ended as every- presented Peter with a certificate honor- Scandinavian origin in Minneapolis and one sang Evert Taube’s beloved composi- ing his 54 years of service to Vasa. Peter Chicago. One previously fact not known tion “Calle Schewens Vals” ... “here joined Klippan Lodge #16 in Connecticut to Astor Lodge: that in March 1915 dances Calle Schewen with Roslagen’s originally, then transferred to Astor Nerman arrived in Astoria to visit his rose. He dances while up comes the sun.” Lodge in 1968. He has served many morbror who worked with the Union Everyone agreed it was great to have times as Chairman of his local lodge, two Fishermans’ Cannery. Other details of Doreen home and that her program was terms as District Secretary, two terms as this visit are unknown, but those present marvelous. District Master, and as Grand Lodge vowed to research more on Nerman and Submitted by: Maureen Sundstrom Deputy and Grand Lodge Delegate. Peter his Astoria activities. was accorded a standing ovation for a job well done! The evening’s program, given by Tegnér Lodge #224 Professor Doreen Simonsen, was entitled Missoula, MT “The Swedish Troubadour Tradition.” Doreen’s mother, Ella Simonsen, joined Greetings from Tegnér Lodge #224 in Astor Lodge in 1967. Doreen “grew up in Missoula, MT. The summer has gone by Vasa” and is now a Humanities and Fine so fast and here it is fall again. We had Arts Librarian at Willamette University our annual Midsummer celebration at the in Salem, OR. She was Miss at farm of Otto Benson, a farm that has been the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival in in the family for over 100 years. At this 1975 and a leader of the Viking/Nordic gathering we gave out our annual $500 Folk Dancers. She created the weekly Scholarship to Jerilyn Valentine, a girl Scandinavian hour, a program of ethnic from Sentinel High School. After receiv- music, culture, and literature, on KMUN ing the award, she treated the lodge mem- Public Radio in Astoria. After studying in bers to several songs and they were much Denmark and Germany, Doreen earned appreciated. At one of our meetings we her dual Masters’ in Germanic Languages had a pea soup supper, which they all and Literature from the University of enjoyed. The coming meeting will be Oregon and in Library Studies from the busy making meatballs, baked goods, and University of Michigan. crafts for our bazaar the middle of Doreen featured music from 1766 to November. Our regards to all. Jerilyn Valentine receiving the $500 1994 beginning with Carl Michael Submitted by: Rick Swanson Scholarship award from Bruce Swanson.

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Left to right: Peter Strandberg receives a The Vasa Star Certificate of Lifetime Membership from DM Alice Iverson of Pacific Northwest Lodge #13.

Page 12 Vasa Star January-February 2008 hopes to become a veterinarian or a Göta Lejon Lodge #251 marine biologist. Two Harbors, MN The beautiful program truly begins the holiday season for us all. Besides, Lucia, John Tell was Star Boy, Valerie Gustafson was Chris Kindle. The “Jul Tomtar” were the youngest children, all in red, and led by Les Fobes. Many Swedish boys and girls in costume sang accompanied by Wallace Wiese. After the program, all were invited to the church hall, which had been trans- formed with tables decorated with red cloths, Dala horses, and place settings. A large array of refreshments included Lucia buns and cookies. The cast wel- comed everyone, singing “We Wish You A Merry Christmas!” A Swedish “store” filled with decorative items, jewelry and shirts for sale provided a shopping oppor- tunity for all. The wreath made of $300 in dollar bills was our raffle item. Lucia drew the winning name – Donna Sandburg from Jamestown, NY, who belongs to our This photo was taken at the Festival of St. Lucia held in Two Harbors, MN, on December 8, lodge as well as Thule Lodge. 2007. This annual event is sponsored by Göta Lejon Lodge #251. St. Lucia is Krissy Shogren, Congratulations. daughter of member Jim Shogren and his wife Jenny. The star boys and attendants are grand- children or great-grandchildren of Göta Lejon members. Submitted by: Pat Olson Svea Lodge #253 Svea Lodge #296 Indianapolis, IN Erie, PA

Sandy Miller with her wreath made from 300 $1 bills. Our lodge welcomed new members, they are Nancy Beckman, Bob Gibbs, and Betty Gibbs. Safina Jamal Danielle and Nicole Bardwell Submitted by: Linda Collin Svea #253 is pleased to present our Our lodge celebrated the St. Lucia 2007 Saint Lucia, Safina Jamal. Safina Festival on Sunday, December 9. It was attends Junior High School where she held at Bethany Outreach Center of participates as a percussionist in the band. Luther Memorial Church. Danielle She is also active in “Math Counts,” Bardwell was our Lucia this year, follow- yearbook committee, and acting. Her ing in the footsteps of her sister Nicole, hobbies include soccer, table tennis, bas- who was Lucia in 2006. Their mom ketball, and piano. Safina has participated assured me that she has no more daugh- in previous years as “Tärna” and was ters! proud and grateful to represent her Danielle is in 11th grade at Ft. Le Scandinavian heritage as this years Lucia. Boeuf High School. She plays xylophone Thank you Safina! in the school band. She loves animals and Submitted by: Josue Escalante horseback riding. When in college she Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 13 meeting hall. Members are making the Omaha woven heart-shaped baskets out of Balder Christmas ribbons and garlands of Lodge #330 Swedish flags. We have a great time Lodge #343 Omaha, NE exchanging inexpensive gifts and singing Fermdale, CA at each meeting. Ron Johnson as our song leader! He is determined to have us singing as many Swedish melodies as possible. Submitted by: Arlynn O’Connor

Viktoria Larsson Viktoria Larsson, a Swedish exchange student attending Eureka High School, portrayed St. Lucia during Balder Lodge’s annual Christmas program on December 15. Viktoria is a lovely singer and participates in choir. Emmalie Bettin The program featured St. Lucia and Emmalie Bettin was Lucia for the her procession, musical selections, annual celebration of Omaha Lodge #330 Christmas carols, a visit from Saint in Omaha, NE, on December 9. Emmalie Nicholas and dancing around the lives in Fort Calhoun, NE, where she is a Christmas tree and throughout the hall. freshman in high school. She enjoys vol- “The Swedish chef” alias Eric Dryssen. Submitted by: Don Christensen leyball and swimming. One of her atten- dants was her cousin, Kaitlyn Bettin. They are granddaughters of lodge mem- ber, Darlene Bettin. Celebrating 100 Years Other attendants were Erin Clough and star boys Ben Clough, Alec and Dylan Meyer, all grandchildren of lodge Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 member, Marlene Clough. Submitted by: June Soderlund Cleveland, Ohio Norrskenet Lodge #331 Saturday, April 19, 2008 Sioux City, IA In June we celebrated Midsummer. It was held at the home of the Cultural You are invited! Leader, Stan Swanson. It is a very happy day and has grown. His family is so will- ing to help with the preparations. You wouldn’t believe all the dancers around For details: the pole! We are very fortunate to have Chris Dryssen (born and raised in Sweden) as Dick Erickson our dance master and our teacher of the Swedish lessons from the Vasa Star, as well as chief pancake maker with his 216-991-7450 sons, Topher and Eric. December - time for decorating the

Page 14 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Stuga and furnishing it appropriately to presentation of the Lucia Pageant by the Svea Lodge #348 Swedish standards. She also took lan- lodge’s youth group, Vasablad. Led by San Jose, CA guage classes at the Swedish Cultural this year’s Lucia, Johanna Sluser, the Center. Her Swedish heritage was very group sang in Swedish and gave readings important to her, her mother having been describing the history of the Lucia leg- born in Jamtland and she maintained end. Rosemarie Fassl is the group’s close contact with her cousins through leader. Music director/pianist was Bob her many visits to Sweden, including Burman, with Sven Chilton on violin. conducting tours for her friends. As we Once again there was a delicious now prepare for our annual Christmas smorgasbord, prepared by the “Swedish Lucia pageant she will be in our thoughts. Chef” Pelle Nilsson, imported from San Submitted by: Rose Zappert Francisco. There was also a visit by Santa Claus Framåt Lodge #405 (Larry Ard), who presented the children with Christmas presents (from their par- El Cerrito, CA ents). November 9th was our Annual This is a growing Vasa chapter. Thanksgiving Dinner, thanks to Joanie Persons in Contra Costa County interest- Graham for baking the turkey. As usual ed in joining should contact Solveig Lucia Rebecca McCombie our tables were overflowing with deli- McDonald, Membership Chair, at 925- cious food. 934-7630. December 9 brought warm festivities November ended a three-month Submitted by: Bob Burman to a cool night in San Jose. Heritage Series. In September we had Svea #348 celebrated Lucia and Santa Emigrant-Immigrant stories, October was came with gifts for the kids. Well, Santa an Oral History interview, November, was a little thinner, and must have had guest speaker Steve Wilson from Svea “taller” shoes this year, but the kids had a Lodge, San Jose, CA, held us spellbound great time. as he showed us with slides and explained This year Rebecca McCombie was the the steps he took to trace his family roots. Svea #348 Lucia. The procession was This, with the resource materials he pro- well attended and the accomplished Zaida vided gave us a better understanding of Singers supported the singing. After the the process of finding our Swedish roots. Lucia departure, the Nordin’s led the We are looking forward to future cul- group with singing, dancing and stomp- ture programs. ing around the tree. Submitted by: Patsy Nilsson But then it happened; Santa came with just the right number of gifts. It is always good to see the kids have fun, Sveaborg dancing and refreshments made the Lodge #449 evening complete. 2007 Lucia Johanna Slusher, a 7-year mem- Submitted by: Ty Swanson Concord, CA ber of the Vasablad Youth Club. She is also Solveigh McDonald, membership sec- involved in Girl Scouts and competitive year- Skogsblomman retary, proudly introduced 10 new mem- round swimming. bers, a new record for the chapter. They Photo by Betsy Sluser Lodge #378 are Judy, Larry and Michael Ard, Marily Brar, Linda and Michael Gorman, David Harmoni Preston, WA and Debbie La Due, Ray Olsen, and Members of Skogsblomman Lodge Geneva Walker. Lodge #472 #378, Preston, WA, were saddened by the sudden death of long-time member, Portland, OR Carolyn Ann Purser. Carolyn played such On Saturday, September 22, 2007, a large part in the day-to-day running of Harmoni Lodge #472 members enjoyed the lodge. She was instrumental in re- another delightful outing put together by vamping and decorating the lodge in a the Harris Family Tour Co. Vic and Alice typical Swedish manner complete with Harris, long-time Harmoni members, can hand-painted wildflowers and various put together an outing that makes you Swedish symbols. As cultural leader, we wonder why they do not do it for a living. were entertained and informed of many Also participating in making the event past Swedish customs and she always Ten new members initiated at the October successful was their son Chris, Harmoni taught crafts to the children at the annual meeting. member, and his wife Tomoko. Children’s Swedish Camp held at Vasa The evening ended with a riotous ver- The day began with boarding the tour Park in Bellevue. Carolyn also assisted in sion of “The Chicken Dance.” bus at 8:00 a.m., a bit early but with all the conversion of an existing building at Highlights of the annual Julfest of the the delightful events, getting up early was Vasa park, Bellevue, into an authentic Sveaborg Lodge, Concord, CA, was the Continued on page 16

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 15 been performing with the group for 8 Harmoni Lodge #472 years. The children’s performances Continued from page 15 include The Oregon Symphony, The Portland Youth Philharmonic, passing of the Olympic torch, Portland Children’s Theater, The Portland Rose Festival, The Oregon Zoo, IKEA, Scanfair, Midsummer and various Scandinavian events through- out the Northwest. Juli loves to dance, and wants to be a performer when she grows up. She is looking forward to becoming a lead dancer next season with the VASA Youth Group where she will help instruct the smaller dancers and pass on to them the dances she has learned over the years. There are currently 32 girls and boys in the dance group ages 2-17. In her spare time, Juli participates in Hip-Hop and Modern dance. She loves to play softball, listen to her favorite band In front of church in Elbe The Jonas Brothers, and hang out with her friends. She also loves to explore new not a chore. Our first stop was a short bear, fox, lynx, bobcats, and animals of places, and hopes to travel to Sweden and drive across the Columbia River into the prey in large natural exhibits. meet her many relatives very soon. state of Washington and our neighboring What a delightful day, culminating Submitted by: Lynne Brown city of Vancouver to pick up some of the with a drive back to Portland with after- tastiest and freshest donuts and cinnamon noon treats and more friendly conversa- rolls ever. They were delightful and tion, guessing games, and a sing-along of served along with iced orange juice and Swedish and lively American tunes. some good Swedish coffee brewed earlier Harmoni Lodge #472 is a very active by loyal members.We were then on our organization. Our membership enjoys way north up Interstate I-5. Delightful keeping our Swedish heritage alive. trivia and social interaction kept us com- Much was planned for fall and winter. In pany until we turned off toward rural November we celebrated our 82nd Washington towns of Morton and Anniversary with a Lutfisk and Meatball Mossyrock. Most of us never take time to dinner with many extras provided by get off the beaten path and see what won- members. Our December meeting once ders nature has to offer. This part of again featured the Vasa “Rosebuds” Washington is full of mountains, rivers, Youth Group who danced, sang, and per- and little towns and farms. We then formed Lucia. We are so fortunate that stopped in Elbe to view an old Lutheran they love to come and be with us for this church built in 1906 by German immi- celebration. Of course, Tomten was there. Lucia Juli Brown grants from the Elbe River area near In February we will celebrate with either Hamburg. The little white church only a public Valentine party and dance or a Linde Lodge #492 seats 46 people and is a unique and popu- Crab Feed. lar wedding site today. So if you Vasa members are in the Milwaukee, WI Back on the bus we proceeded through Portland area at any time, look us up on As tradition has it, Linde Lodge’s off- many scenic areas. We passed through our website, www.harmonilodge472.org spring Skansen Children’s Club put on a Eatonville and were surprised to see and come visit. You are sure to have a great performance to celebrate Lucia and many new houses being built, especially delightful tim. Christmas on December 16. This year’s when we did not see a city where they Submitted by: Judy Rust and Lucia was 7th-grader Jennifer Moon. could be employed for over 50 miles. Alice Harris Lucia, her six attendants, two star boys, The culmination of the trip was the and one little tomte did us all proud. The Northwest Trek Wildlife Park close to Harmoni Lodge social included open face sandwiches, Tacoma, WA. We first enjoyed a great “köttbullar,” herring, “lusse katter” and catered box lunch and then hopped the #472 & Nobel lots of baked goods along with coffee and park tram for a trip through the 635 acres juice. The children performed special of amazing animal diversity in natural Lodge #184 dances, and then just about everyone – habitats. We spied elk, moose, caribou, Juli Brown is our 2007 Lucia. Juli is young and old - partook in the “ringdans” bison, Rocky Mountain goats, mountain an 11-year-old 5th grader at Milwaukee around the Christmas tree. Great food sheep, geese, etc. What fun to see such Elementary. Her Mother, Lynne Brown is baskets, a Linnea table runner, and a majestic animals up close. A walking a member of Harmoni Lodge. Juli joined “Pepparkakshus” (gingerbread house) tour afterward enabled us to view cougar, the VASA Youth Group at age 3 and has Continued on page 17

Page 16 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Linde Lodge #492 Linnea Phoenix Continued from page 16 Lodge #504 Lodge #677 were raffled off. Special guest Santa fin- ished off the evening, listening to all spe- Petaluma, CA Phoenix, AZ cial requests, and handing out bright red On November 10, 2007, Linnea Lodge apples to all the good boys and girls. #504, Petaluma, CA, celebrated their Submitted by: Liza Ekstrand 80th Anniversary with a banquet at the Quail Inn in Santa Rosa. The hall was lovely with flowers, Viking ships, and warm Vasa fellowship. Joanie Graham, the Vasa secretary, was our guest and she recalled that her mother was present when our lodge was founded. She presented 60-year member- ship pins to Sylvia Anderson and Harriet Moline, 40-year pins to Linnea Koagedal and Lorentz Koagedal, and 25-year pins to Gun and Roland Janson. Carl Anderson, whose parents were Charter members, recounted that he prob- Lucia is Jennifer Moon. ably started attending meetings when he was six months old – all the parents brought their children. Kris Palo was Master of Ceremonies Savannah LeMond and Linnea Koagedal and Cynthia Machado were the other committee mem- After a traditional Swedish bountiful bers. meal, a lovely Lucia Program was pre- Erika Jorgensen, daughter of Toni and sented. Savannah LeMond, our Lucia this Fred Jorgensen of Orland, CA, was Lucia year, is the daughter of Gina LeMond and at our 2007 Lucia Fest and Smorgasbord of Ron and Kim LeMond; granddaughter on December 9. Erika is the granddaugh- of Lynnea Melander: great-granddaughter ter of the late Einar Jorgensen and of long time members Fred and Bernice Thelma Jorgensen, active Linnea mem- Melander. Eleven attendants, two Star bers. Boys and an Elf, accompanied her. Erika attends Washington State Savannah read the Lucia Legend then University at Pullman, WA, on an acade- Ron LeMond presented his daughter with mic scholarship. the Lucia pendant. The Lucia entourage There were about 40 children in the sang “Stilla Natt,” “Staffanvisan,” “Nu lovely procession and 200 people Tändas Tusen Juleljus, Jingle Bells, and enjoyed the delicious dinner, prepared “Jultomten” is coming to Town, with a and served by our members. Duet by Savannah LeMond and Greta Submitted by: Thelma L. Jorgensen Westberg singing “När Juldagsmorgon Alec and Santa Glimmar” with Barbara Langland at the piano. After the program the Lucia and Lindbergh attendants passed Swedish cookies to everyone. Lodge #494 With Anders Flink accordionist and Los Altos, CA Margareta Flink as leader there was joy- ful dancing around the Christmas tree. Around and around the tree they went with the words, motions and movements that make it fun for young and old alike. In the meantime Santa found his chair so after the dancing each child received a gift. Saturday, December 8, 2007 was a memorable enjoyable afternoon for all. As friends were leaving we could hear Merry Christmas or “God Jul.” And we wish the same for all of you adding our wish for a Happy, Prosperous, and Lucia was Alexa Wallin, granddaughter of Peaceful New Year! - Elna Lidman. Chairman Chuck Wallin. Submitted by: Sam Liden Submitted by: Tore Kellgren Erika Jorgensen, 2007 Lucia Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 17 Russell Anderson and three of his cheerleading, horseback riding, drama, Desert Viking young grandchildren entertained the choir and volunteers with youth at her lodge and guests with many musical church. Andreya has also played on the Lodge #682 numbers. Nothing like a sing-along with school’s tennis team. She is a busy young Cathedral City, CA great piano music to get everyone in a lady. Furthermore, she has traveled with happy mood! her family twice to Sweden to visit rela- The Lodge’s youth group, Pride of the tives. Family, attended the Lindsborg, Kansas The dinner consisting of meatballs, festival in October. It was reported that sausage, herring, rice pudding and “lut- the group learned new dances and had a fisk, Lucia buns and cookies were served wonderful visit. The Pride of the Family as well as “glögg” and of course participated in the Bishop Hill Lucia “Tomten” came too. About 150 people Night Festival, helping at the National attended, including our District Deputy Archive building. Lucia Night Festival Ivan Johnson who traveled quite a ways was held December 7 and 8 in. All shops to see us. Our outgoing chairman, Mary and museums had a Lucia serving treats Morton, sang several beautiful songs. while all buildings in the village were lit Overall, a wonderful evening. with one candle per window. This has Submitted by: Inger Lindhe been a tradition in Bishop Hill for about Erika Bocker 40 years. Tourists come from miles to Tre Kronor Over 100 people gathered at Hope visit and participate in this beautiful festi- Lutheran Church in Palm Desert, CA, for val. All are welcome!! Lodge #713 Desert Viking’s 40th Lucia celebration. Submitted by: Cheryl Dowell Salem, OR The afternoon began with a craft sale and bake sale of yummy goodies. A delicious Swedish meatball dinner was prepared and served by Charter member Viola Wyler and her crew. Barbara Gast, Cultural Leader, was Mistress of Ceremonies for the event. Christmas car- ols were sung, accompanied by Tanya Wood on the piano. Readings about the Christmas Star, the Advent Candle (including verses in Swedish read by Lauren Kosvic, who spent a year in Sweden as an exchange student), and the Santa Lucia legend were enjoyed. Nine Kim Litchfield previous Lucias were introduced includ- ing the lodge’s very first Lucia, Lennea Caitlin Cameron, our Lucia for 2007. She is Danielsson Deyo. Erika Bocker was pre- Norden the granddaughter of Lodge Chairperson sented as Desert Viking Lodge’s 2007 Lodge #684 Audrey Cameron. Lucia. Maiden Kajsa Frary and daughter Olivia sang two beautiful songs in Fresno, CA Swedish. The afternoon ended with Santa (Tom Bartel) arriving with gifts for the children. Submitted by: Kristi Wilson Bishop Hill Lodge #683 Bishop Hill, IL Since 1846, Swedes have been cross- ing the ocean to come to Bishop Hill. In keeping with this tradition, November 16th, 2007, two guests from Sweden vis- Andreya Johnson ited the monthly meeting of Lodge #683. Our one big fundraiser, the annual Vivecka Skott and Una Jerlock from the Lucia celebration, took place on LL Bråviken 751 of Sweden brought December 8 here in Fresno with lots of greetings and gifts to our Lodge. They helper’s young and old. Our Lucia was were warmly welcomed, as well as guests Andreya Johnson, 14, daughter of Sherri Victoria Wilson of the Lucia Court playing with our “Jul Bock.” Lennart and Joan Petterson from the LL Johnson. She is a 9th grader at Clovis #549 Skandia Lodge from Canada. North High School and is involved in Submitted by: Barry Ostrom

Page 18 Vasa Star January-February 2008 our Lucia and her sister Abby served as Her grandparents, Franz Ohlsson of Stenland her attendant. Shaylene is 10 years old Ostersund, and Gun Tingstrom from and a gifted student at Lincoln School in Stockholm, immigrated to America in the Lodge #727 Prescott. She is in the New Horizons pro- 1950s. Palisades, NY gram and Math Olympics and is avid Submitted by: Howard E. Weaver about horses. She hoped to get one for Christmas! Her other interests are teth- erball, volleyball, and hanging out with her friends. She is the great-granddaugh- ter of long-time member, Andria Odean. The large and beautiful Scandinavian Christmas basket raffle was won by Al and Gunhild Albrechtsen. We all appreci- ated the hard work of the committee, led by Sue Malarkey, for planning such an enjoyable event to remember our culture and traditions. Scandia met on January 13 for a program called “Norwegian Fisherman.” We are also looking forward to the Arizona District #21 Convention to Julia Syvarth be held at the Dobson Ranch Resort in Julia Syvarth, daughter of Wendy and Mesa, AZ, on April 4-6. Kassandra Marie Ohlsson Daniel Syvarth, has been selected as the Submitted by: Pat Flippen Lucia for Stenland Lodge’s annual Lucia Fest and Christmas Party held at Good Birka Shepherd Lutheran Church, Pearl River, NY. Lodge #732 Julia has been a member of the chil- Hamilton, MA dren’s group performing the Lucia Pageant for 9 years. She is a 6th grade We are pleased to announce that student who has been honored for her Jennifer Richards, 12, of Beverly, MA, scholastic achievements. Julia plays the became Santa Lucia during the annual Jul violin both in the school orchestra and in Fest held at the lodge on November 24. the All County Orchestra. She also Jennifer is the daughter of Debbie and enjoys playing the guitar and singing. David Richards and niece of long-time Julia comes from a long line of Vasa Birka members, Helen and Warren members. Her proud grandmother, Ingrid Riddle. (Lofgren) Allison is a member of Skandia Jennifer is in the 7th grade and has Lodge #356 in NJ District 6 and a been in the Lucia procession for 4 years. Charter Member of Stenland Lodge #727 She loves music, especially cultural in Rockland County, NY District 4. Lucia Shaylene Milam and attendant (her sis- music. She loves to read, write, swim in Julia’s great grandparents, Carl and ter), Abby. the ocean, draw, Irish step dance and play Judith Lofgren were very active members with her 1 year old Maltese puppy, of Vasa serving NJ District #6 and Viking Halley. She has also taken violin lessons Skandia Lodge #356 in many capacities. for the past 7 years. Carl Lofgren was District Master of NJ in Lodge #730 The festival of Santa Lucia begins 1964-65. before dawn on the 13th of December, Submitted by: Ingrid Allison Flint, MI which under the old Julian calendar (used in Sweden before 1753) was Christmas Kassandra Marie Ohlsson, age 16, Day and the longest night of the year. daughter of Bengt Ohlsson and Anne Scandia Throughout Sweden the eldest daughter Grosinsky, Flushing, MI, was again in each household comes to her sleeping Viking Lodge’s 2007 Lucia. The 2007 Lodge #728 parents dressed in a long white gown tied pageant and smorgasbord was held Prescott, AZ with a red sash and wearing a crown of December 16, 2007, for the first time at lingonberry leaves in which are set seven Scandia Lodge #728, Prescott, AZ, Grand Blanc, MI’s Senior Activity lighted candles. She carries a tray of had a wonderful holiday gathering on Center. steaming hold coffee and Lussekattor. December 9, 2007. The highlight of the Kassandra, an 11th grade honor stu- The procession includes her sisters and afternoon was the elaborate smorgasbord dent at Flushing High School, plays flute brothers also dressed in white, holding enjoyed by about 70 people. Cold table, and oboe in the Concert Band and per- lighted candles and singing of the light glogg, hot table, dessert table. What more forms Flag and Rifle routines with and joy of Christmas. The sisters of the could we want? Candlelight, music, a Marching Band Color Guard that won Lucia Bride wear a wreath of tinsel in light snow falling outside, and the com- second place in Michigan’s High School pany of our friends. Shaylene Milam was Color Guard Competition. Continued on page 20

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 19 provided the dinner entertainment. present for the ceremony. To make this Birka Lodge #732 The Muhlenberg Lucia Fest is mod- evening truly special, the Southeast Continued from page 19 eled after the Lucia Fest performed at St. Region Grand Lodge Deputy, Guye James Church in Kingsessing in West Dupcak and her husband Joe traveled all their hair and a piece tied around their Philadelphia. It is one of the old Swedish the way from Roswell, GA to Raleigh, waist, while the boys have tall pointed churches located in the area that in colo- NC in order to present the Grand Lodge caps sprinkled with stars. Awakened by nial times was known as “New Sweden.” certificate to Katie in person! On behalf the lights and the singing, the parents rise Scandinavians throughout the world of the Carl Larsson Lodge, the Chairman, and eat the breakfast served. celebrate the Lucia Fest usually on the Craig Jonson, presented Katie with a Submitted by: Lois Johnson morning of Dec. 13. dozen red roses and a card with a small Viking Lodge is composed of over 90 gift in honor of her award. members from throughout eastern During this same meeting, Grand Pennsylvania and western New Jersey. Lodge Deputy Guye and the Lodge cele- Memberships is open to persons of brated Past Grand Lodge Executive Scandinavian background and their Board member Len Johansson’s 50th spouses. The group, which is dedicated to year of VASA membership. The 50-year maintaining the culture and heritage of pin belonged to Len’s mother, and Guye the Scandinavian peoples, meets the third had the honor to affix this to Len’s lapel. Sunday of each month at Holy Cross Chairman Craig Jonson also honored Lutheran Church in Moorestown, PA. Nancy Johansson’s 40th year of VASA Persons interested in membership infor- membership. Our Lodge also acknowl- mation should contact Paul Thenstedt at edged Cindy Iocona’s 30 years of VASA 610-691-2296. Proceeds from lodge membership and Vince Iocona’s 20 years events primarily provide scholarships for of VASA membership. Truly impressive! high school students to attend The next time you see the Johansson’s Scandinavian language camps. and Iocona’s please give them a hearty Submitted by: Lars Larmon congratulations! Jennifer Richards Submitted by: Craig Jonson, Chairman Viking V.O.A. Lodge #735 Moorestown, PA The Lucia Singers of Viking Lodge #735, New Jersey District #6, Vasa Order of America, sang a medley of Swedish Yule songs, Christmas carols, and, of course, “Sankta Lucia” as a part of the 28th annual Lucia Fest held at Muhlenberg College’s Edgar Chapel in Allentown, PA, Sunday, Dec.2. Viking member Allison Osborne and her sister, Katie Iocona, family members, and Guye Kresten, daughters of Viking Shirley Dupcak. Nylund, provided the prelude on piano and flute respectively. The event was sponsored by the facul- Katharine Shick of Allentown was the Lucia Viking ty of the college and featured the children for the Muhlenberg College/Viking Lodge’s of faculty members portraying Light 28th annual Lucia Fest. Lodge #756 Bearers, Folk Customs, “Tomtegubbar,” star children and, of course, Lucia. This Carl Larson Greenfield, MA year’s Lucia is Katharine Schick, age 16. Viking Lodge #756 held its Lucia Katharine is an 11th grader at William Lodge #739 Pageant on December 9, 2007 at St Allen High School in Allentown. The Raleigh, NC Paul’s Lutheran Church. The church was Lucia Singers have been performing in filled with family and friends and every- the pageant almost from its inception. During the Carl Larsson Lodge one had a wonderful time. After a greet- Following the Fest members of Viking October meeting, Katie Iocona was ing by PDM Phil Johnson, Judd Blain Lodge retired to the college’s Seeger awarded the 2007 Ellis F. Hillner Award! gave a reading about the history of Lucia. Union Building for their annual She is currently studying at UNC- The church was dark when Lucia Christmas feast. Cheeses and hot “glögg” Wilmington and will major in Pre- made her grand entrance followed by her preceded the dinner which consisted of Medicine or Pharmaceuticals. To honor attendants. salmon, pork, mixed vegetables and her achievement, Katie and her parents, We all enjoyed the readings and chocolate tort. Pianist Barbara Budlong, Vince and Cindy Iocona, and her grand- songs. “Silent Night” is a highlight of our Professor of Music at Moravian College, parents Len and Nancy Johansson were Continued on page 21

Page 20 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Viking Lodge #756 Nordic Red Rocks Lodge #760 Continued from page 20 Sedona, AZ pageant, it is sung in English, Swedish, As you can see the local Trolls came out for a good time at our October meeting. Finnish, German, French, and Chinese. They were just in time for the food which was as follows, Trolls toes – Mushrooms, Then all gathered downstairs for coffee dried up dung and beetles – raisins, carrion bones brew – coffee, ants eggs cookies – and Lucia buns and other treats. oatmeal cookies, horse liver cake – pumpkin cake to name a few of the goodies that This year’s Lucia was Lucy Chase, her were at the Troll table. attendants were Anna Athey, Lily Blain, November was a time for celebration as we enter our fourth year at our lodge. Megan Hrinda, Anneka Johnson, Avery Deanne and Mike French were inducted as our new members. Allen Bergquist spoke Johnson, Leah Pion, Mackenzie Pion, about his travels in the Far East and also about the three years that he and his wife Emma Kelly, Ashley Ploskonka, Katie spent in Singapore. Tease, and Anna Walker. Starboys were December 9th was our Lucia Celebration. Traditional foods were served at our Sam Blain, Sam Chase, Luke Hrinda, Smorgasbord. There is always something to look forward to! Sigurd Kohlin, Gus Kohlin and Kenny Starting out the New Year Chuck Elston, and Vito Pantaleo will present a program Olchowski. Nancy Pond played cello. about Raul Wallenberg. “Tomte Far” was Torvald Kohlin. At the February meeting, Donna Collins and Carol Bryant will inform us about Submitted by: Phil Johnson Sigrud Undset and her writings. Submitted by: Carol Ingstad Bryant

Lucy Chase Nordic Red Rocks “local trolls.” SWEDISH NEWS We in Lodge Höganäs #634 like to ber why we once applied for the member- Logen Höganäs keep the old ceremonies and we have ship in the Vasa Order of America. about three formal meetings per year. It is That is all for now! Nr 634 nice to keep the old ceremonies because it Submitted by: Elise Ek Since I last wrote to you we have had adds some dignity to it all and we remem- Pictures by: Berit and Hans Bogren two meetings. The meeting in October is called “Evening of the Brothers” and it always have a theme. This year it was called “Skånsk Afton.” This evening 85 brothers and sisters got together to have great food and then the show began. Nine brothers were singing old “Skåne”-songs and we all sang together. They also told some jokes. It was a fun evening! Skåne is located in the southern part of Sweden and it is an old part of Scandinavia. In 1658, after a war between the Swedes and the Danes, Skåne became a part of Sweden, as we know it today. We have had our own language but it is long gone. In November we have a formal meet- Formal Meeting. The guests arrive, DHM Gull-Maj Högsted, VDS Ingrid Cannerhagen, DD ing. Bodil Walles, SLKL Gun Lith och SLD Knut Rosenkvist.

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 21 Logen Mellerud Nr 644 In March 2007, some people from the Home Coming Year network joined Logen Mellerud Nr 644. The group was very honored to become members and get the opportunity to connect to so many new friends, interested in the Swedish- Här hälsas Birgit Hansson, Stig Nelson, Christina Larsson, Eiwor Backelund, Jonny Salén och American heritage. Elisabeth Stigen-Salén, samtliga medlemmar i Nätverket Home Coming Year, välkomna till The Home Coming Year network is a Mellerud Nr 644 av Logens Ordf. Bernt Blomgren. De nya medlemmarna flankeras av group of people who joined together about Ceremonimästarna May-Britt Björkstål och Else-Britt Andersson. Annelie Andersson och Jim two years ago to start planning an event to Nordstedt också från Home Coming Year, har tillkommit som medlemmar i Logen efter att fotot. welcome Swedish-American relatives to till Amerika, för att skapa sig en bättre pas också på att fungera som en resurs för explore the beautiful landscape of framtid. Nästan alla familjer i Dalsland har att det som förlorat kontakten med sina Dalsland, Sweden. This is a rural area of släktingar i USA eller Kanada. Tråkigt förfäder ska kunna återfå den. Dalsland Sweden where almost half of the popula- nog har många kontakter gått förlorade kan, bland mycket annat, erbjuda hjälp att tion went to America to find a way to under årens lopp. finna sina förfäder genom museét i build a more fulfilling future. Almost Nätverket planerar att arrangera ett Mellerud. Annat som ingår i planeringen every family in Dalsland have relatives in Home Coming Year event sommaren inför sommaren 2008 är släktforskn- the USA or Canada. Sadly many connec- 2008. En önskan med denna tilldragelse är ingsseminarier, kurser i svenska språket tions have been lost during the years. att stärka relationerna mellan svenskarna i och svensk matlagning, teatrar, The network plans to arrange a Home Dalsland och deras amerikanska släktingar hantverksmässor, vandringar och ridturer i Coming Year event in the summer of och vänner. Dalsland är ett Sverige i mini- skogen, fiske-och älgsafaris. 2008. This event wish to strengthen the atyr med skogar, sjöar och blommande Du är välkommen att kontakta nätver- relationships between the Swedish people gröna dalar och med många intressanta kets kontaktperson Eiwor Backelund på in Dalsland and their American relatives kulturplatser att besöka. [email protected]. and friends. Dalsland is a Sweden in mina- Home Coming Year evenemanget hop- Submitted by: Berith Blomgren ture with forests, lakes and blooming green meadows and with many interesting cultural venus to visit. Logen Enköping Nr 646 The Home Coming Year event also Under lördagen den 6 oktober 2007 Marianne berättade också att Vilhelm wish to be a resource for connection hade logen Enköping Nr 646, glädjen att Moberg skrev Rasken 1927 och det blev between those who have lost the links to få besök av Vilhelm Mobergs dotter en stor succe. Böckerna om utvandringen their ancestors. Among other things, Marianne Forssell som tillsammans med tog 12 år att skriva. Han började 1947 Dalsland can offer help to find ancestors sin make Bo Forssell berättade om Vilhem med sin forskning kring första boken om through the museum in Mellerud. Other Moberg och sjöng emigrantvisor. Även utvandrarna, som sedan kom ut 1949. things that are part of the planning for medlemmar från Västerås och Stockholm Mariannes egen del i den boken var när summer 2008 are such things as ancestor hade samlats i Enköping för att få en Kristina boken Utvandrarna började search seminars, Swedish language and inblick av den kände författaren Vilhelm blöda näsblod på fartyget Charlotta. Den cooking classes, theatres, handicraft fairs, Mobergs liv. delen kom till utifrån att Marianne med hikes or horseback riding in the forests, I Mariannes berättelse om sin far fick fadern Vilhelm Moberg var på en båtresa fishing and moose safaris. vi bl a reda på att Vilhelm Moberg var en Continued on page 23 Contact person for the network is av sju i sin syskonskara. Det var bara han Eiwor Backelund. Please feel free to con- och två systrar som överlevde till vuxen tact her at [email protected]. ålder. Swedish När Vilhelm Moberg var 11 år dog I mars 2007 fick logen Mellerud Nr hans bror Hjalmar 18 år gammal klockan 644 några nya medlemmar som kom från 07.20 vilket var ett starkt minne för nätverket Home Coming Year. Dessa var honom hela sitt liv och klockslaget fick mycket hedrade att bli medlemmar och ha troligen en betydelse när Vilhelm Moberg möjlighet att knyta kontakten med så senare avslutade sitt liv genom att gå ner många nya vänner, som också är intresser- till sjön en augusti morgon 1973. Då läm- ade av det svensk-amerikanska arvet. nade han en lapp på nattduksbordet som Nätverket Home Coming Year består bl a talade om att klockan var 07.20 av en grupp människor, som slöt sig sam- man för ungefär två år sedan, för att börja planera ett evenamang för att välkomna Swedish Costumes svensk-amerikanska släktingar att utforska for Children det vackra dalsländska landskapet. from Scanda HomeDecor Dalsland är en lantlig del av Sverige, där nästan hälften av befolkningen emigrerade [email protected]

Page 22 Vasa Star January-February 2008 stjärngosse och tomte. De bjöd på en ungdomarna Louise Store, Ingrid Logen Enköping Nr 646 egengjord reportoar med många gamla Lekberg, Agnes Forsell, Lovisa Lord- Continued from page 22 fina luciasånger men också nya vackra Torvfelt, Lena Edlund och Rasmus till medelhavet och Marianne började julsånger som de framförde acapella och Mocklin samt till de kommitterade för blöda näsblod på båten. då blev det alldeles tyst i lokalen. denna trevliga avslutning på år 2007. Vilhelm Moberg författade 60 tal titlar, En eloge till vårt fina Luciatåg med Submitted by: PS LL, Elisabeth Agge 25 skådespel och gjorde även många små artiklar till tidningar. Enligt dottern var Moberg en varm och snäll människa men ibland kunde han också vara något stingslig. Han tyckte om att fiska och tillsammans med dottern Marianne var han ofta ute och tog upp fiskenät när tid för fiske fanns. Marianne arbetade också som sin fars sekreterare vilket krävde rätt så mycket, eftersom Vilhelm Moberg var mycket noggrann med orden och kunde skriva om sitt manuskript tre gånger. Lucia tåg Det var ett mycket intressant föredrag om honom som Marianne Forssell delgav Logen Bråviken Nr 751 åhörarna och i en paus framförde även Inge Hallberg Chartermedlem som arbetat för att Logen Bråviken lever upp till Marianne och Bo Forssell några trevliga “Vasa Orden i Tiden,” och därmed leder till ett nyskapande med sunt förnuft utan att emigrantvisor med gitarrackompanje- tumma på konstitutionen. Br. Inge har också sett till att många loger fått reportage och mang av Bo Forssell. information i tidningar och på hemsidorna som nu gjort att Vasa Orden av Amerika Efter föredraget och emigrantvisorna börjar bli ett begrepp. överlämnade logens ordförande Karl-Erik Gunnar Nordh är Chartermedlem, Bråvikens första ordförande och mästare i allt Axelsson rosor till Marianne och fram- Vasaarbete och för logens framåtskridande. Både Gunnar Nord och Inge Hallberg är förde ett varmt tack under tiden åhörarna verkligen två eldsjälar för Vasa Orden. Gunnar Nordh var tillsammans med Ordf i applåderade. Logen Filbyter Nr 714 också ett starkt kort för SLPD Lisbeth H Qvarfordt i slutlednin- Kvällen fortsatte sedan med lotteri gen av Logen Vadstenas tillblivelse. dragning och vår DD Liberth Karlsson Vid jubiléet träffades också samtliga ordförandena som varit med från starten. framförde gästernas tack till de kommit- Bland dem fanns så klart också två tidigare ordföranden Lisbeth H Qvarfordt som vär- terade Inger och Torbjörn From samt vade som Ordf. 24 medlemmar och logen fick det året pris som bästa medlemsökning Lena och Sven-Olof Johansson för den från Storlogen. Viveka Skott värvade som FDO 16 medlemmar och fick DL 19 pris, utsökta maten. en Amerikaresa för två i den rekryteringskampanj som Lisbeth H Qvarfordt startade som DM. Logen fick också pris från Storlogen, för sin medlemsökning. Det blev en riktig högtidskväll med Logen Bråviken Nr 751, den näst yngsta logen med en ung och framåt ordf. Bo Svensson 39, fadderloge till den nya Logen Vadstena Nr 762, endast tre veckor gammal. Submitted by: Anette Ek, LL Bråviken Nr 751 Picture by: Jan Hult, LL Bråviken, Nr 751

Marianne och Bo Forssell sjunger emi- grantvisor.

Den 1 december firade logen Enköping Nr 646 sin Lucia. Vi började efterkaptilet med att hälsa Ulf Olsson och Yvonne Axelsson varmt välkomna som gäster samt våra logesyskon som kommit till själva efterkaptilet. Därefter bjöds vi på ett julbord med alla de goda rätterna som brukar finnas under ett julbord. Våra duk- tiga komitterade Lillemor Eriksson , Ingrid och Allan Tammerfors hade lagt mycket möda i att vi alla skulle trivas och Hedersmedlemmar och värvarproffs, från v Lisbeth H Qvarfordt SLPD. Logen Bråvikens första känna att maten var hemmagjord. hedersmedlemmar Inge Hallberg och Gunnar Nordh samt Viveka Skott FDO som fick en Efteråt kom årets Lucia med tärnor, Amerikaresa som belöning. Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 23 Welcome To Our New Members On behalf of the Grand Lodge and members of the Vasa Order of America, I am pleased to welcome you to membership in these local Vasa lodges. If you are new to the Vasa Order of America we bid you welcome. If you are transferring or are a dual member, your new lodge bids you welcome. We hope you will enjoy your membership and will participate in all of the activities planned for you. Tore Kellgren, Grand Lodge Membership Chairman 5971 W. Walbrook Dr. San Jose, CA 95129 E-mail: [email protected]

DL GRAND LODGE DL PACIFIC Andrea Samuelson Lisbeth Lindahl-Gustafsson Siv Hurtig JURISDICTION NO. 0 NORTHWEST NO. 13 Brad Samuelson Tage Wiklund Mats Hurtig Nordic #708 Astor #215 Jenelle Serediak Jan Gustafsson Karin Johansson Patience Erickson Chelsea Mattingly Carmen Spence Kongahälla Nr 702 Jan Johansson Bonnelyn Dodson Michele Nielson Kristina Williams Jan Augustsson Katarina Kahl Gunnar Holm Lisa Sundstrom Margaretha Augustsson Logen Ronneby Nr 630 Christine Robinson Skogsblomman #378 ARIZONA NO. 21 Inge Andersson Gunilla Lindell Becky Dargitz Red Rocks #760 Karin Andersson Sewe Lindberg DL CONNECTICUT NO. 1 Jim Dargitz Deanne French Filbyter Nr 714 Logen Höganäs Nr 634 Diana Birger Jarl #3 Ronald Erickson Michael French Siv Furubacke Mai Sandberg Christine Solomon Jon Mathison Henry Axelsson Ola Sandberg Keith Solomon Solidaritet #396 NORRA SVERIGE NR 19 Logen Knallen Nr 745 Anita Gripenstam Ed Lafquist Mälardrottningen Nr 563 Lena Levén Jarl Gripenstam DL N.Y. NO. 4 Isaac Williams Beatrice Hogg Lars Levén Logen Malmöhus Nr 643 Freja #100 Cariboo #690 Sven-Erik Sjögren Karl-Åke Claesson Berit Jellhede Victoria Holmberg Vickie Campbell Gotland Nr 624 Ann-Charlotte Claesson Bert Jellhede James Peterson Chelsey Horn Margareta Thelander Arne Widell Logen Tre Hjärtan Nr 665 Kristen Purdy Tre Kronor #713 Sten Thelander Per-Axel Jertborn Elis Ljungek Olympic #235 Michael Timshel Gunilla Lindström Logen Vadstena Nr 762 Gunnel Ljungek Heather Grasso Odin #726 Lars Lindström Eva Andersson Margaret Larsson Wendy Mattson-Grasso Christine Rider Eva-Lisa Hansson Jan Andersson Logen Westervik Nr 679 Laura Perri Anna-Lena Claesson Margareta Andersson Yvonne Andersson DL PACIFIC SOUTHWEST Lennart Claesson Birgith Arkevert Sven Larsson DL LAKE MICHIGAN NO. 15 Karlstad Nr 632 Inger Berg Irene Larsson NO. 8 Golden Valley #616 Magnus Persson Gunnar Carlsson Logen Utvandrarna Nr 680 Siljan-Mor-Tuna #134 Hanna Dios Conny Carlsson Gösta Cederin Berit Andersson Jeffrey Wilczynski Kristoffer Dios Barbro Bucht Anna Cederin Lennart Andersson Austin #466 Wenche Eklund Eskilstuna Nr 633 Ulf Cederin Logen Nybyggarna Nr 698 Anthony Bryan Northern Light #620 Margareta Ågren-Elfkvist Solveig Davidsson Karin Johansson Paul Gruber Heather Peckfelder Bo Elfkvist Jessica Gustavsson Claes Johansson Ruth Rettke Desert Viking #682 Lidköping Nr 636 Sudarat Hallberg Marie Lindelöw Jubileum #755 Donald Dietz Christina Bergdahl Leif Hallberg Bodil Olofsson Susan Eckerie Sally Hedberg Lars Bergdahl Magnus Jernér Stig Olofsson Jeanne Matthys Birgitta Carlehed Monica Jernér Logen Trelleborg Nr 734 DL PENNSYLVANIA NO. 9 Baltic #689 Anders Carlehed Barbro Kardell Ingrid Andermyr Nobel-Monitor #130 Monica Weisbart Inga Maj Andersson Ingrid Viola Karlsson Hans Andermyr Michael Nilsson Valhalla #715 Karl-Axel Andersson Ingela Molander Siv Jönsson Pam Nilsson Thomas Figueras Marianne Johansson Susanna Normann Bo-Inge Jönsson Jean Martin Peter Lundin Inger Palm Margareta Finnhult DL GOLDEN GATE NO. 12 Glenn T Seaborg #719 Elly Selin Ing-Britt Persson-Cederin Tomas Finnhult Svea #348 Karin Carlson Eivor Jönsson Laila Pettersson Ulla-Britt Persson Kelly Foster Susan Carlson Logen Uddevalla Nr 638 Emma Westlund Lars-Erik Persson Karin Jacobson Judy Godvin Samuli Litmanen Gun Schmidt Rebecca McCombie Elin Kindig Carina Andersson SÖDRA SVERIGE NR 20 Peter Schmidt Sveaborg #449 Jane Kindig Astrid Rudklint Logen Kärnan Nr 608 Logen Blå Jungfrun Nr 749 Michael Ard Norman Kindig Mellerud Nr 644 Eva Bewell Håkan Andersson Judy Ard Valerie Larson Anneli Andersson Arbro Hedström Anita Andersson Larry Ard Jim Nordstedt Rikard Löfdahl Torsten Ivarsson Marily Brar DL ALBERTA NO. 18 Stig Nelson Margita Norrman Anna-Maj Ivarsson Ray Olsen Skandia #549 Birgit Hansson Ann-Britt Strufve Hans Peter Kjellgren Davie LaDue Annette Jenson-Bergg Christina Larsson Lars-Olof Strufve Lena Larsson Debbi LaDue Steven Bergg Jonny Salén Arne Tönnesson Lennart Johnson Michael Gorman Cameron Bonnar Elisabeth Stigen-Salén Logen Småland Nr 618 Sune Nyberg Linda Gorman Dessg Bonnar Eiwor Backelund Ettan Bratt Birgit Sandgren Geneva Walker Kristi Bonnar Claes Sagerström Lennart Sjöqvist Linnea #504 Gregory Brodeur Nicolai Nr 663 Göte Bengtsson Jennifer Humble Niklas Eliasson Marcus Sjöström Maureen Bengtsson Sierra Kronan #737 Richard McMurray Maire Wiklund Logen Calmare Nyckel Nr Blanche Bradley Jessica Melin Åke Petersson 628 Lois Bycroft Matthew Oldham Eva Sjöström Birgitta Fagerström Gary Rhodes Birgitta Petersson Hans Fagerström

Page 24 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Logen Vadstena Nr 762 Den 20 oktober 2007 är en dag att min- nas i DL 19:s historia. Då instiftades en ny loge i DL Norra Sverige Nr 19. Många ordensyskon hade samlats i Vadstena denna dag för att glädjas åt att en ny loge hade bildats och att den cermoniellt skulle inträda inom vår Orden. Bland orden- syskonen som närvarade kan nämnas SLMDER för Sverige, Tore Tellberg, Vasaveteranen Sonja Hall Logen Stockholm SLMDER at-large Bertil Ericsson 89 år på dagen tillsamman med från v Monica samt DL 19:s SLD Ewa Pilhammar- Callander och FDO Viveka Skott, Logen Andersson. Bråviken, Sonja Hall, Ulla Gunnarsson, Logen Under den högtidliga ceremoni, som Nicolai och Marie-Louis Hultin, Logen distriktscermonimästare Connie Gröns Bråviken. lugna hand framförde med värdighet, gav USA Ambassaden i Sverige gav Vadstena logen sin fana Stjärnbaneret som överläm- ett mycket vackert intryck när den nya nades av Lisbeth Qvarfordt till Vadtena logens logen instiftades. Samtidigt blev ca 17 Ordf Laila Pettersson. nya medlemmar även chartermedlemmar i denna loge. Till DD för logen Vadstena Nr 762 utnämnde DM DL 19 Gunnar Brobyggare Gustafsson och br. Einar Savolainen-Grön Vasa Ordens Brobyggare Lisbeth arbete för Vasa Orden i Tiden från logen Lidköping Nr 636. gavs unika plaketten “The Bridge of Friendship” Många vasasyskon önskade sedan att få framföra sina gratulationer till den nya Lisbeth H Qvarfordt Norrköping Vasa nr 0001 med Diplom, med följande logen genom telegram och gåvor, bl a den Orden av Amerikas Publicity Director i motivering: Lisbeth har sitt hjärta inom Amerikanska flaggan, som var en gåva Sverige och FDM i Distrikt 19, har visat Vasa Orden av Amerika och känd för sin från den Amerikanska Ambassaden, samt en stor känsla, kunnighet och ett brin- energi att inte ge upp utan påbörjat arbete den Svenska flaggan som var en personlig nande intresse för Vasa Orden av skall avslutas med framgång. Så även i gåva från ordensyskonen Sonja och Lotta Amerika. Det visade Lisbeth inte minst senaste fallet bildandet av Logen Hall, logen Stockholm Nr 589. vid den stora träff jag hade som Vadstena Nr 762, i sanning en verklig Genom Harriet Jansson och Svante Logehistoriker i Logen Bråviken Nr 751 “Byggmästare.” Jansson i logen Upsala Nr 623 försorg, under ett möte i Finspång. Vid detta pro- Submitted by: Åke Sjöblom, överlämnades som tack, varsin bukett, jekts första möte visade Lisbeth H Logehistoriker Bråviken Nr 751, från enskilda medlemmar i lokallogerna Qvarfordt sin kunnighet om Amerika och President i Svenska till SLPD Lisbeth Qvarfordt-Hallberg och dess svenska emigranter i USA, och entu- Folksportförbundet Inge Hallberg logen Bråviken Nr 751 siasmerade och fängslade sin publik. samt till lokalloge medlemmarna Arne Detta var ett möte för att samordna Samuelsson i Filbyter Nr 714 och Gunnar American Volksport Association, Vasa Nordh logen Bråviken Nr 751 för deras Orden och Internationella Volksportver- arbeta med att bilda den nya logen band, som finns i 49 länder, där jag just Vadstena Nr 762. nu är president i den svenska avdelningen Även Chartermedlemmarna i logen Svenska Folksportsförbundet som Filbyter Nr 714, Mary Dahlström och samordnar och organiserar träffar med Elsa Johansson överlämnade en ros var Vasa Orden för projektet “Finn Dina till dessa ordensyskon för deras fina arbe- Rötter.” ta att bilda logen Vadstena Nr 762. När Lisbeth så reste till Grand Lodge Kvällen fortsatte sedan med en trevlig Convention i San Diego 2006 hade hon middag med dans till orkester, där bla en plakett med sig, samt en förfrågan om Vadstenas kommun representerades. att få denna plakett godkänd för att delas Många telegram lästes upp med bla lyck- ut till utvalda personer som arbetar med önskningar från Hans Majestät Konungen att bygga “The Bridge of Friendship” Det och Hennes Majestät Drottningen av finns två olika utgåvor; En för Inter- Sverige. nationell Folksport för vandring och en Vi som var där önskar logen Vadstena för Vasa Orden av Amerika och anhöriga 762:s medlemmar Lycka Till och hoppas till Emigranter. Den 28 juli 2006 god- att det för vår Orden framåt i en ljus och Storlogens Executiva Råd Som President av Svenska Folksport kände så Förbundet var det med stor glädje och vörd- positiv anda. plaketten “The Bridge of Friendship.” nad jag överlämnade plaketten till Lisbeth H Submitted by: Karl-Erik Axelsson och Lisbeth H Qvarfordts arbetet för Vasa Qvarfordt Storlogens Publicity Director i Elisabeth Agge, Ordenssyskon i LL 646 Orden av Amerika och intresset för Finn Sverige, vid instiftandet av den nya Logen Pictures by: Inge Hallberg Dina Rötter, gör att Lisbeth får plaketten Vadstena i helgen.

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 25 YOUTH NEWS Nordikid’s Vasa Swedish Junior Folk Dancers Musiklubb #208 The Vasa Junior Folk Dancers, com- bined clubs of Linnea #14, Janice Lehman, leader and Vasa Kornet #16, JoAnn Thoreen, leader, held their annual Lucia Fest on Sunday, December 2, at Bethel Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN. This year these clubs are celebrating their 80th Anniversary. The afternoon festivities included the “Festival of Lights” with Lydia Ellen Thoreen as our Lucia, folk dances performed by the group, raffle prizes, carol singing, and refreshments. Lydia is the daughter of Brian and Sonja Thoreen of Oakdale, MN. She has been a member of the dance club for 10 Lydia Thoreen, Vasa Jr. Folk Dancers years. Her paternal great-grandfather she is currently attending Century immigrated from Småland, Sweden, in Community College and plans to gradu- 1907 and settled in Minneapolis, MN. He ate high school with an Associate of Arts was a veteran member of Stenbock degree exploring Interior Design. She Erica Stoica Lodge #138, Minneapolis, MN. Lydia, participates in Ashland Production musi- her parents and her great-aunt, JoAnn Nordikids Musiklubb #208 of cals and their Performance Company. Thoreen, are all members of Stenbock Northwest Indiana proudly presents Erica She also enjoys singing, dancing, playing Lodge. Stoica, of Highland, IN, as their reigning the piano, and sketching fashion designs. 2007 Lucia. This year’s celebrations took Lydia has been home schooled from Submitted by: JoAnne Thoreen, place on December 2, 2007 at Wicker kindergarten to 10th grade. As a junior, Leader Vasakornet #16 Park Social Center in Highland, Indiana where Erica sang “Härlig är Jorden” (Beautiful Savior). Erica, a Nordikid member for 6 years, PLEASE MEET is in 7th grade at Highland Middle School where she participates in orchestra as a Mayfield High School violinist, choir and volleyball. She also enjoys tennis, writing poetry, and cook- Honorees Changed The World ing. Erica and her family are active mem- The four men who stood on the bers of Griffith Lutheran Church where Mayfield High School stage October 4 Erica is a confirmation student. have helped save the world, and helped Erica is the daughter of John and bring the world closer. Jenny Stoica. Mrs. Stoica is a charter The men, Nick Cirino, John Norman, member of Nordikfolk Lodge #761 where Lyle West, and Keith Winters spoke to she is also the current treasurer. Her students that morning, and at a VIP cere- paternal grandfather’s parents were both mony in the evening at Landerhaven. from Sweden where their families were “When I was in high school, no one stone masons and for several generations would have guessed that I would spend ten worked on the construction of the canal years working on anthrax. Bio-terrorism connecting Stockholm and Gothenborg. didn’t exist then,” Cirino, said further, “I Jenny’s paternal grandmother’s parents wanted to be a marine biologist, but that were Norwegian and came to the U.S. in isn’t easy to do in Cleveland.” 1882. NICK CIRINO - CLASS OF 1983 Erica’s cousins were members of Nick Cirino graduated from Earlham Varblomman Children’s Club #54 on College in 1987 with a bachelor’s degree Chicago’s North Side for many years. in Biology, and in 1995 earned his doctor- Erica’s favorite Swedish Christmas tradi- ate in Biochemistry from Case Western tion is making, decorating and eating Reserve University. His extensive career Spritz cookies! began in 1994 at the Cleveland Clinic as a Submitted by: Linnea Ogrentz Nick Cirino Continued on page 27 Page 26 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Please Meet Continued from page 26 IN MEMORY OF Research Fellow and from there he moved on to the Los Alamos National Laboratory Eugene (Gene) Carlson where he received a patent on anthrax toxin diagnostics and therapeutics. In 1920 - 2007 1999, Dr. Cirino’s professional journey grandchildren. What a huge loss for the brought him to Battelle Memorial Institute Vasa Order of America – a devoted 74- in Columbus, Ohio where he managed a year member! team of researchers focused on microbial At the time of his death Gene was a diagnostics. In 2002, he became the member of Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge #719 Director for the Bio-defense Laboratory, (since 1998) in Laguna Hills, CA, but he Wadsworth Center at the New York and Kathie had been very active, support- Department of Health. He currently works ive members of Trillinggren Lodge #332, on evaluation and validation of field and Baltimore, MD, where he served 12 lab diagnostic systems for bio-terrorism. terms as Chairman and in the PA District In addition, Dr. Cirino’s work has Lodge where he started on the Executive involved developing policies, guidelines Board, served as Vice District Master and and protocols for first responders during a District Master for 2 consecutive 2-year bio-terrorism event. terms! The PA District presented him Most recently, Dr. Cirino had taught as with Life Membership and Past District an assistant professor in the Department of Eugene (Gene) Carlson, a long-time Officer honors. Many referred to Gene as Biomedical Sciences, SUNY Albany, Vasa member, passed away Easter “Mr. Vasa” – a mentor – and someone Department of Public Health. Sunday, April 7, 2007. He began his who would gladly answer your questions In addition to his extensive professional Vasa life at the age of 4 in a children’s and advise you on by-laws: Local, resume Dr. Cirino also has received dance group and at the age of 14, in 1934, District or Grand Lodge! Tack så mycket. numerous accolades, which include Gene joined Atlas Lodge and remained Gene was an inspiration to us all and University of California Outstanding active until he left for military service what a profound impact he had on our Innovations Award; NYSDOH Com- where he remained during the cold war lives. He was also a devoted Lutheran missioner’s Recognition Award in 2004, serving as a spy based in the Arctic and both he and Kathie were very active 2005, 2006; and Cosmopolitan Who’s Circle. members of their church in Maryland and Who in Science award. Collectively, he Gene was very proud of his Swedish The Lutheran Church of the Cross in has over 31 published works and five heritage and he was an extraordinary, Laguna Woods. I am honored to have patents. Throughout his career it has been enthusiastic Vasa member with a terrific known him. We all miss you, but I per- Nick’ Cirino’s goal to work in the field of sense of humor – which included many sonally miss the night time cross-country science and to improve public Sven and Lena jokes! He could tell the phone call when he would ask in his deep health. During his extensive career he has best stories with his famous Swedish voice, “How are you, Linda.” And I not forgotten his Mayfield roots. He truly accent! would reply: and how are YOU? His is a great reflection and extension of the What a huge loss for everyone who reply: “Don’t get old!” You were so spe- Mayfield family. knew him, especially his wife of 65 cial to us. Submitted by: Ellen Cirino, Mother, years, Kathie and his children: Duane, Sov I Ro Gene. Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130, Suzanne and Pamela, as well as his Submitted by: Linda J. Smith Cleveland, OH Source: The Sun Messenger, a local newspaper We Wish You All a Happy and Prosperous 2008 We would also like to thank you for the continued support and hospitality shown. Happy Bill (VGM) and Sheila (VDM) Lundquist DL No. 8 New Year Grand Blanc, Michigan Önskar AUDIO-VISUAL DIRECTOR Todd Anderson 1383 Middlebrook Way • Rohnert Park, CA, 94928 Cell Phone: (707) 694-1345 E-mail: [email protected] The Vasa website at www.vasaorder.com contains a “materials button” which has the Kerstin Johansson listing of audio visual materials available. If you are unable to use the Vasa website, you can still ask that a listing be sent to you Småland #618 by mail.

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 27 CULTURE But after LaBelle immigrated first to eight dozen Santa Lucia buns for the feast. A Knead for Swede Duluth and then up the North Shore – she Other lodge members will contribute ham, Source: Duluth News Tribune arrived in Two Harbors about 1950, and cookies, cheese, rice pudding, and other Article by: Staff Writer Janna Goerdt lived in Silver Bay for a while – her delicacies – but no lutefisk. Irma LaBelle had to move to Two Swedish heritage has been a more central Early on Friday morning, LaBelle Harbors from her native Sweden – where part of her life. She still writes to relatives worked her experienced hands steadily she was born in 1915 – before she ever in Sweden, and can automatically switch through her Santa Lucia bread dough. even heard of the Santa Lucia festival. to her native language when she gets a “It’s starting to feel good,” LaBelle “We were not real well off,” LaBelle phone call from Scandinavia. said. The trick is to keep the dough slight- remembers. For Christmas, “we’d go to LaBelle, who has to use her fingers and ly sticky, but not too sticky, she said. After some big shot’s home, they would have a toes to number all her grandchildren, likes the dough has risen in LaBelle’s sunny liv- Christmas tree, and they would give us the gathering of family that comes with ing room, it was ready for shaping into oranges and apples.” It was the only time Santa Lucia. Her eldest daughter, diane buns. LaBelle would see such treats during the Kucinski, will be there with her eldest Up and down, up and down, pulling out year. granddaughter, who once dressed as Santa a bit of dough to roll into a ball, and drop- But today, LaBelle and other members Lucia at the Two Harbors festival, lit can- ping it on a greased tray. It wasn’t long, of the Göta Lejon Lodge #251, a Swedish dles and all. though, before Kucinski and family friend organization in Two Harbors, will put on a Mae Moore, who heads the Göta Lejon Arlee Wilkes of Two Harbors wanted to smorgasbord for everyone at the Lodge in Two Harbors, said her father’s get in on the action, and soon all three Emmanuel Lutheran Church. And, after a family used to carry out the Santa Lucia Swedish women were pulling and rolling full day of baking, LaBelle’s cardamom- traditions at his home in Sweden. The and getting ready for today’s festival of spiced Santa Lucia buns will be part of the Göta Lejon Lodge started doing the same lights. spread. about 20 years ago, she said. Submitted by: Pat Olson, Her childhood in the northern region of “It’s just nice to carry on some of the Vice Secretary, Göta Lejon Lodge #251, Sweden, where LaBelle was raised by her traditions,” Moore said. She made about Two Harbors, MN aunt, came during difficult times. LaBelle remembers people making blood sausage, Selma Lagerlöf blood bread and head cheese so as not to Den svenska författaren Selma hon till Stockholm och studerade för att bli waste any food – never mind splurging on Lagerlöf är den första kvinna och första lärare. När hon var klar, arbetade hon i 10 Santa Lucia treats. svensk, som fått Nobelpriset i litteratur. år (1885 –1895) som lärare i Landskrona, The feast of Santa Lucia has been cele- Det var 1909 och Svenska Akademiens en liten stad i södra Sverige. 1890 hade brated in Sweden for centuries, and has motivering löd: “på grund av den ädla ide- hon skickat de fem första kapitlen av more recently come into vogue in the alitet, den fantasiens rikedom och den Gösta Berlings Saga till tidningen Iduns United States. It’s a celebration of light in framställningens själfullhet, som prägla romanpristävling och hon vann första pris. the darkness of winter and has come to hennes diktning.” År 1914 invaldes hon Året efter gav hon ut hela romanen, som represent the beginning of the holiday sea- som första kvinna i Svenska Akademien. gjorde succé och därefter kunde hon vara son for Swedes. Selma Lagerlöf föddes 1858 på gården författare på heltid. And for many, the tradition of the fami- Mårbacka i Värmland och där dog hon En av hennes stora romaner är ly’s eldest daughter dressing in a white också 1940, 82 år gammal. Jerusalem, ett epos i två delar, som berät- robe, a red sash, a crown of lingonberry Många svenskar ser fortfarande Selma tar den sanna historien om en grupp män- twigs and lighted candles has come to Lagerlöf nästan dagligen, då hennes bild niskor från Nås i Dalarna. Av religiösa symbolize the holiday. The daughter finns på de svenska 20-kronor sedlarna. skäl sålde de sina gårdar och utvandrade would rise early in the morning and deliv- Där finns också några ord från början av till det heliga landet för att bo där och er saffron buns and hot coffee to the rest Gösta Berlings Saga och en illustration vänta på Guds rikes återkomst. Selma of the family – a symbol of St. Lucia, a från Nils Holgerssons Underbara Resa, Lagerlöf gjorde själv en resa till Jerusalem real saint who cared for the poor in early två av hennes mest kända böcker. och besökte dalakolonin för att kunna skri- Roman history. Selma Lagerlöf hade på sätt och vis en va sin roman. Medan hon arbetade med The legend of Lucia’s kindness and dyster barndom. Hon hade en medfödd den romanen, blev hon ombedd att skriva eventually martyrdom traveled north to höftskada och kunde inte deltaga i de en geografibok för skolbarn i 10-årsåldern. Sweden, and the custom of bringing food andra barnens lekar eller längre fram i de Hon tvekade först, men eftersom hon to the slumbering family is thought to många baler som hölls på gårdarna runtom behövde pengar, lovade hon att göra det. have originated among the more wealthy i Värmland. I stället levde hon i fantasins Hennes far hade dött och barndomshem- farming regions in the country. värld genom att sluka alla böcker hon kom met sålts på grund av misskötsel. Selma But that didn’t include LaBelle’s fami- över och genom att lyssna till sagor och Lagerlöfs stora mål blev därefter att försö- ly in the 1920s. fantastiska berättelser om vad som hänt i ka köpa tillbaka sitt hem. Visserligen “I learned to work from the time I was Värmland för länge sedan. Ganska tidigt trodde hon inte att en skolbok som hon five years old,” LaBelle said. “I remember började hon själv drömma om att skriva skrev för svenska barn skulle kunna bli standing on a little stool and doing the egna berättelser, hon hade ju hört så myck- någon storsäljare, men Nils Holgerssons dishes. I didn’t miss Santa Lucia. I never et hon skulle kunna berätta om. Underbara Resa kom faktiskt att bli even knew about it.” Då Selma Lagerlöf var 23 år, flyttade Continued on page 29

Page 28 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Culture Continued from page 28 världsberömd. Den har även filmats precis som flera andra av hennes romaner. Efter framgångarna med bl.a. Jerusalem och Nils Holgersson kunde Selma Lagerlöf köpa tillbaka Mårbacka. Då hon fått Nobelpriset köpte hon även tillbaka den jord och skog, som tillhört gården. Hon flyttade tillbaka till Mårbacka, där hon startade eget jordbruk med moderna idéer, där de anställda bl.a. fick pension och sjukförsäkring. I många år har Mårbacka besökts av ticipate in the many dances that were able to buy Mårbacka. After having många turister och litteraturvetare, bl.a. given in estates all over Värmland. Instead received the Nobel Prize she also bought flera Nobelpristagare. De har vittnat om she lived in her own world of fantasy read- the land and woods, which had once vad bl.a. Nils Holgerssons Resa betytt för ing all the books she could get a hold of. belonged to the farm. She moved back to dem. 1994 års Nobelpristagare, japanen She also loved to listen to fairy-tales and Mårbacka where she started a modern Kenzaburo Oe, lärde sig den till och med myths about things having happened in farm with new ideas, where those utantill. Värmland long ago. Rather early she employed received pensions and health Men Mårbacka blev hennes ålderdoms began to dream of writing books herself, insurances. både glädje och plåga, det kostade så using some of the fantastic stories she had For many years lots of tourists and peo- mycket pengar. Sedan hon fått Nobelpriset heard. ple interested in literature, i.e. Nobel Prize fick hon också tiggarbrev från hela When Selma Lagerlöf was 23 she Winners, have visited Mårbacka. They världen, och hon skänkte mera till behö- moved to Stockholm where she studied to have declared what books like Nils vande än hon hade råd med. Trots det hade become a teacher. After having finished Holgersson has meant to them The Nobel hon alltid dåligt samvete. her studies she worked for ten years (1885 Prize Winner of 1994, Kenzaburo Oe, Från läsare och beundrare fick hon över – 1895) in Landskrona, a small town in Japanese, said he had even learnt it by 30.000 brev. Alla besök och uppvakt- southern Sweden. heart! ningar av körer, skolbarn, studenter och In 1890 she had sent her first five chap- Mårbacka, however, caused both hap- turister tröttade ut henne även om de också ters of The Story of Gösta Berling to a piness and pain in her old age, it cost too gladde henne. Selma Lagerlöf fick verkli- book writing competition given by Idun, a much money. After the Nobel Prize she gen uppleva att det inte bara är glädje med weekly paper, and she won first prize. The received letters from people all over the att vara rik och berömd. following year the rest of this novel of world begging for money, and she gave Submitted by: Gun Lith, SLKL Gösta Berling was published. It was a more money to poor people than she could Sverige great success, and after that she gave up afford. Nevertheless she always had a bad teaching and became a full time writer. conscience. Selma Lagerlöf One of her great novels is Jerusalem, From readers and admirers she received The Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf is relating to the true story about a group of over 30.000 letters. All visits by choirs, the first Swede and first woman who have people from Nås in Dalarna. For religious children, students and tourists made her ever received the Nobel Prize in literature, reasons they sold their farms and emigrat- happy but also tired. Selma Lagerlöf “in appreciation of the lofty idealism, ed to the Holy Land to live while waiting indeed experienced that it isn’t only happi- vivid imagination and spiritual perception for the return of the Kingdom of the Lord. ness to be rich and famous. that characterize her writings.” The year Selma Lagerlöf herself made a journey to Selma Lagerlöf has written about 30 was 1909, and in 1914 she was an elected Jerusalem visiting the ‘dala colony’ to be books, many of them have been translated member of the Swedish Academy, the first able to write her novel. While working into about 50 languages. Some of her woman ever. with the novel she was asked to write a books that are translated into English are: Selma Lagerlöf was born on the farm geography book for children around 10 Gösta Berlings saga. of Mårbacka in Värmland, and where she years of age. At first she hesitated but The Story of Gösta Berling also died in 1940, 82 years old. needing money she promised to do so. Her Jerusalem I och II Many Swedes still “meet” her almost father had died and her home, Mårbacka, Jerusalem I och II every day as the Swedish 20 kronor ban- had been sold because of mismanagement. Nils Holgerssons underbara resa knote features a portrait of Selma Selma Lagerlöf’s greatest goal was from The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. Lagerlöf. It also has a short text from the that day to try to buy her home back. As Kejsaren av Portugallien beginning of Gösta Berling’s Saga and an she was writing this schoolbook for The Emperor of Portugallia illustration to The Wonderful Adventures Swedish children she didn’t think it would Löwensköldska ringen of Nils; two of her best known books. be sold much abroad, but in fact The The Löwensköld Ring In a way Selma Lagerlöf’s childhood Wonderful Adventures of Nils became Osynliga länkar wasn’t very happy. From birth she was world-famous. Like so many other of her Invisible Links handicapped, having one leg shorter than books it has been filmed too. Submitted by: Gun Lith, the other. She couldn’t be out playing with After her successful books Jerusalem GLCD Sweden other children, nor could she later on par- and Nils Holgersson, Selma Lagerlöf was Picture by: Gunnar Lith

Vasa Star January-February 2008 Page 29 BOOK REVIEW Anna from the dark waters of the North able at the Midwest Writing Center, at Atlantic and is responsible for corroborat- area bookstores and on Amazon.com. Source: The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois, ing her mistaken identity after the Review by correspondent Julie Jensen. disaster. About the author The cover was created by Ms. Lilly Setterdahl is the author or co- Setterdahl’s 12th Book Setterdahl’s daughter-in-law, Cecilia author of eleven books of nonfiction, and a History-Maker Svensson Setterdahl, who creates and numerous research articles dealing with sells her art in Neuchatel, Switzerland. the history and experiences of Swedish It’s a dramatic image of the severely tilt- immigrants. Her major book titles are: ed ship in the distance and a beautiful girl Swedes in Moline, Illinois (2003), afloat on the dark water in the fore- Minnesota Swedes, two volumes (1996 ground. and 1999), Rockford Swedes (co-authored The 279-page paperback is handsome, 1993), and A Century of Song (1992). proving that truly professional book pro- She has chronicled her travels with her duction is available in the Quad-Cities. husband, Lennart Setterdahl, from coast Tim Kilfoy from Fidlar Printing to coast in the United States, parts of Company said they co-sponsored the con- Canada, and Sydney, Australia, in search test because “We are trying to get the of Swedish-American archival material word out that with today’s technologies, and oral histories, resulting in the book I anyone can get their book in print for a Emigranternas spår: Människor vi mött, very reasonable price.” 1959-1995, which was published in The story opens with these stark Sweden in 2002. On her frequent trips to words, “The bodies, clad in lifejackets, Sweden, she is often asked to give pre- bounced like corks on the calm but bone- sentations about her own and her hus- chilling waters of the North Atlantic.” band’s work. The first character encountered in In 1989, Kvällsstunden, Västerås, Roberto, the Italian lifeguard who is the Sweden, published her first historical The release of “Maiden of the sweetheart of Lydia Addison, Anna’s novel, Banbrytaren, (The Trailblazer) as Titanic,” a novel by Lilly Setterdahl of employer. He recognizes and rescues a serial novel. She has also authored chil- East Moline, IL, involves several firsts. It Anna. When he discovers that she has dren’s stories, and is working on a cre- is the first novel published by the been identified as Lydia, probably ative nonfiction manuscript, “Growing up Midwest Writing Center, and Ms. because she was wearing clothes given to in Sweden.” Setterdahl said, “Possibly, I’m the first her by her mistress, he decides it would Lilly is a native of Sweden and an Swedish immigrant woman to have be best for both of them to let that mis- American Citizen. She came to the authored a published novel in English.” taken identity stand. United States with her family in 1959, This is not her first book, however. Anna is taken to the Addison family settling at first in Cleveland, Ohio. In It’s her 12th. The others document the mansion in Boston. As she very gradually 1971, the family relocated to East history of Swedish immigrants and settle- comes out of her coma, she is thought to Moline, Illinois, where Lilly still resides. ments in the U.S., and she published a be Lydia, and she plays the part well, her In 2003, Lilly was recognized by the historical novel in Sweden as a serial in real life buried in fragments of dreams. city of Moline with a plaque and a desig- 1988. The butler recognizes her as Anna but nated “The Lilly Setterdahl Day” In the fall of 2006 she attended a keeps that knowledge to himself. (September 9). She has been honored novel-writing workshop taught by She had met John Whitmore on the with awards from the Royal Gustav Michael Romkey at the Midwest Writing trip to the Mediterranean with the Adolf Academy, the Swedish Emigrant Center. The work of participants in Addisons, and she rediscovers him by Institute, the National Swedish Historical “Building a Novel” was judged, and Ms. reading her own diary. She goes to the Society, the Swedish-America Day com- Setterdahl’s manuscript won. The prize Cunard pier in New York to meet his mittee (Hans Mattson plaque), the Trolle- was publication by the Midwest Writing returning ship, sees him kissing an attrac- Ljungby community, and others. Center and production by Fidlar Printing tive young woman, and is heartsick. Lilly has three sons and six grandchil- Company. Wandering in the harbor area, she gets dren, living in three different countries, She chose a fascinating subject – the lost and is robbed. Switzerland, Norway, and the United sinking of the Titanic and its aftermath – Later, she learns the young woman States. writing the story of Anna, a Swedish- was John’s sister, and the love affair Lilly Setterdahl is a member and offi- American lady’s maid traveling with a intensifies. cer of Nobel Lodge #288 and Vasa mem- high-society family from Boston on the It’s easy to have empathy with Anna ber since 1961 when her late husband and liner’s maiden voyage. When the ship and root for her to “live happily ever I joined Nobel Lodge #130 in Cleveland, sinks in the early hours of April 15, 1912, after.” Ohio. an Italian lifeguard rescues the comatose The $11.95 paperback book is avail- Submitted by: Lilly Setterdahl

Page 30 Vasa Star January-February 2008 Treasurer. Married to Chester Orcutt for over 50 years. attended and taught at Purdue University as well as Colorado Survived by son Richard, 2 granddaughters, and many nieces A&M. He is the founder of Dynamic Component Sales, and and nephews. retired in 1985. He was active at Shreiber Memorial Methodist Church. In Memoriam FLORIDA Till minne av hädangångna CECELIA NILSSON passed away on September 3, 2007. She WASHINGTON was born May 31, 1919. She transferred from Linne Lodge DOROTHY DAVIS, a lifetime resident of Hoquiam, WA, ordenssyskon genom vilkas #153 to Holiday Lodge #699 on January 2, 1984. She is sur- passed away on July 11, 2007, at the age of 92. Dorothy was a vived by her husband of 57 years, Carl E. Nilsson, brother teacher from 1940 until she retired in 1974. To honor Dorothy’s bortgång syskonkretsen gjort Edmond Climan of Belgium, 3 brothers-in-law, several nieces services the Hoquiam School District established the Dorothy en kännbar förlust and nephews. Davis Award, given to outstanding female athletes. She is sur- vived by a son, a daughter, and 3 grandchildren. In memory of our departed ILLINOIS EDA L. BERG, 87, passed away on March 19, 2007. She was ESTER “ESSIE” M. KREBS passed away on October 9, members who will be born on November 25, 1919. She joined Nobel Lodge #288 in 2007. She was born on June 19, 1934, in Turku, Finland. She sorely missed May of 1954. Services were held on March 23, 2007, and burial worked in pharmacy, a teacher of foreign languages, a free at Chippiannock Cemetery, Rock Island. lance interpreter and translator. Her beloved husband and friend, Abe, passed away in December, 2001. She is survived by 2 sis- ERNEST HAROLD GRANHOLM, 96, passed away on April ters and a brother, all in Finland. She was a member of Vasa ARIZONA 10, 2007. He was born December 20, 1911, in Moline, IL. He Lodge #550 in Olympia, WA. She will be greatly missed. ERIK JOHANSSON, a founding member of Tucson Lodge joined Nobel Lodge #288 in May of 1987. Services were at #691, passed away on July 27, 2007, in Tucson. Erik was born Trinity Lutheran Church and burial at National Cemetery, Rock MARY R. KRISTROM, a lifetime resident of Hoquiam, WA, in Helsingborg, Sweden, on January 10, 1921, and began his Island Arsenal Island. passed away on October 11, 2006, at the age of 94. She owned working life with the Swedish Merchant Marine. After settling her own restaurant in the 1950s until health problems forced her in Tucson he became part owner of a barber shop. He was pre- ANDERS JOHANSSON, 83, of New Port Richie, FL, died to sell. She will be remembered for her unconditional love and ceded in death by his wife Jean. peacefully in his sleep on May 17, 2007. Anders was born in total devotion to her family. Mary is survived by a daughter, Tranås, Sweden. He is survived by daughters Phoebe Smith and daughter-in-law, 5 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. JOHN OSTROM, member of Tucson Lodge #691, passed Tina Megarry, grandchildren and companion Mona Brodin. away in Tucson, AZ, on October 17, 2007, at the age of 91. He GEORGE W. STOHL passed away on July 1, 2007, at the age was an Air Force veteran, born in Superior, WI, on September NEBRASKA of 95. He was a member of Vasa Lodge #550 in Olympia, WA. 20, 1915. He joined Tucson Lodge #691 on January 22, 2005. ELSIE ALBERTHA POLSON HOLMQUIST was born in He is survived by two daughters, Truene Smith and Georgia Höganäs, Sweden, June 28, 1908, and passed away on June 7, (Sale) Nelson and 5 grandchildren. CALIFORNIA 2007, at the age of 98 years. She was preceded in death by her ARLENE MARIAN ANKENEY passed away on September husband Clifton. Elsie is survived by her son and daughter-in- WALTER B. SUNDLING passed away on August 4, 2007, at 4, 2007. She was born on June 26, 1923, in Maddock, ND. She law, Gary and Dayle, step-grandson Tom Skahill and his wife Harbor View Medical Center. He was 75. Born in Michigan and lived in Auburn, CA. A member of Sierra Kronan Lodge #737. Heather, 3 great-granddaughters, 3 sisters, nieces, and nephews. raised in Raymond, WA. Walter joined the Navy and was a She is survived by 3 children, Linda, Chuck and Tom, numer- Elsie joined Omaha Lodge #330 on April 11, 1970. member of the Seabees. He was a union carpenter for 35 years. ous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She will be missed Walter was a member of the Eagles, VFW, and NRA. He is sur- by her loving family and her brothers and sisters of Sierra NEW JERSEY vived by his wife, 2 daughters, a son, and 3 grandchildren. Kronan Lodge #737. LORRAINE A. JOHNSON passed away on August 16, 2007, in Montclair, NJ, at the age of 78. She was born in Chester, PA, CANADA ELIZABETH OLIVIA CALBOW, 93, passed away on and was a member of Tryggve Lodge #88, along with her hus- ESTHER CHARLOTTE LOUISE ANDERSON passed on September 3, 2007. Born in New York of Swedish immigrants band Karl E. Johnson of Bloomfield, NJ. Lorraine is survived March 9, 2007 at the age of 87 years She was an active member on April 16, 1914, and a proud member of Vasa Order of by Karl, 2 daughters, Diane Johnson and Jane, and her husband of Vasa Lodge for over 50 years and set an Alberta provincial America. She follows her husband of 62 years, Chester, and sis- Bhrett. record for selling the most memberships in one year! She was ter, Eva Valumstad of Los Angeles, CA. She is survived by her born on the family farm at Box Springs, Alberta to John sons, Gene of San Diego, CA, and Terry of Santa Barbara, CA, OHIO Frederick and Anna Sophia (Benson) Anderson who immigrat- daughter Karyn Benjamin of Santa Barbara, CA, 5 grandchil- MARIE J. ANDERSON (nee ANDERSON), age 95, died ed to Canada in 1910 from Pennsylvania. Her lifelong sales dren and 3 great-grandchildren. An active member of Northern October 29, 2007, in Jamestown, PA. Beloved wife of the late career started in Medicine Hat, AB where she sold jewelry at Light Lodge #620 transferred from Riverside, CA, several years William Edmund. Cherished daughter of the late John and Anna Woolworth’s. During a time when women were not accepted ago, became most active, shortly showing her special love for us Anderson. Loving sister of the late Einar Anderson. Fond aunt into the “man's world of sales,” Esther moved to Calgary, AB all. She is truly missed. of Diane Cieslo (husband Joseph), Steve Anderson, and Susan where she sold newspaper display advertising and then life Howe. Marie was born on October 17, 1912, and joined Nobel- insurance. She transferred into public relations, orchestrating ELIZABETH HAGLUND CORT, born on June 5, 1923, in Monitor Lodge #130 on October 9, 1983. the opening of the Holiday Inn & Sheraton Hotel. Returning to Wakefield, MI, passed away on October 26, 2007, in Sonoma, Medicine Hat in 1970 to look after her mother, Esther broke CA. A distinguished career as a naval officer in the U.S. Public SARAH CANNON passed away on October 23, 2007, in another barrier becoming a manufacturer's rep; her territory cov- Health Service included serving as an assistant to the U.S. Youngstown, OH. She was born in Struthers, OH, on ering the three western provinces. Esther's motto was, “Live Surgeon General in Washington, DC, for 10 years, after which November 29, 1921, and was initiated into Harmony Lodge life to the fullest and give back where you can.” She enjoyed she retired with rank of Rear Admiral in 1985. She moved to #465 on May 10, 1952. Her husband, John Cannon, whom she entertaining, gardening, dancing and modeling. Her daughter Santa Rosa, CA, in 1986 and in 1995 joined Linnea Lodge married on May 17, 1941, preceded her in death on December Carol Ann Ross, Medicine Hat and seven stepchildren survive #504, Petaluma, CA. Surviving are her husband, Owen Cort, 5, 1980. She is survived by 3 children, Nancy Williamson, her. sister Nancy (Tom) Beber, step-daughter Cynthia (Dr. Lowell) Charlene Dobran and John Cannon, 12 grandchildren and 17 Nickel, step-grandsons Alex and Scott, special relative Louis great-grandchildren. SIDNEY (SID) HANSON, born October 5, 1945, in Bordeaux, many nephews, nieces, and grand-nieces. Saskatchewan, Canada, passed away in Winnipeg on November RUTH E. (nee OLSON) CARLSON, age 96, of Euclid, OH, 3, 2007, at age 62, after a short illness. Sid was initiated into HARLAN R. HANSEN passed away in Boise, ID, on June 10, passed away on October 6, 2007. She was born on January 8, Lodge Strindberg #259, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, in 1984 2007, at the age of 84 years. He was born on December 13, 1911, in Sweden. Survivors are her grandchildren, Jennifer, and was very active in the Swedish community. 1922, in Tracy, MN, and was initiated into Mayflower Lodge Billy, and Andrew Carlson. Ruth was preceded in death by her #445 on October 18, 1973. He received his Life Membership on husband, Herman, and sons David and William. She joined SWEDEN May 1, 1994, and 25-year pin in 1999. Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on February 13, 1983. HANS-OLOF SODERSTROM of Eskilstuna, Sweden, died October 18, 2007, after a short illness. He belonged to the Vasa HELEN HOFTEIG passed away on September 8, 2007, in OREGON Lodge in Eskilstuna #633. From 1973 Hans-Olof held many Thousand Oaks, CA. She was born on February 15, 1915, in JENNIE CARLSON was born in Clatskanie, OR, and passed positions in the Vasa Order in Sweden, also in 2006 represented Sterline, MN. Helen married Melvin Butzner in 1935. Melvin away on April 19, 2007. She joined Nobel Lodge on July 18, Sweden at the Grand Lodge Convention in San Diego, CA. He was killed in Belgium during World War II. Helen Married 1980. Jennie was proud of her Swedish heritage and attended got his engineering degree in 1955 and worked for 10 years Bjorn Hofteig on March 17, 1946. Helen became a Charter meetings whenever possible. She is survived by her cousin before he became a teacher until he retired in 2002. He visited Member of Oak Leaf Lodge #685 on September 29, 1968. She Rudy Larson. the U.S.A. many times and especially California, as he had rela- is survived by 4 sons and their wives, grandchildren and great- tives there. He leaves his wife Berit, 2 daughters, Katarina and grandchildren. RHODE ISLAND Kristina, 4 grandchildren, one brother and his 2 daughters. He R. LENNART JOHNSON passed away on November 11, was an outstanding person and will be missed very much by his RUTH “BABE” NELSON was born December 3, 1925, in 2007, at the age of 80. He was a 59-year member of Pioneer family and friends. Alameda, CA, and passed away on November 23, 2007, in Lodge #506. He is survived by his wife Millie, a daughter and 2 Reno, NV. She was a former member of Reno Lodge #711 and grandchildren. Tegner Lodge #149. A hard working and devoted member of the Vasa Order all her life. TEXAS EVELYN MARIE CARLSON passed away on November 3, WALTER H. NYLAND, passed away on October 22, 2007, at 2007. She was born on September 23, 1917, in Type, TX, near the age of 92. He was born on November 15, 1915, in Balboa Elgin. She was a Charter Member of Carl Widen Lodge #743, Island in southern California. He joined Tegner Lodge #149, joining on February 12, 1989.She is survived by her brother MEMORIAL NOTICES Oakland, CA, on February 5, 1975. He is survived by his wife Eric and wife Margery, nieces and nephews. should be mailed with check or money order to: of 56 years, Dorinda and 2 children, 4 grandchildren, and 3 Marie Carlson, 9560 Curberry Drive, Mentor, OH great-grandchildren. Walter was active in the lodge and he was JACK IRENUS GRONBERG passed away on December 14, 44060. The fee is $5.00 for six lines. All notices a Trustee for many years. He will be missed. 2007, after a brief illness. He was born to Swedish immigrant must be TYPED and written in a format similar to parents in Chicago on May 27, 1921. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Margaret Jane Stroud Gronberg and 5 children, 7 those in this column. MARY ANNA HANSON ORCUTT, born October 17, 1906, Longer memorials are charged at the rate of in Phoenix, AZ, died on October 25, 2007, in Arcadia, CA. grandchildren, and 2 step-grandchildren. He graduated from Member of Skandia Lodge #247 for 26 years. Served as SMU in 1944, served as an instructor during World War II, $8.00 per column inch. Feel like you’re missing out?

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DL Pennsylvania No. 9 is pleased to announce that it is

0 E hosting the Grand Lodge Convention in Washington D.C. 1 L 0 2 F a . in 2010. Please support F c by obtaining raffle tickets. i 0 C A r 0 . . 0 e 0 R 0 5 . D 7 0 m 1 3 0 5 N $ 2 Three annual raffles for cash will be N A 2 4 $ O d 4 O f r 6 I & 3 d T o r 7 held that close on July 3 of 2008, 2009 ; 3 - T 9 r 0 ; 9 G 0 N e 0 . 0 4 0 0 0 4 and 2010. Winners to be announced N E d . 2 5 0 n ) I r 7 n N , 0 o o 0 3 $ 5 i i 4 by Committee by September 15 each H O t t $ 4 S O d a a ( a y l n d n n 6 C s 2 , A u n o o year. Cash prize drawings increase a ; 2 d o 5 J d L 0 ; n W V : 0 0 0 i 4 . 0 r G s 0 0 0 0 i substantially each year. e . . . 3 G 0 0 0 W s 5 5 C R 2 o , 0 $ 2 A AS 1 0 $ n l , 1 N $ , e c 1 , l H : D $ T l . e t S I s : E L N l E 1 t T o  O f s :  G f 1 K D T : E T N  a 0  G O : C 1 I K C  E N R 9 ‹  0 ”  0 T C A • C D 2 – 0 I    O  . 2 1 T C T ” N ƒ  N 1 ͳ ™  V . 5 •– ‹  2 O T  ‰  E 0 ic ”‹ Ȅ  N 1 C ke ʹ œ‡ —  T 0 t, † ǣ Ž›  IO   $5 ͵ ”‹ ͵ǡʹ  N  .0 ”† œ‡ǣ ͲͲ  R CO 0 ”  ̈́ͷ ͺ   A N do ‹œ‡ ͲͲ FF TAC na ǣ̈́̈́ʹ LE T tio ͷͲ : n ͳ  Ell — ʹͷ N en 5 T  Tickets o. Ci  ic 12 rin ke Everyone eligible to 34 o, ts, will be inserted in the center of 56 (44 $2 0) 0.0 win each year 44 0 d March/April Issue of 9  on Ǧ76 at 44 ion The Vasa Star   each year Tickets will also be sent to each lodge