[email protected] Dear Karateka, We hereby invite you to participate in the XIX FSKA WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS that will be held from 26 to 29 October 2017 at the K2 Sports Centre, Pease Pottage Hill, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9BQ. By hosting this World Karate Championship, we hope to contribute to the further development of Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association and we welcome and encourage the attendance of many countries from all continents. We thank you in advance for your dedication and responses to
[email protected] Please take a look at the tournament website for further information and documents included in this pack. All information about the Championship, grading, rules, schedule and competition forms can be found on the WEBSITE: Should you have any questions or may need further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us. With our deepest respect and friendship, we look forward to seeing you in the United Kingdom. Yours in karate, Sensei Debi Steven Chief Instructor FSKA SW London 5th Dan Email:
[email protected] Registered Company: Funakoshi Limited Approved by: Grand Master Shihan Kenneth Funakoshi th (10 Dan WFSKA) Chief judge: Kyoshi José Chagas KPS Technical Director (7th Dan FSKA) Hosted by: Sensei Debra Steven Founder Director of Funakoshi Limited (5th Dan FSKA) XIX FSKA World Karate Shotokan Championship – Crawley 2017 XIX FSKA World Karate Shotokan Championship – Crawley 2017 About Crawley Situated halfway between London and Brighton, Crawley is at the heart of one of the most dynamic regions in the country. It offers all the energy and excitement of a thriving town set alongside the beautiful countryside of West Sussex.