Palestine <3a3ette

publisbeb authority

No. 10OO THURSDAY, 11 ™ APRIL, 1940 407

CONTENTS Page ORDINANCE CONFIRMED Confirmation of Ordinance No. 41 of 1939 - - -- - 409

GOVERNMENT NOTICES Obituary - - - - - 409 Appointments, etc. 409 Loss of Receipts and Licence Books from the District Commissioner's Offices, Gaza - 410 Loss of Unused Tithe Receipts from the District Offices, Ramie - - 410 Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - 410 Citation Orders ...... 415 Court Notices ------418 Notices of the Execution Offices, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Nablus - - - 418

RETURNS -Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - 426 Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year 1937/38 of the Municipality of 426־ - - - - - Tulkarm Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 31st March, 1938, of the Municipality of Tulkarm ------428 Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year 1938/39 of the Municipality of Tulkarm ... _ . . _ 429 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 31st March, 1939, of the Municipality of Tulkarm ------430 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - - 431



PRICE: 30 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Vesting Order No. 5 under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting certain Property in the Custodian of Enemy Property - 567 Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 4), 1940, under the Customs Tariff and ־ - Exemption Ordinance, 1937 569 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, appointing an Immigration Officer for the ־ - - Purposes of the said Ordinance - 570 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, terminating the Appointment of certain Im­ migration Officers ----- 57o Notice under the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925, cancelling a Palestinian Citizen­ 570־ - - - - - ־ ship Notice under the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925, revoking a Certificate of Natur­ alization ------Trades and Industries (Manufacture of Black Powder) llules, 1940, under the Trades and Industries (Regulation) Ordinance - 571 Local Councils (Kiryat Motzkin) Order, 1940, under the Local Councils Ordinance - 573 Ramat 6an (Demolition of Dangerous Buildings) By-laws, 1940, under the Local ־ ־ - Councils Ordinance - - - 590 ־ Notice of Grant of a Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance 592 Order No. 49 of 1940, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, amending Order No. 54 of 1939, published in Gazette No. 877 of 6fch April, 1939 - - - 593 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Tel Aviv and Bat Yam and Beersheba, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance - 593 Order No. 50 of 1940, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, revoking Orders Nos. 23, 46 and 52 of 1937, and including the Town Planning Areas declared by those ־ Orders in the Lydda District Regional Town Planning Area - 594 Notices of Commencement of Settlement of Rights to Land in certain Villages under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 595 Notices of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Localities, under the Land ־ - ־ Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 596) Notification under the Survey Ordinance, regarding the Preparation of Plans in certain Villages ------597 Defence (Amendment) Regulation (No. 2), 1940, under the Palestine (Defence) Order ־ - - ־ - - in Council, 1937 598 Customs Frontier (Amendment) Order (No. 2), 1940, under the Customs Frontier Ordinance 599 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1940, under ־ - - the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 600 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 409


The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 41 of 1939, entitled "Courts (Amendment) Ordinance, 1939".

J. S. MACPHERSON 5th April, 1940. Chief Secretary. (SF/27/85-W)

MR. H. C. HOLME, Assistant Public Informa­ OBITUARY. tion Officer, Secretariat, to act as Public In­ formation Officer, from the 5th to the 19th The High Commissioner announces with April, 1940, inclusive. regret the death on the 3rd April, 1940, of MR. H. A. M. DAVIES, Junior Assistant MR. D. A. FINLAYSON, Deputy Director, De­ Superintendent, Grade K, Department of partment of Customs, Excise and Trade, Surveys. to act as Director, Registrar of Business Names, Registrar of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, with effect from the 10th Ap­ APPOINTMENTS, ETC. ril, 1940, until further order.


The High Commissioner has appointed : — TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT.

MR. R. SCOTT, Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, The appointment of MR. R. M. GAMBLES, to be Clerk to the Advisory Council in ad­ Veterinary Research Officer, Grade H, Depart­ dition to his substantive duties, with effect ment of Agriculture and Fisheries, terminated from the 20th March, 1940. with effect from the 27th January, 1940, on transfer to . MR. C. W. WRIGHT, British Inspector, Grade M, Police Force and Prisons Service, to be Acting Assistant Superintendent of Police, Grade K, with effect from the 1st March, CORRIGENDA. 1940. The appointment of MR. D.C. MACGILLIVRAY, DR. D. MURRAY, to be Senior Medical Officer, M.B.E., Private Secretary to the High Com­ Grade F, Department of Health, with effect missioner, published in Palestine Gazette No. from the 4th March, 1940. 998 of the 4th April, 1940, as "Clerk to the Ex­ ecutive and Advisory Councils" should read "to be Clerk to the Executive Council in addi­ tion to his substantive duties, with effect from ACTING APPOINTMENTS. the 1st April, 1940." The High Commissioner has appointed: — The date of the termination of the appoint­ MRS. E. O'ROURKE, British Nursing Sister, ment of MR. R. SCOTT, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, to act as Super­ Secretariat, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1940״ ,intendent of Midwifery, with effect from the 998 of the 4th April, 1940, as "2nd April .1940״ ,26th March, 1940, until further order. should read "1st April


The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers: —

Vacation Leave granted Date of Name of Officer Appointment and Department inclusive of Departure Travelling Time

Days 1 MR. R. B. CRUSHER, O.B.E. Assistant Director of Surveys 136 1.4.40 / DR. D. BOULOS, M.B.E. Assistant Senior Medical Officer, * Health 12 1.4.40 DR. H. ABU RAHMEH, M.B.E. Assistant Senior Medical Officer, Health 30 1.4.40 MR. Y. ZUCKERMAN Magistrate, Judicial 30 1.4.40 / IBRAHIM EFF. A .F. TUQAN Sub-Director of Programmes, Posts and Telegraphs 30 6.4.40 MR. L. G. HOPKINS Senior Assistant Statistician, Office of Statistics 127 8.4.40 f AREF EFF. EL AREF, O.B.E. District Officer, Gaza District 17 13.4.40 410 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940


DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES, GAZA. It is hereby notified for general information that the following receipts and licence books were lost when the Governorate of Beersheba was set on fire during September, 1938.

Kind of Opening Closing Booh Number Number

F.32. Service draft 3651 3700 Unused part of book. F.32. Service draft 5201 5250 F.49. Revenue Tax Collectors Receipts 836166 836200 836859 836900 836949 837000 105001 105300 105501 105600 105801 106000 L.4. Licences to Import Firearms 1013 1050 L.6. Brokers Licences 4785 4800 L.7. Quarry Licences 815 825 L.8. Petition Writers Licences 3987 4000 L.14. Firearm Licences 45047 45050 50247 50250 50251 50300 L.19. Game Licences 1693 1700 F.55. General Receipt Books 85314 85350 86358 86400 86453 86500 86511 86550 86551 86600 85401 85500 85528 85550 S.13. Receipt Books Arabic 203801 204000 Sharia Court, Beersheba S.22. Marriage Certificates 57376 57550 60251 60375 Members of the public are requested to report to the nearest Finance Officer or to the Police in the event of these receipts being handed to them or traced by them. G. W. BELL (Gaz/29/40) Acting District Commissioner^ Gaza District,

NOTICE. For every tender a deposit of 10 per cent, of the value of the tender, in cash, or a bank-guar• DISTRICT OFFICES, RAMLE. antee for 3 months, is to be placed with the Mu• The foils and counterfoils of unused tithe re• nicipality. No tender will be taken into con• ceipts Nos. 8821—8900 have been lost by the sideration without a deposit. • Mukhtar of El-Qubab village, Ramie Sub-Dis• The Municipal Corporation do not bind them• trict• selves to accept the highest or any tender. The public are warned that they should re• port immediately to the District Officer, Ramie, I. ROKACH if any of the above receipts has been issued to Mayor of Tel Aviv. them or if any is in future tendered to them. (Gaz/43/40)

J. J. GHANDOUR for District Officer, Ramie. II. 27th March, 1940. (Gaz/12/40) MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TEL AVIV. Tender (Supplement).

TENDERS. The Municipal Corporation of Tel Aviv here• I. by inform that the date for the submission of tenders for the erection of a bus station at Tel MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TEL AVIV. Aviv, has been postponed up to noon of the 21st Tenders are hereby invited from those inter• of April, 1940. ested in hiring the cellar beneath the courtyard I. ROKACH of the Wholesale Market, situated between Chle- Mayor of Tel Aviv. nov, Merkaz Mishari and Wolfson Streets. (Gaz/43/40) Details may be obtained at the offices of the Municipal Engineer, 1st floor, 14, Deborah Ha- nviah Street, against payment of £P.0.500 and a ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. deposit of £P. 1.000 (to be refunded). 1. The contract for supplying 600 metres cube The tenders, in plain sealed envelopes, are to of crushed stone, 2 cms. size (foulieh), for sec• be put in the tender-box of the Town Clerk's De• tion from Km. 69.730 to Km. 79.730 of the Maj- partment not later than noon, April 21st, 1940. dal—Beit Jibrin road has been awarded to MR. 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 411

MOHAMED HAFEZ IRQAIQ of Gaza at 37% above Frontier road has been awarded to MR. MO• P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is HAMMED IBRAHIM SHEIK of at 16.6% 30 days. below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of con• tract is 15 days. 2. The contract for resurfacing section from Km. 68 to Km. 69 of the Hebron—Beersheba 7. The contract for the supply of broken stones road has been awarded to MR. ABDALLAH OSS- stacked at road side of section from Km. 160.800 MAN of Jerusalem at 31|% below P.W.D. estim• to Km. 161.800 of the Auja el Hafir—Sinai ate rates. Period of contract is 25 roller work• Frontier road has been awarded to THE NA• ing days. TIONAL CONTRACTING AND UNDERTAKING CO. LTD. of Gaza at 13^% above P.W.D. estimate rates. 3. The contract for resurfacing section from Period of contract is 15 days. Km. 68 to Km. 69 of the Hebron—Beersheba 8. The contract for the supply of broken stones road has been awarded to MR. HILMI AREF stacked at road side of section from Km. 161.800 SALUS of Majdal at 16% below P.W.D. estimate to Km. 162.800 of the Auja el Hafir—Sinai rates. Period of contract is 25 roller working Frontier road has been awarded to MR. SALEH days. SHARABASI of Beersheba at 6% below P-W.D. 4. The contract for resurfacing section from estimate rates. Period of contract is 15 days. Km. 69 to Km. 70 of the Hebron—Beersheba 9. The contract for the supply of broken stones road has been awarded to MR. KANDIL ABU stacked at road side of section from Km. 162.800 SHAABAN of Gaza at 16.25% below P.W.D. estim• to Km. 163.800 of the Auja el Hafir—Sinai ate rates. Period of contract is 25 roller work• Frontier road has been awarded to MR. MO• ing days. HAMED IBRAHIM SHEIK of Jerusalem at 16.6% 5. The contract for the supply of soling and below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of con• metal for sections from Km. 90.600 to Km. 90.900 tract is 15 days. and from Km. 92.500 to Km. 93.000 of the Beer• 10. The contract for the supply of broken sheba—Auja el Hafir road has been awarded stones stacked at road side of section from to MR. KANDIL ABU SHAABAN of Gaza at 5% Km. 163.800 to Km. 164.800 of the Auja el above P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of con• Hafir—Sinai Frontier road has been awarded tract is 15 days. to THE NATIONAL CONTRACTING AND UNDERTAKING 6. The contract for the supply of broken stones Co. LTD. of Gaza at 13|% above P.W.D. estim• stacked at road side of section from Km. 159.800 ate rates. Period of contract is 15 days. to Km. 160.800 of the Auja el Hafir—Sinai (Gaz/15/40)

ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. RATIONS, Prisons, Lock-Ups, Jail Labour Companies, British Police, Palestinian Recruits and German Perimeter Settlements, contract for:— 1st April, 1940, to 30th September, 1940. The contracts for the supply of perishable and non-perishable foodstuffs, flour and daily rations to the above formations for the period 1st April, 1940, to the 30th September, 1940, have been awarded as under at the rates quoted in the attached schedules: —

'A" FOODSTUFFS. Establishment Awarded to Central Prison, Jerusalem Female Prison, Bethlehem Boys Reformatory Schools, MURAD, DAJANI AND BUDEIRI Acre, Jerusalem and Bethlehem Detention Camp, Bethlehem Central Prison, Acre Farm Labour Co., Acre MURAD, DAJANI AND BUDEIRI J ail Labour Company No. 1 MOHD. SALIM EL DADOU Jail Labour Company, No. 2 MURAD, DAJANI AND BUDEIRI Clearance Camp, Athlit MAHMOUD FEIDI Detention Camp, Sarafand BISHARA KAKUNDA


All prisons and Jail Labour companies IBRAHIM HAKKI

'C" LOCK-UPS. All lock-ups with the exception of Ramie ABDEL KARIM SHAHIN Ramie lock-up BISHARA KAKUNDA "D" BRITISH POLICE. Daily rations to British police (for 12 months as from 1st April, 1940) SPINNEY'S LTD.

"E" PALESTINIAN RECRUITS. Daily rations to Palestinian recruits KHALIL KANDALAFT


Daily rations to German Perimeter settlements MURAD, DAJANI AND BUDEIRI 412 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940


Boys Re­ Central formatory Female Clearance Detention Central Prison,Acre, J.L.C. J.L C. Schools, Prison, Camp, Camp, ARTICLES Prison, Farm No. 1, No. 2, Acre, Bethlehem Athlit Sarafand Jerusalem Labour Co., Tulkarm Athlit Jerusalem & Acre Bethlehem

Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils

Bread European _ 11 15 13.5 15.5

Bread Native 8 11 11 12 11.5

Rice (Egyptian) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 8־ Whole Lentils 8 8 8 8 8 12 8

Crushed Lentils 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 13

Humous 9 9 8 9 9 9 10 10

10 Lubia 13 15 9 14 15 15 12

8 Ful 8 8 5 8 8 8 8

10 Burghul (whole) 10 9 8 9 9 9 11

12 Burghul (crushed) 11 10 10 10 10 10 12

5 Onions 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

10 Garlic (Tomeh) 25 25 10 25 25 25 15

8.5 Potatoes 12 12 8• 12 12 12 12

18 Olives 25 25 19 25 25 25 30

50 Olive Oil, or j 60 58 50 60 60 60 62

50 Sesame Oil (Sirij)' 60 60 35 50 — -— 60

6 Salt 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

10 Ducca 15 15 .10 15 — 15 10

40 Pepper 90 90 35 90 90 90 30

120 Samneh (Pure Local) 120 120 90 — 120 — 130

50 Vegetaline — — 40 — — — 75

Margarine — 80 10 — — — 65 85

210 Tea 250 250 90 — 250 250 170

85 Coffee — 80 50 — — — 70

35 Halawa 40 38 30 38 40 40 38

24 Sugar 28 28 22 28 28 28 27

32 Tahini 40 40 35 40 40 40 42

10 Dried Figs 9 9 6 9 9 9 10

18 Dates 15 15 6 15 15 15 14

24 Dibs, Damas 25 25 18 25 25 25 25

25 Local Jam 40 40 18 40 40 40 25

10 Vinegar 10 10 10 ' 10 10 10 20 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 413


Boys Re• Central formatory Detention Central Prison,Acre, J.L.C. J.L.C. Schools, Female Clearance ARTICLES Prison, Farm No. 1, No. 2, Prison, Camp, Camp, Acre, Sarafand Jerusalem Labour Co., Tulkarm Athlit Jerusalem & Bethlehem Athlit 1 Acre Bethlehem

Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Per kilo Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils

Cammon 80 80 15 80 80 80 30 40

Molokhia Dry 80 30 15 30 30 30 30 18

Soda Bi-carbonate 20 20 14 20 20 20 20 15

Coriander (Kuzbara) 10 10 14 10 10 10 10 15

Cayenne Pepper 120 120 5 120 120 120 40 40

Shatta 100 100 15 100 100 100 40 50

Yeast 120 120 10 120 120 120 80 100

Oranges per 100 50 70 50 60 60 60 100 60

Water Melons per ton 3.000 3.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 8.000 2.750

Cucumbers pickled 15 15 10 15 15 15 12 10

Turnips 15 1J5 10 15 15 15 12 10

Tomato Juice 40 40 25 40 40 40 30 40


Beef (without bone) 76 55 50 60 70 70 60 55

Beef (with bone) 65 50 40 55 65 65 50 50

Mutton (without bone) 55 70 65 60 55 55 70 55

Mutton (with bone) 50 60 55 55 50 50 60 50

MeatKasher (without bone) 130 130 90 130 130 130 110 100

Fresh Milk 15 13 15 13 15 15 12 15

Sour Milk (Laban) 15 13 15 18 15 15 12 15

Cheese (Native) 50 50 50 55 50 50 65 50

Labaneh in Oil 40 40 40 40 40 40 26 85

Fresh Vegetables 6 5 5 6 6 6 8 5

Fruits 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 7

Lemon salts 200 200 90 — 200 200 170 120

Lemons 10 10 5 10 — 10 8 10

Condensed Tomato Juice 100 — 30 — 100 100 100 60

Eggs (each) 3 3 2.5 — — — 3 3

Ice 8 3 1.5 — — — 3 2

Butter 250 250 80 — — 160 240 414 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

The contracts for the supply of daily rations to Lock-Ups in Palestine and flour to all Prisons and Jail Labour Companies for the period 1st April, 1940, to 80th September, 1940, have been awarded as under.


Cooked (per ration) Uncooked (per ration)

Name of Lock-Up

Contractor Mil k Mil k Kashe r Kashe r pe r kil o pe r kil o Season Ordinar y Specia l an d Specia l an d Har d Labou r Har d Labou r | Ordinar y

Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils

(A) All lock-ups other Summer 17 25 38 16 25 38 15 than those detailed ABDEL KARIM under "B" and ״EFF. SHAHIN "C

(B) , Summer 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 Ziehron Ya'aqov, ABDEL KARIM Metulla, EFF. SHAHIN Tel Aviv, Hadera, Et Tira, Shefa 'AIM, Khalsa, Bamallah, Qaryat el Inab

(C) Ramie Summer 19 31 35 16 16 28 80 15 BISHARA EFF. KAKUNDA


Central Boys Re­ formatory Central Prison, J. L. C. J. L. C. Schools, Female Clearance Prison, Acre, Farm No. 1, No. 2, Acre, Prison, Camp, Name of Jerusalem Labour, Tulkarm Athlit Jerusalem Bethlehem Athlit Articles and Contractor Acre Bethlehem

Per ton Per ton Per ton Per ton Per ton Per ton Per ton LP. Mils LP. Mils LP. Mils LP. Mils LP. Mils LP. Mils LP. Mils

IBRAHIM EFF. Flour Native 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.600

HAKKI Flour European 16.— 16.— 16.— 16.— 16.— 16.— 16 — 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 415

The contract for the supply of daily rations to the British police in Palestine for the period 1st April, 1940, to the 31st March, 1941, has been awarded to MESSRS. SPINNEY'S LTD., Haifa, at the following rates : —

From 1st April, 1940, to Z\st October, 1940. From 1st November, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.

(a) £P.0.125 mils per ration supplied at con• (a) £P.0.127 mils per ration supplied at con• tractors' stores, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv tractors' stores, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. and Haifa.

(b) £P.0.127 mils per ration supplied at police (b) £P.0.129 mils per ration supplied at police billets, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and billets, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Haifa.

(c) £P.0.135 mils per ration delivered to any (c) £P.0.137 mils per ration delivered at any railway station in Palestine other than at railway station in Palestine other than at those places mentioned in (a) and (b) and those places mentioned in (a) and (b) and to include:— Bethlehem, Enab, Motza, to inculde:—Bethlehem, Enab, Motza, Artuf, Ramallah, Hebron, Kiryat Haim, Artuf, Ramallah, Hebron, Kiryat Haim, Yajour, Zichron Ya'aqov, Neuhardoff, Yajour, Zichron Ya'aqov, Neuhardoff, Hadera, Athlit, , Sarona, Petah Hadera, Athlit, Ramat Gan, Sarona, Petah Tiqva, Ramie, Lydda, Rehovot, Qatra, Beit Tiqva, Ramie, Lydda, Rehovot, Qatra, Beit Dajan, Ness Ziona, Rishon, , Dajan, Ness Ziona, Rishon, Nazareth, Nahalal, Affula, , Samakh, Beisan, Nahalal, Affula, Tiberias, Samakh, Beisan, Shutta, Safad, Rosh Pina, Acre, Nablus, Shutta, Safad, Rosh Pina, Acre, Nablus, Lubban, Tulkarm, Khirbet Beit Lid, Jenin, Lubban, Tulkarm, Khirbet Beit Lid, Jenin, Gaza, Beersheba. Gaza, Beersheba.

(d) £P.0.150 mils per ration delivered to places (d) £P.0.152 mils per ration delivered at places other than those mentioned in (a), (b) and other than those mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above. (c) above.

(e) £P.0.155 mils per ration supplied in ice (e) £P.0.157 mils per ration supplied in ice chests to police posts in the Northern chests to police posts in the Northern Frontier district to exclude police posts in Frontier district to exclude police posts in Acre and Safad towns. Acre and Safad towns.

2. The authorised scale of daily rations to the British police in Palestine is as shown hereunder: —

(a) From 1st November to 31st March (Winter Period).

Frozen meat 12 ozs. daily Preserved meat 9 ozs. daily (Once per week in winter and twice per (in lieu) week in summer) Pickles 2 ozs. daily (when preserved meat is issued) Bread 16 ozs. daily Biscuits in lieu rations 12 ozs. daily (Once per month) Bacon 3 ozs. daily Condensed milk (Plumrose) 3 ozs. daily Jam l| ozs. daily Fresh vegetables 12 ozs. daily (50% to be green vegetables and sub• stituted by fresh fruit when in season) Potatoes 12 ozs. daily Sugar 4 ozs. daily Tea ^ oz. daily Salt \ oz. daily Pepper 1/100 oz. daily Mustard 1/100 oz. daily Dried fruits 2 ozs. daily (4 times a week) Flour 2 ozs. daily (2 times a week) Baking powder 1/13—1/15 oz. daily (2 times a week) Butter (Australian) 1 oz. daily Margarine 1 oz. daily Cheese (English) 2 ozs. daily Oatmeal 8 ozs. weekly

(b) From 1st April, to 31st October (Summer Period).

The scale will be as above with the omission of the following item: -

Oatmeal 8 ozs. weekly 416 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

3. The schedule of items in ration scales for which alternatives may be drawn is shown below: —

Items as -per Contract Quant it!/ A Iter natives and Quantities.

Meat (fresh) 12 ozs. daily 16 ozs. beef=l tin (12 ozs.) corned beef or 12 ozs. mutton 1 day per week, or 8 ozs. pork 1 day per week (according to season) or 12 ozs. filet cod 1 day per week, or 8 ozs. minced beef Bread 16 ozs. daily 16 ozs. bread = 16 ozs. potatoes or 14 ozs. flour Biscuits 12 ozs. daily 12 ozs. biscuits = 16 ozs. bread Once monthly in lieu of bread-

Bacon sliced 3 ozs. daily 16 ozs. bacon = 12 ozs. sliced ham cooked or 24 ozs. beef sausages or 16 ozs. pork sausages fresh, or 24 ozs. kippers or 16 ozs. haddock Dried fruit 2 ozs. 4 times a In place of the dried fruits specified in the week ration one third of the quantity of imported dried apricots or apples.

4• A free issue of ice during the summer period is authorised by Government and is included in the British police ration contract at the following rates: — At 15 mils per unit of 14 lbs. delivered to police billets in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. At 22 mils per unit of 14 lbs. delivered with rations elsewhere in Palestine. 5. The contract for the supply of daily rations to the German Perimeter Settlements for the period 1st April, 1940, to 30th September, 1940, has been awarded to MESSRS. MURAD, DAJANI and BUDEIRI at 40 mils per uncooked ration.

6. The contract for the supply of daily rations to the Palestinian Recruits at the Police Depot, Jerusalem, for the period 1st April, 1940, to 30th September, 1940, has been awarded to MR. KHALII KANDALAFT at the following prices : Ordinary cooked rations 65 mils per ration Kasher cooked rations 75 mils per ration.

CITATIONS. to HAYA RACHEL DANKNER of Petah Tiqva, de• ceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court, Tel Aviv, on the I. 22nd day of April, 1940, at 9 a.m.

IN THE DISTEICT COUBT OV TEL AVIV. I All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Estate Case Wo. 200/39. order will be made as to the Court seeins right.

In the matter of the succession of HAYA RACHEL I DANKNER of Petah Tiqva, deceased. I Z. HARAKABI Registrar, Petitioner: MR. MOSHE DANKNER of Petahj District Court, Tel Aviv. Tiqva. (Gaz/18/40)

Let all persons take notice that MR. MOSHE j DANKNER has applied to the District Court at j Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 417

II. hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of MOSHE NEUMAN, also known as IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. MOSES and as MOSHE BEN ELIYAHU NEUMAN, iPr. 39/40. deceased, should not be proved, approved, and registered and probate thereof granted to In the matter of SHMUEL KIESHENBAUM of Tel CHIEF RABBI JOSEPH ZVI DUSHINSKY, MR. JACOB Aviv, deceased. BEN ZVI NEUMAN and JOSEPH HAIM KLEIN, named therein, as, in default thereof, the Petitioners: SARA GITL SKALETZKY and MOSHE Court will proceed to grant the same accord• YEHUDA KIRSHENBAUM of Tel Aviv. ingly.

Let all persons take notice that SARA GITL Dated this 31st day of March, 1940. SKALETZKY and MOSHE YEHUDA KIRSHENBAUM have applied to the District Court sitting at A. NASR Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession Registrar, to SHMUEL KIRSHENBAUM of Tel Aviv, District Court, Jerusalem. deceased, and that the said application will (Gaz/39/40) be heard at the District Court sitting at Tel Aviv, on the 21st day of April, 1940, at 9 a.m.

All persons claiming any interest must ap• II. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM.

Dated this 7th day of April, 1940. In the matter of ABRAHAM LEIB ATKIN, deceased.

Z. HARAKABI In virtue of an order of the District Court of Registrar, Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby District Court, Tel Aviv. cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in 10 days from the date hereof, (Gaz/18/40) and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of ABRAHAM-LEIB ATKIN, deceased, should not be proved, approved and registered, and probate thereof granted to MESSRS. HAYIM ATKIN and RABBI RAPHAEL KATZENELBOGEN, CITATION FOR AN ORDER OF GUARDIANSHIP. named therein, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accord• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALF A. ingly. Civil Case No. 62/40. Dated this 21st day of March, 1940. . In the matter of an appointment of a guardian. A. NASR In virtue of an order of the District Court Registrar, of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby District Court, •Jerusalem. cite all and all manner of persons to appear (Gaz/39/40) in the said Court on or before the 27th day of April, 1940, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they have, why petitioner SAID YOUSSEF NASER EL DIN of Kisra Village should not be appoint• ed as guardian over his grand-children NASER EL DIN, ALAM EL DIN, SAID, ISEID and BADER, III. the minor sons of NAJIB SAID YOUSSEF NASSER EL DIN, as, in default thereof, the Court will IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. proceed to grant the same accordingly. Probate Case No. 3/1940. J. I. HABIBY Registrar, In the matter of the will of ISKANDER IBN HANNA District Court, Haifa. EL SAIKALY OF LEBANON, deceased.

(Gaz/37/40) In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jaffa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in fifteen days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why the last will and codicil thereto of ISKANDER CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF PROBATE. IBN HANNA EL SAIKALY, deceased, should not be proved, approved and registered, and probate I. thereof granted to EMILE BEY BAGHOUS, MICHEL BEY MASSOUD and NICOLA EFF. ZREIK, named IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. therein, as, in default thereof, the Court will In the matter of MOSHE NEUMAN, also known proceed to grant the same accordingly. as MOSES and as MOSHE BEN ELIYAHU NEUMAN, deceased. K. SHEHADEH Registrar, In virtue of an order of the District Court District Court, Jaffa. of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby (Gaz/32/40) cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in 10 (ten) days from the date 418 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

COURT NOTICES. send by post to the above-named notice in wTrit- \ ing of his intention so to do. The notice must 1• state the name and address of the person, or, if IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. | a firm, the name and address of the firm, and ! must be signed by the person or firm or his or M. R, No. 323/39. | their advocate (if any), and must be served, or, In the matter of PALESTINE WINDOW GLASS if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time WORKS "PHOENICIA" LIMITED WITH RE­ to reach the above-named not later than one o'clock in the aflternoon of the 25th of April, CEIVER. and 1940. In the matter of the Companies Ordinance. ; (Gaz/37/40) Between: EXECUTION NOTICES. INDUSTRIAL and FINANCIAL CORPORATION OF PALESTINE LIMITED — Plaintiff. | I.

and ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. PALESTINE WINDOW GLASS WORKS "PHOENICIA" LIMITED — Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY BY AUCTION. NOTICE. In the matter of the execution proceedings in Notice is hereby given that DR. MAX KUS- file No. 7141/39. MIREK, the receiver appointed in this action by 1 order dated the 6th day of November, 1936, has Between: applied to this Court to be discharged without THE GENERAL MORTGAGE BANK OF PALES­ passing any further accounts and that the TINE LTD. — Mortgagees bond entered into by the INDUSTRIAL AND FINAN­ vs. CIAL CORPORATION OF PALESTINE LIMITED filed in JEHOSHUA GRINBERG and ZALMAN SHOSTER .le-Zion — Mortgagors־Civil Case No. 135/36 may be vacated and re­ of Rishon turned to him and that this Court will pro­ ceed to deal with the said application on the Notice is hereby given that an order has 26th day of April, 1940, at 9 a.m. or as soon been made under section 14 of the Land Trans­ thereafter as counsel can be heard and that all fer Ordinance (Cap. 81), by the President, Dis- persons concerned should attend this Court at I trict Court, Tel Aviv, for the sale of all the the said time, for otherwise the Court will pro­ rights and interests of the mortgagors in the ceed to deal with this matter as to it may seem I property described in the schedule hereto, in fit. | satisfaction of a mortgage described in the J. I. HABIBY ! schedule hereto in the sum of £P.550.— apart Registrar, from the costs and interest which are to be District Court, Haifa. added up to the final payment. I (Gaz/37/40) I The sale will be by auction and the property j will be exposed for sale on the conditions an- I nexed to the original of this notification which II. | may be seen in the Execution Office of this IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. | Court. ! Companies Winding-up No. 56 of 1940. | The sale will be of the immovable property In the matter of the Companies Ordinance, (or the interest therein) of the mortgagors as described in the schedule hereto and subject to and the burdens, limitations, etc.. attaching to the In the matter of the HAIFA REFRIGERATION said property. LTD. In the absence of any order of postponement, the sale will be held by the Execution Officer Notice is hereby given that a petition for the of the Execution Office of the above Court at winding-up of the above-named company by Tel Aviv, on Mondays, between 4 and 6 p.m., the District Court of Haifa was on the 28th and shall continue for a period of thirty days day of March, 1940, presented to the said Court from the date of publication hereof. by SOLEL BONEH LTD., through their attorney, MR. JACOB S. SHAPIRO, advocate. And that the In the event of the debt above specified and said petition is directed to be heard before the costs of the sale being tendered or paid before Court sitting at Haifa on the 26th day of the property is sold, the auction will be can- April, 1940; and any creditor or contributory 1 celled. The sale will be by auction and the of the said company desirous to support or op­ public are generally invited to bid either per- pose the making of an order on the said peti­ ! sonally or by duly authorised agents. tion may appear at the time of hearing by him­ self or his advocate for that purpose; and a No bid by or on behalf of the mortgagees copy of the petition will be furnished to any above-mentioned will be accepted, nor will any creditor or contributory of the said company sale to them be valid without the express per­ requiring the same by the undersigned on pay­ mission of the Chief Execution Officer or his ment of the regulated charge for the same. delegate previously given.

JACOB S. SHAPIRO i SCHEDULE. Advocate. i 1. Locality: Ein-Hakore Street, Rishon-le- Zion. NOTE : Any person who intends to appear on the 2. Class of property: Miri, Mewkufe, Wakf hearing of the said petition must serve on or | Sinan Pacha. 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 419

3. Description: Plot and a building con­ 16. The property is rented: The 2 floor house sisting of 2 floors and a factory of one is occupied by the proprietors. 2 rooms floor. The plot is situated on the west and the room close to the factory are ren­ side of the Rishon-le-Zion—Tel Aviv Road, ted, monthly rent: £P.4.150, no bills. near Nahlat Yehuda. 17. Remarks: Nil. 4. Names of registered owners: ZALMAN SHOSTER and JEHOSHUA GRINBERG in equal Z. HARAKABI shares. Registrar, 5. Details of •conveyance to registered owners: District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/35/40) By purchase. 6. Details of any incumbrances to which the property is liable: There is a second mortgage registered under No. 2608/36 cor­ II. rected by deed No. 4643/37 for £P.500.— IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE TEL AVIV. in favour of BANK KUPAT AM LTD. and a 3rd mortgage registered under No. 68/39 NOTICE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY BY ­in favour of the ANGLO-PAL —־.for £P.300 AUCTION. ESTINE BANK LTD. 7. Claims, if any, which have been put for­ In the matter of the execution proceedings in ward to the property and any other known file No. 11390/39. particulars bearing on its nature: Nil. Between: 8. Area of land: 2332 THE GENERAL MORTGAGE BANK OF PAL­ 9. Particulars of buildings: ESTINE LTD.— Mortgagees (1) A house of 2 floors constructed of rein­ vs. forced concrete,—walls of the ground JOSEF and SHOSHANA KNOPF of Petab floor are of bricks, those of the 1st floor Tiqva — Mortgagors. are of blocks—, roofed with tiles. The 2nd floor has an external open staircase. Notice is hereby given that an order has The area of building is 205 sq. ms. ap­ been made under section 14 of the Land Trans­ proximately. Each floor contains a flat fer Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President, of 3 rooms with a large hall, closed-ter­ District Court, Tel Aviv, for the sale of all race, kitchen, bathroom, water-closet and the rights and interests of the mortgagors in a large balcony. The flats are well equip­ the property described in the schedule hereto in ped, the kitchen and the bathroom are the sum of £P.685.—apart from the costs and covered with porcelain and have wall- interest which are to be added up to the final cupboards. There is also a plastered and payment. paved cellar—area 16 sq. ms. (2) Flagstones factory of one floor, consist­ The sale will be by auction and the property ing of different parts, built in succession will be exposed for sale on the conditions an­ and of different heights: nexed to the original of this notification which may be seen in the Execution Office of this (a) A hall constructed of reinforced Court. concrete, roofed with tiles, on which an­ other floor can be built—area 200, The sale will be of the immovable property together with water-closet and shower- (or the interest therein) of the mortgagor as room. described in the schedule hereto and subject to (b) A low hall of simple construction, the burdens, limitations, etc. attaching to the strong walls and tiled roof—area 31 said property. approximately. In the absence of any order of postponement, (c) Near the hall mentioned in item (6) the sale will be held by the Execution Officer there is a store roofed with waved tin, of the Execution Office of the above Court at wooden walls—area 18 sq. ms. Tel Aviv, on Mondays, between 4 and 6 p.m., (d) A long hall solidly constructed, with and shall continue for a period of thirty days a high tiled roof together with a small from the date of publication hereof. store; the area of the hall is 69 approximately. In the event of the debt above specified and (e) Close by the hall mentioned in item costs of the sale being tendered or paid before (d) there is a lower store 'L' shaped, the property is sold, the auction will be can­ partly constructed of wood and partly celled. The sale will be by auction and the an open space—:area 38 public are generally invited to bid either per­ (/) Dwelling room solidly built, tiled sonally or by duly authorised agents. roof—area 14 sq. ms. approximately. of buildings No bid by or on behalf of the mortgagees ־ Cesspools and canalisation 1—2 are in good condition. The halls above-mentioned will be accepted, nor will any have concrete floors. sale to them be valid without the express per­ mission of the Chief Execution Officer or his 10. Particulars as to trees: Nil. delegate previously given. 11. Block and Parcel Nos.: Block 3928, parcel 49, Rishon-le-Zion. SCHEDULE. 12. Title deed No. : Deed of mortgage No. 1. Locality: 49, Salant Street, Petah Tiqva. 4644/37 dated the 9th September, 1937. 2. Class of property:. Miri. 13. Shares: In whole. 3. Description: The property is situated on 14. Boundaries: Settled area. the east side of Salant Street in the 15. Value assessed: £P.1,665.— for the pur- southern area of Petah Tiqva. Road un- pose of payment of deposit. paved. Plot almost rectangular, front: 420 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

17.80 ms, and average depth 55.3 ms., fenced 11. Block and Parcel Eos. : Block No. 6397, by net and barbed wire from three sides Parcel No. 152, in Petah Tiqva. but open from the backside. i 12. Title Deeds Nos. : 4. Names of registered owners: JOSEF and | (1) Deed of mortgage No. 2593/34 dated SHOSHANA KNOPF in equal shares. i the 26th March, 1934, corrected by deed 5. Details of conveyance to registered, owner : j No. 6449/37 dated the 30th December, 1937. By partition. (2) Deed of additional mortgage No. 6. Details of any incumbrances to which the 1860/35 dated the 30th January, 1935, cor• property is liable: There is a second rected by deed No. 6450/37 dated the 30th mortgage in favour of "PINATI" HEVRA December, 1937. LEUMITH LEHISACHON UBINIAN LTD. for (3) Deed of additional mortgage No. £P.225.— registered under No. 1775/36, 756/36 dated the 4th August, 1936, cor- corrected by No. 1212/37. A second ad• | rected by deed No. 6451/37 dated the 30th ditional mortgage in favour of the above December, 1937. company for £P.125.— registered under (4) Deed of additional mortgage No. No. 4477/37. 6452/37 dated the 30th December, 1937. , 7. Claims, if any, which have been put for• I 13. Shares: In whole. ward to the property and any other known i 14. Boundaries: Settled area. particulars bearing on its nature : 3 at• tachments : (1) By the Execution Office, 15. Value assessed: £P.1,100.— for the pur• Petah Tiqva, No. 617/38, dated the 4th pose of payment of deposit. December, 1933, on the shares of JOSEF 16. The property is let to different persons KNOPF. (2) By the Execution Office, Tel against bills, the monthly revenue of the Aviv, No. 12661/38, dated the 9th January, two buildings being £P.7.600. 1939, on the shares of JOSEF KNOPF. (3) By 17. Remarks: Nil. the Magistrate's Court, Tel Aviv, No. Z. HARAKABI 5012/39 dated the 2nd May, 1939, on the Registrar, whole of the property. District Court, Tel Aviv. 8. Area of land: 985 sq. ms. (Gaz/35/40) 9. Particulars of buildings: On the above plot there are two dwelling houses and 3 auxiliary buildings on the backside of the plot. III.

(a) House of 1 floor close by the street IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. comprising 2 rooms, closed terrace, kitchen and bathroom containing a water- NOTICE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY BY closet. The house is constructed of block AUCTION. walls, superstructure of cement tiles and plafond ceiling. There are all the neces• In the matter of the execution proceedings in sary sanitary arrangements but every• file No. 7472/39. thing is of a most simple kind. The Between : general condition of the house is in order, its building area being 72 sq. ms. approx• THE GENERAL MORTGAGE BANK OF PALES• imately. TINE LTD.— Mortgagees (6) Building of two storeys in the yard, be• vs. hind the first building, the first storey ! Heirs of SHIMON SHWARTZ of Rishon-le- contains two rooms, a closed terrace as \ Zion — Mortgagor. big as a usual living room, two kitchens, water-closet, bathroom, corridor, balcony \ Notice is hereby given that an order has been and an open terrace. In the second i made under section 14 of the Land Transfer storey there are three rooms, two kitchens, Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President, District water-closet, bathroom, corridor and a Court, Tel Aviv, for the sale of all the rights balcony. The stairway leads to the roof. and interests of the mortgagor in the property This house was built in the years described in the schedule hereto, in satisfaction 1934-1936, its walls are constructed of of a mortgage described in the schedule hereto blocks and reinforced concrete, roofed in the sum of £P.750.— apart from the costs with reinforced concrete. Its commodi• and interest which are to be added up to the ties are of the usual kind. The general final payment. condition is of medium kind and demands several slight repairs. There are several The sale will be by auction and the property slight cracks and stains to be seen. The will be exposed for sale on the conditions an- stairway is still unfinished. The build• ' nexed to the original of this notification which ing area is 99 sq. ms. in each storey ap• j may be seen, in the Execution Office of this proximately; there is a possibility to add Court. a flat in each storey in the backward ! The sale will be of the immovable property part of the house. (or the interest therein) of the mortgagor as (c) A tin barrack of 4 sq. ms. used as a described in the schedule hereto and subject to hen-roost. the burdens, limitations, etc. attaching to the (d) A wooden barrack with a tin roof of said property. 7 sq. ms. used as a store. | In the absence of any order of postponement, (e) A barrack of blocks with a provisory tin I the sale will be held by the Execution Officer roof, of 3 sq. ms. used as a store. | of the Execution Office of the above Court at Tel 10. Particulars as to trees: On the plot | Aviv, on Mondays, between 4 and 6 p.m., there are nearly 14 fruit trees in neglec• I and shall continue for a period of thirty days ted condition, 16 banana trees and 7 vines. I from the date of publication hereof. 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 421

In the event of the debt above specified and 16. The property is let: The cafe is occupied costs of the sale being tendered or paid before by the heirs. The shops and one of the the property is sold, the auction will be can• flats are let. The monthly rent is £P.10.—. celled. The sale will be by auction and the (The cafe exclusive). public are generally invited to bid either per• 17. Remarks: There is a parcellation plan sonally or by duly authorised agents. not yet approved, according to which a No bid by or on behalf of the mortgagees considerable part will be deducted fo above-mentioned will be accepted, nor will any roads. sale to them be valid without the express per• Z. HARAKABI mission of the Chief Execution Officer or his delegate previously given. Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. SCHEDULE. 27th March, 1940. (Gaz/35/40) 1. Locality: Rishon-le-Zion, near the main road. 2. Glass of property: Miri, Mewkufe, Wakf IV. Siman Pacha. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. 3. Description: Plot of land near the main road Rishon-le-Zion—Tel Aviv. On a part NOTICE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY of this plot there is a building of floors BY AUCTION. used as a big cafe and containing also 2 shops and 2 flats of 2 rooms and commod• In the matter of the execution proceedings in ities each. The upper floor is at the level file No. 7473/39. of the road and contains 2 halls and a cafe Between: with an area of 150 sq. ms. approximately. Stairs lead to the terrace and to the roof. THE GENERAL MORTGAGE BANK OF PAL• A kitchen belonging to the cafe, 2 shops, ESTINE LTD.— Mortgagees. 2 water-closets and a staircase leading to vs. the half-ground-floor which is below the ABRAHAM and SARA MENDZILEVSKY of level of the road. In the ground floor Petah Tiqva — Mortgagors. there are 2 flats containing 2 rooms each, an entrance-hall, kitchen, bathroom and Notice is hereby given that an order has been water-closet in each. The building is built made under section 14 of the Land Transfer of reinforced concrete and bricks. A flat Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President, District roof paved and encircled by a parapet. Court, Tel Aviv, for the sale of all the rights The foundations were laid for 3 floors. and interests of the mortgagors in the property 4. Name of registered owner: Heirs of SHI• described in the schedule hereto, in satisfaction MON SHWARTZ of Rishon-le-Zion. of a mortgage described in the schedule hereto in the sum of £P. 1,180.— apart from the costs 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: and interest which are to be added up to the By registration. final payment. 6. Details of any incumbrance to which the property is liable: There is a second The sale will be by auction and the property mortgage in favour of MR. EDITH GLAZER will be exposed for sale on the conditions an• for £P.246.— registered under deed No. nexed to the original of this notification which 2190/37. may be seen in the Execution Office of this Court. 7. Claims, if any, which have been put for• ward to the property and any other known The sale will be of the immovable property particulars bearing on its nature: There (or the interest therein) of the mortgagors as are 5 attachments by the Magistrate's described in the schedule hereto and subject to Court of Tel Aviv, No. 4116/38 dated the the burdens, limitations, etc. attaching to the 25th March, 1938, No. 5525/38 dated the said property. 29th April, 1938, No. 10995/38 dated the 21st September, 1938, No. 14967/38 dated In the absence of any order of postponement, the 15th December, 1938, and No. 14968/38 the sale will be held by the Execution Officer dated the 25th December, 1938, and one at• of the Execution Office of the above Court at Tel tachment by the Execution Office of Tel Aviv, on Mondays, between 4 and 6 p.m., •Aviv under No. 5685/35 dated the 20th and shall continue for a period of thirty days September, 1938, and another attachement from the date of publication hereof. by the District Court, Tel Aviv, No. In the event of the debt above specified and 11604/38 dated the 16th November, 1938. cost of the sale being tendered or paid before 8. Area of land: 4,441 sq. ms. the property is sold, the auction will be can• celled. The sale will be by auction and the 9. Particulars of buildings: As specified in public are generally invited to bid either per• item 3. sonally or by duly authorised agents. 10. Particulars as to trees: Nil. 11. Block and Parcel Nos. : Block No. 3928, No bid by or on behalf of the mortgagees Parcel No. 37, Rishon-le-Zion. above-mentioned will be accepted, nor will any sale to them be valid without the express per• 12. Title Deed No.: Deed of mortgage No. mission of the Chief Execution Officer or his 6264/37 dated the 21st December, 1937. delegate previously given. 13. Shares: In whole. 14. Boundaries: Settled area. SCHEDULE. 15. Value assessed: £P.2,138.— for the pur• 1. Locality: 28, Pinsker Street, corner 2, pose of payment of deposit. Frumkin Street, Petah Tiqva. 422 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

2. Class of property: Miri, in whole. in the property specified in the schedule at• tached to this notice, in satisfaction of a mort• 3. Description : Plot and a building thereon gage deed executed by the mortgagee and re• consisting of 3 floors of 2 flats each, con• gistered in the Land Registry, Tel Aviv, under taining 3 rooms each, water-closet, kitchen Deed No. 1442/36 of the 21st February, 1936, and bathroom. Every flat in the 1st floor ! in the sum of £P.900.—, together with costs and contains a terrace; every flat in the upper j interest as may accrue from this date until floors contains two terraces; the building final payment. is roofed with tiles made in Palestine. | The building is in a bad condition. j The sale will: be by auction and the property 4. Names of registered owners : ABRAHAM and will be offered for sale pursuant to the condi• SARA MENDZILEVSKY in equal shares. tions attached tp the original form of this notice which may be seen at the Execution 5. Details of conveyance to registered owners: Office of this Court. By partition. 6. Details of any incumbrance to which the The sale will be of the property (or the inte• property is liable: There is a second rest therein) of the mortgagors as described in mortgage in favour of KUPAT MILVEH the attached schedule, and subject to the bur• VEHISACHON LTD., Petah Tiqva, for dens, limitations, conditions, liabilities and £P.800.— registered under No. 970/38 claims attaching to the said property. (Transfer of Mortgage No. 1147/36). In the absence of any order of postponement, 7. Claims, if any, which have been put for• the sale will be held by the Execution Officer at ward to the property and any other known the Execution Office of the said Court for a particulars bearing on its nature: Nil. period of 30 days from the date of publication 8. Area of land: 365 sq. ms. of this notice, on Mondays and Thursdays, between 4 and 6 p.m. 9. Particulars of buildings: As specified in item 3. At the sale the public generally are invited 10. Particulars as to trees: Nil. to bid either personally or by duly authorised 11. Block and Parcel Nos. : Block 6377, Parcel agents. No bid by the mortgagee or his author• ised agent will be accepted, nor will any sale to 119, in Petah Tiqva. him be valid without the express permission 12. Title Deeds Nos. : Deed of mortgage of the Chief Execution Officer or a person No. 10031/35 dated the 19th July, 1935, authorised by him previously given. corrected by deed No. 1565/36 dated the 5th February, 1936, and corrected by deed SCHEDULE. No. 2735/37 and deed of additional mort• gage No. 1567/36 dated the 5th February, 1. Locality: 30, Mizrahi Street, Tel Aviv. 1936, corrected by deed No. 2737/37 dated the 3rd June, 1937, deed of additional 2. Glass of property: Mulk. mortgage No. 2738/37 dated the 3rd June, 3. Description: A building plot on which 1937. stands a two storey building. The build• ing has common walls with the adjacent 13. Shares: In whole. buildings which stand on parcels Nos:• 124 14. Boundaries: Settled area. and 126. The first floor consists of three 15. Value assessed: £P.2,000.— for the pur• shops. Each shop has an additional room pose of payment of deposit. which faces the yard. The upper floor consists of two flats one of which contains 16. The property is let to different persons: 3 rooms and conveniences and the other Monthly revenue : £P.9.900. two rooms and conveniences. The building 17. Remarks: Nil. is constructed on a skeleton of reinforced Z. HARAKABI concrete. The ceilings of the building and 'Registrar, the roof are of concrete. The house is in District Court, Tel Aviv. an abandoned state and needs some repairs. (Gaz/35/40) 4. Names of registered owners: JACOB ISAAC KORNBERG and BERAKHA LEA KORNBERG. 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: V. By registration. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. 6. Details of any incumbrance to which the property is liable: Second mortgage for NOTICE OP SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY the sum of £P.250.— in favour of MENASHE BY AUCTION. SALAH JOSHUA MEYALIM, according to deed File No. 16169/38. No. 1309/36 of the 3rd September, 1936. Between: 7. Area of land: 321.63 sq. ms. ELIYAHU MENAHEM SAMUEL, through his 8. Block and parcel Nos. : Block No. 6930, attorneys MESSRS. M. SELIGMAN, A. VITT- parcel No. 125. KOVSKI and J. ZUSSMANN, advocates — 9. Title deed No. and date: Book No. 18, Mortgagee Folio No. 186. Deed No. 1442/36 of 21st vs. February, 1936. JACOB ISAAC KORNBERG and MRS. 10. Shares: In whole. BERAKHA LEA KORNBERG — Mortgagors. 11. Boundaries: Notice is hereby given that pursuant to sec• North: Plot No. 8; tion 14 of the Land Transfer Ordinance (Cap. South: Plot No. 6; 81) an order has been given on the 13th Janu• East: Road; ary, 1939, by the President of this Court for the West: MOSHE MATALON and ZEEV SHER- sale of all rights possessed by the mortgagors TOK. 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 423

12. Value assessed: £P.1,475 for the purpose interest, costs of the sale and advocate's fees of payment of the deposit. being tendered or paid before the knocking 13. Property let: To different tenants. down of the property, the sale will be stopped. At the sale the public generally are invited Z. HARAKABI to bid either personally or by duly authorised Registrar, agents. District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/35/40) No bid by the mortgagee or her authorised agent will be accepted, nor will any sale to her be valid without the express permission of the Chief Execution Officer or a person author­ VI. ised by him previously given. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE TEL AVIV. SCHEDULE. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY BY AUCTION. 1. Locality: Rabi Akiva Street, Benei Beraq. File No. 27/38. 2. Class of property: Miri. Between: 3. Description of property: A building plot and thereon 2 buildings: one building MRS. FRIEDA LOB, through her attorney at the front side consisting of 2 shops and MR. M. SELIGMAN, advocate — Mortgagee one flat of 4 rooms, 2 kitchens, one closed vs. terrace, a "Succah", one bathroom, ond one water-closet. The other building of 2 MR. ABRAHAM FELDMAN of Tel Aviv — Mortgagor. floors; each floor consists of 6 rooms, 2 kitchens and 2 bathrooms together with water-closets. Whereas by an order made under section 14 of the Land Transfer Ordinance (Cap. 81) by 4. Owner's name: ABRAHAM FELDMAN. the President, District Court, Tel Aviv, on the 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: 30th July, 1937, due and proper publication of By registration. sale of the property, described in the schedule hereinafter referred to, has appeared in the 6. Area of land: 695 square metres.. 'Haaretz' newspaper of the 28th December, 7. Block and parcel Nos.: Block No. (1) 1938, and in the Palestine Gazette No. 858 of 6122, parcel No. 67, Benei Beraq. the 19th January, 1938, and a further auction of 8. No. of mortgage deed and date: 11291/35 the sale having been re-opened for a further pe­ of 2nd August, 1935. riod of 15 days, as required by Article 106 of the Execution Law of the 11th May, 1914, such 9. Shares: In whole. further action sale being duly advertised in the 10. Boundaries j . 'Davar' newspaper of the 26th April, 1939, in North: LEVINSTEIN ; satisfaction of a mortgage deed registered in the Land Registry, Tel Aviv, under deed No. South: Rabi Akiva Street; ;together with East: ABRAHAM GINZBURG ,—־.in the sum of £P.600 11291/35 costs, advocates fees and interest as may accrue West: LEVI and LEVINSTEIN. from this date until final payment; 11. Value assessed: £P.2,105.750. And whereas the property referred to has 12. Property is let on a monthly lease. been valued for purposes of these proceedings 13. Remarks: The first building (except the at £P. 2,705.750 and the highest bid so far ob­ 2 shops newly built) is 8 years old. The tained is £P.80O.—; second building is new and made of bricks. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by an order under the hand of the President, Z. HARAKABI District Court, Tel Aviv, made under Article Registrar, 108 of the Execution Law, the auction sale of District Court, Tel Aviv. this property is extended for a further period (Gaz/35/40) not exceeding 30 days from the publication of this notice. VII. The sale will be held by public auction and the property will be put up for sale as specified IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. in the schedule. NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY. The sale will be of the immovable property (or the interest therein) of the mortgagor as In the matter of the execution proceedings in specified and described in the schedule here­ file No. 14802/38. under and subject to the burdens, etc., attach­ Between: ing to the said property, so far as they have been ascertained. BANK ASHRAI LTD., through their attor­ neys E. LIVAY and G. MINKOWITCH, ad­ In the absence of any order of postponement, vocates, Tel Aviv — * Mortgagees the sale will be held by MR. M. LEVI, the Exe­ vs. cution Officer of Tel Aviv, at the Execution Office of the above mentioned Court, on Mon­ ESTER D. ABRABAYA — Mortgagor. days and Thursdays, between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m., during the period of 30 days above Notice is hereby given that an order has been referred to. made under section 14 of the Land Transfer Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President of the In the event, however, of the debt due by the District Court for the sale of all the rights and said debtor and amounting to £P.600.— and the interests of the mortgagor in the property de- 424 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

scribed in the schedule hereto, in satisfaction 10. Value assessed: £P.1,240.— for the pur­ of a mortgage executed by the above-named pose of payment of deposit. mortgagees and registered at the Land Re­ gistry of Tel Aviv, under deed No. 253/36 together Z. HARAKABI ,—־.amounting to this date, to £P.1,300 with such subsequent interest and costs as may Registrar, accrue from this date until final payment. District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/35/40) The sale will be by public auction and the property will be exposed for sale on the con­ ditions annexed to the original of this notifi­ cation which may be seen in the Execution Office of this Court. VIII.

The sale will be of the immovable property IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE HAIFA. (or the interest therein) of the mortgagor as described in the schedule hereto and subject to NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ׳'׳' .the burdens, limitations, restrictions, condi­ BY AUCTION tions, liabilities and claims attaching to the said property. In the matter of the execution proceedings in file No. 340 of 1939. In the absence of any order of postponement, the sale will be held by the Execution Officer Between: of the Execution Office of the above Court, AGRICULTURAL MORTGAGE CO. OF PALES­ commencing at the date of publication hereof, TINE LTD. — Mortgagees on Mondays, between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m., and shall continue for a period of 30 days vs. from the date of publication hereof. MOSHE HORWITZ of Hadera — Mortgagor. In the event of the debt above specified and costs of the sale being tendered or paid before the property is sold, the auction will be can­ Notice is hereby given that an order has been celled. made under section 14 of the Land Transfer Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President of this At the sale the public generally are invited Court for the sale of all the rights and interests to bid either personally or by duly author­ of the mortgagor in the property described in ised agents. No bid by or on behalf of the mort­ the schedule hereto, in satisfaction of a mort­ gagees above-mentioned will be accepted, nor gage executed by the above-named mortgagor will any sale to them be valid without the ex­ and registered at the Land Registry of Tulkarm press permission of the Chief Execution Officer on the 27th May, 1937, under Deed No. 409/37, or his delegate previously given. for the sum of £P.150.—, plus interest, advoc­ ate's fees and costs, until final payment.

The sale will be by auction and the property SCHEDULE. will be exposed for sale on the conditions which may be seen in the Execution Office of this Court, on application. 1. Locality: Petah Tiqva. The sale will be of the immovable property of 2. Class of property : Miri. the mortgagor as described in the schedule here­ 3. Description : An orange grove planted on to, and subject to the burdens, limitations, re­ land the central part of which is high and strictions, conditions, liabilities and claims at­ slopes down eastward and westward. The taching to the said property. greater part of the grove is planted with oranges Shammuti, the rest with grape­ In the absence of any order of postponement, fruit and lemon trees. The irrigation is the sale will be held by the undersigned at the effected" through open channels made of con­ Execution Office of this Court daily (except crete and iron pipes. The well was de­ Sundays), between the hours 8.30 a.m. and 12.30 stroyed by law-breakers. The cultivation p.m., and shall continue for a period of 45 days is neglected. The grove was not manured from the date of publication hereof. for several seasons, also no treatment was made against insects. There are also de­ In the event, however, of the debt above fects in the irrigation works. specified and the costs of the sale being tendered or paid before the property is sold, the auction 4. Name of registered owner: ESTER D. will be cancelled. ABRABAYA. 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: At the sale the public generally are invited By sale. • to bid either personally or by duly authorised agents. No bid by or on behalf of the mort­ 6. Area of land: 31.47 dunums. gagees above-named will be accepted, nor will any sale to them be valid without the express 7. Block and Parcel Nos. : Block 21, Parcel permission of the Chief Execution Officer or his 6. delegate previously given. 8. Title deed No. and date: 253/36 of the 29th June, 1936. All bids must be lodged at the Execution Of­ fice of this Court. Bids made outside the Exe­ 9. Shares: In whole. cution Office shall have no legal validity. 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 425

SCHEDULE. The sale will be by auction and the property will be exposed for sale on the conditions an­ 1. Locality: Kakoun Village, Tulkarm Sub- nexed to the original of this notification which District. may be seen in the Execution Office of this 2. Category of property: Miri. Court.

3. Description: Orange grove. The sale will be of the immovable property 4. Name of registered owner: ISRAEL MOSHE of the mortgagor as described in the schedule HORWITZ. hereto and subject to the burdens, limitations, restrictions, conditions, liabilities and claims 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: attaching to the said property. By sale. 6. Details of any other incumbrance to which In the absence of any order of postponement, the property is liable : None. the sale will be held by FARES EFF. ABU GHAZA- LEH, Execution Officer of the District Court of 7. Claims, if any, which have been put for­ Nablus, at the Execution Office of the above ward to the property, and any other known Court, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., particulars bearing on its nature: None. and shall continue for a period of 45 days from 8. Area of land: 13 dunums and 97 square the date of publication hereof. metres. In the event of the debt above specified and 9. Particulars of buildings: None. costs of the sale being tendered or paid before 10. Particulars of plantations and trees: Ap­ the property is sold, the auction will be can­ proximately 300 grapefruit trees and 630 celled. orange trees. The grove is neglected and At the sale the public generally are invited the trees do not bear any fruit. to bid, either personally or by duly authorised 11. Particulars of registration: Plot No. 43 agents. in Ard Ramleh Shamalieh, vol. No. II, folio 84. SCHEDULE. 12. Title deed number and date: No. 633 of 1. Locality : Abu Habash (Eastern and the 9th August, 1932. Western Mahallet El-Zeitun, Gaza Sub- 13. Shares: In whole. District. 14. Boundaries: 2. Class of property : Miri land. North : Plot 41; 3. Description : Plain clay soil. South : Plots 45 and 46; 4. Name of registered owner: WASFIYYEH, East: Plot 44; bint MUHYE-ED-DIN PASHA EL-HUSSEINI of West: Road. Gaza. 15. Assessed value : £P.235.—. 5. Details of conveyance to registered owner : 16. Particulars of lease: The property is not Registered in her name. leased. 6. Area of land : G. AGHAJANIAN Area Execution Officer, Haifa. Block Parcel Dunums Metres No. No.

(a) 654 8 68 26 IX. (b) 655 11 4 389 655 12 36 824 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF NABLUS. (c) (d) 655 14 6 765 13 34 838 NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY. (e) 655 (f) 654 9 60 46 In the matter of the execution proceedings in case No. 58 of 1938. 7. Particulars of plantations : Block 654, parcel 8: At the time of seizure Between: a part of it was planted with maize. AHMAD EFF. SHAKAA of Nablus — Block 654 parcel 9: At the time of seizure Mortgagee a part of it was planted with maize. and No plantations in remaining parcels. : .ED-DIN PASHA 8. Blocks and parcels Nos־WASFIYYEH, bint MUHYE EL-HUSSEINI of Gaza — Mortgagor. Block Parcel Notice is hereby given that an order has been (a) 654 8 made under section 14 of the Land Transfer (b) 655 11 Ordinance (Cap. 81) by this Court for the sale (c) 655 12 of all the rights and interests of the mortgagor (d) 655 14 in the property described in the schedule hereto, (e) 655 13 in satisfaction of a mortgage executed by the (f) 654 9 above-named mortgagor and registered at the Land Registry of Gaza under Deed No. 600/36 9. Shares: In whole. dated 17th October, 1936, Blocks Nos. 654 and 10. Present boundaries: 655 and Parcels Nos. 8, 9 and 11—14, amount­ (a) Block 654, Parcel 8 : ing, with interest and costs to this date, to the sum of £P.882.815 mils, together with such South: Block 654, Parcel 9, owned by subsequent interest and costs as may accrue Wasfiyyeh. from the 20th December, 1939, until final pay­ East: Road dividing this property from ment. Arab El-Wheidat. 426 11th April, 1940

North: Heirs of Shafika El-Husseini. QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES West: Road dividing this property from SUMMARY. Block 655, parcels 11 and 12, be• longing to Wasfiyyeh. For week ending midnight 6.4.40 (b) Block 655, Parcel 11: South: Block 655, Parcel 12; 1. Quarantine Restrictions. East: Road dividing this property from The following restrictions are at present in force :- Block 655, Parcels 11 and 12, be• longing to Wasfiyyeh; Date North: Heirs of Shafika el-Husseini; restrictions enforced West: Road to Sheikh Nabahan dividing Block 655, Parcel 13, from Block 655, Parcel 14, belonging to Was Plague Arrivais from Bangkok 4.3.40 fiyyeh Husseini. by air routes

(c) Block 655, Parcel 12 : Cholera Arrivais from Calcutta 9.9.36 by air routes South: Barrawi Dahdouh; Cholera 6.7.39 East: Road; Arrivais from Bombay Presidency by air routes North: Heirs of Shafika El-Husseini; Cholera Arrivais from Madras 6.7.39 West: Road to Sheikh Nabahan. Presidency by air routes

(d) Block 655, Parcel 14: Cholera Arrivais from Bangoon 5.2.40 South : Barrawi Dahdouh; by air routes East: Road; Smallpox Arrivais from Hong-Kong 13.a.39 North : Block 655, Parcel 13. by air routes West: Road dividing this property from Smallpox Arrivais from Calcutta by 19.2.38 Borno's property. air and sea routes

(e) Block 655, Parcel 13: Smallpox Arrivais from Delhi by 20.1.39 air routes South: Block 655, Parcel 14; Arrivais from Madras by 18.2.39 East: Road to Sheikh Nabahan; Smallpox air routes North: Heirs of Shafika El-Husseini; West: Road dividing this property from Smallpox Arrivais from Salaimaniyah, 5.1.40 , by road and air routes Borno's property. Smallpox Arrivais from Cawnpore 29.1.40 (f) Block 654, Parcel 9 : by air routes

South: Heirs of Dahdouh Barrawi; Smallpox Arrivais from Bangoon 29.1.40 East: Road to Arab Wheidat; by air routes

North: Block 654, Parcel 8, belonging to Smallpox Arrivais from Jodhpnr 29.1.40 Wasfiyyeh Husseini; by air routes West: Road dividing this property from Smallpox Arrivais from Karachi 5.2.40 the parcel of Abu Habash el- by air routes Gharbi. Smallpox Arrivais from Bombay 9.2.40 11. Assessed Value: Parcels 8 and 9 at by air and sea routes £P.6 per dunum. Parcels 11, 12, 13, and 14 at £P.5 per dunum. Total assessed value: £P.1,192.356 mils. 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine.

12. Remarks: All the six parcels form one Cerebro plot. There is a road in the middle of the spinal Date Place Typhus parcels, another road on the east side and Menin• notified a third road on the west side of these gitis parcels. Gaza 1 — 30.8.40

SH. MUHT AD IE Jaffa 1 — 30.3.40 Registrar, District Court, Nablus. Givat Hen, Jaffa Sub-District 1 _._ 30.3.40 (Gaz/3o/40) Tiberias — 2 1.4.40




Estimates Actual Over the Under the Estimates Actual Under the HEADS OF ESTIMATES HEADS OF ESTIMATES Receipts Receipts Estimates Estimates Payments Payments Estimates

£P. £P. Mils £P. Mils £P. Mils £P. £P. Mils £P. Mils

1. Rates 1,000 819.340 180.660 1. General Administration 784 695.180 38.820 2. Fees 2,818 2,606.695 — 211.305 2. Public Health 1,432 1,112.792 319.208 3. Fines and Forfeitures 25 1.500 — 23.500 3. Public Security 360 839.599 20.401 4. Revenue from Munic. Properties 27 44.500 17.500 — 4. Engineering 197 139.925 57.075 5. Interest 15 1.380 — 13.620 5. Public Works Recurrent 316 135.508 180.497 6. Miscellaneous 20 38.278 18.278 — 6. Miscellaneous 405 371.282 33.718 7. Grant-in-Aid 400 — — 400.000 7. Public Works Extraordinary 700 31.850 668.150 8. Water Supply 1,560 1,646.170 86.170 — 8. Loans 719 718.399 601 9. Water Supply 1,471 1,351.162 119.838

Total 5,865 5,157.863 121.948 829.085 Total 6,334 4,895.692 1,438.808 Deposits 120 92.479 Deposits 50 39.479 Cash and Bank Balance on 1st April, 1937 461 561.538 Cash and Bank Balance on 31st March, 1938 62 876.709

Total 6,446 5,811.880 Total 6,446 6,811.880

Examined ABDUL RAHMAN EL HAJ IBRAHIM R. MACDONALD Mayor of Tulkarm. Acting, (G/42/38) 15th August, 1938 Municipal Auditor. MUNICIPALITY OF TULKARM.



£P. Mils £P. Mils

Balance of "Water Supply Scheme Loan 3,840.000 Cash Balance on 31st March, 1938 11.709

Deposits paid by water supply subscribers 180.500 Bank Balance on 31st March, 1938 865.000

Surplus Liabilities over Assets 3,143,791

Total 4,020.500 Total 4,020.500


£P. Mils £P. Mils

Deficit on 1st April, 1937 3,885.962 Actual Revenue during 1937-38 5,157.863

Actual Expenditure during 1987-38 4,415.692 Deficit on 31st March, 1938 3,143.791

Total 8,301.654 Total 8,301.654

Examined ABDUL RAHMAN EL HAJ IBRAHIM Mayor of Tulkarm. R. MACDONALD Acting, (G/42/38) 15th August, 1938 Municipal Auditor, 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 429

co rH OS o co o CO CO o o 00 OS US q CM CO o oCO qrH US CO TH »© OS rjH CM* d »o «s © © -d" 00 CM CM o 6 t> CO co rH CM TH co rH C5 55 PM rH

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.00 © US lOOH•* 00 © CO L- CM OS OS PM os c- o os t-

PH •2 PM a o S '3 EH PQo? EH rH ««si d a a -£ d 03

&< o o 03 d :2 PH CQ CO a C3 rH S œ •>s> ft o> 03 03 O * d et! PH •Q P3 rH* CM CO* US* CO* t> CO* MUNICIPALITY OF TULKARM.



£P. Mils £P. Mils

Balance of Water Supply Scheme Loan 3,360.000 Cash and Bank Balance as at 31st April, 1939 110.318

Deposits 185.500 Surplus of Liabilities over Assets 3,435.182

3,545.500 3,545.500


£P. Mils £P. Mils

Deficit on 1st April, 1938 3,143.791 Actual receipts during 1938-1939 3,399.685

Actual Expenditure during 1938-39 3,691.076 Deficit on 31st March, 1989 3,435.182

6.834.867 6,834.867

A. KHAYR Examined: Chairman, Municipal Commission M. J. FLANAGAN

742/38th June, 1939 , Auditor־) €80) 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 431


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Ñame of Date of Description Consignee Whence Steamer, etc. arrival


Cali tea 12.10.39 2 packages personal effects, — •\ ecclesiastical clothes No. 171 Exochorda 21.10.39 1 empty crate Lela Swanson Galilea 22.10.39 1 trunk personal effects — Galilea 22.10.39 3 packages personal effects — Galilea 22.10.39 1 leather hand-bag — M. Joffre 4.11.89 1 iron bedstead — Marco Polo 16.11.39 1 packet personal effects Attilio Rossi Galilea 21.11.39 2 cases personal effects — No. 16889/40 —Foun d in Galilea 21.11.39 2 boxes hats IP. No. 816 — Baggage Office Galilea 21.11.39 5 packages personal effects • — Galilea 5.12.39 1 trunk personal effects — • P. 536 Galilea 5.12.39 1 case household effects and — sewing machine B.58 Galilea 5.12.39. 1 suit-case personal effects Ernst Bamgart Galilea 5.12.39 1 trunk personal effects and Rosa Jlashlander petroleum stove Galilea 5.12.39 1 trunk personal effects Ruth. Selman Galilea 5.12.39 1 trunk personal effects Regina Pasculel Galilea 5.12.39 1 suit-case personal effects — J 2 towels 1 empty bag 1 lady's hand-bag Found in 1 box tin-plates Stores 1 boiler part 2 bags flour 1 bag barley J 3 sewing machines Found in the Near East Bonded Warehouses

COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given that all claims against the society must be submitted within one ORDER OF LIQUIDATION. month from the date of this notice to MR. M. FREIDENBERG, public auditor, 37, Abyssinian In accordance with the powers vested in me Street, Jerusalem. under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordin• ance, I hereby order that "RAMATAYIM ZOFIM" A. F. NAYTON AGUDA HADADIT LTD. shall be wound-up and ap• Registrar point MR. M. FREIDENBERG, public auditor, of Cooperative Societies. 37, Abyssinian Street, Jerusalem, as liquidator. 11th April, 1940. (Gaz/2/40) A. F. NAYTON Registrar of Cooperative Societies. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. 3rd April, 1940. (Gaz/2/40) NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE.

Debtors' Fames: ELIAHU GLINIANSKY and IS• COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. RAEL TRUKMAN. NOTICE REGARDING SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS. Address: Jerusalem. Description: Tailors. Whereas on the 3rd April, 1940, an order for Court: Chief Magistrate's Court, Jerusalem. winding-up of "RAMATAYIM ZOFIM" AGUDA Number of Matter: 4 of 1937. HADADIT LTD. was issued; Trustee's Name: HENRY KANTROVITCH. 432 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE

Description: Official Receiver- BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Address: Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem. ORDER FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION, ADJUDIC• Date of Release: 26th March, 1940. ATION ORDER AND APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.

H. KANTROVITCH Debtor's Name: MINA HADOMY. Official Receiver and Trustee. Address: Gordon Street, Shechunat Monte- (Gaz/33/40) fiori, House of Idelsson, Tel Aviv. Description: Housewife. Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. Number of Matter : 48/40. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Date of Order for Summary Administration and Transfer to the Chief Magistrate's NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE. Court: 18th March, 1940. Date of Order of Adjudication: 21st March, Debtor's Name : RUDOLF ROBINSON. 1940. Address: 48, Geulah Street, Tel Aviv. Trustee's Name: DR. JACOB KOST. Description: Workman. Address: 103, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. Court: Chief Magistrate's Court, Tel Aviv. Description: Advocate. Number of Matter: 221/39. Date of Certificate of Appointment: 8th April, Trustee's Name: HENRY KANTROVITCH. 1940. Description :• Official Receiver. Address: Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, P.O. H. KANTROVITCH Box 1254, Jerusalem. Official Receiver. Date of Release: 7th day of March, 1940. (Gaz/33/40)

H. KANTROVITCH Official Receiver and Trustee. (Gaz/33/40) REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. The particulars given below correspond with the following headings : — BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. 1. Names and addresses of partners. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. 2. Firm name of partnership. S. Name of partners authorised to administer Debtor's Name : ISRAEL HARPAK. the affairs of the partnership and to sign Address : 134, Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv. for it. Description : Dealer in building materials. 4• Date of commencement and termination. Court : District Court, Tel Aviv• 5. Object. Number of Matter : 186/38. Amount per £P. : 50 mils. 1. W. A. Henderson, Talbieh, Jerusalem. First, Final or otherwise : Fifth. : John Chamy, Upper Bak'a, Jerusalem. When payable : On the 26th April, 1940, from 2. The Anglo-Arab Trading Corporation. 12 noon to 1 p.m. 3. Both partners jointly. Where payable : Trustee's residence, 32, Yav- 4. 3 years as from the 26th March, 1940. neh Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Importers and general contractors for Army supply. H. KANTROVITCH Official Receiver. 1. Otto Fischer, 30, Achad Haam Street, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/33/40) Alzak Ltd., 15, Rambam Street, Jerusalem. 2. William Cooks and Brother. 3. Otto Fischer and Alzak Ltd. represented by its director Mr. Alex Zadek jointly. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. ! 4. From the 15th March, 1940, for an unlimited period, but at least till the 31st December, RECEIVING ORDER, FIRST MEETING AND PUBLIC 1940. EXAMINATION. 5. Manufacture of, and trading in, shoes and boots and other articles connected therewith. Debtor's Name: MORDECHAI FELDMANN. Address: Ness Ziona. 1. Dr. Marco Romano, 5, Tarsch Street, Tel Description: Orange grower. Aviv. Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. Leon Bejarano, 65, Chovevei Zion Street, Number of Matter: 104/40. Tel Aviv. Date of Filing Petition: 5th April, 1940. Joseph Bejarano, 30, Mendele Mocher Date of Receiving Order: 5th April, 1940. Sefarim Street, Tel Aviv, Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition: j Simon Bejarano, 58, Shalom Aleichem Debtor's. Street, Tel Aviv. Date of First Meeting : 17th April, 1940. 2. "Kedenr" Cigarettes Company. Hour: 4 p.m. 3. All partners jointly and severally. Place : 130, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. 4. From the 25th March, 1940, for an unlimited Date of Public Examination: 1st May, 1940. period. Hour: 9 a.m. 5. Trade in cigarettes and tobacco. Place: Chief Magistrate's Court of Tel Aviv. i 1. Ervin Reiner, 9, Engel Street, Tel Aviv. H. KANTROVITCH I Israel Schurf, Kiriat Meir, Tel Aviv. Official Receiver. 2. Automop; in Hebrew .Di»n>ix | 3. Both partners jointly. ; 4. From the 25th February, 1940, for an un- ; limited period, provided that each partner 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 433

shall be entitled to give a three months In all matters concerning the partnership, notice of dissolution after the 31st Decem­ including the raising of claims, both partners ber, 1940. shall be entitled to act jointly and severally. 5. Dealers in used cars and parts thereof. Only contracts and written undertakings shall be signed by both partners jointly. 1. Dr. Meinhold Nussbaum, Ramat-Gan. Dr. Georg Sandler, 107, Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv. 2. Dr. M. Nussbaum and Dr. G. Sandler, ad­ vocates. 3. Each partner severally. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ 4. One year as from the 1st March, 1940. The TICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: — term of the partnership will be prolonged HEVRA LEMISHAR VESOCHNUYOTH. for another year, if no declaration to the contrary is made 3 months before the ex­ A. Change in the general nature of the busi­ piration of any year. ness. 5. Advocates' office. General nature of business as previously carried on : 1. Suleiman G. Tannous, Talbieh, Jerusalem. Business agents. Dr. Izzat G. Tannous, Talbieh, Jerusalem. A. R. Hecesse, P.O.B. 1338, Haifa. General nature of business as now carried 2. The Motor Transport Contractors Company. on: 3. Any two of the partners jointly. Agency and commercial transactions. 4. 1 year as from the 25th March, 1940. 5. Transport contractors. B. Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner 1. Julius Preuss, 65, "Beth" Street, Kiryat MR. ARYE LEVIN, 35a, Hayarkon Street, Hayim, Haifa. Tel Aviv, and MR. DAVID LEJBELSON, 20, Ulrich Levy, 15, "Teth" Street, Kiryat Ha­ Mea Shearing Street, Tel Aviv, are now yim, Haifa. the sole remaining partners. 2. "Bazar", Preuss and Levy. 3. Each of the partners. 4. From the 1st March, 1940, for an unlimited period. The partnership shall be dissolved by a three months' notice of any of the STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE partners. PARTICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP : 5. Purchase and sale of all kind of household "HAGOREN", a partnership' to grind and wares, furniture and carpets. deal in grain and flour. 1. Moshe Rindner 74, Herzl Street, Haifa. A. Change in the firm name: Leon Silberman, c/o Mr. Getzler, 5, Ha- Previous name : "HAGOREN" a Partnership shomron Street, Te Aviv. to Grind and Deal in Grain and Flour 2. "KleiNiar". In Hebrew: 3. Both partners jointly. שותפות ״הגרו״ לטחינת גרעינים ולמסחר בקמח. ,Two years as from the 18th February, 1940 .4 provided that if none of the partners will New name: "HAGOREN" Partnership to notify the second partner about his wish to Grind and Deal in Grain and Flour. dissolve the partnership, the partnership In Hebrew: will be prolonged according to the contract ״הגרז״ — חברה לטחינה ולמסחר בתבואות ובקמח. between the partners. 5. Production of cups and other paper instru­ B. Change in the partners or in the name or ments and sale of them. surname of any partner. 1. Aron Rosenberg, 5, Hebron Street, Tel Aviv. "MAN" FLOUR AND SEMOLINA MILL left the Otto Loew, 14, Idelson Street, Tel Aviv. partnership and ZALMAN GERNSTEIN, 19, Yalag Street, Haifa; MOSHE GRABOV, 7, 2. Rosy's Shop. Pevsner Street, Haifa; JACOB TRACHTMAN, 3. Otto Loew alone. 112, Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv, joined the 4. From the 24th February, 1940, for an un­ partnership. limited period. 5. General merchants. C. Change in person or persons authorised to 1. David Eisinger, Kiriat Benjamin, near sign on behalf of the partnership. Haifa. The signatures of the partners ABRAHAM Oskar Eisinger, Kiriat Benjamin, near ZUR or LEO NEWFELD together with the Haifa. signature of another partner, will bind the Victor Strassny, 2, Bar Giora Street, Haifa partnership. 2. Meshek Eisinger, 3. • Each partner severally. 4. 21st February, 1940, for an unlimited pe­ riod. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE 5. Manufacture of and dealing in dairy pro­ PARTICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: ducts, breeding of, and trading in, cattle. "MAN" FLOUR AND SEMOLINA MILL. A. Change in the firm name: Previous name: "MAN" FLOUR AND SEMO- STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ LINA MILL. TICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: — ״מרי טחנת קמח וגריסים. :In Hebrew KASTELANITZ AND SHMUELI, HAIFA. Change in person or persons authorised to sign New name: "MAN" FLOUR MILL, HAIFA.

״מן״ טחנת קמח> חיפה :on behalf of the partnership : In Hebrew 434 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 11th April, 1940

B. Change in the partners or in the name or estine Gazette No. 793 of the 7th July, 1938, has surname of any partner. been dissolved as from the.20th March, 1940. ARMIN SPITZ, Epstein Bldg., Mount Carmel, Haifa and LEO NEWFELD, 17, Shivtei Israel Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership. IV. C. Change in person or persons authorised to THE TEL AVIV PUBLISHING CO. sign on behalf of the partnership. Cheques, bills and powers of attorney Notice is hereby given that the above part­ must be signed by ARMIN SPITZ or his nership, notice of which was published in Pal­ agent jointly with another partner other estine Gazette No. 982 of the 1st February, than MR. LEO NEWFELD. Deeds at the 1940, has been dissolved as from the 10th March, Land Registries and contracts must be 1940, and all assets and liabilities have been signed on behalf of the partnership by taken over by SIEGFRIED BLUMENTHAL. four partners bearing different family names, provided that the signatures of ARMIN SPITZ and LEO NEWFELD shall be regarded as the signature of a single NOTICES. partner. The following notices are published at the risk of the advertisers and their publication REGISTRATION OF A FOREIGN does not imply any certificate as to correctness PARTNERSHIP. or authority.

The particulars given below correspond with I. the following headings: — "GYR" TEXTILE, CLOTHING AND FANCY GOODS 1. Names and addresses of partners. LTD. 2. Firm name of partnership. Notice is hereby given that the following are 3. Names of partners authorised to administer the directors of the company: — the partnership and sign for it. 4• Date of commencement and termination. MOSHE YARKONI 5. Object. REUBEN GOLDBERG. 0. Names and addresses of perstm or persons resident in Palestine authorised to accept The joint signatures of the above directors on behalf of the firm service of process. shall bind the company. 1. Saleem Selman, Ma'raad Street, . Toufik Selman. 2. Saleem and Toufik Selman. II. 3. Any partner is authorised to sign and ad­ minister the affairs of the firm. BEJARANO BROS. 4. The firm was registered in Beirut in 1908 for an unlimited period. We, the undersigned, hereby notify for pub­ 5. Commission and representative agents. lic information that on the 28th February, 6. Mr. Elie C. Nasser, P.O.Box 28, Jaffa. 1940, we executed in the presence of the Notary Public in Tel Aviv a general and unlimited power of attorney in favour of MR. ALBERT CALEFF to be our general representative in all NOTICES. our affairs and to represent each of us separa­ I. tely, to sign on our behalf all documents and to appear on our behalf and to transact in our ATZMON HEITLER AND NELIK. behalf all business both with private persons and with any institutions in Palestine and Notice is hereby given that the above partner­ abroad. This power of attorney was signed ship, notice of which was published in Pal­ and approved by the Notary Public and re­ estine Gazette No. 758 of the 17th February, gistered on the above date in vol. 92, fol. 325. 1938, has been dissolved as from the 13th March, 1940. BEJARNO BROS., CIGARETTES FACTORY, TEL AVIV. "ASSIS" PALESTINE FRUIT PRODUCTION CO., II. Ramat-Gan.


Notice is hereby given that the above part­ III. nership, notice of which was published in Pal­ estine Gazette No. 515 of the 30th May, 1935, | MAON HAIM LIMITED. has been dissolved as from the 17th March, 1940, and MR. ELIE DANON shall be the sole partner j Notice is hereby given that at the general authorised to liquidate the affairs of the part- | meeting of the above named company held on nership. j the 2nd April, 1940, the following persons were appointed the directors of the company.

MR. ABRAHAM FELLMAN, MR. EDWARD ZVI FELLMAN. KEDEM CIGARETTES CO. ; Any one director alone shall sign on behalf of Notice is hereby given that the above part- ! the company on all documents cheques, bills, ־.־-.׳ ׳• ..: .nership, notice of which was published in Pal­ contracts and on any other paper 11th April, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 435

Also that each director alone is empowered i All notices and advertisements must be to appear on behalf of the company before any prepaid. Government or Municipal department or any other institution and to file action and to ap­ It is notified for general information that pear in the name of the company in various in future notices intended for publication in Courts and before the Land Registry and to do the Palestine Gazette should be addressed^ to- any transaction thereat, and to accept and make i gether with tho appropriate publication fees, transfers, mortgages or charges and generally direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, to do any necessary act and to sign any neces­ Jerusalem. sary documents. Notices of registration of Companies, Co- I operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents CORRIGENDUM. will not be accepted for publication unless submitted through the appropriate Registrar. Palestine Gazette No. 986 of the 15th February, 1940. Orders with regard to the administration of Page 234, for "Venezia and Bemisi", in Heb- the estates of deceased persons or probate of ­wills, and any orders issued under the Com | ״ומיה את ברוסי״ :1ew׳ read "Venezia and Berissi", in Hebrew: panies Ordinance, or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and ״ונזיה את בריסי". notices of registration and dissolution of part­ nerships will not be inserted unless passed for I publication by the Court. NOTICE. l Notices of dissolution of partnerships will SUBSCRIPTION RATES. j not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein or by their legal representatives. The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current prices, through all booksellers and | The signature or representative character of news-agents in Palestine or from the Govern­ ! a signatory must be verified by a declaration ment Printing and Stationery Office, P.O.B. ! made bv an advocate. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription rates are as j follows: — | A notice of dissolution of partnership not | signed by all the partners or by their legal Half-yearly Yearly j representatives must be accompanied by a sworn Palestine 700 mils £P.1.300 mils. ! declaration made by an advocate to the effect Abroad £P.1.050 mils £P.2.000 mils. ] that the notice is given in pursuance of the ! terms of the partnership to which it relates. Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be j The following notices and advertisements made to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, | will be published in the Gazette at the risk of Jerusalem. the advertisers and will not imply any certifi­ cate as to correctness or authority:

ADVERTISEMENTS. I Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc.

The following are the authorised publication | Notices concerning meetings, appointments rates for notices and advertisements in the • of Directors, redemption of bonds and kind­ Palestine Gazette: — red matters from Companies or Cooperative For every •j of a column j Societies. or part thereof - 500 mils. Exceeding 1 and not ! No notice or advertisement concerning a exceeding 14 column - £P.1.000 mils. ! Company or Cooperative Society, other than | a notice published by Order of the Court or Exceeding 1 not and j of the Registrar, will be inserted unless it is exceeding 3 column - £P. 1.500 mils. | accompanied by a declaration of an advocate Ï3 Exceeding Ï and not | that to the best of his knowledge the statement .P.2.000 mils. ! made in the notice or advertisement is true£ ־ exceeding 1 column