I k0-41io ARMO'R ON OKINAWA A RESEARCH REPORT PREPARED BY COL2JIaTTEE 1., OFFICERS ADV~ANCED COURSE THE ARIJJDD SCHOOL 1948-1949 MAJOR J.1L. BALTHIS ML.AJOR P. Go. SHOMffONEK MAJOR R. B. CRAYTON4 M.,AJOR L. H. JOHNSO CAPTAIN T. Q. DONALDSON CAr~PT'l4 D. L. JOHNvSON CAPTAIN W. Jo HYDE 1st LIEUTENANTd.To. WOODSON, JR. FORT K§v"OX, KH&!TUCKY MA1Y 1949 e A t- L - A ARMOR OKNA WA "-4j ~i4L f -' lip .V1 (1', July 1886-i8 June 1)/45) bon3 ul 1I6 ie&P Iunf ordile Ky., son of the cel-ebrated Confederate general, Simon Bolivar Buckner. The onerBuckner ch,,ose a mii ta,,r career, as had his father. 1 fter attending the iirgnia ilitry Istiute, he entered th-e U-,nited States Ml itary AIcadem, from.r which. h-e graduated in 1903. He was instruc- w--r in -,ilit-ry tactics at WIest Point from 1919 to 1923, and- COM- 2andant of cadets from 193)'2 to 1936 . Dudring World .Jar I, h-e comn- -unaded aviat'1ion training brigades. -:ieral Buckner was given, comuand of th e 1 1as a r6efenie force in dyan 940plyeda pomientrole in t1,e recapture of the -euionsin 1942-43. He was awarded the D.S.M,. in Oct. '1943, ' 1 Promoted t te4te iplDorary rank- o.L eter Generl. 1-was - Ler sent to t-he Ccntral PacifcComn, hr ho gai-ned cormmand the, new,, U.S. TNT1H A2LY. T1his a ,under his cormmand, invaded JNL~kI, on 1 A'pril 11945,95in1 three days bef'ore the lose of the Okinawan camnaign, General Buckner was fatally wounded r by a piece of coral, ahrcwn by the expl1osion of an c-eyartill cry S'4 PREFACE The capture of OKINAWIA was essentially en infantry effort with the result tha-).t armor wtuas at all times in support of infantry units.
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