-1 KVK.M NU H K RALD Wed . Oct 1. 198U Gagnon heads DeMolay

Record__ MANCHESTER — Anthony stalled as master councilor of John Hoy H. Rounseville to Gary Sally M. McKnight to J. Cun­ Blanchard & Rossetto Construc­ Gagnon of 46 Wells St. has been in- Mather Chapter, Order,,of DeMolay. \Ianclie»t«*r Roiinscville. Neal Rounseville and ningham, property at 270 Ferguson tion Inc. to Thomas J. Hughes and Other officers installed are Leon ilaurltPHtfr public records Gad R, Nason, property at the in­ Road. $120,000. Julia A. Hughes, property at 23 Bilodeau, senior councilor; David tersection of Tolland Turnpike and Rosemarie Duva to David Wilfred Road, $57,000. Ramsey, junior councilor; Jay Hall, \\ iirraiilt Taylor Street. Sieputowski and Sandra L. Blanchard & Rossetto Construc­ senior deacon; Jim Hall, junior Maude F PloufI to Mark F’. Brigns Nancy J. Stevenson to James M. Sieputowski. property at 181 Autumn tion Inc, to David A. Kohl and Karen deacon; Michael Knapp, marshal. Cloudy and Deirdre C Briggs, land at Rashid and Linda J. Glaser, property St„ $56,500. R. Kohl, property at 11 Wilfred Road, After the installation parents l a n T A - r u E B Woudhill Heights. $64,000. at 182 Vernon St.. $55,000. Royal Arms Apartments Ltd, to $57,000. awards night was held. The officers W C A T n C n Details on page 2.- Cerald F Hall to Jacob Ludes III Linda DeMatto to Gary R. Magoon Leonard P. Parracino and Corrynne Lucie G. Bengston to John McLean of John Mather Chapter put on a and Elaine A, Ludes. property at fJI and Deborah C. Magoon, property at L. Parracino. property at 125F N. Healy and Jennifer M. Healy, proper­ Mother's Ceremony. I’lymouth Lane. $77,000 44 Redwood Road, $69,000. Main-St., $45,900. ty at 328 Porter St., $68,900. Receiving awards were Anthony Owen J Wright and Dorothy A. Hayden L. Griswold Jr. to Barney I Vol. C, No. 2 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, October 2, 1980 YOIIR HOMETOWN NEWSFATER Since 1881 a 20(1, Frederick V. Eilerman and Church hazaar Gagnon and Michael Hall. Anthony Wright to Joseph B. Figuerido and T Peterman Sr. and Barney T. Pamela R. Eilerman to Glen R Gagnon received awards for atten­ Nicole M. Figuerido. property at B8 Peterman Jr., lots 13. 16. 17 in Dolan and Carol A. Dolan, property VERNON — Rockville United dance, ritual, visitation, scholastics, Methodist Church, 142 Grove St. has Hilltop Drive. $58,000 Hillstown Park, $57,000. at 34 Williams St., $55,000. civic service. Masonic service, and set Nov. 15 for its annual Christmas Quaker Company to Roy H. Madeline F. Baldwin to Anthony Robert A. Smellie to Gary L. correspondence course. Anthony Hounseville. property at intersection M. Garofalo. property on Waranoke Joseph, property bordering Pine and Bazaar. EDC The affair will start at 10 a.m. in Gaganon and Michael Hall received ol Tolland Turnpike and Taylor Raod. $117,000. Pleasant streets. Fellowship Hall. Antliony Gugnon the Representative DeMolay Award. Iran nixes Street backs English projects truce offer granted BAGHDAD, Iraq (UPI) - Iran peace until Iraq withdrew from all rejected an Iraqi offer of a four-day occupied Iranian territory. The Iraqis offered to cease firing Oct. 5 MANCHESTER — The Economic truce starting Sunday and said its benefits through Oct. 8, unless they were at­ Development Commission, meeting troops, bolstered by Revolutionary tacked. today without a quorum, took con­ Guards fanatically loyal to Ayatollah The Iraqi offer, conveyed to M \Nt HESTER - After ditional action on two projects in the Khomeini, pushed the invading Iraqis months ol consideration, 3 miles back from the besieged port Pakistani President Mohammad Zia town industrial park. ul-Haq during a goodwill mission to ihc Pension Board gave The commission ratified its earlier of Khurramshar. In Beirut, Lebanon, an Iranian Tehran and Baghdad, included four disability benefits to Den­ approval of a $10,000 contact award nis English. diplomat warned if the United States tough conditions — to halt ail to the New England Rail Road military activity, including air recon­ English, a former town Construction Co., for a rail spur intervenes in the 11-day war, the 52 employee, was injured on American hostages "will be killed.” naissance, to stop hostile propagan­ switch into Hartford Distributors’ da, to refrain from concentrating rihe job when a town facility. Approval had already been The Americans are in their 334th day troops in the fighting area, and ^iw plow he was in was secured from commissioners by of captivity. acceptance of the truce by Iran’s struck by a state means of a telephone vote. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, 2 "highest authority." snowplow, 'fhe board voted Commission Chairman James alarmed the war could spread to to give English $508.05 a other Persian Gulf states, At the United Nations, Iranian Quigley explained the unorthodox Charge d’Affaires Jamal Shemiranl month, after determining vote allowed for immediate action on Wednesday offered the United States he was totally disabled by unrestricted use of Egyptian emerged from 2'A-hpur closed-door the rail switch. Moslem foreign ministers meeting the accident, The town has already constructed facilities and territory to defend the English had worked for Gulf and Arab and Moslem nations and rejected the Iraqi truce offer out rail lines which extend to tenants' of hand. the town for less than 15 SAVE 30% property lines. Although each is "as far away as Indonesia.” "While the Iraqi aggression con­ years when the accident required to construct spurs into their Iranian charge d'affaires Mehdi tinues against the territorial integri­ occurred and was required property, the town pays for the Ameri Rajai said in the Lebanese ty and sovereignty of Iran, and while to prove a direct correla­ switches which allow access to the capital: “If America enters the war tion between the disability DITTOS all hostages in Iran will be killed." those forces of aggression are main line, Quigley said. and the town employment. S&\/e25% a^ more! Save 25%! violating the sovereignty of my coun­ Also acted upon was the award of a "Therefore, America will not do While granting the dis­ Ladies’ Cotton Corduroy any such thing, especially now that try, there is no question of accepting Junior Skirt Seta $16,563 contract to Central Paving ability payments, the Ctaaaic Blazer Jaefcata anything at all," he said. JEANS with a Veatad Interest Co. of South Windsor for road and the American elections are close and board stipulated he must Oar the death of the hostages will not be The main fighting was centered be examined next year to for Jrs., Misses and Girls! 18.70 Ss»Mji Hea-aMt drainage modifications in the in­ around Khurramshahr, Iran's major 18.70 dustrial park. The commission qp- to (President) Carter's advantage, determine whether he is Wid»-w«t« corduroy for that val- oil port on the Shatt al-Arab We can give you all the technical vaty loaki Notepad collar, pocket Corduroy or velvet vetts wtih but­ proved the contract, contingent upon nor to the advantage of anytx^y recovered. After the acci­ tons or bolero elyla. Sartng sklrU, waterway, over whose control Iraq reasons why DITTOS look so great datalla. 4 coloti. Sizes St 5. the assent of a majority of com­ else.” dent English's lawyer Vin­ pleated, rich pM wool went to war. ...fabric that gives maximum R.g12S9 0 .4 4 a limited basis with supervisory per­ the study will concentrate on athletic instructor. review of papers regarding civil deal with emotionally disturbed or Mrs. Swensson noted "in backs Protective carry/storage MkOOVAN sonnel since the strike. whether regulations regarding adult, The administrative part of the rights which the school system must physically handicapp^ students, and conference of the year. In May. home' services offer a case •5-lb. Splitting Wedge _ _- HOW team will consist of one elementary following his personal evaluation by OurRBg.8S9 5.88 Formby's 'No-Stripping State Labor Commissioner P. vocational, and handicapped educa­ subnhit to the state's offices. how to tie the economy into more dignified and Joseph Peraro, who joined the talks school principal and one secondary A "desk audit" is thus the opposite classroom learning the Board of Education. Kennedy Made of tempered forged steel Furniture Relinishar tion, along with anti-sex discrimina­ favorable alternative to WEN 14” GET A HEADSTART ON WINTER! in August, scheduled the marathon tion, are being fiiilowed. school principal, along with the of an "on-site " audit, which is what The programs will be in coopera­ released several goals he has set for . nursing homes. Too often •24" Bow Saw Our RBg.7J9 Moz..R.pi7ja 12.76 Wednesday negotiating session at an The self-evaluation committee will system's director of buildings and the local self-evaluation committee tion with Bolton. Coventry, the current year One of those goals nursing homes are viewed Electric Chain Saw 5.33 With adjustahie blade tension Aluminum Snow Shovel Eiast Windsor hotel. be composed of administrators and grounds. Bill Dion. The committee will do. Ellington, Tolland and the Capital was to hold' at least six press con- as the best solution to the Our It was the first negotiation session teachers. The teachers will be will be formed midway through the Kennedy also discussed in-service Region Education Council and will ierences during the current school needs ol our older citizens, 37.33 44.99 Lightweight aluminum Our Rap. blade is rust-resistant in more than month. selected by the teachers’ union, the month and Kennedy hopes its work training of teachers and ad­ take place in at least some schools in term. she said Lightweight for fatigue-free use 5.63 OREGON Handle 13 sturdy hard Our Reg. will be completed sometime in 1981. ministrators. all participating towns. Biq 2 HP motor is double in­ M2 OFF Mrs Swensson does not wood ash 7.49 sulated. needs no insulation UL 'Splll-Kwlk' 2 see a need to increase state Firewood Splittor ENTIRE STOCK . listed •Reflective 36” Driveway spending to expand "in IU0 M.N 31.76 ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADdI Maikers, Our Reg. 1.39 96* home services As many •100' Outdoor Extension Splits logs Up to 24' iNot all lengths remeiniryg in ail Btoresl Cord, Rag. 12.99 10.44 safely, quickly state dollars are spent on %f Congress ready to adjourn nursing home care, she proposes a "re-alignment WASHINGTON (UPI) - The abor­ federal wages until Dec. 15. long The House attempted further to thwsdoy. Our threatened to filibuster the com­ of these funds to produce a SAVEe!?^ *1 O F F Reg. Prices BEARCAT Crystal-less tion funding fight finally set aside by enough, presumably, for Congress to restrict present law by dropping rape promise on the Senate floor. "You’ve Connecticut In Bolton more etiective result ' a truce. Congress moves toward act during its post-election session and incest victims from the rolls of gone too far this time," he said of the • Narf Football by Programmable Scanner adjournment — leaving for a lame- beginning Nov. 12. those eligible for government abor­ House's progressive moves over the Connecticut renews a $10 million The Bolton Charier Revision Parker duck session the approval of a per­ With the funding problem solved. tion assistance.- The House would past 10 years to restrict abortion fun­ bonding offer to keep the Coast Commission begins its work, Our Reg 449 3.49 Bearcat l&Channel Electra Scanner ‘160’ manent payroll for government Congress began winding down. limit the Medicaid funds to low- ding. "If you don't take this, you Guard research lab in the state. hearing the charge from First Sod. satB. easy to grip Selectman Henry Ryba. Page 11. Polluck dinner Caldor Rag. Price...... 229.99 workers. The Senate worked toward income women whose lives were en­ won’t get anvthine. " he threatened. Page 2. M\N( IIEv ie k - The Caldor Sale Price...... 187.00 Assured of their paychecks, at adjournment early today. dangered by pregnancy. The U.S. Senate decides the •‘Don't Tip the Waller*. . . least temporarily, federal workers The' House prepared for its final After haggling all day, the House- Paraprofessional Union of 0«.h.e.iN 2 .9 9 Manufacturer Mail-in Rebate...... 10.00* Nautilus will be permanently Inside today Manchester will hold its resumed normal operations pre-election duly — today's con­ Senate conference members reached The full House overwhelmingly ap­ Nmr PUancing gvn. Ijom CoWflorm. berthed in Groton. Page 7. i Business .17 annual potiuck dinner YOUR Wednesday afternoon, after an un­ sideration of the recommended an agreement on abortion language, proved the compromise,. 292-100, but Thursday at 6 p.m. at the certain morning. expulsion of Rep. Michael Myers, D- in addition to 47 other amendments, the Senate, led by Stevens, wouldn’t Classified...... f ...... 20-22 •'Hook, Line & Stinker*. __ FINAL CO ST...... »177 Comics...... 23 Manchester High School 0iirhee.S4S 4 .2 9 Just past noon Wednesday — 12 Pa.. who was convicted in the minutes before the Tuesday midnight hear of jt. The ^ n a te then sent its in sports •Auto ic o n at 5 or 15 Flngadip control lor oo/off. squolch. voluma. Monitors 16 Eklitorial ...... 4 teachers' cafeteria. ■Fishing gama Irom Cokxforma Get tomorrow’s channels ol 5 most popular public satvica bands Includaa hours after fiscal 1981 began without Abscam bribery scandal. deadline. own version of the abortion amen- •Prtodty C h M M i BC«med channels per second, with Zimmer fired by Red Sox ... Entertainment ...... 18 Co-chairmen are Claire news today! every 2 sec. regardieee of menuai override. auxiliary audio connector jack funds for federal employees — the The funding delay involved a House They agreed to continue current ment, requiring rape victims to other operatlont. Yankees need two wins for division F am ily...... 8 Boyd and Vi F’etroccia Playtkool Wood Blocks Automatic seen for police, •ULIstod.FCCowtHtod •Bearcat laChannei Programmable Scanner House unanimously approved by and Senate disagreement over abortion funding guidelines, but to report the attacks within 72 hours, fire, maritime and weather •Autom atic locfcoul tkipt title ... Page 13. Obituaries ...... ^...... 12 ITiere will be door prizes channelB plus and UHF Our Nao. I S tjr ...... (M1arS»raaala($207 voice vote an abortion funding teoeiai auuiuuii iunds ior poor allow states to set more stringent back to the House which had already OwhasZJt 1.99 chennelt not of current •ACIDC with l.lucopkHI . East Catholic soccer team ups Pebpletalk...... T...... 2 that have donated by M m nw nt m Natural Fmwn bMidel Hm» mtereet. •nlwwia (iMtlwtM optlonU): *Saa dare lor tfalaiK amendment that had stymied the women. standards if they wished. The House adjourned for the night. undefeated.record ... Carlton hurls 'S ports'...... 13-18 Manchester businesses passage of the temporary money bill. Pro-abortion legislators argued the negotiators insisted rape victims As its first order of business two-bit shutout for Phils ... Astros Television ...... 18 Members are remined to • 1 OFF— - Rto. “• piucea A special jet carried the legislation temporary funding bill was only report the assaults within 48 hours of Wednesday, the House unanimously rehire Virdon ... Page 14. TownTalk...... 12 bring in articles for the ON COLOR FILM DEVELOPINQ to President Carter, campaigning in meant to last a maximum of I'k approved the latest compromise, MANCHESTER VERNON the crime. Cowens quits Celtics . .. Ali seeks white elephant auction. All NOW THRU OCTOBER 4th depression-hit Flint. Mich. He signed months so current law should be con­ Angered by the House's tough posi­ clearing the way for the emergency U pdate...... 2 1145 Tolland Turnpike Tri-City Shopping Confer ring title tonight... Page IS. W eather...... — ...... 2 paraprofesMonals ar< on Setootod Ptint, Movto and it with a flourish, guaranteeing tinued. tion, Sen. Ted Stevens. R-Alaska. funding bill to be signed by Carter. welcome SHSaFNan STORE HOURS: DAILY 10 AM to 9:30 PM • SAT., 9A M to 9:30 PM • SUN., 11 AM to 5 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY 2 - EVENING HERALD. Thurs., Oct. 2, 1980 l-A'EMNC; HERALD. Thurs.. Oct. 2. 1980 - 3 Mpdote. Candidates face many issues in AARP forum MANCHESTER — Elderly housing, a state income “ It’s popular to say you’re opposed to an income tax, Republican Carl Zinsser responding to a question “why the Senior Citizen.” Sadat Wednesday coupled his offer of bases for the Chaffee. Neither injury was fatal. tax and the two percent oil tax dominated discussion but every tax we pay comes out of our incomes,” Joyner don’t you speak about other issues rather than only Glassman called for a “new direction” in pondering the Report segment deleted Forecasts surplus United States with a warning to Iran against any attempt among Manchester’s candidates yesterday. obsenfed, elderly” criticized the Democratic-sponsored two per­ problems of the senior citizen. He pointed to more WASHINGTON (UPI) — A Senate panel ending a two- HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut’s surplus for this to impose "hegemony," or dominance, over other coun­ Speaking at the Knights of Columbus hall, ten can­ “ But it’s (an income tax) an idea whose time has not cent tax on oil company profits. The U.S. District Court programs such as the Strengthen Assistance for Indepen­ month investigation of Billy Carter’s Libyan affair fiscal year is now projected at |792,000, says State Comp­ tries in the oilrlch Gulf region. Teachers threaten strike didates, five Democrats and five Republicans, told come,” he said. ruled the tax could be passed on the consumers. dent Living (SAID. This program develops an individual “Why don’t they admit they made a mistake and re­ deleted a condemnation of the president's brother from troller J. Eldward Caldwell. Teachers in New Jersey's capital threatened to walk members of the American Association of Retired Per­ Joyner, in the opening comments, mentioned the many program for elderly residents using combinations of peal it?” he asked. its report being released today. United Press Inter­ Caldwell said Wednesday that the latest surplus es­ out today, joining striking instructors on the picket line in sons their assessments of problems facing elderly tax increases and the cost of new programs hit the elder­ state, local and federal programs. The object is to let the national has learned. timate is $34,000 higher than originally estimated for 1980' Recovery can be sluggish seven states. In New York state, teacher protests spread citizens. All agreed a prime concern was providing more ly hardest. What group of people have their home His opponent. Rep. Abraham Glassman, Democrat, person remain at home, rather than going to a convales­ This change occurred during an internal tug-of-war 1981. WASHINGTON (UPI) - From all indications, the. to college campuses. elderly housing. Some had concepts and proposals to ease mortgages paid, their children grown, and have saved a did not take the bait, but Mrs. Fahey did. cent home. “We’re not at all happy with the tax,” she said. “ But over words, as the panel's staff circulated revision after economy has weathered the worst of the recession. But Trenton school officials said they would keep schools the problem, but acknowledged it would take years of few dollars? he asked the group. To each question More “ in home” services was also advocated by we are going to take it to the highest court before revision among the five Democratic and four Republican there are increasing signs the recovery could be sluggish open. Other strikes were reported today in Arizona, work. someone responded “over 50,” Joyner continued Republican Elsie “ Biz” SwenssOn, opposing Mrs. .repealing.” Jackston for tbe 13th Assembly seat. panel members, a source said. Gang may he *family^ at best. Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania and Illinois. John Woodcock, a Democrat seeking the 14th Assembly “therefore which group of people can expect to bear the Republicans urged stronger criticisms than did the District seat, tackled the. problem urging incentives brunt of new taxes to support these programs?” Again She warned if it is repealed she would “welcome” She said the expansion of these types of services would STATELINE, Nev. (UPI) - The FBI says the $3 The Commerce Department said Wednesday that fac­ suggestions on how to replace the $60 million the oil tax allow more elderly persons to maintain their homes. Democratic members, sources said. tory orders edged up a bit in August, marking the second for private developers to build more homes. the answer was “over 50.” million extortion bombing of Harvey’s Wagon Wheel in Joyner said he would “look with jaundiced eye at any generated. “Going into convalescent homes is not the answer,” she straight month of improvement. But the 0.3 percent in­ Not minding the store His opponent for the seat. Republican Robert Sills, said August may have been the work of a "tightknit" group — program that taxes the very people the program is Glassman, was one of two candidates stressing in-home said. possibly relatives. *• crease to a seasonally adjusted $147.4 billion was pale proposing additional programs was finb, but the HARTFORD (UPI) - The $50,0(X) spent furnishing the services as an alternative to nursing homes. “You never Mrs. Swensson stressed “she was interested in what Prime rate rises again Agent-in-charge Joseph Yablonsky said he based his compared to the 6 percent rise in orders in July. home of veterans’ home commandant Robert Houley Legislature needed the funds first. He proposed the crea­ designed to help.” tion of a task force to study government costs. Barlow advocated “making the tax system more fair see an end to the problems of the elderly citizens,” he you have to say,” and asked for more input from the NEW YORK (UPI) — Trend-setting Citibank, the speculation on the fact no one involved in the plot had shows the Grasso administration can’t "mind the store,” Phyllis Jackston, Democratic candidate for the 13th and reasonable to avoid an income tax.” said. “ Perhaps the 80s shoulo be named the “ Decade of members. nation's third largest bank, today raised its prime lending turned in an accomplice for the $200,000 reward. says House Minority Leader Ralph Van Norstrand, R- District, reinterated a plan she has proposed since the rate for top corporate customers by 1 point to 14 percent Stahbings first problems Darien. in a move that spelled trouble for the economy. State auditors said recently that Houley, commandant campaign’s beginning. She cails for a 10-year plan of FORT CHAFFEE, Ark. (UPI) - Officials at the State building elderly housing. Every two years, 50 units of Most of the, nation's biggest banks, led by Chase .Sadat offers facilities Department’s consolidation center for Cuban refugees of the Rocky Hill Veterans Home and Hospital, , boosted their prime rate a half point to 13t^ purchased, among other things, a waterbed, stereo, housing would be built. To reach this goal, she CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — President Anwar Sadat offered say two stabbings were the first real problems in more acknowleges “red tape" will have to be cut. When asked percent Wednesday because of the Federal Reserve’s the United States unrestricted use of facilities in Egypt to than a week of refugee relocation. draperies, silk flower arrangements and bar stools. The decision last week to raise the discount rate it charges purchases were made with state money and the how she would push the plans through the red tape, she use as a miiitary springboard for defending Arab and Deputy spokeswoman Sylvia Spencer said two refugees stressed lobbying the state bonding commission. member banks for loans to 11 percent from 10 percent. Veterans’ Welfare Fund. Islamic states were stabbed Wednesday in separate incidents at Fort Noting the town’s difficulty with obtaining state fun­ ding for the reconstruction of the Main Street intersec­ Peopletalk* tion, Mrs. Jackston said the commission should be monitored to minimize the frustration of obtaining fun- Pathfinder ding. •FAIR Sen. Marcella Fahey, seeking re-election in the Third y Han Meilin speaks no English, and the cabbie who Discovery Sale" Senatorial District, explained a bill she submitted to the \ a s supposed to deliver him to the opening of his 21- Legislature. The bill would use 50 house trailers, m y American art tour speaks no Chinese. As a purchased last year during the Windsor Locks tornado, result, the famed Chinese artist got lost and nearly for elderly housing. missed his own show Tuesday in New York. Her opponent, Edward Wilson, took a different view of Meilin, who renders furry animals and stylized tOWlIT flwniAlW tlt ' the housing problem. He criticized constructing housing chickens with ink and watercoior, finally made it to complexes as they segregated the elderly from the rest of a benefit in his honor for the Animal Rescue Fund, the society. "Why take them out of their neighborhoods DISCOVER JEANS - PLUS hosted by cartoonist Charles Addams and wife Tee. where they know the paperboy?” he asked. “Do you know Later, at the World Trade Center, Truman in those apartments you can’t have a pet, not even a gold­ E 3 * Capote, Dick Cavett, Suzy Chaffee, Anthony Drexel UP1WI4TM1M fOTOCAIT • fish?” Duke, John V. Lindsay and George Plimpton turned His remarks were greeted with strong applause. He For period ending 7 a m. EST 10/3/80. Thursday night out to welcome him at an exhibit of his work, spon­ LOW LOW PRICES later earned more approval. “What you need in the will find generally fair weather spread across the major sored in part by the China Trade Corp. part of the nation with skies ranging from clear to partly Legislature is more citizens," he said. “Citizens who cloudy. A few showers, however, are likely over parts of know and understand the problems. What we have now is Florida and the Ohio Valley. many professionals and lawyers." 4 DAYS ONLY wed., thurs., fh., sat. Reverse English Creations of a state income tax, and repealing the two Children suffering from dyslexia sometimes percent oil tax sparked differences between two sets of Weather forecast perceive words backward, but Andrew Levine does candidates. it on purpose. Malcolm Barlow, seeking election in the 12th District, |(S) Partly sunny this afternoon. Highs in the upper 60s and The University of Wisconsin philosophy professor is simply opposed to a state income tax. His opponent, low 70s. Partly cloudy tonight. Lows in the upper 40s and may be the only person in the world who can speak however. Republican incumbent Walter Joyner, voted low 50s. Variable cloudiness Friday. Highs 65 to 70. backward at normal speed, reproducing the reverse against the tax. saying the state is not ready for it. But I^obability of precipitation 20 percent this afternoon sound of each word with no visual aids and no combined with repeal of the state sales tax, Joyner could through Friday. Variable winds 5 to 10 mph becoming memorization. support an income tax. westerly this afternoon. Light mostly southwest winds He’s profiled in Omni magazine where he says he tonight and Friday. picked up the knack at age 12. Seems he wanted to IVs ’ be an interpreter, but knew no language other than Giles concerned Long Island Sound English. So he invented one. English — in reverse. Squash pies Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Mon> He calis the flair "a minor compulsion,” but has CORDS STRAIGHT lauk Point! Cold front moving east through area early the experts stumped. Linguists say his early Millions of squash pies are the prospect here and enter the plant by conveyor belt for by no response tonight. Winds variable 10 knots or less today. Northwest development of the skill may indicate it's possible about 10 knots tonight, becoming northeast at the same from this mound of vegetables piM at the processing, coming out the other end in cans M ANCHESTER — The town has received no reaction AND to teach very young children a wider range of holding just enough for one pie. (UPI photo) speed Friday.,Variable cloudiness today through Friday languages than has been believed. Medomak Canning Co. in Winslow’s Mills, from the Army Corps of Engineers on its application to FLARE LEG with chance of a few showers tonight into Friday mor­ Maine. The field-picked squash are trucked expand the municipal landfill into five acres of wetlands, ning. Visibility often 1 to 3 miles this morning and oc-’ and Public Works Director Jay Giles expressed concern casionally near zero in fog: otherwise 5 miles or more Doing it her way over the situation. THOUSANDS through Friday. Average wave heights 1 to 2 feet through Giles disclosed Wednesday his concern for the applica­ tonight. Rita Cooiidge — the rubble of her broken marriage State offers 10 million tion adding that should the situation remain unchanged at IN STOCK! to Kris Kristofferson week's end, he would telephone corps headquarters. Extended outlook behind her — is drawing It has been generally assumed that army engineers Ehctended outlook for New England Saturday through as many ovations in to keep research center have demanded a report outlining the town’s alternatives Monday: Southeast Asia this to filling the wetlands. But Giles explained he had been week as she ever did in given that information second hand. Massarhusclts, Rhode Island and Conneclicut: HARTFORD (UPI) - The sUtes of “The property tax rates are also a $3 million payroll. Neigboring New Chance of rain Saturday. Variable cloudiness Sunday. Nashville. The town is seeking to expand its landfill onto 23 acres She belted out three Delaware and Michigan are hoping to fraction of what they are here and London is home for the U.S. Coast south of and adjacent to the present facility along the Fair Monday. High temperatures in the upper 50s to mid lure the U.S. Coast Guard's research the energy costs are on the order of Guard Academy. 60s and overnight lows in the upper 40s and low 50s concerts Tuesday in Hockanum River The state Department of Environmen­ Singapore and Thursday center away from Connecticut, but 15 percent less,” he said. The Avery Point laboratory is tal Protection Tuesday granted the town a solid waste through the weekend. A little warmer Monday. Gov. Ella Grasso says she’s willing The University of Michigan also engaged in general research related Vermont: Chance of showers Saturday. Clearing Sun­ she’ll be in Kuala Lum- disposal permit for all but the five acres of wetlands. pur, Malaysia. to put up $10 million to keep it in wants the center built on its campus. to Coast Guard operations but is best The corps met Oct. 18 in Walpole, Mass., with day. Fair Monday. Cooler. Highs mid 50s to low 60s. Lows Groton. A. W. O p p e n h e im e r, u n ­ known for development of a so-called mid 30s to low Says she of the hectic, representatives from the state Department of En­ high-speed tour, ‘T m Mrs. Grasso met briefly dersecretary of the Office of Policy fingerprint system for tracking down vironmental Protection and the federal Fish and Wildlife Maine and New Hampshire: Chance of rain Saturday. Wednesday with Coast Guard and Management, said Mrs. Grasso the source of oil spills. Wlan^i Clearing Sunday. Fair Monday. Highs in the upper 50s shocked by the humidity Service. As a result of that meeting, Giles was told he representatives in her Capitol office in a June letter to the Coast Guard Kenneth Urfer, commanding of­ CHINOS ^ and 60s. Lows in the 40s. but it has heiped fluff would be requested to submit a report outlining options to out my hair. Otherwise, before the group toured the Coast said the state would be willing to ficer at the laboratory, said the Coast filling the wetlands. this is a beautifui coun­ Guard Research and Development bond up to $10 million to build a new Guard had the option of staying at The federal Environmental Protection Agency had STRAIGHT The Almanac try for the world of Center at the University of Connec­ center at the UConn campus. Avery Point and renovating that requested a month’s delay before acting on the applica­ entertainment.” ticut’s Avery Point campus. The research and development building, constructing a new one or tion in order to obtain additional information on alter­ LEG By I niled Press International Has her marital break-up affected her career? Capt. James Rooney, chief of plan­ facility currently. is housed in a moving to Delaware or Michigan. natives. The Army Corps of Engineers makes a decision Today is Thursday, Oct. 2, the 276th day of 1980 with 90 Says Rita, "Oh No. On the contrary it has given me ning and evaluation for the Coast leased building on campus. The Coast Urfer said one advantage to on landfill applications after meeting with the federal Guard’s research and development to follow.' independence.” Guard has been at the Avery Point staying in Connecticut was that many EPA. 10 COLORS The moon is moving toward its new phase. operations, said the Lewes, Del., site site since 1972 and pays $320,000-a- highly skilled employees might not Despite the confusion, Giles expressed hope that any The morning stars are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. is attractive because it’s adjacent to year for the space. be willing to relocate to another request from the corps would allow the town ZZ days to The evening stars are Mercury and Mars. Quote of the day a new post-graduate school in marine The facility has 140 employees, state. assemble its data. Those born on this date are under the sign of Libra. studies. half military and half civilians, and a Mahatma Gandhi, Nationalist leader of India, was born Gilda Radner. of "Saturday Night Live,” in Oct. 2, 1869. Forum magazine on how it feeis to become a star: "1 don’t like the celebrity part. I like the work part. Carnival Night set On this date in history: |(S; In 1780. British spy Maj, John Andre was convicted in I don’t want to be a celebrity, which can be a fuli- Interim OK suggested at West Side Rec connection with ^nedict Arnold's treason and was time job. I love to work and I find that’s what this MANCHESTER — The Manchester Recreation hanged in Tappan, N.Y. whoie work thing is all about ... I have a very charmed life, I think.” Department will hold a Carnival Night at the West Side In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke for burning dirty fuel Recreation Center Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. that paralyzed his left side. Several activities are scheduled including pool, ping- In 1968, U S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas withdrew his nomination as chief justice. Six months Glimpses HARTFORD (UPI) - A state of­ utilities have disagreed on the issue fuel that may be burned at certain pong.:^,and foozball tournament, a shoot the puck and throwing contest, floor hockey and global ball. later, he resigned from the court, admitting he had made The Americas Foundation wili present its 37th an­ ficial has proposed Northeast at some generating stations but have plants there is no reason to wait for a A puppet show and sing-along for all ages will be a deal with the Louis Wulfson Foundation guaranteeing nual Americas Award Oct. 10 to former Mexican Utilities be permitted to temporarily agreed on some other points. He said final disposition of the entire case,” burn higher sulfur oil until the dis­ said Kosloff. presented at 8. him $20,000 a year for life. President H.E. Miguel Aleman, now president of the request was made so the un­ pute over aiiowing use of the dirtier “It would be silly for us to sit by Certificates for tournament winners and the puppet In 1979. Pope John Paul addresed the United Nations in the Mexican National Tourist Councii, at New disputed argum ents could be fuel is settled permanantly. show are sponsored by Burger King. New York and called on the diplomats to work for world York’s Pierre Hotel at a reception hosted by David eliminated from the pending cases. and let the bureaucratic red tape get Assistant Attorney General Alan He said the request calls for 2.2 in the way of reaching a timeiy, tem­ The West Side Citizens Action Group will hold a raffle peace. Rockefeller ... Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, drawing at the end of the night. Michaei Landon, Pat Boone, Robert Stack, Wayne Kosloff made the request Wednesday percent sulfur oil at' Northeast’s porary resoiution to this situation,” FLANNEL Everyone attending is invited to meet the teachers of Newton, former President Gerald Ford and on behalf of the air compliance unit Norwalk Harbor Station. The request he said. the fall program at the West Side Center and see a exhibit Lottery numbers presidential hopeful Ronald Reagan poured $6 of the state Department of En- also calls for burning oil with 1 per^"'' Kosloff said neither the state nor of their work. The fall program includes both children’s million into the GOP campaign coffer Tuesday with vironmejHal Protection. Northeast cent sulfer at one Montville unir' thsi^tilites have backed off in some U tiliU ^ joined in the requst to burn and adult classes. Registration will be open throughout SHIRTS AMERICAN MADE Numbers drawn Wednesday: $l,000-a-plate fund-raisers linked by closed circuit whiie another unit in the town would othehdisi the/high sulfer fuel at two of its the night. Classes begin the week of Oct. 13. Connecticut 351 television in New York, Oklahoma City and Los be allowed to bum 2.2 percent sulfer unit was close to an agreement with BUTTON FRONT generating stations in Norwalk and oil. Refreshments will be served. Maine 633 Angeles ... George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere United Illuminating on the oil to be lontville. New Hampshire 1557 are costarring at Hollywood’s Huntington Hartford "Since we have decided there are burned at the Bridgeport and New Rhode Island daily 9798 Theater in Sidney Michaels’ new play, “Tricks of SThe giant utility said use of the certain limited amounts of sulfur Haven stations. GE granted permit Rhode Island weekly 050.4813.56554.362996 the Trade” .... ^ a p e r oil could save consumers ~aoout $30 million this winter, or Massachusetts daily 1758 MANCHESTER — The General Electric Corp. Massachusetts weekly 500. 10. 1 about $1.50 a month for the average 297 EAST CENTER ST. homeowner. Nuke waste consultant received Sept. 26 a permit for construction of its $4 Kosloff said he expected DEP million Northeast Distribution Warehouse in the town In­ Evtning Herald dustrial Park. The permit extends for six months. To Advertlaa To Report News imissioner Stanley J. Pac to I’SPS .T27.500 schedule oral arguments on the eyes sites in 16 states The 252,000-square-foot warehouse will be built by Published daily except Sunday and cer­ For a classified advertisement, call To rtport ■ news item or story idea; Schnip Building Co. of Norwich. Alderman & MacNeish MANCHESTER, CT request in about two weeks. Approval lists the target states as Minnesota, 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office WASHINGTON (UPI) - The of West Springfield, Mass., are architects for the tain holidays by the Manchester- ' Manchester .... Alex Olrelll, 643-2711 musKalso be obtained from the Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Ver­ hours are 8 30 a m to 5 p.m Monday East Hartford__ Pat RelUy, 6432711 search for suitable granite for­ Publishing Co . Herald Square, federal Environmental Protection mont, New Hampshire, project. OPEN Thurs. A FrI. ’til 9 P.M.I Manchester. Conn. 06040 Second class through Friday When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 6432711 mations for a permanent, national The town received building fees of $24,000. postage paid at Manchester. Conn closed, classiliwi ads mav be placed by Andover...... Donna Holland, 6430275' Agency high-level atomic waste dump site Massachusetts, Rhode Island, POSTMASTER Send address changes calling 643-2718 Bolton...... Donna Holland, 6430273 Hearings have been underway on should focus on 16 states in the Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, to the Evening Herald. P 0. Box 591. For information about display adver­ (Coventry ...... Doug Bevins, 6432711- NortheasU^request to bum oil with a Midwest, East and South, a federal Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Dodd on productivity tising. Call Tom Hooper, advertising Manchester. Conn. 06040 Hebron .. Barbara Richmond, 6432711 sulfur content of 2.2 percent at all its consultant recommends. Carolina, South Carolina and NAUGATUCK (UPI) - Rep. Christopher Dodd says director, at 643-2711 South WindMr Dave Lavidlee,6432711 Have a Cpmplaint? stations in Connecticut. Another Ben McCarty, spokesman for the Georgia. simplified and accelerated depreciation schedules would SPRINGDALE MALL To Subocribo Vernon .. Barbwa Rlchntond, 6432711 utility. United Illuminating, has Energy Department's nuclear “This listing should only be con- Mawt — II you have a question or encourage businesses to invest money in new equipment To subscribe, call Customer Service requested permission to bum the programs, W^nesday said the draft stmed as a general illustration of the and would increase worker productivity. complaint about news coverage, call at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a m. to To report special news: same oil at its Bridgeport and New consultant report will simply permit types of crystalline intmsive rock The Democratic U.S. Senate candidate also said Frank Burbank, managing editor, or 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 Business...... Alex Girelli. 643-2711 Haven stations. the agency to begin gathering infor­ areas that are present within the Wednesday employers should be provided selected tax SPRINGFIELDp MA Steve Harry, executive editor. 643-2711 to 10 a m. Saturday. Opinion...... Frank Burbank. 643-2711 The proposed temporary burning mation on the granite formations. United States,” it said. “These areas Circulation — if you have a problem Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 benefits to make it worthwhile to hire the unemployed, regarding service or deliverv. call F am ily ...... Betty Ryder. 643-2711 was oppos^ by the Connecticut Fund “It's not to the point where we’re may or may not be suitable for . provide them with training and maintain their operations OPEN Every Nits ’til 9:301 weekly, $5.12 for one month. $15.35 for S ports...... Earl Yost. 643-2711 Customer Service. 647-9946 lieliverv three months. $30.70 for six months, and for the Environment which is against going into any states for field repository siting and, therefore, in Connecticut. should be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a m to 5-p m the burning of high sulfur fuel. The exploration or anything,” he said. should only be considered as a star­ “We must make a strong effort to provide businesses through Friday and by 7 30 a m .Satur­ available on request. Monday through Friday fund said the move would circumvent “It's a preliminary step.” ting point for the future evaluation bf not only a reason to invest in their plants but in their com­ day the hearing process already begun. The draft report from Dames & areas.” * munities as well so that the jobs they provide remain Kosloff said the DEP and the Moore Consulting Co. of Cincinnati Connecticut jobs,” Dodd said. .1 m-KM.Ii Hull' 0(1 2 . IHBII f^Ediiorial Thoughts

Fair housing It is that time of year whfl maker used such code words beautiful season of auluiiil Each day it is becoming luminates so many shades ol f more and more clear that the and scare tactics to whip up How many view its splendor' HI flap in the campaign for frenzy and panic in the na­ called nature is called in Ihi', I'nited States Senator from tion. O p in io n the handiwork of God; "ThehiJ Connecticut over local zoning That lawmaker’s name was declare the glory of God. and 111 control is a contrived issue. Joseph McCarthy. His code mament shows His handii»j Republican James Buckley word was “Communism.” (Psalm 19:1). And again; "thfl is the Lord's and the lullnttss Ih^ is running broadcast adver- This year's reincarnation Washington reporter Lisa suspected of being dis­ ever reach the federal level. the world and they that tising saying Rep. of McCarthy’s tactics is Shepard, through a criminatory will be handled Thus, the prospect of HUD therein." (Psalm 24:1). Hnwl Christopher Dodd, his being promoted by Buckley. spokesman, that the law is not by HUD, but by the controlling local matters, that so many who can see can l| Democratic opponent voted His code word, especially unclear on the zoning ques­ federal courts. which is remote in all states, Pastor C.W. Kuhl in favor of a measure which effective in Manchester, is tion because it fails to define The Synar Amendment to is made even more remote in Zion Evangelical Lutheran t'l)| would turn local zoning con­ “HUD” land use. the Fair Housing Act, named Connecticut if not impossi­ trol over to the federal Sensenbrenner has a We have consistently op­ after sponsoring Rep. ble. Department of Housing and reputation with those in posed HUD interference in Michael Synar, a Democrat Sensenbrenner is saying, as Urban Development. Wisconsin who have defeated local decisions, but to be fair, from Oklahoma, puts other is Buckley that there is not Quotes The sponsors of the bill and him on legislative matters. we cannot support Buckley’s matters of discrimination enough in the law to prevent the amendment make it clear One former Wisconsin lob­ statements. before an administrative law HUD from imposing itself on ‘I suppose I'm selfish but 1 Buckley is wrong. byist characterizes Sensen­ Buckley is making hay on judge to be appointed by the local government. real joy out of my work. 1 love t(| Rep. James Sensenbrenner brenner as, “ a pouter.” Ap­ the issue using the most Justice Department, not by Yet, reading the law, it 1 discovered 55 years ago 1 coull of Wisconsin, who may be parently the congressmen obscure kind of logic possi­ HUD. seems to be clear that the paid for being someone else ^ peeved that his own amend­ pouts when he doesn't get his ble. He is unable to support The amendment takes Justice Department would — Ileiirv Ponilu (MIG) ment on the subject was not own way. his view on the zoning ques­ HUD out of such questions have authority to control "I just don t think there's i incorporated into the bill is Now we are told Sensen­ tion with facts and continues except as a potential that. that could break up this group | joining Buckley in his alar­ brenner is on his was to to push his opinion as if it mediator between the par­ Buckley tried to create a have their own little clique. mist charge that the Fair Connecticut to stump for were a scandalous revelation ties. controversy for the campaign — Slieilu lluiiHen, molhrl Housing Act of 1980 will turn Buckley and “clarify the about Dodd. In addition, the law clearly out of a non-issue. iilentirul fix e-year-old fri control of local zoning over to zoning issue.” states that states that have It is time for the The Fair Housing Act of i|uu

By JACK ANDERSON were aware of the extreme danger campaign oliicial. recalled the con­ enforcement agencies. Ward hopes to get Congress involved care of Lt, Gen Leroy J Ml WASHINGTON - The five children involved in Ryan's ill-fated fact­ versation. but said. "I think I said • House probers particularly want to and bring pressure on DOE that way. USAF, retired. 507 Magnoha (| of the late Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif.. finding mission. Yet the agencies did 'intelligence report" rather than "CIA find out if Ryan's requests to the Fund for llir fullrii: Surviving Destin. Fla 32541 have filed a $3 million lawsuit not tell Ryan what they knew, and he report." State Department for accurate infor­ members of the ill-starred Iranian The fund has not yet rece(vp against that the State Department was killed by cultists at the airport • A tape-recording in the FBI's mation on conditions at Jonestown rescue mission last April have es­ exempt status, but Rep withheld information that could have near Jonestown on Nov. 18, 1978. possession covers the last horror- were turned down to protect CIA tablished a college scholarship fund Findley. R-lll.. has proddi‘(| prevented his murder in Jonestown. The lawsuit also charges that the filled minutes of the Jonestown mass covert operations in Guyana. When for children of the eight men who Internal Revenue Service (or i Guyana, two years ago. State Department faiFed to provide murder-suicide ritual. On the tape, he failed to get anywhere from the died in the aborted raid. action on the fund's request The House Intelligence Com­ the congressman with adequate the cult leader can be heard barking state Department, Ryan flew to The fund is named after the late rile iiiun xxlio xxuiilil hr mittee, meanwhile, has begun an in­ security. the instruction: "Get Dwyer out of Guyana to get his own. Col. Arthur D. Simons, a legendary Florida Attorney General Jl vestigation of the As for the House probe, a Capitol here before something happens to More miles per watl'f Dr. soldier with whom some members of Smith astonished congressionil same disturbing f Hill source said of the long- him ... I’m not talking about you. Michael A. V. Ward, a Massachusetts the rescue team had served. Like the vestigators recently by lestil allegations. t ■ H circulating rumors about the CIA: Darrell, I said Dwyer," scientist, has been trying to- get raiders themselves, Simons was that a convicted narcotics tralll Both the law- "These allegations are coming from Investigators say the reference Department of Energy officials as known for a willingness to risk his in South Florida "spoke senuul suit and'the House ^ / some very responsible people, and was to Richard Dwyer, deputy chief turned on as he is about an innovation life to save fellow Americans. paying $20 million to take contnl investigation are they cannot be dismissed out of of the U.S. mission in Guyana, who that he believes could revolutionize The volunteer-operated fund has small Central American natiorf based on persis­ hand." Details of the investigation accompanied the Ryan party to the internal combustion engine. absolutely no overhead: every dime turns out the dope smuggler! tent rumors about it are still under wraps, but my Jonestown. “Who's Who in the CIA," Ward has been experimenting for goes toward scholarships. Con­ referring to Belize, a tiny. Enl Central associate Indy Badhwar has learned a sometimes reliable East German several years with a system using tributions should be sent to the Col. speaking nation formerly knoif Intelligence Agency activities in that it will focus on the following publication, lists Dwyer as an agent microwaves to stimulate the com­ Arthur D. Simons Memorial Fund, in British Honduras. Guyana and the agency's links to the evidence; since 1959. Dwyer, who knew Jones, bustion of gas and air inside an Rev.'Jim Jones, the People's Temple • Joe Holsinger, Ryan's top aide says that he left Jonestown before automobile engine. The method cult leader. Accoiiing to some who helped arrange the trip but the massacre, and also says Jones would use less gasoline and more air reports, the CIA agent may have remained in California, got a phone must have been "mistaken" when he than current mixtures, burning IflauriiriitiT turuiiuj Hrra| witnessed Ryan's assassination, as call from the White House on the day referred to him as present. Dwyer "leaner and cleaner" and causing well as the ritual murder-suicides of of Ryan's murder. The caller, Les had "no comment" when asked if he fewer polutant emissions. Manchester — A City of Village Charm more than 900 men. women and Francis of the congressional liaison worked for the CIA. Ward figures his system is about Founded Oct. 1, 1881 children at Jonestown a few hours office, reported accurately the • Discovery at the Jonestown com­ four years away from actual testing later. number of persons killed, and accor­ mune of a huge cache of arms and in an engine and he's trying to get Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Squsr| The Ryan children's lawyer. Mar­ ding to Holsinger said his informa- drugs like Quaaludes, Valium, d o e 's Development Division in- Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. vin E. Lewis, said he plans to prove tioh'was based on "a CIA report from Demerol and Thorazine. The dis­ ^terested in his project. So far, Mcn-ber Audit Bureau of Circulation Member United Preis lnlern||ion«i that the State "Department and the Jhe scene, " Francis, now executive covery raises the question of links however, the only spaCk of Steven Harry Executive Edito' . (.'lA possessed vital information director of the Democratic National between Jones and drug traffickers enthusiasm jic has ignited at DOE Customer Service — 647-9946 Frank A Burbank. Managing Eddcj Raymond F Robinson. Editor-Publisher Harold E Turkinglon. Editor Em«i I about the Jonestown situation, and Committee and a Carter-Mondale and organized crime, as well as law- has Ijeen in its Conservation Division. I \ I 1 ,1. lll'. H M . l > r i i u i ' ll( 1 2 . MtBli K\ K.M\(. Ill-.KAl.lj Thurs Od 2 IHHii •^Editorial Thought$ ^ore time, instruction provided in proficiency tests By LAliREN DAVIS SHEA Last year. 96.5 percent of the students in the district whit ol u difference whether the scores arc 97.2 percent parallels the slate test In June Kennedv had said i' th> Herald Reporter parsed the reading section with the inclusion of special of 96.5 percent " education scores, while 97.2 percent passed when these state te.sts (ontinue to .show the same results as the town It is that time of year when the Besides the state test, which is not required for high Fair housing MANCHESTER— An estimated 60Q ninth graders students' scores were excluded. school graduation. Manchester students must take tests, eventually the town may use the stale as a beautiful season of autumn il­ will be locally administered the statewide proficiency screening device for its own maker used such code words ^ . . . . r -•■ At the time. Kennedy commented. Outside of the idle another local test which is required for graduation. Each day it is becoming luminates so many shades of color. est Oct. 7 to Oct. 9; but this year students will be given curiosity to compare school districts, it doesn't make one That basic skills test has shown results which closelv For example, only those students who lad the stale test more and more clear that the and scare tactics to whip up How many view its splendor! What is better instruction and more time for writing, according might be required to take the town s test the next vear to state and local officials. tiap in tlie campaign for frenzy and panic in the na­ called nature is called in the Bible the handiwork of God; 'Vrhe heavens This is the second school year the test will be given. United States Senator from tion. O p in io n The test was last given in-March, when about 628 local ('onnecticut over local zoning That lawmaker’s name was declare the glory of God; and the fir­ students took it. mament shows His handiwork," The test is designed to measure students' abilities in control is a contrived issue. Joseph McCarthy. His code (Psalm 19:fi. And again: “the earth word was “Communism.” the basic academic skills of reading, writing, Deli Department Specials Republican James Buckley is the Lord's and the fullness^thereof, mathematics and language arts. Remediation is to be CHOICEST MEATS is running broadcast adver- This year’s reincarnation Washington reporter Lisa suspected of being dis­ ever reach the federal level. the world and they that dwell provided to students who fall. tising saying Rep. of McCarthy’s tactics is Shepard, through a criminatory will be handled Thus, the prospect of HUD therein. " (Psalm 24:1). How is it Last year's results showed Manchester students by 97.2 Christopher Dodd, his being promoted by Buckley. spokesman, that the law is not by HUD, but by the controlling local matters, that so many who can see can't see? percent passed the reading portion of the test. The IN TOWN TOBIN’S VIRGINIA BRAND students' reading scores reflected a districtwide priority BOTTOM Democratic opponent voted His code word, especially unclear on the zoning ques­ federal courts. which is remote in all states, Pastor C.W. Kuhl which has been placed on reading. Superintendent of HAM ...... •2 .70 in favor of a measure which effective in Manchester, is tion because it fails to define The Synar Amendment to is made even more remote in Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Schools James Kennedy said in June, when he released ROUND ROAST lb. TOBIN’S test results. would turn local zoning con­ “ HUD.” land use. the Fair Housing Act, named Connecticut if not impossi­ BHP ROUND TAVERN LOAF .•1.0 0 Other scores of the 615 students who took the test trol over to the federal Sensenbrenner has a We have consistently op­ after sponsoring Rep. ble. MOTHEROOOSE Sensenbrenner is saying, as showed 95.4 percent passed the language arts section, RACK RUMP ROAST lb. Department of Housing and reputation with those in posed HUD interference in Michael Synar, a Democrat while of the 603 students who took the writing sample por­ LIVERWURST .•1.0 0 Urban Development. Wisconsin who have defeated local decisions, but to be fair, from Oklahoma, puts other is Buckley that there is not Quotes tion of the test, 89.6 percent passed. Of the 615 students LIAN U.S.D.A. CHOICE IMPORTED who took the mathematics portion of the test, 86.5 per­ The sponsors of the bill and him on legislative matters. we cannot support Buckley’s matters of discrimination enough in the law to prevent EYE ROUND ROAST lb. "I suppose I'm selfish but I get a cent passed it. SWISS CHEESE •2.00 the amendment make it clear One former Wisconsin lob­ statements. before an administrative law HUD from imposing itself on TOBIN'S real joy out of my work. I love to act. This year's ninth graders will be given the same test BEEF ROUND CENTER CUT Buckley is wrong. byist characterizes Sensen­ Buckley is making hay on judge to be appointed by the local government. and results are expected to be available about mid- I discovered 55 years ago I could get SOnOM ROAST P&P or OLIVE LOAF .•1.0 0 Rep. James Sensenbrenner brenner as, “ a pouter.” Ap­ the issue using the most Justice Department, not by Yet, reading the law, it January, state Education Commissioner Mark R. Shedd lb. paid for being someone else." said. Results will eventually be mailed home. of Wisconsin, who may be parently the congressmen obscure kind of logic possi­ HUD. seems to be clear that the BEEF ROUND Justice Department would —Ili'iir> Fonilu (NBC) Assistant Superintendent of Schools J. Gerald Fitzgib- peeved that his own amend­ pouts when he doesn’t get his ble. He is unable to support The amendment takes bons cautioned against comparing last year's results with CURE STEAKS lb. own way. HUD out of such questions have authority to control this year's. ment on the subject was not his view on the zoning ques­ “1 just don t think there's much Now we are told Sensen­ that. First, the children in the tesFvgroup will be entirely BWIFTB ORIOINAL BROWN A SERVE incorporated into the bill is tion with facts and continues except as a potential that could break,up this group. They HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS brenner is on his was to Buckley tried to create a different, so comparisons of whether progress had been SAUSAGE...... S oz. pkg. joining Buckley in his alar­ to push his opinion as if it mediator between the par­ have their own little clique.” made would be impossible’to draw. controversy for the campaign mist charge that the Fair Connecticut to stump for were a scandalous revelation ties. — Sheilu lluiisen, mother of Secondly, the children in the first test had nearly com­ TOBIN'S pleted the ninth grade when the test was administered in Housing Act of 1980 will turn Buckley and “clarify the about Dodd. In addition, the law clearly out of a non-issue. iileiilirul fi\e-veur-old female ANThPERSPERANT March, but this year's test group will have just begun the MEAT FRANKS .Ib.pkg. control of local zoning over to zoning issue.” The Fair Housing Act of states that states that have It is time for the <|iiuilru|ilelH. referring to her ninth grade when the test is administered in October. TOBIN’S 2 Republican contender to drop HUD. ' The only clarification we 1980, which still is pending in fair housing boards, such as (l(iiiglilerN — Alision, Brooke, “This will make their levels of education significanCly SECRET SPRAY his caprice and move The tactic hasn’t been in have heard from Sensen­ the Senate, stipulates clear­ Connecticut, will have the Claire and l)urr>. They have just different," Fitzgibbons noted. REEF FRANKS . lb. pkg. forward to discuss the real Third, the test is designed to measure “levels of vogue since the early 1950s, brenner was Wednesday, ly, according to its sponsors, first opportunity to resolve ^larled kindergarten in ftan An­ TOBIN’S such problems before they issues of the campaign. proficiency" and is unlikely, over the short term, to be when another Wisconsin law­ when he told Evening Herald that zoning matters tonio. re\UK.' able to measure “progress." BAG SAUSAGE...... lb. pkg. The change between the two tests involves the writing section. Students will be given 25 minutes, instead of the TOBIN'S 20 minutes they were previously allowed. The students SLICED RADON . lb. pkg. The Herald in Washington Commentary Iraq, Iran and arms will also be told by proctors at various intervals during the 25 minutes how much time they have left. The tests V. By DON GRAFF Both buyers and sellers play politics — the Soviest in will take a total of 3Mi hours. In the short run, Iraq would appear tojiave the best of it particular among the latter. But increasingly the The extension of time for the writing sample was ‘Stealthy’ leaks fit Carter pattern in its war with Iran. business of the arms business is business. Even for the allowed because several students complained they didn’t The Iraqi forces, thanks to their Soviet connection, are United States, which has quietly abandoned its efforts of have time to copy their essays from scratch paper and By LEE RODERICK “big difference between the bits and ly urged to publish them. Schemmer among the best-equipped in the Mideast with the advan­ a few years back to restrict the trade. Foreign sales, es­ outline form into the test booklet. Because of this, in MIDDLEBURG. Va. - After a pieces" that had previously leaked to himself reportedly told the House tages of striking first and heavily at a disorganized oppo­ pecially of aircraft, are increasingly important to the some Instances honor students fa il^ that section of the three-hour meeting with Ronald the press, and the greater damage in­ Subcommittee the Pentagon's action nent already at war with itself. economic health of U.S. manufacturers and, by lowering test. Reagan at his new new countryside flicted by "the whole concept coming was "irresponsible " anti the infor­ In the long run.... unit costs, save the Pentagon money in equipping U.S. “The instruction will also be more detailed this time and the results should mean that a greater number of estate the other day. a shirt-sleeved out" when Secretary of Defense mation had been given to him for Who knows? It could be very long indeed, and the forces. Harold Brown and his deputy for “political purposes." Iraqis and Iranians may have less to say about it than a An extreme case is France, which depends upon the students will have completed the essay,” Project Direc­ Henry Kissinger emerged to add tor Douglas Rindone said. research. William J. Perry, took it The possibility that the White number of outside parties whose interests converge in the foreign market to maintain its warplane industry, selling BOnOM ROUNR ROAST further weight to evidence that abroad three times as many planes as it buys for the The written sample will be given Oct. 7, and makeup > explosive Persian Gulf President Carter has compromised upon themselves to confirm the House itself is behind the leaking of sessions for students unable to take the test Oct. 7 to Oct. 1.89 These are for the most part the same parties that at the French air force. ^ the nation's security for .^litical rumors and publicly divulge informa­ this supersensitive project would be moment are urging the combatants to cool it and calling There's more, but we may not have seen anything 9 will be given the week of Oct. 14. BEEFROUND gain. tion about Stealth. almost unbelievable if it didn't fit a The Japanese, who have maintained a very low post-war - The state will pay teachers who correct the tests on a well-established Jimmy Carter upon each other to pledge non-intervention. Kissinger, ever Now, it is no secret that Kissinger They are also, however, already deeply involved in the military posture, are reported seriously considering weekend day $35 each. If teachers correct written the diplomat, had is a very ambitious man who clearly pattern. Throughout his administra­ fighting itself. Those are American-supplied Phantoms dealing themselves in on such an obviously booming samples on a school day, the state will pay the local BACK RUMP ROAST * no prepared state- relishes the idea of having a role in a tion he has attempted to turn with which the Iranians are raiding Baghdad. Those are business. Don't be surprised if the next Toyota-style school districts $35 per teacher to help cover the cost of 2.49 m ent for possible Reagan administration. So national and international crises to Soviet tanks in which the Iraqis are striking at Abadan. success story involves Super-Zeroes. substitute teachers. Teachers will also receive travel his views on Stealth may be suspect. his political advantage Whatever else develops from the Iraqi-Iranian war, it But back to Iraq and Iran, whatever the long-run con­ allowance and lunch when they go to the test correction reporters, but centers. almost begged The same goes for the Republicans Who can forget the is providing a beautiful example of the consequences of sequences of the conflict it is providing ample evidence We Give Old Fashioned that it is a little bit late in the game for the interested out­ Last year, each school district was expected to supply them to ask the on Capitol Hill who have spoken out ■breakthroughs" in Iran that kept one of fhe world's biggest businesses — the arms trade. side parties to be talking about non-intervention. Without one teacher for each 100 students who took the test,,.so on the subject. occurring last spring, curiously each T(ital arms exports during 1980 are expected to hit $25 Butcher Service ... No Substitute obvious question: their coptributions. the short run already would have Manchester sent six teachers. This year, Fitzgibbons Did the Carter ad­ But how about credibility of such time before a crucial primary elec­ billion — not counting spare parts, maintenance and training costs, which can increase a supplier's eventual been a lot shorter. said, there is no such quota. Fitzgibbons hop«l the salary, For Quality Reagan charges. men as these: tion? The truth of those ministration. as take by two or three times — and are increasing by some which is new this year, would motivate local teachers to Retired Navy Adm. Thomas breakthroughs is written in the fate purposely disclose information on the $5 billion a year. offer their services to correct tests. Moorer, former chairman of the of 52 Americans still held hostage 334 Rindone estimated it will cost the state $27,000 to cor­ secret Stealth airplane project to It is a business dominated by a handful of super arms Berry's World____ STORE HOURS; counter criticism of a poor defense Joint Chiefs of Staff under four days after their capture. powers ^ the United States, with a declining share but rect the written sample. Correction of the other three sections of the proficiency exam will cost about $187,000, 317 H^and St record? presidents: "I never saw anything Or take the Middle East. Even ad­ still close to half the world market, followed by the Soviet Mon. Tues. 'til 6:00 education officials said. t Choosing his words carefully, the like this administration that used the ministration officials involved in the Union and wjfh France a strong third. Britain and Italy The College Board of New York will correct the former Secretary of State and Defense Department for political Camp David negotiations charge make up the rest of the first team. Wed, Thurs., S Fri. 'til 9KHI MANCHESTER reading exam, while the language arts and mathematics T Carter with sleeping at the wheel Customers for everything from supersophisticated national security advisor noted that purposes." There was no need to con­ exams will be corrected by the National Evaluations Sat Swday during all of the past years as the jets to rifle ammunition are found anywhere in the world i n Z C I I U l T D he learned of the project during the firm the Stealth leaks, he added. "All Systems of Amherst, Mass. 'til 6KH CONN. Ford administration. U was. he said, we had to do was give a "no com­ dangerous stalemate continues there are regimes that can afford to buy — and sometimes among those that can't. Students exempted from taking the test include some in ■'Among the most sensitive secrets ment.'" there. Yet. on the eve of his speech special education. In Manchester, all students who are The most lucrative single market, however, is the Gen. Richard H. Ellis, current the other day to the Jewish B'nai special education and have a Planning and Placement we had. and we took special Mideast, where the oil exporters have been pouring much precautions to see that nothing commander of the Strategic Air B'rith, Carter sprung the news of a team have been evaluated to determine whether they of their wealth into arms. Several of the arms suppliers, should take the test. leaked while I was in office." Command (SAC), who echoed Mideast summit in the offing in turn, depend upon the sales to pay much of their oil ■■IBBlBlBlBllBllBillllMllM F i^ b b o n s said at Illing Junior High School, all 25 The secret was kept for two years Moorer's view. Testifying before a "sometime" later this year. bills — an estimated 20 percent in the case of France. special education students will take the test, while at under President Ford and for another House Armed Services subcom­ Buyers and sellers tend to specialize. The American ^ GROCERY SPECIALS ^ ■ Y Garden Fresh, Fresh. ProducePmdui^o Specials ^ three and a half years under Presi­ mittee, Ellis likewise said the Pen­ The question now before the na­ ^ n n e t Junior High School,. 30 of the 33 special over-equipping of the shah's forces is a much retold story education students will take the test. dent Carter, coming out now as the tagon should have given a “no com­ tion is whether Carter and his people, since the revolution. The Saudis have also been U.S. in their thirst for continued political clients, but are now also talking to the French about Computations of the districts' test results will be made SWEET LIFE campaign season gets into high gear. ment" response to Stealth, despite which both include and leave out the effect the special planes. Jordan looks primarily to the United States and COFFEE...... 1-lb.en •’I can only note the coincidence'" of references to it in several press ac­ power, have even delivered a crucial education students have on overall scores. POTATOES ^ L I . BAG * * the timing, said Kissinger. counts. military secret to America's poten­ Britain. SWEET LIFE Kissinger added that he is not an Benjamin F. Schemmer, editor of tial enemies. Iraq, after absorbing something like $3 billion in Soviet 1060 Dy NEA fnc SWEET SEEDLESS material in the last two decades, is now turning to MUSHROOMS...... 4 oz. tlMM G rIm im A expert on the technical aspects in­ the Armed Forces Journal, who was It is a question that must not rest Europe — to France for planes and to Italy for a reported summoned by Perry, given details of until it is unequivocally answered by SWEET LIFE volved in Stealth. $l-plus billion warship deal that would make it the "Just say the word 'Shogun' In front of an NBC GRAPES congressional investigators. Retarded bowl team 17oz.eiRl But he emphasized that there is a the Stealth project, and has reported­ strongest naval power in the Gulf. executive and he goes gonzo." FRUIT COCKTAIL .. JUMBO RIPE has banquet, dance SWEET LIFE RATH TISSUE...... Washington Merry-Go-Round MANUHKSTKR— In celebration of a summer HONEYDEWS .EACH bowling program for mentally retarded individuals in the DISH DETEflQENT area, a banquet and dance was recently held by the JOYLIQUIO ...... 220Z.4 ADD ZIP WITH YELLOW Tolland Region Summer Ten-Pin Bowling League. FOR SPOTLESS DISHES $3 million suit vs. State Dept, filed by Ryan children The event was sponsored by the Manchester ( ^ p te r of ONIONS LB. BAB UNICO National, an Italo-American civic organization; CASCAOEi BOoz. the Tolland Region Foundation, Inc., Brunswick Parkade care of Lt. Gen Leroy J. Manor. FABRIC SOFTENER Bv J ACK ANDERSON were aware of the extreme danger campaign ofiicial. recalled the con­ enforcement agencies. Ward hopes to get Congress involved Lanes of Manchester, and the Tolland Region of the state WASHINGTON - The five children Involved in Ryan's ill-fated fact­ versation. but sa(d. "1 think 1 said • House probers particularly want to and bring'pressure on DOE that way. USAF. retired. 507 Magnolia Court. Department of Mental Retardation. OOWNEY...... S40Z.IM. of the late Rep. Leo Ryan. D-Calif.. finding mission. Yet the agencies did 'intelligence report" rather than 'CIA find out if Ryan’s requests to the Fund for the fullrn: Surviving Destin. Fla. 32541 All bowlers who participated in the league were DELTA State Department for accurate infor­ members of the ill-starred Iranian The fund has not yet received tax- presented with certificates of merit. Special awards I(ave filed a $3 million lawsuit not tell Ryan what they knew, and he report."' FACIAL TISSUE. IBOoLA against that the State Department was killed by cultists at the airport • A tape-recording in the FBI’s mation on conditions at Jonestown rescue mission last April have es­ exempt status, but Rep. Paul were presented to bowlers who distinguished themselves withheld information that could have near Jonestown on Nov. 18, 1978, possession covers the last horrdr- were turned down to protect CIA tablished a college scholarship fund Findley. R-llL. has prodded the in areas of high average, high double and high single. If ’ith Coupon & prevented his murder in Jonestown. The lawsuit also charges that the filled minutes of the Jonestown mass covert operations in Guyana. When for children of the eight men who Internal Revenue Service for quick In the Senior Division. Cyprien Higgens and Florence $7*50 Purchase Zagaglia won high average honors. Frank Verzulli and murder-suicide ritual. On the tape, he failed to get anywhere from the died in the aborted raid. action on the fund's request. Guyana, two years ago. State Department faifed to provide Anna Gorynski won high double honors. Betty Nelson and FROZEN & DAIRY state Department, Ryan flew to The fund is named after the late The mail who would hr king: MRS. FAULO PUMTAN 2 The House Intelligence Com­ the congressman with adequate the cult leader can be heard barking George Jones won high single honors. In the Open Divi­ mittee, meanwhile, has begun an in­ security. the instruction: “Get Dwyer out of Guyana to get his own. Col. Arthur D. Simons, a legendary Florida Attorney General James ONION RINGS...... 16 VEGETABLE OIL sion. Arthur Back and Ann Mazur won high average •TOUFnilO MILD Of HOT 32 OZ. BTL. vestigation of the As for the House probe, a Capitol here before something happens to More mileM p er wall'? Dr. soldier with whom some members of Smith astonished congressional in­ honors. Ann Mazur and Michael Moriarty won the high 1.00 / SAUSAGE GRINDER...... • same disturbing HJi soqrce said of the long- him ... I’m not talking about you, Michael A. V. Ward, a Massachusetts the rescue team had served. Like the vestigators recently by testifying double honors. Michael Moriarty and Mary Ann o TO um no 7^ allegations. circulating rumors about the CIA: Darrell, I said Dwyer." scientist, has been trying to get raiders themselves, Simons was that a convicted narcotics trafficker Remiszewski won high single honors. MEATBALL GRINDER...... •1.00 •1.4 0 tW RITUPI CRINKLl ^ AA a Both the law­ “These allegations are coming from Investigators say the reference Department of Energy officials as known for a willingness to risk his in South Florida “spoke seriously of The league plans to operate again next year. People LIMIT ONE AT HIGHLAND PARK FRENCH FRIES...... Z l».uaoD9* VAUD BERT. M TO OCT. 0 suit and the House some very responsible people, and was to Richard Dwyer, deputy chief turned on as he is about an innovation life to save fellow Americans. paying $20 million to take control of a who are interested in participating should contact Jim ■ M viiro investigation are they cannot be dismissed out of of the U.S. mission in Guyana,, who that he believes could revolutionize The volunteer-operated fund has small Central American nation." It Mulcahy at the Tolland Region offices, at 643-5731. ICECREAM...... •1.00 SAM LSI CINNAMON A A a based on persis­ hand.” Details of the investigation accompanied the Ryan party to the internal combustion engine. absolutely no overhead; every dime turns out the dope smuggler was With Coupon & 9 'iiA Coupon & goes toward scholarships. Con­ referring to Belize, a tiny. English- BREAKFAST ROLLS...... a.Tioi.OO* ^7..'tO Purchase tent rumors about are still under wraps, but my Jonestown. "Who's Who in the CIA,” Ward has been experimenting for All-time high enrollment MOOTOiri •TRAWURRY MMj, S7,50 Purchase Central associate Indy Badhwar has learned a sometimes reliable East German several years with a system using tributions should be sent to the Col. speaking nation formerly known as CHEESECAKE...... UO* Intelligence Agency activities in that it will focus on the following publication, lists Dwyer as an agent microwaves to stimulate the com­ Arthur D. Simons Memorial Fund, in British Honduras.. HARTFORD— For the fourth consecutive year fall WlLCM’t — - I UQUD DETERGENT PWMA.CHUCKWAGON Guyana and the agency's links to the evidence; since 1959. Dwyer, who knew Jones, bustion of gas and air inside an term enrollment at the Hartford Graduate Center has CRANBERRY COCKTAIL...... ,. n«. 70* ERA reached an all-time high. Some 1.691 students have COOLINO « 64 OZ. 000 FOOD Rev, Jim Jones, the People's Temple • Joe Holsinger, Ryan's top aide says that he left Jonestown before automobile engine. The method ICE CREAM BARS ...... Itcibox lalv 28 LB. BAQ cult leader. Accoiiing to some the massacre, and also says Jones would use less gasoline andjnore air enrolled for the current semester compared with 1 316 who helped arrange the trip but last fall. reports, the CIA agent may have remained in California, got a phone must have been “mistaken" when he than current mixtures, burning iflaurlinilrr turuimj Hrrali^ ORANGE JUICE...... 64oi.ctn^ 1 b1 8 The figures compare with a fall enrollment of 715 in MOMIM 50* OFF witnessed Ryan's assassination, as call from the White House on the day referred to him as present. Dwyer “leaner and cleaner” and causing UMtT ONE AFMIOHLAND PARK Manchester — A City of Viilage Charm 1976. and represent an increase of 136 percent over that MARGARINE...... is<».qtr..D9^ VAUD SEPT. SO TO OCT. 0 UMIT ONE AT HIOHUNO PARK well as the ritual murder-suicides of of Ryan's murder. The caller, Les had “no comment" when asked if he fewer polutant emissions. period. tW U T U F I VALID U P T. SO TO OCT. 6 more than 900 men, women and Francis of the congressional liaison worked for the CIA. Ward figures his system is about Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Included in the current figures are 211 students in com­ AOUR CREAM...... too.. 69^ ------— ^ii children at Jonestown a few hours office, reported accurately the • Discovery at the Jonestown com­ four years away from actual testing puter science and in management at the Avery Point later. number of persons killed, and accor­ mune of 'a huge cache of arms and in an engine and he's trying to get Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, campus in Groton. That branch opened in 1977, The Ryan children’s lawyer, Mar­ ding to Holsinger said his informa­ drugs like Quaaludes, Valium, DOE'S Development Division in­ Manchester.'Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. The Hartford Graduate Center is a non-profit graduate vin E. Lewis, said he plans to prove tion was based on “a CIA report from Demerol and Thorazine. The dis­ terested in his project. So far, Mc'Tber. Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. United Press International institution devoted primarily to the education of professionals in engineering, computer and information (hat the State Department and the the scene." Francis, now executive covery raises the question of links however, the only spark of Steven Harry. Executive Editor sciences, and management. (.'lA possessed vital information .director of the Democratic National enthusiasm jie has ignited at IX)E Customer Service — 647-9946 Frank A Burbank. Managing Editor between Jones and drug traffickers Raymond F Robinaon. Editor-Publisher Harold E Turkington. Editor Emeritus about the Jonestown situation, and Committee and a Carter-Mondale and organized crime, as well as law- has been in its Conservation Division. iiniiiiiiiiiiiimiuiini (»■ - EVENING HERALU, Thuis . Oil 2. 1980 EVENING HERALD, Thurs., Oct 2, 1980 - 7 Arizona roles Colorado is Reagan’s country Campaign *80 Groton OK*d DENVER (UPIl - Only five hurt everyone. White House than Reagan." his support Buchanan won a tour-way race are reversed Democrats have ever carried Colorado in "There is total frustration with him and for the president's Western policies has Denied a spot on the ballot at the been decidedly cool. Republican State Assembly, she got on by PHOENIX, Ariz. OJPI) - Barry Goldwater s 1964 a presidential election. The last one was I think people in the West feel he has let us for Nautilus Lyndon Baines Johnson in his landslide down. But as far as we're concerned, Lamm went to the Democratic National petition, then had to battle in disUlct presidential campaign provided Ronald Reagan with a court and the Colorado Supreme Court to Several states up for grabs WASHINGTON (UPl) — The first nuclear powered we re not taking any chances. We're Convention in hoping that a new stage — national politics. victory over Barry Goldwater in 1964 and working every day from the standpoint “unity candidate" other than Carter or stay there. She scored a narrow win over submarine, the USS Nautilus, whose log includes a Sixteen years later. Reagan - in his own try for the the next one is not likely to be Jimmy Carter. that it is a close race." Sen. Edward Kennedy would be found. Crested Butte ski area owner Howard Barre, Pa. He told the union Reagan’s economic moved westward geographically and voyage under the North Pole, has won Senate approval presidency — appears to have an easier race for By United Preaii International to retire in its home port of Groton, C^nn. With Carter's water and energy policies A poll in late August by an independent O ther D em ocratic rtiem bers of "Bo” Callaway, a former Army secretary This much is known about the 1980 elec­ Carter, who turned 56 on Wednesday, policies, despite being revised last month, leftward philosophically. He was cam­ Arizona's electoral votes than Goldwater has for a The Senate Wednesday approved and sent to the frequently at odds with Western interests. research group showed Reagan leading Colorado’s congressional delegation, in­ and Ford's campaign manager. tion: barring an extraordinary upheaval had a happy morning in Wayne and Flint, still do not add up and will "bring on paigning today in Los Angeles, and he fifth term in the Senate. cluding Hart, also have not been shy in “There’s no doubt it isn't the easiest job Mich.,.where he got “Happy Birthday” sought gay votes with a guest editorial for White House a $1.93 million appropriation for per­ All but diehard supporters of President Jimmy Republicans and most Democrats see with 43 perc&nt of the vote, followed by of some sort, President Carter will carry massive new budget deficits — over $100 pointing out problems with Carter's policy (to carry Colorado for Carter), " adn>itted songs, cakes and greetings — and, sweeter the Sentinel, a San Francisco gay manently docking the Nautilus in the Connecticut port, Carter agree Reagan virtually has Arizona wrapped up Colorado as "Reagan Country" in 1980. Carter with 29 percent and independent most of the South and some of the billion in 1985 alone.” in the West. Hoog. "Any kind of student of history can to a candidate’s ears, hearty cheers from newspaper. rejecting.the claims of the Naval Academy in An­ and the fact that neither candidate is likely to visit the In fact. Republicans hope to use an anti- John Anderson vyith 17. Eleven percent Northeast. Reagan will win most of the "We face a Republican candidate who Carter sentiment to dethrone several in­ were undecided. “If ^ p l e are honest, they will admit see handwriting on the wall his audiences. offers an uncertain future based on im­ In a letter to be published Friday, he napolis, Md.land the Navj^Yard ip,Washington, D.C., state is further proof that the campaign directors think West and much of the Midwest. in favor of (i^oton Wherd^lt was built. cumbent Democrats in the state, among Reagan was ahead in both urban and Reagan has the state sewed up, " said one "But this particular year, a couple of But the rest of the states are up for Later he flew to Niagara Falls, N.Y., to probable promises and ill-considered said as president he would issue an nothing is going to change. The funds for the construction of a permanent site them first-term Sen. Gary Hart. D-Colo. rural areas, among all age groups and in veteran Democrat. “Carter lost badly to things may help us. One is Senator Hart, grabs, and the campaign traffic in the sign two documents, one a bill authorizing proposals at home and abroad,” he said. executive order barring discrimination Donna Wright, executive director of the state were included in a compromise military construction His opponent is Secretary of State Mary all income brackets except among those President Ford four years ago and he who has an excellent organization. As a closely contested industrial areas is so a production scale demonstration of high- Nor was Reagan much kinder. based on sexual orientation anywhere in Democratic party, said Reagan "very probably, based appropriations bill. Estill Buchanan, who waged a tough bat­ who make less than $5,000 a year. hasn’t done anything since then to win sup­ consequence, I have to believe there will heavy it's a miracle collisions don’t occur. level waste solidification and the other a In Wilkes Barre, he said: “Those who the federal government. ' on the past history " will win Arizona, but said the Carter's support in Colorado also has port out here. The only way Carter could be a very large Democratic turnout and I federal-state agreement for a $20 million He said his commitment to gay men and The Nautilus was steered practically single-handed results conceivably could be reversed. tle within her own party just to get on the President Carter headed today for traditionally have voted Democratic are not been helped much by the fact the win the state would be if Reagan did find it hard to believe they would vote for package to relocate about 800 families lesbian women is a logical outgrowth of through the reefs of Pentagon and congressional op­ "If he comes out and starts speaking for himself and ballot. Dayton, Ohio, and Philadelphia, while now asking themselves, ‘Shall I vote the Democratic Gov. Richard Lamm has been something terribly stupid in the last few Hart and pot for the president.” from the contaminated Love Canal his support of civil rights and women’s position by feisty Adm. Hyman Rickover. gets into trouble as he did in the past — contradicting “We have no doubt it’s Reagan Coun­ Ronald Reagan mines for votes in old label or shall I vote for the values the at arm's length with the president for weeks before the election.” "The second thing is Mary Estill win­ rights movements since the 1960s. Commissioned on Sept. 30, 1954, it put to sea in his vice presidential candidate — it's going to make try," said Jacque Ponder, executive Pittsburgh. Green Bay, Wis., and Chicago. housing area nearby. label used to stand for?’ ... Mr. Carter Tom Hoog, Carter's state campaign ning the Republican nomination You're He also addressed the 70th annual con­ Charles Lee Morris, Sentinel publisher, January, 1955, with its skipper writing a line in naval people uneasy." Mrs. Wright said. director of the Colorado Reagan-Bush years, primarily over water and energy Wednesday, Carter campaigned in does not represent the same values as issues. coordinator, admits the odds are long, but going to see low turnout there. The more vention of the Civil Service Employees said the White House has agreed also to history: “Under way on nuclear power.” Tom Pappas, state Republican chairman, predicted Committee. "Carter hasn't done anything Michigan and upstate New York while such great Democrats afs John F. Kennedy Although Lamm said he would cam­ thinks the president may have a chance — conservative element of the party is upset Association Local 1000, and received its provide a guest editorial by President The proud record continued: the first submarine to Reagan would beat Carter In Arizona by more than the for Colorado. He has tried to stop our Reagan wooed blue-collar Democrats in or Harry Truman.” water projects, his energy position hurts paign actively for Carter, “since he ob­ largely because of a tough Republican bat­ and I think their tendency will be to stay first presidential endorsement. Carter. reach the geographic North Pole; the first complete 123,000-vote margin Gerald Ford piled up in 1976. New York City. New Jersey and Wilkes Independent candidate John Anderson the state, and his economic policies have viously is a much better choice in the tle in Senate primary where Mrs. at home. voyage under the Arctic ice cap, from the Bering A dissenter is Carter's Arizona campaign manager. Straits to the Greenland Sea; the first submarine able Joe Eddie Lopez. to maintain maximum submerged speed for more than "I don't believe it. " Lopez said, adding that although hour; and the first with unlim it^ submerged en­ Reagan is ahead now, he will falter before November. durance. "As we get closer to an election, as people begin to In 1958 Nautilus set a submerged speed record by reflect on positions ... they are going to come to the m c h a n n e l : ^annugl traveling from England to New York, 3,100 miles, in conclusion that the Republican nominee is not a (good) less than 6'A days with an average speed of 20 knots. presidential nominee. " Lopez said. With a third generation of nuclear subs, the Supporters of independent John Anderson were Tridents, coming into service. Nautilus finally reached attempting to gain enough signatures on nominating the end of its cruising days. petitions to qualify Kim for the ballot. However. The Navy wanted to dock the historic vessel per­ Anderson, if he qualifies, and Libertarian candidate TURF POOD manently in the Washington Navy Yard. But Navy Ed Clark are not expected to have much effect on the Secretary Edward Hidalgo was overruled by the White race. House — where the commanding officer, Jimmy As for Goldwater, he faces a challenge from Phoenix Carter, worked under Rickover on the Nautilus 2 millionaire Bill Schulz, a West Point graduate and a program — and Groton won the choice. one-time Republican who poured $900,000 of his dwn money into the primary election which he easily won over two opponents. Schulz defends the expenditure, saying he is seeking a seat held by an "impacted incumbent" who already Several tests has spent a million dollars in previous campaigns. He SAVE 20.00-1400 W made no secret of his campaign expenses, replying VERTICAL QUARTZ when asked if he admitted spending the $900,000. HEATER ON SALE "Admit it?" he said. "I declare it." set in schools With thermostat, protec­ Goldwater, of course, will not be short of funds, tive grill guar(3, aluminum MANCHESTEIi — Next week will find Manchester’s already having reported contributions of $441,506. But reflector, safety tip-over switch ahd metal case students with their noses to the grindstone, with the ad­ the fact he faces a well-heeled opponent has brought SAVE 2.0043RERN- ■ ■ R*g. 19.99 Rag. 10.99 ministration of several tests. about talk of a narrow decision. 1 4 ” Besides the statewide minimum competency test to be ORUN-ORIRN TURF “I think it will be a closer race than the presidential SAVES.OO-STURDYS SAVE 1.00 TO 4.00 administered to ninth graders, the Stanford Achievement race," Pappas said of the Senate fight, “primarily FOOD 26-3-3 FORMULA SHELF SnEL STORAGE UNIT 4'x0'x1/2'' C.DJ(. Contains slow release ni­ tests will also be given. because of the money Schulz will be spending.” i 9S* 5 shelf unit measures 12"x36"x70" PLYWOOD SHEATHING Superintendent of Schools James Kennedy commented trogen for longer lasting Speaking of Schulz, Mrs. Wright said, "I think he BANTJW and is easy to assembie your- Stock up today and save o r\ these feeding This easy to apply seif with just a screwdriver at a press conference Wednesday afternoon, “Next week definitely has a chance. There's a lot of enthusiasm. formula covers approx multi-purpose, agency certified WNw In Ri touch No 7336-12 plywood sheets __ U an important week, and while we don’t want sick He’s a very attractive candidate. He does have the 5.000 sq. ft of lawn. Onund togelhar TglMOOpIC p M 5/B" Bag. 17.*«...... 13.99 aoeh children, we’d like high attendance.” resources and some excellent people working with any mklno onoto. pmnat «4lh cut- 39SL wy Nm I bkxte While students are tested, the administration is also him.” YOUR CHOICE lets you teoch busy, performing work which Kennedy said may be Schulz has criticized Goldwater for playing to a ihoteN^llntb*. SSSmSSimr No 636. classed in the “category of constant vigilance.” national constituency, rather than spending his time WMh wM^pooMaion The Manchester Bus Company, which delivers students working for Arizonans. And, although he said they are tw f»»« polypfopv- to school, and the administration, is protesting a not really an issue, Schulz has mentioned Goldwater's lan*bnahM.N»a3«*. \ Raj|. 49.99 proposed regulation of the state Moter Vehicle Depart­ age (711 and his health, saying Goldwater has run out ment which would mandate changes in the lift buses used of energy, SAVE10.004KIL for handicapped students. Goldwater’s campaign has been low key and he did To meet the change, Manchester would have to spend not even formally open his re-election bid until Sept. 10, 7V«* CIRCULAR SAW Latex Heavy duty construction. 10 . r $18,000 for a new bus. Kennedy said the current lift buses the day after the primary. In fact he has taken an am p rated 2 hp motor, com ­ have been operating for years as they are, with no almost flippant attitude about the election. bination blade & wretxh. no 576 problems. On the night of the primary election, before he knew SAVE 10.004AND CAT 999^ Kennedy also discussed appointments of several Schulz had won, Goldwater told reporters, ‘Tve won ig.1.19 .4 l |i M > « 4 9 BELT SANDER BY SKIL M a g ic o L ' / ” system employees to special groups. Gilbert Hunt, chair­ every (Arizona) election by bigger and bigger margins Double Insulated with exclu­ i M » T a t i » tMfMJtlOIJB 2 Rag. 1312.99 gallon man of the English Department of Manchester High and this will be the biggest one of all. sive locking lever for easy belt finest * ^‘!tir SAVE 11.99 TO 14.994MAOI- replacement No 593 School, has been named to the state Department of “1 don’t car.e who he is — he is going to be beat ilBSJRHU f BWHm COLOR’ SATIN PLUS FUT Education’s advisory committee for curriculum develop­ toroltoiMina px>- 'Aacjicok''- I Two representatives with national reputations also SAVE 10.00-3/B’ SKIL ^ undefW**i52l' UTEX PAINT ment in the language arts. CORDLESS DRIU I N iN C M I jb c n m votf ra m coun>irto|iiitirtflHicM . finest Warranted to cover in one coat, is are seeking re-election — House GOP Leader John noma poopK^ Charles Senteio, principal of Keeney Elementary Rhodes and Rep. Morris Udall. who unsuccessfully Two speed reversing drill of­ StowmoldadtMimMiy JuNdamM niMVand washable, fade and stain resistant to oony toncSM. Mt in p»o*. 1 ^ 1 0 ' 1 / r ‘ - „ / ■ In a wide range of lovely colors. School, has been named to a statewide family liie educa­ challenged Carter for the Democratic presidential fers double reduction gearing BM*4B-,-14f 111 ----- B.99«wii tor added torque No 2007 NaltoMi ^ toN. UlSmPlUSMMI-OlOSS tion advisory committee. nomination four years ago. B>g.1B.99gaNo«...... 2/16.99 I MHS Vice Principal Eleanore Gowen has been invited T by the National Association of Secondary School . in- ITWMMSHIONSl cipals to be one of a group of 25 educators to tour the ! United Kingdom from Saturday through Oct. 18. Speoelaiil UcUndir ie ^Ri q IAF I' ■ N p M t Dr. Gowen will pay the trip’s expenses herself, but as SIwtdMhing piuM iu 'BBg.8199 1.19 I W M 9 •AMIMIHII'' I with other appointments, the school system will be SAinVMATCMM I IM M S 4 4 T O releasing her from her duties at the high school to allow feoomiiMK I her to participate in the pro^am. Birilact «or liahtlno I UN COM up to 26 CML ‘ Kennedy also called attention to a program in adult ...... lanU^'oT QiilmfiOpounL bukANixi .WialoMi ''anofM yourflniplaca.>)<$»- i popular fl4w.'Slidck up i! NbOMOOto SgoaonpcN. I 80 >>■ .boon giB — ------ai-um* basic education now being conducted at Washington ooKiHva bOMM. I ond ioWi, .. ■UMAIMIHI tooeV u ta to r nwloirranca •urt' PCPCniTQ 9 fTTOnMi N aocm s Il6parcuitom8r. School. VUIdttiiyuah 10/8/80 j voeotoDuahiiyvao VUdUMUth 1QW8D VoUtMuchiQflMO' oOOMnpO- M M 11 Two mornings each week, 14 Asian and Cuban refugees vuMiMouohxva/ao 11 vkadiNouahiivvao vcBd««ougM’x1S* a 23' FOILFACiD a e . tq. ft. Bag.1V*...... 7 a iq.R. 1 ltag.17« R-19 A'x4 5’ a 23’ UNFACED , , , Another study IM1 3

Virginia Leigh Wood of Wayne, Pa., and David Charles Deborah A. Shanley of Manchester and Stephen A. Toomey of Manchester were married Sept. 20 at Wayne Moorhouse of Manchester were married Sept. 19 at St. United Methodist Church in Wayne, Pa. Mary's Episcopal Church in Manchester. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Shanley of 43 Philip Road, Manchester. The bridegroom Wood of Wayne. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Moorhouse of Mrs. C. Francis ToSomey of Manchester. Manchester. The Rev. David High of Wayne United Methodist The Rev. Gary L’Hommedeau of St. Mary’s Church Church and the Rev. James Graham of St. Katherine of performed the double-ring ceremony. Siena Catholic Church in Wayne officiated at the double­ The bride wore her mother’s wedding dress and was ring ecumenical service. given in marriage by her parents. Kathleen M. Shanley of Manchester was her sister’s Miss Elizabeth L. Wood of Portland, Ore., was maid of r’ -'- maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Cindi Shanley of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Donald Schuster of Hardwick, Mass., the bride’s sister; Mrs. Robin Springfield, 111., and Mrs. Geoffrey Harris of Kirkwood, Moorhouse of Manchester, the bridegroom’s sister-in- Mo. law; and Susan Kupchunos of South Windsor, the bridegroom’s sister. C. Scott Toomey and Christopher M. Toomey, sons of Russell Turner of Bolton served as best man. Ushers th^ bridegroom, served as best men. Ushers were John were Jeffrey Twerdy of Manchester; William Moorhouse P. Toomey of Bethel, Barry R. Schaller of Madison and of Manchester, the bridegroom’s brother; and A1 W L ' ' Harold Frack of Wayne. Kupchunos of South Windsor, the bridegroom’s brother- H in-law. A reception was held at Willie’s Steak House in A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Manchester, after which the couple left for Bermuda. after which the couple left for Bermuda. Mrs. Moorhouse is employed at Hartford National Bank in Manchester. %k'L.., Mr. Toomey is currently a partner in the law firm of Mr. Moorhouse is employed at DeRosa Printing in 1 Duane, Morris & Heckscher. (L'image photo) Mrs. David C. Toomev Manchester. (McKinney photo) Mrs. Stephen A. Moorhouse New IMDA Fashion Show Auxiliary Births. Sullivan, Scoll Edward, Buggein, Suzanne M., Sept. 22 at Manchester Sears Johnston of Tunnel set for Tuesday son of Edward J. and Gale daughter of Richard C. and Memorial Hospital. Her Road, Vernon, was born 2 planning maternal grandparents are Sept. 23 at Manchester P. Bycholski Sullivan of 166 Betty Mitchell Buggein of workers assisting him are: Karen Mr. and Mrs. James Memorial Hospital. Her Lyness St., Manchester, 105 Burnt H ill R oad, Bowers, Mariette Sibley, Jeanette Moriconi of Manchester. maternal grandparents are was born Sept, 19 at Hebron, was bom Sept. 22 Hunter, Valerie Waicunas, Nancy Her paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. G. Sears of coffees Manchester MemoriaT” at Manchester Memorial Lawton, Deborah Boor and Dawn ■ are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vernon and Mrs. J. Sears The Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Hospital. She has a Onderas. Gustafson of Manchester. of Southington. Her pater­ Hospital Auxiliary will conduct a grandparents are Alice brother, Eric, 214. The theme of this year’s show is Her paternal great­ nal grandparents are Mr. will cliscover series of membership coffees Bycholski of 88 Campfield entitled “ Preview ’81” . The format throughout the Manchester area Road and Bruno grandmother is Elsa and Mrs. E. Johnston of will feature fall and winter women’s beginning tonight at 7 at the home of Bycholski of 47 Union Gustafson of Jamestown, Vernon. Her paternal fashions of August Max of the West- GuBlafson, Amy Lynne, Mrs. Rosemarie Cowley, 73 St., both of Manchester. N.Y. great-grandmother is Mrs. farms Mall, as well as men’s daughter of Glenn and Plymouth Lane. His paternal grandparents Eldna Johnston of Vernon. fashions from Tuesday’s on Asylum Cheryl Moriconi Gustafson Other coffees will be held as are Mr. and JAia. Daniel J. Johnston, Bethany She has three sisters, Street in Hartford. follows: Sullivan of Windsor. His of 58 Garden St., Judith, daughter of Pamela Jean, 12, Angela Hair designers from the Spell of Tuesday, Oct. 7 ,1:30 p.m., home of great-grandmother is Mrs. Manchester, was born Timothy J. and Judith Jill, 7, and Denay Joyce, 2. Beauty will also be assisting with Mrs. Bobby Wagner, 128 Barry Road, Julia Zleminski of Hart­ makeup and appropriate hair Manchester. ford. He has a sister, Erin Manchester Parkade Open Weds., Thurs. & FrI. NItes 'til 9 designs. Tuesday, Oct. 21,10:30 a.m., home Jo-Alice, 314. Open Sun. Noon til 5 p.m. Admission is $5, which will be of Mrs. Penny Telegener, 100 donated to the MDA. Tickets are Natchaug Drive, Glastonbury. Boisvert, Kristina Always the new World available at August Max, Tuesday’s, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 10:30 a.m., Elizabeth, daughter of Spell of Beauty and at the door. For home of Mrs. Betty Eigner, 43 James and Catherine First further information, call Spell at 644- Woodstock Drive, Manchester. Messier Boisvert of 48 Quality 2563 or the local MDA office,4n South Reservations are necessary and Bissell Road, Coventry, At Windsor at 289-1521. may be made by contacting Mrs. was born Sept. 19 at Jonice Fitzgerald at 647-1230 or the Manchester Memorial Youth Dance Saturday hostess whose coffee one wishes to Hospital. Her maternal Centre Gary Spell attend. grandparents are Mr. and MANCHESTER - Campbell Membership in the auxiliary is Mrs. G. Richard Messier ■'Turning a New Leaf 111" is the ti­ Council, Knights of Columbus, will open to men and women in the of Coventry. His paternal tle of the upcoming third annual hold a Grand Knight’s Ball Saturday Greater Manchester area. grandparents are Mr. and Fashion Show to benefit the with music by The Nightmoves Mrs. Betty Tonucci, director of Mrs. Edgar Boisvert of Muscular Dystrophy Association, to featuring Gene Carroll, lead singer, volunteers; Mrs. SMrley McCray, Woodstock Valley. He has and the strings of Johnny “ Be G < ^ ’’ be held Tuesday, at 8 p.m. at Willie’s past president of the auxiliary; and a brother, Owne Thomas, Steak House in Manchester. Bell. Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 1 Mrs. Fitzgerald, membership chair­ 26 months. Gary Spell of Spell of Beauty En­ a.m. at the K of C Home. For further man, will be present to discuss the vironment II in South Windsor is ser­ information and reservations phone organization and answer any. Krnyon, Chrialina INTRODIICIMG THE WORLD CAR ving as show coordinator. Co­ 646-9044 after 7 p.m. questions. Louise, daughter of u i t l William H. Jr. and Diane THE FORD ESCORT. Solarz Kenyon of 235 Main St., Elast Hartford. She was Garden Clubs to hold born Sept. 23 at Manchester Memorial T Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and annual Awards Luncheon Mrs. John Solarz of Elast • K Hartford. Her paternal Tlie Federated Garden Clubs of will be featured in the morning. which appears in more than 200 grandparents are William Connecticut, Inc., will hold its annual His presentation will be “ Plants newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. H. Kenyon Sr. and Mrs. Awards Luncheon on Wednesday at Projects to Grbw On” , illustrated He is the former garden editor of Beverly Barbar, -both of Valle’s, Interstate 91 in Hartford. with color slides. It includes topiary, House Beautiful magazine and co­ Pawcatuck. Her great­ Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. espalier, bonsai and fragrance gar­ s. founding editor of Flower and grandmother is Mrs. and advanced reservations are dening with ideas to instruct, inspire Garden magazine. He is the author of Marion Brayman of Paw­ required. State and national awards and entertain. catuck. She has a sister, will be presented after the luncheon. McDonald writes a twice weekly more than 40 books on plants and gar- Jennifer Lynn, 2. Elvin McDonald of New York City column called “ Plants in the Home” , ^tfening.

Johnson, John David Jr., son of John D. Sr. and Relief for incurable Brenda Farrington John­ son of 775 Parker St., Manchester. He was bom arthritis in juveniles Sept. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His NEW YORK (NEA) - They fused operations later, Heidi moves “ When Heidi got sick, I was one of maternal grandparents are Heidi Johnson’s ankles after the car­ around, but there are still problems. the most ignorant about disease,” Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. tilage disintegrated and bone was She cannot lift heavy glasses or cups. she says. “ Even the doctor was ig­ Farrington of Haddam. His grinding against bone. She can't comb her hair in the back norant. Finally, my husband and I paternal grandparents are A year later, in January 1980, she or button top buttons because they’re started a local parent’s group to Fred S. Johnson of says, "I had my left shoulder joint beyond her reach. share information and educate Manchester and the' late replaced with a Teflon and steel “ I have trouble opening drawers ourselves w we can ask intelligent Jean Johnson. His mater­ prosthesis. In June I had both my and jars and turning on faucets and questions when doctors address us. nal great-grandparents are hips replaced with the same type of sometimes I have trouble getting up We also hold social events so our Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. joint and I'm considering more sur­ out of low chairs,” she says. children can meet each other, and we Farrington Sr. of Dryden, gery." She hurts if she sits too long. She discuss upbeat, positive things.” Maine, Mr. and Mrs. Heidi, a slim pretty 16-year-old hurts when she gets up In the mor­ Which cities and parks, for instance, Thomas Burton of In­ from Avon Lake. Ohio, sits rigidly on ning. If she walks or stands'for long make good vacation sites because dustry, Maine, and Mrs. Youth Cantra the edge of an armchair in a New periods, she’s in pain, and stairs are they accommodate wheeichairs. Mae B. Prouty of North Visa & Thei York hotel room, her feet dangling difficult for her. At Avon Lake High, What the parents don’t do, she Jay, Maine. His paternal Master Charge Cards above the floor. She yawns oc­ therefore, where she’s a junior, she says, is “ tell horror stories.” Pity is great-grandparents are Are Welcome 2 casionally because pain is tiring and rides the elevator and, since Ixxiks unproductive and that’s all that com­ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Heidi has been in and out of pain are a burden, she keeps one set at es fromr repeating how it feels when Schnieder of Madison and On October 3rd. Ford introduces The New , Ideas for 1981 at your Ford Dealers. There's the I\leiv England since she came home from school home and one in school. In class, she your child screams “ I hate you,” Mrs. Helen Johnson of World car that will replace the "old" world cars. value packed Fairmont-second to rone this year; one day eight years ago complaining uses a tape recorder to take notes, while you’re performing necessary It's the exciting new front wheel drive Escort. and the high performance Mustang-America's most and at home to do homework when that her shoulder hurt. physical therapy and forcing her Killingworth. The Escort is the first car created using Ford's world­ popular sports car is now available with a T-roof. "We assumed she .had pulled a her fingers give out. limbs to move with stiff joints. Sale! Plus there's the new. elegant LTD. dramatic muscle in gym." says her mother, Instead of going to gym, she What the Johnsons want the public Board, Krialin wide technology. Yet it's built right here in America Ford Dealers Arlene Johnson. But the pain per­ studies. Instead of going to band in general to know is that while Elizal>cih, a daughter of Carter’s to take on the world. And it does with ease. Thunderbird and the car built for a changing world- sisted. Heidi had night sweats and a practice, she paints, reads or writes juvenile arthritis can ravage the Kenneth M. and Joann It stops the Rabbit in its tracks when it comes the redesigned Granada. Your Ford Dealer has a rash developed on her chest and about arthritic children who make body, it does not affect the mind; Reggetts Board of Bremer­ “Jama-Blanket” Sleepers to gas nuleage. And beats Flonda Accord and Toyota fleet of new tough, economical trucks-America's back. After seven months, the doc­ the National Honor Society or all- they want teachers who write home ton, Wash., was bom Aug. Corolla Flatchback. too. Yet Escort's sticker price best selling truck-available too. tors diagnosed "juvenile arthritis in star swimming teams, in her column about an arthritic child’s lack of par­ 9 at the Naval Regional FORD For Infants & Toddlers will allow you to put the World Car at your fingertips So stop in at your Ford Dealer and discover a migratory state " in Arthritis News, published by the ticipation in class to understand that Medical Center at Bremer­ "At that point." says Mrs. John­ Arthritis Foundation. the child may be unable to raise his ton. Her maternal grand­ You can also discover a world of other better a whole, new exciting world of economy and value. son. 'the disease hit just about every Says Mrs. Johnson, “ Most of the hand; and they want parents whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Reg. 10.00 & 11.00 joint." Toes, fingers, elbows, wrists 250.(XX) children with the disease, children are suddenly and In­ Joseph Reggetts of became swollen and inflamed and thank God, live a relatively normal explicably stricken with the disease Manchester. Her paternal Heidi became incapacitated. life maintained on drugs and maybe to know that there are 70 chapters of grandparents are w . and We dressed and carried her." Mrs. never have surgery. Heidi is in the 2 the Arthritis Foundation nationally— Mrs. Murray Board Jr. of Johnson says. "We slept beside her percent who have never had a remis­ many with parents’ groups — all Auburn, Wash. Her pater­ 7.99 & 8.9 9 ' WbVe in wur cornn* mth the World Car. on the floor so we could turn her at sion. Each case is different.” willing to help. nal great-grandparents are night and bathe her when the pain People don’t know that but, then, To know, finally, that despite Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brat­ Soft, cuddly, cozy-warm blanket aleapers of Celaneaa Fortrel* polyester. was severe. She was so frightened people know next to nothing about despair and anguish and the fact ton of Spokane, Wash., and Assorted solid colors now 7.99; colorful floral prints for girls & rocket ships and weak, she could not pull off the juvenile arthritis, which is there is no known cure for juvenile M r. and Mrs. Floyd prints for boys now 8.99. All with re-Inforced toe caps, skid proof soles, zip covers when they hurt her toes ' something Mrs. Johnson understands arthritis, relief can be had and the Willson of Spokane, Wash front and knit collars & cuffs. Sizes S,M,L,XL (birth to 4 years). Eight years. 250.000 pills, un­ and which she and her husband are child and his or her family oan con­ She has a sister, Jennifer, Fortrel* It e reglalered tretfemerfc of Fiber Induttrlee, Irtc. a tu b iK lIe ry of C e lineee Corporation. counted injections and several trying to change. tinue to live inside society. 2V4. EVENING HERALD. Thurs., Oct. 2, I - I I lU - EVENING HERALD. Thurs.. Oct. 2, 1980 R eq io n __ 1 Merit scholar program R eq io n ------Beerfest claim Verdone zoning case lauds Rockville seniors settled recently hasnH been resolved BOLTON — The insurance case involving, the VERNON — Five seniors' at Rockville receiving letters of commendation for out­ BOl-TON — The case of Joseph and decided ’’adversely against the defen­ Vernon signs High School have been commended for standing test performance. Charter revision Bolton Volunteer Fire Department, stemming from an dant.” accident at a beerfest in July of 1978 was settled Roberta Verdone, 2 School Road, against their Outstanding performance in the 26th Commended students rank below the the Bolton Zoning Commission and the Verdone claims the zoning regulations annual National Merit Scholarship level required for Merit Program recently. were “amended after he purchased the Ronald Dubay of Hartford allegedly was "run into Bolton Zoning Board of Appeals has been CETA pacts Program. Semifinalists but officials said the com­ property” and claims they were notified begins in Bolton and driven over” by a car o perate by John Renouf of in and out of court since last March and The seniors are: Kevin Edwards, son of mended students have shown exceptional “ illegally of the decision.” y East Hartford on the grounds where the beerfest took still hasn’t been settled. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards; Tammy academic promise by. scoring among the The Verdones were seeking a ’’tem­ They further claim other property VERNON — Mayor Marie Herbst said Wednesday that Oellers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William top five percent of Merit Program par­ By DONNA HOLLAND Alan Bergren, administrative assistant, place. and Mrs. Leiner were asked to examine porary injunction prohibiting the enforce­ owners in the area are allowed to “store the town has entered into new contracts under the Oellers; Ellen Rosenberg, daughter of ticipants. Herald CorrcapondenI Claiming both Renouf and the local fire department the sections of the proposed revisions that ment of the determination of the appeals trucks on their property yet no attempt Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rosenberg; William Commended students who requested it BOLTON — The Charter Revision Com­ were “negligent and careless,” Dubay filed a lawsuit. pertain to changes in the law, board finding them in violation of local was made to enforce the zoning (CETA), effective Wednesday and extending through UgoUk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard have been referred as worthy candidates mission was convened Wednesday by The case was heard in court recently and The Hart­ technical,and clerical type work. zoning regulations.” regulations on them.” Sept. 30. 1981. Ugolik; and Gregory Wanish, son of Mr. to admissions and financial aid officers at First Selectman Henry Ryba and given its ford Insurance Group, representing the fire depart­ Manning asked the group to study the Verdone, who owns and operates a On the last court date, Douglas Kowal, She said the grant money of $152,402 will open positions and Mrs. Daniel Wanish. two higher education institutions of their charge by the Board of ^lectmen. ment, had to pay a "minimal amount to the extent of packet of material it received and to be “small scale excavation business” from Verdone’s attorney, asl^ed that the case be for 15 employees to. serve as housing code inspector, . More than one million students choice. Tom Manning was elected chairman of the department’s involvement.” h- ready to divide into groups at its next his School Road premises claims he is withdrawn. The judge refused to let it be recreational leader, clerk-typists, switchboard operator, throughout the United States entered the The announcement of the naming of the the commission, Elaine Camposeo, vice- Brian Wilcox of The Hartford said the insurance ■ ^ , meeting. being “denied the right to use his property withdrawn until the question of whether secretary-bookkeeper, restroom custodians, security 1981 Merit Program by taking the exams commended students was made by Brian chairman, and Catherine Leiner, carrier for Dubay had to pay the majority of damages. At the suggestion o k Ernest Shepherd in a manner that is not a violation of the Verdones meant for it to be withdrawn guards and trade helper painter. in 1976. About 33,000 students will be McCartney, principal of the high school. secretary. The commission will meet the Wilcox said, “There will be no repercussions to the Applicants for these CETA positions must be certified the group will set aside up to one half hour zoning regulations” and in a manner he could be settled. i .-Jf -I • - v V . JV first, third, and fourth Monday of each fire department. Bolton has a nice fire department.” at the beginning of each meeting for com­ was “assured was permissible” before he The judge continued the case in order to by the Regional Comprehensive Manpower Office, 806 month through December at 7;30 p.m. at Although the event was a successful fundraiser for ments from the public. bought the property. give enough time for technical matters to Main St., Manchester. the Community Hall. the department, it was the last one held. Town and law Vernon establishes events The group will try to adjourn its The Zoning Commission first notified be clarified. Following certification, applications will be accepted The commission was charged with officials met with fire officials and all concerned ’ ^ ’ -j' meetings by 9;30 p.m. with several the Verdones in October 1978 they were in Jerome Walsh, town attorney, said if by Anna Thomches in the Vernon CETA office, 14 Park "undertaking, rewording, rewriting and decided not to have any more such events. members saying they felt to meet any violation of zoning regulations. The case the case doesn’t move ahead he yill Place, Rockville. for U .N . Day obsercance revising portions of the charter to clarify, later than that will just be a waste of time. was heard by the appeals board who “move for dismissal.” The housing department had two assistant code inspec­ VERNON — Joseph Beilis, principal of Day Committee are Joseph Alalmo, Gare correct or enhance the document and its William Riley said, "After 10 p.m. is tors under the CETA program but both were let go last Breaking for the goal th e . Northeast School has b ^ n named Albom, Gaire Bellino, Grace Gatty, impact on town government operations.” just a waste of time. Most meetings don’t Applications invited suiAmer when the grants expired. The workers the town chalnhan for Vernon’s United Nations Samuel Goldfarb and David Parker, Joseph Licitra suggested the group first will now hire will continue the systematic code inspec­ Andrea Mainelli, number 13, fires a pass into the goal area. Ms. get'anything done after that because the House now conforming Day scheduled for Oct. 24. school staff personnel. Also Norman Hall, look at areas in the charge (as suggested Mainelli plays field hockey for South Windsor High School and members are tired and they just for absentee ballots tions program in the Rockville section. This program was The appointment of Beilis was an­ chairman of the International Committee by Charter Study Committee and ^ r d of BOLTON — No further action is before the public hearing got under way. meander.” s ta rt^ two years ago under the town’s housing rehab Wednesday the team defeated Windsor Locks, 4-0, at home to up its nounced by Mayor Marie Herbst. of the Rotary Club and Alice McPadden, Selectmen) and not “stray too far afield.” BOLTON — Applications for absentee ballots for per­ planned against the Vatteroni property on The house in question had apparently program. Harold Sanborn said, “I think 9;30 p.m. record to 7-0. Ms. Mainelli is a senior. Preliminary plans to promote inter­ executive director of the Rockville Area He said, "That amount of work is enough sons eligible to vote in the November election, but who 20 Brookfield Road by the town. Because been used as a muIt-family dwelling for is a good time to adjourn. If you can’t get The person to be hired as recreational leader will fill national understanding have been es­ Chamber of Commerce. for the time period we are working un­ won’t be in town, should be made to the town clerk as it appears the house is now being used in about a year. the position now held by Joan Powers who is also working the business done by then I don’t think tablished. They include a display of art der.” soon as possible. conformance with local zoning Calvin Hutchinson, zoning agent, said under a CETA grant. She will not be eligible under the you’ll make the proper decision.” Woodcock fund-raiser set work depicting functions of the United The commission will study such items Catherine Leiner, town clerk, said applications can be regulations. u% of the house as a two-family dwelling new grant because she has served the limited amount of The selectmen have asked the commis­ Nations. These displays will be in store as language, elected versus appointed obtained at her office and should be fill^ out by the per­ In August Richard and Marilyn was illegal. time, 18 months. SOliTH W INDSOR— Mimi Burgess within their districts. Activities will in­ Adult classes begin sion to submit its report by Jan. 2. Depen­ windows. positions, combining certain boards, son meeting the requirements of an absentee voter. Vatteroni, owners of the house, submitted Hutchinson said he was contacted by Bouley, the campaign manager for 14 clude distribution of lawn signs and VERNON - The Vernon Adult School ding on what happens after that, the There will also be a musical and dance providing for the removal of inactive The application should be returned to her as soon as Vatteroni who told him there is only one Assembly District candidate John Wood­ bumper stickers, mailing, and organizing began classes this week at the Adult proposed revisions may or may not be in­ an application to the Zoning Board of presentation at Tri-City Shopping Plaza, members of boards and commissions, possible, she said, and everyone who meets the necessary family living in the house now because the cock, has announced that there will be a receptions and coffee hours,” Bouley said. Education Center and at Rockville High cluded on the May 4 (town election) Appeals for a variance to convert the Vernon Circle, on Oct. 24. Residents of the duties of the selectmen as pertains to the criteria will be sent such a ballot. The ballots must be single-family dwelling into a two-family other party moved put And he didn’t fund-raiser to benefit Woodcock’s cam­ The coordinators are: District 1, South School. ballot. 2 ^Pound~a~thon^ helps town will be present wearing traditional budget, duties of the Eloard of Finance as returned by Nov. 4. dwelling. The applicatioq was withdrawn expect it to change. paign today from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Windsor - Mary T. Kyc, 447 Main Street, There are still some openings in Public hearings must be held on the costumes of their homelands. pertains the budget and the organization To be eligible to vote as an absentee voter one must be the Podunk Mill, 989 Ellington Road, tonight’s classes in ballroom dance, proposed changes, they must be approved Coventry hand trip and Ken D. Taylor, 896 Pleasant Valley The Rotary Gub of Rockville has bought of town boards. in active service in the military, be a student at an out-of- South Windsor. bookkeeping II, cake decorating, by the selectmen and finally, they must be Road; District 2 - South Windsor - Albert United Nations flag kits to be displayed in The commission has the authority to town learning institution, be the spouse of either of these, South Windsor Mayor Edward F. Aniello, 68 Meryl Road, and Lou Aniello, crocheting, drapery making, oil painting voted on by townspeople. membership in religious community, illness, physical COVENTRY — The Coventry High School Band is each school library and Rotarians will II, physical fitness for women and study whatever areas it deems necessary. holding a "pound-a-thon" as a fund-raising effort for the Havens will serve as honorary chairman. 19 High Tower Road; District 3, South hear students from various nations speak ability, religious tenents or confinement in a correctional Anyone seeking ticket information shorthand refresher. band's exchange concert trip to Mississauga, Ontario, Windsor - Sally Clark, 117 Bayberry Trail. about their native customs. School lunch facility. should contact Ms. Bouley at 644-2719 or District 4, South Windsor - Robert programs will feature international dishes For information contact the Continuing and Associates Ini Canada, in the spring. ticket chairman A1 Sancho at 644-8664. Education office or the Adult Education Bolton nursery school The idea of the “Pound-a-thon” is that band members Stingle, 270 Beelzebub Road; and District during the week of Oct. 20-24. In addition, Ms. Bouley has announced office. Registrars remove will ask people to donate an amount of money per pound 1, Manchester - Attorney Kevin O’Brien, Other' members of the United Nations lost by band director Carl J. Salina between Wednesday coordinators for the South Windsor and 62 Horton Road, Manchester. raises equipment funds some voters’ names and the Christmas concert Dec. 17. The amount of money Manchester voting districts that make up Anyone interested in joining the Wood­ NEXT TO VERNON CRCLE NATNNUL BMK i W B r per pound donated is up to each individual and each band the 14th Assembly District. cock campaign should contact Mp. Bouley BOLTON - The Children’s sessions from 9 to 11:30 a.m. are for four- BOLTON — Voters whose names were removed from member will have the amount he or she raises credited to “The coordinators will be responsible at 644-2719. Cooperative Nursery School of Bolton will year-old children. The Tuesday and the voter list were sent a notice of removal by the ) . |Ntwinmoii]Ci. 9 E. Gdar Si. (is Rtt ITS) REMOVAL SERVil them. for Woodcock’s campaign activities have a raffle later this month to raise Thursday sessions from 9 to 11:30 a.m. are registrars of voters. The registrars met recently to cor­ (bottom of hill neat Children’s Hospital) 1 money for physical and educational equip­ for three-year old children. rect the list and removed about 231 names. Salina will "weigh-in” at the high school office with -» iK' ITEI Pat Kenniff, the school nurse, being the official in 666.4740 666-4VW ment. There are still several openings in both Anyone who received such a notice, who is still a resi­ charge. His weight will be written on a card and placed in I Vernon Circlel Recently the school discovered its one age gfoups. For more information about dent of Bolton, should fill out the back of the form and the school safe until Dec. 17. He will then weigh-in at the piece of outside equipment, a jungle gym, the school or an application call the school return it to the registrars so the name can be put back on Oppoeite Tri-City Plaza V weekdays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at 649-6574 the list. concert and Mrs. Kenniff will announce how much was m r 'v iv t; had been vandalized beyond repair. The We are a fully Insured company. (Eait‘«o(( 1.86)649.77)7 lost. Band members will then go back to collect ORESSES AND SPORTSWEAR P ' replacement cost is high. or Linda Boothroyd, membership vice The names of all persons who were removed from the I Removal service Is available at a | donations. "Where (juality-minded people buy OPEN MON-WED. KM ■h The school also wants to purchase president, at 643-9093. list are also posted on the outside bulletin board in front W. OF MANCHESTER at iinieataMe ditcoiiiUf" Im MM i i Salina has estimated that the trip for the 136 member THURS. and FRI. 109 ludio-visual material that will help in the Pat Putman and Pam Kalkus are the of the Community Hall. a minimum charge with plowing band will cost between $8,500 and $9,000. If people wish to CALDOR SHOPPING PLAZA SAT.9:)a5i)0 teaching of its children. teachers. Officers are Bonnie Legg, presi­ Ilvi Cannon and Jean Gately are the Democratic and help the band, they can call Salina at 742-7346. TOLLAND TURNPIKE The school has sessions for both three- dent; Sue Goutman, administrative vice Republican registrars of voters, respectively. and four-year old children. The younger president; Sue Walsh, treasurer; and Ann ____ OPEN SUNDAYS 1981 STEREO children do mostly fun things such as cut­ Glode, secretary. Zemel calls for debate The raffle prizes will include a gift cer­ liiorillKllimLill^^ ting, pasting, and learning to get along HARTFORD (UPI)-Louis Zemel, the Citizens Party AT 1979 PRKIS with other children. The older children, do tificate to Gordie’s Place in Glastonbury, V,ifcCALL NOW WE ARE ONLY‘ACCEPTING! two Whaler hockey tickets to a home U.S. Senate candidate, wants his two major party can­ Genealogy subject CflPIONeefTsXJ-RWL-IO WattRMSi some reading and writing and learn things didates to include him in their election debates. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF CUSTOMERS The Kilt is Back pertinent to their age group. Socialization game, two hours of court time at lllllllllHI.. total power receiret Pioneer's newest model with Zemel sent letters Wednesday to Republican James L. JkJb' is stressed with both age groups. Manchester Racquet Club, a mini- of three programs lower distortion than e>er before for eleaner sound. Buckley and Rep. Christwher Dodd, D-Conn., asking that The school, which has b ^ n in existence membership at the American Lady he be included in any furore debates. batwaan 2-s'pmJltt davs' since 1971, has its sessions at St. Maurice Fitness Center in Manchester, a turkey, a "As a certified ballot candidate for U.S. Sennate in this Evamiga-lMepar aarvicalleave nessagellf^.. i i SOLTH WINDSOR — A series of three programs on YAMAHA NS-4 Natural sound sfeaker quality (2iurch parish center on Hebron Road. cord of wood, and $10 gift certificates at fall’s election, 1 would welcome the chance to debate both A&P and Top Notch in Manchester. how to do genealogical research will be held at the South I frovides marry years o f listeninf enjoyment. Incredibly The Monday, Wednesday and Friday with you and your opponent,” each of the letters said. 1827 MAIN 8T.., / "" %, mu mm " Windsor Public Library on Oct. 7, 14, and 21 at 7 p.m. accurate defined sound rarely offaed in this priced systerru Basic techniques of genealogical research will be dis­ cussed by Jacnueline Ricker, of the Connecticut Society Fires tallied in quarter of Genealogisis. Resources and assistance available at Y A M A H A P-i50 auto shut-off turntable the Connecticut Historicai Society will be discussed by SOUTH WINDSOR - During the se­ between the hours of 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. brand new model featuring optimum mass straight ' Elizabeth Abbe of the society and the genealogical cond quarter of the year, the South Wind­ The department currently has 100 men tone-arm matched perfectly to grado diamond mag­ sor Fire Department responded to 69 total T resources at the Connecticut State Library will be assigned to the companies and nine'*staff demon:. "ted through tracing the records of two South Lovely Tartan Plaids in a netic cartridge, to treat your records suish care while alarms, according to statistics prepared members. Windsor individuals by Julia Crawford, reference Wooi Blend - Miss & Jr. Sizes delirering smooth trouble-free music. by the Department. For the second quarter, a total of 4,435 librarian at tbe state library. Of this number, seven were false hours were spent on training, fire fighting The programs are sponsored by the Friends of the alarms and three were for mutual aid to and work sessions. Liorary. Tiiere is no admission charge and no registra­ SUPER SYSTEM other towns. However, the department has indicated tion is necessary. Brush fires made up the largest it is still looking for additional personnel. category of alarms with April being the Anyone interested is asked to call the dis­ NOW ONLY heaviest month. patcher at 644-2443. «426 Tbe majority of alarms were received FINANCING, LAYAWAY, TRADE-INS t.------j A GREAT BUY OPEN MON-m 10-9 U T 10-0 SUNDAYS 12-B PRE-TESTED & SERVICED ON PREMISES BEFORE YOUR EYES Sears 14 color portraits / DEPOSIT 99c weekend epeclel — BALANCE S9.00 ON DELIVERY Daisy Poms REG. S29.99 O n ly A t Save on Three Great Paints! SAVES20.00 Saturday, * 2 i 5 6 a bunoli Sherwin again October 4 CASH & 85 E. CENTER ST. OPEN Williams 1ft)ur $ CARRY 649-5268 THURS. ______TILL 9 P.M. Stores 1PMto4PM Choice! in our

00 M m B it Savers a gal. on Manchester Style Perfect* Latex Wall Paint mg so 99 2 ' R at Latex Celling Paint(Whiie) reg. si3 99 NATIONALLY FAMOUS AUTHORITY ' Acrylic Latex R at House Paintib 36)reg s o 99 ON FURNITURE RESTORATION

Unisex off reg. Save price on Barber/Styling Salon 20W FORMBY’S Homer Formby is one of a vanishing bree(j...the true crafts­ Wall & Window Decor Furniture man! He has worked with fine woods, learned their beauty and 968 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER care since beginning his apprenticeship at the age of 10 in his (NEAR ARTHUR DRUG) Save 20%-25% on over 730 Refinisher Selected Wallpaper Patterns (64 oz.) grandfather's shop. • Includes Strippable. Scrubbable Patterns HAIRCUTTINQ FOR Including cxjr Exciting MEN A WOMEN Save 30% on Perfect Touch” Custom See him show the results of these years of training and study! SatlsfAcllon OuaiMtccd Woven Woods & 1-Inch Metal Blinds f "Duolmage” portrait 12.76 in (he use of iKete On October 4, he will demonstrate the art of wood refinishing and APPOINTMENTS codlings or your • Over too Woven Wood Color/PatternComblnations TWO POSES TWO 8x10, TWO 5x7, TEN WALLETS Our Reg. 17.89 purrhdsd price w • Over 200 Sophisticated One-ltKhBlind colors answer all your questions about furniture restoration. AVAILABLE TUE8.-FRI. be refunded • ALL AGES WELCOME • GROUPS $1 00 EXTRA PER PERSON • SCENIC ' "— ^ Refinishes varnished, Save 5 0 % on Selected Group of BACKGROUNDS AVAILABLE • FAST DELIVERY • COMPLETE PACKAGE OR (MU. Sale ends lacquered or shellacked furniture with­ October 20 Custom Woven Woods ' ' DERSONLY • ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS AVAILABLE‘ ALWAYS FRIENDLY. For on-the-spot-advice— bring along a small, easily-carried PROFESSIONAL SERVICE out strippinot'You can really do-it- 647-1167 (irtH*ilarion»(it() yourself with pro-look results! piece of furniture. When it comes to wood-*there's no one as good! WALK*INS CR960 the Sneo*n, ON LAST 3 DAYS SATURDAY THURS., FRL, SAT. CL08S0 y MANCHESTER 981 MAIN ST. 643-6636 MONDAYS. OCT. 2, 3, 4 ENFIELD STATE LINE PLAZA 745-6814 THURS. A FRI. HOURS 10-1, 2-8, S.S, SAT. 10-1,12-4:30 MANCHESTER 1145 Tolland Turnpike if'>y

Obituaries. BOSTON (UPl) - Boston Red Sox needed. On the festive occasion of his something to get some guys on the lose. Some guys would be throwing Funeral services will be Friday at Bolton pastor leaving things around if you lost 6-4 or players generally expressed regret 3,000th hit last year, Yaz thanked field who can win. If we had played Robert J. Richards 9:30 a.m. from the Rose Hill Funeral something. Not Zim.” Cronin saw many physical changes at three years, at Sacred Heart Church Wednesday over the firing of Zimmer publicly. The fans responded better against Baltimore and ROCKVILLE - Robert J. Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill with a BOLTON — The Rev. Mr. Robert manager Don Zimmer. Some thought Reliever Bill Campbell, who the church including construction of in Groton for two years and as curate with boos. Detroit, there’d be no question about Richards, 89, of 18 Dailey Circle, died mass of Christian burial in St. James Cronin, pastor of St. Maurice Church it a bad move, others thought the gradually is rounding into shape after its parish center in 1970, a tabernacle and director of the New London "He's a,.helluva nian but like Sully Zim coming back. We haven’t had the today at Rockville GeneralraPHospital. Church, Rocky Hill at 10 a.m. Burial in Bolton for 15 years, will be leaving three seasons of arm and shoulder shrine he calls “my jewel,” recon­ District of Catholic Charities before change was needed. No one was sur­ (General Manager Haywood horses we had in 1977 and '78. And He was the husband of Mrs. will be in Rose Hill Memorial Park, as of Oct. 11 to assume the position of trouble, said people didn't realize the ciliation room, choir dais and a new p rise. Sullivan) said, it’s time for a change. you can’t win if you don’t have the Margaret (Swatik) Richards. Rocky Hill. Friends may cali at the pastor of St. Agnes Church in Nian- coming to Bolton in 1965. many positive aspects of Zimmer's organ. "I don't think the fault was We’ve had nigh finishes but as far as horses. Mr. Richards was bom in Hart­ funerai home today from 2 to 4 and 7 tic. Because of the short period of time reign. He said he feels the ecumenical Zimmer’s,” said shortstop Rick I’m concerned, there’s only one place "Because of the organizational ford, and had lived in the Rockville- to 9 p.m. Father Cronin began his duties at left before he leaves, it is anticipated Burleson. "It was an accumulation of "A manager getting fired is com­ relationships throughout town were — first. The rest doesn’t matter,” setup in basebali, and I don't know Vernon area 15 years, moving here St. Maurice on July 1, 1965. a reception will be held for him later a lot things. He did a good job with monplace. We talked about it only Mary Louise Knight very good and he hopes people have Yaz said. why this is, the manager is the from East Hartford. He was An administrator of the church will in the year. what he had.” Carlton Fisk said Zimmer was a because of the ridiculousness of the M.4NCIIESTER — Mrs. Mary grown spiritually over the years. scapegoat. It's not the manager who employed in the produce department be appointed on a temporary basis The Rev. Mr. Cronin, coming to the Burleson, one of the more out­ scapegoat for problems higher up in whole thing. He has done so many Louise Knight, 58, of 100 Ferguson He said of “great sadness” to him gets the players. But he is the one of First National Stores for 25 years until a new pastor is chosen for the end of his service in Bolton, said, "If spoken Boston players, was asked the organization. The Red Sox things right — like hit and run plays Road, died Wednesday in Manchester is the substantial decline in church who has to work with what he’s got,” before retiring in 1973. He was a church in the Norwich Diocese. I could, I would pick up the chuich what qualities he would look for in a catcher, who earlier had said at the right time — and no one Memoriai Hospitai. She was the membership. “It's the same here as Fisk. said. member of the local AARP, the Father Cronin said, “I am very and take it and the parishoners with successor. noticed. He made mistakes, but no widow of Richard C. Knight. it is throughout the country,” he said. Zimmer couldn’t possibly be faulted Several players, including pitchers Rockvllle-Vernon Senior Citizens torn. After 15 years here I've got my me.” " "I’d look for the same things in the more than anyone else. But it seems Born in Providence, R.I., July 1, Father Cronin was born in Hart­ due to the team’s rash of injuries, Dennis Eckersley and Tom Club and the Rockville Senior heart strings intertwined with the they always remembered his mis­ 1922, she had lived in Manchester the ford, attended St. Thomas Seminary guy that they just fired,” he said. said noves should have been made to Burgmeier, praised Zimmer for the Citizens Pinochle Club. people in the parish. But I see Nian- Red Sox captain Carl Yastrzemski, acquire more players. takes, iast 33 years. She was empioyed in in Bloomfield, received his BA Chapter meeting way he~handled the players. Other survivors are a son, Robert tic as a new beginning and a who has missed the last few weeks "The move was made in the wrong "People wanted to see him buried supervising operations of ad­ degree from St. Bernard's Seminary MANCHESTER - Chapman Court "He is the best guy I've played for D. Richards of South Windsor; two challenge just as St. Maurice was 15 with a rib injury, said the change was area. They should have done from the start. Well now they got ministration with Travelers In­ in Brighton, Mass., and received his Order of Amaranth will meet Friday in terms of treatment of players,” daughters, Mrs. Daniel (Carol) years ago.” said Burgmeier. He was loose, win or their wish," Campbell said. Sullivan of Enfield and Mrs. William surance Co. She was a member of Niantic isn't a new area to Father STB degree from St. Mary’s at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. (Ann) McLaughlin of East Hampton; Center Congregational Church, and Cronin. He served in that area for Seminary in Baltimore in 1951. Visiting matrons and patrons night two stepdaughters, Mrs. Lorraine also the Diaconate and Grace Group about 13 years after being ordained After his ordination at St. Thomas will be observed. “Good m an” all done (Pollio) DeCarli of Stafford Springs of the church. She was a member of at St. Thomas Seminary in 1952. Seminary in 1952 he served as curate Officers are reminded to wear and Mrs. Janet Catino of Widow and Widowers Club and the Rev. Robert Cronin Under his leadership Father at St. Patrick’s Church in Mystic for white gowns. Manchester; two stepsons, Richard Travelers Toastmistress Club. Pollio of Somers and George Pollio of She is survived by her mother, Unpopular Zimmer DeLand, Fla.; 16 grandchildren; and Mrs. Harriet Duncombe Owen of Home run watch(er) one great-grandchild. Manchester; two sons, Kenneth W. MHS job second fund priority 2 The funeral is Saturday at 9:15' Knight of Manchester and Richard Philadelphia’s Mike Schmidt watches flight of ball as he hits R. Knight of Southington;- two failed to win flag a.m. from the Burke-Fortin Funeral By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA cond category if they meet one of cond category. The schools are not 45th home run Wednesday as Phils defeated Chicago, 5-0. (UPI Home, 76 Prospect St., Rockville daughters, Mrs. Walter (Carol) Fus various PTA’s and civic Herald Reporter three qualifications. Either the prioritized within the category. The organizations to get support for the photo) BOSTON (UPI) — He wants to be talked to a soul about a job in the last with a mass at St. Bernard's Church of Sunnymead, Calif., and Mrs. Alan changes are necessary to meet legal state did say if MHS is funded, the renovation. The renovation is to remembered only as a “good man” six weeks," he said. at 10. Burial will be in St. Bernard's (Nancy) Cocconi of Coventry, three MANCHESTER — A state agency requirements, or to provide com­ state would fund 63.1 percent of all make repairs to a leaky roof, expand to the many who relentlessly booed Dugout coach Johnny Pesky took Cemetery. grandsons and a granddaughter. has rated the Manchester High parable facilities to other schools or the items found eligible for state fun­ him the last 4‘A years. , over the team for the remainder of Friends may call at the funeral Funeral services wiil be held at 10 School renovation project in the se­ the industrial arts areas, and revamp cond of five eligibility catagories for to meet standards of accreditation. ding. the grouping of classrooms to better Yankees explode Don Zimmer, arguably the most the season and Sullivan said he hoped a.m. Saturday in the Center home Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. Manchester was correctly classed Congregationai Church. The Rev. funding purposes. Under the wording of the high reflect the educational trends of the unpopular manager in recent Boston to have a new manager named in Alice W. Keltledon Superintendent of Schools James in the second group for two reasons, schooi referendum to come before next 25 years, among other things. Red Sox history, lost his job three weeks. Sullivan said he had a Newell Curtiss will officiate. Burial Kennedy said. The first is that the MANCHESTER - Alice Welch Kennedy said at a press conference the voters in November, the town Wednesday after failing to do what list of names but had not contacted will be in Buckland Cemetery. national accreditation group for high scoring 18 runs Kettledon, 75, of 80-H Bluefield Wednesday afternoon the state Board must receive state funding or the no manager had done^nce 1918 — anyone. Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 schools recommended the Military whist Drive, died Tuesday at Manchester to 9 p.m. Friday in the Holmes of Education School Building Unit project won’t be done. bring a coveted world championship Zimmer left Boston with 411 wins renovations be completed on MHS, MANCHESTER - A military CLEVELAND (UPI) - The New win a game because the starting Memorial Hospital. She was the wife F u n eral Home, 400 Main St. has placed the renovation project in a The referendum question will ask to a victory-starved legion of fans, in 726 games, a .568 winning percen­ whist party will be held at St. York Yankees took dieir booming pitcher gets hurt,” said Perry. "But of Francis T. Kettleton. Memorial contributions may be catagory he beiieves is favorable. for it to retain its standing in the voters to approve spending $5.5 supporters and front office per­ tage, bettered only by Joe McCarthy Bridget’s School cafeteria Friday bats back to Yankee Stadium today I wish I could start every game with Mrs Kettleton was bom in Hart­ made to the American Cancer Socie­ "Assuming a successful referen­ group. miilion, with the understanding the sonnel. for those who m anag^ more than 300 beginning at 7:30 sponsored by St. needing at most two victories to a 12-run lead." ford and had lived in Hartford for ty, 237 E. Center St. dum, this becomes important at the The second reason is that some of state will, contribute $2 million The ax was delivered swiftly and games. Only four other Boston Bartholomew’s Parish. There will be clinch the American League East The victory gave Perry a 10-13 several years before moving to end of the process when we’re the repairs are to meet laws, such as toward that total. Kenneidy said by completely. General Manager managers served longer. door prizes, and a raffle. pennant. record for the season including a 4-4 Manchester eight years ago. She was looking for state reimbursement. We the installation of an elevator for the July 1981, the town should know the Haywood Sullivan announced at a 2 Zimmer relieved Darrell Johnson In Mrnioriam handicapped. Refreshments will be served. The Yankees banged out five home slate since joining the Yankees. a communicant of the Assumption can optimistically be assured of get­ definite amount of the state’s con­ p.m. news conference what everyone on July 19, 1976 and the Red Sox won In sad and loving memory of Steven W runs, including three-run shots by The lower priority catagories are tribution. Cerone belted his 14th homer in the had suspected for at least 24 hours. more than 90 games in each of his Roman Catholic Church of Merovomch. who passed away October 2nd. 1974 ting state money,” Kennedy said. Oscar Gamble and Rick Cerone, a Manchester. The schooi system applied to the for school renovations which concen­ Besides working on the state ievei Paying respects fifth against reliever Mike Stanton. As is the case with most partings, first three full seasons. The low point Every day in some small way. two-run blast by Aurelio Rodriguez Besides her husband she leaves state for a rating earlier this year. trate on guidance, heaith or general to obtain funding of the project, MANCHESTER - The Anderson- Jackson's 39th homer of the year the words were sweet. Sullivan ef­ came when they blew a 10-game lead Memories of you come our way. and solo homers by Bobby Brown and came with two out in the ninth off four sons, William Kettledon of Time and years roll swiftly by. Based on what the renovation project administration areas. The last two Kennedy spoke of a lobbying effort Shea Post and Auxiliary 2046 will fusively praised Zimmer as a man in 1978 and lost a playoff to the New But love and memories never die. Reggie Jackson, enroute to their reliever Victor Cruz. Gardena, (I)alif., Robert Kettledon of involves, the state routinely categories are for renovations to being undertaken by Principal Jacob meet at Watkins Funeral Home, 142 “who has given 100 pei^ent in the York Yankees. l(X)th win of the season — an 18-7 "I’m swinging the bat reai good Sunnymead, Calif., John Kettledon Sadly missed by Wife and Family classifies the renovation projects in athletic facilities or for storage pur­ Ludes and Project Coordinator Neil E. Center St., tonight at 7:30 to pay seven years he has been here.” But 'T ve heard a boo now and then,” romp Wednesday night over the now," said Jackson, “We played well likelihood of getting funding. poses. Lawrence. ^ respects to Thomas Tedford who was the move had to be made, Sullivan said Zimmer. “The fans want a and Francis Kettledon, both of Cleveland Indians. tonight and put a lot of runs on the t.urd of Thank* . MHS is one of 17 schools in the se­ The pair have been speaking at a post member. asserted, not so much because of championship. It's tough to win 99 Manchester; a daughter, Mrs. The first category contains only With Brown leading a 19-hit attack board.” Our thanks go out to Mrs. Delores Phelps, although in Zimmer’s deficiencies but because of games and get beat by a cheap home E rnest (F rances) Rowland of one school, and is reserved for with four hits and Gamble and Barker, 19-11, who failed once Moodus; a sister, Irene Gordon of pain from a bad fall, has given her time, money and buiidings where changes must be economics, public relations, (an run by Bucky Dent. But the fans want efforts m making the Tag Sale a big success Get well Jackson each driving in four runs, again in an attempt to nail down his New Britain; 13 grandchildren and 14 made to meet the law. reaction and change for change’^ a title and they deserve it.” soon Delores' the Yankees lowered the magic 20th victory of the season, will get great-grandchildren. Friends Renovations are eligible for the se- sake. Z im m er’s dism issal capped a number fon clinching the pennant to one more chance Sunday when he "A change was needed. I’m not two with four games left to play. forgettable year. The Red Sox got off starts against the Orioles at blaming Don. I don't think we'll find to an abysmal start, rallied to move . Me and my shadow “It feels good to get the number to Baltimore. a better manager than Don Zimmer, to within five games of first place Wherever Hall High’s Yuri Fishman (left) was, Manchester two,” said Yankee manager Dick “Barker wasn’t throwing too well or someone who has more charisma Squatrito gets Dem post Howser, who became the fourth with six weeks to play, then went into tonight," said Cleveland manager than Don Zimmer. It was the a tailspin and fell out of contention. High’s Alex Britnell (20) was sure to follow in their CCIL soccer MANCHESTER - Dominic He is a member of the Democratic the Democrqfic National Committee manager in major league history to Dave Garcia. "Maybe pitching with toughest decision I’ve ever made in tilt Tuesday at Memorial Field. Britnell did excellent job win 100 games in his first year. In addition, five starters — Jerry Squatrito, state campaign coor­ Town Committee, and was a delegate is composed of a businessman, labor three days rest was a factor. my baseball career and it was Remy, Butch Hobson, Jim Rice, holding high-scoring striker to only two shots, one which went in. dinator for President Carter, has to the 1980 Democratic National and professional representatives. As Mickey Cochrane won 101 with the "He has pitched a lot of^innings tougher than I thought," Sullivan 1934 Detroit Tigers, Ralph Houk 109 Fred Lynn and Carl Yastrzemski — (Herald photo by Pinto) been named to the Democratic Convention. He also served on the members, these Democratic finan­ this season and he may be tired. But said. missed significant periods due to in­ with the 1961 Yankees and Sparky he’ll go on Sunday." T National Committee’s Executive Executive Committee of the Arrge- cial supporters are given an in­ Zimmer made the unusuaLgesture Anderson got 102 with the 1970 Cin­ jury, causing several players to ques­ Finance Council. ment Committee for the Convention. creased opportunity for personal con­ YOU KNOW of attending his own burial. He tion the wisdom of Zimmer’s dis- cinnati R ^s. The appointment was announced Squatrito characterized his ap­ tact and input into national political swapped jokes with reporters, missai. And attendance dipped by by National Finance Council Chair­ pointment as an extension and con­ affairs. Council members are briefed "We are playing good Baseball refusing to criticize the administra­ right now," said Howser, who will 3(X),000, about 13 percent, especially ThouQhts QpLENty man Charles Manatt. Squatrito. of 37 tinuation pf his involvement in the on domestic and international issues tion despite several openings. Only send Ron Guidry against the Detroit critical in small Fenway Park. Jordt St., is an attorney with the firm national committee. by administration officials and other when asked how he’d liked to be Tigers in New York tonight. Sullivan said the administration of Bayer, Phelon. and Squatrito. The National Finance Council of experts. AL SIEFEERT’S offers one of the remembered did Zimmer get shouid share the blame for the "Jackson is swinging the bat good serious. now and the big blow for us tonight team’s performance. The front office "1 just want the people of New was Gamble's homer in second in­ has been criticized for not getting England to think, ‘you’re a good As good areas largest selections of Top ning,” added Howser. "We have good players to replace the injured. Dougan sues Kennedy man’. Thank you very much,” he By balance with our left and righthanded "You do the best with the 25 you MANCHESTER— Superinten­ piaint on Kennedy. school system to reinstate Dougan said, then hastily left on the verge of have. There were times when we as there hitters but 1 believe w4 are a little tears: Len Auster dent of Schools James Kennedy was The amended complaint states Dougan then filed a complaint Name Brand Washers & Dryers at Low stronger with our left-handed hitting maybe needed a playnand didn’t get It was the first time Zimmer, 49, i-.f served an amended complaint at Kennedy was personally responsible against Fendeil, saying the charges lineup, especially in our park.” one. But I'm not g ^ g to get into it who proudly states he has never home this week by the attorney for for having allowed comments made against him were defamatory. Rodriguez’ third homer gave the any more than t h ^ ” Zimmer said. is around drawn a paycheck outside of an aide at the Regional Occupational Dougan and his attorney feel were The suit against Kennedy said as Yankees a 3-0 lead in the second Zimmer said managing the Red Discount Prices?.. Now you know!! baseball, has ever been fired. He will Training Center. untrue and defamatory. Fendell’s supervisor, Kennedy knew before Gamble unloaded his 150th Sox was a long-cherished dream come Yuri Fishman. job, according to one report spent a receive his $95,000 contract next year Christopher Dougan. who eariier in The comments were made by or should have known what Fendeil career homer into the right field true. He said he felt he had been Mention that name in the area and sleepless night in anticipation of one- BRANDS YOU KNOW! w h y s h o p a r o u n d ? a t a l sie ffe r t 's no matter what job-he takes. He has the summer served complaints on Fendeil at hearings before the state intended to say at the hear'ne. stands off Cleveland starter and loser treated fairly by the press, although he strikes fear in the hearts of many. on-one duel. He had to sleep soundly YOU GET MORE THAN AN APPLIANCE ... YOU GET been offered an unspecified post in the Board of Education and the Labor Board. The suit against Kennedy attempts Len Barker. he had been warned about coming to Who is Yuri Fishman? after the match-up. He deserved it. Whirlpool m — 1 free normalinstauation , free r e m o v a l o f the Boston organization but said he Boston because of the close media Fishman, for non-soccer fans, is center’s founding director, Norman In a 2-1 ruling, the Labor Board to collect both compensatory and OLD APPLIANCE, FREE LOCAL DELIVERY, An error by Cleveland second And Fishman will go on giving Fendeil, this week served the com- Frigidaire doubts he’ll take it. attention. No. 1 striker on the Hall High of West sided with Dougan, caliing on the punitive damages, in excess of $2,500. SERVICE, QUALITY, AND SATISFACTION! baseman Dave Rosello opened the future opponents nightmares. door to six unearned runs in the third " I ’ll have a uniform on next "I liked it here better,” he con­ Hartford squad. He was at Memorial State board ADD GREAT SAVINGS ... THAT'S HARD TO BEAT! inning with Jackson's two-run double season, somewhere. But I haven't cluded. Field this past Tuesday with his ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ i f i f i f and Brown’s 14th homer highlighting Warrior teammates, arriving un-- Bits and pieces OKs lerardi the outburst. beaten. East Catholic’s soccer team'has a New York starter Tommy John Coach Bill McCarthy’s Manchester big HCC match Friday afternoon at MANCHESTER The ★ Weaver enjoying hooters sent Hall, and Fishman, state Board of .Education blanked the Indians on one hit over Cougar Field against Xavier High of SPEAKS OUT the first three innings before being home unhappily by taking a well- Middletown. The Eagles lead the Wednesday approved * BABIOW earned 3-2 decision. tagged for a pair of runs in the conference at 3-0 with the Falcons * hiring Lawrence E. lerar-S This was the only regular season di. 44, as the new director fourth. The veteran left-hander tied for second a game behind with MAtTAC; full use of media meeting between the two traditional of the Howeli Cheney “Mr. Joynw ratusad my raquast departed with two out in the fifth St. Paul, each 2-1. Kyle Ayer and after suffering muscle spasms in his soccer powers. They could, however, Terry McConville. expected to be Regional Vocational to dabata tha Isauas. The voters BOSTON (UPI) - Baltimore tonight. I hoped he could take us to clash again when the state tourney Technical School. deserve to know each candidates back. East’s big guns, have performed up "John is all right," said Howser. "I Orioles manager Earl Weaver has the ninth. Hey, we're not making it rolls around. lerardi, who lives in Ver­ position on ... to pre-season hopes with nine and wanted to get him through the inning found a good way to use the media for easy for the Yankees, we can still That will be soon enough for eight goals respectively. Each, also, non, comes to the post • Taxes — Why did my oppo­ his own benefit: he sends messages win it without a playoff.” McCarthy, staff and players. 2 from his position as but he claimed.he had pains when his has five assists .... nent propose and vote for an foot came down in front of the mound to the New York Yankees via Martinez downplayed his role in Fishman was marked (i.e. superintendent of schools reporters that the Orioles have the the Orioles victory. covered, followed, shadowed, etc.) in Lebanon. He was Income Tax in 1979? after his delivery.” i Nearby Cheney Tech has a 3-2-2 • Redistricting — I have a plan Gaylord Perry took over and American League Eastern Division by Indian senior co-captain Alex mark after seven games with five selected from the 27 race all wrapped up. “We’ve got to win and keep win­ BritnelU The latter usually is in­ applicants who applied. to improve district represen­ blanked the Indians without a hit un­ shutouts to its credit. Junior goalie "It's down to two and they’ve (the ning,” he said. "We have to be ready volved in the Indian offense, having lerardi will begin his tation, what about my op­ til the ninth when the Indians picked Lou Governalq has been superb Yankees) still have to win two,” to do whatever is neccessary. I felt scored four times in the opening five post Monday, and wiii ponent? FHgMaire Proud up a pair of runs on five singles. between the pipes for the Beavers Weaver said Wednesday in the after- strong and wanted to pitch.” games. Not ’Tuesday. His assignment meet the staff on Friday. • Providing more Elderly "It takes the fun out of it when you and he’s been getting plenty of help math of a 12-8 Orioles' victory over Singleton smacked a bases loaded, was to go with Fishman. If he went to from the backline of sweeper Dave He replaces acting director Housing — I have a specific the Boston Red Sox. "And I’ll tell three-run double in the fifth to go John Farrell, who had TYPICAL BUY LeFlore ailing the bathroom, Britnell would’ve Nowak and fullbacks Jim McKay, plan ... does my opponent? TYPtCAL BUY TYPICAL BUY . TYrtSTijr^ you, the Tigers (the Yankees’ with an RBI single in the first. He flushed the toilet. replaced John Garafolo, WHIRLPOOL Mark Thurz and Tim Mainville. Mid­ WHIRLPOOL MAYTAG MONTREAL (UPI) — Expos out­ weekend opponents) look like they're says he’s looking forward to the A shadow doesn’t stay any closer fielders.Walt Kostrzewa and Brian the school’s director for GE DRYER weekend, LARGE CAPACITY LARGE CAPACITY fielder Ron LeFlore, the team’s top hot. When you've got to win two, you than Britnell was to Fishman. Eaton have also excelled ... the past seven years. LARGE CAPACITY^ LARGE CAPACITY base-stealing threat, will be unable can’t afford mistakes.” DRYER "We’re home for the last three, Britnell did a superlative job on the Tom Casalino. assistant pro at MULTICYCLE AUTOMATIC to take batting practice for at least 10 Weaver had plenty to say after the is unfair to the voters not to debate all the MULTICYCLE we’ve got to go there and play Russian-born booter. He guarded Manchester Racquet Club, has issues.’’^ ' PERMAHENT PRESS days, the team announced Fenway Park contest, but during the Oak Street WASHER WASHER tough,” he said. “We’re confident him like a priceless jewel. passed his United States Professional PERMAHEHT PRESS Wednesday. game he let his team's heavy bats do CYCLE that we’re going to win every time Yet Fishman scored. Tennis Association (USPTA) test. loses power LeFlore, second in the National the talking. Baltimore banged out 15 out. We’re proven winners.” The Hail attacker in the opening That makes him a certified League in stolen bases with 94, has hits, four of them by Ken Singleton, MANCHESTER - ! ELECT MAL BARLOW <298 ^398 ^228 Big night "Hey, it’s still on, we’re still in it. minutes of the second half eluded his professional instructor. You have to *218 been unable to hit since he fractured along with three home runs. About 78 homes in the Oak Stata Aepreaenfaf/ve - District 12 George Brett acknowledges We’ve clinched second and we might nemesis when Britnell came up to be fulltime in tennis three years Street area lost power a bone in his left wrist in a game Right-hander Denis Martinez, who as well go for first." challenge another. That’s all it took' before you can even take the exam. against the Chicago Cubs on Sept. 11. standing ovation from Kansas tossed a compiete game on Monday, Wednesday evening for an Singieton said it was becoming for Fishman to find open space, Casalino passed the test with the hour and 15 minutes, a 647-9997 The cast was removed from City fans after he officially came from the bullpen to get the last accept the ball, tricky dribble and highest rating—Professional One. [ REAL LEADERSHIP FOR THE 80’S LeFlore's arm on Monday, but Expos harder to keep his mind on the game. Northeast Utilities ■V MON., THUnS., FBI. 647-9998 qualified for American League 10 outs-and preserve the win. place the ball between the legs of In­ Casalino’s entrance into USPTA spokesman said today. Al team physician Dr. Larry Coughlin batting title with 502 plate "It looked like the old Fenway "When I was in right field, I was dian keeper Marty Simon. It was his makes the local club, he believes, the 443-44545 HARTFORD RD. UI / U U MANCHESTER. J \ i g ^ i m Another 15 customers had r Veta Damacratlc Nev. 4 placed the cast back on his qrm appearances. He also was a Park with all the hits,” Weaver said. thinking about how many runs we’d 18th goal of the season. only one in the area which has two service interrupted while Wednesday as a precautionary Regarding his surprise use Of Mar­ scored. Then I iooked at the Paid lor by Comm, to Eloct Mai Barlow - Raymond F. Damato, Traaa EMD OF KUm • HUcKlF ST. TUES., WED., SAT. TIL 5 iocatiok iTT perfect three for three. (UPI That’s an excellent career for certified professionals. Jack Red­ crews repaired downed measure and said the wrist would be tinez in relief. Weaver explained, "he scoreboard and wondered why I felt many players. mond, head pro and manager, is the m PEOPU WHO BRIHC YOU LOW PRICES i PERSONAL SERVICE XKNir si hit re-examined in 10 days. photo) volunteered before the game to pitch we were behind,” he said. Britnell, who did such a marvelous other. 14 - EVENING HEHALU. Thurs . Ocl 2. 1980 / Sports Parade By Pain sidelines Cowens Seven in row MILT ‘D e m e a n ’ RICHMAN BOSTON (UPI) - Bill Fitch “I have sprained my ankle at least Fitch said Cowens retirement was coach for five months during the remembers only a few days ago when 30 times over the duration of my “not a total surprise. We drafted ac­ 1978-79 season, when Boston turned in key word Dave Cowens left the team bus to career, broken both legs and frac­ cordingly. Fortunately we did. We’d its worst record in three decades. He retrieve a credit card. He returned tured a foot,” he said. “Two years be sitting here with (rookie Eric) quit coaching at the end of the Fernsten as a starter if we didn’t. with pain in his eyes. ago a team of foot and bone season. r Catholic tonight Auerbach took the news in his “It took him about 15 minutes to specialists said they were amazed I A graduate of Florida State. rx' could play up to that point without customary stride, saying he didn’t Cowens was Boston’s No. 1 draft LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - Next What it didn’t see or hear was a get back and he hobbled back to the strength —Xavier, Glastonbury, St. sustaining serious injuries.” try to change Cowens’ mind nor did choice in 1970 and avaraged 17 points With its offense in high gear once cap the first half. time you have a chance, look up the subsequent back-and-forth between bus like an 80-year-old man,” Fitch Paul and Hartford Public are all ”1 am basically playing on one leg he anticipate that Cowens would a game his first season with Boston, again. East Catholic overpowered Gilbert got on the board at 7:05 of definition of the word “demean” and Ali and Cosell. said. “ I could tell in his eyes when he respectable teams and we hope to be and my left ankle is so weak that I return. winning co-rookie of the year honors. Gilbert High, 5-1, in non-conference the second half on a goal by Bud as soon as yoii find it, you’ll also find “Hey, Howard,” he said, “I read told me. that he meant what he said ready for them.” Smith but Blast responded with two can best describe it as saying I have “He felt his abilities were not in His best season was 1972-73 named soccer action last night in Winsted. the real key to tonight’s that quote where you called me when he decided to call it quits.” Senior co-captain Terry McCon- final markers McConville completed a sponge for an ankle,” Cowens said. line with what he wanted, that he the MVP. He led the Celtics to NBA The victory for the high-flying heavyweight title fight between ’illiterate.’ Was that a misquote?” This time, there was no ville for a second straight game his hat trick at 8:15 of f an assist from Cowens told General Manager Red wasn’t living up to his potential.” titles in 1974 and 1976. Eagles was their seventh in a row Muhammad Ali and Larry Holmes. "I didn’t say that,” Cosell told him. philosophical dilemma about recon­ registered the three-goal hat trick to Doran and Kyle Ayer at 19:14 con­ Auerbach of his decision in a 2:30 Auerbach said. “And you know how In his 10-year career, Cowens without a loss. Blast's next outing is Essentially, Ali, who'll make $8 Looking at Ali, there was no way of ciling his role as a star with his move his season total to a team­ verted a penalty kick. It was his 10th p.m. EDT telephone call Wednesday David is — he has such pride in what played in 726 games. He finished with Friday against Xavier High at million, and Holmes, who gets gauging how convinced he was of privacy, as there was four years ago leading 11 markers. He opened the goal of the campaign. from Terre Haute, Ind., where the he does. He didn’t want to let an 18.2 per-game scoring average, Cougar Field at 3:15, beginning the somewhere around $5 or $6 million Cosell’s response. when he left the team for 30 games. scoring at 11:35 of the first half, East in its seven games has scored Celtics had played an exhibition anybody down.” hitting 46 percent of his field goal tough phase of the schedule. even though he’s the World Boxing This time, it was pain, pure and sim­ drilling a rebound from in close into 31 goals and yielded only six. game Tuesday night. Auerb..ch and In six exhibition games this year, attempts. He also grabbed 10,170 Council champion, are fighting for ple. the back of the twine. Misquoted Cowens had discussed the 6-foot-8 the star center averaged 10.8 points rebounds. "1 was very pleased with the per­ the money. Holmes puts that in Cowens. the Boston Celtics cap­ Kevin Byrne less than two minutes East’s jayvees also came home “I knew it was a misquote,”' he tain, one-time coach and general redhead’s possible retirement before and had grabbed 32 rebounds in 151 formance of the team tonight, perfect perspective whenever he He’s already working for a spring later made it 2-0. He took a pass from with a win, 7-0, over Gilbert. Tom said. “Otherwise, I was gonna slap leader by example, ended his 10-year the season started. But Cowens was minutes of action. He hit on 27 of 61 remarked Eagle Coach Tom Malin, hears the 38-year-old Ali carrying on water company and planning to open Chris Ciszewski and from 8 yards out Ayer and Stuart Harkins each had you, Howard,” he said, tongue in playing career Wednesday because convinced to give it another shot and floor attempts and dished out 16 “We accomplished the job we wanted about fighting again solely “for the a health fitness center in Natick. beat the Gilbert goalie to the near two goals and Chris DelSlgnore, cheek. he was “not able to jump and run and had performed weU^in training camp assists. to do. people.” Cowens, a one-time rookie of the Cowens has two basketball camps “We’re now entering the part of post. McConville, on a feed from Bruce Raymond and John Dean one pivot and do the things I need to do to and exhibition games. M "He says he’s fighting ‘for the If he can beat Holmes tonight, and year and NBA Most Valuable Player, which he runs during the summer. the schedule that will test our Pniin Doran, made it 3-0 at 30:16 to apiece for the 7-0 young Eagles. be a factor," "He was playing hard, in fact he people’,’’ Holmes scoffs. “He’s he’s doing everything to convince was probably the only guy 1 had who was beginning his 11th season in the “ I don’t think I’ll miss it. I never crazy. He’s fighting for himself and Cowens. who turns 32 on Oct. 25, everybody he can, Ali figures he’ll had been playing as hard as he NBA. He is the second Celtics’ thought I would," he mused. "Once the money. So am I. I’m fighting for said his recurrent and damaging foot regain the title once more, making could, " Fitch said, “It was purely a veteran to quit this year. Last week. it’s over, it’s over. I will miss the my house and my swimming pool. him the only heavyweight in history problems simply would no longer comraderie of being with the fellas. allow him to play basketball the only physical thing. He could still do it Pete Maravich retired from the Who’s he kidding? Certainly not to win it four times. But he’ll also You don’t have that in other areas of way he knows - with an almost offensively. But he wasn't banging game. me." regain the stature he lost by his first Ho corved as the Celties’player- life. " But it goes far deeper for Ali. defeat at the hands of Leon Spinks, evangelical fervor. into people like he used to ” Winner take all Despite all his accomplishments by his more than two years of inac­ and his repeated insistence he is still tivity, and by all the talk he’s through World record run for trotter “The Greatest,” Ali has lost more and can’t fight anymore. than a little stature and appeal with Owner-trainer Clint Galbraith and super shattering all-time pacing record for mile in “Can you imagine what’ll happen if colt Niatross charge away from prompters as i;49.1 during time trial at Lexington, Ky. the general public. Much of that can be attributed to inactivity and the he wins?” Holmes says, laughing Miracle worker Ali they approach finish line in way to world- (UPI photo) series slated fact he’s no longer champion. You about it. “We’ll have to put up with know the old saying — out of sight, all his crap again." But Holmes knows even better 2 NEW YORK (U P I ) .- It’s the out of mind. drove in two runs with a triple and a bard to drive in three runs in the se­ than Ali what it means to be dream of schedule-makers and fans, single to back David Palmer’s six-hit Along with it, there were those cond and Vern Ruble pitched a six- downgraded and even debased at hopes for one year the ideal forum for players and pitching. frequent on-again, off-again retire- Carlton’s 24th victory hitter to keep the Astros in command times. coaches. The entire 1980 season for The victory kept the Expos a half­ menl-i^tements of his. People grew in the West. Ruble, 12-4, who pitched Holmes has been WBC champ now for a punching bag. I am going to the Montreal Expos and the game in front of the Phillies, who tired of hearing them. Nobody ap­ LAS VEGAS. Nev. lUPli - The He may go early, awfully early." a.three-hitter and a four-hitter in his since June of 1978 when he beat Ken Ali will be attempting to become show Larry Holmes that I am truly Philadelphia Phillies will be reduced defeated Chicago 5-0 Wednesday on a preciates the actor who remains on question appears simple. Does the previous two starts, gave up RBI hits Norton for the-titleT.ygt^he has never the oldest heavyweight champion in to a winner-take-all three-game two-hitter by Steve Carlton. stage too long after he’s all done. legendary Muhammad Ali. fighting the miracle man, the greatest of all by Hubbard and Bruce Benedict to received anywhere near the publicity in the twilight of a remarkable the history of prizefighting. Many time — of all time! ’ series this weekend. Palmer, who tossed his first fall behind 2-0 in the second inning. Compounding everything else were 7 master performance due him. career, have enough left to cope with tried to come back past their prime At least that’s what the Expos are shutout of the season and struck out the unflattering pictures of Ajj, Over the final seven innings, Ali doesn’t help Holmes’ general — including Joe Louis — and failed. "When I said I would beat Sonny saying. The Phillies have one piece of 10, predicted the Phillies would come ballooning up to more than 255 a much younger Larry Holmes? however, he faced 22 batters, giving image any by continually calling Holmes, a 13-10 favorite 24 hours Liston, they all laughed. But I put the PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The does." Phillies’ Manager Dallas career. unfinished business—a game against to town in a dead heTlt with the pounds, with his belly hanging over The final countdown to the answer up two singles and a walk. attention to his former status — “he before the fight, fully expects that big bear down. They said Joe Frazier book says a 35-year-old power pitcher Green said. After a second-inning walk to Chicago tonight — and could enter Expos. his belt. And subsequent reports he — tonight’s World Boxing Council Dodgers 8, Giants 4 was my sparring partner, that’s all” Ali will be stopped as all the others was too tough and I should retire should be well past his prime, "He's just pitching powerful Carlos Lezcano, Carlton retired 16 the season-ending series in Montreal “Our feeling now is let’s get it over was suffering from brain damage heavyweight title fight between Joe Ferguson drove in six runs — and by saying how ordinary after he beat me, but I came back decreasing in value to his team as baseball. I wish I had that ingredient batters in a row and went into the tied with the Expos in the hjational with,” he said. “Let’s get through the didn’t help him any. champion Holmes and three-time were. with a home run, triple and an infield Holmes looked in defeating less than and beat him not once but twice. rapidly as the U.S. dollar. for a lot of our guys. He has been eighth with a no-hitter for the second League East with a victoi^ over the weekend with two out of three over champion Ali — was summed up best "He’s an old man, a hasbeen," out to pace the Dodgers. Burt top-class opponents over the past two The book says such a pitcher can't nothing less than outstanding for us. time this year. Cubs. Philly.” Although those allegations never by Ali. Holmes said. "I’m going to knock Hooton, with relief help from Bobby years. him out and finally earn the recogni­ start every fourth or fifth day and There’s absolutely no contest for the But Vail, who ranks second on the In the hot West Division race, were supported, they didn’t enhance "Like the dog said after they cut “George Foreman — they told me Castillo in the final two innings, won “Once and for all. I’m gonna get tion I deserve as the greatest crank out the kind of games he did Young Award. ” Cubs in batting, lined a 1-1 pitch to “It’s going to be a three-game Houston defeated Atlanta 5-2 and Los Ali’s image. And although he never off his tail, it ain’t long now." the 38- he was too much man for me. He his 14th game of the year. the monkey off my back,” promises heavyweight in the world. He hasn’t eight or 10 years ago. It says that, if And Green went even one step center. Del Unser moved in but series for the championship,” said Angeles beat San Francisco 8-4 to claimed to be a Rhodes scholar he year-old Ali quipped. lasted only eight rounds before I Reds 2, Padres 1 Holmes. “He’s gonna give me my he does, the pitcher should just keep further than that. couldn’t catch up to the ball, which Montreal’s Andre Dawson after keep the Astros two games in front George Foster cracked a two-run doesn’t take to being portrayed as The psychological warfare fought in two years but he goes knocked him out. And he was sup­ i respect. This is for my identity. Me, it close until the bullpen can rescue "He certainly has to get considera­ bounced about three feet in front of going 3-for-4 in the Expos’ 8-0 shutout with four games to play. The teams some type of dimwitted dunce either. between Holmes and Ali has ended, around telling people how great he is. posed to be the baddest heavyweight 'f homer with none out in the ninth for Larry Holmes. I admired All as a him. tion for Most Valuable Player,” he him. of St.Louis Wednesday, their 20th win also will meet for the final three That side of him surfaced clearly and now it remains for Ali to back up I’m going to knock Ali out. The fight who ever lived. They said I was the Reds.Tom Hume, in relief of Tom fighter and still respect him, but I’m But for the 1980 season, the book claimed. “Every time we've had a “Our club realized he had a no­ in 29 games. games of the regular season at Seaver. who pitched eight Innings, enough in a trans-Atlantic televison his boasts. The scheduled 15-rounder won’t go eight rounds. The old man is finished when little Leon Spinks beat interview with Howard Cosell before gonna hurt him. He’s gonna have to obviously needs revising in the case skid or a scare, Lefty has been there. hitter," Vail said. "I just tried to get “But they’ll'have to take it away Dodger Stadium beginning Friday raised his record to 9-10. was set to begin about 10:30 EDT. in trouble. I'm going to knock the me but I’m the miracle man. 1 came Shirt-tailed of one Steven Norman Carlton; He’s done it 16 or 17 times, that after something started. I hit the ball the from us in our own park. We are night. last Saturday’s Marvin Hagler-Alan be on his knees twice before I even The two fighters appeared for the sucker out. back and 1 won my title back for the Pirates 10, Mets 5 look over at the referee. Larry Holmes pulls the tail Carlton pitched no-hit ball for a loss he has won for us. He meant a first two times up and he was loose and confident and we’d just as Elsewhere in the National League, Reliever Enrique Romo’s grand Minter middleweight title fight in ceremonial weigh-in Wednesday, but 'T m going to end the saga of third time against Spinks with no “You see where all the ads for the Muhammad Ali once and for all. I’m of his shirt up to cover the seven innings Wednesday night lot to this team early when our pitching me sliders. 1 got a fastball to soon get it over in the first two days Pittsburgh defeated New York 10-5 slam — his first majorleague homer London. the anticipated final pre-fight, face- doubt about it. I was 36-years-old and before Mike Vail opened the eighth pitching was sporadic." hit. I think he was trying to waste it. of the series.” and Cincinnati edged San Diego 2-1. Ali was in his dressing room at fight say ‘Ali-Holmes’?” asks the to-face meeting between the two going to end it by eight rounds and it I danced all night. words “The Champ” printed — and Dave Parker’s two-run homer Easton. Pa. battler. “It should say with a single and finished with a tWq- Going most of the time with a “I’d say he’s the best left-handed Dawson, who has hit at an .800 clip ' Astros 3, Braves 2 Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and never happened. could be over as early as the third on his own Muhammad Ali paced a 16-hit atUck for the Pirates. ‘Holmes-Ali’. I’m the champion, not hitter to enable the Philadelphia slider and curve, Carlton, who has pitcher in baseball," he added. “This during a 14-game hitting streak to Terry Puhl blooped a double off the Cosell was asking him questions Holmes, 30. unbeaten in 35 round if he stands and fights. If he "Now the world will see another punching bag. Holmes Jim Bibby, 19-6, earned the victory him. It’ll all be straightened out Phillies to keep pace in the torrid never pitched a no-hitter, walked two is the best I’ve ever seen his slider. It raise his batting average to .310, glove of second baseman Glenn Hub­ while Ray Burris, 7-13, took the loss, about the Holmes fight. The televi­ professional fights, showed up 20 meets me in the middle of the ring miracle, history in the making. I will blackened the eyes of Ali and National League East race with a 5-0 and struck out 10 in picking up his was unhittable. He’s a tremendous sion audience saw and heard that in­ tonight. Take my word for that.” minutes before the weigh-in was and fights like a man. I’ll have him become four-time world champion victory over the Chicago Cubs. 249th career win and 45th shutout. At competitor — I can’t say enough terview later in the day. slated to begin, and by the time Ali out of there in three rounds. If he and then people will truly know I am will be out to do the same Montreal stayed in first place by a the plate, he had two hits and drove about him." appeared. Holmes had vanished. The decides to run and hide, then it’ll take the miracle man — the greatest of all tonight in title defense in Las half-game with an 8-0 win over St. in a run with a sacrifice fly. Bill Buckner got the other Chicago Man of decade champion weighed 211 1-2 and Ali. longer. But in any case, he’ll be gone time." Vegas. (UPI photo) Louis. Mike Schmidt and Greg Luzinski hit with two out in the ninth. His who just six months ago weighed a by eight." CHICAGO (UPI) - The Cougar hooters Ali, who will earn $8 million for the The real story to Carlton is what he provided Carlton witji all the runs he single deprived Carlton of the chance Road race slated monstrous 265 pounds, checked in at has done in his 16th season in the big needed by blasting back-to-back to extend his National League record (Tiicago White Sox announced 217 1-2. fight to $4 million for Holmes, has a leagues. The big. silent lefthander is homers off loser Dennis Lamp, 10-14, of six one-hitters. Wednesday they will activate And that fact wasn’t ignored by the different prediction. True to his ver­ Honeycutt fined having a year of epic proportions — 57-year-old Minnie Minoso for bal form, it rhymed. to spark a four-run sixth. Schmidt The Phillies send rookie Bob Walk score shutout in East Hartford challenger NEW YORK (UPI) - Lefthander Rasmussen retained 24 wins. 38 starts. 13 complete tied a career high with his 45th while their weekend series against "His behind will be mine by nine.” to the mound tonight looking to move "I ve showed you one miracle Rick Honeycutt of the Seattle BRISTOL, Conn. (UPI) - William games. 304 innings. 286 strikeouts Luzinski, fighting a slump that found into a tie with the Expos before the California Angels — the Sox’ Goals by Pat Day and Matt Ayotte Day opened the scoring four The Atlas Bantly Fuel Oil Co. and 30; 30-40 ; 40-50 and over 50. The first already. ” Ali chanted 'T suckered said Ali. whose career has now- T Mariners, ejected from Tuesday Rasmussen, formerly chairman of and a 2.34 ERA. him on the bench the last two nights, 1980 season finale. . snapped a scoreless struggle and minutes into the second half by con­ (promoter! Don King and Larry spanned three decades, " I’m too fast traveling to Montreal for the three- the Elast Hartford Department of man and the first woman in each night’s game between the Mariners the board at the cable television’s "For a 35-year-old guy who’s a poked No, 19. Should Minoso enter a game, lifted Manchester Community verting a penalty kick. He has been Holmes into taking this fight. They and too good for Larry Holmes. He’s game weekend series that will decide Parks and Recreation will co-sponsor division will receive a Jog-a-Life and Kansas City Royals for inten­ Entertainment and Sports Program­ power pitcher, it’s amazing to me It was the sixth time the two he will be the only player to College past Post Junior College, 2-0, successful on all penalty kick bids would never have agreed to fight me never fought anyone as fast or as the division champion. .Rookie Randy a 5.3 mile pre-Columbus Day Road Safety Vest. Second place finishers in tionally damaging the ball by rubbing ming Network, was retained that he’s cranked up as many innings sluggers hit consecutive homers this appear in a major league con­ in soccer action yesterday in Water- this season. good as me. He thinks he can jab but Martz will go for Chicago. Race Sunday, Oct. 5 at 1 p.m. each division will receive a nylon if I looked the way I look now. I was it with a foreign substance, was Wednesday as a consultant for the and has as many strikeouts as he year and the ninth time in their test in each of five decades — bury. Ayotte added some insurance at I jab better and faster. I’trf so quick The T.A.C. (Track Athletic singlet. T-shirts will be awarded to 254 pounds and they figured they had suspended for 10 days Wednesday by the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. The victory lifts the Cougars to 4-3 the 44:40 mark. now I can dance all night like I did Getty Oil Co.. Congress) sanctioned race will begin the third place runners. an easy fight in taking on a fat old American League president Lee Rasmussen developed the concept Minoso’s last appearance was for the season, 3-2 in the NJCAA. Cougar netminder Mark Pastula when I beat Leon Spinks. The oldman at McAuliffe Park and follow an at­ The first family (3 or more) will man. But I’ve performed my first MacPhail. of 24-hour daily sports coverage with Sept. 12, 1976, for the Chicago Their next clash is Saturday after­ made 14 saves in notching the will dance and dance. I will turn back tractive mix of hills, flats, straight receive a gift certificate to Great miracle. In the third inning. Honeycutt, who Getty, which owns 85 percent of White ^ x . At that time he noon against Dean Junior College at shutout. Post keeper. Mitch Jablonski Virdon rewarded Who Am I? and winding roads. Timers will be at Oak Restaurant. All entrants will be “look how trim and pretty I am the clock. The world will see the entered the game with a 10-17 record, singled off Angels’ Sid Monge. - Cougar Field at 2 o’clock. was credited with 15 stops. ESPN. each mile mark to give the runners given a headband. All runners should now. I ’m the same as I was la years Muhammad Ali of 15 years ago and was visited at the mound by umpire As a consultant to Getty, Minoso batted eight times as ago. I’ve turned back (he clock and Larry Holmes is no match for me. an indication of their pace. be members of the T.A.C./AAU. Bill Kunkel. who discovered a thumb Rasmussen will advise the firm on a designated hitter in 1976 with ■ I used to beat up on him just for three-year pact Forty prizes will be awarded. The There is no entry fee. Registration I'm going to knock opt Larry tack protruding through tape on the continued development of its one hit. He has been a White first six finishers will receive a black will be limited to 500. Holmes. And don’t get there late practice when he was my sparring Sox coach since 1976. Brett ups average Honeycutt’s right hand. telecommunication interests. HOUSTON (UPI) - Bill Virdon, purchased early in the 1979 season, and white TV set, clock radio, tran­ because it could happen in one round. partner. Now I’m going to use him Minoso, born in Cuba, came Entry forms are available at sports who has managed the West Division­ rise to the top of the West Division. sistor radio, stop watch, pocket stores and at the parks office, 740 leading Houston Astros on one-year With four games remaining, the up to the major leagues in 1949 camera or pedometer. The first boy with the Cleveland Indians. He in bid for .400 Main St., East Hartford. 06108. For contracts since 1975, said he didn't Astros hold a two-game lead over the and girl under 12 years old will additional information, contact joined the White Sox in 1951, reeeive a trophy. The divisions for Bird sets pace After weighing all factors ton appears to be faltering, the Trojans will even the have to think long about signing a Los Angeles Dodgers. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - currently trails Cooper by four. Leslie Collier at 289-2781, extension three-year pact. went back to Cleveland in 1958, men and women are 13-18 vears: 18- — including the high-powered will win its second conference record with a 33-18 triumph. “Last year I offered Bill a one-year George Brett of the Kansas City “ If the guys in front of me continue 317, between 8:30 and 4:30. Mi^orHoople’s offenses of both elute —. we game of the year. The Long­ The all-time record of the "I am pleased and delighted," Vir­ contract and he accepted,” and returned to Chicago in 1960. to rally Celts He also played with the St. Royals needs to raise his average to get on base and Cecil stops, I think believe the home-field edge horns figure to blast Rice. 34- South Carolina-North Caroli­ don said Wednesday night after the McMullen said. “This year we Louis Cardinals in 1962, the nine points in the next four days to I can lead the league in RBI,” said will give Nebraska a three- 10. na State series is interesting. contract was announced. decided to go on the basis of three EVANSVILLE. Ind. (UPI) - point victory, 31-28. Um- The Colorado Buffaloes, In 42 engagements, they stand become baseball’s first .400 hitter Brett. “Then I’d be a double crown' "I had a part in putting this team years, Washington Senators in 1963 Larry Bird scored 27 points, in­ kumph! trying under coach Chuck 19-19-4. Can’t get ’em any since'Ted Williams in 1941. winner. Not triple crown, double flexible aluminum together and I want -to see it “Obviously, I think he's the best and again with the White Sox in cluding 13 in the final period, to rally And get a load of the other Fairbanks to come back to closer than that. Saturday's Seem too distant a challenge? crown. If I could miss 40 games and r r j top clubs in action this week­ former glory, just don’t have clash will be almost as close through." manager in baseball." Twenty years ago, 1 was 1964. the Boston Celtics to a 113-103 victory dubbed tbe Black Well, consider the fact that Brett has still lead the league in RBI. I’d really end and the caliber of their enough to stop the onslaught with the SC Gamecocks trapp­ Owner John McMullen said the Virdon said he needed only “five or He was selected on the over the Chicago Bulls in an NBA Gazelle. But 1 couldn’t American League All-Star raised his average six points in the cherish that.” cast for Dan White opponents. of Oklahoma. The Sooners ing the Wolfpack. 24-22. club also signed coaches Mel Light, 10 minutes" to look over and sign the even walk until 1 was eight exhibition game Wednesday night. Alabama meets Kentucky attack through the air or on Here is how the Hoople Sys­ team seven times. last two days to project himself back Brett unloaded his third homer in The Bulls held an 83-78 lead after Don Leppert and Deacon Jones to agreement, years old. I was the ’17t>i of DALLAS (UPI) — Danny White, four games last season Roger in the SEX!. Ohio State faces the ground with equal tem calls the other key into that chase. as many games leading off the fourth three periods, but the Celtics out- surprising UCLA. Texas tan­ strength. So. the ifoople nod games: one-year contracts. Virdon's managerial record is 431- 19 children. As a child, ill­ riding a hot streak that has carried Staubach’s passing rating was 90.0, ness crippled one of my Brett entered Tuesday night’s inning to give the Royals what scored Chicago 35-20 in the final gles with Rice in the SWC. goes to Oklahoma. 35-18. The contract taking Virdon, 49, 408. He managed the Pittsburgh him to the top of the NFC quarter­ “1 don’t know if he has progressed Houston will finally get its legs. My dreams, though, game against the Seattle Mariners at proved to be the game-winning run period. Bird led the rally and was Oklahoma meets Colorado-lA Notre Dame, gaining through the 1983 season was the first Pirates in 1972 and 1973 and the New back rankings, will have to play the a Big 8 grudge battle. Notre strength every week, will offense straightened out and were never dashed. .385 and promptly went 3-for-6, and a 2-0 lead. He also doubled in the any faster than I thought he would," win a close contest from multi-year pact offered him in five York Yankees in 1974 and 1975 before next few weeks with a flexible assisted by Cedric Maxwell, who Dame battles Michigan State down the valiant Michigan raising his average to .387. He then fifth and scored Kansas City’s final said Landry of White. “1 thought he Football Baylor. 19-14. Also in the years as the team's manager. being hired by Astros president Tal aluminum cast on the fractured mid­ would play very well. He has great scored nine of his 25 points in the in the 46th renewal in this State Spartans. 38-14. went 3-for-3 Wednesday night, in­ run and then doubled again in the final period. classic. And Pitt takes on The Pitt Panthers, one of SWC. Arkansas will take TCU. McMullen said he made the offer Smith late in the 1975 season. •Oldiu^io MUOU OHI » n Astros within dle finger of his left hand. poise. For instance, he has thrown 22-12, and Texas Tech will )B (X«|aj j»iauj-oo^ »tn put SMtnp cluding his career-high 24th homer of seventh off Rob Dressier (4-10). Forecast Maryland in a battle of pow­ the best clubs in the nation, after watching the team, which he Larry Kenon scored 25 points to dump Texas A&M. 24-20. A two-year contract given him to ja)»ui-oo{ put -0 0 1 MO ui) f|tpaui White, who is right-handed, broke three touchdown passes on audibles erful Eastern forces. will find the Maryland Terra­ p|ol MJip uoM oqit jaiufjih -g'n the season, to climb to .391 and help lead the Bulls, and David Greenwood start his second season with the the finger while falling on a fumble ^ • 1 9 8 0 K B Then there's Penn Sate vs. pins anything but a pushover. In a Big 10-Pac 10 match­ tldlopnM tuiiiM U3MSNV two of division Kansas City whip Seattle for the se­ Stoughton case in last two weeks. Yankees was the only other multi­ during Dallas’ 28-7 victory over added 20 for the Chicago team. In a close contest, the Hoople up. the Michigan Wolverines cond straight night, 41. “You have to be alert to be able to By Major Amos B. Hoople Missouri in an oilensive show. will devour — heh-heh — 2 American League NEW YORK (UPI) - National The Celtics were playing their first year contract Virdon has received. HOUSTON (UPI) - Houston Green Bay last Sunday. No one knew Wizard of Odds Southern California facing System predicts a Pitt victo­ With four games remaining, Brett Hockey League President John take advantage of a situation and game without team captain Dave ry, 21-14 - kaff-kaff! California's Golden Bears. 37- KonuIh 4, M ariners 1 He was fired later in that 1975 season (c) 1910 NEA. In^ Astros manager Bill Virdon needs the extent of the injury, however, un­ Arizona State in a rugged Pac 10. At home, the Stanford Car­ needs to collect 11 hits in his next 17 Ziegler said Wednesday he plans to audible. He does those kind of things, Cowens, who announced his retire­ 10 clash, and South Carolina Another donnybrook is in George Brett collected three hits, when the Yankees chose to hire Billy two victories to set the sun on the til Monday. and it comes as no surprise;” Egad, friends, there are so dinals will edge San Jose at bats to reach .4004. rule on the Blaine Stoughton case by ment earlier Wednesday. Cowens, a many sterling attractions on battling North Carolina State. store for the 75,000 lucky fans including his career high 24th home Martin. West Division, but he is becoming And no one seemed all that con­ White also displayed his running .who will jam Missouri's Fau- SUte. 18-14. “I never thought I’d get back into Monday. onetime Rookie of the Year and NBA this week’s card your Peerless In 28 meetngs with Kentuc­ run of the year, to raise his average The Astros' decision to retain Vir­ more and more unsure where those cerned about it. either, including prowess last week, catching the ky, Alabama has an impres­ rot Field to see the Tigers The Washington Huskies Girls* volleyball the .390’s again and I’m back there,” Ziegler spoke after meeting for Most Valuable Player, was beginning Prophet hardly knows where to .391. He also collected his 502nd don met with the wholehearted ap­ two will come from as the health of Dallas Coach Tom Landry. Packers in a breakdown on punt to start. sive 26-1-1 record. Alas, it will take on Penn State. Here will have an easy time with said Brett.“I’m not going to give up three hours with Stoughton, New his 11th season in the NBA. again is a pair of teams with plate appearance, qualifying him for proval of first baseman Art Howe, Forced to five sets. East Catholic his thin pitching staff deteriorates. “I don’t think the cast will bother coverage to run 48 yards from punt A good place to begin is be more of the same for Ken­ Oklahoma State, 42-14. on the the fight yet. I’ve done it before (11 England Whalers managing general Coach Bill Fitch cited physical tucky this Saturday as Bear equal potential. In a down-to- Cowboys' home turf. In their the batting title. To finish at .400, one of several Astros who have vocal­ girls’ volleyball team outlasted Rookie right-hander Dave Smith him,” Landry said. "I think it will be formation. He later ran 9 yards on a with Nebraska hosting Flori­ hits in 17 at bats). I can do it again, partner Howard L. Baldwin, and problems as Cowens’ main reason for da State. Bryant's boys keep on rolling. the-wire finish, we look for 78th repeat performance, Brett needs 9-for-13. ly disagreed with a few of Virdon’s Bloomfield High, 3-15,15-4,15-9,13-15 became the team’s most effective flexible enough. When he takes the bootleg play down to the Green Bay Mis.souri to prevail, 25-22. watch for the Utah State it’s still possible.” team director of hockey operations retirement. All season long, the Nebras­ 31-21. Har-rumph! rilicrs I I, lllui' ju>s 7 decisions this season. and 15-12, yesterday in Bloomfield. reliever last month as the Astros snap, the ball hits the upper part of Elsewhere, the awesome Arizona State is one of the Aggies to win, 28-17. over old Brett was intentionally walked in Jack Kelley. v 2-yard line to set up Dallas’ first The game at Roberts Stadium was ka Comhuskers and the Flori­ Mark Fidrych. 2-3, pitched five in­ "Bill and Tal got the players here Monica Murphy and Noreen his right hand and the other hand just score. da State Seminoles have been Ohio State Buckeyes, who are few teams to hold an edge nemesis Utah. held off the second-place Los Angles the first inning and also doubled "There was an arbitration a homecoming of sorts for Chicago over Southern California in nings to notch his first victory since to develop into a contender,” Howe Callahan spiked well, Lisa Johnson Dodgers. But Wednesday night he guides the ball. side by side in the college most awesome at home, will Now go on with my fore­ twice Wednesday night to raise his hearing,’’ Ziegler said. “The matter Coach Jerry Sloan, who played for topple a good invading UCLA football. In the only previous cast: Sept. 2 and Detroit won its fifth said. "They deserve a lot of credit.” set well, Janice Boser and Pam Cun­ djsclosed he had pulled a muscle in “Normally a fracture is a six-week football ratings — which number of plate appearances to 502, is under advisement and I have told “I felt a lot better about it (the the University of Evansville. makes this game one of the eleven, 36-21. Texas, eyeing meeting, the Sun Devils straight. Tom Rrookens keyed a 16- Right fielder Terry Puhl said Vir­ ningham blocked well, and Sue affair and I don’t really know how (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN | his right shoulder—to the surprise of which officially qualifies him for the fake punt) when he went past the toughest to call. the SWC title now that Hous­ surprise the Trojans. Now hit attack with a crucial two-run don was responsible for turning the Messier, Cindy Granato and Kathy the parties involved I will render a serious this one is. I don’t know if it is Virdon. American League batting cham­ first-down stake,” Landry said. “But Williams traded single Astros around from a team that was Patria served well for the 5-2 decision on or before noon Monday.’’ a hairline fracture or what. It looked Starter Vern Ruble admittedly has pionship. Danny usually won’t do those things SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - A \' h M , W liite Sii\ ;( 42 games out of first place in 1975. Eaglettes. worse from a sprain standpoint than worn himself down pitching five As a sidelight to his quest for a .400 unless he’s got a pretty good chance spokesman for the Utah Jazz says Tony Armas collected three hits, "What he's done is drill the fun­ East also took the jayvee tilt, 15-4, tiling in shutout it did as a break.” complete games in six starts, in­ average, Brett is also attempting to to make it work.” guard Don Williams has been traded OCT.l Florida t t LSU II NlllUoto tIS lllU o li to Utah St t l Utah 17 scored twice and had one RBI to pace damentals into-us,” Puhl said. "He 7-15 and 18-16. East’s jayvees stand 2- cluding a six-hitter Wednesday night Illing’s varsity soccer team After the first two weeks of the Aiabanu 31 Kenitcky U Hoottoa If Baylor 14 (N) OhU SUte SI UCLA t l VMI14 Citadel 7 (N) become the first player since Walt Landry also said he would not use to the Cleveland Cavaliers for un­ IlUaois 34 M la^ lp p l Si t l Oklahoma SI Color ado II Wake Forcat t4 Wm « Mary 14 Oakland. Rickey Henderson stole his taught us to concentrate with greater 4. whitewashed Windham High season White’s passing rating — AppalarU u SI 14 Mankall !• which preserved a 5-2 win over the Dropo in 1950 to knock in runs at an backup quarterback Glenn Carano disclosed future considerations, AitaBUsZtTCU It lodloM 33 Doke 14 Pitt t l MaryUad 14 WaahUgtoa 4t Oklahoma St 14 98th base of the season. Mike Norris, intensity. We are able to do that Atlanta Braves. freshmen, 4-0, yesterday at the fibred by the NFL through a com­ Army t l Harvarl t t ladlaBaStSI Wichita SI 17 Pardae 31 MUnl(OhU)l WaahUgtoa St t4 Pacific 17 because of the fundamentals.” RBI-a-game pace. Dropo collected any sooner in a game just because of probably draft choices. Aak«ra I t RIckiMad II lo»a 14 AriMM 7 Ratgen t7C oraclltl W M l ^ a a II BowlUgGrcea IS 22-9, went the distance for the 24th The Astros.’ magic number is three Rams’ field. plicated formula — was 77, well Iowa St 31 Colorado St II S CarolUa t4 N CarolUa St t t (N) W Tctaa St 33 New Mexico St 17 144 in 136 games; Brett is currently White’s broken finger. Williams averaged about 7 points BmIm S* Navy t l time in 33 starts to gain the victory. Virdon was National League Lanier injured with four gAmes to play, but two Mike Zotta scored two goals and down among the NFC quarterbacks. B row atlt l Prtecctaa 14 Mlehigaa 37 CalUormla If Soathera Cal 33 Ariiaaa SI II WcatVUgUU t7 V lrgU U tl Manager of the Year in 1979 when the at 116 in 114 games. “I’d use Glenn in the same Way I’d per game with the Jazz last year Cnitrai MlcUgaa t4 Toledo 7 Mlaaeaou t l Nortbwetlera 7 SuMordllSaaJaocSiU WUcaaaU 17 Saa Mego St 14 Bre»er« 10, AngelH 7 -MILWAUKEE (UPI) - Bucks Tim Grady and Chris Diana one But after Sunday’s win over Green MlMtaala^ t l S Mlttlaaigpl 17 Syracaaetl Raaaaa tl WyarnUg New Mexico triumphs would clinch their first If Brett is successful there, he use any second quarterback,” Lan­ during a dismal 24-58 season that Oeoksoa t l Vlrflala Tech 14 St tS Ben Oglivie hit his league-leading Astros won 89 games and finished 1)4 center Bob Lanier suffered a broken championship. apiece for the Rams, now 3-0 for the Bay, White had risen to 102.1 — tops Colgate ITCoMeclkal 14 M b a o v ltl P e u S i t t Teiaa34Rlcell(N) - Yale llA lrF orce If games behind division-winning Cin­ could very well overtake Cecil dry said. “I would tend to bring him ended with the Jazz and the Golden Colao^la 14 Peoa 7 Nehraaha 31 Florida SI t l Temple 14 Boatoa U 7 (N) 40th homer, Chbrlie Moore hit for the nose in the first quarter of the season. Goalie Chris Petersen made in the NFC and second best in the DartmooUi t l Holy Cress t l N Carollaa 4tt GeorgU Tech t4 Teioi Tech t4 Tcaas AAM t l The Dodgers also have four to play, in after the game is out of reach. But State Warriors tied with the worst (N) Night game cycle and Paul Molitor collected four cinnati. This season the Astros have Cooper of Milwaukee for the seven saves to notch his third NFL behind New England’s Steve DeUwart II Lehigh 7 Notre Dame 31 M M ^ S l 14 TaU aellSM U 1I(N) Milwaukee-New York Knicks exhibi­ including three this weekend at home - Glenn has progressed rapidly and he record in the National Basketball hits to pace a 19-hit attack. 91 wins. American League lead in RBI. Brett shutout. Everyone else played well. tion game Wednesday night. against the Astros. Grogan. For comparison, through would do a good job if he came in.. Association.

1 < r Ih - EVENING HERALD. Thurs , Oct. 2, 1990 EVENING HERALD, Thurs., Oct. 2, 1980 - 17 6coreboQrcl business. Vernon National, United Bank to merge NKW YORK UALTIMOKK BOSTON GALAXIES- Jule Reggio HARTFORD— First Connecticut Bancorp Inc. has an­ owns New Britain National Bank and the Simsbury Bank for quality financial services which Vernon National has ____ ab r h bi ab r h bi / sro U T S ON w .ih r h hi dh r h bi nounced that it plans to acquire the Vernon National and Trust Co. and has consolidated assets of $525 million. establish^ over the past 18 years.” OMnrrn cl 4 2 3 0 iiackinnib r. 140 Bumbry rl 3 2 10 Burletn ss 4 OOl 125, Carol Shea 131, Ann EVENING ___ Koli 3 120 Mddd 1 2 2 Kisk c 5 1 2 I three offices in Vernon. In 1979, net income of the bank (ID AIDStar Socc«r Kj«U'r II 4 110 lli-ndrxn If 4 0 0 0 H A R T F O R D - A rthur L. Co. itself with one of New England’s top performing banks 7:00 2 I I II Hn>nli!(3b f 0.2 3 Kelly n 3 2 2 0 fc^vans rf» 4 110 nounced the appointment w as $233,000, while net incom e in the first half of 1980 was Mudlck.1h (jarcia2b 0000 Allenxndh 2 110 Under the terms of the merger each Vernon National and bank holding companies. The financial and capital (ID SporltC«nl«r l.m Di 2 00 0 Trevinof 4 000 0 0 0 0 Hancrk dh Woods, president, Connec­ of Michael J. Zipp to the $161,000. mibnMilh r o;i I Almonxx 4 00 0 Stone dh 3 0 2 1 7:30 Crowly dh 42 13 liol(mn3b fi 1 1 1 ticut Business and Industry staff of the CBIA Service shareholder will receive $23.50 for each sh are held strength of United Bank will enable us to expand our (14^ Football: Intlda Tho NFL otl< 4 0 11 Rurrixp 1000 MAJOR K('rr.i2l> r 1 1 0 (iivnnp 0 000 (Irahamc 4 12 1 Nichols cl 4 130 following a 5 percent stock dividend in October. The James J. Preble, president of both United Bank and scope of service to the growing Vernon community.” 0:00 Dempseyc 1000 Association, has an- Corp. as system analyst. liibhv p 2 110 Miikwxph 1000 First Connecticut Bancorp, stated that the proposed After the merger is completed, Troy will be responsi­ (ID NFL Raport Mtlm-r ph 1 00 0 Jarkwnp 00 00 l)eCmcs3b 4 111 LEAGUE k CBIA Service Corp. is a value of the transaction will be approximately $2.4 8:30 Nuusu •' 2 110 .IMurcnpli 1 000 Itoenick II 0000 ' million. Although Vernon National's stock is not actively merger would be "an attractive opportunity for exten­ ble for management ef the Vernon division of United Holanfir ss 40 10 wholly-owned subsidiary of (ID U8TA Woman'aIndoorTannia Dacella p 0000 LEADERS traded, recent stock quotes were $14 bid, $15 asked. ding United Bank’s market into' an area experiencing Bank. No personnel changes at Vernon National are com- ChamplonaMpa ...... :h 111 10 0 Tolalx air II Totals 30 12 If 12 Totals 38 8 14 8 CBIA. It makes available an2lllH0 lU Ballirnore mirflOro-B 11:30 Balling various insurance Vernon National has assets of $% million and United rapid growth and development.” He further noted that tem plated. (0) Night AIThaRacaa auHUMKB ! lloMon 12IB3IU)-« I. Hums, l,i» KmIi Alimm |)|'-Now. IJI’-HalUnrari; 2. Hiislon 2 1J)H- 'based on d at batn* programs and other ser­ Bank’s assets are $300 miUinn First Connecticut also United Bank would "build upon the excellent reputation The proposed project is subject to approval by (It' SportaCantar VuiU l,l)lt rmsliuriih* New York lU !>■ B”*'™ 9 2B-Hue National teca^ue shareholders of Vernon National Bank and by various (14) Football: Intida Tha NFL 2H -;usiet H litibrnson. N'liunebluod Hh^^bRleton. hvans, Kelly HR-Murray vices to association i32i. C'nmlev il2i! Daiicr i2i. Perer rempil'tn. St L 116 497 Kl 161 324 12:00 I'urkei .If. Hum.. .1. Wasbinul.m ...... m em bers. regulatory agencies. (ID Auto Racing '80 • III’ Sll Haikin.iii Wiishm^tnn i2T > SB-Kelly S-Bolanfier. Buinbrv llerniindz. St 1. If4i m 167 321 Miiirnn S K«ih O Moreno SF-Staplelon IfuckntT. Chi Ml r«i 6H IH) .121 Among his respon­ 2:30 IP II H KR imso Ikiwson. Mt) 118 (457 9 176 310 (11 SportaCantar IP II H KR mi SO Ci'rii'nti lliiu IS 461 (» 149 310 sibilities, Zipp will design Hobby supply firm'‘moves l‘itiNln>i^h Italliinore 3:00 liihir.-v\ l‘»4ii : 8 :t 3 2 r Mctiri’Kor 21-3 7 f f 3 0 M< Kri(k> riiil \M r4i (56 166 .117 ail new CBIA data (ID NFLRaport Hoiiki’SII’ 4 3 2 2 11.4 Stewart i\Vb-7 31-3 f. 3 3 2 2 ( ruz. Iliiu I': fOl 7« IHl IK MANCHESTER - On Oct. 12 at located across the street, operated a vices. “THE PERM EXPERTS” I) Martin/iSl> 31-3 2 U (l 0 {) (.;im-\ I..\ i:h (»1 74 194 1M processing programs. 3:30 \rS4 Yol k Siinnums.SlI. IV 49( B4 ire 303 noon. New England Hobby Supply retail model railroad and dollhouse Bon Ami was manufactured at the (ID U8TAWoman’aIndoorTannia lIuniN'1.7 i;i' -2-3 10 b ' 2 3 Boston He is a 1978 graduate of If the perfect Perm has eluded you so far, call the KckrslyiL 121 3 2-3 8 7 7 2 I lli'iHlriik SI 1. f.O f?2 7.1 I7J 1C CThe Train Exchange) will celebrate miniature business with the area’s Hilliard Street plant from 1890 until Champlonahipa i.Ivnn 1-3 (I 0 (I U 0 .Airn'rit-an Um^ui' Duet Helrdressers. We specialize In great perms l.irkson 2 H 4 4 1 II Campbell * 1-3 3 4 4 1 0 Providence College where its grand opening in new facilities, the late 1950s. I ’jivll.i I II 0 U 0 1 Aponte 4 4 1111 f! ab r b |M’( largest model railroad display. and satisfied clients. Hurst 10 0 0 1 1 (i HriMI KC 114 440 64 172 .-BI he received a B.S. degree known as the Bon Ami building at 71 ITie revitalized Bon Ami building The complex of buildings was sold imp hv Burris Campbell pitched >u 4 batters m f th C(Hi(K.>r. Mil in 611 96 2IH 3f7 BI..OV T 3 03 A -2 M T-3 13 A-16781 Diliiruv Clev 131 rz3 H) 178 340 in accounting. He is Hilliard St., Manchester. with its huge floor expanse and high- to various groups. The oldest and 2ur SAN DIEGO CINCINNATI Itivers, Tex 144 62U 9f 331 currently enrolled in the Through the combined efforts of beamed ceilings will enable a new most unique is the new home of New DUET HAIRDRESSERS ab r h bi ab r h bi DETROIT ‘ TORONTO Carew. C:il 142 T34 74 176 331) M.B.A. program at the Richrdsll 4 1 00 ('ollinscf 4 0 2 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi Hell. Tex 124 471 72 U4 .327 many people. New England Hobby and larger model railroad display to England Hobby Supply. (unisex) 3 0 2 0 Griffey rf 4 0 0 0 Peters cf I 3 1 (inffinss 1 20 Wilson, KC If? (W 127 224 326 University of Hartford. Smith ss Stapleton. Ikis 102 432 61 139 322 has refurbished a 19th century land­ be built. The expanded facility, New England Hobby Supply also 521 E. Middle Tnpke. Mmphrycl 4 0 0 0 Conepen ss 3 0 0 0 Trmmll ss 6 2 10 Bailor If 3 110 Zipp was formerly a Winfield rl 4 00 1 Kenndy2b f 1 1 0 Kemp If 4 2 3 2 Cannon if 0000 Bumbry. Balt ira 634 117 201 317 mark, the offices and manufacturing featuring its curved stairway, will sponsor the nationally awarded Manchester, CT Perkins lb 3 0 0 0 Foster If 3 1 f 2 Smmrsdh fiOl I Aulllb 20 10 Oliver. Tex ira 643 93 203 316 management consultant Salazar 3b 4 0 10 Driessnib 3 0 10 Wocknfssc 3 2 2 1 Upshaw dh r- I 0 1 Home Huns plant of the famous "hasn't original wood panelling and beam ^ HO model road racing club, the 649-3906 Corcomlb Naliiina) Uague — Schmidl. Phil . Takes two to tango with the accounting firm of AMERICAN LEAGUE Flannry2b 3000 KmghtSb 3000 4 2 3 2 Mybrry lb 4 13 1 scratched yet” Bon Ami cleanser. ceilings, is a perfect setting to “1187th’s.” The slot car layout will Kahey c 2 0 10 Oestei'2b 2 0 0 0 Cowens rf 3 110 Garcia2b 1000 Horner. ADX. Murphv. Atl31 Baker. Ernst and Whinney. By United Press International Dade pr 0 0 0 0 Correllc 3 0 0 0 Brookns3b 6 02 2 Howell3b 4 0 2 1 LA and ('arter. Mil 29 It looks like these two soccer combatants Tuesday here. Manchester rallied for 3-2 win Michael Zipp New England Hobby, formerly provide expanded displays and ser- be set up for racing in the new facili­ hlast Whi(akr2b W L Pel (IB Tenacec 0 0 0 0 Seaver p 2 0 0 0 4 112 Bonnelirt 3 100 American Uague — Oalivie. Mil 4l). Shirley p 4 0 0 0 Bench ph 10 0 0 Whitt c 6 113 Jackson. NY30. Thomas. Mil38. Armas. are getting in step but all Indian Tommy with Wood notching one goal. (Herald photo ty. New York 100 M 633 - Moseby cf Baltiiiiure 98 61 616 2>i Humep 00 00 4 000 Oak X . Murray. Ball 32 Totals 31 1 4 1 ToUls 29 2 fi 2 lorg 2b 4 120 Runs Balled In Wood (11) and Hall’s Tim McLellan (3) are by Pinto) Milwaukee m Th f3l 16 Totals 39 II 17 II Totals 40 7 12 6 National Uague- Schmidt. Phil 116 Advertising manager Boston rS6 None out when w inning run scored doing are battling for for ball in CCIL clash 82 74 17 San Diego 000 000 010— 1 Detroit 026 001 200-11 Hendrick. StL ICO, Garvey. LA 1U2. Detroit 83 7T r z 17 Carter. Mtl 101 Hernandez and Sim­ Cincinnati 000 000 0(0-2 Toronto 100041 OKk-7 SPRINGFIELD, Mass.—Lawrence Pisano has been ap­ Cleveland 78 79 497 2P> LOB-San Diego9. CincinnatiR 2B- E-Whilaker. Griffin. Brookens DP- mons. St L96 Toronto 64 94 4ir 36 Fahev. HR-Foster i24i SB-Smilh 3. Toronlo2. LOB-Delroit9. Toronto 10.2B American League - Cooper Mil 121, pointed advertising manager for the Northeast Group of West Flaniierv. Collins. Richards Kemp2. Mayberry. Griffin. Howell. 3B Oghvie. Mil 117. G Brett. KC 116. W L l»et GB IP H KERBBSO -Peters HR-Whill i6k SB-lJpshaw S Murray. Balt 114. Oliver. Tex 113 the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. \-KansasCity 94 64 fff - San Diego -Cowens SF—Howell. Stolen Bases He was formerly advertising manager for the PICKUP Oakland C 77 M6 12'I Shirley IL1112 > 8 f. 2 2 2 3 IP H R ER BB SO National Uague — Moreno. Pill *, Bates College complex LAST Minnesota 74 82 474 19 Springfield division. (HMVALUE- Texas 73 83 46R 20 ('inrmnali Detroit UFlore. Mil 94. Collins. CInTB. Scull. G R O ssm R n's Chirapo 66 90 423 27 Seaver 83116^ Fidrych iW2-3i 676433 MII62. Richards. SD6U In his new position, he will be responsible for the im­ * 3 PACKED 8 PK. Calilornia 6T. SB 414 28D llumeiW9-10l 1 0 0 0 0 0 Underwood iS61 4 6 2 1 0 1 American Uague — Henderson Oak J cmcuuui 3 DAYS! Shirlev pitched to 2 batters in 9th Toronto 98. Wilson. KC 76. Dilone. Clev 61. plementation of advertising for the Boston, Springfield h - H l fRnQ})evRns p r o d u c t s c o m P R n y Seattle r« 99 373 3f SliebiL12-16i 2 1-3 7 6 6 1 1 ENDS SAT., x-(-]inrhed division title T-2 16 A-n.7B4 Humbrv. Ball44. Cruz. Sea42 and Albany divisions. Wednesday s Results Barlow 1-3 2 2 2 1 0 Pitching OCT. 4 Oakland II. OucanoS LOS aNGELES SAN FRANCISCO Kucek 331132 Victories minor sports dream Mary Jane McAulay has been appointed assistant ab r h bi ab r h bi Leal National Uague— Carlton. l’hil24-0. Baltimore 12. BostonS. night Bibbv. Pitt 198. Niekro. Hou 1812. advertising manager. She was formerly advertising coor­ Detroit II. Toronto7. night Percont2b 4 0 11 Venable cf 2 100 HBP—by Barlow (Peters). T-^2:W program, including football, soccer, Shop at Grossman's 6- 12.426. Heuss. LA 178. Sanderson. Mtl and New York 18. (Teveland?. night Johnstn rf 4 0 10 Holland p 0000 LEWISTON, Maine (UPl) - The structed. dinator for the Boston division. Frias ss ilulhven. Phil 16-10. Rogers.Mil 16-11 basketball and baseball. Kansas City 4. Seattle I. nighi 1 0 0 0 Strain ph 1010 OAKLAND CHICAGO American Uague - Mone Ball X-7. big picture is taking top priority in “This is the result of a tremendous Pisano resides in Agawam and Ms. McAulay lives in ^Milwaukee 10. California 7. night Baker If 6 12 0 Breiningp 0 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi “We’re not going to suspend those 6 0 10 Hemdn ph 1 0 0 0 Hendrsn If 2 110 Lemon cf 6 0 10 John. .NY and Norris. Oak 22-9, the Bates College sports program. difference in student awareness in Springfield. Minnesota at Texas. 2. ppd . unplayable McGregor. Ball 198. Barker. Clev activities at all,” Wigton said. “But grounds Cey3b M 1 0 Nastup 000 0 Gonzalez If 3 0 21 Quires lb 6 2 2 0 i^nard. KCand Ungiord Oak I9 II Instead of four-year sports like recent years toward general health,” Thursday 5 Games Hatcher3b 3 110 Whitfild If 6 12 0 Murphy cf 4 110 ^ines rf 4 111 the big money is going in different 2 2 2 0 Clark rf Earned Hun Average said Pat Smith, swimming coach. Oakland iNorris21-9' at Diicago iHoyt Guerreref 4 112 Heath dh 4 112 Johnsn dh 3 0 11 • based on 166 innings' football and basketball, the big • u iid It Better for Less! Fergusne 4 2 2 6 Evans3b directions.” 8-31. 2 If pm 3 0 2 1 Armas rf 6 2 3 1 Nordhgn.lf 4 0 2 0 National Uague — Sutton. l.A 2 21. money on campus is going for “To me it’s great, because there are Toronto < Clancy 13-ir.i at Boston Thomas ss 4 111 May c ''^^4 Klutts2b 4 2 2 I Morrisn2b 40 10 Ms. Smith said the effects of the Officers approved 'Crawlord 2-0«. 7 30p m Hootun p 3 0 10 Murray lb .««« Newmnlb 2101 Foleyc 2 000 Carllop. i’hil 2 34, Ruble Hou 240 benefits to be had from lifelong- Thmssn ph 1 0 0 0 Sularzllb Reu.ss.LA2f8.Rogers.Mll2 96 lifetime sports, like swimming, ten­ Detroit (Morris 16-141 at New York 1 0 0 0 Essian c 4 112 Borgmnn c 2 0 0 0 usable athletics just as there are program are already becoming evi­ ' Perry 9-131. 8pm Castillo p 0000 StenneU2b 2 000 Guerrerss 4 100 Mullins3b 3 00 0 American League — May. NY 2 46. nis, running and racquetball. EAST HARTFORD - Hartford Despatch & Pettini ss 3 0 0 0 Norris. Oak2 64. Burns, Chi2 87. t«ura dent. Seattle < Bannister 9-121 at Kansas City McKav2b 4 112 Cruz ss 30 10 KC2 89. Kcough. Oak2X “We feel it makes more sense to from lifelong-usable acddemic 'Splitturif 13-11 >. 8 3T p m Wohifrd ph 10 0 0 Totals 36 11 12 10 Totals X 3 9 2 “One thing I’ve noticed in my six Warehouse Co. Inc. of East Hartford has announced that LeMastrss 000 0 Strikeouts give people training in athletic skills courses.” TRimOAD Oakland (B3 001060—11 Minnesota -Johnson. Cruz. Armas. LOB- Rvan. Hou 191, ^to, Cm 176. .Niekro. All following new officerships: 160. Blyleven. Pill I6B the entire physical eiJucation women are joining in,” she said. Toronto at Boston Rowland p 0 0 0 0 OaklandO. Chicago 8.2B-Klutts. Essian. American League— Barker Clev 181. instead of the usual emphasis on foot­ Paul W. Howard of West Hartford became vice presi­ Cleveland at Baltimore, night North cf 2110 Cruz 3B-Heath. Armas. Baines. SB- department,” Wigton said. “We no "It’s up to almost 250 women now in­ Detroit at New York, night Totals 37 8 13 8 ToUls 36 4 8 4 Henderson. Morrison. Squires S — Norris. Oak 180 Guidry, NY IfO. ball, basketball and baseball," said dent, sales. He joined Hartford Despatch in 1 ^ in Seattle at Texas, night Us Angeles 041030000-8 Newman. SF—Essian. Newman. Johnson Bannister. Sea 16/ . Uonard. KC 160 longer teach basketball. We no volved in one form of program or Saves George Wigton, association athletic freight operations in Boston. He has previously been Minnesota at Kansas City, night San Francisco 001(00001—4 IP H RERBBSO longer teach soccer." another.” Califoi Ilia at Chicago, night B-Feeguson, Thomas 2. Hooton. Oakland National Le^ue — Sutter. Chi 28. director. general sales manager. He currently serves as a director Insulation Sale Hume. Cin24. Fingers, SD23. Allen. NY “The emergence of women in Hatcher. DP—Us Angeles 1. San Norris tW22-9t 9 9 3 3 2 7 Bates College, one of New Instead, there are a wide variety of NATIONAl. LEAGUE Francisco 1. LOB-Us Angeles 6. San Chicago 22. Camp. All and Tekulve. Pitt 21 sports is putting pressure on college in the Sales S t Marketing Executives of Greater Hart- Bv United Press International Francisco 12 2B-Whitfield. Evans 3B- BingrtniL2-l2 21-3 6 6 6 1 0 American League — (^isenberry . KC England's smallest with a total activity courses offered, including R-11 3W ’ KRAFT INSULATION East Ferguson. Thomas HR—Ferguson i8i. 33. Gossage.lage. NY. 31, Farmer, thi 2t, leaders to change their priorities,” fo’rd. Profv 32-3 1 1 1 1 0 Stoddard. Ball 2b: Burgmoier. Bos24 enrollm ent of 1,450, has ju st opened a beginning-through-advanced swim­ For interior walls Easy to A rm strong W L Pci GB SB-Whitfield. North. S-Perconte. Hatch \Vortham 11- 3 ...... she said. “And that’s another reason Jacqueline S. Danis of South Windsor, assistant cor­ Montreal 80 70 rai - er SF—Evans Contreras 12- 3 Wednesday s Sports Transactions $4.7 m illion recreation complex ming, lifesaving, volleyball and ten­ staple up between nail studs IVORY COATED Philadelphia 88 70 S>7 't IP H RERBBSO WP-Norris3,T-2:37 A-2X8 By United Press International for the change in emphasis to porate secretary, was promoted to assistant vice presi­ 61 78 606 B Us Angeles geared toward sports that are nis. The school offers achievement 15“ width. 50 sq. ft roll or INSUUTIONIOAIID Pittsburgh lifetime acthletlcs. dent, international services. She joined Hartford 23“ width. 76 7 sq ft roll St Louis 72 87 463 17 Hoolon • W14-8) SEATTLE KANSAS CITY Baseball generally played for a lifetime. awards to students who improve SO FT New York 66 90 41f 23 Castillo abrhbi abrhbi Boston — Fired Don Zimmer as “We began a co-educational in­ Despatch in September 1968. Save energy' 4xei't C'hicago 63 9f 309 26'i San Francisco Allen 2b 10 0 0 Wilson If 4 110 The major item is a 25-meter, their running times and distances in TCox3b 2 0 0 0 McRae dh 4 00 0 manager and named Johnny Pesky as tramural basketball program and it's Eleanore 0. McNamara of Manchester, assistant cor­ West Whitson tL 11-12' 2 8 6 6 0 0 interim manager eight-lane swimming pool. Also in­ a “Run For Your Life" program. Insulating wall & celling cov­ W L Pci GB Hargesheimer 2 4 3 3 2 0 Simpson rf 20 10 GBret(3b 3 2 3 1 porate secretary, was promoted to assistant vice presi­ 91 67 676 - Roberts cl 2 0 0 0 Aikenslb 4 0 0 1 Houston — Rehired manager Bill All students are required to take become very popular,” she said. "We ering all in onel Perfect lor Houston Rowland 1 0 0 0 0 1 Virdon (or three more seasons cluded is a 200-meter indoor running- dent, marketing. She joined Hartford Despatch in March Us .Angeles 86 eO fr63 2 Holland 2 1 0 0 0 0 Beniquzef 2 000 UCocktb 0000 have quite heated competition. It’s a attics, winterizing cotteges A BT7 72 .f>47 4»j Walton rf Seattle— Pitcher Rick Honeycutt was track, which surrounds four asphalt some physical education courses R-19 6 ” KRAFT INSULATION ('inctnnali Breining 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 111 Porter c 40 11 suspended fur 10 davs bv American great change from the way it was 1968 and was promoted to assistant corporate secretary morel Atlanta f8B -ancisco Nastu 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bochte Ib 30 10 Olisef 4 110 Uague President Lee'MacPhail tennis courts. before they can graduate. They have For attics with no insulation Meyer If 2 0 0 0 Hurdle rf 4010 in 1979. Easy to install. 15“ width. 30 dBaiiiOaf l?x Whitson pitched to 2 batters in 3rd. Football a wide selection. when I started here.” . Sn Dieoo 71 447 20>i Hargesheimer pitched to3 batters in 6th. Horton dK. 30 0 0 White2b 3 000 Kansas City — Waived light end Tonv Six squash and three handball- Alan E. Stegman of Windsor Locks was promoted to sq. ft. pkg. or 23” width. 46 Wednesday's Results WP-Hargesheimer T-2.62 A-1U07 Narronc 2 0 0 0 Wshngt ss 20 10 Samuels and tackle F'ranky Smith racquetball courts were also con­ Bates also has the ususal athletic i’liisburgh 10. New York 6. LCox c 10 10 New York Jets— Placed strong safely assistant vice president, moving department operations. sq. ft pkg Pays for itself *n 11nladelphia6 ChicagoO.night ST LOUIS MONTREAL AndersnZb 2 0 00 Shafer Suggs on injured reserve and fuel savings! • • ab r h bi He joined Hartford Despatch in 19^ and has served as I so FT MontrealS.St UuisO. night Stein ph 1000 signed free agent safety Tim Moresco Z O N O L IT E POURING Cincinnati 2. San Diego 1, night Oberkni2b 4 02 0 White If 4120 Milbomss 0000 F'ootbail Jai Alai Entries operations manager for the moving division. Houston 6 .Atlanta 2. night Templinss 40 10 RScoU2b * * 1 ‘ Mendoz ss 20 10 Cleveland — Signed wide rcieiver ATTIC INSULATION Us AngelesS. San Francisco 4. night Frazier p 0000 Officer! 4 110 Paciork ph 1.0 0 0 Mrs. Susanne P. Molloy of Vernon becomes assistant Ricky Feacher to a new contract Jai Alai Results THURSDAY Thursday's Games Hrnndzlb...... lb 4 0 10 Dawson cf 4 2 3 2 Cruz2b 0000 Hockev corporate secretary. A graduate of Bay Path Junior R-19 6” UNFACED INSULATION 0 4 9 Chicago 'Martz 1-2' at Philadelphia sjmnions 4 000 Carterc 3 0 11 Totals 29 1 6 I Totals 32 4 8 3 Felt • |3 c uI FTn BAG .NY Islanders — "Returned Monty fifst: Seventti' College in Longmeadow, Mass., Mrs. Molloy joined Hart­ For poorly insulstod sttics • Ruthven 16-101 7 X p m lorgrf 4020 Cromrtlb 40 11 Seattle 000000 lOO-I Trottier to Billings 'Mont i of Western I. Zet*i-Rcpa I GMa-OUrreU WREG 399 3! 2 fecn Hoici 2 m u 10.0 3 60 3.40 No need lo staple! Just lay Atlanu 'McWilliamsO-Ui at Houston puJ^amlf 4 0 0 0 Parrish 3b 4 110 Kansas City i00 2lO0Ox-4 Hockey Uague 11.60 7.60 300 3 larpin-Zarra 4 Ceirieni lUtca ford Despatch in 1972 in the Auditing Department. ' Just pour A level off. Ver- 1 IwoMi Am I I Hewa over present insulation, 15" Niekrol8-l2i.8Xpm TScot! cl 4000 Speierss 3 111 Er-Mendoza. Washington DP—Kansas flasket ball 1640 6.00 340 340 5. fddy-Ivtven 6. Mazza miculite. Covers 13 sq. ft Us .Angeles '(kiltz 7-9> a San 3000 Palmerp 3 100 City2.LOB-Seattle2.KansasCitv6 2B 4 Kuia 12zni 6 kau sridih. 120 sq It pkg or 23" Reitz 3b .Atlanta -r Waived free agent guard 3.20 460 7 Gene-Ceya I. Pactn-Mintlal Non-irritatingl Tireproof Francisco iBlue 14-10'. 10 Xp.m Rincon p 2000 0 0 00 Bochte. Hurdle. G Brett 2, HR—G Tim Claxton OiMWIa 2-7 S36.20 QuneU 1-2 $36.20 width. 184 sq It pkg 0000 0000 Sibt )ot^AM I C Friday s Games Little p Brett (24). Walton >2). SB-Wi)son. G. Boston - Anounced the retirement of PerfKia 27 $10320 Perfecta 21 $120 90 SQ.FT 0000 0000 Eicbib Philadelphia at Monlreal. night Liltlefitd Brett renter Dave Cowens Trilecli 2-M $34S.M Tnfecta M-6 $5U60 SecMd Chicago at Pittsburgh night Herr ss 1000 0 0 00 IP H RERBBSO Cleveland — .Acquired guard Donald l.lMry-Unda Zlaapii Tap 20th anniversary ml% S«CMid Eithth New York at St Uuis. night Totals 34060 Totals 33 8 11 7 Seattle 1. Gejnena-ttarreta 2. Mauj mwMa I 3.Map4apa 4.Ewbie-lwt 000000 0 0 0 - 0 Duck" Williams trom Utah for future 4 Cabiola 22.20 5 baui landa 13.60 4.60 3.60 Atlanta at Cincinnati, night St Uuis Dressier (L4-101 4 3 2 1 600 600 3. Gahiela lartwen 4-Gene-Zana S.OrbMMandra tM b Atcaial IT’S TIME YOU SAW THE NEW LOOK AT GROSSMAN’S IN SO. WINDSORI 00001260X-8 considerations and signixl tree agent I fioiriMa Caya 4 lutcbie Am I 4 40 3 60 MANCHESTER - Dorothy C. Kelly of 21 Irving St. Houston at Us Angeles, night Monlreal _ . - Home guard Robert Smith 4.60 6.00 5. Zecni-AM I 6 lar^wikeua 7 Tmte-ZkWcal IbnkMMt San Diego at San F rancisco. night Cromartie LOB-Sl. Uuis 7. Gale College 3 l» t» Hc»a 6.60 1 Darmi Hon#a 440 7. Je$e4epa Uddy^i recently observed her 20th anniversary as an active Monlrealf 2B-OberkIell. lorg. Dawson Patiin «W 4-0 Qwerfj 4-5 $66.20 Sab Kent de Am I (^EXPANDED HOURSI (^EXPANDED SHOWROOM (^EXPANDED SERVICEI Brooklyn College — Named Eric Qainieia 1-4 $46.60 Sub Padn-ianm member of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company’s field pennant Races At A Glance Parrish. Speier 3B-Carter. Dawson, S- KBreit Harrisoh women's basketball coach and PerfKla 4-1 $13020 Perfecta 5-4 $137 70 By United Press International Palmer T-2:18 A-16.604 Bird. IP H RERBBSO Jim Moran assistant baseball coach Trifecta 41-3 $57240 Trifecta 5-4J $452.70 1 laicaran-leeart lOrbNfrUnda force. Third inth 2 Eddy Zxra NATIONAL LEAGUE St Uuiss 1. GiMa-llaiitia I 3. lrew-llM*a 4 lanb-ZMcal Mrs. Kelly, office manager, in the cqmpany’s 920 East . Rincon >L3-I 6 Ceno Kapa 16.60 6.20 360 6 iea«wi fierny 1300 7 60 3.60 3- Geiriefla-Atis t 4. Zetw-Geya 5. Famte^enry tbiGawaa* 6. Jeu-larturen Manchester District at 358 E. Center St., joined W L Pci GB Little 4 Gabioia lartvrro 6.60 520 4 MAe Zutaica I 6.40 4.60 5. Mauat-Otvreta T.lenedibite I Ewibii bpi 1 Pachi Zarta 6. larqwi Kepa Montreal 80 70 680 — Littlelield 360 5 Iran Arcaiaie I 10.40 7. Pach-lanm Sab k U m - lm Metropolitan on Sept. 26, 1960. She is a niember of the Philadelphia 88 70 .X7 'a Frazier fkinela 4-6 $67.40 fkMeia 4-6 $51.60 Sub Nke-lleiu PHILADELPHIA Montreal B o w lin g Tenth: company’s Veterans Association, Field Group, which is 6 0 0 0 10 6 b t e Perfecta 6-4 $190.60 PerfKU 6-4 $13620 Games Remaining i4'-Home iD Palmer iW88 Rincon pitched to 3 batters in7lh Trifecta 6-41 $365 10 Trifecfa 6-4-5 $1,265.20 l.kwi open to all field personnel who have worked with (hicago ’ll. Oct 2, Away '3i. at Fiwth Tenth; Uddy 2. larqM 3 Arcaraiel Nlontreal '3', Oct 3. 4.6. Balk-Rincon T-2.X A-20.063 Thursilav 3.Padii 4. ZefH Metropolitan 20 or more years. MONTREAL 1 8e$ca 7.60 6 60 3 60 a 10.40 340 3.60 5Ne Games Remaining i3t—Hume i3' SOCCER 2 Zetui 5.20 2.60 600 360 5. lartnren 6 Reua 7 Emcbie Mrs. Kelly has two sons, Edward and Clayton. 7.€eya 6 Gene Philadelphia >3'. Oct. 3.4.6 REC- John Maiorca 166- 1 lartwefi 3.60 3.40 Sab Mane Mrs. Kelly is a member of Center Congregational Manolirsler al Windham, Qeinirla 1-6 $49.20 Subs lete AGENCY CERTIFIED Qiiniefa 21 $40.20 Eleeent: Church, a Past Matron of Temple Chapter, Order of the TOP QUALITY 4 ’x8 'x V2” e x t e r io r West 150-435, N ew t E m erson 3;.30 PerfecU 6 2 $13410 PerfKta t-6 $162.30 Fifth: "WINDSEAL" ASPHALT "MARK 25" SELF SEALING W L Pci GB I Aenede-llan^i Elastem Star, and the Manchester Memorial Hospital KILN DRIED STU D S TEXTURE 1-11 SIDING NEW YORK CLEVELAND 140-389, Bill Pagani Sr. 141- Penney al Eagl Hartford, Trifecta 6-21 $1.294 20 Trifecta 16-3 $302 10 t GabiolaJlepa ROOF SHINGLES ROOF SHINGLES PLYWOOD SHEATHING Houston 91 67 676 - fifth Bctfflth I. Geeiena-laniet 3 laacarm-Zidaica I 4 bp-Arcarare I 80 60 683 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi 388, Bob Schack 155-385, 3 :3 0 3. le$e-0Uncta 4. Paebr-Zarra Auxiliary. Lis Angeles 6 Oaiqwn lartwen 5. Emebie-Zepi 6MaaU«e HOUSTON Rndlph2b 3 2 11 Bannistrrf 6 0 11 1920 6.40 4.60 3 0am|ZidaKal 13.60 9.60 11 00 5 Hhe-Ceya 6 GeneHetca 1 0 0 0 Mannng cf 6 t I 0 Ray Bernier 140-352, Stan CROSS COl'.NTRY 1 Mana I Kepa 7 basa-Giranandi liillLL (iames Remaining 4i-Home ili 4.60 3.60 2 Aenede leenet 7.60 960 7. Fanle-Hentilla I 6 Hana 1-A»it H at Los Angeles Murcer dh 6 2 2 0 Hargrv lb 4 2 3 2 5 Oannii Montilla I (20 ^ latcatan Cerny 4 60 Sab fiMte-Landa CERTIFIED Atlanta 'I*.2 Awav <3 1 0 0 0 Alexndr If 6 12 2 Jakiel 143, Andy ^rter Manehealer at Hartford Sob Zetw-Unda ■3'. Oct 3 4 6 Brant ph Owiieia 1-6 $4920 Oeinieia 2 3 $45 60 Tncifth: (■amble It 6 3 3 4 Harrah 3b 3 0 11 138, A1 R ossetto 135, Dick Public Meets building cod^ requirements. 8« Rustic, rough15’i sawn, vertical grooved. LOS ANGELES Shth: Appointed controller Sell sealing. U.L. approved for fire A No cut outs! 100% double coverage! Use indoors or out! Guaranteed against Lefebvrelf 1 0 0 0 Dvbzns3b 2 0 10 Perfecia 61 $117 30 Perfecta 3-2 $12570 “Stud Grade ' stamped lor top quality (iames Remaining 141—Home '3' Lessard 371, Bill Zwick 365, Trilecta 3-2-4 $920 10 I basa-hpa wind. 100% asphalt coated Instock col­ In stock colcrs Approx 290 Ib' per delamination. Ideal for many do-it- Use in or out Ready to finish Houston '3'. Oct 3, 4. 6 Away il' at Jackson rf 6 134 Diaze 6 000 Maneheater /Eaat Trifecta 6-15 $42600 1 (ante-Am I 2. OiMiy-lartven 3. laicaran-lrite •2x4x8' ECONOMY...... 89(t San Francisco '1 • (X I 2 Wilborn If 0 0 0 0 Gray dh 3 0 0 0 Tom Brennan 360, Roger Catholic at Hartford Suth Tuetftk; 3. kyn-Resca 4IAe8lMdra SOUTH WINDSOR — Frederick H. Steinhagen has ors only. 6 dl. covers 33% sq ft square Bdl covers 25 sq ft. yourself fix-ups A improvements! • 4 'x 8 'x % " ...... 16 88 Watson lb 22 1 0 Rosello2b 3 00 0 3 Mke Zeoei 9.» 500 260 3 bsebio MMidra 1900 6.60 7 40 *5 kipw Zriaici I i.Inabie4jnda' 5. lencde-lrenet 6. kaM-hpa 7. Artaae-Arcarate I AMERICAN LEAGUE Spencer lb 2 0 0 0 Charbn ph 10 10 Labrie 359, Bill Pagani Jr. Public (|[irli)) 4 Inin landa 7.00 3.60 2 leaqMn ZeqM 660 6.20 6 OrbNMraH been appointed controller of Gerber Scientific P iquets Cerone c 4 3 2 3 Alston pr 0 10 0 7. leaqMKlMda 6. Artane-Zapi Sab bwhUandra East 35|, Bob Smith 352. FIEU) HOCKEY 2 Fainte lamet 320 3 lascaian Aicirue 4 60 Subt les^Ceyl Inc., Manchester, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gerber tjt, _ W L Pet GB Oates c 2 0 0 0 Vervzer ss 3 2 2 0 QmeU 3-4 $46 40 QiimeU 2 5 $23.40 New York 100 68 633 - Dent S3 300 1 Windham at .Manchester, Pertccta 5-2 $36 40 Scientific Inc., announced David J. Logan, president of Stanley ss 000 0 Perfecta 3 4 $196 20 Baltimore 96 61 616 2'< TEE-TOTALERS- Nancy 3:.30 Trifecta 3-4-2 $459.90 TnfecU 52 3 $506 50 GSP. NEW YORK Rudrigz 3b 6 2 32 Brown cl 6 3 4 1 Quinn 194, Deana Richard GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Attendance 1633 Nan«e 242.151 Steinhagen, of Tolland, will be responsible for all finan­ (iames Remaining '4'—Home i4' Totals 46’ 18 19 16 Totals 39 7 12 6 Deiruil '4' Oct 2, 3. 4 6 199-176-539, C arole Ross cial reporting, budgeting and accounting for GSP. Before BALTIMORE New York If8fm001-18 Enfield at Maneheater tiames Remaining '3>--Home <3i Cleveland OOOZSOOQft- 7 175-182-464, K aren Riordan STEAK assuming his new position, Steinhagen was assistant con­ » r Cleveland i3'. Oct 3. 4.6 F>-RoseUo, Bannister. DP-Cleveland 1 LOB-New York 6. Cleveland 8 2B- 179-506, B a rb ara S eifert Friday troller of The Gerber Scientific Instrument Co. (erune Jackson. Manning Hargrove 180-455, F ran MiSSeri 467 KNIVES Before joining GSI in 1979, Steinhagen was a senior ac­ ATLANTA HOUSTON (■amble, Veryzereryz€ HR—Rodriguez i3). _ ’ . SOCCER ab r h bi ab ...... r h bi Brown il)M II ' 1 IMI II CnsiTil 3)10 lalilcirnia 3O1OIO0K-7 enought for entertaining. PUSH ON/OFF ROTARY TAN BARK HICKORY h yiunir Harrrs. .Moliliir. Lanslord Richardson 358, Joe ^ beginning October 8 steak knives have MEDICINE CMINETS T\ s<»n2k 3 (1 (1 II TnllnZh 4 M 0 To get yours tree, Promoted to counsel W A U OR CEIUNG PAINT DIMMER SWITCH 1ST QUALITY PANELS 2 x4’CEILING PANEL • 1 (k’m ; 2 (1 II II Bnuii ss 4 12 1 DeSimone 144, Ernie Pepin serrated edges that help .luhnniiii r •‘aliliirnia lu 2B-- you slice through the purchase a Shell Fire A 1 U (1 II Ikfonoc 4 11 2 1 355, Hank H ebert 135-359, Room 106, Howoll Chonoy Toch. 2-GALLON 2 U IMI Carliiin p 3 11 2 1 . Molilor Dow- CLEAN thickest steaks. And the Ice oil change package at HARTFORD — Marshall C. Taylor of Boltuii, was ning ( arnw2.Kubski 3H--McKjrc HR - REUSABLE Tiilnm |i IMMMI Hal Waldron 159-399. 91 MkMe Twnpke West promoted to counsel in the legal division at Connecticut 399 IS*/*!!? Kmjtinnpb 1 (1 11 (1 Mnlll(ir>yi Monri‘(2i.Oghvii.t40i SH- comfortable plastic any participating Shell PAIL PRICES IMMMI ('..pvT, M.»,rn2 Mohtnr l;a„|i!:r Mutual Life Insurance Co. He works in the investment ■ REG 2 19 Ix'Smilh p handles have the elegant Dealer. Otter good while Brighi while llnish to: any rqqm Soap I'xO'xS/SZ" Totals £ l (1 2 1) Totals :*4 f 11 r USED CARS Full range to 600 watts Dial only the Lightweight A easy to cut' Sold only m IF H HER BBSO F«e: 19S . Muter Charge/Visa accepted unit of the legal division handling closings of investment Lighted or unlighted models 1 bi(’Jk‘ii (lUIIDOU) U Milwaukuo HOME ENGINEERS- look of antique Ivory. It’s a supplies last and may vary t water clean-up! Convenient 2-gallon light you need A save energy' U L REG. 4 69 192 sq ft cins for 42 96 Washable' I,al*iur as »el forth by thr Connrrtlrut Reol Fi/alf rom m fj- .<..l.u„nsk,.|k. SK-.arll„„ '“ ■ |X ™ i‘' M idge B ergeron 177-469, CARTER Taylor joined Connecticut Mutual Life in 1972 as an II* H H KH BBSO lialHki »lon. rhii ai'o Kridpii Cathy Bohjalian 450, Chris assistant counsel. laump ‘1. Id 14' Thg Univoriity of Conngclicut SILVER LANE SHELL He is a 1961 graduate of Yale University with a B.A. in ENPICLD MANCHESTER NEWINOTON HARTFORD SOUTH WINDSOR I'dritw ' SrhuliT 'Ld-li Sullivan 187-496, P hyllis ■ Cloar Exttndtd A Continuing Education TB Haiard Avwiu* 14B tpanemr SI. 3127 Bariln Tpka. 3200 No. Main 81. Nutmag Rd. (OH Ria. 5) lacSinilh' ' Barr H eritage 210-181-538, B ar­ Economics, and has a L.L.B. in Law from the University C lH 741-2266 I'hiladHi'hia 1229 Main 81., MsnchMtw Storra CT 06268 252 SPENCER ST. Call 649-0136 Call 646-5691 Call S2S-I3SS Call 209-0231 ) arlinn Hollywood Squares (jl) Dr. Gene Scott On Hebrews "Little toddlers who can’t even while learning. patients will be discussed in report 1980 has been a good-to-excellent year farm at East Warren, Vt. (UPI photo) Quarterlinals 12:05 4.3 light years away. A more ad­ hostile to science. The mad scientist 90 Face The Mualc 11:00 talk poke about investigating He describes the program as one in sity of Connecticut marks the 37th (14) Sneak Preview C 2K D ^(29(49 News (O'* ABC Newt NIghtllne vanced civilization even at some is a real standby. He's the moral seminar's, Spicker said. In some in­ 7:20 27^ Victory Garden everything— thatjs the human in­ year in which students in the Plant (SO Dally Number (D M.A.S.H. 12:25 cripple who wants to solve the energy humanistic education. The students stances, patients may be asked to 0:00 C41 Maude ( i l Star Trek greater distance should be able to stinct to explore, to find out how Science Department in the College of 7:30 3) Special Movie Presentation crisis by making everybody one inch will be taught the history of health provide information especially for CD P.M. Magazine Ci.C Consumer Reports Presents: 12:30 pick up our signals quite easily. things work, and that's science. Agriculture and Natural Resources Fast Break t979 Stars Gabe Ka­ The Good Buy Show This fact- C$1 Hogan's Heroes tall. It has to be explained to him that professions, the ethical and consideration. (D All In The Family plan. Harold Sylvester. Deli cashier have staged a Horticulture Show. (D Family Faud packed special entertaining scans (34) Movie -(Romance) **h maybe people wouldn’t enjoy being philosophical issues involved in Co-director of the program with Stave to deliver address David Greene's wildest dreams are the consumer marketplace and "Players" 1978 Dean-PaulMartin. Members of the Horticulture Club GD Face The Mualc realizedwhenhe’sofleredachance patient care, how laws affect that Spicker will be Godfrey Ripley, Football: InaideTheNFL ofers helpful health, safety and Ali MacGraw. Love scores high on shrunk to one inch tall without even consideration of Stave’s own work in plan, organize, construct, stage, and to become a college basketball money-saving points. the pro circuit in this smashing story care and the various psychological, M.D., an assistant professor of fami­ STORRS — Dr, Bruce M. Stave of England Association of Oral (SO You Bat Your Ufa coach at Cadwallader University, Craft show Saturday being asked. the field of oral history and the use of fund the show. The club receives O M.A.S.H. 5:00 from the exclusive use of [ROUTES 86 84 (Exit 96)1 (D Prayer Homemade Style Lasagne 649-9333 5:04 animation in the mid 1950s, salad, cottee. bread & butter * 706 HARTFORD ROAD (D News to the use of collage anima- 3.60 ’‘MOOT siucir ««;isl tion — drawings and photographs — in the late 7 The PIZZA WAGON STARTS FRIDAY ’50s and early ’60s. During ^-■lUES WOTHCHr MANCHESTER, CONN. C At Spenrer St./Silver Lane in K-Marl Plaza this time he became, with Manchester Tel. 643-9202 TV tomorrow. Stan Brakhage and Bruce 649-5325 Open 7 day. a week Good winra. Beer on lap. (A)(8) Phil Donahue Show ______Card Sharks CD 8 General HospiUI /HOUKA/fanom/ MORNING CD Joe Franklin Show tN TtaSTSTt B4 tX IT IS S ItVW U M S 24 Various Programming CD Movie •AST HAIITf ORO SSS-Se« 5:15 Gi) Motocroaa(Thur.) 8 Movie eAnoAiN MATwaa oam .v (10) Various Programming SMST SHOW ONLY SS.SO CD Ed Allen Show 29 Varioue Programming (49 Family Feud (8 (8 8 Texas 5:45 (39 Hour Magazine 12:25 (39 Ghott And Mra. Muir (D New Zoo Revue 8 Don Lane Show CD New Jersey Report 24 People Of The Firat Light 5:54 8 Richard SImmona Show 12:30 (Mon., Tua.) 29 Morning Prayer 9:15 CD Search For Tomorrow T 3:30 5:55 22) A.M. Weather CD Love American Style CD Fllntatonee 29 Today's Woman 9:30 CD 8 Ryan's Hope Gl) U.S. Table Tennis (Wed.) 6:00 CD CD Brady Bunch CD Let's Make A Deal (34(54 Villa Alegre CD CD Various Programming 8 Celebration Of The Eucharist G!) Field Hockey (Mon.) 8 I Dream Of Jeannia (D Daniel Boone (Exc. Mon.) 8 Beverly Hillblllias 29(%S<8 Doctors 3:58 29 New Zoo Ravua 22) In-School Programming 12:57 3 ) 8 FYI 29 Health Field 10:00 8 NBC News Update 4:00 6:15 CD Jaffarsons(Exc.Thur.) 12:58 3 ) John DavIdaon Show CD News CD Partridge Family ( D 8 FYI D Qllligen'e Island 6:30 C$1 Mika Douglas 1:00 X Merv Griffin (D 2 9 Fllntstonas (D Romper Room C31 Y<^ung And The Reetlsea 3i) Skeetshootlng(Mon.) My Three Sons Gi) SportsCenter CD My Three Sons 3i) Domate CD News 8 2 9 David Letterman Show CD 8 All My Children 8 PTL Club-Talk And Variety g Bullwinkle 24 22 Alive CD Movie 34 Bugs Bunny And Friends g Various Programming (39 Tom Larson Show (1i) Various Programming (Exc. 34 ( ^ Sasama Street 29 Romper Room 8 I Love Lucy ) Tua^Frl.) 39 Movie 6:55 10:24 8 ( 8 8 Days Of Our Uvea 24 American Trail 8 Bewitched 8 Weather View (24 In-School Programming 8 Big Valley 29 News 10:30 1:30 4:30 7:00 (3) Alice (Exc. Thur.) CD Addama Family X Brady Bunch ;V CD Morning C$) Bewitched GD Professional Football From G£ NFL Report (FrI.) CD ^idarman- <24 Hollywood Squares Canada (Tua.) G9 Christ The Living Word FREE CD 29 Good Morning America 24 In-School Programming (30) Jake Hass Gospel Tima (34 Bewitched CD Richard Simmons Show 8 Bullseye 2^ In-School Programming • Gi) J^rtsC e n ta r 8 One Day At A Tima 10:50 1:58 5:00 2918139 Today 8 News ($1 ABCNawsbriaf (D 1 Love Lucy <8 Batman 10:58 2:00 7:25 Newsbreak 31 Ironside C3) CD A t The World Turne* Cil) Australian Rugby (Wad.) C3) Newt 11:00 ($) Get Smart 7:30 (.9) Maude d$) Davay And Goliath ( D ( 8 One Life To Live 2 4 Happy Days Again CS) Battle Of The Planets C$1 Midday (101 Accent On Living (Mon.) CD PTL Club-Talk And Variety C 9 )8 Love Boat 2424 Mister Rogers 8 8 8 AnotharWorld 8 Starsky And Hutch 8 ScoobyOoo (D Straight Talk - 8 You Bat your Life POOL 8:00 Gi) Various Programming (49 Joker's Wild ^ 2:30 5:15 LET THE HERALD HELP YOU PUBLICIZE C31 Captain Kangaroo 8 2 4 8 Wheal Of Fortune (5) u ttle Rascals 00) Hermans Pablo (0) Woody And Bugs 8 Ed Allen Show G1) F.A. Soccer (FrI.) (It) Various Programming 11:30 5:30 (10) Domata (3) Barney Miller YOUR TAQ SALE TWO WAY8I 8 Porky Pig-Bugs Bunny CLOSING’ (9) Mary Tyler Moore Show 24 Various Programming ($) Welcome Back, Kotter Save $2.39 on two 8:30 8 8 1 8 Password Plus 8 Nanny And The Professor CJS) Gllllgsn's Island 8 Richard Simmons Show (9) M.A.S.H. ... with any 1980 2f) Maggie And The Beautiful 04) Movie (Thur.. FrI.) C41 Various Programming 2T) In-School Programming Extra-Cut Rib Eye Dinners Machine Cl0) Dr. Gene Scott On Hebrews Lirgt Nilghborhood 2 4 tn'Sehool Programming 2:58 JIMLWHirSHCA 8 Cartoons AFTERNOON 24 3-2-1 Contact Dinners include •Baked Potato •Warm Roll with Butter ( 0 ) 8 FYI 8 Lottery Show (Thur.) CONTINUIS SABRINA TABSAU 9:00 12:00 3:00 LD Tom And Jerry 8 News •All-You-Can-Eat Salad Bar. SATURDAY ONLY. (9)($1(0 News (9) GuidIngLight 2l^) Electric Company fraih 0r r»0L foili 0 C0) I Love Lucy (1$) Llvlno Faith ($) Woody Woodpecker Installation! soBosssrisA soAlssos* AaSr BtoB, AiQS^sra, ■ ■ ■ CUT OUT THIS COUPON ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! CUT OUT THIS COUPON H I pBI} tqs, Mi,1tiaL TBnobMlRrsit» Use a Herald OT Bs M f IS Iv SHiL Tom DONT lUV tUltSiSJL Tag Sale Display ANT POOL ACT NOW Movie set MBEDUTE wilhoul first checking Ad for two days 2 Stwe*2.39 Save^2.39 well thickness Other INSTALLATION pools ere only 14 gauge. —for— at library TWO EXTRA CUT TWO EXTRA CUT Our 12 gauge steel pan* (1x1) and receive els are almost 50% LOW BANK RIB EYE DINNERS $5.99 RIB EYE DINNERS $5.99 ' . place AVAUBB thicker' Aluminum and SO ITII WINDSOR— , i MUSICAJ;;,. true Fiberglass models also Cost is only this free sign available RATES! The first in a series of Beverogt and dnaert are not feirludrd Beverage and deuert are not Included $6.90 for Limit one coupon per couple per uUS LimS one coupon per coupie per utsif both days— for on-the- Tim e 10:00 b n Sa t u r d a y Saturday afternoon movies GATfS Cannot be u s ^ uiSb other dbcounis Cannot be U5^ with other dlirountg for children will be A p ^a b ie (axes not included Ap^icubie (axei not mcluded * FREK LABOR excluding winter chemicals $6.30 If paid OPEN At Panlcipofing vSleotihouses At PorUciptMtng Steniihouses street pubiicity Plura y o u r h o u s e ^ presented Oct. 4 at the ...BEST and freeze plugs (al only $24.05 including advance when South Windsor Public DAILY FAIR, Offer guild lax!) you pick up « i ASyscHsM In TXi Library. 930 AM. vSepi 2h ' i i YET.' your sign. ul>c RiialJ The film will be h i R M. thru 0(1 12 "Alakazam the Great" and m o will run from 1:30 p.m. to Due lo UmHed quentmee only one elgn mHII Im prorMed per ouelomer; however, the eigne ere euBebU for SAT. OCT. 4 thru MON. OCT. 13 b b b m COUPON KETTi: HIIIIJIR Inexpenelve reproduetlon. Aduel etoe le 10W*i1t6k”. 3:00 p.m. Tickets for the B movie will be available at the library immediately Manrhrster - 199 Spencer Street POOLSerHOTTUBS and will be distributed on a (Silver Lane) FAIR. Rt6.44-A (2 mi. East of Bolton Lake) first-come, first-served Hartford • On Prospect Avenue P0NBE|Qa basis. Any undistributed (one block north of KIng'i) COfVENTRY 742-7308 iEttrtttns Ih ra lb tickets will be available at MABMITW N8T1MNTM HiraLO AVM Waterbury-496 Chase Ave. 060 0011 74t-7M0 741-MM 74I-79M th f door on the day of the (West of Waterbary Plaza) showing. Parents are asked to pick up their Windsor • SM Windsor Avenue (in Windsor) Shopping Center) PLEASE CALLTHEATRE children promptly at the FOR SCREEN TMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING conclusion of the movie. 643-2711 KVK.M.V. IIKHM.I) Thuis ( s t 2 I9W) 21 20 - EVENING HERALD, Thurs., Oct. 2, 1980

I ' Penicillin at birth may prevent fatalities ♦ Call 643-2711 ^ A- ^ ^ ^ ^ ° Call 643-2711 ’ BOSTON (UPI) — Doctors hope a open the door to other, resistant porary measure” to prevent group B « single injection of penicillin, less bacterial diseases. streptococcal infections in a limited J than 60 minutes after birth, will pre­ Dr. Jane Siegel, who headed the in­ way, “but not on a widespread basis. ^ I I vent a group of relatively dangerous vestigative team, said penicillin We certainly don’t want to trade off 2 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted infant diseases witboitt opening a given within an hour after birth Keep Smiling Partonali 13 one disease for another,” she said. Be Happy Pandora’s box of other infections. reduced group B streptococcal infec­ Group B streptococcal infections LOOKING FOR SCREEN PRINTER - LAUNDRY WORKERS - Full NURSES AIDES. Experience EARN EXTRA $$$s for CLERK for accounting and TELEPHONE OPERATOR A report on the procedure, tions — and did not increase other can cause “early onset syndrome,” RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) Applications are presently time, including every other preferred. Full or part time. Christmas. Sell Avon part purchasing department to Full time Apply at Gaer 111 published today in the New England diseases — during one year of the to commute two young girls to being taken for an opening in weekend, for Institution Laun­ Immediate openings on 3:00 to time. Call 523-9401 or 646-m . enter purchase orders, Brothers, Inc . 140 Rye Street. which typically occurs within a day dry Operation. Apply: River­ Journal of Medicine, showed promise study. the St. Mary-St. Jo s e ^ School our &reen Printing Depart­ 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 to 7:00 process daily work cards and South Windsor of birth, bringing with it respiratory area in 'Willimantic. from ment. Experience is side Health Care Center. 745 a m. shifts. Contact Mrs. do general filing Applicants that penicillin can reduce “group B But during the team’s first year of distress or pneumonia. Babies may Route 66 in Hebron. Hours: desirable. Excellent benefits. Main Street. East Hartford. P A R T T IM E LICENSED OPTICIAN - Ferguson. DNS, at 289-9573. RECEPTIONIST • Phone must have good typing and streptococcal” infections, which oc­ research, she said, the treatment in­ go into shock or develop meningitis. Semi flexible. Call ^-3810. Individual must apply in Per­ Conn. figure appitude. This Is a full .Manchester area Must be duties, typing, Monday thru good Salesperson Top Wages cur in up to three of every 1,000 live creased the appearance of bacteria Bacteria that are resistant to son to : Quality Name Plate, CLERICAL TYPIST. Small Friday 5 to 9 p.m,; Saturday 9 time position with full com­ births and are fatal about 50 percent ikrsB UNATTACHED? Meet new Fisher Hill Road. East busy office in Hartford. Diver­ pany benefits. Apply at In- Send resume to P O Box resistant to penicillin while it did NOTICES to 3. Contact: Linda. J.D. penicillin include Escherichia coli, a compatible companions in Glastonbury. sified position. Typing, filing, dustronics. Inc . 489 Sullivan 7115. West Hartford. Conn of the time. very little to stop group B infections. normally harmless bacterium that 1 -- Lost and Found Realty. 646-1980. 06107 - Personals * Manchester area. Lowest billing, and order desk. Ave., South Windsor EOE- The two-year research program in In a telephone Interview, Dr. Siegel cost, elaborate, confidential LOVING. RESPONSIBLE. inhabits human intestines. It can, - Announcenienis WOMAN 18 and over to work Benefits. Call for appoint­ PART TIME - Earn extra M F. Dallas Included 18,738 infants and and dignified nationwide GRANDMOTHERLY LADY DENTAL ASSISTANT Part conceded the results were contradic­ however, cause infections that are J - EnieMammeni in plastic manufacturing full to share my home Rent Free ment. 249-8591. money while the kids are in found the antibiotic in some cases tory and said doctors should proceed ? — Aiiclioni system. Free literature, lime Expereince preferred especially hard to treat in infants. and part time shifts. Call 646- in exchange for evening and school. Telephone Solicita­ but not necessary Call 647- reduced the frequency of infections ^ting of Prestige. 2920 between 10:00 a m. and ays. tion. E. Hartford company. A RN’sorLPN’s with caution. Doctors were studying use of FINANCIAL Williamstown. Mass. 01267. occasional Babysitting for 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 1288 between 9:()b a m and 6 — Bonds-StocKs-Mortgages 4:00 p.m. healthy 8 year old. 649-6502. good telephone voice and dic­ NEW MANAGEMENT from 2.26 cases per 1,000 live births “The message that we have is that penicillin. Dr. Siegel said, because of evenings. 6:00 p.m. to 8:()0 5 00 p m to .64 cases per 1,000 live births. penicillin may prevent the infection, ? — Personal Loans tion a must. Hours 9 a m. to I the danger involv^ in group B strep­ 10 — insurance Pertonel Loans 9 I NEED 50 OVERWEIGHT p.m.1. Mature adults only. Sales p.m and 5 to 9 p.m. Call Mon. But researchers at the University GENERAL HOUSEWORK aiy. A(.'. Kasl Hartl'ird Tonvalesronl FEMALE OR MALE for light but it should not be used on a wide tococcal diseases and the accidental EMfLOYINENT PEOPLE who honestly want through Fri., 9 a m. to 1 p.m., for adult professional couple. at: England Hurm* IS now the Hiu-rside Httflih route delivery in Manchester of Texas Health Science Center basis at present because we have not 13 - Help Wanted CONFIDENTIAL, Fast, to lose weight. Guaranteed Mrs. Williams, 569-4993. discovery in 1975 that the antibiotic One day per week. Call 649- Hardware Store. Route 44 A, Care Center Starting^ wages are area Call Ron. 643-4781 remained cautious and' said they ruled out that there is an adverse 14 Business Opportunities Easy, Phone Application. Program! The proof is in the seemed to protect babies from the in­ Funding Associates 232-9368, 7204 after 5:00 p.m.. Bolton. H.\ s $7 *<0 per hr LI*N j. $4> 'M per were continuing the study because of effect,” she said. 15 ~ Situation Wanted losing: Part Time Income Op­ RN LAMAZE LABOR fections. anytime. COACH, part-time for hour Night and m tkend difleren- PART TIME PERSON for the chance using penicillin would EDUCATION portunity available. $250 per WAITRESSES - Part time, after noons for car washing, Penicillin could be used “as a tem­ KEY PUNCH OPERATOR. week in commissions possi­ Manchester Monitrice tial 10 — Private instructions nights. Apply in person: lU Haid Sick [Jays [*aid errand running, etc. Ap­ 19 — SchoolS'Classes IBM 5496. System 3. Apply at ble. Call 528-2514; or Sally 289- Associates. Days, six hour on- T acorral1, 246 Broad “ ■ St.■ Holidays. 2 Weeks \ aiation Alter I proximately 20 hours per 20 — Instructions Wanted □ EMPLOYMENT Gaer Brothers Inc. ltd Rye 1831 anytime. call shifts. Obstetrics Under attack Manchester Year Paid Blue Cross & Blue week. See: Frank Trudnak or NEAL EBTATE Street. South Windsor. experience preferred, but not necessary. Orientation Shield. Paid Major Medical & Mr. Carter. Carter Chevrolet, / The Taj Mahal in New Delhi, India, Society say air pollution has been eating 23 — Homes for Sale Help Wanted 13 DEMONSTRATOR - Earn DISHWASHERS & COOKS - Disability Insurance. S3 000 Free In c .. 1229 M ain S tre e t. TB not major problem 24 — Lois-Land for Sale $1000 or more selling name workshop provided Call 872- FULL TIME BABYSITTER Part time nights, ^ p ly in Life Insurance Manchester. mirrored in the reflecting pool in this picture, 25 » Investment Property 6989 or 646-1847. away at the temple, built by a Mogul emperor FULL TIME THIRD SHIFT - NEEDED for 9 month old in­ brand toys and gifts (Fisher- person: Tacorral. 246 Broad We also offer an alternative No 26 — Business Property Price, Playskool, Fenton). is under attack from modern-day industrial as a memorial to his dead wife. (UPI photo) 27 — Resort Properly Part time second shift. Apply fant in Manchester or East St., Manchester. Fringe Benefit Package The TYPIST ■Responsible person Treasure House party plan. BOOKKEEPER - Full time. pollution. Leaders of the Indian Heritage 26 — Real Estate Waniod 7-Eleven on Center Street, Hartford area. Call 289-0865 Hospital or Convalescent Starling Wage lor R.N s is 18 25 per wanted for East Hartford between 7 and 3. after 6:00 p.m., or weekends. Call collect person to person hour: lor LPN s 17 2f> per hour firm. Duties to include: MItC. lENVICEE to Miss Carol 491-2100. Also SELF SERVE STATION experience preferred. Good hut fight must continue Positions on 7-3. 3-11, and 11-7 Typing Invoices, and some NEEDS person for grease and starting salary and benefits. 3t ^ Services Offered NURSES AIDES - Weekends booking parties. minor Bookkeeping Func­ 32 — Patnting-Papermg oil change work. Some Apply: Riverside Healthcare shills RN Supervisor positions areas — so it isn’t really necessary to test people since only. 6 months of Nqrsing tions. Excellent working cond- BOS’TON (UPI) — Tuberculosis has ceased to be a 33 • Building-Contracting SHEET METAL cashiering. 56 hours a week. Center, 745 Main Street, East available 3-11 and 11-7 shills the reaction rate (to the standard TB test) is so low you 34 — Roofmg-Sidmg Home experience requiretf PART TIME CLERICAL. tions and Full Benefit 2 major health problem in most parts of the United States, Reliable and married Hartford. Call or apply: East Hartford Package. Reply to: Tom Fan­ Jury deliberates fate wouldn’t fidd many people. It’s receded into the urban 35 — Heatmg-Piumbing WORKERS Financial institution in East preferred. Call Frank, 646- APPLY but doctors warned today that unless efforts to fight its 36 — Flooring Convalescent Home, 745 Main Hartford has part time 5078. 886 H artford Road. ning. 568-1927. spread are intensified, TB could remain with us for many areas.” 37 — Movmg-Trucking-Storage Street, East Hartford; 528- Heatini 1 VentMatinf iismm MVatSKHULTHCNKCaiTDI clerical positions available. — Schuck Getty. years. Instead, the symposium suggested selective screening 38 — Services Wanted 2167. 748 MAIN STR EET SCHCKJL NURSE - Hebron HeMIShog Send qualifications, days and MECHMK EAST HARTFORD, CT. of particular parts of a city, with “special consideration MIBC. FON SALE hours available to PP c/o Opportunity in maintenance Avenue School. Glastonbury. About 30,000 new cases of TB are reported in the United SALESWOMAN, MATURE - 528-2167 States each year, mostly in the densly populated urban given to immigrants from areas where tuberculosis is 40 — Household Ooods DENTAL ASSISTANT for Herald.Equal Opportunity department for someone with well 10 months, 20 hours per week of New Britain detective 41 — Articles for Sale good pay Days. Harvey's Dresses and rounded building maintenance position. Call 633-5231, Exten­ Manchester, Rockville oral Employer. prevalent.” ______Sportswear, Manchester. 646- background Healing, ventilating and areas. In many instances, cases are brought into the 42 — Building Supplies surgery group. Experience good benefits PART TIME CLERICAL per­ sion 279, for application. Affir­ who nervously gulped coffee and 43 — Pets-Birds-Dogs 3l00. air conditioning experience is son - 4 days per week, 9 a.m. mative Action Equal Oppor­ HARTFORD (UPI) - A jury country by immigrants. preferred. Call 647-9928 for in­ PART TIME CUSTODIAN for desirable You U also be required to smoked cigarettes as they awaited Air m i i H P i i m Invitation To Bid 44 — Musical Instruments terview. good conditions to 2 p.m. Must be dependable tunity Employer. spents its first day of deliberations But though mortality has dropped over the last 20 years, 45 — Boats & Accessories office complex. Hours: 5:00 do many odd maintenance jobs, in­ the jury’s decision. lllU S C U IIl Sealed bids will be received in Paid Holidays PART TIME. Your telephone cluding painting. and mature. Apply in person health officials convened a symposium last year in 46 — Sporting Goods p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Three Turnpike TV, 273 W. Middle unable to decide if suspended New “How're you holding up?” the con­ the Office of ’The Director of 47 ~ Garden Products GENERAL CONTRACTOR and our customers turn spare We offer a modern, pleasant facili­ Bualneae Opportunitlee 14 Boston to bolster the faltering efforts to control TB’s nights weekly. Call Mr. Tpke. Manchester. Britain Detective Sgt. Gmrge Sahadi genial Sahadi kept asking relatives General Services, 41 Center 48 — Antiques NEEDS CARPENTER - Must Whitney, 568-2020 for appoint­ time into spare earnings. ty and work environment We also spread. open house offer a fine starting salary and com­ bought his way up the department Street, Manchester, Connec­ 49 — Wanted to Buy be knowledgable and ment. Equal Opportunity Choose own hours. 249-7773. and others throughout the day. ’Their recommendations appear in this week’s New experienced in all phases of Call Vomon petitive benefits package RN-LPN. Second and third $60,000 ladder and paid for the promotion of At one point, he motioned toward ticut, until October 14,1980 at N iN TA Lt Employer. shift. Enjoy working in a (First Year Potential) England Journal of Medicine. WINDSOR LOCKS 52 — Roomj for Rent construction. Call 742-6062. VACANCY - COVENTRY \ppl> in perwun two other officers. the jury room and said, “ If this was 11:00 a.m. for the following: 87M111 IV ounnrl superior skiiled nursing facili­ “TB is still w i^ us, and it will be well into the next cen­ (UPI) - United 53 Apartments for Rent CARPENTER. Experience in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. National Company offers a The Superior Court panel discussed AI.UMIM M SIGN BLANKS 54 — Homes Rent ty with an excellent suppor­ any other trial they would have been Technologies will sponsor FULL TIME BABYSITTER or remodeling. Call Robert Jar­ Secretary (afternoons) GERBER SCIENTIEIC rare opportunity, for ^ n the half dozen bribery and conspiracy tury,” said symposium chairman ’Thomas J. Kearns. SIGN FACES, LETTER 55 — Bv.b"’.esk tor He-'i for 8 month old son. in my ting staff. Postion also out of there hours ago. It’s too long,” Hartford vis. 643-6712. Coventry Grammar School. INSTRl MENT CO available in the Self Care exclusive distributorship, in “We have to be on guard for it so it won’t increase again. a two-day open house at the AND REFLECTIVE 56 — Resort Property for Rent Bolton home, starting Contact: Mrs. Norcel, Prin­ B.) t.frlH-r Hoili) W r-I. counts against Sahadi for six hours he said, shaking his head. 57 w R ' * ”’ S. Windsor, tionn. (N>074 Unit, (jood wages and outstan­ energy management We have to be watchful for symptoms.” Bradley Air Museum to MATERIAL January. Light housekeeping SALESWOMAN for retail cipal. Coventry Grammar Wednesday before recessing without “Can’t you hurry them up?” he 58 — Misc for Rent desirable. 6i^399S. 728-6600 in H4| uhI Opporlunlh Kmpiutrr ding fringe benefits. We will systems, the fastest growing 'The U.S. TB rate in 1958 was 36.5 per 100,000 people, note the first anniversary CHANNEL!. POSTS fabric store. Part time with School. 742-7313. ______MV a decision. Deliberations were said jokingly to a court sheriff. AUTOMOTIVE be nappy to answer all of your industry in the Nation, as compared to 13.9 per 100,000 people in 1977, Kearns said. of th e tornado that The Town of Manchester is an Au".s for Sale some experience necessary. inquiries. Please call: Mrs. stated bv WALL ST scheduled to resume today at 10 a.m. The jury was given the case 01 HOUSEKEEPERS. Full time Retaii experience preferred. COOKS - NIGHTS AND AMBITIOUS WOMAN OVER During the same period, the death rate dropped from 7.1 destroyed the museum and equal opportunity employer, 62 - Trucks for Sale including some week-end DENTAL ASSISTANT. Blain, Director of Nurses, 646- JOURNAL. The one-time acting chief of detec­ Tuesday afternoon after being 63 — Heavy Equipment for Sale Experience necessary. Salary Appiy So-Fro Fabrics. Burr weekends. Full and part time. 18 - Earn $100 for 10 hours ^4^- I per 100,000 to 1.4 per 100,000. demolished much of the and requires an affirmative work. Mature and responsible 0129. Manchester Manor Nur­ COMPLETE TRAINING tives was the first person to stand 64 — Molorcydes-Bicycles Comer Shopping Center. 1151 Experience prelered but will work. Car and phone charged by Superior Court Judge action policy for all of its Con­ individual. Apply Riverside negotiable. Excellent sing Home, 385 West Center WHOLESALE AND RETAIL However, a lax attitude toward TB could cause it to surrounding area. 65 — Campers-Trailers-MoOile train. Antonio’s Restaurant, necessary. Call 643-1931'9:00 trial in New Britain’s corruption William Bieluch. tractors and Vendors as a con­ Health Care CJenter. 528-2167. benefits. Manchester area. Tolland Turnpike, Street, Manchester. EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS re-emerge, Kearns and co-author Pearl K. Russo said in The open house was womes Multi-girl office. Call 646-3003. Manchester. 956 Main St., Manchester. a.m.-5:00 p.m. EXCELLENT DUNN AND scandal, which has led to 24 arrests dition of doing business with 66 — Automotive Service But defense attorney Robert scheduled to begin Friday NURSES AIDES - 7 a.m. to 3 BRADSTREET RATING and has caused the city to file for $2 the summary report. 67 — Autos for Rent-Lease NURSES AIDES.Positions Halloran objected when Bieluch told at 2:56 p.m., the time the Town, as per Federal p.m.. and 3 p.m to 11 p.m. Average Investment $2,000 million in insurance because of “There’s a general apathy regarding TB because it has Order 11246. available on 7-3, 3-11, 11-7 the jury they could weigh the case moved from the long-term sanitarium care to the general frozen on the museum’s shifts. Good starting wages McDonald’s needs Evening P art time and full time. Enjoy to $10,000 in products, that alleged wrongdoing by as many as 80 Bid forms, plans and working in a home like at­ can make you a millionaire until 9 p.m., so the judge delayed the practice,” Kearns said. “A lot of people feel the disease clock when the tornado and benefits. Excellent oppor­ CARRIER HEEDED city employees. start of deliberations until specifications are available at tunity to learn nurses aides and Closing Help mosphere, assisting the elder­ in the 80 s. For coniplete is gone — but it isn’t. There’s a lot of new disease coming struck. ly residents in our self care So far 11 of the 24 defendants Wednesday. the General Services Office, skills. We will provide you for details call: charged in the case have either into the United States from other countries.” ’The museum holds the 41 Center Street. Manchester. □ NOTICES with complete orientation in unit. We offer good w a ^ s and Sahadi was portrayed by benefits, including full Dental 1-61S-367-2372 pleaded guilty or no contest to counts Although doctore have simple skin tests to show fourth largest aircraft Connecticut. your position, as well as on the Moms and Dads, Students, Everybody ... we need prosecutors as a link in a decade-long lob training. Apply: Riverside Prospect Street area Plan. Please call: Mrs. Le UNITED ENOIOT stemming from a 2^-year state whether a person is carrying the tuberculin bacteria, collection and the third Town of Manchester, CT dependable people to deliver the fast, friendly ser­ Blanc RN, 646-0129 chain of corruption in New Britain. Kearns said a mass screening wouldn’t be .advisable. largest propulsion collec­ Leetend found Health Care Center. 528-2167. CONOEmrOTION probe. The city’s retired personnel direc­ Robert B. Weiss. vice that has made us famous. No experience In Rockville Manchester Manor Rest tion. APPUCATIONS ARE NOW Home, 385 West Center Street P.O. OOX 100940 The four-woman, two-man jury dis­ tor, A lfr^ S. Pettinelli, testified he ‘"The thing is, incidence of TB has d r o p ^ in many General Manager LOST - Vicinity of Parker required ... excellent training provided. PART TIME NAOmr LE, TN 37210 015-10 BEING ACCEPTED for a SCHEDULES (and some full time jobs) to fit your Manchester. cussed the case three hours during a had fixed job examinations for which Street and ^ t Middle Turn­ Delivery Technician/Collec- morning session, broke for lunch and pike, Black (?at, one white tion Agent. Apply in person: needs. Call 647-9946, OFFICE DUTIES, industrial George Sahadi Sahadi was accused of bribery and whisker. Answers to then deliberated another three hours. conspiracy. Turnpike TV, » 3 West Middle supj)ly firm; experience □ REAL ESTATE New TB tests NOTICE “ Ebony” 647-9013. Turnpike. E.O.E. M/F. McDonald's offers more than a paycheck rred, EEO Employer. They did not return to the courtroom of conspiracy. Key evidence against Sahadi in­ or 647-9947 PUBLIC HEARING K 91 after 4:30 p.m. once for clarification of any points or If convicted, he faces possible cluded tape recordings between MECHANIC - Experienced in Homes For Selo 23 to have evidence reread. ADDITIONAL APPRORIATION.S FOUND - Light brown and e $3.40 per hour starting pay for weekday closers. sentences of up to 30 years in prison former Civil Service Conunission more accurate BOARD OF DIRECTORS white kitten. About 8 weeks all phases of truck and auto • Performance and wage reviews on a regular NURSES AIDES positions Sahadi was accused of buying his and $30,000 in fines. Chairman Frederick P. Haddad, Pet­ old. On Adams Street. Call repairs, gas and diesel. available on 3-11 and 11-7 CHARMING SPACIOUS BOSTON (UPI) — A lot of people over 25 can still TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT schedule NUTINS OIL SUES REPRESENTaTWE x promotion to detective sergeant and Hartford Superior Court Judge tinelli and Sahadi. alter 5:00 p.m., 6480306. Minimum 5 years experience. shilts. Experience not SEVEN ROOMS - 15 18 remember being tested for tuberculosis in school. Now Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Must have own tools. Start at • Free food policy necessary. Complete orienta­ cherry paneled family room, T paying to have his brother, Phillip, William Bieluch cautioned jurors, Pettinelli, who testified he $7.00 per hour. All Fringe Solicitations of Household and Commercial Ac­ vaultM oeamed ceiling, floor->- and another man promoted. doctors have a new way of testing for TB that’s more ac­ Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the Uniforms are supplied tion, classroom studv and on “ Not to discuss this case at all with arranged the promotion deal between curate than the old “patch tests.” Senior Citizen Center, 549 East Middle Turnpike, Manchester. FOUND. Stray female kitten. Benefits. For appointment counts, and Heating Equipment Sales. Benefits in- the job training will be given. to Reagan will campaign with former availabilty of gasoline this year,” Stockton said laaaan tha valua of tha on oil for heating its homes and Wednesday. dKkmal Inaartlon.- state Sen. Lawrence DeNardis, the Task force GLASTONBURY- The first businesses, was still waiting for the “However, while this meant that people were able to GOP nominee in the 3rd District con­ other shoe to drop on prices. gressional race, and with other meeting of the task force for foreign travel, only an effective promotion campaign persuaded ’The latest average price of a gallon them to come to .Conneclcut and spend their vactlon Republican candidates. languages will be held today at 7:30 of home heating oil in the region was dollars here.” Anderson’s tentative schedule calls p.m. in the Academy School library. Ewitittg ikral!i Stockton said federal figures show tourism con­ for visits Tuesday to ’Hartford, New Interested citizens are cordially in­ $1.02.1 — the same as it was a month vited to attend. earlier. tributing over $1 billion a year to Connecticut’s economy. 22 - KVEMNU HERALD. Thurs . Del 2. ItfSO KVENING HKRALD. Thurs.. Oct. 2. I960 - 2:i 61 . Autos For Safa 6 t Apertmenli For Rent 53 Sent! someone Autos For Sffs Peanuts — Charles M. Schulz AUappy Thouphl Business & Service i ATTRACTIVE TWO 1973 VOLVO WAGON DOWN Answer to Previous Puzzle BEDROOM on busline. Lease. lorfov MODEL 145 - Call 528-0483 ACROSS $350 monthly plus heat and after 3 00 p m-or before 11 00 WA.NTED JUNK AND LATE 1 Snooze 1 College * utilities. Security deposit. No am I CAN'T CONCENTRATE, PON T LET IT BOTHER P55i;5lR,PIP|^,0,,- degree pets. 643-5876. alter 5 :00 p.m. MODEL WRECKS - Cash 5 At house of Autos For Sals 61 Pbby MARCIE..ALLICANTWNK H0\), SIR..REAP WUR HE MENTION M K C F (Fr.) (abbr.) Paid. Call Parker Street Used 1970 PLYMOUTH FURY 0FI5THATKIPCALLIN6 9 Author 2 Alley_____ TWO BEDROOM Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391 SEDAN - Power steering. 4 BOOK.ANPPUT (TOUT AN^PARTICULAR^' WE PAY TOP PRICES lor By ADigaii van Buren ME "60LF BALL NOSE" Fleming 3 Animel APARTMENT - Parking. wrecks and junk cars A 4 B new radials (iiexi running OF YOUR MINP BRANP OF 12 Gate garden Adults. No utilities. Auto Salvage, used auto parts. 1969 • CONTINENTAL condition. $395. Call alter 3:00 golf BALL? 13 Distinctive air 4 Mistakes References, 2 months securi­ Call Tony 646-6223. CLASSIC. Low mileage. Call p.m . or weekends. 872-2295. r 14 Bond 5 Keg ty. $300 monthly. 649-5604. between 6:30 a m. and 5:00 15 Recreetion 6 Buzz p.m 646-4004. „ 1973 TOYOTA 1973 VOLKSWAGEN - lover 7 Wipe out ROCKVILLE. Carpeted two Completely rebuilt Excellent 17 Sooner than 8 Sillier LANDCRUISER-4X4. Full roll 1974 SUBARU - Good condi­ 9 Separate bedroom. Children welcomed. cage. New tires. New Ragtop. condition' Uses regular gas­ 18 Aitroneuh' Just $235. 236-5646. Locators. tion. Front wheel drive. *1800 oline. and gets great mileage' DEAR ABBY: Two weeks ago our I8-year-old daughter "all right" B'ticle Top end rebuilt. $2600. 643-9322 (comp wd.) 10 Rive, in S *rv (c *t O tftn d 31 Senicet Ottered 31 Peinting-Pepering 32 B uilding Contracting 33 Fee. negotiable. Telephone 643- 643-8872 (I'll call her Nancy) tried to commit suicide. She took a win's brother 43 Texas city between. 8:00 a m. and 3:00 6785, or 659-1723. Priscllla'9 Pop — Ed Sullivan 19 Boil Yorkshire p.m. handful of sleeping pills, but thank God we found her in 28 Likewise 45 Replace EXTERIOR PAINTING, WES ROBBINS Carpentry FAMILY SIZE. Five roomer, 21 Clay: Terre 11 Never BiM TREE SERVICE, remodeling specialist. Ad­ 1972 PINTO - Body fair Good time to save her. Now that she is back to normal, she says 29 Map within a 47 Erin where TREE-MENDOUS ser­ experienced college student. with carpet. Appliances. Yard' 1968 DART. 1969 CHARGER tires Needs new starter (contr.) Quality work. Very ditions. rec rooms, dormers, 1974 PONTIAC GRAND AM. she realizes how foolish she was, and she has promised that 24 H ^ s n 16 Drink to map 46 You (Fr.) vice is guaranteed, now for kids. Just $250. 236-5646. Power steering, power 318 Three speed. Posi rear Regular gas $250. Call 643- EAT I THINK IT JU S T 30 People of B-B UPHOLSTERY. Custom reasonable prices. Call Mike. built-ins. bathrooms. she will never try anything like that again. WAGGEP AT ME .' opinion health of 49 Indefinite per­ I offering FREE STUMP Locators. Fee. end. Needs some work. Best 7274 alter 6:00 p.m. LOBSTER TAIL 25 Lois of action Work. Free Estimates. Will brakes, air conditioning, Nancy has always been a rather shy and quiet girl who GRINDING with tree 569-3458 or 569-4945.______kitchens. 649-3446.______offer over $400. 871-7385. 20 Mesdames sons pick up and deliver. Please tinted windows. $1,000. 649- never dated much until she met a young man who gave her PEAR speech (abbr) 33 Church bench removal. Free estimates. Ful- LEE PAINTING. Interior & DESIGN KITCHENS - EAST HARTFORD. All bills 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 27 Decorated 36 Spoken 50 Roll call call 6^2161 after 4:00 p.m. 7831. a big rush. They were seeing each other every night until he 21 Chicken answer Iv insured. References. Senior Exterior. "Check my rate Cabinets, Vanities. Formica paid. Nice one bedroom. Pets 1972 DODGE POLARA* Four CONVERTIBLE - Good run­ anew 38 River in Citizens Discount. 643-7285. Counter Tops. Display. O K. Just $190. 236-5646. door Registered and running. suddenly broke it off, saying he thought they were getting i n 31 Popular 22 Believe 53 Wages CERAMIC FIRING. Discount before you decorate." Depen- FIAT. 1976. 128 Sedan. Gas ning condition. Needs some too serious. That's when Nancy took the pills. 23 Greek letter Germany Storage & Bookcases. Kitchen Locators. Fee. Needs work Best offer. Call body work. Asking $1200. or deitert 54 Snatch rates. Quick service. Call 643- dable. Fully insured. 646-1653. saver. Body and engine in Abby, how can we be sure she won't try it again? Is there 24 Fastidious 41 Lucky number REWEAVING BURN Cabinet Fronts. Custom 647-3494 days; 649-7149 after best offer. Call 644-1242. 92 Journey 55 Couple HOLES. Zippers, umbrellas 2543.______GENERAL PAINTING - great shape. New radials. something we can do to help her? She is putting on a brave 26 George Gersh- (pl) Woodworking. 649-9658._____ MANCHESTER. Extra large Am/fm radio. $1975, or best 5:00 p.m. 34 Chinese 56 Dollar bill repaired, window shades. WILL DELIVER small loads Interior i Extdrior; Trucks lor Sele 62 show, but we can tell that she is brokenhearted. (prefix) three bedrooms. New decor offer. 871-6414. 1 Venetian blinds. Keys. TV of sand, gravel or loam. Call Specializing In Exterior Trim. FARRAND REMODELING - with laundry facility. Plus 1974 PEU G EO T sta tio n 1X)S ANGELES MOTHER 35 Upon 1 1 6 i 0 FOR RENT. Marlow s. 867 644-1775. Can call 7:00 a m to Free Estimates. Fully In­ Cabinets. Roofing. Gutters 1972 FORD PICKUP with cap 37 Once more more. 236-5646. Locators. Fee. wagon. Excellent condition. 13 14 Main Street. 649-5221.______10:00 p.m. sured. Call 646-0709. or 742- Room Additions. Decks. All 55.000 miles. Call Dr. Rogers Call 646-2816, DEAR MOTHER: According to Dr. Katherina 39 M ao____ 12 5 0 8 7 .______types of Remodeling and \4 - tung 17 AVAILABLE NOW. Spacious • at 649-9101 or 236-6009. $3,000 Marmor of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention 40 Comes dose 16 Pelnling-Pepering 32 INSIDE/OUTSIDE llepairs. Free estimates. Ful­ five roomer. Kids O K. Today 1969 CORVETTE. Good condi­ firm. 1973 CHEVY STEP VAN N Center, one who has attempted suicide is 10 times ly ■FSured^JPhone^M3-MlT^^ 42 Woofer's 16 20 ★ PAINTING - "No Job Too just $225 . 236-5646. Locators. tion. 427, four speed, radial CATERING TRUCK - more likely to try it again. 16 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Completely equipped For in­ companion ■ LAWNS CUT. Expert service. Small". Free Estimate. Call Rooting______M Fee. tires, applianced wheels. T- BANK REPOSSESSIONS - Nancy should phone the L.A. Suicide Prevention 44 Eegle's nest 21 22 23 Lowest rates around. Call for - Interior and exterior. after 5 p.m.. 649-0009. ask for top, am /im eight track. Best 1977 Plymouth Sport Fury. formation call 5^-0483 after 3 Center (213-473-1217). The center welcomes anyone Captain Easy — Crooka & Lawrance 1 Commercial and residential. 46 Apertures 27 26 29 3U free estimate. 649-7773 Jerry.______ROOFER WILL. INSTALL FIVE ROOMS. Two offer. Call after 5:00 p.m , 649- $2300. 1976 Dodge Charger p.m.. or before 11 a m who has attempted suicide (or even considered it) to 47 Mutate 25 26 evenings. Free estimates. Fully in­ roof, siding or gutter for low bedrooms. Applianced 3165. . Special Edition. $2500. m 3 come in for individual or group counseling. The 50 Informed ■ sured. 64M879 DAN SHEA PAINTING & discount price. Call Ken at kitchen, garage, yard and GMC Jimmy Utility Truck Motorcycles-Blcfcles 64 31 33 caring, competent staff will adjust the fee to one's you TRVIN' T'TELL DON'T KIP BESIDES-IF SHE'S SOT SOME i/IST' 51 Chemical ■ ■ GEORGE N. CONVERSE. DECORATING. Interior and 647-1566. basement. No pets. Rent: $395 FOR SaLE: 1971 Ford Pinto. 3. 3. $2300. 1969 AMC Ambassador ability to pay. I 5H0ULP KEEP Zk m b . E A S y i MEB9A0B PROM THE MUSTACHE particle 35 3. Painting and paperhanging. PAINTING - INTERIOR AND Exterior Also: Wallpapering. plus utilities. Security. 649- Good -running condition. $500. The above may be seen 1980 HONDA CM 400 T KIP-YOU'LL NEVER PORSIVE YOUR­ '52 Artificial lan­ 1 1 EXTERIOR; Paperhanging. Heeling-Plumbing______35 Most cities have 24-hour suicide hotlines offering CORY DEAN- EVEN YOU'LL 00 43 Thirty years experience. Call Quality Craftsmanship! Call 0717. Asking $250. Call 649-5416 at the Savings Bank of Excellent condition 6.000 SHE KEEPS 6IVIN' ME IT ANY- SELF FOR NOT ■TRYIN'l F»— * guage 40 Experienced, references. Ser- 646-5424. or 646-1305. help in a crisis. (Ask your operator for the number.) 1 4:00 to 9:00 evenings. 643-2804. NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet after 7 p.m. Manchester, 923 Main Street. miles. $2,000 528-3497. A Busy SISNALT 57 Feel regret 44 45 t - ving Willimantic. NEW ONE BEDROOM Counseling for the depressed or suicidal person is 56 Adiacent Manchester. Bolton, Coven­ Building Conirecting 33 repairs, plugged drains, r ■ LAWNMOWERS APARTMENT - Living room, available at all mental health centers. 59 Cut 47 4B 46 try, tolumbia. Tolland areas. kitchen faucets replaced, REPAIRED. 15% Sr. Citizen LEON CIEZSYNSKl repaired, rec rooms, kitchen with appliances, 60 Highway _ ■ F" W. J. Grillo. 423-6582. curve 51 52 |53 54 55 56 Discount! Free pick up and BUILDER. New homes, ad­ bathroom remodeling, heat bedroom with walk-in closet, ceramic tiled bath. $325 per 61 Eye infection 59 delivery! Expert service. PAINTING BY CRAIG ditions, remodeling, rec modernization, etc. M & M 0 BELOW 62 Woodwind 57 56 ECONOMY LAWNMOWER. rooms, garages, kitchens Plumbing & Hating. 649-2871 month. Peterman Realty, M9- OGDEN. Interior and instrument 60 61 62 647-3660. Exterior Specialist! Fully In­ remodeled, ceilings, bath ti|e. 9404, 646-1171. DEAR ABBY: This is my first letter to a columnist, but I 1 sured. Free Estimates. Call dormers, roofing. Residential $ 4 0 0 < ’ l! find myself with a problem I cannot fathom myself. iNIMSRARt* IN1f"R8>SI *$$>• I BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - or commercial. 649-4291. THREE BED RO O M Fireplaces. Concrete anvtime. 649-8749. DEALER COST I am an antique dealer (semi-retired). When I first started DUPLEX ■ i f L A U D i Appliances. $450 my antique business 1-met a very affable young American Chimney Repairs. “No Job monthly plus neat. Security. In Home Guarantee. couple while traveling in Europe. Since we lived in the same ToTsmall," ta ll 644-8356 for FES Industries, Inc. Chip Repair 643-4627. estimates. offer you porcelain & city in the U.S., we ^ a m e close friends. I taught them ^ Miiey uop — uava araue bridge SHARPENING SERVICE - PAINTING. INTERIOR AND QUALITY HOME Fiberglass. Spray j Homes tor Rent 54 1980 DODGE SNOW FIGHTER much as I could about antiques and advised them on their Glass Cut, Keys Made. Small EXTERIOR. Low rates. Fully REMODELING Appliances & I purchases, many of which came from my store. Cabnets Display at i VERNON, Sparkling four Now, 27 years later, they have met another antique dealer, Engine li Screen Repairs. insured. Nine years 247-3 218 8 HIGHLAND ST., E H BLISH HARDWARE, 793 experience. Free estimates. room home. All modern with 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUPS also in this city, who is duping them constantly. He is YOU KNOW, OSCAR, IF YOUR CHAP ...SAY, W H AT'S MERE HE WHAT KEPT I HADDA CERTAINLY APPRO- Signal sets defense stage Hartford, CT GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND CAN RND OUT WHAT HAPPENED KEEPING ALLEY. COMES.' YOU? GET M YSaF ' PRIATE, WOULDN'T Main Street, 643-4121. 64^-1085. 1203) 528-6200 patio. $200. 236-5646. Locators. selling them brand-new Oriental furniture and objects of ALL EQUIPPED WITH art, and passing them off as centuries old. TO MUNPA WUNCH, IT WILL DOC? IT DOESN'T A LITTLE ^ YO U ------Fee. MAKE A STUNNING CLIM AX T O TAKE TH A T LONG SNACK,' / SAV?/ YEP.' RIGHT open the higher-ranking suit. AT. PS, PB, 8 FOOT I am appalled at this situation and don't know how to OUR NEW FILM ABOUT HERI ^ ------A few experts make one MANCHESTER. King size BO-DY, FACTORY handle it. They are very happy with their purchases from NORTH 10-2-S0 exception here. They will three bedroom home, with him. ♦ J 10 5 open one club with a black 5-5 two car garage. Fireplace, MYERS SNOW PLOW My question is this: Should I tell them the truth about V Q J 103 two suiter. X KEEP TELI.IN1& Carpeted . Kids and pet O.K. their new purveyor, or keep my mouth shut and let them go SQJ9 IX spite of that opening club Plus more. 236-5646. Locators. PACKAGE AND on being c h e a ts by this chicanery? I don't want to lose 4Q95 bid. West felt that the single­ MYSBUf TO BB Fee. MUCH MORE! their friendship. WEST EAST ton club lead gave him his « KNOWS ANTIQUES 4K42 493 best chance to beat four MORB REcBPTivE, OHIces-Slores for Rent 55 4K742 4A96 spades. DEAR KNOWS: Since your friendship goes back 27 ♦ KB7 32 * 10654 He led it. The queen was OFFICE SPACE years, you’d be less than a good friend to sit in silence 46 4104 32 played from dummy. East B u t 1 D O N ' T $9900 OVER went into one of those high- while some crook rips them off. Tell them how to SOUTH FOR RENT 4AQ676 level huddles and followed DEALER COST distinguish authentic Oriental antiques from new with his 10-spot. h ^ e n . reprMUctiona, and let them draw their own con­ The Flintstones — Hanna Barbara Productions 485 In Manchester. Central 9 A Now South led the jack of clusions. spades. Blast played low and location. Air con­ ON ANY NEW 1980 CAR OR 4AKJ76 TnAUeS C«-l S O I M G T O H/W4T DO after some study, South let the ditioning. TRUCK LEFT IN INVENTORY. THE DOCTOR'?/7^ YOU 3 BT, IT ^ Vulnerable: Neither jack ride. I HOPE IT'S , STOMACH Dealer: South West was in with the king Do you hate to write letters because you don't know and could beat the contract if Homes For Sele 23 Articles for Sele 41 Articles tor Sele 41 Rooms lor Rent 52 NOT SERIOUS.' PAINS T’ West North East Sootb Call 0 4 3 - 0 5 8 1 what to say? 'Thank-you notes, sympathy letters, 1 4 he could find his partner's •DIPLOMATS IcORDOBAS 'ASPENS J ace. SCREENED LOAM - Gravel, TWO IMPORTED DANISH ROOMS - Furnished and un­ congratulations, how to decline and accept invita­ Pass 1 ▼ Pass 2 S RANCH - Nine rooms. Formal Did he have anything to dining room. Rec room with Processed Gravel, Sand, AIRTIGHT WOOD STOVES - furnished. All utilities. $115 to tions and how to write an interesting letter are Pass 2 NT Pass 3 4 135 monthly. References and W anted to R ent 57 •MIRADAS .PICKUPS 'LeBARONS included in Abby's booklet, “How To Write Letters Pass guide him? He certainly had. wet oar. Separate master Stone, and Fill. For deliveries Smaller $250; Larger $395. Pass 4 4 Pass East had played the 10 of Will also fit into fireplace. 646- security. Mature adults only. for Ail Occasions." Send 91 and a long, stamped (28 Pass bedroom suite with cathedral call George Grilling, 742-7886. RETIRED GENTLEMAN D O in MISS OUT! YOU WIILl NEVER 8EE THESE LpW PRICES ASAINI clubs at trick one. It couldn't ceiling. Large flag-stone 5750. Call Mrs. Jackston, 646-5461. cents), self-addressed envelope to: Abby, Letter desires furnished room. With Booklet, 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. be a come-on. Therefore, it patio. Pool. Wood-burning DARK LOAM DELIVERED - CENTRAL LOCATION. Free light kitchen priviledges. ' Ooc o Opening lead:4 8 had to be a suit-preference stove. $89,500. Group 1, 5 yards. $50 plus tax. Also Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 parking. Kitchen privileges. Parking space for car. 90212. simal to ask for a heart lead. Philbrick Agency. 646-4200. sand, gravel and stone. 643- Security and references Doesn't smoke or drink. 3 D ___ West led the deuce of hearts. 9504. SOUTH WINDSOR KENNEL required, 14 Arch Street. References. Call 875-5972, or CHORCHES of M A N M ^ R Blast took his ace and led CLUB offers 8 Weeks 289-7823 before 6:00 p.m. By Otwald Jacoby back a club which West PLYMOUTH U N E . Colonial, SENIOR CITIZENS 80 OAKUND STREET. MANCHESTER, 643 2791 , , ,, , ___ _ Six generous size rooms. 24 AMWAY PRODUCTS mean Handling Course, in Breed & f and Aloo Sootag ruffed. Then he took the set­ Obedience, beginning October ROOMING HOUSE - Ladies i L t J > l n 4 wfznoowniiuiSBti iiMMi nioiii srw oii III ipu i»i. ting trick with the king of foot livingroom. Fireplace. quality and personal service, Autos For Sele 61 PstroQfQph The Born Loser — Art Santom only. Furnished bedroom. hearts. Dining room. Three 'fry us and see. 228-9633. 1st and 2nd. Cost $25. For With two five-card suits and further information: 569-3010. Community kitchen, bath and an opening bid, it is correct to (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I bedrooms. Itk baths. Garage. living room. All utilities in­ c 'W ». Ml a « a#0 u • *»' ®" $69,900. Group 1, Philbrick FOUR PIECE dark pine 563-0128. 678-0254, 289-8188. 684-5191 and 875-9127. clude. Located near busline from somoona you've always Agency. 646^200. coffee table set. Asking ^00. and stores. Security and hoped was supportive of you. but 649-8243. VACATIONER'S ARE GONE references required. 644-0383. who you were never quite sure Public Cordially Invited cfour of. Now you know you have a MANCHESTER, Colonial. now. Their pets were left LBT6FA4em FREEZER - Sanyo. 5 cubic MANCHESTER - Private staunch ally. Eight rooms. 2Vi baths. First behind. Precious kittens and ^ Birthday PISCES (Feb. 20-Merch 20) floor panelled family room feet. $125. Also: Stereo $50. home, near busline and shop­ PIWVV.IPIDJA Call 646-7945 after 4:00 p.m. some exquiste eats. 342-0571, You're lucky today in things you with fireplace. Large modern 633-6581. ping. Mature female adult, manage for others. Your sincere Eva? HEAR OF kitchen. Sliders to deck. Walk­ with available phone hookup. Oct.}.1W0 efforts to advance their Intereata CAPE COD DOLL HOUSE - Voice printing is sometimes used by police to identify out basement. Gas heat. Two Musicel Instruments 44 Kitchen privileges negotiable. Protects or ventures where you will prove beneficial for you as L O T HA'/IFJft? car garage. Wooded lot. $89.- Used. Wallpapered. Two $200 monthly plus security. have opportunities to utilize your well participants in recorded conversations or those who wooden stories. Asking $25. T 0 G 5 0 T 0 900. Group 1 Philbrick Agen­ SPINET PIANO. Mint condi­ Call 643-8567, Available Oc- creativeness should prove for­ AMES (March 21-AprH 19) Your make threatening or obscene phone calls. cy. 64M200. Call 6464)867. tober 18th. ______tunate for you this cominQ year. popularity with persons in posi­ OBEDiekJ6& tion. Aero- sonic Baldwin with Don't be afraid to experiment in tions of influence Is very pro­ Our Boarding H o u m solid spruce sounding board. WORKING FEMALE. $40 areas you've never tr M before. nounced today. One may do Household Goods 40 * TAG SALES Top of the line. $1,500. 875- weekly. 649-3823.______L M A (ie p l. 2$^Oct. 23) In something good for you without 3922. dealing with your peer group your asking. UICR L31?BIII MATURE MALE ROOM $15. t^ a y you will fit more comforta- TAURUS (April 20-Mey 20) n a m w REFRIGERATORS a e r w here i Sporting Goods 46 Female, mature $20. Non- bty Into a leadership role than as Something opportune is brewing PIKE, I PiPN'T I'M AHEAP OF V^U, Washers/Ranges. used, EVERYTHING MUST GO AM BY WAITING R3R THINGS TJ MAYOR! I'VE (SOT A guaranteed and clean. New Furniture Barn Clearance smokers. Live-in. References. that of a fi^lower. Accept the where your work or career Is Sale. 343 Main St. TWENTY THREE FOOT One must have license, plus scepter graciously. Find out concerned. Its effects will LIFE HASNV s e e n HAPPEN.' THE ONLY THIN6 THAT )^AM-~ I AAEAN shipment damaged. G.E & enhance your )ob eecurity and C H M E 6 r e OPLE 1$ BAP LUCK.'_ /n>tN TO PUT YOU Manchester. Tuesdaythrough PENN-YAN Sport Fisherman few errands and meals. 649- more of what lies ahead for you FRIGIDAIRE. Low prices. In the year following your birth­ may even lead to edvancemenl. AN'/ BED ON PAdE o n e; but B.D. Pearl & Son. 649 Main Saturday. 10:00 a.m. to 4:M Sedan. Hard top. Excellent Wi>*...... OF ROSES fORMEy condition.New eW tric trim day by sending for your copy of OglOIM (Me* 21-June 20) Your $TART A?METHIN<5 t o MAKE'^ . I WANT To CHECK Street. 643-2171. p.m. Apertments For Rent 53 Astro-Graph. Malt $1 for each to pretence wifl be M t wtHsevar 'YOU KNOW. tabs. VHF CB. Cutty Cabin Astro-Graph, Box 469, Radio you go today, not becaute you'ra THE PUBLIC R7R6ET THAT IT OUT FIRST WHIRLPOOL 21 ^B IC GARAGE SALE - September with head. Owner bought 116 MAIN STREET - "The City Station, N Y. 10019. Be sure lorcetui or aggreitive, but PRE6$ c o n f e r e n c e ; FOOT side by side. 2 tone I5th-October 15th. MOVING largdr boat. Call 742-8537 after Gables." 3 Room Apartment. to specify birth date. becaute your potlllve, tunny brown. 4 years old. Has Ice TO FLORIDA! Everything 5:00 p.m. Heat and hot water $320 •CORM (Oct.' ^ 2MIOV. ‘ 22) In mtnner ttn d t to be uplifting to must go! Best offer. 361 Goose monthly. Security and Tenant competitive situations today the ottiert. Maker. $4fl0. Telephone 649- odds are tilted slightly in your 9591. Lane, Coventry. ONE PAIR OLIN Mark IV Insurance required. Call 646- CANCn (June 21-My 22) Thit Skis. Solomon 444 bindings. 2426, 9 to 5 weekdays.______favor However, you may not feel can be a vary rewarding day Kermo poles and extra Tomic this Is true when you first enter materially, provided you locut on FOUR PIECE LIVING TAG SALE - Dolls, furniture, FEMALE ROOMMATE the fray. tUuatlont that olfar potential ROOM SET - Two Tables. collectables, miscellaneous. poles. One pair Caber ski SAOITTAIUUt (Nov. 2»-Oec. 21) gain. Heed your huncitet that Ixxits, size nine. $175. Used WANTED - Non-smoking. 20- $250. Call after 4.00 p.m.. 647- Friday October 3rd, 10 to 4, 25. Manchester Townhouse. Your powers of observation are sense dollar signs, 1160. and Saturday October 4th, 10 two seasons. 646-4153 after exceptionally keen today and U O (M y 22-Aug. 22) Be a I aood 5:00 p.m. $150 monthly including heat u s ^ t knowledge can be gained liatener today.lav. You'■ may pick up to 4. 68 Irving Street, behind . and hot water. 649-1312. Lovy » uan — uaiiius ocnumeisier Waddell ^hool. by watching how someone you some valuibia informatloh w h i^ NEW‘W 3R L D G A F T admire operates. will tit neatly into your present Garden Products 47 MANCHESTER - Unusual □MISC. FOR SALE CAPMCOItN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) STOREWIDE SALE Deluxe. One Bedroom plans and [Kove you're on the NATIVE PEACHES, pears, Today your dealings with your right track. HS140S15T» ANt^sree- . . O H X iA IT'S F O B jp e h Articles tor Sele 41 THURSDAY & FRIDAY. Townhouse available at Pine male friends are apt to turn out vmoo (Ayg. 2S-Sept 22) You peji - - apples and sweet apple cider. Ridge Village. Features in­ MARY M4e6Ae(^T, W A N W 1 D PBI eiNiiNG U p ^ T B P Custom and Vanity Auto more fortunately for you than may find yourself In a situation WMATBei^VOU cosfe R » HI ci-ek0ywmN. T ranslation . Botti's Fruit Farm, 260 Bush clude: Heat, air conditioning, Plates. Dolls. Glassware. involvements you have with the today where you'll feel some­ WTO tdw3? MA(5AZINl HE'LL TRY TJ Jewelry. Closeout Craft Hill Road. (rear). appliances, carpeting, in­ A T D IL L O N ! ladles. Select appropriate thing important has slipped from Supplies. 133 Spruce Street, Manchester. 646-4810. dividual entrances and patio. companions. your control. Fret not. It’s In / THINK OF ALUMINUM Sheets used as A(MIAIUU8 . (Jen. 20-Feb. 19) good hands. SOMETHlNtS- corner Birch. Full basement with washer guteaioe/^-L- printing plates. .007 thick VARIETY OF FLOWERING and dryer hook ups. Easy Before you buy any economy car, Rack and pinion steering. You may see visible proof today (NCWSPAPER ENTERPRISE AS8N j 23x28'2 . 25 cents each or 5 GARAGE SALE - 271 Main BUSHES - Rose Of Sharon, accessibility to everything. SM« aiancM - Oil Fox for$I. Phone 643-2711. Must be Street. Manchester. Chairs Ivy. Ground Cover. House $385 per month. Adults only. you must see and test-drive the Ford Transverse mounted hemi-head picked up before 11 a m. tables, oak furniture and mis­ Plants, Cactus, Very No pets. Damato Enterprises, Escort—the new World Car—at ONLY cellaneous. October 2nd, 3rd reasonable. Call 649-6486. 646-1021. engine. New all-season steel belted Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl & Stoffel 4th and 5th. 10 to 5. Dillon Ford. Escort is built in WHIRLPOOL COMPACTOR - radial tires. Plus many^^jlher exciting Slightly used. Excellent condi­ TAG SALE - Bikes, skiis America to take on the world. With features in your choice of 3-Door ^CHATEAU a e e o T ..^ IO °°'' tion. Asking $125. Call 649- u skates, other sporting goods (TAKRDT QUICHE.. 2211: keep trying. Portable washing machine PICK AT THE higher mileage ratings than many Hatchback or 4-Door Liftgate body meat sheer, mixer. New Elec less-roomy, gas powered compacts. style. See and test-drive the new Short Rib* — Frank Hill ZENITH RADIO STEREO trie Broiler Other appliances CORN CRIB COMBINATION - Early Glassware, steins, baskets, And Escort combines better ideas World Car, the all-new Ford Escort, NC^WTHATS WWAT^ American Style. Like new. plant accessories, and much RASPBERRY PATCH I c a l l CMILI,' Asking $150. Call anvtime. from around the world. Full four- now at Dillon Ford. more! Saturday October 4th Buckland Road 569-0636. 10 to 4, 79 Comstock Road, off wheel independent suspension. South Main. South Windaor WHEELS. 13 :- 14" CM. 15 Ford. Plymouth. 16"- 8 lug. TAG SALE Saturday and Sun­ Open Daily 10:00 a.mi to 6:00 p.m. split-rim. Dodge Truck. 643 day. October 4th and 5th. 9:00 See ALL th i bright new Ideas for 1981 now 2880 a m. to 5 00p.m. 137 Edgerton Street, Manchester Rain or 644-3260 CROCKS, KEGS. BARRELS shine Housewares, toys at Dillon Ford. Built for a changing world, Spigots. Carboys. Wide-mouth clothing. 10'* foot pick-up A ntiques 48 glass bucket^ Bottles for camper, moped, et cetera 52 WADSWORTH STREET. wine. Cardboard boxes 643- WANTED, Antique Furniture. Four room apartment. Second yo^r world for years to come. floor. No utilities. Adults only. 2880 GARAGE SALE - Single Glass. Pewter. Oil Paintings Flatcher’a Landing Antique Items. Near shopping and busline maple bed. glassware, pain If too Ql«L*lOO UblU KtM. ...io ju e. ah ‘honoraav* ...VtM UlttL, MRS. RJOLtV. I SEASONED HARDWOOD lings, and drapes. Friday Oc Harrison,. Teltelephone 643-8709. $265 per month. Security deposit. Call after 4:00 p.m. veo a. H U HtMOtR. OF fl2tCHIfcP;..F0R*Z5', A HUfcss ihat ha« a vcxj a Cut. split, delivered. $85 full tuber 3rd 10 a m. to 2 p.m. 20 •charcoal 0«j(5otTtt.R cord. 742-8056. Roams lor Rent 52 643-2804.I3-28"' VDUINIttR fiU. OfcPT... V- 'FlRL-FlfilfflNq ftuao.'.. A Fulton Road. Manchester ♦lo 'qiFT MtAHS... 1— 1 ------MATURE WORKING POOL- 24 X 4'. 7 ft. deep THREE FAMILY TAG MANCHESTER. Main Street. WOIRAN - wanted to share 2-3 room apartment. Heated, Perflex filter, 8 x 12 deck SALE. October 4th. 10:00 a m DILLOn |0-l *t HtA, lacTMns^ugSsiOH five n»om apartm ent with hot water, appliances. No V $500.00 or best offer. 568-7317. to 4:00 p.m. 427 Summit same. 646-0841 after 5 p.m. Stw ict Street. Manchester - Fur pets. Parking. P urity. 523- 319 M an StreetTAnr'or.B f norn Ar nxy y) "Qlves you a sense of accomplistiment, 7047.______MANCHESTER. CT BA3-21A5, FOR SALE - Couch, end niture. Mason jars, portable WORKING MIDDLE AGED doesn’t It?" tables, chair. T V antenna, T V., toys, clothing, blankets, to semi-retired person. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT. rotor, $95 72 West Street. plastics, typewriters, bed Private entrance. Parking. No Modern kitchen and bath. Cen­ Saturdav. 9:00 a m to 11:00 frames and more. No earlv smoking or drinking. tral. No pets. $300. Available OPEN Thun. A FrI. Nltes a m birds' References. 647-9750. November 1st. 646-7268.