National Council on the Humanities Minutes, No. 11-15
Office of th8 General Counsel N ational Foundation on the Aria and the Humanities MINUTES OF THE ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE HUMANITIES Held Monday and Tuesday, February 17-18, 1969 U. S. Department of State Washington, D. C. Members present; Barnaby C. Keeney, Chairman Henry Haskell Jacob Avshalomov Mathilde Krim Edmund F. Ball Henry Allen Moe Robert T. Bower James Wm. Morgan *Germaine Br&e Ieoh Ming Pei Gerald F. Else Emmette W. Redford Emily Genauer Robert Ward Allan A. Glatthorn Alfred Wilhelmi Members absent: Kenneth B. Clark Charles E. Odegaard John M. Ehle Walter J. Ong Paul G. Horgan Eugene B. Power Albert William Levi John P. Roche Soia Mentschikoff Stephen J. Wright James Cuff O'Brien *Present Monday only - 2 - Guests present: *Mr. Harold Arberg, director, Arts and Humanities Program, U. S. Office of Education Dr. William Emerson, assistant to the president, Hollins College, Virginia Staff members present; Dr. James H. Blessing, director, Division of Fellowships and Stipends, and acting director, Division of Research and Publication, National Endowment for the Humanities Dr. S. Sydney Bradford, program officer, Division of Research and Publication, NEH Miss Kathleen Brady, director, Office of Grants, NEH Mr. C. Jack Conyers, director, Office of Planning and Analysis, NEH Mr. Wallace B. Edgerton, deputy chairman, NEH Mr. Gerald George, special assistant to the chairman, NEH Dr. Richard Hedrich, Director of Public Programs, NEH Dr. Herbert McArthur, Director of Education Programs, NEH Miss Nancy McCall, research assistant, Office of Planning and Analysis, NEH Mr. Richard McCarthy, assistant to the director, Office of Planning and Analysis, NEH Miss Laura Olson, Public Information Officer, NEH Dr.
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