Curriculum Vitae – Alain PAQUET Current position Full Professor, Department of Economics , ESG UQAM School of Management (ESG) Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Citizenship Canadian Languages French, English Web Email
[email protected] Phone (438) 820‐8450 Education: . DEC (diploma of college studies) in pure and in health sciences, Le Petit Séminaire de Québec (1980) . Bachelor's degree in economics, Université Laval (1983) . Master's degree in economics, University of Rochester, New York (1987) . Master's degree in economics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (1989) . Ph.D. economics, University of Rochester, New York (1989) Areas of specializations: . Open‐economy macroeconomics; business cycles and growth, fiscal and monetary policy; financial economics; applied macroeconometrics. Academic and professional experiences: . Professor of economics, Department of Economics, University of Québec, Montréal (since 1988) – Full professor (since June 1999, on leave without pay from June 2003 until November 2012, while serving 3 terms as Member of the National Assembly); Permanent associate professor (June 1994‐May 1999); Assistant professor (June 1988 – May 1994). Courses taught in various programs: intermediate macroeconomics (honours and graduate levels); Monetary theory (honours level); Financial economics (honours level); Macroeconometrics and financial econometrics (honours and graduate levels); Business cycles and economic policies (graduate level); Employment and business cycles (graduate level); Advanced macroeconomics (graduate level); Special topics in financial economics (graduate level); International finance (honours and graduate levels); Economics issues for the real estate sector (graduate level); Macroeconomics foundations for finance (graduate level); Foundations of financial econometrics (graduate level); Econometrics of finance and applications (graduate level). Supervision and co‐supervision of graduate students’ research: Completed supervisions: 4 Ph.D.