OOA.I' 1'~'J Partaji,. nth December, 1986 (Agrahayanii 2Q, )908) "'SERtES.IIINo. 37


. : . '. . one interspace held by Shri Dasharath ,ChodarumJr 'of GOVERNMBNT 'OF GOAl. DAMAN' Sirsaim Tlvim. Basic amount for bidding is Rs. 1200/­ per interspace per annum.. AND DIU , . . (I) Fishing-stake locality situated at Curtorim of (20) ,twenty interspaces, in Zuari river,held by the Chair­ forest and Agriculture Department man,Akhil Gomantak Harkari Sahakari Saun&tha Goa Ltd. Basic amount for bidding is Rs. 115/-, per Directorate .of Fisheries , interspace per annum. (10) New fishing stake locality of 2 (two) interspaces Notice situated at ;Koddeir--Cortalim in Zuari river, . applied by Smt.Ana Francisco, Pereira, resident of Udka­ It is. hereby notified that on behalf of the President of -Bhat-Cortalim.. Expenses on advertisement before , public auction of the following fishing stake localities erection of stake is Rs. 298.92. Basic amount . for Will be held in the preinises. of the Directorate of Fisheries, bidding i~ Rs. 12/~ per interspace per annum. Panaji on 30th ,December, 1986 from 10.30 a. m. to 11.30 a.m. The auction will ,be carried out according to Goa, Daman (1) Fishing stake IQcality situated at Rachol of' (8)e,ight & Diu Fishing Rules, 1981. The auction will be further subject interspaces held by Shri Joao O!ivelrl3, of Rachol-Sal­ to the fOllowing terms and conditions: cete-Goa~ Basic amount forbidding isJ;ts. 17'-80 per interspace per annum. . .

Works Divisiol1'; (Bldgs.)P:"l1aji-6oa '- Tender Notice No: PWD~tj~~W~17/41)86~87 f',_" " , . '., • The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (BIOgs.)" Panaji ,inyites"o~ behalf of'tqePl'esidento~ India, seal~d'per~ . (!entagejitem rate tenders from approved ana eligiblE>, contractor of 'GQ~;:p~~~~Jl;PWD and those of'appropriate 448 SERIES 'III No. 37'

. . ~ . '. . list of CPWD, State PWD, Railways, upto 3.00 p. m. on 16th December, 1986. Regarding the work ~t Sr. No.1, specialized water proofing agencies may be considered asa special case for' the issue of tender forms on production of experience documents. ' ,

Estimated Earnest Time limit Class of. Cost Qf Sr. No. , Nam'e of works cost nioney . including t end,'r set" Rs. Rs. monsoon contractor Rs.

1. Water proofing and joint filling of the late Chief Miliis~ 1,40,000/- 3,500/- . 90 tlays nI&. 100/- ter Bhau.

Tender will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. tbe relevant receipt in tbe tender and no casb alongwith Earnest Money sbould be .depgsited in tbe Reserve Bank of tenders .will be accepted.· India and deposited cballan sent a.longwitb the tender Or it may be dep9sited in form of Deposit at Call Receipt. of Sche­ Tbe tenders ·of tbe contractors wbo do not, deposit money dulM,Bank payable at PanajL in tbe prescribed manner will be summarily rejected. The Income-tf!,X Clearance Certificate· sball be furnished by the Conditions and tE"nder forms' can be had from this. office tenderer in tbe ~erve form. . upto 12.00 noon on 12-12-86 at tbe rate' mentioned above (non-refundable). In case tbe tenderer intends to pay E.M.D. Panaji, 10tb November, 1986. - The Executive Engineer,. in casb tbe same sbould be paid to tbe Cashler and enclosed Sd/-. .

Works Division II ,(R&B). Pilnaji Works Division III (PHE), Panaji-Goo Comgenduril Read:- Tender Notice No.pwD/WDnI/PHE/ADM/35/ Corrigendum /86.:87 dated3-10';~. Ref: Tender Notice No. WDII/R & B/ASW/t5/86-87 .dt. Tbe abo,ve Tend'~rNotice for tbe' work mentioned below 11-11-86. stands ino

Works Division lV (Elect. & Mech.). Caranzalem-Goa

Terider Notice No,. 2/2/86-ASW-IV/PWD/10 Executive Engineer, Works Di~sio'll IV, :invites on behalf of tbe President of Iridia sepatate sealed~percentagel litem rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors/suppliers upto 2.00 p. m. on cr before 18-12-86,·'for the fol­ lOwing works;

Estimated Earnest Cost of Class of tender Sr, No. Nam'e of works cost money contractor Time limit Rs. Rs. form B.s.

:1. Elect. Inst. to tbe PropOsed Hostel' for Pharmacy Col- 67,008-84 1675/- Class III 60 days 30/- lege at Altinho, panaji. . . , 2. Rewiring to Type I . Qtrs. of G.M.C. Complex' at Bam­ 66,00G-60 '1650/- -d.o- -do-,- , -do- boUm (2 blocks of 24 flats eacb"l block of 12 flats). 3. Rewiring of aubmain to type II Qtrs. of G.M.C. Cmnp­ 65,723-00 1643/- -do- -do-- -do- . lex .at Bambolini (10 blocks of 8 flats each 80 nos). '4, . Rewiring of Fitil.t floor of main OPD Bldg. of GMC, 42,791-10 1070/- ' ~·do- 45 days , - do- Panaji. 5.. Providing llew generator" set connections to various 29,390-80 735/- -do-- -.: 00-. . ---, do-- wards and OPD at Goa ~edical College, Panaji.Goa. tL RewiriJ:ig· of sub-maiD. of type m 'Qtrs; of GMC Comp­ 25.54lJ-60 639/- -do-- -do_ -·do-- lexatSambolim (4 bldgg. of 8 fiats each 32 units) •. 7.' ,Powetwiring & electrical J;'epairs to the Borges Boy's 18,577-76 .64!~ --do-- -do- '\ - dO-:- Hostel building. of GMC, Complex, Bambolim. c 11TH DECEMBER) 1986 (AGRAHAYANA 20) 1908) 149

Estimated Earnest Cost of Sr. No. Name ot works cost money Class ot . Tirne limit tenderfotm' lis. ·Rs. - contractor Rs.

8. :Rewiring of Matrons. qtrs. and' Nurses Rooms at GMC, 17,713-90 443/- --do- -do- -do- Panaji. 9. P,uwer' wiring & electrical. repairs to the Lady's Hostel 17,696-24 442/- -do- -d.o- -do-- Bldg. at GMC, Complex at Bambolim. .

Tenders wili be opened on the same day at 3.00 Ii. m. If ficate; Tenders of Contractors/Suppliers who do' riot deposit possible. Conditions and tender fonns Clail1 be obtained from earnest· money in prescribed form are liable to be rejected.· this Office from 8-12-86 to 17-12~86 upto 4.00p; m. during Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning aDJ1[; . working days on payment of the cost of. Tender forms. If reason whatsoever is resetvedwith the authority to accept' , required by post, an amount of Rs. 15/- (Rupees fifteer.only) the tender. per tender will be cllarged extra. Tender forms will be issued Panaji, 22nd November, 1986. - The Executive Engineer, only on production Of a valid Income-tax Clearanc.e CerU-' Sd/-.

Tender Notice No.. 2/2/84-ASW~IV-PWD/8 Executive Engineer, Works Division IV, invites, on behaif. of the President of India, separate se3.Ied percentage/item rate tend~rs from approved' and eligible· Conttactors/Suppliersupto 2.00p. m. on or before 3~12-86 for the follOwing works:

Estimated Earnest Class of Cost of 81. No. Name of Work cost money contractor Time limit tender. Rs. .Rs. Rs.

1. Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts 32,06,600/- . 20000/- 540 days 150/- for Casualty & Ward blocks of 750 bedded Medical ,Hospital Complex at Bambolim.

Note: Tender form will be issued to the recognise~ manufacturerS and their autl10rised agents or dealers. on producing. of documentary evidence towards the firm having registered with DCB&D.

,Tenders will1:)e. opened on the same day at 3~OO p~ m. if form are' iiable to be rejected. Right to ,reject· any or an possible. ConditiollS and tender forms can be obtained from the tenders without assighing any reason whatsoever is re­ . this. office ftom 24-11-86 to 20~12"86 upto 4.00 p. m. during served With the. authority to accept the tender.. working days on payment of the cost of Tender ~otms. If required .by post, an amount of Rs. 15/- (Rupees fifteen The tender will be oponed in the Office of the Suptd. En­ only) per tender will ,becharge4 extra. gineer,Circle VIT, PWJ), Altinho-Panaji. Tender forms wiUbe issued only on production of a valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate. . Tenders of Contractors/ Panaji, 18th November, 1986. ~The Executive Engineer, /Suppliers who do not lieposit. earnest money in prescribed Sd/-.

Works Division V. (Buildings) ~ Panaji-Goa

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDV/Bldgs/F. 2/12/86-87

The Executive Engineer, Works Division V, 031dgs), P. W. D., invites 0)1 behalf of the' President of India sealed· item rate tenders frem' the approved and eligible contractors of Goa, CPWD" YES; Railway for the following works upto '3.00 p. m,'on 18th December, 1986.. ' , ..

Estimated . Cost ot Jr. No. Name of work cost E. 111£ •. D. . Time for Class of· Rs:. . completion contractor ten(ler " Rs. Rs.

1. Construction of 'Administrative Wing for I. T. I. Bi- 17,17,540-90 20,000/­ 485 days Class. 150/- choiim. includirig IB & monsoon above

Tendiers will be' opened at 3.30 p. m. on the' same day. must produce valid Income~tax· certificate' before the issue Earnest Money deposit should be deposited in the State Bank of tender forms. If required .. bypost an amount-of Rs. 25/- . 01' India or any other Scheduled Bank in the fonnof depQsit (Rupees Twenty.five only) will be charged extra. Right to at Call Receipt and' the receipt of the amount be enclosed acceptor reject anY 01' all tenders' is reserved by the With tender, witnout. which no tender Wlli. be considered. Department. . . Conditions'and tender forms can be had from the above office . upto 12.00 noon on 1,6'thDecember 1986. during working hours Panaji, '25th November, 1986. ~ The Executive Engineer, on 'payment of ten(jer fees not refundable. :!he contractor . Sd/-. .

'Tender Notice No. PWD/WDV/Bldgs/ASW/F.2/13/~6-87 The Executive Engineer,' Works Division V, (Bldgs), P,W. D., invite,s on behalf of ,the President of· India, sealed item­ rate tenders from the approved and eligible contractors of· Goa; CPWD, MES,. Railway for the' following works upto 3.{)O p. m. on 12th' December, 1986.' ., .

..~ Estimated E. M;'D. Time for Class ot. Cost ot .Sr. No. Nam'e of wQrks cost " completion contractor tender. Rs. Rs. ~s;

1. Providing&: fi~g glass panes and AC sheetS to I.T.I: 12,394-12 310/- .30~ays V& above 30/- Building at Bicholim. ' • SERIES III No. 87

,Estimated E.M.D. Time Class'of Cost of Sr-.No. Name of workS cost for completion tender Rs. Rs. contractor Re.

2. COIWt. of Flag hoisting poles to the Govt: Primary 27,061-53 677/- 45 days IV& 'above 30/- Schools in Bardez Taluka; 3. Repair to Govt. Primary school Building at Monte" 54;561-38 1,364/- ,60 days IV & above' 30/- -Guirim. 4. Various works to Govt. Primary School, Bldgs. at 29,110-66 728/- 45 days IV & above '"30/- 1) Kutwal-Ealarna (2) Halarna (3)' Talarna (4) BU,t­ wadi-Virnoda in Pernem Taluka. '5. Rel}airs to Govt. Primary School at Sal ape, CandoJim. 34,529-23 864/- 45.days, IV& above 30/- ,6. Providing Collapsible steel shutters to the entrance 10,810-32 270/- 30 days V& above 30/- struircase room of Multipurpose Bldg. at Bicholim. 7. Urgent repairs to one room school Bldg. at Bayeni , 14;570-39, 365/- 30 days V& above 30/- 'Surla in 'Bicholim Taluka. ' , ,

Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m,' on the same day, ,Earnest money deposit should be deposited in the State Bank 'of India or any oth~r Scheduled Bank iIi the form of, Deposit at Call Receipt and the receipt of the amount· be enclosed, with tender, without which no tender will be considered. Conditions and tender' forms can be had from the above office upt-o 12.00 noon on 10th December 1986 during working hours on payment' of tender fees, not refundable. The contractor must produce valid Income-tax Certificate ,before the iRsue 01' tender forms. If required by post an amotint of, Rs. 25/~ (Rupees Twenty five only) will be charged extra. Right to acceptor reject any or all tenders is reserved by the Department. . ' , -

Panaji, . 29th November, 1986. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-.

Works Division VII. Daman

Tender Notice No. 9/86-87 T-he Executive Engineer, PWD, Works Division No. VII, Daman "iny-ites 'on behalf of the', President, of India, 'the sealed item, rate tenders from the approved and eligible contractors' of Goa PWD; CPWD, State PWDs or MES, Railway for the below mentioned works upto 3.00 p. m., on 22nd Dec~, 1986. The all tenders will be opened on the;same day, if'possi­ ble.

Estimated Earnest Cost of cost' money 'tender, Time limit 81 No. Name o!works deposit form in days Rs. Rs. Rs.

1) Asphalting existing road linking to tribal ,area in Daman " District. 2,,98,152-72 7454/- 100/- 120 2) Improvement of existing internal roads at Govt. :Arts and Science College Campus, Nani Daman. 1,25,975-84 3149/- 1ooi- 90 3) Construction of first flbor, compound wall and :;I.pproach road at ]! jsh Curing Cqmplex, Daman. 1,00,96,9"48 2524/- 100/- 150

Tender forms will be available from this office from 12th to 18th Dec., 1986 upto4.00 p. m. during office hours on all working days. " ' Valid Income-tax Crearance Certificate will have to be furnished with, application for tenders. Tender received \vithout EMD in the, prescribed manner is liable to 'be rejected. Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof is reserved by the undersigned; Daman, 2nd December, 1!}'86.- The Executive E:ngineer,J. G. Rana.

W.orks Division VIII (Buildings), Fatorda - Margao

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDVIJI/Bl:";DGS/SOUTH/38/86-87 The, Executive Engineer VIII, PWD Buildings (South), Fatorda~Margao invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Ite,m, rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Union Ter-' titories/StatesPWD/MESjRailways upto3.00 p.m. on-18-12-'86 for the fCUowingworks:-

Estimated Earnest" Category ot Coiit of 'S:r. No, Description cost money Time limit eligible tender Rs. Rs. contractor Re. --_.. ,,---- Item RMe 1. Construction of 'D"type 'qtrs. 1 bldg. (G+2) () flats for 9,05,fi98/- 20,000/- 365 days Class II 100/- General Pool at Fatorda"Margao. includmg & above . monsoon period 2. Const. of compound wall for Agonda-High School bldg. 2,40,292.,49 6007/- 180 days Class III 100/- including & above monse.(m period 3. Const; of compo]ll1d \Vall for I.T.I., bldg. at Canacona. 1,88,5135.00 '~715/~ -do- --cto-'- 100/- '\" i . . .

1/1.TH;DEaEMBER~ 1986 (AGRAHAYANA20J 1908) 451 ~~~--~~~~--~--~----~~------~~ . . Tenders Will be opened immediately after 3.00 p. m. O1;lthe . The intending tenders Will have to produce Income~tax . same ciay. Earnest Money shown against the work shou]Cl be Clearancedertificate at the time 0:1; buyfugthe tendf"rs. The (leposited in the Stat!.: Bank of India, Margao. or .my Schedu­ tenders of the Contractors who do not deposit Earnest Money led Bank in thefcnn of beposit Call Receipt arid enclosed in the prescribed form are liable to. be - rejected. Right to· it with tender. Condition contract and tender formst'an be reject any or all. the ten4ers without assigning any reason of thereof is reserved. had from the. above office upto 1.00 p. m. till 16-12"86c.n aU working days on payment of cost of tender (non-refundable) Margao, 17th November, 1986. - The ExecJltiveEngineer, per each item in cash. Sd/~.

Works Division IX iPHE). Fatordi· Margao. GOd

Tender Notice No. PWD~IX/2.062/15/86"-87 The Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Works. Division IX (PHE), Fatorda, Margao - Goa (403602) invites, on behalf of the President of India, sealed lump sum tenders on. turnkey basis for the undermentioned work from Contractors of C.P.W.D. and those of the appropriate list of Umon Territories/State P.W;D., P & T, MES/Railways and t..'1ose who acre specialised in P.H.E.\vorkS and have· satisfactorily deSigned,· constructed, erected and successfully cominissioned package water treatment plants of capacity 5 MLD and above:-

Estirt1ated Earnest Cost of Sr. No. Description cos.t money tender Time limit Rs. . deposit form in days Rs. ·Rs.

.-'-. EmergeiflC"j' augmentatiOn of drinkiIig water supply to 2.5% of quoted 150/- (Non- Class-I A or First stage by Maa:gao town & suerounding areas from SalauIimlrri­ amount -refundable) equivalent 31-3-1987* and gation Project" ~ Design, supply, delivery, construction, 2nd stage by erection, commissioning and main.tellaIlCe of 5.00 MLD 15-6-87** capacity package water treatment plant. on . top of Chandar hillock in Salcete. Taluka in Goa. Note: (a) ,;, First ·stage to be completed and commissioned by ::n':3-198'1 includes all component units like pressure filters, post chlor4lation and clear· wa.ter storage reservoir except flocculation/sedimenta.tio!l unitS. (b) "'* 2nd stage to be completed & commissioned by· 15-6-i987 includes chemical desigll, flocculation/seditnen~ tation units etc.

2. The completed tenqers, duIy superscribing ·name of the duled Bank in the' foerm of Deposit at Call R,eceipt and the work on the envelope together with complete address of the same enclosed With the tender. ·tenderer will be .received upto 3.00 p, m.on 231'd December 5; The intending tenderers. wiil have to produce valid Inco­ 1986 in the Office of thi< SupelintendingEngine.er, PWD, m,e-t3.4 Clearance Certificate and documents supporting Circle· Office VIU .(PHE), AItinho, Panaji - Goa (403 601) and their eligibility and financial soundness at the time ofpurclta,.. \\ow be opened at 3.30p; m

. 4. The Earnesl; Money Deposit 8Jt2.5%of quoted· amount Margao, 27th November, 1986:-The Executive Engineer, should be deposited in the State Bank of Iildia or any Sche- T. K. Mohatnda8.

Corrigendum . construction,erection, commissioning and maintenance of No. PWD-IX/2062/15(1)i86-87 5.00 MJ;..D capacity package water treatment plant on top . ! . of Chandor hillock in Salcete T~luka. in Goa". Read: Tender Notice No.· PWD-IX/2002/15/86-87 dated 27~11-1986. The tender fornis Will be issued. upto 4.00 p.·in: on. 20-12-1986. It is brought to the notice of all intending tenderers to note the followfug change in respect of the· work tendered All other conditions remain ,unchanged. vide tender notice above i. e, "Emergericy augmentation of drinking water supply to Margao town and surrounding areas Margao, 4th December, ·1986. - The Executive Engineer, from Selauliro Irrigation Project - Design,. supply, delivery, T. K.Moharndas.

\,vorks Division X [Stores), Fatorda -Margdo. Gail

Tender Notice No. 14/2/86-PWD/StoresjAdm-8 The Executive Engineer, Works Division X (stores), PWD, Fatorda, Margao, Goa; invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Tenders from approved and eligible contractors/suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 30-12-1986 for the following work:

Estimated Earnest Cost of 31'. No. Name of work cost ·money tenden Time limit Rs. deposit Re. in.. days Rs.

1. Supply, Commissiomng and testmg Of 2 noS, Vibratory 4.,17,868(- 19,000/- 100/,. 60 days Road Rollers. . including. monsoon Note: Tender foerms for the above work Will be issued to the recognised manufacturers and therr-a;u­ (horised'agentsor dealers on production of odocumental"y . eVidence.

o 452 SERIES III No. ~7

. Tenders will be 'open~d immediately after 3.00 p. in. on. The intending tenderers will have to produce valid Income­ same' day. Earn.est money shown ag~inst the' work should ~tax Clearance Certificates at the time to buying tenders. be'deposited in the state Bank of Indi~, Margao or .in any The. tenders of those. contractors/.J;!'1;PvIiers who do, not Scheduled Bank in the form of. Deposit at Call Receipt deposit earnest . money in the prescribed fQrm are liable 1Uld enclOsed with tender. Conditions of contract and tender ,to be rejected. Right to reject ,any or all the tenders without forms cai/'be had from .the above mentioned ,office '~pto assigning any reason Whatsoever is reserved. with the' autho- rity competent to accept. the tender. .' 3.00 p. m. on 27-12-1986 on all working days on payment ' -of Cost of tender (non-refundable). If required by post, Margao; 25th November, 1986 . ...,...The ExecutIve Engineer" an amount of Rs. 10/- will be charge extra. ' A. D. N£ichinolkar.

. ~ -' Works D~vision XVI (Buildings) Ponda-Goa

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXvT/T-1/20/86-87 The Executive :Engineer, Works Division 'XVI-Buildings (Central),-Public Works Department, Ponda-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Item Rate ,Tenders from approved arid eligible Buildings Contractors of Goa, PWD/CPWD/ME8/Railways/p.&T., etc., upto 3.00 p.m, on 18-12-86 for the following works separately:,-

Estimated Earnest Cost or '~. No. Name· of works Class of cost dr:g~~ Time limit. tenderl eligibility ·Rs. Rs. Rs.

L Const. of 'D' type quarters for, the staff of Electricitv 7,90,892/- , 19,772/- 420 days 100/- ClassTI Deptt. at Curti, Ponda~Goa. & aIbove (i31dgs). 2, Various worl{s of Govt. P:r;imary health centre at 1,02,968/- 2,074/- 120 days 100/- Class m Sanguem Goa. & above (Bldgs).

Tenders will be opened at 3 ..3D p. In. on the same day. Condi­ .. The Eainest Money should be deposited in the State Bank tions and tender for ms can be had from this office on' any of India or aJ."'1Y Scheduled ~ank :in the form of Deposit at Call . working day upto 4.0{) p. in on 16-12-86 during working hours, against, payment in cash shown above for the cost of the Receipt and the receipt. of fuisamount must accompan.y the· tender' form (non-refundable). If required by post an amount tender without which the tender wi~not be considered. of Rs. 15/- will be charged extra. ' Tender forms win be issued to contractors only on proouc,· Right to reject any tender without assigning any reason tion of valid In~ome-ta."{ Clearance Certificate. Application for thereof is reserved with the Department. blank tender· forins wtth required documents will be received upto 12-12-86. AppIicationreceived for issue of blank tender Ponda, 25th November,' 1986. -The Executive Eilgineer, forms after 12-12-86 will. not be accepted, Sd/-.

'. Short Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVI/T-l/2lj86-87 The Executive Engineer, works Division XVI-Buildings (Central); P.W.D, Ponda-Goa,·· invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Item Rate/Percentage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible Buildings Contractors of Goa, PWD/CPWD/MES/Railways/P.&T.jetc. upto 3.00 p. m. on 17-12-86 for the following worksseparately:- .

Estimated E:M.D. Cost of Class 81. No. Name of work cost Time limit' tender' eligibility Rs. Rs. Rs.

1. Providing & plaCing A. C; Rectangular tan.lt for 'C' 14,185/- 355/- 30 days' 30(- Class V type quarters for I.T;I. at Farmagudi, Ponda. & above (Bldgs)

Tender will 00 opened at 3.30 p. In. on the same day. Con­ upto15-12~86. Application received for issue ofblanktend,e,r ilitions. Ipld Tender forms can be had from this office on forms after 15-12-86 will:not 'be accepted. any working day upto 12.00uoon on' 16-12-86 during work­ The Earnest Money should be .dePosited in the state Bank ing hours, against payment in, cash shown above for the of India· or any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at :eost of the tender form (non-refundable). If required by Call Receipt and the receipt of this amount must accompany the tender without which the tender will not beconsidered. post an amount of Rs. 15/- will be charged· extra. . " .. Tender fo~ will issued to contractors ~nly on' :production Right t9 .reject any tender without assigning . any reason of valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate. Application for thereof· is .reserved with the Department. . blank tender fonns with required documents will be received Ponda, 4th December, 1986.~ The ,Executive Engineer, Sd/:- .0, • • .'

Works Division XVIII f.R & B}. Ponda - Goa

'Tender Notice No. 12/1/86/PWD-WDXVIII~ADM/25/86-87 .. The Executive' Engi:ti'eer: Works Division Xvm(R&B), PWD, Ponda-C40a, invites on behalf of President 'ofIndia, sealed Item Rate tenders from 'approved and eligible contractor~ of Goa, P.W.D., C.P.:W.D., M.E.S., RaHway etc. for the following works'upto 3.00 p.m, on 17-12-1986. ilTHDEOEMBER. J 1986 (AGRAHAYANA20. J 1908)

Earnest Estimated money Cost I of '.rime limit Category ot .Sr. No. Name of worlqJ. . cost deposit tender including contractor Rs. . Rs. monsoou' ------Rs. 1. Strengthening of side shoulders from Barazan to 189781/- 4744/- 1,OQ/- 270 days HI & above Villiana in Sanguem Taluka. 2. Urgent repairs to side berms fromSanvordem junction 184211/- 4605/- 100/- 270 days ':-"dO- to Dharbandora.. 3. Urgent repairs to asphalt carpet· from Balli Moth to 154653/- 3866/- 100/- '270 days -':"'do- Fatorpa Junction (M.D:R.). ·4. Repairs and .strengthening of side shoulde!l's for the 133287/- 3332/~ " iOO/- 180 days --do """""- road from Tilam01 to Xeldem.

.' '. Tenders will be opened after 3.00 p.m. on the same day. The' contractors should apply for tende~ forms' well in Earnest Money should be deposited in the 'State Bank of . advance alongwith details of works under ·P.W;D. in hand India or any ether Scheduled Bank in the·form of Deposit at and ,completed. Applications for issue of tender forms should Call Receipt which must be enclosed with the tenders, reach this office on or before 12-12-86. wtthout'-which no tender will be considered. Conditions and' The approved N.I~T. is kept in Division office in, the terider forms can be had froni the above office after technical Cell for verification of de't1ails and conditions .of scrutiny of all documentary evidences of current . Registration .contracts with additional and special conditions during office and valid. Income-tax Clearance Certificate upto 1.00- p. m. hours. If needed illite,rested· bidder may go through it before on '15-12-1986, during office hogrs on payment of cost of quoting the. tender. ten,der (non-refundable). Right to accept or' reject any or all. the tenders without assigning any reason thereof is Ponda, '15th November, 1986.:...... The Executive Engineer, . reserved wit..'1 the authority accepting the tenders. S. S. Bhandare .

Tender Notice No. 12/1/86;ryvn-WDXVIII~ADM/29/86-87 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XVIII (R&B), P;W.b., Ponda-Goa, invites' on oohalfof President of India, sealed Percentage Rate tenders from approve,d and ellgible contract.ors of GO'1 P.W.D./C.P.W.D./M.E.S./Railways etc. for the folloWing worksupto 3.00 p. m .. on 23-12-1986. ----~~------~--~--~----~------Estimated, Earnest Cost. of Time limit Sr. No. Name of .work cost. . money tender ,ncluding . Class of Rs. Rs.. Rs, monsoon contractor

1. Const. of footbridge at Sokliwa.galwadain V. P. mrla­ '68,303/- 1.708/~ 3U/..; 270 days. IV & pal-Dabal (Re-tender). - .. above. .".". . Tenders win te opened after 3.00 p, m. on th~ sa,~e day. The< Contractors should apply for tender form", well in Earnest Money should be' deposited. in the State Bank of advance alongw1.th qetails of works under P.W.D. in hand India or any other Scb.edu,led Bank in th(;) form of Deposit at and, completed. A1?pHcations for issue of tende.t formsbhould Call Receipt which nmst be enclosed with. the tenders. without . reach this office on or before. 18-12-86. which no tender will be considered. COnditions and .other The approved N. I. T. is kept in Division office in the tech­ tender forms can be had from the above office after scrutiny nical Cell for verification .of detaill3 and conditions of' con­ of all > documentai·v evidences of current RegistratIon and tr~ctswith additional and special conditions during cffice valid Income~tax Clearance Certificate upto 1.00p. m. on hours. If needed interested bidder may go through it bef!)l'e 22-12-86' during office· hours on payment of cost of t~nders quoting the tender. . '. . {non-refundable).PJght to accept or. reject any or :;!-ll the tenders :without aesigning any reason thereof is reserved Ponda, . 21st November, 1986. -The Executive Engineer•. --with the authority accepting the te"nders. S. S. Bhandar6.,·

Works Division XVIII (.R& OJ. Ponda - Go~

Tender Notice' No; 12/l/86-PWD-WDXVlI!-ADM/26/8 The Executive "Engineer, Works Division XVIII (R&B), PWD,Ponda-Goa invite~ on'be~alf of PresIdent of India, sealed Item Rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of GoaP.W.D., C.P.W;D., Railways. etc. for the . following works upto 3,.00 p. m. on .24-12~1986. . . ."

Estimated Earnest Cost o~ Time limit Sr., No. ,Name or wOl'ks money tender ClliSS ot cost deposit form including contrnctor Rs. Rs. Rs, monsoon

1. B. T. of road leading to Tambadi Surla in V. P. San­ 9,77,665/- 19;553/- 1'00/· 54.0 days n& cordem(Part II). above' 2. B. T. of road from Shigao to Collem in V. P. CoHem. 8,58,!)69/-, 17,161/- 101)/- 45'0 qays II& aoove 3. Improvement and prov1dlDg 2'Omm thick carpet for 6,91,634/- 13.832/- 100i~ 540 ,days II&: S. H.(Section between Curchorem to Chandor Cotta abo-fa Bridge,).

4. . Widening of road from Borim Bridge to Shiroda Bazaar 5,37,096/- 10,742/~ 100;,' 54'0 days II& in Ponda taluka., . above 5. Imp. and B.· T.of road to Rankhol, Chikangal and 4,'08;2'06/- 10,2'05/- 100;- 45.0 ;tyS II& Govt. Middle School Torlain V. P. Shiroda..· above 6. Imp. and B. T.of road from Xire Deulmolto Temple 2,.00,:599/- . ,5,.015/-, 1'00/- 360 dsys m&: in V. P. SiriToi. . . above SERIES III No. 31

Tenders will be oPElned after 3.00 p. m, on the saIr'e. day. The Contractors should apply for tender formswNlin Earnest Money should be deposited' in the state Bdnk of advance aiongwith details of works under P.W.D. .in hand India or any.other Scheduled Bank. in thef.orm of Deposit at and· completed. Appllcations for issue of tender forJUS bhould Call Receipt which must be enclosed with the tenders, w;thout reach this office Oil or before 18·12·~6. which no tender will be ·considered. Conditions and tender forms The approved N.I.T. is kept in Division office in the can be had from the above office after scrutiny of ail docu­ technical'cell for verification of details and conditions of . mentary evidences of current Registration and valid Income:­ contracts with additional and special conditions during dfice -tax Ciearance Certificate upto 1.00 p. m. on 22-12-86, during hours. If needed interested bidder;rnay go through it before office hl'ltlrson payment of cost of tenders (Non-refuI'.::!able). quoting the tehder. . Right to accept or reject any 'or all the tenders without. !lssig­ ning any reason thereof is reserved with the authority Ponda, 21st. November, .1986. - The lilxecutive Engineer, accepting the tenders. Sd/-. '.

Works Division XIX, P. W. D., Panaji. Goa

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXIX/Accts-19/86-87/49 The Executive Engineer, .Works DivisIon XIX, P. W. D., Panaji invitesou, behalf of the President of India; sealed Item Rate/percentage Rate tenders from approved and eligible class III Hydraulics .Contractors of. Goa P. W. D./C. P. W. D.; 1M. E. S./p &:. T etc. for the following works upto 8.00 p. m on 12·12·1986. ~ . . , .

Estimated. C.ost of Sr. No, Name .of works ccst E.M.D. "TiIne limit Class of . tenders Rs. Rs. contractor Rs..


1. Construction of Jetty at Cuttona. 58,285.S9 1,457~O'O 90 days Class III SO/- Sub·Head: Approach Development. and above 2. Providing fenCing to the Open space in fr()lIlt of the 45,924.51 1,148.00 90 days --.do- W/- Shed at Fisheries Jetty at Patto, Panaji.

3. Providi..'lg protective measures' for the jetty at Talpona, 20,943.74 523.00 60 days -do- 36/~

Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on' the same day. 'l"he be entertained. Applications should give particulars of class earnest money should be deposited' in the' State Bank of India of registration category, list of works i;n hand, completed, or any Scheduled Bank (Panaji Branch) in the form of De­ status, position etc. posit at Call Receipt or in Cash and the DCR/Cash Receipt must be enclosed with the tender without which no tender will The Contractors must produce a valid Income·ta.x Clearance . be considered. Conditions arid tender forms can be had from Certificate' at. the time of issue of tender. the Divisional Office upto 12.00 noon on 11-12-86 during The .right to reject any tender without assigning any working 'hours on payment of. the cost of tender forms (non­ reason. th~reof is reserved. The conditional and unbalanced -refundable) ..If required by post an amount of Rs.. 15/- shall tenders may be rejected outright. be paidextta,. ApplicatioD:sjRequests; for the issue of the tender forms should reach the Divisional Office iatest .by Panaji, 18th November, 1986. --The Executive En.gineer, 12:noon on 10-12-86. ApPlications received thereafter,will;not Sd/-.

Works Division XX (PHE) Fatorda··MllrgaO

Tender Notice No. 1/12/86-87/PVVD-XX/PB/12 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XX (PRE), P. W.D., Fatorda, Margao, on behalf of the President of· India, invites sealed item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of C. P. W. D. 'and those of appropriate list of Union Terrltories/State-PWD/MES/Rallwaysupto 3.00 p. m. on 26-12-1986; for the following work: -,-.

Estimated Earnest money Time limit Cost of tendel Sr. No. Name of work; CORt deposit including form Rs. Rs. monsoon Rs.

1. . Drilling of tube Viens for providing potable drinking 15,30,400/- . 20,0(}0/- 365 days 150/- water in Sanguem, Quepem and Canacona. Taluk{is (Phase·VIII) ..

. . The tenders will be opened on the same day after a.so p. m. The tenders of the COrttractors who. do not deposit Ear,nest in the Chamber of Suptdg. Engineer, Circle Office VIII (PHE). Money in the. prescribed manner are liable to be rejected: PWD, Altinho-panaji. The contractors must produce. Income-tax Clearance Corti­ Applications for tender. forms should reach to this office on . ficate at the time of issue of. tender. or before23~12·1986 during .office ·hours'. The tender forms ·a,nd.· C9nditions can be had from this office upto 4;.00 p. m. on Right to reject any tender without assigning any r=eason 24-12-1986 during office hours on payment' of its cost (non­ '-refundable) in cash. If required by post, an anl0unt of thereof is reserved. The conditional and unbalanced tenders Rs. 15/- will be charged extra: Earnest Money shown against are liable to be rejected. '. the work should be. 'deposited iIi the State Bank of·. India or \ any Scheduled Bankjn the form of Deposit at Call Receipt Margao,. 20th Novembcr, 1986.. ,- The Exec.utive Engineer, and enClosed alongWiththe tender. K. P. J'lambiar.

• 1,1'l'HDEOEMBER, ,1986 (AGRAHAYAN.A 20) 1908) 455

Town and Country Planning Department Advertisements In the Court of the Civil Judge Senior Division atPanaji Notification Spl. CivilSutt No. 132/1985/A In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 'of the Goa, Daman & Diu Town and Country Planning Act; 1974 " Smt. tnaci.."la Piedlide Pinto Wife of Manuel (Act No. 21 of, 1975), I,Shri J. A. D'Souza" Chief Town Simoes, aged' .about 33 years,. maJor, Planner hereby notifies the regional plari for the ,district maJITied service, resIdent of Servants of Goa as approved by the Government,' in the Official . Quarters, Type I, Quarter no. 49, Bam- Gazette. ' bolim Goa. ., - - Plaiiltiff. Vis Public are hereby requested to note that on and from the date of. this Notification, all development programmes Manuel Simoes; 30n of Santana Simoes, undertaken within the district' of Goa by any Department aged about 38 years,major, married" of the Government or by public and privat'e institutions or service rio Avanti Ba1:", Panaji-Goa. ··-Defendant, by any other person shall, conform to the provisions of the Notice regional Plan. ' , ; ," It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement' The said regiona.l plan for the district of Goa will now and Decree dated 21sl: November, 1986 passed by this Court, be available for inspection in the office of the undersigned, the, marriage between the plaintiff Smt. Inacina f>iedad~ Town & Country f>la:tlniqg Department, Ganga Niwas, 2nd f>into and, the defendant' Shri Manuel Simoes registered on Floor, f>anaji. between 10.00 a. m and 1.00 p. m on all work" 29-4-1974' before the Civil RegistraJ', Margao under Entry ing days upto 28th of February, 1987. " ,No. ,560 of the Marriage Registration Book for the, year 197-1 , has been dissolved by divorce under Art. 4(4) and Art 4(5) of J. A. D'Souza, Chief Town Planner. the Law of Divorce. Given uU:der my hand and "the seal of the Court this 24th daYQfNovember, 1986. Supply, ,Power, and Welfare Department v, P. Shetye, Civil ~udgeSr. Div, & Chief Judicial Ma­ gistrate, PanajL V, No. 4092/1981, ' Notification • ,No. 1l/7/84-LAWD/Cement In the Court of the Civil ,Judge, Senior Division In exercise of the powers confe,rred by clause 10 of Cement at Margao Controller Order, 1967 the Government of Goa" Daman' and Diu hereby directs that no cementdealars shan sell levy·· Special Civil Suit No. 100/86/A. cement received from factories by road in Daman, Whether l~ • . ' wholesale or retail at a rate exceeding, the maximum price Diogo Francis Rodrigues,' temporarily re­ shown in the schedule appended to this Order from 23-10-1986 siding at Mungul. Grande, C/o., M.rs. Ade" exclusive of local taxes. Iina de' Souza, Margao-Goa -,PI aint!ff. SCHEDULE Vis - HlldaMariaSantana de, cruz djo.,Lou­ Sr. No. Name, of Wholesile Retail price renco, Milano de Cruz, residing. at the zone Variilty price per per bag ·of N,l.T" 50 Kgs. Colleam Dongor, f>. O. Rai, (Salcete) Goa. ' - Defendant, 1. Daman Pozzolona Rs. 1002-89 Rs.50.15 Notice 2, It ishel:'eby ,made known to the Public that.by Judg­ Panacti" 26th November, 1986. - The Under Secretary, ment and decree dated ,18th day of September, 1986 passed Prabha Ohandran. by this, Court, the marriage of abovenamed plaintiff and defendant registered under Entry No. 5OS/85 of the marriage Regi,stra;tion Book for the year. ,1985, in the office of Civil Registration Margao is dissolved by divorce. law Department Dated, this 1st day of .December, 1986. Establishment Branch M. D ..Kamath, Civil Judge Senior Division Margao-Goa. V. No. 4118/1986

Order' In the Court ()£' the (ivil J~dge~ Senior Division

No. 7~1~86/LD(PF) 'at Mapusa Whereas Arel Gonapoti, C/o Prabhakar Desai '& Sons Special Civil SUit No. 117/84 station Road, Margao, Goa 403 601, has applied for, the Shri Subash Zantye"r/oCo·rgao, Pernem ~ Plaintiff. change of his name from "Arul Goriapoti" to UK. Nagarajan". 'V/s' ATId whereas formalities prescribed, for the purpose in Smt. Amba @SunandaRamakant 'Joshi, Nos, 1 to 3 of Art. 178 of the Codigo do Registo Civil have r/oMorjim, Pernam. _. Defendant, been complied with ,and notice of change of name, from "Al'UI· Gonapoti" to "K. Nagarajan" as per Government's , Notice No Objection has been publ,ished. ' . ~ . 3' It isher~by made known to, the public that by Judg­ Now, therefore the, Administrator of Goa.; Daman and Diu ment and Decree dated lOth September, 1986,passed by this is pleased t? grant the, said request made by the said Arul Court, 'the marriage of' the' Plaintiff Shri Subash Zantye, Gonapoti and to hereby authorise him to publish this order with defendant smt. Amba @ Sunanda Ramakant Joshi, re­ in the Official Ga.zette and to apply for endorsement in the gistered under No. 25 of the marriage registration book of the respective registration as per No. 4 of the said Art. 178 of year 1980 of the Civil Registrar, Pernem, Goa, has been , the "Codigo do RegistoCivil"., dissolved by divorce in terms of art. '4(5) as well as 4(4) of the ,Law of Divorce and the said registration is ordered By order and in the name of th,e Administrator of. Goa, to be cancelled. Daman and' Diu. ' Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 20th M. Raghnchander, Law, Secretary. d:il:Y ofNovembe~, ,\~986: .' ' , '" Panaji, 31st October, 1986. ' : N.A. Britto, Civil Jqdge; .S. D" Ma.~uSa~; V, No. 410911986 V. No, 4099/1986 456 SERIES III No.. 37

Office of the Civil R9gistrar-cum-Sub-Registrar Thl'efore, any persOn having any objection is hereby' in-. and Notary Public Ex-OHicio in the ' - vitedto . file the. same in this office under Article 178 (3) , of Civil Reg1Strati9n Code within the time limit of 30 (thirty) Camerco: of Saketa at Margao days from the' publication of this notice. ' , ' Jeanes Agnelo' Lino RodrigUes, Civil Registrar-:pum-Sub-Re­ Margao, 2(}th February, 1986. _ The Civil Registrar-cum­ gistrar and Notary Public ex' officio in the Ccmarca of -Sub-;Registrar, J .A. L. Rodrigues. ' Salcete at Margao. V. No. 4156/1986 4 III accordance with para first of art. 179 of. Law no. 2049 dated 6th August 1951, and for the purpose of para­ graph second of the said article, it is hereby made 'public, Office of the Civil Regisfrar-cum-Sub-Registrar that by a deed of succession dated 26th November" 1986 Mormugao ~t Vasco'da Gama drawn up by the Notary Public ex-officio in the Comarca of Salcete at Margac, recorded at page 37 overleaf to 39 over­ 8 Vamona Bablo Dlimocenca,r, House No. 204 D;, New leaf of the Notarial Book no. 1308, it has been deClared as Vaddem, Vasco da Gama, desires to change his three minor follows:-That Manuel Jesus Valerfano da Piedade Rebelo, children's names from "Rajendra' Vamona Damsekar to who was domiciled at Abade Faria Road Ma;rgac, died in RajendraVamona Naik, SulakshyaVaman ,Damsheka,r to Holy Spirit Nursing Home Margao, oil 4th March 1985, §ulakshya Vaman Naik and Rupali Vaman Damshekar to leaving behind him, as his sole and universal heirs, one son' Rupali VamaiIl Naik" .. and one daughter namely Vasco da Piedade Rebelo, bachelor, and Ana Maria ds. Piedade Rebelo married 'to Francisco Me­ Therefore, anY person l).aving liny' objection is: hereby - nezes, being moiety holde'r his widow Eugenia 'Flaviana da invited 10 file the same In this Office under Article 178(3); Piedade Rebele:, all from Margao, there being no one else of Civil Registration Code within the time limit of 30 days who could prefer th~ or concur with them.in the inheritance .from the publication of this notice. left by their. deceased father, father-in-law and hUSband the said Manuel Jesus Valeriano da Piedade Rebelo. _ Mormugao, 2nd December, 1986. - The Civil"cum~Sub-Re­ gistrar, Domingos Antonio Conceigiio Morais. Margao,' 27th November, 1986. - 'n,le Notary Public ~ex­ V. No. 41

of Salceie. Margao . 9 In accordance with· the terms and for the purpose , J oanes Agnelo Lino .Rodrigues, Civil Registrar--cum-S~b~Re­ . established .. in.Article 330 of the. CO:de of, Coinunidadesin gistrar and NotarY,public ex-officio in the Judicial Divis'lcin force, 'it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused of Salsete.· " plot of land details of which a,re giveri below has been applied' on lease (aforaniento basis) folr construction of a residential 5 In accordance with para first of Art. 179 of Law­ house by. Dr. Shripad' J. Parab, resid,ent·· of :quier, Mapusa,. No. 204 2049 dated 6th August, 1951 and for the purpose of Bardez-Goa, in substitution of his initial plot applied in File. para second of ttJ,e said article, it is hereby made. public that NO'. 202/1980 of Comunidade, of Mapusa since its area. is by a NotariaI deed of Declaration for 'Succession dated 22nd not fit for house cO'nstruction. The -land named, "Goulachi- day of October, 1986, drawn by the undersigned at pages 5 . -Bar", Lote No; 191, Chalta No. 10 of P. T. Sheet No. 10, onwards o:fbook of deeds No. 13(}8 of this Office, it has been plot No. 24-A of sub-division, situated at Mapusa and belong­ declared as under: - . , ing to the Coinunidade of Mapusa, . covering an area of 300,00 square .metres. Its boundaries .are: east by plot NO'. That Antonia Vas, who was domiciled atCacorai, Quepem 24-B; west by plOt No. 24; north by proposed road and SO'uth Taluka, -died intestate on 9th July, nineteen hundred and by plot No. 36~-File No.. 202/1980. Eighty' Six, in. the Hospicio Hospital at Margao, in the status of spinste,r, leaving upon her death in the absence if any person has any objection against the proposed of ascendents or' descendents, her only brother, Benedicto lease he/she should submit his/her objection in' writing _to 'Vas, married, residing at' Cacora,as her sole and universal the Administrator of' Comunidades. 'of Bardez within 30 days heir, there being no one else who could prefer ,him in the' from the second pu,blication . of this' notice in the Official , inheritance left by his late sister, the a:boye said- late Gazzette. ' . Antonia Vas: Mapusa; 2nd December, 1986. ~ The acting Secretary, Jacob Agostirvh.O Diniz. ' Margao, 24th November, 1986. -,The Notary ex-officio, V. No. ,4112/1986 Joanes Agnew Lino Rodrigues. " V. No. 4130/19S6 .' "Comunida;des"

BASTORA., Office ci [he C.;'Ti.l Registn:n-cum-Sub-Registrar Salcete-Margao . 10 '"It is hereby announced that on 15th'December,' 1986 at 10 a. m. iIi ,the Meeting Hall of the above mentioned domu~ nldade auction will take place of, the ordinary work of w.hite Notice Washing of the church etc. and feast of Novidadeof the year 1987. The prices and cOnditions approved by the :Admi­ , . ': 6 Mr:. Praicha Devappa alias Prakash Devappa Sinque­ tun Navellm, Salcete-Goa, desires to change his name from nistratoI' of, Comunidades of Bardez. '/Pralcha Devappa" to "DoIninic SaviO' Colaco". . Bastora, 9th December, 1986, - The U. D. C., Bharat M . . Naik. Gaunkar. : ~erefore!. any person having any objection is hereby mVlted to fIle the same in this ,Office under Article '178 (3) V. No. 4082/1986 of Civj,l Registration Code within the time limit of 30 (thirty) days from the publication of this: notice. SERULA . Margao, 22nd. October, 1986. -The CiviIRe~tr~r:-c1,1m­ ~Sub-Registrar,· J.~ •. L. Rodrigues, ·11 The above . mentioned·' Comunidade is hereby convened-' V. No.' '4132/1986 to meet at its meeting place on ~rd Sunday, after the publi­ cation of this notice in the Official Gazette, at 10 a. m. in '--:---~--' ---- order to give its' opinion on' the File No. 19/1986 in which 8hri. N .. M: Nadkarni, resident at'Raa de Ourem Panaji, has NC?tice' a~phed.on lease for construction. of a. residimtial house, com­ : '7 Shri.. Gurudassa Appa Naique, House No.' 472, Davor­ pns~d~ Lote No. 372, .Survey No. 390, plot' no. 33, sitUated, lun, Salcete Goo., desires to change his name from GurudaSsa at VIllage Socorro and belonging .to the Comunidade of 8erula which is tmcultivated '- and unused ,plot, of land' covering ari Appa Na1que to GurudasApa.Borker., area of 300,00 sq. mts. . . . , 11TH DEOEMBER~ 1986 (AGRAHAYANA 20~ 1908) 457

It is 'bounded on the East by plot No. 32 of the same sub- . Institute of Public Assistan:cc -division, on the West by plot No. 34 of the same sub-division, on the North by. proposed road and on the South by plot (ProvedQria da. Assistencia Publica) ·no. 29 of same sub~division. Panaji-Goa Serula, 26th November, 1986. - The Clerk, .Madeva Bicu' MEENAKSHI SPECIAL INSTANT LOTTERY Sim.ai Mulgaoncar. V. No. 4084/1986 Draw No.1 Date of Draw: 20th November, 1986 12 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened to meet at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday, after the publi­ Results cation of this notice in the Official Gazette, at .10 a.m. in 1stPrlze (5): Rs. 1;00,000/- each: order to give its opinion on theFHe No. 18/1986, in which Shri P. S. Nadkatni, resident at St. Inez.Panaji, has applied .' .706074 448869 160384 671854 254770 on lease for. construction of residential house, the unculti­ 2nd PriZe (5): Rs. 50,000/- each: vated and unused plot cif land, comprised in Lote No. 372, .' 483985 485892 72~694 266282 715027 Survey No. 390, plot· No; 30, sit~ated at villag~ Socorro 'and . belonging to the Comunidade of Serula,' covering an area 3rd Prize (10): Rs. 20,000/- each: of 300,00 sq. mts. . 084688 143913 201449 303661 476135 512345 628767 754344 804734 974580· It is bounded on the East by plot no. 29 .of 'the same sub­ -division, on the Ealltby plot no. 31 of the same sub-division, 4th Prize (50) :Rs. 5,000/- each: Numbers ending with on the North by plot no. 38 and 34 of the same sub~div1sion 5 digits as follows: and on the South by proposed 6 metres wide' road. 96182. 17294 53579 . 91875 72819 Serula, 26th November, 1986. - .The Clerk, Madeva Bicu' 5th Prize (200): Rs. 500/_ each: Numbers. ending with 5 digits as follow:;: Sinai Mulgaonkar. V. No. 4085/1986 . 23425 82721 27020 04787 94098 70523 . 60625 17168 . 64587 91904 24446 44513 73846 96853 78307· 46440 71235 MORMUGAO 84485 76373 90900 6th·Prize (1,000): Rs. 100/- each: NUmbers ending with 13 It is hereby convened the General Body Meeting at its last 4 digits as foJ.lows.: meeting place on December" 28th 1986 at 10.00 a.·m. in order 2289 . 3119 9157 3192 5216 to give its opinion on the resolution of the managing board 2967 2431 to File Civil Suits and approved' necessary expenses 'on the 6025 0411 2438 following files: . 7th Prize (2,000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending' with last 4 digits as.foillows: 1. File No. 27/1983. 8250 8279 8609 .5179 3780 File No. 28/1983 .. 1910 838i 4089 1833 5192 . File No. 29/1983. 7921 6780 6759 9459 S1li9 File No. 30/1983. 6551 7400 1144 16782232 File No. 31/1983. FileNo. 32/1983. 8th: Prize (20,000): RS. 10/- each:· Numbers ending with File No. 33/1983. . last 3 digits as follows: File No. 34/1983. 038 143 291 373 470 569 631,741 898 960 File No. 138/1983. 011 129 255 302 448 594626 748 846 934 2. And also on the application of the shar.eholders and 9th Prize (2,00,000): Rs! 5/- each: Numbers ending' With' the attorney on the subject of appeal of the compen­ last 3 digits as fellows: . sation of land acquired: ooi 106 207 304 403 500 604 707 807 904 009 109 200 309 404 501' 600 702 809 906 3. On thefile No .. 37/1986 applied by Mr. Andre Antonio 018 112 2101' 313 418' 510 610 ·719 819 ,912 Pereira Mangor Hill Vasco da Gama Goa for the 010 116 214 316 419 517 612 715 818. 910 CIajm under the third Proviso of Sub Section 2 of. Sec­ 020 122 227 327 423 526 627 72.9· 828 920 tion. 31 of the Land' AcquiSition Act 1894. 023 123 223 326 426 525 628 721 825 924. 032 135 231 337 '431 530 632 730 835 9.13 MOrmugao, 22nd November, 1986. ..:... The Clerk in charge. 037 130 ·238 338 439 536 637 738 '836 938 VijayDicu;: 043141249 341 449 544 642 740 847 941 V.No. 4093/1983 049 147'· 244 349 444 545 647 746 845 940 057 151 250 352 . 457558 654 756 859 959 053 iss 253 358 450 554 653 757 853 952 CHICALIM 060 16326() 366 462 561 664 '760 863 969 068 169 269 36&' 460 .568 668 764 869 966' 14 As per resolution of the Managing Committee held on 076 .178 278 370 477 572673 771 8713 979 16-11-1986, regardlIlg sanction 'of the expenditure in the 079171 276379 474 570 672' 778 870 973 matter of encroachment upon "LARGE PUBLICO!' of the 085 186 '282 382 488 ·588 683 780 881 982 land ofComunidade by Gottage Hospital to approve advance 080 187 285383 481 584 688 .781 887 983· of Rps. 10.OQO/- as the matter is behig taken to Court through 096' 194. 295 395 490597 693 791 894 998 a writ. The Comunldade is convened in its legal form namely . 099 195 292' 390 491 598 697 798 896 993 two meetings of Social capItal, generailBody Meeting followed, by the meeUngof· Twenty Major Shareholders to 10% of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes 'will be deductect from meet in the COmunidade Hali at Chicalim at 10,00 a. m. on the prize money. 4th January, 1987. . Panaji, 20th November, 1986. - The Director, Pukh RtJ,j BU'll'J,b. If it does not assemble a:a above it is convened for the second time at. the same place and day arid on the same subject at 10.30 a. m.· . . AGENT'S .LUCKY DIP .MEENAKSm SPECIAL INSTAN'l1 LOTTERY Even if second time the Comunidade, does not assemble it is convened on the third time in its ordinary form on the same Dra;w No.1 day at the same place On the same subject at 11.00 a. m. Date-of Draw: 20th November,1986 Thereafter ·the Meeting of the Twenty Major' Shareholders SMll be held to confirm thereof the resolution on the subject. Results 1st Prize (20): Rs. 1,000/- each: Coupons ending with last . ChicaIil'n, 2nd December 1986, The Clerk (U.D.C.)'·.Dina­ 4 digits as follows: nat1i. Sar.Des8at,. . 3076 9653 . 9323 7878 6706 V. No. 4125/1986 9231 286.5 3778 4698 9064 '458 SERrES III,NQ. 37 --~~~~~----~~----~------~-----~------,-,----~-----~----~--- 2nd Prize (200): Rs. 100/- each: Coupons ending with last ~lxth ;prize (for last digit): Rs. 6/-\ each: For the, tickets 3 digits as follows: .' .in all the series ending :with: 1 .' '- 36-7 312 908 366 262 882 6-91$ 910 01& 1$97 10% of. the 1st an~ 2nd Prl,zes Win be deducted from the 3rd PrIze.(2,OOO): Rs. lO/~ each: Coupons ending with last. . prize money_ 2 digits as follows: Panaji, 29th Novembex, 1986. - The Director, Dr•. S. K. l)l) .94 1$9 . . 62 13 Mali. 15 12 41$ 06 21 "Devalaias"

. Panaji, 20th 'November, ·1~86. --The Director; Pukh Raj SHRI DEVIMORJ.Ar AND ITS AFFILIATES MORGIM-GOA Bumb, • Notice Institute of Public:: A~tance .. 18 An extraordInary meeting of the Mahajans of the above (Provedoria da .Assistet;lcia Publica) Devalaya is here'bycon.velJied on 21-1·2-86 at 10_~0 a, m. at the usual place of the Devalya to discuss the following subjectS. . Panaji-Goa (1) To discuss an.d decide about the. tenancy and rent of 30th' "GOA LAKSm.rr" WIl1EKLY LOTTERY properties of the Devalaya. Date of Draw: 22ndNo~ember, 1986· (2) To discuss and approve the budget. for the year 87-88; (3) To discuss arid'dec1-de any subject with the permission Results of th~ chair. . . . First Prize (1): Rs. 1.00.000/- (Commont6 all Series). Chlcalim, 2nd December, .1986. _. The President, B~' Gaonkar. GLQ-l00569 V. No. 4119/1986 SeCond Prize (2): Rs~ 5.000/.. each: (one in each series except- • the series of the 1st PriZe). . .' SHRI MANGUESH DEVASTHANOF PRIOL GL~ -125849 GLR - 349488 19 Meeting of General Body of Mahajans will be .held on Third P~ (for last 5 digits): Its. ·500/- each: For· the 28th :J?e~ember, 1986 at 11 a .. m. attisual place in. the. p.remises tickets in all thesenes ending with:' of this Devastha,n, .the following matteit's will be discUssed . and decided. 00569 Fourth Prize (for last 4 digits):' Its. 50/- each: For the 1) To seUbypublic auction unserviceable and minor gold articles, of silver, cop.per, iron and other metals, ticketS in all the series ending with: cloths, and other articles offered by the devotees of 0569 this temp,leand not usefUl for the performance of religious Acts. . Fifth Prize (for last 3 digits): .Rs. 10/-. each: For the . . tickets in all the series ending with: 2) Any other. matter with permission of the Chair. 569 Mangeshim, 7th December, ·1986 • ...:."The Secretary; Mohan Sixth p~ (for last digit.): Rs. 6/-each: For the tickets G. S. Lavannis. . in. all the. series ending with : Seen. - ~e :President, MahadeV S. S. Kakodkar; 9 'V; No. 4147/1986 ,---~--' 10% of the lstalld 2nd Prizes will deducted frorri tile prize Private Advertisement . )money. l'artaji, 22:nd November, 1986. ....:.. The Director, . P·uk1v Raj 20 " Smt. Rtiemina. Ragoba Naique, Dessai, resident of Bum'/:). Gaundongrem, wishes to coilect the "Jone". of the year 1983 amounting to Rs, 238/- standing in the name of her late • husband SM .:Ragoba Anta NaiqUe Dessai, from the Coffer Instituteoi Public Assistance . of the Comunidade. of Gaundongrem and invites· claim from interested p.~ties before the competent authOrity within (Provedoria· da~. Asmstencia, Publica) the p.reS(!rlbed time .limit. Panaji..Qoa v; No. 4108/1986 . 31st "GOA LAKSH:MI" WIl1EKLY 'LOTrERY AFFIDAVIT Date of Draw: 29th November, 1986 21. I. hitherto known as Krishna Pandurang Mahar; son of Results Iate.Shri Pandurang RaIna Mahar,employedaaPrinter in the . . First prize (1): Rs. 1.00.000/- \Common to all Series). GovernmentI>rinting .Press, 'Panaji, Government of Goa, Daman and' Diu, residing at Batulem, Panaji, Goa,' have GLU-134471 changed my nanieand. shall hereafter be known as Krishna Second Prize (2): Rs,5.000/-each (one in.each series except Pandurang Bodneka:. the series of the 1st Prize). GLS --:- 122598 GLT -475100 It is certified that I hl'!-ve comp.lied With o,theT:' legal require~ ments iIi this· connection.' . Third Prize (for last ,{)digits): RS. 590/- each: For the tickets in all the series ending with:· Krishna.. Pwnd-urang Mo,har. 3,4471 Signa.ture in E~>xisting ( old) name, Fourth~e(for last 4 digits): Rs. 50/- each: For the Witnesses: - . tieltets in all the', series ending With: . 1) ShriGanigaram N, Jadha"<..; ':4471 2) Shri Anant A, MaUk. FlfthPrtZe(for last 3dig1ts}: lts. 10/- each: For the tickets .Askia/Agha. in all theSer1es ending with: . Notary, Panaji .' 471 V! No.41,-91)}i..9s6 GOVT:.FRINTING PREsS:- OOJ\ . : Hmprimsa Naclonal - Goa) -,: ::J!BIOE - Be. 1..;&0 Per. .