IDRO, Renault Sign Deal in Paris, Open New Chapter in Iran-France
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In the name of God The Twenty-Ninth English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) No.29 November 2016 IDRO, Renault Sign Deal in Paris, 3 Iran Achieves Technology to Build Open New Chapter in Iran-France Ties Marine Platforms 3 ZF Members of the Board from Germany Visiting Dr. Moazami 5 IDRO Chairman Meets Croatian I ndustrial Development and Renova- zadeh and Renault President Carlos Ambassador tion Organization of Iran (IDRO) and Ghosn.The venture will, for the first time, French multinational automobile manu- give Renault its own distribution network 6 facturer Renault signed a deal on the sec- in Iran, complete with sales and after-sales IDRO in Talks with Italian Company to ond day of the Paris Motor Show 2016. services. The deal was on the establish- Accelerate Develop- The joint venture deal was signed by ment of an engineering and sales office in ment of Esfarayen Project IDRO’s managing director, Mansour Iran to support Iranian auto part manufac- Mo’azzami, and Renault’s chief competi- turers and also setting up a manufacturing 7 tive officer, Thierry Bolloré, and in the plant in the country with the initial capac- IDRO to Expand presence of Iranian Industry, Mining and ity of 150,000 cars per annum. Industrial Ties with German Bavaria Trade Minister Mohammadreza Nemat- contd on p.6 Security and Stability Set Scene for IDRO Companies Long-Term Investment: IDRO Chairman Eligible for International Energy Iran and six world powers finalized a Ventures deal in July 2015, under which Tehran accepted to roll back its nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions against the country. Following the opening, groups of international investors have been visiting the country in an effort to win investment opportunities. I DRO Chairman Mansour Moazami The IDRO chairman also cited says Iran’s stability and security provides that Iran’s economic pace has gained T he Iranian Oil Ministry has named a heaven for long-term investment by for- momentum to 4.4 percent in the first eight domestic companies as eligible eign investors. five months of the current Iranian year, counterparts for foreigners’ energy “Doors of the Iranian market are open saying, “The JCPOA has amazingly partners, including Industrial Projects to foreign investment, and the country’s increased Iran’s industrial investment Management of Iran (IPMI), an IDRO security and stability allows for long- capacity.” affiliate. term and lucrative investment by interna- Iran was under sanctions for more than According to Mohammadreza Mogh- tional investors,” he said during a press three decades, with the country coming adam, the deputy Iranian oil minister conference with international media. contd on p.6 contd on p.4 Insight 2 No.29 November 2016 Cooperation with International Brands Boosts Domestic Production: IDRO Chairman situation of the country, Dr. Moazami tistics, Mr. Vakili said almost 15 million stressed that Iran has to grab the opportu- cars are in Iran with an average age of 11 nity and make the best use of it. years. While Iranian cars burn 7.10 liters “Certainly, Iranian experts and techni- of fuel on a 100 kilometers (62 miles) cians know how to take account of their run, the number is 5.4 liters and 5.5. liters financial considerations and this is a mes- in Japan and Europe, respectively. On av- sage to those worriers \not to be warry erage, fuel consumption in Iran is almost for unfounded reasons,” he said, adding, twice as high as the global standard. holding such training courses and semi- A second solution is to enhance the T he two day seminar on the role of nars help the sides develop and under- share of natural gas in the country’s ener- powertrain components in sustainable stand a mutual dialogue. gy mix which can be key to the transpor- transportation was held on the initiative Regarding the French IFPEN, Dr. tation sector. The oil minister advisor also of IDRO. Moazami characterized cooperation be- referred to combined fuels and stated that During the seminar Dr. Moazami, IDOR tween Iran and the company as “good and good steps have been taken in this regard. chairman as well as deputy industry minis- long-standing,” saying that IDRO is more No country in the world can rut on its ter, delivered a speech on the opportunities serious than ever and seeks cooperation own and all research centers around the of Iran in the post-sanctions era. with IFPEN. world collaborate with each other. Ac- The two-day seminar was a platform Gas surplus in Iran cordingly, IFPEN can use research find- for the exchange of ideas on the latest Another speaker of the seminar was Ali ings by Iranian researchers and the way developments in diesel and gasoline en- Vakili, the managing director of the Ira- around in the form of joint enterprises, gines, gas-sipping engines, and electron- nian Fuel Conservation Company (IFCC) Vakili stated. Following Vakili’s speech, ic and hybrid automobiles. Referring to as well as oil minister advisor. IFPEN experts started their technical ses- the post-sanctions era and the promising Providing the audience with some sta- sion, introducing the company. IDRO Chairman Told Middle East Eye the interview. There has been an increase in transactions with foreign investors Increasing Number of Investors in Iran in the post-sanctions era, he said, though the situation has not met Iran’s expectations yet. “We expect European countries to keep their own side of the bargain in the post-JCPOA era. After President Rouhani’s visit to France and Italy, we have seen more European investors in Iran. We clinched good agreements with Italy and are finalizing contracts with French companies in the automotive sector.” The IDRO chairman also conditioned I n an interview with the English gic situation of the country, Dr. Moazami cooperation with foreign investors Middle East Eye, IDRO Chairman Dr. hailed the post-JCPOA as a unique op- upon making investments in Iran and Moazami emphasized that an increasing portunity for foreign investors to partici- transferring technology to Iranian number of investors are attending the pate in industrial projects up for grabs in companies. Iranian market. the Iranian market. “Foreign companies should make in- Referring to advantages and rich ca- “Iran gives more credit to its strategic vestment in Iran, start production inside pacities of Iran such as educated and partners that continued their partnership the country, transfer technology to Irani- skilled human resources and the strate- during the tough sanctions days he said in an companies, and export items,” he said. News The Twenty-Ninth English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) 3 Iran Achieves Technology to Build ZF Members of the Marine Platforms Board from Germany Visiting Dr. Moazami We will welcome German companies’ presence in Iranian market T he mounting operation of platform ity to manufacture the platform, the Z F members of the board express 18B of phases 17 and 18 of South Pars IDRO official said, “The policy shows their willingness in bilateral cooperation gas field was successfully accomplished that ISOCIO, as a subsidiary of IDRO, in manufacturing parts and making 100 kilometers offshore of Assalouyeh has fulfilled its mission in supporting the common platform. and other equipment such as bridges and country’s industry.” While Dr. Moazami has welcomed torches are being installed. According to “In installing the platform, all safety industrial cooperation of German com- Masoud Golshenas, manager of macro- measures were taken and all designing, panies in Iran, stated that, one of the projects of IDRO, currently platforms are building, and equipment supplies, and main policies of Ministry of Industry domestically built in Iran and “we have installation operation were conducted by and Mine is based on supporting private achieved self-sufficiency in this sector.” Iranian experts,” he highlighted. sectors; However, IDRO will support Referring to the point that the newly Pointing out to installing platforms foreign companies whether they want installed platform enhances the country’s 17B and 18B before installing platforms to cooperate with Iranian companies gas extraction from South Pars gas field of phase 14, Golshenas added, “the de- or even to be active independently, Ac- up to 14 mcm per day, Golshenas remind- cision was made by the Oil Ministry in cording to Informing office of IDRO. ed, “the platform was built in 17 months order to make the most use of borderline Having mutual cooperation jointly with at Bandar Abbas and all engineering work areas of South Pars gas field and so we ZF would be acceptable for us since we of the project was provided by ISOICO, acted accordingly.” have had good experiences in cooperating which is a subsidiary of IDRO.” “It took ISOICO between 16 to 18 with foreign companies, he said. ZF can “Currently, platforms built by ISOICO months to design and build Platform 18B. create also joint investment for making meet the latest global technological stan- The installed platform is an equipped one common platform with car manufactures in dards, comparable to those manufactured and we hope to operationalize it in four Iran. Commercial vehicles and passenger by European brands in terms of quality months so as to have gas extracted from cars’ platform production as well as car and duration,” Golshenas said. the platform in the national gas network engines and parts manufacturing are other Talking about using domestic capac- before this coming winter,” he said. ZF’s activities. Turkmen Ambassador to Tehran Upbeat Joint nately, initial steps have been taken. With Gas projects with IDRO new structural changes, we hope Turk- men Gas initiates one project soon,” the it comes to joint gas projects.