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D ~ SIG NA 0 : ~ . ,, j ' THE SPECIES IRIS STUDY GROUP OF THE AMERICAN IR IS SOCIETY J/20 THE SPECIES IRIS GROUP OF NORTH Aiv:iERICA October, 1982, No. 29 OFFICI:.RS OF THE SOCIETY CHAIRMAN Jean Witt 16516 - 25th, NE., Seattle, Wash. 98155 SECRETARY Grace Carter 1212 Tucker Rd ., Hood River, Oregon 97031 Treasurer Francesca Thoolen 255 Manzanita Drl., Orinda, Calif. 94563 (As of Jan. 1, 1983) Gene Opton 12 Stratford Rd., Berkeley, Calif. 94707 SEED EXCHANGE l1ary Duvall Route 1, Box 142, Dassel, Minn. 55125 SPECIES ROBIN 212 County Road C, Joan Cooper DIRECTOR St. Paul, Minn. 55113 SPECIES SLIDES 3227 South Fulton Ave. , Dorothy Hujsak DIRECTOR Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 BACK ISSUES AND Evelyn Hayes 611 S. Lemoore Ave ., Lemoore, Calif. 93245 PUBLICATION SALES EDITOR OF SIGNA Bruce Richardson 7249 Twenty Rd. E. R.R.2, Hannon, Ontario, Canada LORIPO CONTENTS Page No. Chairman' s Nessage Jean Witt 979. Growing Iris (Review) (Roy Davidson) 980 Garden Plants in Japan Fumio Kitamura & Yurio Ishizu 981 I . tridentata John W. Wood 982 Sytema tics of Gynancb:>iris (Iridaceae) Peter Goldblatt 983 New species of Iridaceae Pierfelice Ravenna 985 Drawing - pod of I. unguiaularis Jean Witt 986 THE IRIS - Brian Mathew (A review) Roy Davidson 987 Questions Please · Roy Davidson 989 The Clouded Iris bulleyana Roy Davidson 990 Iris - Divergent Views Frank E. Chowning 992 Iris Production in the U.S .A. U.S . D.A. 995 Iris pseudacorus Fl owers in Alaska Angus Robertson 996 Some Uncommon Yellow Water-Flags Roy Davidson 996 Cultural Notes (From a robin) Jean Witt 998 Slides (Want some?) Dorothy Hujsak 1000 Letters David L.
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