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Alternation 2.1 (1995).Pdf Introduction Alternation - 1 International Journal for the Study of Southern African Introduction Literature and Languages Johannes A Stnit Editor IJniversity of Durban-Westville Alternation is an international journal which publishes interdisciplinary Abstract contributions in the fields of Southern African Literature and This brief introduction examines some of the notions which may serve both as Languages. decor for introducing the articles in the issue and as providin pn)hlematic spheres of critical dialogue and rese;~rch regarding &):ti$;: Prior to publication, each publication in Alternation is refereed by at African literature and languages. least two independent peer referees. Alternation is published every semester. In the wake of the theoretical and methodological proliferations inlornled by the iiit~-od~~c- tion of espec.ially psychoanalysis and deconstn~ctionin the arts and humanit~esduring the EDITOR seventies and eighties, the turn of thc nineties immersed scholarship lnto Lhe renewed chal- Johannes A Smit (UDW) lenges of notions of aesthetics, value, power, knowledge, fcmin~sm, nation, culture, space, history, labour and racism to name but a few-no hierarchy iniended. A common EDITORIAL COMMITTEE recognition of the uncertainty which prevails in the work of scholars who engage in crlti- Jaco Alant (UDW); Judith Coullie (UDW); cal dialogue around these notions is evident in the prominence of the recognition of the Priya Narismulu (UDW); Annemarie van Niekerk (Vista); complexity and multiplicity related to the critical and analytic engagement of each. This is Johan van Wyk (CSSALL); Jean-Philippe Wade (CSSALL). evident in the study of aesthetics (Eagleton 1990; Regan 1992), new histor~cisin (Veeser 1989), feminism (Benhabib & Cornell 1987; Boyce-Davies 1994a & 1994b; Meaney 1993), culture (During 1993; Easthope & McGowan 1992), the nation (Bhabha 19901, ra- EDITORIAL BOARD cisin (Goldberg 1993) and modernity (Baumann 1992; Hall 1992; Waugh 1952) amongst Richard Bailey (UDW); Neville Choonoo (Oneonta); Ampie Coetzee others. The reworking and rethinking of critical discursive practices also accompany this (UWC); Leon de Kock (Unisa); Marianne de Jong (Unisa); Ian Glenn recognition. The way in which scholars engage ideology (iiiek 1994), materialist dialec- (UCT); Betty Govinden (UDW); Dorian Haarhoff (Namibia); Isabel tics (Ollman 1993) and more particularly Marxism (Derrida 1994) as well as linguistics Hofmeyr (Wits); Philip John (Transkei); David Lewis-Williams (Wits); (De Beaugrande 1991) are examples. That the study of these notions and critical practices Nise Malange (Natal); Isaac Mathumba (Unisa); Sikhumbuzo Mngadi should follow an interdisciplinary route, unfold through processes of dlalog~ieor (corn- (UDW); Shane Moran (Natal); Mante Mphahlele (Vista); Themba ~nunicative)interaction and that it should ulti~natelyfocus on 'the local' seems inevitable. Msimang (Unisa); Andries Oliphant (Unisa); Julie Pridmore (UDW); In these moves, a host of new concepts are being coined, defined, contested and abandon- Rory Ryan (Vista); Maje Serudu (Unisa); Marilet Sienaert (UDW); ed. In this introduction, I raise a few fragmentary thoughts which niay serve as decor for Michael Samuel (UDW); Liz Thompson (Zululand); Alan Thorold some of the arguments which are developed in this issue. Notions of t~ulturuldlfferetlcr. (UDW); Marlene van Niekerk (Wits); Helize van Vuuren (WE); John I~ybricJily,intercliscrplinnrily, the incorporutive, uesthrtio and lmguuge are addressed. van Zyl (Wits); Hildegard van Zweel (UDW); Tony Voss (Natal). The realities of culture11 ri~j'i~rc~ncemanifest in the ebb and flow of the formatiori and dissolution of subcultures, the indigenous or regional culture's contiiiuous adjustments NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD to various forms of modernisation processes and more particularly the traversing of a11 Vernon February (Leyden); Carole Boyce Davies (Binghampton); forms of culture by the reality effects of the heterogeilo~~slife-processes of daily 11fe. Thc Simon During (Melbourne); Antony Easthope (Manchester); GD appreciation of cultural difference is based on the recognition of c~~lturalternl~orality and Killam (Guelph); Andre Lefevere (Austin); Bernth Lindfors (Austin); regionality of one's own and other culture(s). Sirnultancously, consciousness of c~titural Mbulelo Mzamane port-Hare); Graham Pechey (Hertfordshire). temporality and regionality provides the space for the acknowledgment and accepting of the differentiation between the multiplicity of the symbolic representations of social life- CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS forms. Concurring with Bhabha (1990:2), this thought trajectory providcs the rudiments The Editor: Alternation, CSSALL, Univ. of Durban-Westville, for the indefinite inconclusive acceptance of the 'equivocal nature' and the .ambivalent Priv. Bag X54001,4000 DURBAN, South Africa tension' that narrates the margins and boundaries of the 'society' and the societies of the modern nation. Cultural difference, then, traverses and intervenes in homogenous and har- TeliFax: 27-(0)31-8202245e-mail: [email protected] monious totalisations of Tradition, People, the Reason of State, (High) Culture, The CILI~. The Guiltl, GencralIUnivcrsal Knowledgc-which aim at the coercive and ulllrnately the ISSN 1023-1757 hegernonic homogenization of experience (see Rhablia 1990:3 ant1 1090:313 on Leti~rt). The positive value of culti~raldifference is that 11 provtdes the spacc for a coining lo Copyright Reserved: Alternation speech of the sile~icedand suppressed voices of both past and present minority-1.e. qiiall- tatively speaking-discourses. Its operation is that of crossiiigs and i~~iiltipicInterscctlons. Nevertheless. it is not to be reduced to fi~nctionalistreadings of ciilturc. iieither to nation- -- -. -- -- Altc,~nat~on2,l (1995). 1-4 Introduction - 3 al-popular sentiments, nor to 'the free play of polarities and pluralrties in the hotnogenous the extension of estahl~shedvalues and pn~tect~onsover the fornierly ex~,ludedgroup. ather a empty time of the national commutiity' (Rhabha 1990:3,312). As such, c~tlt~lraldifference l~beralhring~ng Into or a Habermas~ancollrct~v~st extmslon of the status quw On the contrary. 111;lrhh the ~~stahlishrnrnti~f new forms of mann~ng, and strirtrglr?, of ~dent~ficat~<>n,thiough pn)crsses i)t nctg<stiation icl~r,i-eljcr ~IIBCLI~.~I\~Ci~ztlll~r~n ((trr tw r,smhli.~l~rtl~r~rrliour ,-~,\r~rli~l~ ilrr ~IiJpt-~ll'?of iiwy, Thc amtinual rencxutlatlon crt r<)c~oculti~ralbpacc 1s not t~xrdIn and by a io~ltl-dct.a rnomcntnr> and exclusrons can be mcyre or less sll6ntly rxtendrrl. managed, and m;unpulatul articulate?,the difference between rcprzsentationb of social Ilfe wlrh~>iitrurniountlng the space of -. ~nco~nmencurablcmtanlngs and judgements that art pii.ilucnl with~nthe [~roct,.c.rof transcultural Ihe incorporative has two pragmatic sides to it. Firstly, it engages 'political projects negotiation (Bhahhs 1990:313,312 - e.a.). (which) fashion the general social conditions, . .. for delimiting restrictions on human flourishing, for social and individual well-being'. The values underlying these practices The notion of lryhriciit? in cultural difference does not ~rnplya simple adding-up or would comprisc a cot~cernedacceptance of the personhood of another, the participation in subtracting of the diverse threads of identity or essences traversing culture. On the tnutuality, relation. and reciprocity and even the actlvity of 'assuming ourselves into the contrary. situations of others and beyond Otherness' (see Goldberg 1993:221,218). Fanon's (1993:86) warning is apt when he says that 'it IS utopian to try to ascertain in what ways [Hlybr~rl~tj1s the perplex~tyof the l~vinga\ it interrupts the representation of the tullness of I~tr:~t IS an instance of iterdtlon, In the ~ninor~tyd~scoursc, of the t~m?of the arhttrwy s~gn---.themlnus in one kind of ~nhumanbehavior differs from another kind of inhuman behavior'. Inst~tutions the orlg~n'-flrrongli ~vliiriiall forrr~sof culrriml trreoiiitiy nre opflrr "3 irari.slnrrori hr.c~rusrrlirir and instances provide the base for 'c.otntnitrnent' to the effectivity of Incorporative ~~~~utiiiiznot~rc2.ciitsioinliiniiotl (Bhabha 1990:314 - e.a.) practices. Secondly, quoting Connoly (1991 ). Goldberg (1 993:221) argues that And we know that translation continuously comes about in the never-ending 'implication' incorporative practices of the lndivtdual forms of identity in other symbolic systems. turn on the rt~calunderstand~ng that soc~alsubjects w~llconfront and cr~t~cally"engage the 1tirc.rdi.sciplinari is the discursive practice which scholars engage in the spaces relat~onalan Lontlngent character of the ~dent~t~esthat constrtute them". Thev rzqulrc that soclal opened up by cultural difference and the translations required by hybridity. Positively, subjects strl\.r reasonably to represent the values of the~rself-ascr~hed ~dcnt~i~es In vigorous but open contestation and will be prepared to rev~setheir comnntments, evcn deeply held c~nes,to alter irlterdisciplinary study and research works with 'a logic of intervention and interpretation'. thar \,slues, ultimately to transhr~nthe~r ~dent~ties in relation to the cnt~calpushes a~~dpulls of the It intervenes not in order to cause chaos or to pose empty protests and oppositions. Its ~ncorporatlvedynani~c. most important feature is that it empowers rn~noritiseddiscourses to collie to speech. Individuals are empowered to analyse and engage critical thought and reflection. There is Llgleton
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