II Jl l.L II

1956 oltu Quill

-e- w~e,ner . - / .. ..

John Marshall High School

The loom of our lives 1oreword

"Cbildren of Yesterday Heirs of Tomorrow

W~at are you Weaving?" Pattern_s e( our way of life-woven on the loom of yesterday and today with a glance toward tomorrow. The warp of the loom is knowledge and the woof activities. These patterns are varied by the gray of serious thought; the red of joyous laughter; and by the pure white of hope and faith. Like sunshine motling the floor of the forest with gay dancing shadows or reflecting in the raindrops its irri­ descent gola, the patterns of the teenager touch all with challenge, mystery, and light. Come, follow us through the intricacies of youth, for they reveal our patterns, as we live, love, and laugh. i'edicatioll

"We weave with colors all our own and in the field of destiny we reap as we have sown." The harvest of those that follow can be an abundant one. They, looking back upon our patterns, will discern both good and ill and then weave a better, a stronger, and more lasting design of their own. So to you, students of the future, we dedicate the 1956 John Quill. ~ The future beckons! \1~ ..

Principal's Message .

To design a pattern ""- t of I doing. It began with eac j .--....o . • At first the design ~rllt'_,IP!II!\.!it has become very weave ~ as we go al t u like....:::::::::_~ opsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin. weave a pattern that is bright and true in color and in symmetry, calls for the best you can give. Only by broadening your knowledge, per­ fecting your skills and creating right attitudes can the pattern of life you fashion become one with a worthy design. I


Elmer W. Snyder

6 Master weavers


Leon C. Friel During the past four years, our patterns of Education have Vice Principal taken on new shapes, have shown clearer outlines, and have de­ veloped fuller designs for living. To effect these changes in a normal way, we have had the guidance of our advisers and counselors.

Ann Turula Girls' Counselor

Mrs. Jessie Barry Joseph Ulrich Alfred Goetz Girls' Advise r Boys ' A dviser 7 Boys' Counselor <:able of eontents

A tapestry of work and play

Classwork . • • . Page 9

Seniors . • . • . Page 19

Activities . . . . Page 47

Sports . . . . . Page 69

• etasswor/{ tt • 1\ J.W.,... Mrs . Isabel M. Barden Lulu E. Bartholomew Mrs. Jane Biddle Nellie E. Bitz Armand S. Bolton Lati n Engl ish Eng lish Eng li sh Driv er Training


Borden C. Booth Trafton Boulls David B. Brady Math Soci al St udies Busi ness Ed ucation- Head

William Bushnell Florence Chittenden Donald R. Clark Mrs. Laura H. Colahan Joseph H. Conroy ~e a l th Ed ucation La tin-Soci al St ud ies La nguage-Head Busi ness Ed uc ation Math

Mrs. Dorothy H. Corbett Mrs. Dorothy H. Cox Kenneth R. Davis Clayton C. Delong Ethel M. Dunn · Science Foods Health Ed ucatio n Busin ess Ed uc ation Engl is h 10 Elton S. Eike Paul T. Epping Mrs. Jane Feuerherm Mary C. Foley Elaine Forgie Social St udies Math Art English-Head Health Ed ucation

Our pattern makers

Mrs. Grace C. Fulford W. Kenneth Fulkerson Mrs. Grace L. Fuller English Social Studies-Head Business Education

Anthony L. Gerace Edwin A. Gordon Theodore E. Guglin Royal Hill Dan ie l C. Houseman Health Ed uc ation Soci al Studies Sc ie nce Drafting Science-Head

Mrs. Jane M. Jones David G. Kopp Earl Lamme! Helen M. Lathrop Calvin Lauder Engli sh Math-Science Social Studi es-English Bu si ne ss Ed ucation Speech Therapist II Frank G. Leac'h Grace M. Leader Robert E. Ley Monroe I. Lord Charles H. Loth Socia l Studies Eng lish Artcraft Math Science


Joseph Melka Nancy Miller Mrs. Mary M. Murphy Art Health Ed ucation En glish

Mary M. O'Connor Mrs. Edith B. Olmstead Grace K. O'Reilley Charles W. Pflaum Agnes V. Powers Health Education Math Science Math Modern La nguage

Ruth N. Puis Mrs. Laura W. Remington Eleanor J. Riegel Mrs. Katharine M. Saunders Mrs. Virginia S. Scully 12 Clothing Accompan ist Math En glish Science Harold T. Singleton John E. Sullivan George W. Swanson L. Carleton Thayer Roy S. Thrall Music Woodworking General Metals Sc ience Instrumental Music

Our pattern makers

Mrs. Margaret Tilford Mrs. Florence Trentman Robert W. VandenBerg Psychologist Nurse Custodian-Engineer

Thomas F. Vetter Carl U. Wren W. Raymond Wright Sanford Zeman Nicholas Zona Social Studies Social Studies-English Business Ed ucation Social Studies Health Edu cation-Head

13 Our todays


The English Department this year de­ voted itself to the teaching of old and new techniques. Since English is the basic learning of all subjects, this department aimed to teach the student to understand the lang uage; to speak it clearly; to write effectively; and to enjoy it. The love of literature was encouraged by the use of fine novels, plays and poetry, movies, and fine recordings.

Social Studies The teaching of good citizenship and of the democratic way of life were two of the chief aims of the Social Studies De­ partment. The many other vital functions included the development of the impor­ tance of geography, and the study of his­ tory, government, and economics. These courses aided today's students, who are actually the backbone and future of our American democracy, to prepare for the future.

Science In the Science Department, the faculty, under the direction of Mr. Houseman planned to promote a better understand­ ing of the forces of Nature and of their control and use by man. A science aptitude test was given to all eighth and ninth grade pupils to dis­ cover special aptitudes in the biological, physical, and earth sciences as well as to discover special observation and reason­ ing skills. The Science Department had an enroll­ ment of eight hundred ninety pupils.

14 and yesterdays

Languages This year, the Language Department fostered two new courses, fourth year Latin and third year French. These courses were offered in addition to the accustomed three years of Spanish. Empha sis in all classes was, as usual. placed upon comprehension and culture­ backgrounds for intelligent study.

Mathematics A variety of math courses was offered to the students of John Marshall this past year. Among these courses were eighth grade math, elementary, intermediate, and advanced algebra, plane and solid geome­ try, trigonometry, and the new math re­ fresher course, which was introduced to the seniors last fall. The math department was composed of eight teachers including Mr. Pflaum , head of the department.

Business The Bu si ne ss Department offered to pupils sundry vocational subjects. It pro­ vided them with enough knowledge to secure positions as typists, stenographers, secretaries; junior bookkeepers, clerks, and retail salesmen. The one subject offered that was not vocational, was Typewriting Special. This course was offered to give college preparatory students an oppor­ tunity to learn the fundamentals of the typewriter.

15 Practical Arts

The Practica I Arts Depa rtment offered classes that instructed and helped students in solving problems found in later life. The various courses offered in this department were home economics, woodworking, met­ als, craft, and mechanical drawing. These courses required the use and knowledge of many machines. Home economics taught the students cooking and sewing. It also stressed the duties and responsibilities of homelife. Home Economics The shop classes instructed man y stu­ dents, some of whom planned to enter various ·phases of industry.

Fine Arts

Pupi ls in the Art Department strive to express themselves by their various paint­ ings, drawings, designs, and 3D construc­ tions. Paint, colored pencils, clay, paper, and many other materials were employed as media. The originality and meaning of Art the students' ideas were stressed. Much fine work was contributed to the Scholastic Art Exhibit and various other contests by Ma rshall pupils.

Voice Wood Shop

Lunchroom Staff

Front: Mrs . Burgdorf, Mrs. Lugoski . Back : Mrs. Eshelman, Mrs. Altof, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Shapes, Mrs: Bemish, Mrs . Magin.

Librarians Office Staff Mrs. Uderitz, Miss Hilfiker Mrs. Marcus, Mrs. Elmer


Foreground: Mr. Vanden Berg. Row 1: Mrs. Pschirrer, Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs. Sergent, Mr. Sutter. Row 2: Mrs. Donaldson, Mr , Stohl, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Gavitt, Mr. Donovan . 18 Seniors I PAUL ABENDROTH HIROAKI AMAGATA DALE S. ANDERSON "Who sa id Einstein was dead?" " East meets west; Andy We're so glad you come'' "To succeed is his goal"

As we walked through

PHILLIP ARGENTO "Our ace of spades"

SHIRLEY A. ATWOOD Shirl " Lots of pep for a little gal" CLASS

·' CHARI!ES M. BALDECK DAVID E. BANE ANN MARIE BARROW JAMES WESLEY BARTLETT and quid of Dave " If you're looking for a friend, "A little nonsense now and " I save time for g irls, lots of She's the one we'd recom­ then , time'' mend " Is relished by the best of 20 men " LAWRENCE L. BATES LORRAINE BEALS DAVA BEAUMONT " Morsholl's onswer to Don iel "The girl with o pretty smile " "Go-getters never foil " Webster"

the halls of Marshall

. EVELYN BEEHLER ., Evy "Who could be nicer? " '<.

"Strong ond content, I trovel the o pen rood" OF 19.56

EVELYN RUTH BENTON MARILYN T. BIANCHI ALAN BIERWORTH BEA TRIX OlVERA BOKHORST Evie "Unique-Bro ins ond person­ "My secrets l!lre my own" Vera " Sm iling through" olity" " In ony line she'll d o fi ne" 21 LINDA LEE BOWEN CAROL D. BOYCE MARY LOU BRANCH "One tou-c h of Venus" ''A goy odventurer'' " So pretty. so grocious; A lody with closs"


Vic "A friend worth hoving"

BRIAN BURCHARD Borney ''High spirited; Lots of fun"

on those golden KATHRYN MARY BURNS

CAROL JEAN CAMPBELL RONALD R. CANTABEN MARIE CARROL MARILYN CAROL CASSATA " Mony good quol ities in one Ron " A peppy little miss" " Who could osk for onything pockoge" "Hoil to the men who toil " more?" 22 RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN CAROLE LOU CHAPMAN DAVID CHAPMAN ''I'm o toll mon omong boys" "Her motto: keep people "Still water runs dee p" smiling"

OF 1956

winning smile; o cheery "hello"

Barb " Pity the one who doesn't know her"

carefree days, BRUCE CLARK "The closs "do it yourself mbn"

PATRICIA ANN CLARK ROGER CLIFF MAUREEN CLIFFORD WAYNE COATES Pat "Sometimes serious, so metimes "She's b ig of heart though Lucky "Always hoppy, olwoys goy" goy, smo ll of size" "Free of cores, olwoys hoppy" But we oil like him !hot woy" 23 WILLIAM E. COLEMAN FRANK ANTHONY CONTE BARBARA COULTER "'Give me the life I love"' "'He collects friends like treos· ''The Ir is h loss who hos stolen ures" our heorts'

we made for

JUDITH ANN COX Judy "' Never sod, olwoys goy, A smile from Judy cheers the I (I doy"'

"'Whot could we do withou t her?"' CLASS DAVID C. CROSIER "'He meets problems with o

·' ARTHUR WARD CROWLEY SANDRA JO DANNO THOMAS E. DAVIS RONALD DeBOCK Sandy 11 Recipe for success: "'When it comes to hoving "'Mon hos his will, but womon Tom plus his broins"' fun, her way" Ron con't seem to be out­ 24 don e" JOSEPHINE B. DEWEY CAROLYN DiJUNE VIVIAN DiLORETO "Jolly wit ond merry loughter " Foithful ond true" "She holds o port of oil our will linger here forever heorts" ofter"

ourselves a pattern

Di "My cor's o bomb"

Lou "Live, Iough , ond be hoppy" OF 1956

THOMAS DOUGHERTY LINN A. DRUMMOND Trixie "He loves Morsholl " "Historion, scientist, who con "Fun to tolk with, "There's mu sic in her foce" tell?" Pleosont to know" 25 ~~f~ ~\ ~

JOHN ECKARDT NANCY JOAN EDDY NORMAN S. EDGETT Jack "A miss with winning woys" Norm "John has o good nature pl us "Who! every school need s, good se nse" More fellows like No rm" CLASS

DELBERT KENNETH ELLIS Del "If he hos ony faults, We hoven'! found them yet"

JANE LOUISE FERNER Janie "Sparkling eyes, smile"

of many and DAVID WILLIAM FISHER "One wheel thot really gets

JAMES FITZ MORRIS JOAN MARIE FLEMING MARGARET FONTAINE LORRAINE FOREST Fib "Joonie hos fun with every­ Peggy Lorry " l ife's o goy thing" one" "The fountain of fun " "Hoppy go lucky, W ith rore chorm" 26

---- _..) ' ....:. ' . .· ·-..,., ......

GEORGE FORM JR. GEORGE F. FRANK JR. JUDITH FRANK "Mr. H ouse man , I hove a "I'm after the guy who in· Judy question" ven ted work" "Short 'n' snappy"

OF 1956

NORMAN FREEMAN "I bet on su re things"

Barb "Few con surpass th is winsome lass"

MARY ANN GALLIGAN "Mary Ann is always kin d, varied ways. More like her ore hard to find"


SHIRLEY ANN GALLIPEAU RONALD GIEBLE JUNE GILBERT JANICE CAROLYN GILLOON Sage Ron "June has fame well eorned" " Light is her he art" "She hes a lot of fun with "Cleve r with pencil ond brush " everyone" 27 DAVID R. GRAU GAIL ELIZABETH GREGORY HERBERT GREGORY Cuban "Th is juke-box baby a in t nc Herb " H is sm ile is se rious, squore" "Potience is a virtue" But th ere is mischief in his eyes "

There were patterns

JAMES EDWARD GUARNERE Gwin "With music or friend, Always in perfect harmony"

RICHARD W. HAEFELE Dick "H it ch your wagon to a star"

SANDRA G. HARDWICK CLASS Sandy " Dancing feet and personality

RONALD HAUCK JOHN HERR JUpiTH ELAINE HERZOG " W ings on his feet" " Pleasant and easy going" Judy "I onl.y live for a sandwich in the A.M." 28 JUDITH ANNE HIX PATRICIA HODECKER DOUGLAS EUGENE "She's nice 'couse she's nat­ " Full of pep and really hep" HOLEMAN ural" . Doug "Quiet, but oh! my!"

of style and of friendship

MARJORIE HOLMSTROM Marg ie " Full of life"

"As swift an d si lent as Hia­ wa tha"

OF 1956 NANCY ANN HOULE "With q uiet grace she makes he r way"

MARCIA LEE HUFF KATHLEEN HUGOBOOM Dave Marcy Kathie "J ock of many trades, "O ur shutterbug" "Eyes that lau gh ; Mas te r of ALL" Lips that smile " 29 BARBARA INGER ICK GAIL ANN IRISH VALLEITE HELENE Barbie Gailee JACQUES " Sweet 'n' cute" "W e'll ~ lw~ys remember her Val ringing l~ughter" "A ple~s~nt girl with pleos ing w ~ ys" CLASS

LOIS JARDINE "She'll olwoys be remembered"

LAWRENCE AUBREY JOLIDON Jolly " W ith o trombone he's gre~t" ~

of study and BEVERLY ANN JONES ~ "Shorty"

FRANCES C. KARPINSKI RAYMOND KASPER NANCY ELIZABETH KEHR GARY KEMP Fran " He' s qui et. but we 'll buy it" Nance " Ambidextr6us" " A cl ~ ssy lossie" " An ~cl iv e girl wi th ~ ch ~ r m ­ ing pers o n~ li t y" 30 ) ':::~ ......

PHILIP KENNARD SANDRA KENNEDY HELEN A. KENYON "We'll remember his silence" "An oil oround gol" " Helen moy be smoll. b ut her smoll is big "

OF 1956

"One reoson why teochers get groy"

BARBARA KETTERER "A friend indeed "

playt.ime, KAREN WALLIS KING too, "To know her is to like her"

BARBARA KINNETT RONALD KIRBY JOSEPH H. KLAPP KENNETH KOFAHL "With energy obounding ond Kirb Joe Ken perso ~ ol i ty golore" "Don't let .studying ruin your "Give to me the girl I love" "A worthy gentlemon" educotion" 31 ttl'.~~ ~ "' 7 ELIZABETH ANN KOWALSKI RICHARD JAMES PHILIP CHANDLER KRON . Betty KOWALSKI "Soccer, bosketboll. broins. .. ..' "A modern miss with plenty of Dick looks; pep .. "His topping feet moke life Activi ties thot could fill up «. ' ·" complete" books"

t·~~-w and all of these JJ1i~~ ~~~'~

~ ~i (j.t

I ·· ·tt. .-· ,....:. Cookie " She'll donee ·her woy through f)l li fe" f '--:. "I do study now ond then, But mostly concentrote on men " .,. 4PO.J•·· ~' .'[ CLASS ~~ ~ · ~.

·' GAIL MARY LAURICELLA BRIAN LAWRENCE GARY G. LEIGH "Full of fun ond foncy free" "I won't worry, life is too "When it comes to hoving fun , short" Gory con't seem to be out­ done" 32 MARY LEISTON JOAN LESCO BARBARA LEE LOCKWOOD "Th ot look in her eye-!" "She's shy it's true, Barbie But o friend through ond " Borboro is tops in our closs, through" A sweet, cha rm ing , frie ndly loss"

things together t

GAIL ANN LOUGH BOROUGH '"Cute ond nice; loods of fun"

" Nice personality, full of vi' tol ity" OF 1956 ROBERT BARRY LOWE Bob

SALLY JENNIFER LUND ALFRED MACCALLINI LORN J. MAC UMBER ROSALIE MAGGIO "A wonderful girl who come Mac "Fun is where you find it" "She mokes the world Rosy" up from "down under" "With personal ity plus, AI is liked by oil of us" 33 '~-~


MARGARET MALONEY DONALD ROSS MANSFIELD OLIVIA MARIE MARIANI Peggy Don "Vim, vigor, ond vito lity" "Sugor ond spiGe" "W ith his humor, He'll never go wrong" CLASS

Dave "I like fun , girls, ond my cor; Mostly my cor"

"Aiwoys willing to lend o hond" ;it helped 11s to JOAN ELIZABETH MEINHARDT

ROBERT WINDSOR MARVIN LAWRENCE PATRICIA JEAN MEYERS MICHAEL EDWARD MILES MELROSE MERRITI Pat "A quiet, likeoble fellow" Bob 'He'll go ploces woit ond see" "Gentlemen prefer, bl ondes" "He mokes himself known in o quiet woy" 34 CAROL ANN MISEL GLORIA JEANNE MISTAL JAMES MOSS Miz "Glory" Jim "Our package of surprises" "Always happy always goy" "Seldom o word, But what thought" OF 1956

SALLY ANN MOULTON Sal "Peppy and fun , Sol gets things done" .,

RAYMOND H. MUELLER "MfJy worry never visit me"

EDWARD R. NELLIS find our cue.

r:.. f\ \I ~ ~ eDWARD F. NEWMAN PHYLLIS NICHOLS GARY NIEDERMEIER ROBERT E. NOONAN "The onsnwer to every maiden's "Life is more fun with Phyllis" Bevo Bob prayer" "The best port of life is living "Gets around, has his fun, it . .. upl" Ouite a guy, ask anyone" . 1I 35 ROBERT NORTHROP LINDA JUNE NOTT DENNIE O'BRIEN Bob Rita "A lody to ll ond slen der. "Actions speok lou der thon "Reody wit. zest for fun This gol 's designed for spl en ­ words" Moke her liked by everyon e" dor''

And so in our

MARY CATHERINE O'BRIEN Obie "A q uie t slender brunette"

Tom "All who know him, Coli him fr iend" } CLASS JUNE M. OWEN


LORETTA PAN ICCIA YVONNE MARIE PATON DENNIS A. PATTON Rella Vonnie "A guy worth knowing " " Dork ond petite, so very "W ell wo rth knowing " sweet" 36 ~~ . / . /

/ ~ , ,_,'> ~"":-' BARBARA J. PEACOCK CORA M. PEARL RAYMOND PEARL Barb Corey Ray "A rMIIy true-blonde" "One g~l who doesn't t~ l k ~II "WMt ~ friendship th~t will the time" l~ s t? "

years at Marshall ~·. r/

DIANE C. PEARSON "She m~kes life more enjoy­ ~ble"

Laurie "Plenty of spunk in this gal" OF 1956

CHARLES BENNETI PERRY MARY JANE PETRONE HAROLD G. PFEIFFER "T ~II . dMk, ~nd you know the Speed Sonny Gene rest" "I w~sn't me~nt to be s~d" "He t~lks with his hMds" "A little work; ~ li ttle pi~~" 37 . · &,.~~ ~~ ~ EDNA ALMA PIKE SUETIA PIKER JOHANNE POLINO Eddie Suzie Joan "Rore is the doy when her "Thot twinkle in her eye, "A shorp, little blonde" smile fodes" Delights eoch boy thot posses by" . CLASS

Dave "Neither o core nor on enemy in the world"

JERRY BENJAMIN POST "The thinker" o reol nice guy"

we learned from FRANK H. POTTER "Sometimes I sit ond thin k, Sometimes I just sit"

JOAN PRATT DAVID D. RALSTON THOMAS E. RANKE "A lovely. dork·hoired g irl" "Sunbeams drive oway the Tom shadows" "My studies never interfere "Some gols never 38 with my education" for pols" I I .:J.-&......

LORENE C. RATH EILEEN MARY REBER ERIC A. REYNOLDS Renie "Always around when there's "A toll, handsome lad " "Always fun to be with" fu n"

OF 1956

JERRY C. RHODES · " He troveJs the good roads" wY.~l 7

NANCY RIFE "Cute os a button and loads of fun"

i PATRICIA JEAN RIGHTMEYER the small and the great. Pat

DAVID W. ROBINSON GAIL ROBINSON MARLENE B. ROHR ROBERT ROMIG "Never o dull moment" 11 H er friends ore many, "Someone nice to kn ow" "A real " chomp" in every He r enemies-not any'' way" '"''"'"''' 39 RICHARD J. ROTMAN$ JOAN ROWLEY THOMAS RICHARD Dick "A girl sure to succeed" SALTSMAN "Marshall's handsome lad" "No class is complete without "Sam"

We have left our

ROBERT L. SANDERSON Bob "Give him a hand, He's in the band"

"His capers and antics would fill a book" CLASS

Ji ·' ROBERT SCHNEIDER CAROL ANN SCHWARTZ ROBERTA ANN SCHWONKE FLORENCE PATRICIA SCOTT "He rates high with all" "If boys were books, Bobbie Pat What a reader I'd be" "Silence is golden" "Here's a gal that's hard to 40 beat" NORMA JEANNE SENECAL CORA SUE SENNETT GERALD SHElVE "Vivo ci ty + person oli ty = Corie Jerry Normo " "A smile for every girl, " Neve r o d ull moment" Two fo r every boy"

mark for the future,

LEONA MINA SHELDON On a "Gentle ond sweet"

"Those who speok little, Know much " OF 1956


AUGUSTINE SIMONETII JANICE E. SMITH GAIL SNIVELY WILLIAM J. STANIN \ ~ '_ :·- ~ Gus Jan "Life is o bowl of cherries" "I like sc hool best when I' m~ - "Hoppy om I; free from core" "Wotch out for those flo shing not t her~ " eyes" 41 ~l~ \~·'· ~

/ 1 EDWARD STANLEY WAYNE HARDER STATI THOMAS STEFANINI Ed Stitches Tom "A good hearted, merry guy" "Mixes work and pleasure well" "Hard work never hu rt any- one" CLASS

'. L ~ FREDERICK C. STEGEMAN . ~e!!1 I Steg ~ "Tali and handsome, some boys '-· have all the luck" ·'

GERALD JOHN STEIDLE "English? NO! History? Girls? Oh, here I go!"

we hope it's not SUSANNE STEIN Sue .... friend, is ">

RITA L. TEBO Jerry T. B. "Nancys there will always be, "Quiet and shy, a very nice "To worry about tomorrow is "A friendly little gal" But never one so nice as guy" to be unhappy today" she" 42 MARC THORNE MICHAEL TIERNEY JACQUELINE A. TITIERSON "One fel low we cM't help lik­ "With molice toword none " "A lody in every woy" ing "

OF 1956

THOMAS S. TOAL "Love, Iough, LIVE! "

"Never o core; olwoys o joke"

been in vain.

JEANETTE TRAPANI DENNIS C. TURK CORDELL JOHN TURNER LEWIS A. VALLONE "Friendly ond goy in o quiet Den Cordy "Perseveronce is still king" way" " Ambitious is this young mon "Life is cne ba " boll" with o horn " 43 ? ., 1! ,~:---- ~~:·' ~ . . '-..: ...... !'. ~ ·· .. ~ ' '•, .

LOYAL VAN DYKE GERALD ALAN VanORDEN JOAN ELEANORE VERMETT "An oil-round fellow, bound to "Though he's quiet ond rother " I'm Joon; I'm the friendly succeed" shy, one" Jerry is really o very nice guy"

If you follow

MARY VIEAU Peggy "She greets you with o voice, ever soft ond gentle"

YVONNE 0. VILLARD Vonnie "Personality ond lots of pep, Moke our Vonnie really hep"

ALEXANDER R. VIOLA CLASS Alex come in small

JEAN ROBERTA WAGNER MARCIA GAIL WAUGH Marty " A winning smile, a winning Ginnie but Oh so "Th ough not a quiet loss, woy" "Too beautiful for words" Morcio's high up in her class" 44 JOYCE M. WERSINGER ALAN TODD WHEELER MARLENE WILL "She looks nice, sh e seems " Don 't toke life too seriously" "A pleosure to meet, o joy to nice, know" She is ni ce"

in our pattern,

JOY ELAINE WILLIAMS "Even on o dork doy, Joy shines"

"Every inch o nice guy" OF 1956 CAROLE ANN WILSON "A thought ungentle connot


SHIRLEY JEAN WILSON SALLY WITHEROW "Lovely to look ot, eosy to Wende "Cute ond clossy, "Joy is the know" "Give o cheer" Thot's our lossy" life" 45 *· ~ \~·'· ~

ALICE M. WOODWORTH VIRGINIA B. WRIGHT MILLICENT B. YOUNG " Pretty ho ir, pretty fo ce, "A boppy smile , o winn ing Mickey Here's o gol wi th lots of woy" "We'l l cheer for. ond with our groce" Mickey"


RONALD L. YOUNG "Sort of shy, but who t o guy"

there is much for you to attain.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS R. Noonan, B. Lockwood, M. Branch, J. Sheive.

46 I i j -ctivities ~..,..,..,. • a tl a • a FLYING

Guardians of the Flag A. Barrow, B. Lockwood, D. Howard.

Scholarship Commission Again thi s year the top eight members of the senior class formed a group known as the Scholarship Commission . Each mem­ ber was designated a particular duty. Under the direction of Mr. Friel, these seniors kept fellow cla ss members informed as to college scholarships, supervised re­ port card rating, and in general helped to .maintain a high standard of scholarship in John Marshall .

Row 1: D. Fish e r, J. Ferner, T. Davis, K. King, B. Lockwood . Row 2: T. Sal ts man , D. Howard, A. Ba rrow.

Executive Council Serving as the ruling branch of our stu­ dent government, the Executive Council consisted of sixteen members. The council tried to promote a better and a safer school as well as to arrange Marshall 's social events. With seven activities com­ missioners, five grade representatives, and the four Students' Association officers as members, the Executive Council planned the Dungaree Frolics, The Snowball, and carried on successful drives for various funds.

Row 1: M. Higbie, L. Counfs, F. Conte , D. Haefele, D. Carr, S. Donno, Mrs. Barry. Row 2: H. Doty, P. Larry, J. Sheive, G. Niedermeier, Mr. Ulrich. D. Smith , S. Moulton, D. Fisher, T. Davis, J. Meinhardt.


National Honor Society Officers D. Fish er, J. Ferner, F. Stegeman.

National Honor Society Students at John Marshall High School who had achieved excellence in scholar­ ship, leadership, character, and service to their school we re rewarded with member­ ship in the National Honor Society. Twenty­ four members of the senior cla ss were elected thi s year to ta ke their places be­ side seven members chosen la st spring. At a reception held in January, the mem­ bers elected David Fi sher, president; Fred Stegeman, vice-president ; and Jane Fer­ ner, secretary. Mrs. Barden acted as faculty adviser for the group.

Standing: L. Jolidon, N. Edgett, J. Moss, D. Fisher, C. Perry, F. Conte, S. Saltsman, F. Stegeman, P. Kron, M. Thorne, W. Stat\, T. Davis, G. Van Orden, L. Vallone , D. How ard . Seated in front : J . Cox , Y. Vil lard , N. Senecal, J. Dewey , A. Barrow. Seated: J. Me inhardt, M. Bianch i, J. Kuch­ ma n, S. Moulton, N. Edd y, B. Lockwood , P. Me ye rs , K. King, Mrs. Barde n, M. Waugh, J. Fern er, S. Dann o.

Students' Association Officers

M. Higbie, SecretMy; F. Conte, President ; D. Haefele, Vice-President; D. CMr, Treasurer.



Senior Legislature

Seated: J. Kuchman, B. Noonan , D. Mansfield. Standing: J. Sheive , F. Stegeman, C. Perry, A. Mac· callini, P. Kron.

Junior Legislature

Row 1: M. Herrick, N. Kuhrt, H. Doty, W. Springer. Row 2: R. Porselt, J . Baird, D. Justice, J. Harden­ brook , J . Ca ress.

~ophomore Legislature

Row 1: C. Hou le, B. Ingraham. Row 2: W. Ludeke , G. Bus h, J. Clayton, M. Ni codemus. Row 3: S. Dona­ hue, N. Wharmby, A. Hoyt.



Freshman Legislature

Row 1: P. H il l, C. DuCharme. Row 2: C. Duerr, P. Kea vin , J. Orrico, E. Tyler, L. Vroom. Row 3: N. Weldon , R. McCone, M. Sm ith, R. Sh orts.

Sub-Freshman egislature

Row 1: P. W el d , B. Kane, V. King, S. Calhoun. Row 2: F. Erdle, B. Merritt, D. Huttenbach.

This year the legislative body was headed by the vice-president of the Students' Associatio n, Donald Haefele. Each homeroom was represented in this branch of the sc hool government by a represe ntative or an alternate who were elected from the homerooms. Meetings were held once every two months for the purpose of mak ing plans, recommendations, or laws. Some of the drives we re membership campaigns, the Memorial Scholarship Fund , the March of Dime s, and the Joh n Quill sa les. They were al so responsible for other sc hool activities that came up during the cou rse of the year. The minutes and attendance records were kept by Margie Higbee, the secre­ tary of the Students' Assoc iation . Mi ss Tu rul a and Mr. Goetz were the adult advisors who attended the meetings and added their su ggestions when needed. J: """'.....


Row 1: J. Cote, J. Bianchi, J. Curtis, M. Jolidon, B. Root, C. Smith, B. Fordyce, D. Higgins, D. Howard , J. M cAnn. Row 2: J. Ritchie, B. North­ rop, M. Newell, L. Coppard , J. Tra ­ pani, J. Hutchison, S. Hardwick, M. Lamb, G. Gregory, C. Barrow, J. Brad shaw. Row 3: R. Ewing , M. Ottamano, E. Mangan, C. Andrews, B. Malin, J . Rowley, M. Clark, J. Briggs, J . M yers, R. Zimmerman, I. Klafehn, C. Caldwell, J. Bonesteel, G. Goetz, J. Tu ckey, J. Klafehn, K. Wehner, S. Ro od, F. Pa sse ro. Row 4: D. Ellis, D. Schiltz, B. Romig, E. Mur­ ph y, N. Ru sso, J. Vermett, C. Jardine, S. Dann a, D. O 'Brien , J. Roesser, D. Garlic, R. Bartholomay.

The habit of thrift was encouraged by homeroom banking every Monday morn­ ing. The homeroom banking clerks collected money from students who had learned the va lue of regular saving. Th e ten tellers in the school banking office with the aid Banking Clerks of Mr. Pflaum, faculty adviser, received the money from the 45 homeroom banking clerks and prepared the money to send it to the bank. This year the students banked several thousand dollars.

After each report card period, a staff of people took charge of all rating duties for their individual homerooms. Known as rating clerks, these students computed the median and determined the five high est ranking members of their homerooms. Rating Clerks Once completed, the ratings were sent to the rating commission, which, under the direction of Mrs. Olmstead, double checked all blanks for accuracy and then pre­ sented a list of the five high est people from each homeroom to be displayed on the Honor Roll in the main hall.

Row 1: M. Lamb, J. Smith, K. Fisher, P. Ras, M. Potter, N. Horrocks, J. Carson, D. Elliott, J . Rice, R. Still­ man, C. Milanetti. Row 2: C. An­ drews, B. Coulter, S. Bolster, B. Palotas , A. Barrow, D. H oward , S. Bieber, K. Wilson, N. Edd y,, B. En ­ sign. Row 3: R. Schwenke, M. Nagell, M. Lane , M. O'Brien, J . Dewey, J. Meinhardt, W. LaFave, A. Vitello, Y. Villard, G. Kelder, M. Galligan, P. Rightmyer, J. Vermett, C. Martin. Row 4: R. Giebel, A. Junker, R. Hill, J . Brown, J. Anderson, A. Crowley, J. Van Orden, N. Edgett, D. Ban e, A. Robinson, R. Diehl, G. Goetz, P. Cronin, D. Funman, D. Carr.

52 in service

On Sta irs: D. Howard, E. Murphy, J. Van Orden, M. Miles, N. Edgett, J. Herring, T. Dav is, G. Schaffer, W. Statt, M . Thorne . Standin g: B. Stanin, C. Perry, T. Saltsman, D. Justice, L. Piver, M . Reilly.

Under the leadership of Mr. Gerace, the Traffic Squad, stationed at strategic points along Ridgeway Avenue, Primrose and Avis Streets, guarded the safety of Traffic Squad John Marshall's fo urteen-hundred students. They were organized in pairs with Dave Howard, Captain and Marc Thorne, Lieutenant.

Under the direction of Mr. Zeman, the Service Corps which consisted of juniors and se niors were on duty this year in their bright new orange and blue jackets, before sc hool, during the lunch hour, and at basketball games. Their duties included Service Corps patrolling the halls and doorways, maintaining order in the lunchroom, and directing traffic in general within t he building.

Row 1: E. Maynard, J. Rowley, M. Waugh, N. Eddy, N. Kehr, J . Kuch­ man, B. Schaefer. Row 2: D. Patton , S. Moulton, J. Dewey, J. Meinhardt, J. Cox, B. Coulter, C. Westfield, B. Haitz, C. Behnke. Row 3: R. Camp­ bell, R. Kasper, J. Chittenden, D. Rood, L. Drummond, J. Cole , P. Judge, D. Kowalski, J . Ba.rtlett, D. Poole.

53 Stage Crew

Front, left to right : D. Abell, C. Calhoun, D. Fisher. Back , left to right: J. Moss , D. Pool, D. Clark, M. Smith.

Dramatics Students of the dramatic class , under the leadership of Miss Bitz, gained knowledge in the arts of pantomime, speech, voice, makeup, characterization, and ot her phases of play production. In addition to the experience gained through classroom productions and mono logues, the Marshall thespians put their training to prac­ tical use by highl y successful productions of "Jinxed" , "Our Mi ss Brooks" and the "Christmas Carol", and other plays and sketches.

Dramatics Class

Foreground: S. Dan no. Row 1: N. Eddy, S. Piker, J . Klapp, S. Loveland, 0 . Mariani, L. Perkins. Row 2: N. Davie, J. Kuchman, A. DuPont, N. Kehr, D. Ban e, J. Polino, J. Eckardt, R. N orthrop, D. O'Brien, J. Galleon. Row 3: T. Dooley, M. Young, J. Palian i, B. Noonan, M. Clifford, L. Val­ lone, G. Toner, J. FitzM orris, G. Kemp, R. DiPonzio. Group in background : J. Sheive, G. Simonitti, L. VanDyke, B. Bur­ chard , P. Larry.

fabrics of

54 ;r.-..., ..... ______.

Control Room

Standing : J. Hanlon, R. Mayfield , R. Kettenberg, W. Springer, L. Va llone, R. Jacox, J. Eckardt. Seated: D. Justice. Missing : D. Fishe r, G. N ieder­ me ie r.

Radio Workshop

"Going places and doing things" was the theme for the radio works hop thi s year as they presided over Marshall 's "Monitor". Aside from their regular programs, workshoppers produced dramati­ zations for the Engli sh classes and gave short announcements during homeroom period. Through this class, valuable experience was gained in producing , writing, and acting out radio scripts. Aiding Mrs. Saunders, Director, this year were Bruce Clark, Station Manager; Gary Niedermeier, Assistant Station Manager; Larry Jolidon, Program Director; and Sally Lund, Secretary. L. Jolidon, L. DiPonzio

Radio Class

Foreground : T. Dougherty, S. DeBisschop. Row 1: B. Clark, V. Weber, A. Viola, C. Mihm, B. Melrose. Row 2: J. Guar­ nera, B. Kowalski. W . Grimm, L. Wosterval. Row 3: G. Toner. J. Dewey, R. Tess ier, P. Meyers. Row 4: D. Patton , M. O'Brien, S. Lund, C. Misel, L. Jolid on , G. N iedermeier, Mrs. Saunders. Row 5: D. Justice, J. Post, G. Short.

the word

55 Row 1: J. May, D. Fa iley, B. Root , L. Shel d on, B. Bianchi , I. J. Brownly, B. Clark, R. Schneider, G. Toner, D. Heiligman, J. Les co, J. Titerson , G. Ba ybutt, M. Leiston, B. Ketterer, M. Lamb, Van Dusen, C. DiPi lato, J. Baird, J. Eckhardt, R. Milne, K. E. Benton, L. Rath, S. Hardwick, S. Hardwick, G. Irish, J. Sa von, Geschwind, J. McAvinney, M. N agell , L. Van Dyke , S. Piker, C. Smith , C. Lurprenant, J. Pa lia ni, S. Beikirch. Row 2: P. South­ ,_J. Dewey. Row 4: J. Rice, N. Rife, J. Gilbert, J. Vermett, C. combe, C. Kober, B. Sm ith , M . Fender, B. Ras, D. Freacy, B. Pre ston , M. H uff, C. Martin, V. Wright, S. Wilson, S. Montello, Camper, ,P. Maloney, J. R.eynolds, M. Clark, N. Cox, P. N orris, D. Bane, C. Newton, E. Mambreth, N. Breisch, L. Jardine, G . R. Zim merman , D. Oualtrough, S. Gibant, C. Schwartz, G. H ipp, Goetz, C. Pard ee, A. Rich mond, B. Hoppe, J . Eshleman, N. L. Huff, S. Lund, R. Ew ing, D. Detsch , N. Kehr. Row 3: B. Gargosh, M. Holmstrom. Stockin g, J. Van W icklin, N . Clarke, M . Speziale, D. Wetherel,

Senior Choir

Ninety-three members · of the Senior Choir consisting of tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students, met five times a week with their director, Harold Singleton, and accompanist, Mrs. Laura Remington. The Choristers presented inspirational Thank sgiving and Easter programs, sang at the Civic Orchestra Concert, recorded "A Joyous Christmas" by Geveart, which wa s played during the Christmas season on W HAM radio, and appeared in seve ral assemblies. Officers were David Bane, President; David Heiligman, Vice-Preside nt-Trea su rer ; Carol Martin, Secretary; and Barbara Smith , Wardrobe Mi stress.

Silver threads of song

56 Junior Choir

The John Marshall Junior Choir this year was made up of I 06 boys and girls from the eighth and ninth grades who met three times a week under the direction of Mr. Singleton. From this year's assemblies two feature numbers that may be well remembered were the patriotic song "Here Comes the Flag" and a tenor arrangement of " Return to Sorrento". The choir officers this year were secretary, Ann Emerson; and assi stant secretary, Judy Eynon .

Ro w 1: Mr. Sing leton, J. Soporito, P. Babey, C. Boltwood, S. D. H uttenbach, V. H ix, J. Eynon, J. Palermo, D. Chafer, R. Eckels, J. McPha il, J. Carson, V. King , B. Kane, M. Stoddard, Miller, E. Clark, G. Beehler, G. Bishop, R. Bartholomay, A. H. Pe iffer, R. Virkus, I. Ritchie, N. Baker, R. Taibi, C. Humm, Jardine, R. Remley, B. Merritt, C. Duerr, D. Corson, B. Hack­ M. Altobello, G. Castellano, G. Hickmott, N. Bartoff, M. New­ shaw, R. Spezia ll , A. Kerling, L. Reilly, P. Hadley, H. Suitt, P. man, J. Johnston, Mrs. Remmington. Ro w 2: K. Burnham, J. Gifford, C. O 'Hare, D. Snively. Row 4: J. Phillips, M. Wood , G. Kortz, B. Sturm, S. Griffin, R. Finley, V. Houle, 'L. Montanaro, Cole, C. Lockwood, C. Moose, J. Bircher, D. Casperson, C. Petty, M . McCarthy, L. Counts , L. Palermo, A. Caruso, R. Petranto, J. Meyers, S. Bieber, A. Emerson, S. Powrie, S. Gilbert, K. D. Eckardt, J. Parish, D. Marbury, R. Kapp, G. Butler, P. Ranke , Steele, W. H oover, K. Klein, G. Hotelling, J. Dornsife, C. Rowe ll, D. Conroy, M . Jolidon, J. Giordano, B. Cross, C. Baker, M. V. Rosentreter, S. Bucholtz, R. Kane, R. Bailey, B. Merritt, P. Br isto l, G. N osca, L. Van Putte, R. Olyslager. Row 3: K. Maher, Jackson, D. Slade, R. Mundt.



Co-Editors .. Sandra Dan no, Barbara Lockwood Layout .. James M oss General Adviser ...... M iss Dunn Senior Co-Editors ..... J oan Meinhardt, Ann Marie Barrow Row 1, left to right: K. King, S. Dan no, Sports Editors ...... Joanne Kuchman , B. Lockwood. Back Row, left to right : J. Dewey, J . Moss, Miss Dunn, A. Barrow, Fre d Stegeman J. Meinhardt, F. Stegeman, J. Kuchman. Feature Editors . .J ane Ferner, Jane H utchison Writers .... J oy Will ia ms, Editors J ud ith Hix, Robert Romig, Na ncy Temp, Vickie Brown, Shirley Loveland, Delbert Ellis, Tere sa Conocchioli , Ann Marie Ba r­ row, Ka ren King, Mary Lou Bra nch , Joanne Kuchman, Wayne Stat!, Philip Larry, Joan Vermeil, Patricia Bryce, Ra y­ Photographer ...... Edward Nellis mond Kasper, M illicent Yo ung, Gail Lau­ Typists ..... Sandra Hardwick, ricel la , Br ian Donovan, Reginald Camp­ Gail Lauricell a, Vickie Brown bell, Michael Re illy, Carol Andrews, Chris­ Proof Reader ...... , .. Ka ren King tine Andrews Senior Statistics-Editor .. Josephine Dewey Committee ...... Marcia Waugh, Nancy H oule, Barbara Coulter

General Staff

Foreground: J. Ferner, J . W illiam s, J. H utch ison. Seated : S. Hardwick, J. Bartlett, D. H oward, G. La uricella, M. Wa ugh. Standing : N. Eddy, R. Ca sper­ son, R. Giebel, P. Larry, S. Moul ton, B. Cou lter. STAFF

we weave

Art Co-Editors ... J un e Pal iani . Jean Wagner Art Adviser .. .. . Mrs. Feuerhe rm Business Adviser ...... Mr . Thayer Business Manager .. Dennie O' Brien Advertising Adviser ...... Mr. Swanson ART STAFF, left to right: J. Wag ner, Mrs. Feuerherm, J . Pa lian i. Manager ...... Dennis Patton Bookkeeper . Nancy Eddy Secretary . .• ...... Joan Rowley Assistants ...... Janice Smith, Lo is Jardine, Virginia W right Sales and Dis tribution Adviser ... Mr. Ley Chairman .... Marilyn Bianchi Committee .. Da vi d Fisher, James Moss, George Frank , John Schie­ mann, Pam il a Kins low, Beverly A ll ardice, Jacq ueline Parish, Lin da Van Putte Grinds Editor ...... Karen King Grinds Committee . . . . . Nancy Edd y, Sa lly Mo ul ton, Ph ili p Kron, Thomas Salts­ man, Frances Karp ins ki

SA'LES and DISTRIBUTION , standing : J. B. Allardice, L. Coppard , L. VanPutte. S. Kingslow, Mr. Ley.

Business and Advertising

Standing : L. Jardine , Mr. Swan son, Mr. Thayer, V. Wright. Seated: D. Patton, J. Rowley, N. Ed d y, D. O' Brien. Varsity Cheerleaders

Sitting: D. Carr, M . Higbee, B. O ' Br ien, N. Sene cal, D. O ' Br ien. Kneeling : V. Weber (Captain) , G. Bush , J. Peters, M. Young.

J. V. Cheerleaders

C. Newton, N. Blattner, R. Zimmerman, C. McCarthy, M. Branch, J. Weldon (Capta in), C. Smith , C. Pasca le.

Varsity Majorettes

Foreground : K. Jermyn (Captain).' Standing: J . Ensign, C. N ewton , C. Th omas, E. Spring. Missing: K. Kleisley, M . H uff.

J. V. Majorettes

Stand ing : M. H icks, K. Geschwin d, G. Goetz, B. Shaw­ han. Kn eel ing : S. Hardwick, J. Par is h, A. Hoyt, J . Will iams, B. Sch aefer, V. Drake. 60 Marshall Docket

EDITORS Seated, left to right: S. Hardwick, N. Kehr, J. Meinhardt, Mrs. Biddle, L. Vallone, K. King . Foreground : L. Tinelli . Standing : A . Barrow, B. Coulter, D. Fisher, P. Larry, J. Cox , S. M oulton, J. Conocchioli.

REPORTERS Foreground : N. Kehr. Row 1: M. Waugh, B. Schaffer, N. Houle, J. Gilbert. Row 2: K. Wilson, C. O'Hare, J. Briggs, S. Mac­ Arthur, E. Spring, B. Fordyce, R. Sch­ wenke. Row 3: M. O'Brien, S. Margeson, R. Stillman, J . Clark, M. Lane, R. Zim­ merman . Row 4: B. Root, J. Peters, M. Ottomano, J. Biehler. Row 5: C. Lew is, K. Lohfink, C. Moose, J. Parish Standing : D. Patton, J. Bartlett, C. O'Brien, C. Turner, J. Anderson, D. H oward, B. Donovan, J. Black, G. Heiligman, J . Conocchioli, D. Carr.

COLUMNISTS Seated : S. Witherow, J . Dewey, N. Ed dy. Standing : L. J olid on, R. Ewin g, H. Doty, J . Rowley, R. Ka sper.

Patterns in news 61 Craftsmen

Treasury Dept. Seated, left to right: T. Ranke , D. Carr, Mrs. Colohan. Standing, left to right: J. Lowden, N. Seneca l, J. Sm ith .

Senior Band Officers Row 1: S. Mo ulton (L ibrarian), P. Burns ( Un i­ form Custodian) . Row 2: A. Viola ( Se c.-Treas.), J. Guarnere (Pre sident), F. Stegeman (V ice ­ President).

Lunchroom Cashiers Left to Right : L. Sheldon, V. Weber, M. Miller, C. McCarthy, B. Caprio, C. Westfie ld , J . Gar­ gosh, C. DiJ une, M. Fontaine.

62 Future Teachers of America

Seated At Ta ble: H. Kenyon, L. Wasterval, J. Ferner, N. Ke hr, J . H utchison, R. St illm an , M iss H il fiker, L. Dr ummon d, S. Hardwick, N. Eddy, Y. Villard, G. Robinson, L. Jardine, J. Titterson, R. Ewing , S. Riley, C. Gillette. Middle Row : M. N agell, N. Da vie, S. Dann a, D. Patton, J. P'o st. Mr. Wren , R. Ka sper, D. El lis, A. Beufve, K. Ges chwind , T. Dooley. Last Row : L. Tinel li , .(. Lewis, G. Ke lder, C. Andrews, J. M einha rdt, N. Temp, M. Hale, J. ,B riggs , C. Pardee, L. Ca lhoun .


Front: P. Kr oQ . Back : J. Lucyshyn, J. Mein­ ha rdt, P. M eyers, A. Barrow, Mr. Delong , L. Calhoun, D. Detsch, L. Tinelli, B. Fordyce.

Token Office

Backg rou nd : E. Spring, N. Sene cal , Mr. Wright, A. H oyt. Foreground: S. Dann a, J. Ferner, J . H utchison, B. Lockwood.

Audio Visual

Row 1: R. Champagne, T. O'Hare, J. Mc­ Kay, D. Paul, B. Da vy, F. Richens, J . Row­ ley. Row 2: C. Barnard , L. Fi[es, D. Chaper, L. Vallone, J. Bie hler, G. Buehler, B. Wat­ kins , F. M cNair. Row 3: J . Pe lh am, K. Wehner, R. M cCone , E. Nellis, W. Sa unders, W. Springer, D. Casperso n, G. Keppen .

63 Student Secretaries

Row 1: J. Fra nk, S. Lovelan d, J . Bian chi, L. Carlson, J. Kuchm an, J . Fle ming, C. M isel, S. Gallipeau, C. Surpren ant. Row 2: L. Pan iccia, G. Robin son, G. Bush, K. H ugo­ boom, J. Lesco, A . Berry, F. Bonistee l, C. Chapman , C. O 'Hare, J. Cronin, S. Bols te r, J. H ix , T. Calhoun, J . Snittle. Row 3: A . Em erso n, C. A ndrews, G. Gregory, M. Branch, J . Gil bert, J. Sm it h, P. M eye rs, G. Lauricella, W . LaF ave, M . Dooley, . A. Beufve, S. H elliwell, P. Clark.

Student Libraries

Row 1: P. Kinslow, S. M artin, K. St rass­ ner, D. W ood, J . O rrico, J . Cote, P. H ill. Row 2: K. Ga lligan , J. Akunciu s, V. Rosen treter, P. Fake r, D. Bane, M . Philli ps, B. Chris tophe r, L. Tinelli, S. Riley, R. Stillman. Row 3: K. Fisher, G. Gregory,. E. W oods, B. Malin, J . Bin ­ ham , J. Anderson, J. Roesser, D. W it­ kows ki, L. Rasba ch, C. Lewis, M. Bel l, N. Edd y.

Senior Choir Officers

Front : Barbara Sm it h, Da vi d Ban e. Front : Carol Martin, David H eili gman. The web

Omicron Psi Hi·Y

Row 1: A . Provan , J . Bartlett, R. Chap­ man, C. Turner. Row 2: D. M iller, R. Campbell, R. Mullen, C. Behenke, W . Statt, P. Jud ge, L. Stra ss ner, D. Chop­ man.

64 Delta Psi Y-Teen

Ro w 1: S. Chippendale, B. Schmanke, E. Fisk, L. Reilly, J. Parsons, S. Fiore , K. M aher, J. Bircher, H. Butterba ugh, S. Powrie. Row 2: B. Case, L. Rusc io, J. Cu rtis, C. Palazzi, M. J olidon, M. Altobelto, G. H oule, B. Cole­ moo, V. King, J . MacLa rty, K. Cairns, C. Humm, S. Eckels, M. Lipp, L. Beeman. Row 3: R. Sparrow, B. Evarts, S. Mundt, L. Elliott, J. Whitty, S. Chittenden, D. Con­ roy, J. Phillips, R. Kleisley, M. Casperson, D. Elliott, M. Wal,ker, C. Yackel.

Theta Y·Teen

Standing : G. Goetz, A. Richmond, K. Kane, J. Crist, M. Josh, K. Geshwind , B. Stocking, D. Huttenbach, M. Hale . Seated : B. Ken ­ yon, I. Klafehn, B. Lenzi, J. Lam ing , A. Ryer, D. Harris, B. Malin. Sitting on floor: B. Ph illips, P. Southcombe.

of days

Beta Hi .. v

Ro w 1: S. Rood , J. Holtman, J. Preston, J. Pe lham, R. Gie bel, M . Thorne. Row 2: N. Freeman, W . Manzek, L. Drummond, N. Kuhrt, J. Hanlon, D. Beamish.

65 ~ow 1, left to right: C. Behnke, E. Maynard , K. Burns, M . Waugh, D. Ellis, R. Casey, R. Sanderson. Row 4: J. Bianchi, D. H olman, B. Smith, A. Berry, B. Stocking, J. Caress, L. Rasbach , E. Liebert, J. Sm ith, B. Hagreen, D. Bane, B. Dewey, S. Le com te, J. Neuffer, B. Ba lded, D. Happ, R. Zimmerman, S. Moulton. Row 2: J . T. Ranke, D. MacAdam, R. Petranto, D. Swartz, J. Ca vallaro, Prest on , P. Macone, M. Bianchi, E. Mangan, D. Snively, J. R. M ueller, J. Rhodes, R. Axon, P. Judge. Ro w 5, Standing: R. W yant, R. Frattle, L. Coppard, G. Loughborough, A. Crowley, Cigna, E. Perrin, M. Groth, K. Wehner, C. Heinzman, R. Benn ett, D. Mansfi eld , L. H uff, S. W ilson, J. Smith , N. Giese, G. Run dell. G. Schaffer, Mr. Thrall, B. Currie, J . Brazier, G. Cox, E. Schm itt. Row 3: R. Cha pman , F. W illiams, R. Williams, J. Hanlon, C. M issi ng : L. Bowen, D. M iller, S. Montello, B. Root, R. Twea dy, Pard ee, J. Ainsworth, D. Buchan, J. Guarnere, E. Schultz, M . D. Weining, N. Edgett. Burn s, A. Viola, J. Bischoff, J. H ol tman, E. N ew man, R. Young,

Senior Orchestra

Th e Senior Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Ro y Thrall, completed an interesting year by playing at the Senior Play, at graduation, in grade sc hool s, at the Spring Concert, and for the first time at an Orchestra Asse mbl y. They also performed at the State Festival, where solos, quartets, and ensembles­ all played competitively with other school orchestras i r. Western New York. The officers for this year were Sa lly Mou lton , Presi dent; David Pool, Vice­ President; Marcia Waugh, Secretary; and Donald Man sfield , Librarian.

A tapestry of sweet sound

66 Senior Band

1955- 1956 was a busy year for th e John Marshal l Senior Band and their conductor Mr. Thrall. Th e band represented Marshall in the Highland Pa rk Festival , and variou s concerts at Mars hall and around the county. Two band members , Jerry Rh odes, and Phil ip Ma co ne were chosen for the All-State Band , and twe nty other's played in th e Sectional All-State Band.

Row 1: K. Geschwind, R. Ewing, M. Sm ith, D. Pool, J. Verme tt, Macone, J. Guarnere, D. Mansfield, A . Viola, L. Bowen, D. S. Lun d, C. Westfield , C. Baldeck , P. Gesc hw ind , V. H ix, A. H olma n, J. Smith. Row 4: G. Rundell, J. Smith, G. Lejnieks, F. Em erson. Row 2: R. Fr attle, D. Crawford , J. Kli mm, D. Sc hi ltz, Stegeman, R. McCon e, J. Rhodes, B. Currie, R. You ng, P. Judge, D. Seele y, J. Malin, V. Matteson, J . Br iggs, G. Buch an , B. Pad ­ R. Mueller, R. Sanderson , R. Ben nett, R. Cigna , C. H einzman. get, D. Good child , T. O 'Hare, Mr. Thral l, L. Vroom. Row 3: J. Missing: C. Newton, M . Croucher, B. Hagreen, R. Case , D. Ouistorf, L. Rasba ch , J. Dewey, S. M ou lton, A. Berry, E. May­ Nash , J. Sanow, B. Stocking . nard , M. Waugh, G. Lo ughborou g h, K. Burns, C. Be hn ke, P. Junior Band Under the batons of Mr. Thrall 's student conductor, Dic k Misel, and assistant student conductors, James Walker and Paul Morton, the J unior Band proved their capability. They participated successful ly in state competition at Rush-Henrietta this spring, played in Marshall's annual sp ring concert, and performed in several assemblies. Thi s experience plus their spirit of co-operation en­ couraged the prospect of fine Senior Band s in the future. Th e officers were President, Dave Crawford ; Vice- President, Sabra Bal­ lerstein; and Librarian, Ra y Short.

Row 1: R. Misel, J. Moore, S. Ballerstein, B. Easton, J. Fiore, B. Legg , R. Sh orts, J . Shawhan , R. Usborne, D. Garlic, P. Morton. Row 2: S. W ilson, R. Julian, R. Davy, R. Seele y, C. DeFord , D. Higgins, J. Walker, P. Sosc ia, N. Ba xter, D. Rife, D. Furman, P. Hill, S. Bennet, Mr. Thral l. Row 3: J. Schiemann, A. Graham, F. Burns, R. Schumaker, D. Crawford, G. Le istman, D. Turk , B. Steinfeldt, H. Schultz, W. Piver, J. Bown, R. H echt, D Besancon, A Cul len , L. Searls.

Junior Orchestra Under the direction of Mr. Roy Thrall, the Junior Orchestra com ­ pleted its first year of concert mu si c at John Marshall. The members worked hard to prove that they were prepared for their ultimate goal Senior Orchestra. Music by this group provided in­ teresting listening for students, teachers, friends, and parents at the Spring Concert. Officers elected for this year were as follows : Diane Higgins, President; Sabra Ballerstein, Vice-President; Alan Cullen, Secretary; and Ann Emerson, Librarian.

Row 1: S. Ballerstein, J. Gilman, P. H ill, H. Scholze, N. Baxter, D. Rife , J. Janowicz, B. Mullen, Patterns D. Slliott. Row 2: D. Turk, D. H iggins, R. Seeley, A. Graham, R. Schumaker, J. Schiemann, B. Easton, S. Fiore , Mr. Thrall. Row 3: W. Piver, L. Searls, A. Emmerson, A. Cullen , D. Besancon, R. Usborne, D. Garlic, J. Brown, P. Morton. Missing: J. Walker, S. Mundt. in music 68 "' .J I •


• •

Sports I \I. • • 11 --~ GIRLS' Girls at Marshall turned out in large numbers for the 1955-1956 season of after-school sports under the leader­ ship of Miss Miller, Miss Forgie, and Miss O 'Connor. A varied sports sc hedule this year included stunts, bowling, dancing, bas­ ketball, volleyball, swimming, badmin­ ton, soccer, ping-pong, tennis, and base­ ball. The girls also formed teams which competed against other city schools in volleyball, basketball, swimming, and soccer play days. By regular attendance at these clubs, girls earned credits toward their letters in sports. They also made new friends and developed a sense of team-play and cooperation. Made of

Row 1: J. Soporito. A. Spencer, S. Donovan, S. Davies, B. Armendinger, B. Schaefer, P. Kavanaugh. Row 2: D. Higgins, T. Conoc­ chioli, J. Caress, S. Hardwick, N. Baxter, C. Barrow, J. Maclarty, J. Heller, J . Bianchi, J. Johnston. Row 3: C. King, V. Jacques, C. Hol­ land, A. Borrow, M. Waugh, B. Hunt, J. Ven tura, M. Miller, L. Mastersen, C. Kober, B. Easton, B. Fordyce, J. Kuchman.



Row 1 (in pool) Water Ballet: E. Stanley, T. Davis, W . Stall, W. Stanin, E. Caprice, J . Briggs, L. Tinelli, B. Phillips, C. Malthane.r, J. Cropsey, S. Hardwick , J. Kuchmon, J. Phillips. Row 2: L. VanPutte, W. Edm on ds, J. Bianchi, B. Slye, S. Castner, D. Stewart, C. Humm, J. Maclarty, J. Soporito, S. Martin, Mrs. Scul ly (director). Row 3: C. Willi ams, C. Newman, H. Scholze, J. Watson, K. Reed, P. South­ combs, S. Clarke, S. Crary, J. Ouistorf, B. Eas­ ton , P. Heberger, N. Horrocks, C. McKee, G. Wilson, J. Bradshaw, J. Heller, S. Ballerstein, K. Burnham . C. Barrow, J. Janowicz, J. Droke, B Nel son, B. Armendinger, C. Baker, Miss Miller (director) . Row 4 : D. Weston, D. Re1nagel , S. Buch oltz, K. Rowley, S. Chittenden, B. Shaffer, P. Pfeiffer, J. Mclnin ch, J. Sm ith, D. DeGrave, B. Allardice, J. Elwe ll.



Row 1 : J. Heller, R. Teb o, G. Wilson , B. Slye, T. Conocchioli , S. Davies , R. Sim mons. Row 2: B. Easton, J. Malin, B. Fordyce, D. Higgins, N. Kehr, M. Waugh, J. Meili, B. Phillips, E. Shawhan. Row 3: M. H icks, C. Kin g, M. Lane, G. Lauricella, V. Jacques, A. Barrow, J. Ven­ tura, K. Reed, C. Holland , J. Caress, B. Allard ice.

sterner stuff

Stunts Club

Row 1: J. Soporito, W. Edmonds , B. Armen­ dinger, B. Nelson, S. Da vies. Row 2: J. Phi llips, N. Andrews, N. Baxter, K. Rowley, B. Fordyce, D. Higgins, A. Will iams, B. Pal otas. Foreground : S. Hardwick, S. Martin, B. Phillips.


Row 1 : J. Soporito, D. Gowin, L. Adams, J . McPhai l, S. Donovan, S. Martin , J. Bian chi, A . Spencer, J. Johnston. Row 2 : R. Heberger, S. Ortlieb, J. Janowicz, J. MacLarty, C. Barrow, J. Cropsey, C. Baker, L. Mastersen, J. Gilman, N. H orrocks. Row 3: B. Malin, G. Anderson, E. Tyler, P. Hadley, J. Cox, D. Clark, G. Geuder, N. Davie, J . Klafehn, K. Wilson, D. Furman, J . Malin.

71 Fow 1: J. Kron, J. Hayward , D. Ralston, A. Vi ola, H. Pfeiffer, J. Herring , D. Del laVe lla, R. Noonan, A. Wheeler, R. Usborne , J . Taibi, A. Soscia. Row 2: P. Ranke , P. Burns , J. Armend inger, Coach Thral l. Row 4: B. Coleman , H. Gregory, D. Smith, B. R. Axon , L. Jolidon, D. Lyons , M. Matteson, T. McCarthy, G. Grimm, M. Brush, T. Ranke , G. Niedermeier, J. Rhodes, J. Dob­ Goetz. Row 3: Coach Gugl in, D. Haefele, P. Argento, J. Hough, berton, F. Conte, K. Mantle, J. McGuire, D. Ernest, D. Cham­ C. DiPilato, D. Casperson , S. Powers , Coach Davis , M. Herrick, berlin. Inset: Captains, Philip Argento, Frank Conte

The Football Team

This year, Marshall's contribution to the football field was the best one ever to grace our school's history. Led by All-Scholastic Phil Argento at quarterback and Gary Niedermeier at end, the Jurists won five out of six league contests, and finished in a three way tie for first place with Edison and Jefferson. In the play-offs, Jefferson's powerful Statesmen closed out our team and shared the Co-Championship with Edison. Frank Conte was voted lineman-of-the-year and Phil Argento received back-of-the-year award in the annual team voting.

FOOTBALL 1955 Marshall...... ------·- 6 Fairport ...... 12 Marshall ______.. ___ ...... 12 Jefferson ...... 19 Marshall. _ ------14 Edison ...... 13 Marshall. .. ___ __ ...... 21 Franklin ...... 7 Marshall...... 26 East ...... 7 Marshall...... 13 Monroe ------12 Marshall ...... 27 Charlotte ------0 Marshall...... 20 Jefferson ------41

Coach Davis, P. Argento 72 "Making plans" , • v • • ~ .~ ~ • " ., • A~ ..fl 0 0 ...... ,.,.,;,. ni -.:> ~., ~'"'i" "

The Soccer Team

The Marshall soccer team , under the guiding hand of Coach Gerace, had a good season and wound up SOCCER 1955-1956 in third place in the city competition. They managed Marshall...... 5 West ...... 0 to bring home 7 wins, 2 losses, and 2 ties. Marshall...... 2 Charlotte ...... 2 In the Sectionals, the booters pulled a big surprise Marshall...... 2 Ea st ...... 3 when they upset Wayne Central. Th e Jurists then Marshall...... 8 Madison ...... 0 defeated Madison and moved into the game with Marshall...... 12 Jefferso n ...... I Ea st. Thi s contest was battled to a 0-0 tie. After Marshall...... 0 Edi so n ...... I two overtimes, it was decided that Marshall and Ea st Marshall...... 8 Monroe ...... 0 would share the Sectional crown. Marshall...... 5 Fran klin ...... 0 Eric Reynolds, who learned hi s soccer in England, made All-Scholastic first team. Other excellent pla y­ SECTIONAL$ ers making All-Scholastic teams were Phil Kron, Loyal Marshall...... 6 Wayna Central ...... 2 Van Dyke, Norm Edgett, Ed Frearson, Wayne Stat+, Marshall ...... 4 Brighton ...... 0 and Ron Giebel. Marshall...... 0 Ea st ...... 0

Row 1: E. Fearson, G. Fra nk, D. Mansfie ld, L. Di Ponz io, D. Grau, Thorne, A. M eyers, E. Johnson , D. Misel, D. Mitchel . Row 3: P. Kron, N. Edgett, J. Turpin, A. Hetzke, N. Weld, J. Nesbitt. Mr. Gerace, D. Justice, R. DeBock, E. Reynold s, L. Piver, G. P. Wells. Row 2: D. Crawford , T. Dewe y, L. VanDyke, H. Doty, Hagerty, J . Eichi nger, D. Heilig man, D. Hamill, F. Richens. H. Amogata, G. MacPherson, R. Gie be l, W. Stott. R. Hoak, J. Inset: Captains Grau and Kron. Row 1: R. Axon, B. Higham, D. Gul bran so n, J. Britt, D. Justic e, Short, P. Kron , A . Maccallini, H. Doty, P. Argento. Inset: G. Nie dermeier, G. Hagerty, Coach Bushnell, A. Bierworth, G. Captain Bierworth. Basketball

The 1955-1956 edition of the John Marshall bas­ Maccallini, and Phil Argento. ketball team again upheld the traditions of exciting Highlights of the season were a second half defeat play and good sportsmanship in all of their Inter­ of Charlotte after they had sq ueaked by the Jurists scholastic League tilts. in an earlier meeting, and the Marshall -Ea st gama Led by the high scoring and consistently fine per­ where the hoopsters led at the half but later bowed in formances of Alan Bierworth and Gary Niedermeier, defeat to the sharp-shooting Orientals. the starting five was rounded out by Phil Kron, AI

Phil Argento Gary Niedermeier "Look to the ball." 74 "A tense moment." BASKETBALL

Marshall______44 Spencerport 42 Marshall ...... 52 Edison ------42 Marshall______64 Franklin ------53 Marshall______59 Charlotte ------60 Marshall______55 Ea st ------64 MarshalL ...... 77 Aquinas ------60 Marshall ______55 West ------54 Marshall ...... 67 Jefferson ------47 Marshall ______63 Madison ______64 Marshall ______65 Monroe ------57 Marshall______48 Edison ------42 Marshall ______57 Franklin ------41 Marshall______61 Charlotte ------53 Marshall ______58 East ------67 Marshall______70 West ------81

P. Kron, G. Niedermeier "Fancy foot work."

J. V. Basketball

Row 1: D. M isel, G. H ughes, N. Weld , B. Nesbitt, P. McKeon, Currie, D. Heilig man , J . Hardenbrook, P. Morton, D. Sm ith, J. Thorne, B. Lambert, F. Beatty, N. ( .ese. Row 2: J. Valentine , L. Nazzaro, B. M cCone, D. Cofran, L. Pi ver, D. M iller, L. Hefler, F. Rossiter, T. Compton, D. Schaeffer, J. Kron , J. Fox, E. Smith, P. Kass, Coach W ren. R. Carroll, S. Powers , D. Casperson . Row 3: J. Beehler, W.

75 Row 1: F. R:chens, G. Frank , E. Smith, P. Smith. Row 2: Coach Wrigh t, A. Sch aertet•, J . Chittenden W. Statt, T. Saltsman, D. Liebert. Tennis In Intersc holastic League competition, the 1955 John Marshall tennis team, under the guidance of their TEAM RECORD coach, Mr. Wright, achieved a record of two wins, Marshall ______0 Franklin ------4 two losses, and played to a draw in an incompleted Marshall...... 4 Madison ...... 0 match with Monroe. Marshall ...... 4 Charlotte ...... 0 Team members John Miller, Wayne Stat+, and Marshall. ______I Monroe ...... 2* Tom Saltsman played singles, while Jim Chittenden * lncompleted game. and Art Schaertel teamed up for doubles. Golf Fabric of TEAM RECORD The 1955. John Marshall golf team finished the Marshall ...... 51f2 Charlotte ...... 61f2 season in third place in the Interscholastic League, by Marshall ...... 7 Monroe ...... 5 posting a record of i'hree wins, two losses, and one Marshall...... 12 Ea st ...... 0 tie. The team was led by Captain Bob Parsons, and Marshall. ______12 Irondequoit ...... 0 teammates, AI Bierworth, Reggie Henderson, Chuck Marshall...... I Brighton ______II Retallick, and AI Hetzke. Marshall ...... 6 Franklin ...... 6

In front: B. Parsons. Row 1: A. Hetzke, C. Menzik, J. Mandrino, G. Short. Row 2: A. Bi erworth , D. Miller, R. Henderson, D. Hanley, Coach Carol.

76 Ro w 1: C. Barnard , F. Beatty, R. Bennett, R. Carroll, M . Walsh, Ma ie r, Coach Wren, B. Currie, C. Wenzel , D. Jacox, R. Hauck. P. Cre llin, D. Crell in. Row 2: J. Brown, D. Miller, E. Smith, D. Inset: Capta in Hauck. Cross Country

By virtue of a record of three win s and one loss in In t he sectional meet, Hauck fini shed seventh in a Intersc holastic League competition, the cross cou ntry field of over I00, and t he team as a whole, fini shed in team finished in a tie for second place. a tie for third place. The team, coached by Mr . Wren, a newcomer to Other runn ers on the team included Chuck Wen­ the Marshall coaching scene, wa s led by the out­ ze l, Ron Carroll, Dave J acox, Mike Walsh, Pete Crelli n, standing run ning of Ro n Hauck. and Dave Crellin . brawn and muscle Bowling

The Jurist Bowling team placed fi fth in the city this year. The Keglers beat teams from Franklin, Madi son, and East, b1-1t bowed to Jefferson and Edison. The team was composed of two squads. On the first squad were Captain Gary Kemp, Loui s DiPonzio, George Brow.n, David Buckly, and Ronald Hauck.

In front: A. Junker, R. Campbell. Row 1: L. DiPonzio, J . Maclay, J. Piccirill i. Row 2: G. Kem p, G. Brown, S. Rood, D. Buck ley .

77 In Front: F. Stegeman, Coach Gerace. Row 1: F. Rupp, C. Be hnke, S. Edgerton, T. Dewey, D. Craw­ ford, J . Ritchie, T. M cC arthy, P. Weld. Row 2: R. Wilmie r, C. Perry, G. Purd y, B. Stann in, W. Statt, D. DellaVella, M . Thorne , M. Re illy, D. Cole, D. Hamill, T. Davis, R. Narrymore , A. Hetzke, J. Brown, M. M iles, J. Herrin g, D. Mayfield, D. Ral ston Inset: Captains Stegeman and Perry.


Under the capable guidance of Coach Gerace, the swim ming team gained a record of three wins and one loss in Intersc hola stic Leag ue competition . The team relied mainl y on Fred Stegeman in the I00 yard backstroke and the 150 yard individ ual medley; and the two divers, Dick Mayfield and Dave Ralston as poi 11+-getters. Led by co-captains, Fred Stegeman _and Chu ck Perry, the team was aided by Dan Hamill, Mike Miles, Tom Davis, and Mike Reill y.

SCORES Marshall...... 33 Brighton ...... 44 Marshall...... 33 Charlotte ...... 43 Marshall...... 46 Monroe ...... 31 Marshall...... 52 Ea st ...... 25 Marshall...... 67 Jefferson ...... 9 Marshall...... 63 Fran klin ...... 14 Marshall...... 42 West ...... 35

"Perfect form" Dave Ralston 78 Wrestling

Coach Davis 's highly successful wrestling team had its best season in Marshall's history. SCORES Led by veterans Frank Conte, Don Haefele, and Marshall...... 32 Monroe ...... 15 AI Wheeler, the grunt and groaners managed to drop Marshall ...... 34 Franklin ...... II many of their opponents by wide margins. Marshall ...... 45 Edison Tech ...... 0 The highlight of the season wa s the Edi son meet. Marshall ...... 20 Wayne ...... II In that co ntest, the Marshall squad pinned Tech 45-0. Marshall ...... 30 Jefferson ...... 16 This marked the first shut-out game in the hi story of Marshall...... 3 Ea st ...... 34 high school wrestling in Rochester.

In Front: B. Alman, P. Burns, Coach Da vi s. Row 1: J. Hein, A. J . Weinant, J. Swartz, F. Petralia, L. Brescia, J. Co lt. Row 3: Wheeler, B. DiPonzio, F. Conte, D. H aefele, M. Herrick, H. G. Lejn ie ks, P. Smith, G. Short, J. Armend in ger, L. J olidon, J. Pfeiffe r, B. Miles, J. Ca valarro. Row 2: J . Service, B. Walkley, Dobberton, H. Gregory, R. Wagner, J. Rhodes, B. Ra wlings, D. B. Weis, D. Romig, J. Delvecchio, 8. Hough, G. Goetz, l. File s, McKurchor, B. Rob inson, W. Haefele. Inset : Captain Haefele. Track Team

The 1955 John Marshall track team completed the season with a record of seven wins and two losses. Thi s earned the Jurist cindermen third place in city standings. Two boys who did outstanding work during the season were Bill Hicks, who broke a broad jump record of 21' 3" by leaping 21' II%", and Mike Walsh , one of four sprin ters in a record breaking mile relay team.

SCORES MarshalL ...... 36 Franklin ...... 59 MarshalL ...... 411f2 East ...... 531f2 MarshalL ...... 681f2 Edison ...... 151f2 MarshalL ...... 53 West ...... 33 MarshalL ...... B41f2 Jefferson ...... 191f2 MarshalL ...... 51 Charlotte ...... 39 MarshalL ...... 53 Madison ...... 42 MarshalL ...... 561f2 Monroe ...... 381f2 MarshalL ...... 49 Aquinas ...... 41

In Front: L. Sa um barger, Coach Da vis. Row 1: D. Jacox, G. F. Masterson, B. He ineman , J. Helem, -C. DiPiloto, B. Grimm, K. Leigh, A. Trieste, G. Form, F. Bernatz, B. Robin son. Row 2: B. Considine, J . VanDuser, D. Heili gman, M. Walsh, M. Matteso n Cairns, D. VanPutte, D. Miller, R. Kirby , L. Conrad, D. Haefele, Coach Mayers. R. Ha uck, D. Sturm, D. Lyons. Row 3: B. Hic ks, G. Niedermeier,

80 Row 1: J. Eckardt, L. Sklenar, B. Coleman , P. Argento, B. F. Grimes, B. Carr, C. Weaver, D. Justice," B. Simpson, D. Gra u, Rom ig, B. Dean , H. Pfeiffer, B. Dumphy, Coach Bushn ell. Row 2: H. Gregory, A . Maccallini, H. Doty. Baseball

The J urists of the diamonci started out fa st but slacked off as the seaso n pro­ gressed . Led by the power hitting of Chuck Weaver, and the fine fielding of Ph il Argento, the Marsha ll nine looked like a championship team in the first few games. At th is time, however, star pitcher Floyd Grimes became afflicted with back trouble just as he was heading toward a new city strike-out record. Ph il Argento and Chuck Weaver placed All -Sc hola stic and helped the team to place second in the city competition. Te am spi rit and good sportsmanship coupled with Mr. Bushnell's fine coaching kept Marshall 's name hig h on the list of contenders throughout the entire seaso n.

"Smiles for sueeess"


Marsha 11 ...... 2 Jefferso n 0 Marshall...... 17 Monroe ...... 5 Marshall ...... 4 Franklin ...... I Marshall...... 6 Ea st ...... 2 Marshall ...... 6 Edison ...... 0 Marshall...... 4 Aquinas ...... 13 Marshall...... 5 West ...... 6 Marshall...... I Charlotte ...... 8 Marshall...... 0 Madison ...... 18

B. Dean , L. Sklenar, P. Argento 81 82 Senior Statistics 6)f

PAUL ABENDROTH 184 Cravenwood Avenue ALAN BIERWORTH 168 Birr Street Barnard; Sw im C lu b 2; Audio-Visual 2, 3. College No. 7; Re serve Basketba ll I, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Cross Country 2; Golf 2, 3; Homeroom Representative I. College HIROAKI Ato.!AGATA 2627 English Road H igh school attached to Hiroshima Un iversity; Soccer 4; Honor BEATRIX OlVERA BOKHORST 546 Augustine Street Roll 4. Jefferson ; Sen ior Choir. Work DALE S. ANDERSON 46 Selye Terrace No.7; Tumb ling I, 2; Apparatus I , 2. College LINDA LEE BOWEN 186 Hoover Drive Greece Central; Swimming Club I; Memorial Day Parade I, 2. 3; PHILIP ARGENTO 30 Starling Street Bowling Club 4; S. A. Assem bly I. Work No. 34; Boseball I, 2, 3, 4; Footba ll I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 4; Homeroom Bas ketball I, 3; Volleyball 3. Col lege CAROL D. BOYCE 169 Steko Avenue No. 41: Honorable Mention I , 2, 3. 4; Sw imming I , 2; Basketball SHIRLEY A. ATWOOD 19 Dove Street I, 2; Hit Pin I , 2; Games I , 2; Social Dancing 2, 3, 4; Jun ior No . 33; Social Danc in g I, 2, 3; Sw im ming 2; Softba ll 2; Basketball Life Savino 2; Homeroom Representative I , 2; 8th and 9th Grade 2, 3; Volleyball 3; M inor Letter Athletics 3; Memorial Day 2; M ixer I; Winter Style Show; Snowball 2. Work Jun ior Prom 3; Senior Party 3. Work

RAYMOND C . AXON 482 Oakwood Road MARY LOU BRANCH 104 Du xbury Road Barnard; Halloween Hop I, 2; Football I, 2, 4; Basketball I, 2, Greece Central; Homeroom Representative I, 2. 3; H. R. A lternate 3, 4; Baseball I, 2, 3, 4; Senior Band 2, 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 4; Honorable Mention 2: March of Dimes 3; Student Da y Teacher 3. College 3; Swimming I; Assembly 3; Reserve Cheerleader 4; Senior Class Secretary 4; Junior Choir I ; Junior Prom 3; 8t h and. 9th G ra de CHARLES M. BALDECK 2281 Dewey Avenue M ixer I ; Student Secretary 4. College No. 41; Orchestra I , 2, 3, 4. College VICKI J. BROWN 271 Cabot Road DAVID E. BANE 685 Dewey Avenue Greece Central; Swimminq 1,· 2, 3; Junior C hoir I; Senior Choir 2; No. 34; Senior Band and Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Visua l Aid 2; Me­ Junior Prom 3; Student Secretary 4; Student Day 3; Honor Roll 2. mo ri~ l Day Par~de 2, 3; Minor Letter Activities 2; Decorations Jun ior Prom 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Rat ing Clerk 4; Senior C hoir College President 4; Homeroom Ba ske tball I, 2, 3, 4; H ighland Park Concert I, 2, 3; Dramatics 4; Assembly 4; Mus ic and Dramatics BRYAN BURCHARD 340 Stone Road St. Mon ica's. College Commission 4; Marshall Da y I; Sw imming I. College

ANN MARl E BARROW 360 Flower City Park KATHRYN MARY BURNS 31 Hammond Street Sacred Heart; Honor Roll I. 2, 3, 4; Minor Letter Scholarship 2; Greece Central; Alterndte Home Room Representative 3; Minor Major Letter Scholarship 3, School Award 3; Swimming I, 2; Scholarship Letter 3; M inor Activities Letter 3; Band I , 2,. 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Re creation 3; Orchestra 4; Honorable Mention I , 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Dme I; Apparatus 3; Softball 3, 4; Soc ial Dancing 3; M inor Letter Ath­ Career Da y Committee I; Memorial Day Parade I, 2, 3; Honor letics 2; Major Letter Athletics 3; Marsha ll Day Elections 2; Me­ Ro ll I, 2; Leader in Gym Class 3, 4. Work moria l Day Parade 2; Jun ior Prom 2, 3; Student Store 2, 3, 4; Docket 2, 3, 4; Joh n Quill 3, 4; Goblins Ba ll 3; Picture Repre­ sent~tive 3; Usher at Washington's Birt hday Exercise 3; Graduation CAROL JEAN CAMPBELL 31 Seneca Park Circle Usher 3; M inor Letter Activities 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Rat ing Olean H igh School. Work Commission 4; Scholarship Commission 4; Co-guardian of t he flag 4. College RONALD R. CANTABEN 656 Stone Road Aquinas; Football 2, 3; Docket 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Alt. Rating JAMES WESLEY BARTLETT 71 Bancroft Drive Clerk 2; A lt. Banking Clerk 2, 3; Homeroom Basketball 3; As- Barnord; Memorial Day Parade 2; Homeroom Rating Clerk 2; Visual sembly 2, 3. Service A id 3, 4; A ssemb ly 2; Picture Representative 2; Visual Operator I , 2, 3; Jun ior Prom 3; Service Corps 3, 4; John Quil l 3, 4; Swim­ ming I; Dung aree Frol ic 4; Docket Rep orter 3, 4; -Do cket Book MARIE CARROLL 216 Le xi ngton Avenue Club 4; Hi-Y 3, 4. Work Holy Rosary; Juoior Choir I; Lunchroom Cashier 2, 3, 4. Work MARILYN CAROL CASSATA 197 Curlew Street LAWRENCE L. BATES Holy Rosary; Assembly 3; Memorial Day Parade 2; Honorable 90 Eastland Road Mention 3. No. 41. College College RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN 83 Stratford Park LORRAINE BEALS 44 Westwood Drive Greece Centra I Soccer I , 2; Footba II 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 4; Barnard ; Social Danc ing 2; Junior Corps Drum Majorette 2, 3; Wrestling 3; Baseball I, 2, 3, 4. Undecided Junior Hostess 3. College CAROLE LOU CHAPMAN 669 Lak e Avenue DAVA BEAUMONT 138 Standish Road No. 34; Swimm ing I; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3; Jri-Y 3; Student Greece Central. College Secretary 3. 4. Work

EVELYN BEEHLER 1333 Ridge Road W . Greece Central; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Hostess Christmas Dance 3; Senior Party 3; Athletic Ban quet 2. Col lege

DOUGLAS BENNETT 1176 Long Pond Road No. 41; Soccer 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3. Servic.e

EDNA G. BENTLEY 601 Drivi ng Park Avenue No. 7; Badminton I , 2, 3; Volleyball I, 2, 3; Baseball I, 2, 3; Baske tball 2, 3; Soccer 2, 3; Social Dancing 2, 3; Swimming 3; Softball 3; Re d Cross Benefit Dance 2; Memorial Day Parade 3; Sen ior Party 3. Un decided

EVELYN RUTH BENTON 24 Minder Street No. 41; Junior Choir I; Senior Choir 2, 4; Inter-Hi C hoir 2, 3, 4; Jun ior Pr om 3; Lenten Service Soloist 3. Work

MARILYN T. BIANCHI 485 Lexington Avenue No. 34; Minor Letter Scholarship I; Major Letter Scholarship 2; School Award 3; Ind. Photo Agent I ; Snowball 2; Red Cross 2; Benefit Dance 2; Concessions B.S. Game 2; Office Messenger 2; Senior Band I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Athletic Banquet 2; Banking Clerk I, 2, 3; Cha rades A ssembly 2; Snowball 3; John Qu ill Circu­ lation 2, 3, 4; Minor Letter Activit ies 2; Served at Sen ior Party 2; Memoria l Da y Parade I, 2, 3; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exer­ cise 3; Junior Prom 3; H.R. Representative 3; Ma jor Letter Ac­ tivities 3; Sports Day 2; Social Danc ing I, 2, 3; Ping Ponq 2, 3; A pparatus 3; Swimming 3; Minor Athletics Letter 3. College Dyed in smiles.

83 Senior Statistics

SHIRLEY ANN CRONIN 41 Almay Road Nazareth; J. V. Cheerleader; Baske tball; Volleyball; Homeroom Representative I, 2; Hostess at Senior Re ception 3; Ba dminton I, 2; M emorial Day Parade. College

DAVID C . CROSIER 216 Bonesteel Stre et Greece Central; Memorial Da y Parade I, 2. Work

ARTHUR WARD CROWLEY 479 Augustine Street Intramural Basketball 2, 3; Varsity Soccer 2; Memorial Da y Parade 2; Attendance Collector 2, 3; Rat ing Clerk 3; Jun ior Band I; Sen ior Ban d I, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; M inor Activities Letter 3. College

SANDA JO DANNO 156 Merlin Street No. 34; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; M inor ' Letter Scholarship 2; Ma jor Letter Scholarsh ip 3; 8th and 9th Grade M ixer I; Jun ior C ho ir I; Sports Da y I; Marshall Da y I; Ba dminton I; Ping -Pong I, 2; Con ­ cess ions 2; Snowball 2; Token Office 2, 3, 4; Bank ing Clerk 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 2; Games 2; Docket 2, 3; Stunts 2; Social Danc ing I, 2; Mobile Unit 3; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Snowba ll 3; Bowling 3; M inor Athletics Letter 2; S. A . Assembly I, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Assembly 3; M inor Activit ies Letter 3; Co-Editor John Quill 4; Executive Counc il 4 ; Graduation Us her 3; S.A. Campa ign 4; Community Chest 2. College

Designs in study. THOMAS E. DAVIS 2627 English Road Nazareth Hall ; Swim Club 2, 3; Varsity Sw imm ing 3; Life Saving 3; Water Safely A id 3; M inor Sc holarship Letter 2; Major Sc holarshi p Letter 3; Marshal l Da y I; Tra ffic Squad 3, 4; Water Ball et 3; DAVID CHAPMAN 38 Sp arling Drive Memoria l Day Parade 3; Scholarship Commission 4. Co ll ege Barnard; Hi-Y. Service RONALD DE BOCK 3197 Dewey Avenue Ba rnard; Homeroom Representative I: Soccer I, 4; Football 2, 3: RITA CIVJTILLO 286 C urtis St reet Swimming I, 2, 3; Homeroom Ba sketball I, 2, 3, 4; Track I, 2; Holy Apostles; Red Cross Benefit Dance I; Junior Prom I; Vo l leyball I. Serv ice Snowball 2; Homeroom A lternate Bank ing Clerk 2, 3, 4. Work

BARBARA ANN CLARK 72 Almay Road JOSEPHINE B. DEWEY 199 Alameda Street Barnard; Majorettes 2, 3; Swimming 2. Work No. 7; Docket 2, 3, 4; John Quill 3, 4; Service Corps 3, 4; M inor Scholarship Letter I; M ajor Scholarship Letter 2; Banking Clerk I , 3; Rating Clerk 4; M inor Athletics Letter I ; M inor Activities BRUCE CLARK 351 Magee Avenue Letter 3; Student Secretary I; Dance Committee I , 3, 4; Choir Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Christmas Dance 3; As­ 1, 4; Orchest ra 4; Graduation Usher 3; Washington's Birthday sembly 3; Homeroom A lternate Representative 3; Inter-High Usher 3; St udent Day Teacher 3; Senior Li fe Saving 2; Asse mbly Choir 3. R. I. T. I, 4; H onor Roll and Honorable Mention 1, 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Photo Agent I ; Radio Workshop 4; Memorial Day Para de 2; Bowling PATRICIA ANN CLARK 358 Augustine Street I, 3; Volleyball 3; Swimming I. Coilege No. 41; Memorial Da y Parade 2, 3; Goblin's Ba ll 3; Picture Rep- resentative 3; Basketball Concessions 3; Socia l Danc ing 3; Student VIVIAN 01 LORETO 7 Bardin Street Secretary 4; Concessions 4. Work Jefferson: Swimming I; Social Dancing I: Ping- Pon g 2; Serving at Docket Luncheon 2; Picture Representative 2. Work ROGER CLIFF 191 Florence A venue Barnard; Homeroof'TI Bas ketball ; Golf Team. Work CAROLYN OJ JUNE 368 Driving Park Avenue Lunchroom Cashier 4. Work MAUREEN CLIFFORC 208 Bonesteel Street Victor Central; Cheerleader 3, 4; Sw imming I, 2; Basketball I; DAVID OJ PONZIO 58 Lark Street Soccer I , 2; Snowball I ; Pep Assembly 3, 4; Stunts I; Memorial No. 34. Work Da y Parade 2. 3. Work LOUIS M. OJ PONZIO 17 Electric Avenue No. 5; H omeroom Baske tba ll I, 2; Sports A nnouncer 4; Soccer 4; WAYNE COATES 117 Knicke rbocker Avenue Bowling 2, 3, 4; Football I; M emoria l Day Parade 2, 3. College No. 41. Service ROBERT OJ PONZIO 369 Electric Avenue WILLIAM E. COLEMAN 15 Le avenworth Street St. Lucy's; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Homeroom St. Anthony's; Varsity Football I, 2, 3, 4; Reser ve Baseba ll 2; Ba sketball I; Swim Club I; M inor Athletic Letter I ; Major Ath­ Varsity Baseball 3; Volleyball 3; Homeroom Basketball 3. College letic Letter 3. Service

FRANK ANTHONY CONTE 45 Pierpont Street MARY A . DOOLEY 173 Masson Avenue No. 7; Homeroom Basketball I; Bowling I; Rating Clerk I, 2; Nazareth; Bowling 2; Future Teachers of America 4; Student Sec­ Alternate Home Room Representative I; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling retary 4. College 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Track 3; Banking Clerk 3; Students' Assoc iation President 4; M inor Athletics Letter 3; Major Athletics Letter 3; THOMAS DOUGHERTY 99 English Road M inor Scholarship Letter 3; Halloween Hop I; Career Da y Com­ Edison Tech; Homeroom Ba ske t ball 2, 4; Swim Club I; Volleyball mittee I; Community Chest I; Spanish Asse mbly 2; Usher at Wash­ 2; Radio Workshop 4. Service ington's Birthday Exercise 3; Student Da y Teacher 3; Assembly 3; Talent Show Committee I. College LYNN A . DRUMMOND 634 Dewey Avenue No. 7; Homeroom Basketba ll 3; Service Corps 3, 4; Marsha ll Day BARBARA COULTER 60 Lake View Park I; Future Teochers of America 4; Jun ior Choir I; Done in'/ 3; School in Dublin, Irela nd; Rad minl on 2, 3; Swimming I, 2, 3; M arshall Day 3; Open H ouse Guide 3, 4; H i-Y 3, 4. Co lege Games I ; Dancing 2, 3, 4; H onor Ro l l 2, 3; S. A. Dance 2, 3; Junior Prom 2; Docket 3; Editor 4; Joh n Quill 3, 4; 8t h and 9th AUDREY LEE DU PONT 117 Rand Street Grade Play ; Minor Letter in Athletics; Junior Choir; Rat ing No. 41; Dancing I, 2, 3; Swimming I, 2; Bowling 2; Stunts I ; Ping­ Clerk 4; Banking Clerk 4; Graduation Usher 3. College Pong I; Junior Prom 2; Student Secretary 2; Water Safely A id 2; Life Saving 3; S.A. Dan ce 3; Snowball 3; Basketball Concessions 3. Work JUDITH ANN COX 152 Carlisle Street Greece Central; Honor Roll I, 2, 4; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3, 4; JOHN ECKARDT 248 Rand Street Minor Scholarship Letter 2; Ping -Pong 2; Volleyball 2, 3; Bowling No. 41 ; Junior Choir I; Sen ior Choir 2, 3, 4; S.A. Assembly 3, 4; I, 2; Photo Agent I; Homeroom A lternate Representative 2; Memorial Day Pa rade I , 3; Chris tmas Soloist 3; En tertainment Memoria l Da y Pa rade 2; Service Corps 3, 4; Jun ior Prom 3; Dance 3; Ra dio Operator 4; Football I, 3, 4; A ssembly 4; Ba sket­ Docket Page Editor 4; Docket Reporter 2, 3; Student Day Teac her ball Scorer 3; Graduation Program 2, 3; Inter-H igh Choir 2, 3; 3; Co-chairman Dungaree Frolic 4; Picture Secretary 4; Graduation Baseball Manager 2, 3; Homeroom Basketba l l I, 2; Life Saving 2; Usher 3; Assembly 4; Senior Choir 4. College M inor Athletics Letter 3; Drama 4; Pep A ssemb ly 3. Undec ided

84 Senior Statistics

NANCY JOAN EDDY 34 Rand Street SHIRLEY ANN GALLIPEAU 4070 Rid9e Road W. No. 41, SA. Campaign I; Commun ity Chest I; Life Saving 2, 3; Greece Central· Memori al Da y Parade 2; Student Secretary 4; Museum Us her I, Rahng Clerk 2; Water Safety 2, 3; Hostess Student Day Te'acher 3; Honorable Mention 3. Work Chairman 3; S.A. Dance 3; Service Corps 3, 4; M inor Activit ies Letter 3; Major Activities Letter 3; Student Da y Teacher 3; RONALD GIEBEL 60 Warwick Avenue Swimming I, 2; Ping-Pong I, 2; John Qu il l 4; Minor At hletic Letter No 34; Homeroom Ba sketball I, 2, 3· Soccer 2, 3, 4; S.A. Dance 2; Honor Ro ll 3; F.T.A. 4; Honorable Mention 2, 3; Press Bureau 3; 3; Art Chairman 3; Soc ia l Danc ing 3. Co ll ege John Qu il l Ad vertising Committee 4; Do cket 4. Col lege

JUNE GILBERT 141 Flower City Park NORMAN S. EDGETT 71 Ayer Street No. 41; J unior C hoir I; Sen ior C hoir 2, 3, 4; Red Cross I; Alt . Greece Central; Honor Ro ll I, 3, 4; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3, 4; Rat ing C lerk I, 3; Office Messenger I; J unior Prom I; March of Rat ing Clerk 4; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exe rcise 3; J.V. Dimes 2; Docket 2, 3, 4; Memor ial Day Parade 2; Stude~! Day Soccer I: Vars ity Soccer 2, 3, 4; Track I, 2; Homeroom Bas ketball Teac her 3; Student Secretary 4; Leaders C lu b I; Sw imm1ng I; I 2· J unior Band I· Se nior Band 2, 3; Dungaree Fro lic 4; Student 2; Bowl ing 3; Stunt C lu b 3. Work Day' 3; 'Minor Sch.;larship Letter 3; Ma jor Scholarship Letter 3; M inor Activities Letter 3; School A ward 3; M emonal Da y Parade I, 2, 3; Traffic Squad 3, 4; Photo Agent 2. College JAN ICE CAROLYN GILLOON 135 Pierpont Street Blessed Sacrament; Rating Clerk I; Student Secretary I; Senior Ba nquet I; Bow ling 2; Tenn is 3. Co ll ege DELBERT KENNETH ELLIS 95 Eastman Avenue No. 41; Varsity Soccer 4; 8th and 9th Grade Mixer I; Assembly I; Halloween Hop 3; Spring Assembly 2; Junior and Se nior Band and DAVID R. GRAU ISO Avis Street Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Memorial Da y Parade I, 2, 3, 4; J unior Prom Nc. 41: Intra -Mural Basketball I; Vars ity Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Basket· 3; Minor Activi ties Letter 3. College ball 2; Baseball 2; Varsity Sw imming 3; Homeroom Alternate I, 2; Snowba ll 3. College

JANE LOUISE FERNER 200 Laney Road GAIL ELIZABETH GREGORY 181 Gregory Hill Road No. 34; Homeroom Representative 2; National Honor Soci.ety 3, 4; No. 24; Homeroom Alternate 3; Minor Letter Ath letics 2; Stunts Scholarsh ip Commission 4; S.A . Campaign I, 4; Commun1ty Chest 1, 2; Ba dminton I; Games I, 2; Water Ballet 3; Marshall Da y 2; I; Museum Us her I; Mars hall Day I; Rat ing Clerk. I; Junior Prom Docket 2 3; S.A. Assembly 3; Assembly 2, 3; J unior Prom 3; 2, 3; Snowball 2; Token Office 2, 3, 4; Banki ng Off1ce 2, 3; Docket Swimm in g I, 2; Orchestra I; Lif e Saving I ; Dra matics 3; Bank ing 3; Goblins Ball 3; Basketball Concessions 3; Assemb ly 3; Art Ac· Clerk 3, 4; Tri-Y I; Student Secretary 4. College tivi ties 2, 3, 4; Sports Day I; J unior Life Sav ing 2; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter 2; Major Scholarship Letter 3; M ino r A ctivities Letter 3; Finance Comm is sion 4; Dungaree Frol 1c HERBERT GREGORY 193 Woodcraft Drive 4; Water Safety 2; Graduation Usher 3; Ticket Sa les 3, 4; Hon or· No. 41; Rese rve Baseball I, 2; Vars ity Baseball 3; Sw imm ing Team able Mention I, 2, 3, 4; John Qu ill 3, 4; Tri-Y I. College 3; Football 4; Minor Athletic Letter 3; Homeroom Basketball 2, 3; Student Da y 3. Service DAVID WILLIAM FISHER 55 Glenthorne Road Ho rnell High School; Ho nor Roll 2, 3; Varsity Soccer 3; Homeroom JAMES EDWARD GUARNERE 167 Pittsford Street Basketball 3; Tennis 3; Homeroom Representative 2; Alternate 3; No. 41; 8th and 9th Grade Mix er I; Homeroom President I, 2, 3; John Quill Sales 2, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter 3; Major Scholar· Lun chroom Chairm an 4; Ban d and Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Ma rshall sh ip Letter 3; Dance Committee 3; Jun ior Prom 3; S.A . Assembly 3; Day 2; Memorial Da y Parade 2, 3; Span ish Assembly 3; Varsity Stage Crew 3, 4; Executiv e Council 3, 4; Student Day Te acher 3; Soccer I; Snowball 3; S.A. Assem bly 3; Jun ior Prom 3; Homeroom Minor Activities Letter 3; M_ajor Activities Letter 3; Na t1onal Alternate Rating Clerk 3; Marshall Night at Barn I, 2, 3; Minor Honor Society 3, 4; Scholarship Commission 4; Soc ial Affairs Activities Letter 2; Ma jor Activities Letter 3. College Chairman 4; Rad io Operator 4; J unior C lass Pres ident 3; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Co-Editor-in-Ch ief Docket 4. RICHARD W. HAEFELE College 1042 Dewey Avenue No. 7; Halloween Hop; Wrestli ng Team 3. College JAMES FITZ MORRIS 578 Clay Avenue Sacred Heart; Homeroom Basketball I, 2, 3; Marshall Day I; Hon· SANDRA G. HARDWICK 94 Lambert Drive orable Mention 2; Dramatics 4; Pep Assembly 4. College Barnard; Games I, 2; Life Sav ing I, 2, 3, 4; Swimm ing Club I, 2, 3, 4; Ping-Pong 2; Soccer 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4: Stunts 2, 3; Apparatus 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Volleyball Play Da y 3; Soccer Pla y Day 3; Swimm inq Play Day I; Water Sa fety Aid I, 2, 3, 4; JOAN MARIE FLEMING 159 Perrinton Street S.A. Assembly I, 2, 3, 4; Marshall Day Assembly I; Soan ish As· Orange St. J unior High; Assembly 2; Student Day Teacher 3; semblv 2; J unior Choir I; Sen ior Choir 2, 3, 4; John Quill 3, 4: Student Secretary 4. Busin ess School Docket 3, 4; J unior Pr om 3; Athlet ic Commission 3, 4; Home· room Ba nking Clerk 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 3; Jun ior Hea lth MARGARET FONTAINE 712 Dewey Avenue Comm ittee 3, 4; Senior Party 3; Fut ure Teachers of America 3, 4 : S.S. Peter and Paul School; Baseball 2; Memorial Day Parade 2; Docket Editor G irls Sports 4. College Waitress at Teach ers Lun cheon 3. Work BARBARA E. HASSELWANDER 109 Kirk Road N o . 41; Jun ior Cho ir ; Lunchroom: Senior Party 4. Work LORRAINE FOREST 81 Wendhurst Drive No. 41; Bowling I; Badminton I; Jun ior Prom 2; Program 3; Snowball 3. Work GEORGE FORM JR. 105 Mason Street No. 7; Homeroom Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Tra ck 2, 3, 4; Docket Repo rter 3; Poster Committee 3; Band and Orchestra. College

GEORGE F. FRANK JR. 639 Bonesteel Street Barnard; Varsity Soccer I, 2, 3, 4; Ping-Pong 3; J ohn Quill 2, 3, 4; Jun 1or Prom .3: H al loween Hop 3; Stage Crew 4; M inor Athlet ic s Letter 3; Homeroom Basketball 3. College

JUDITH FRANK 60 Dalston Road Barnard; Bowling I; Softball 2, 4; Ba sketball 4· Baseba ll Manager 2; Sw immi ng 4; Ind. Photo Agent I; Career 'Day 2; Graduat ion Hostess 3; X-Ray Mob il Un 1t 3; Junior Prom 3. College NORMAN FREEMAN 164 Leonard Road Barnard; Student Aid 3, 4. Work BARBARA ANN FROELICHER 214 Nantucket Road Greece Central ;_ Swimming I; Student Secretary 4; Bowli ng 4; Honorable Ment1on I, 3; Halloween Hop 4. College MARY ANN GALLIGAN 1368 Titus Avenue No. 41; Homeroom Rating Clerk 3; Alpha Tr i-Y Treasurer I; Style Show I; Assembly 2; Memorial Day Parade 3; Picture Rep re· sentative 3; J unior Prom 3; Docket Reporter 3; Social Dancing I. Work Teen-Agers.

85 Senior Statistics

RONALD HAUCK 418 Augustine Street KATHLEEN HUGOBOOM 955 North Greece Road No. 7; Homeroom Basketball I, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Greece Central; Swimming I, 2; Goblins Ball 3; Student Secretary Track I, 2, 3, 4; Rating Clerk I; Alternate Rat ing Clerk 2; Minor 4; Party Wise 2; Tri-Y 3; Attendance Collector 2. Work Athletic Letter 2; Major Athletic Letter 3. Work JANE HUTCHISON 130 Albemarle Street No. 7; Ba nking Clerk I, 2, 3, 4; Snowball 1, 2; Assembly I, 3; JOHN HERR 442 Bi rr Street Junior Prom- I, 3; Bask etball Concessions 2; Homeroom Aid 3, 4; No. 7; Honorable Mention I, 4; Soccer I; Art Contest 2; Gold Token Office 3, 4; Swimming I, 2; Bowling I, 3; Tennis 3; John Key and Blue Ribbon Award; Rating Clerk 2; Spanish Assembly 3; Quill 4; S.A. Dr ive 4. College Picture Representative 3. College BARBARA INGERICK 153 Eastman Avenue No. 41; Bow ling 3; Memorial Da y Parade 3. Un dec ided JUDITH ELAINE HERZOG 779 Dewey Avenue No. 7; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3; Swimming Club I; Ping-Pong I; GAIL ANN IRISH 64 Magee Avenue Volleyball I; Social Dan cing I; Art Key Award I; Waitress for No. 7; Swimming I, 2, 3, 4; Games I, 2; J unior Life. Saving; Senior Ban quet 3. Work Senior Life Saving; Water Safely Aid; Stunts I, 2,_ 3, 4; Soc,~l Danc­ ing I, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Ba sketball 2, 3; M1nor Alhlel1c Letter JUDITH ANNE HIX 28 Eastman Avenue I ; Major Athletic Letter 2; Volleyball_ 2, 3, 4; Apparatus 2, 3; No. 41; Student Secretary 3, 4; Swimming Club 3; Junior Life Tenn is 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Bad m1nlon I, 2, 3; P1ng -Pong 2; Saving 2; Water Safety Aid 2; Senior Life Sav ing 2; Asse mbly 3; Modern Dance 3; Water Ballet 3; Bth and 9th Grade MIXer I; Office A id 2; Orchestra . Work Lunchroom Chairman I: Junior Choir I; Senior C~oir 2, 3, 4; As · sembly; Junior Red Cross Re presentat ive ; Sp~n1sh Ass~m~ly 2; Homeroom A lte rnate Rating Clerk 3; Athlehc CommiSSIOn . 4; PATRICIA A . HODECKER 27 Sherman Street H omeroom Rating Clerk 4; Student Day Teacher 3; lnter-H1gh No. 7; Sw1mm1ng 2, 3, 4; Bowl ing 2; Social Dan cing 2, 3, 4; Choir 4; Student Secretary 4. College Soccer 2, 3; Ba sketball 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, Bad minton 2, 3; Volley­ ball 2, 3; Memorial Day Parade 3; Senior Party 3; Minor Athletic VALLETTE HELENE JACQUES 93 Ronald Drive Letter; Major Athletic Letter. Col1ege Barnard; Minor Scholarsh1p Letter 3; Minor Athletic Letter 3; Swimming I, 3; Bow ling 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Ba sketbal l 3; Volley­ ball 3, 4; Softball 2, 3; Social Dancing 3; Memorial Day Parade 3; Junior Prom 3; Graduation Usher 3; Honorable Mention I , 2, DOUGLAS EUGENE HOLMAN 127 Electric Avenue 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Badminton 3, 4; Gym Leader 4. College No. 7; Sen1or Band and Orchestra I , 2, 3, 4; M inor Activities Letter; Junior Choir; Intra-Mural Swimming I ; Homeroom Bask.et­ LOIS JARDINE 124 Knickerbocker Avenue ball I, Serv1ce No. 41; Jun ior Choir I; Senior Choir 2, 4; Inter-High Choir 2, 3, 4; Student Secretary I; Junior Prom 2; Co-Chairman Memorial Schol­ arship Dr ive 3; F.T.A . Treasurer 4; Assembly 3; Swimming I; MARJORIE HOLMSTROM 204 Almay Road Social Da nc ing I; Halloween Hop 2. College Barnard ; Senior Choir 4. College LARRY AUBREY JOLIDON 134 Pierpont Street JAMES HOUGH 4 Knickerbocker Avenue Roosevelt Junior H igh ; Footba ll 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Ba seball No. 41; Homeroom Basketba ll; Swimming ; Footbal l 2, 4; Homeroom 2; Track 3, 4; Intra-Mural Swimming 2; M inor Athletic Letter 3; Representative; Touch Down Club 4. Service Major Athletic Letter 3; Lifeguard 3; Sports Announcer 4; Ho llo­ ween Hop 2; Docket 4; Memoria l Day Parade 2, 3; Junior Band I; Senior Ban d 2, 3, 4. · Service NANCY ANN HOULE 209 Lark Street No. 34; M inor Scholarship Letter 3; Jun ior Red Cross 2; Style BEVERLY ANN JONES 271 Lone Oak Avenue Show I, 2; S.A. Campaign I; Docket Reporter 3; Photo Agent I ; Barnard. Work Graduation Usher 3; Bowl1ng 3, 4; Red Cross Dance 2. Nursing School FRANCES C. KARPINSKI 34 Barn ard Street St. Charles; Snowball 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Graduation Usher DAVID JAMES HOWARD 350 Bonesteel Street 3; John Quill 4. College Barnard; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter 2; Major Scholarship Letter 3; Scholarship Commission 4; National Honor RAYMOND KASPER 245 Bancroft Drive Society 3, 4; Sta ndard Bearer 4; Homeroom Ba sketball I, 2; Re ­ Barnard; Homeroom Basketball I ; J unior Choir I; Halloween Hop serve Basketball J.; Soccer 2; Varsity Soccer 3; M inor Athletics I; Homeroom Representative 2; Assemb ly 3; Service Corps 3, 4; Letter 3; Banking Clerk I; Student Assoc iation Elections I ; Alt. Docket Re porter 3, 4; Student Day Teac her 3. Work Homeroom Representative 2; Alt. Rat ing Clerk 2; Co-Chairman Rat ing Committee 4; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Do cket NANCY ELIZABETH KEHR 163 Albemarle Street Reporter 2, 3, 4; John Quill 4; Safety Patrol 3, 4; Capta in Safely No. 7; Stunts I; Swimming I, 2, 3, 4; Water Safety 2; Senior Life Patrol 4; M inor Activities Letter 3; Student Day 3. College Saving 2; Volleyball 3, 4; Bowl ing I, 2; M inor Athletics Letter 2; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter 3; Banking Clerk I, 2; Alternate Banking Clerk 3; Rating Clerk 3; Assembly MARCIA LEE HUFF 406 Raines Park I, 2, 3, 4; Docket Re porter 2, 3; Second Page Co-editor 4; Student Monroe; Majorette 3, 4; John Quil l 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; A udio­ Secretary I ; Service Corps 3, 4; Graduation Hostess 3; F.T. A. 3, 4; Visual 3, 4. College Jun ior Choir I ; Inter-High Choir I ; Tri-Y I; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; S.A. Drive 4; S.A. Assembly 4; Junior Prom 2; Halloween Dance I, 2, 4; Lenten Services Soloist 3; Minor Activities Letter 3; Snow­ ball 2; Dance after game 2; Spring Cheerleoder I , 2; Tenn is 2; Hig hland Park Festival 3. College GARY KEMP 878 Ridgeway Avenue No. 13; Homeroom Basketba ll I, 2; Varsity Bowl ing 2, 3, 4; Swim­ ming I, 2. Undecided

PHILIP KENNARD 526 Ridgeway Avenue No. 41; Homeroom Representative I; Homeroom Basketball 2, 3; Swimming 2. Service

SANDRA KENNEDY 82 Florence Avenue Barnard; Homeroom Representative 2; Student Secretary 3; Snow­ ball 3; Attendance Collector 2; Swimming I; Bowl ing I . Work

HELEN A. KENYON 26 Mayflower Street No. 41; Homeroom Representative 3; Spanish Assembly 2; Al­ tendance Collector I, 2; Swimming l; Art Activities I , 2, 3. Undecided ROGER H. KENYON 199 Latona RoarJ Greece Central; Tu mbling I , 2; Swimming I; Swimming Teom I, 2; Assembly 2, 3, 4. Service

BARBARA KETTERER 96 Bonesteel Street Greece Ce ntra I; Baseball 2; Swimming I, 2: S.A. Assembly 3, 4; Bowlinq I, 2; Vo lleyball I, 2; Snowball I ; Dancing I ; lnter- H igh Choir 2, 3, 4; Attendance Collector 4; Graduation Heloer 3. A futuristic v1ew. Col lege

86 S-enior Statistics

KAREN WALLIS KING 315 Ri dgeway Avenue JOAN LESCO 767 Ridgeway Avenue No. 41; M in or Scholarship Letter I ; Major Scholarsh ip Le tter 3; Greece Central ; Student Secretary 4; Baseba ll 3; Volleyball I , 2, 3; Honor Ro il I , 2, 3, 4; M 1nor A ctivities Letter 2; Scholarship Com· Bowl ing I, 2: Swimming 2, 3; Tr i-Y 3; Span ish Asse mbly 3; So cial mission 4; Ind. Photo Agent 2; Docket Reporter I ; Docket Copy Dancing I , 2, 3. College Reader 2; Docket Exchange Editor 3; Docket Page Editor 4; Rating Clerk I , 3; Alternate Rat ing Clerk 2, 4; Banking Clerk I , 2; BARBARA LEE LOCKWOOD 196 Alameda Street Alternate Banking Clerk 3; John Quil l Sales 2; John Quill Reporter 3; No. 7; Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4; M inor Scholarship Letter I; Major John Quill Grind Editor 4; Graduation Usher 3; Community Chest Scho larship Letter 2; Swimming I , 2, 3; Tenn is 2; Sports Da y 2; I; Charades Assembly 2; 8th and 9th Grade M ixer I; Red Cross 2; Life Saving and Water Safety I, 2; M inor Athletic Letter I; Major Homeroom Representative 3; Alternate Homeroom Representative 2; Athletic Letter 2; Alternate Rating Clerk I, 2; Rat ing Clerk 3; Memorial Day Parade 2; Usher at George Wash ington's Birthday Snowball 2, 3; Talent Show I; Bank ing Office 2, 3; Token Office Exercise 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Swim Club I; Student Sec· 2, 3, 4; Docket I, 2, 3; Basketball Concessions 3; Usher at Wash­ retary 4. College ing ton's Birthday Exerc ise 3; Junior Prom 3; Christmas Dance 3; Art Activities 3; John Quill Picture Secretary 3; John Qu ill Co­ BARBARA KINNETT 26 Albemarle St reet Editor 4; Minor and Major Activit ies Letter 3; School Award 3; Madison; Swimming I; Basketball 2. College National Honor Society 3, 4; Senior Class Treasurer 4; S.A . Cam· pa ig n 4; Scholarship Commission 4; Co-Guardian of Flag 4. RONALD KIRBY 234 H oover Drive Col lege Barnard; Homeroom Basketball I , 2, 3; J. V. Bask etball 2; Track 2; GAIL ANN LOUGHBOROUGH 42 Maynard Street Cross Country 3; M inor A thletic Letter 3. Undecided No. 41; Ban d 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Memorial Da y Parade I, 2, 3, 4; Fas hion Show 1, 3; Fa shion Board I, 3; M inor Activities Letter JOSEPH H. KLAPP 630 Clay Avenue 4; Honorable Mention I, 4; Future Teacher of Ameri<.:a 3. 4. No. 41; Homeroom Basketball 2; Marshall Da y 2. Service College SHIRLEY ANNE LOVELAND 138 Barmont Drive KENNETH KOFAHL 109 Hartley Street Brockport High School; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 3; Greece C entral; Memorial Day Pa rade 2, 3; Homeroom Rating Water Ballet 3, 4; Ping -Pong 4; Athletic Banquet Waitress 2; Life Clerk 2, 3; Attendance Collector 2. Work Sav ing 3; Water Sa fe ty 3. Work

ELIZABETH ANN KOWALSKI 310 Steko Avenue ROBERT BARRY LOWE 54 Steko Aven ue No. 41; Vars ity Majorettes I , 2, 3, 4; Memorial Day Parade I , 2, 3; No. 41; Rat ing Clerk I , 2, 3; Memorial Da y Parage 3; S.A. As ­ Service Corps 2, 3, 4; Marshall Da y I ; Soc ial Danc ing I; A ssem bly sembly 3; Assem bly 3; Junior Prom 3; Barn 4; Honorable Mention 4; W indow Display Project 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3. Col lege 2; Radio 4. Service SALLY JENNIFER LUND RICHARD JAMES KOWALSKI 310 Steko Avenue 28 Eastman Avenue New Zealand. No. 4 1; M ixer I ; J unior Choir I ; Orchestra I , 2; A ssembly I , 2, College 3, 4; Marsha ll Da y 3; Drum Major I , 2, 3; Student Day Teacher 3; ALFRED MACCALLINI .446 Driving Park Avenue Re serve Bowling League I. Undecided No. 34; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Basketball I· Jun i~r Choir I; M inor Athletic Letter; Ma jor Athletic Letter; PHI LIP CHANDLER KRON 63 Merrick Street Serv1ce Corps 2; Homeroom Representative 3, 4. College Greece Central; Homeroom President 2, 4; Athletic Commission 4; Soccer Capta in 4; Varsity Soccer 3, 4; J.V. Basketball I, 2; Varsity LORN J. MAC UMBER 131 Grand Avenue Basketball 3, 4; J.V. Baseball I, 2; M inor Athletic Letter 3; Major No. 7; Cross Country 2; Student Day Teacher 3. College Athletic Letter 3; Boys' State Representative 3; V. F. W. Merit Award 3; Minor Scholarship Letter 2; Honorable Mentio·n I , 2, 3, 4; Book ROSALIE MAGGIO 159 Curlew Street Store 2, 4; Career Day I; John Quill 4; Usher at Washington' s Madison; Memorial Day Para de 2. Undecided Birthday Exercise 3; Student Day Tea che r 3; Honor Roll I, 2, 3; Halloween H op 3. College MARGARET MALONEY 8 Vista Drive West View H igh ; Halloween Dan ce 4; John Quill Advert ising 4. JOANNE MARIE KUCHMAN 49 Dunsmore Drive College St. Charles; Minor Scholarship Letter I; Major Scholarship Letter DONALD ROSS MANSFIELD 209 Alameda Street 2; M inor Athletic Letter 3; M inor Activities Letter 3; Honorable No. 7; Ban d I , 2, 3, 4; Orchestra I , 2, 3, 4; Inter-High Band 3, 4; Mention I , 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll I , 2; Games I ; Swimming Club and Soccer I , 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Homeroom Ba sketball I, 2, 3; Student Swim Guard 2, 3; Water Ballet 3; Li fe Sav ing and Water Sa fety Da y Teac her 3; Bank ing Clerk 2, 3. College 2, 3; Marshall Day I; A ssemb lies I , 2, 3, 4; Community Chest I ; Rating Clerk I , 2, 3; Docket Sta ff 2; Us he r at Wash ing ton's Birth­ 18 Brooklyn Street day Exercise 3; Snowball 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Graduation OLIVIA MARIE MARIANI College Usher 3; John Q uill Staff 3, 4; Service Corps 3, 4; Barn Repre­ Nazareth. sentative 4; Student Secretary 4; Homeroom Representative 4. DAVID R. MARTIN 678 Dewey Avenue Work No. 34; Jun 1or Life Saving 2; Intramural Basketball I ; Intramural MARILYN LAMB 46 Ridgedale Circle Sw 1mm1ng I, 3; Varsity Sw imming 2; Varsity Soccer 2, 3_; Homeroom Barnard; Honorable Mention 2; Senior Choir 2, 4; Junior Life Banking Clerk I, 2; Homeroom Alternate Representative 3: Intra· Saving 2; Water Safety Aid 2, 3; H omeroom Rating Clerk 4; mural Soccer I; Memorial Day Pa rade I , 2. College Senior Life Saving 3; Homeroom Alternate Banking Clerk 4; Student Day Teacher 3. Work JAMES McSTRAVICK 28 C ana ry Street H oly Rosary ; Homeroom Bask etball I, 2, 3; Memorial Da y ~::~i~~ PHILIP LARRY 141 Mai den Lane 2. St. Charles; Homeroom Basketball I ; J .V. Basketball 2; Docket Reporter I, 2, 3; Docket Page Edtior 4; Student Secretary 3; Student Day Tea cher 3. College

PHILIP RICHIE LA RUEZ 100 Mason Street Harding School; Homeroom Basketball 2, 3, 4. College

GAIL MARY LAURICELLA 154 Legion Circle Barnard; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; H onorable Mention I , 2, 3, 4; M inor Scholarship LeHer 3; Minor Athletic Letter 3; Bowling 2, 4; Basket­ ball 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Socia l Dancing 3; Swimming 3, 4; Badminton 3, 4; Soccer Pla y Da y 3; Volleyball Play Day 3; Social Dancing Pla y Da y 3; Baseball Play Da y 3; .Homeroom Alternate Rating Clerk 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Joh n Qu i ll Typist 4; A th letic Commission 4; C ivil Serv ice Commission 4; St udent Secretary 4; Gradua t ion Hostess 3. Undecided BRIAN LAWRENCE 35 M itchell Ro ad Greece Central ; Honor Roll 4; Student Day Teacher 3. Work

GARY G. LEIGH 1875 English Road No. 41 ; Football I , 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Tu mbling 3, 4; Home room President 3; Ford Industrial A rts Award 3; Honor Roll 2; S.A . Dance 3; S.A. Campaign 3. Serv ice

MARY LEISTON 549 Ridgeway Avenue Nazareth; Charades A ssembly 2; Junior Red Cross A ccou nting 2; Jun ior Prom 3· St udent Day Teacher 3; Senior Party 3; Senior Life Saving 3; Senior Choir 3, 4. College A record in speed.

87 Senior Statistics

JOAN ELIZABETH MEINHARDT 251 Malden Street RAYMOND H. MUELLER 28 Be ach Street No. 41; Bow ling 2, 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3; Tri·Y I; St. Anthony's; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Basket bal l I , 2, 3; Junior Future Tea chers of America 3, 4; V.F .W . Citizenship Award 3; Band I, 2; Sen ior Band I , 4; Honorable Mention 4. Colleg e Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4; Honorable Menl1on I , 2, 3, 4; Student's Assoc,al1on Campa1gn 4; Book Store 2, 3, 4; Do cket Staff 2, 4; EDWARD R. NELLIS 350 C olebourne Road John Quill Staff 4; M inor Scholarship Letter I; Ma jor Scholarship St . John 's; Audio-Visual I , 2, 3, 4; School Ph otographer 2, 3, 4. Letter 2; Minor Activities Letter 3; Graduation Us her 3; Service C olleg e Corps 3, 4; Rat ing Commission 4; Finance Commission 4; Executive Council 4; Dungaree Fr olic 4; Halloween Hop 3; Junior Prom 2; EDWARD F. NEWMAN 250 Chesterton Road Snowball 3; Ba sketball Concessions 3. College Greece Central; Ping-Pong 2; Voll ey ball 2; Intra-m ural Bask et ba ll 2; Homeroom Basketball 3; Snowba ll I; Ex ecutive Day I; Int ra· ROBERT WINDSOR MELROSE Hartley Street 115 mural Sw imming I. Un decided Greece Central; Ping-Pcng I; Homeroom Basketball 3, 4; Intramural Basketba ll 2. Work PHYLLIS NICHOLS 167 Ridgeway Avenue . MARVIN LAWRENCE MERRITT 122 Selye Terrace No. 41; Volleyba ll I , 2, 3; Basketba ll I· Soc cer I; Ping -Pong I; No. 7. College Bowl ing I; Swimming I , 2; So ftbal l 2;' Jun ior Pro m 2; M inor Athletic Letter 3. W ork PATRICIA JEAN MEYERS 242 Electric Avenue No. 41; 8th and 9th Grade M ixer I; Assembly I; In d. Pho t o Agent GARY NIEDERMEIER 89 Clay Avenue I; Student Us her 2, 3; Student Secretary 2, 4; Student Store 2, 3, 4; No. 41; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Footba ll 4. College Concessions 2, 3; Style Show 3; Swimming I , 2; Stunts I , 2; Sports Da y I; Games I; Bowling 2; Softball 2. Work ROBERT E. NOONAN 159 Albemarle Street MICHAEL EDWARD MILES 39 Shady Way No. 7; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestl ing I , 2, 3; Bad mi nton 2; H ome room Barnard; Swimming I, 2; Life Saving 2; Sw1mm1ng Team I , 3, 4; Basketball I, 2; Homeroom Pres id ent 2, 4; Vice -Pr eside nt Se nio r Rat ing C lerk I , 3; Memorial Da y Parade 2, 3; Traffic Squad 3. 4. Class 4; Rating Clerk I: Halloween Hop I; Junior Pr om 3; Minor College A thletic Letter 2; Major Ath letic Letter 3; Stu dent Day 3; CAROL ANN MISEL 1230 Long Pond Ro ad Marsha ll Day I. C ollege Greece Central; Games I, 8ow l1ng I , Stunts I; Swimming I; Social Danc 1ng I; W1nler Style Show 2,Memor,al Day Parade 2; Snowball ROBERT NORTHROP 378 Ridge Road E. 3; S.A. Ass em b ly 3; Senior Party 4. Work Cross Country 3. Und ecided

GLORIA JEANNE MISTAL 32 Laurelhurst Road LINDA JUNE NOTT 518 Magee Aven ue Hol ley Centra l ; Memorial Day Parade 2; Sen ior Choir 2, 3; Senior Barnard; J unior Re d Cross 2; Student Secretary 2; Office A id 2; Play Us her 2. ~ Work Conference Lunc heon 2. Work

JAMES MOSS 2050 Lake Avenue DENNIE O'BRIEN 6 Rye Road No. 41; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Rat ing Clerk I , 2, 3; John Quill Sales Greece Central; Honorable Mention 2, 3; Bowling I; Stunts I; 2, 3, 4; John Qu ill Staff 4; Honor Rol l 1, 2, 4; Dance Committee Swimming I; Volleyball 3; Social Danc ing 3; Ping -Pong 3; 2, 3, 4; M inor Scholarship Letter 2; Major Scho larship Letter 3; Snowball 3; Sport Posters 3; Homeroom Alternate Representative M iner Activities Letter 3; Major Activities Letter 3. College 3; Bank ing Clerk 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 3; Life Sav ing 3; Water SALLY ANN MOULTON 1536 Dewey Avenue Safely 3; Table-Setting Competition 3; Sen ior Party Hostess 3; No. 7; M inor Scho la rship Letter 2; M inor Activities Letter 2; Ma jor Waitress Fa ll Conference Lunc heon 3; Assembly 3; Memorial Day Scholarship Letter 3; Major Activities Letter 3; Honor Roll I, 2, Parade 3; Junior Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4; Varsity C heerleader 4. 3, 4; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3, 4; H omeroom Representative 2, 3; College Civil Service Commission 4; Service Corps 3, 4; National H onor Society 3, 4; Delegate to Emp ire Girls' Stale 3; Band I, 2, 3, 4; MARY CATHERINE O ' BRIEN 345 Flower C ity Park Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Docket Staff 2; 3rd Page Editor Docket 4; John Naza reth; Swimming 2; M emorial Day Parade 2; Shamrock Ba ll. 3; Quill Staff 3, 4; Swimming I , 2; Usher at Washington's Birthday Rating Commission 4 ; Student Secretary 4; Docket Reporter . 4. Exercise 3; M emorial Day Parade I, 2, 3; Museum Usher 2; College Student Day Assembl y 3; Sports Day I; J unior Prom 3. College THOMAS O'HARE 849 Lake Avenue No. 7; Swim Club I, 2, 3; Alternate Rating Clerk I; Homeroom Bask e' !o all 2, 3: A udio-Visual 3, 4; Memorial Day Parade I , 3; Band I, 2; Orchestra 1, 2, 3. Serv ice JUNE M . OWEN 438 Pullman Avenue No. 41; Student Secretary 3; Senior Party 4. Work

JU ~E CAROL PALIANI 907 Dewey Avenue Nc . 7; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Inter-Junior Choir I; Inter-Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Homeroom A lternate 4; Snowball 3; Docket Reporter 3; Art !, 2, 3, 4; S.A. A ssembly 3; Memorial Scholarship Drive 2. College

LORETTA PANICCIA Marlow Street Madison; Student Secretary 4; J unior Prom 3. Work YVONNE MARIE PATON 61 Newton Road Greece Central: Soccer 'l. Undecided

DENNIS A. PATTON 162 Langford Road No. 41 ; Junior Red Cross 1; A ccountant Committee I; Banking C lerk I; Assembl y I, 2; Goblins Ball 3; Service Corps 3, 4; Home­ room Representative 2; Ra dio 4; J ohn Quill A dvertising Manager 4; Docke t Reporter 4. College

BARBARA J. PEACOCK 187 Pomona Drive Barnard; Senior Choir 2, 3. Work

CORA M PEARL 52 Steko Avenue No. 41; Student Secretary 2, 3; Altern ate Banking Clerk 2, 3; Snowball 2; Junior Prom 3; Homeroom Rating Clerk 3. 4. Work

RAYMOND PEARL 52 Steko Avenue No. 41; Wrestl ing 2, 3, 4; Attendance Collector 2; Halloween Hop I ; Student Da y Teac her 3. Service

DIANE C . PEARSON 38 Cedar Ro ad Barnard; Office Messenger 3; J unior Prom 3. Work

I AUREL KATHLEEN PERKINS 71 Avenue C Nc. 41 : Banking Clerk I; Athletic Banquet 2· Basketbal l 2; Ten nis 2; Social Dancing 2; M inor Athletic Letter 2: Work

EVERETT PERRIN 177 Standish Ro ad Greece Central; Homeroom Basketba ll; Ping -Pong Soccer; Volley­ ball ; Wrestling; Junior Band and Orchestra; Senior Band . Service Christmas cheer.

88 Senior Statistics

CHARLES BENNETT PERRY 193 Kislin~bury Street No. 7; Track 1; Swimming I, 2, 3, 4; Minor Sc holarsh1 p Let!e; 2; Miner Athletic Letter 2; Major Ath letic Letter 3; M 1nor Ad 1V1 t 1es Letter 3; Life Saving 3; Water Safety 3; 8t h and 9th M 1x er 2; Career Day 2; Rat ing Clerk 2; Homeroom Repre.sentat1ve 2, 4; Traffic Squad 3, 4; Studen t Day Teacher 3; M ~mor~al Da y Par ade 3; Intramural Swimming I; C 1v1 c Serv1ce Comm iSS IOn 4. Col lege

MARY JANE PETRONE 151 Curlew Street Holy Rosary. Work

HAROLD G. PFEIFFER 90 Ravine Avenue No. 34; Footbal l 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Wrestl ing 2 3, 4; M inor Athletic Letter 3. ' Undecided

EUGENE PIERLEONI 54 Barnard Street Barnard; Art Award 3; Art Work on John Qu ill 3; Refreshment Committee fo r Graduation 2; Student Day Teacher 3. Undecided

EDNA ALMA PIKE 1418 Ri dgeway Avenue No. 41; Bank ing Clerk I, 2, 3, 4; Graduation Hostess 3;UAndlteecTda:~ Rat ing Clerk 4.

SUETTA PIKER 82 Devitt Road No 41· Social Dancing I· Style Show I· Office Aid I ; Halloween Hop 2: Attendance Colledor I , 2, 3; 'Snowball 3; Junior Prom 2, 3; Homeroom A id 3; Christmas Dance 3; Student Sec reta ry 3, 4; Senior Party 3. College

JOHANNE POLINO 3418 Dewey Avenue East; Honor Ro ll 3; Senior Choir. College

DAVID W . POOL 17 Ridge Road W . No. 41; Life Saving 2; Water Sa fety 2; Reser ve Bowl1ng League 2; Vice-President Senior Orchestra 4; Chr~stma.s Dance 3; Sta9e Crew 3, 4; Service Corps 3, 4; Captain of Serv1ce C.orps 4; M1nor Ac· tivities Letter 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Jun 1or Ban d I , 2, 3; Senior Band I, 2, 3; Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4. College JERRY BENJAMIN POST 225 Ridge Road W . No. 41; Radio Workshop 4; Attendance Colledor 2, 3; Home­ room A id 2, 3. College FRANK H. POTTER 3457 Dewey Avenue One world. BarnMd. Ser vice JOAN PRATT 28 Castleton Road RICHARD J. ROTMANS 193 Estall Road Barnard ; Sen ior Choir 2. Work Ed ison Tec h. College

DAVID D. RALSTON 15 Rand Street JOAN ROWLEY 193 Apollo Drive West; Football 4; Sw imm ing 3, 4; Inter-High Choir 3, 4; S.A. Greece Central ; Honora ble Men tion 2, 3, 4; Bowling I ; Stun ts I ; Assembly 3. College Jun ior VarSity Cheerleader 2; Volleybal l 3, 4; Sw imm ing 2, 4; Memorial Da y Parade 3; Social Dan cing 3; Swimming Guard 3; THOMAS E. RANKE 357 Knickerbocker Avenue M inor Athletic Le tter 3; Pidure Representative 3; Snowbal l 3; No. 41; Intermu ral Sw imm ing I; Junior Life Saving I ; Intramural Posters 3; Junior Prom 3; Docket Reporter 3; Banking Committee Basket ba ll I; Intramural Cross Country I · Homeroom Basketbal l 2; 3, 4; Life Savi ng 3; Water Sa fe ty 3; Tab le-setting Competition 3; Basebal l 2, 3; M inor Athletic Letter 2; Orchestra ; Junior Band I ; Confe rence Lun cheon 3 ; Assembly 3, 4; Service Corps 4; M ino r Senior Band I, 2, 4; Student Day Tea cher 3; Bank Messenger 4; Adivit ies Letter 3. Col lege Football 4. Col lege ROBERT ROMIG 350 Ridgemont Drive PATRICIA ANN RAS 2599 Mt. Read Blvd . Greece Central; Basebal l 2, 3; Basketbal l I, 2; Ski Team 3, 4; Nazareth; Graduation Usher 3; Rating Commission 4. Work Soccer I, 2, 3; Docket 2, 3, 4; John Qu ill 4; Rating Clerk 3, 4; Banking Clerk 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Memorial Day Parad e I, 2, 3; LORENE C. RATH 85 Bonesteel Street S.P. Dr ive I ; Snowball I. College Greece Central; Basketba ll 2; Bowl ing I, 2, 4; Volleyba ll 2. Work THOMAS RICHARD SALTSMAN 15 Perrinton Street EILEEN MARY REBER 7 Wendell Place No. 41; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; M inor Scholarship Letter 2; Maier No. 41; Games I; Soccer I, 2; M inor Athletics Letter I ; Maier Scholarship Letter 2; Homeroom Baske t ball I, 2; Wrestl ing 2; Athlet1cs Letter 2; Vo l leyball I, 2, 3; SoCial DanCing 2, 3; Appa ­ Sw imming I, 2; Bad minton 3; Minor A thletic Letter 2; Tenn is 2, ratus 3; King and Queen Eledions I; Sen ior Pla y Us her 2. Work 3; Soccer 3; Ma jor Athletic Letter 3; Banki ng Clerk I, 2, 3; Hal­ loween Hop I; Snowball 2; Memorial Day Parade 2, 3; Park ing ERIC A. REYNOLDS 2155 Latta Road Cars 2, 3; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Tro ffic Bentley Grammar Schoo l, Englan d; Volleyball 3; Soccer 3,s:;vice Squad 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 3; M inor A divities Letter 3; Scholarship Comm issio n 4. Col lege JERRY C. RHODES 108 El Rancho Drive Barnard· Footba ll 3 4· Homeroom Basketball I, 2; Senior Band ROBERT L. SANDERSON 58 Shady Way I, 2,. 3,' 4; Orch es tr~ 2.' 3, 4; M inor Adivit ies Letter 3; M!'morial Barnard; Junior and Senior Band and Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Day Parade 2; Swimming I, 2; War Memo r~al Concert 4; P1t Band Memorial Da y Parade; Junior Prom 3. College 1 2 3 4· State Music Competition 3· Sed1onal A ll -State Ban d 4. ' ' ' ' ' College ARTHUR SCHAERTEL 104 Knickerbocker Avenue NANCY RIFE 38 Dorsey Road N o. 41; Junior Life Sa vi ng I; ln tramur~l Swimming I; Tenn is Team Barnard ; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4. Work 3; Jun ior Choir I. College

PATRICIA JEAN RIGHTMYER 257 Lexington Avenue GARY ANDREW SCHAFFER 69 McCall Road HoiJ Rosa ry; Social Dan ci ng I ; Banking Clerk 2; Student Secretary St. Charles; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Minor Activit ies Letter; 3; Rat ing Clerk 3, 4. Undecided Memorial Day Parade 2, 3; Homeroo m Representative Alternate 2, 3; Track 3, 4; Banki ng Clerk 3; Traffic Squad 3, 4; Advisor A id DAVID W . ROBINSON 147 Ridgecrest Road 2; Marsha l l Day I. College Greece Central ; Serving Corps 2, 3; Memorial Da y Parade 3; Ping-Pong I, 2. Ser vice ROBERT SCHNEIDER 144 Rodessa Road GAIL ROBINSON 188 Bryan Street Barnard; Footba ll 2, 3· Junior and Senior Band and Orchestra No. 7; Volleyball 3; Socia l Dancing 3, 4; Ind . Photo Agent I ; I, 2; Fina nce Comm i tt e~ 2; Memoria l Scho la rsh ip Fund 2; Th ank s· Charades Assembly 2; Jun ior Prom 3; Sen ior Choir 3, 4; Dungaree g iving Assembly 3; Sen ior Choir 4. College Frolic 4. College CAROL ANN SCHWARTZ . 1640 Stone Road MARLENE B. ROHR 17 Strathmore Drive G reece Centra I; H omeroom Representative I; Bowling I ; Stunts I : Barn ard ; Swimming 2; Fut ure Teachers of America 3, 4. Col leg e Memoria l Da y Pa rade I : Jun ior Prom 3. Col leg e

89 Senior Statistics

GAIL SNIVELY 156 Bry an Street No. 7; Sen ior Choir 2, 3; Stu dent Day Teacher 3; Tri-Y I. Colleg e

WILLIAM J. STANIN 1961 Dewey Avenu e No. 41; Homeroom Banking Clerk I ; 8th and 9th Grade M ixer I; Lunchroom Chairman I; A ssistant Banking Clerk 2; Span ish As ­ sembly 3; Gobl in's Ball 3; Parking Cars 3; Stud ent Da y Teacher 3; Water Ballet 3; Vars ity Sw im ming 3. College

EDWARD STANLEY 139 Fetzner Ro ad H arrison H ig h; Varsity Sw im ming Team 2, 3; lntra-murc!ll Swim­ ming 2; Visual A id 2. Serv ice

WAYNE HARPER ST A TT 42 Etton Avenue Greece Central; Ping-Pong I , 2; Intramural Baske t boll I, 2, 3; J unior Life Saving 2; Intramura l Sw imm ing 1, 2, 3; Sw imm ing Team I , 2, 4; Soccer I, 2, 3, 4; C ity C hampionsh ip Badm inton 2, 3; Tennis 2, 3, 4; M inor Athletic Letter 2; Ma jor Athlet ic Letter 2; Memorial Day Parade I, 2, 3; Service Corps 2, 3; Docket 3; Safety Patrol 4; 8t h Grade Play I; Snowba ll 2; So ci al Danc ing 3, 4 ; M inor Act ivit ies Letter 3. College

THOMAS STEFANINI 52 Summ er Lane Eas t H igh. College

FREDERICK C . STEGEMAN 471 O akwood Ro ad Barnard; Honor Ro ll I, 2, 3, 4; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; M inor Scholarship Lette r 2; Major Scholarshi p Letter 3; M inor Athletic Letter 2; Mo jor Athlet ic Letter 3; Minor A ctivities Letter 3; Schoo l Award 3; Homeroom Basketba ll I; Swim C lub I, 2, 3; Cross Country 3; Sw imm ing Team 2, 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 3; Vice -Pres ident Sen ior Bond 4; H omeroorr. Alternate 3; Homeroom Representative 4; Athlet ic Commission 3, 4; Life Sa ving 3; Sen ior Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Highland Park Concert 1, 2; M emorial Day Parade I , 2, 3; War Memorial Concert 4; State M usic Competition 3, 4; Pit Band I, 2, 3, 4; Sectional All-State Band 4. Co lleg e

GERALD JOHN STEIDLE 116 W ildwood Drive St. Charles; Homeroom Ba ske t ball I, 2; Shamrock Bal l 3; Assembly 3; Honorable M ention 3. Service

SUSANNE STEIN 158 Nantucket Ro ad The warp and woof. Greece Centra I. College GERALD R.· SWAN 244 English Ro ad ROBERTA ANN SCHWONKE 14 Madison Street Barnard; Soccer 2; Homeroom Basketball I, 2: Honorable Mention No. 4; Docket 2, 3, 4; Charades Assembly 2; Gobl ins Ball 3; Usher 2, 3; Memorial Day Parade I, 2; Student Day Teacher 3; S.A. at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Graduation Us her 3; Home­ Elections I. College room A lternate Rating Clerk 3; Homeroom Rat ing Clerk 4; Home­ room Representative 4; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3. College RITA L. TEBO 84 Bonesteel Street FLORENCE PATRICIA SCOTT 81 Langford Ro ad Greece Centra I; Bas ke tba II 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Softball 2, 3, 4; No. 41; Minor Activit ies Letter 3; Swimming I ; As sembly I, 2, 3, 4; Bo wling 4: Office Mess enger 2; S.A. El ections 2; Studen t Day Teacher 3. Work Junior Red~ Cross I ; Marshall Day 2; J unior Prom I , 3; H omeroom Alternate 2; Class Representative 2; Homeroom Secretary 3. Work NANCY CAROL ANN TEMP 3880 Ridge Ro ad W . NORMA JEANNE SENECAL 232 Bonest ee l Stree t Greece Central; M inor Scholarsh ip Letter 3; Porty W ise Club I ; Greece Central; Homeroom Representat ive 2; Cheerlead ing 3, 4; Swimm ing Club I, 2; King and Queen Elections 2; Sen ior Band I; Student Da y Teacher 3; Homeroom Alternate 4; Bowling I , 2; Stun't s Goblin's Ball 3; J unior Pro m 3; Concessions Committee 3; Grad ­ I ; Swimming I, 2, 3; Tenn is 2; Softball 2; Life Saving and Water uation Usher 3; Fu ture Tea chers of A merica 3, 4; A ss istan t Banking Safety 2; Minor Scho larship Letter 2; M inor Athletic Letter 2; Cle1 k 4; A lpha Tri -Y 3; H onorable Mention I , 2, 3, 4. College Major Scho larship Letter 3; Student Secretary 3; Token Office Bookkeeper 3, 4; Ass istant Treasurer 4; Honorable M ention I, 2, 3, THOMAS JAY TEPPER 525'/, Lake Avenu e 4; Honor Roll 2, 3. Work Canisius: Student Da y Te acher 3. College GERALD SHElVE 52 Duffern Drive Barnard ; Homeroom Representative I , 4; Snowball 2; Honorable MARC THORNE 400 Ridg emon t Drive Mention I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 3; Sen ior Class President 4; Greece Central; Hi-Y I, 2, 3, 4; M inor Activities Letter 3; Sen ior Executive Council 4; Co-Cha irman S.A. Drive 4; Athletic Comm is­ Band I, 2; Jun ior Red Cross Council 3, 4; Spanish Assembly 2; sion 4; S.A. Assembly 3; Student Day Teacher 3. College Red CroS< A ssembly 3; Bank ing Clerk 3; Safety Patrol 3, 4; Water Sa fety 3; Memorial Day Par ade I, 2; Intramural Swimming 2. CORA SUE SENNETT 530 Magee Avenue College Brockport H igh; Swimming I ; M emorial Day Parad e 3; Goblin's MICHAEL TIERNEY 1220 Lake Avenue Ball 3; Studen t Day Teacher 3; Attendance Collector 2. Work Nazareth Hall; Homeroom A lternate 4; l nt ra-Mu rol Sw imming I . Se rvice LEONA MINA SHELDON 4076 Ridge Ro ad W . JACKIE A. TITTERSON 183 Bryan Street Greece Central: Homeroom Rating Clerk A lterna te I; Memorial Madison; A lternate Bank ing Clerk 3, 4; Bowl ing 4; Future Teachers Da y Parade 2; Studen t Da y Teacher 2; Senior Choir 4; Lunchroom of America 4. College Cashier 4. Work FRANK SHERRY 21 Strathmore Drive THOMAS S. TOAL 200 Ellington Drive St. Charles. College Williamsport Hig h School. College GARY SHORT 309 Ridgeway Avenue GEORGE TONER 365 C lay Avenue No. 41; Homeroom Representative I, 2; Baseball I, 2, 4; Homeroom Aqu inas In stitute. _ Service Basketball I; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll I; Minor Scholar- ship Letter 3; M inor Athletic Letter 3. Co llege COLLEEN ALICE TOWNSEND 150 Rand Stre et No. 41; Sw imming I, 2; Bowling I, 2; Tr i-Y I. Work AUGUSTINE SIMONETTI 189 Merlin Street Holy Rosary; Band and Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Basketball. JEANETTE TRAPANI 666 Flower City Park Service No. 41; Homeroom Banking Clerk I, 2, 3, 4; Jun ior Choir I; Rat ing JAN ICE E. SMITH 122 Mason Avenue Clerk I; Marshall Day Committee 2; Junior Prom 2. Work Sacred H ea rt; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Minor Scho larship Letter 3; Honora ble Mention 2, 3, 4; Student Secretary 4; Student Treasurer DENNIS C . TURK 14 Lakeview Terr ace 4; Bowling 3; Games I; Swimming 3; Student Day Teacher 3; No. 7; Honor Ro ll 2, 3, 4; Rating C lerk I; Junior Band I ; Senior Table-Settin9 Competition 3; Senior Party 3; M emorial Day Parade Band 2, 3, 4; Swim C lub I, 2; H omeroom Baske tba ll I, 2. 3; Graduat1on Usher 3. Work College

90 Senior Statistics

CORDELL JOHN TURNER 46 Cloverdale Ro ad Holy Rosary; Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Memorial Da y Parade I, 2, 3; Serv ice Corps 2, 3; Library A id 3; Jun ior Prom 3; Docket 4; Snowball 3; Reserve Bowl in g League I; Junior Life Saving I; Senior Life Saving Life Saving 2; Swim Club I; M inor Activities Letter. Service

LEWIS A. VALLONE 685 Senec a Parkway No. 7; Alternate Homeroom Bank ing Clerk I; Docket Reporter 2; Goblin's Ba ll 2; Concessions 2; Usher at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Audio Operator 3; Jun ior Prom 3; Service Corps 3; Minor Activities Letter 3; John Quill 3. Col lege

LOYAL VAN DYKE 76 Magee Avenue Canaseraga Central; Soccer I, 2, 3, 4; Gymnastics I, 2, 3, 4; Swimm ing I, 2, 3; Ban d I , 2, 3, 4; Choir I , 2, 3, 4; Baseball I, 2, 3; S.A. Assembly 3; Halloween Hop 4; Minor and Major Ath­ letic Letter 3. College

GERALD ALAN VAN ORDEN 34 Beverly Heights Barnard; Span ish Assembly 2; Us he r at Washington's Birthday Exercise 3; Traffic Squad 3, 4; Student Da y Teac her 3; Honor Ro ll 3; Honorable M ention I, 2, 4; M inor Scho larship 3; Major Scholarship Letter 3. College

JOAN ELEANORE VERMETT 168 Winchester Street No. 41; Jun ior Choir I; Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Jun ior Red Cross 2; Jun ror Prom 2; Sen ior Cho ir 2, 3, 4; Jun ior Prom 3; Alternate Homeroom Ban king Clerk 2, 3, 4; Student Da y Teacher 3; Swim­ ming I, 2; M inor Scholarship Letter 3; Rat ing Clerk 4; Inter-High Cho ir 2; Inter-H igh O rchestra I, 3; Senior Dance Comm ittee 3. All threads run appointed ways. College

MARY VIEAU 543 Seneca Parkway Sacred Heart; Office Messenger 3. Work JOY ELAINE WILLIAMS 46 Raines Park No. 7; Honorable Mention I, 2, 3; Asse.,bly 2; A lternate Home­ room Representative 2; M inor Scholarship Letter 2; M ajor Scholar­ YVONNE 0 . VILLARD 141 Bryan Street ship Letter 3; Attendance Collector 2; Senior Choir 2; Inter H igh No. 41; Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter I; M ajor Choir I, 4; Graduation Usher 3; Student Secretary 4· Docket 4· Scholarship Letter 3; Ass istant Lunchroom Chairman; Charades John Quill 4; H i-C Club 1,- 2, 3, 4; M emorial Scho la rsh ip Drive I; Assemb ly I; Social Dancing 3, 4; Volleybal l I, 2; Us her at Wash ­ Student Da y Te acher 3; Ushe r at Washi ngton 's Birthday Exerc ise 3· ington's Birthday Exercise 3; Junior Prom 3; Student Day Teacher 3; Honor Roll 2, 3. Co l leg~ Dungaree Frol ic 4; Graduation Us her 3; Memorial Sc holarship Drive 4; Future Teachers of America 3, 4; Rating Commission 4. Colleg e mission 4. College THOMAS WILLIAMS 169 Maryland Stree t No. 34; Homeroom Basketball I , 2, 3; J .V. Basketba ll 3; Tenn is 3; 8th Grade Play I. Undecided ALEXANDER R. VIOLA 55 Parkwood Road No. 41; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Wrestl ing I, 3, 4; Intramura l Basketball CAROLE ANN WILSON 607 Birr Street I ; Baseball I; In tramural Swimming I; Track 3, 4; M inor Athlet ic No. 7; Student Secretary 3; Tri-Y I; Student Da y Teacher 3; Style Letter 3; Major Athletic Letter 3; Homeroom Pres ident I; Grade Show 3. Work Representat ive 2; Band and Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Snowball 2; Memorial Day Parade 2, 3, 4; Minor Activities Letter 2. Col lege SHIRLEY JEAN WILSON 78 St ra thmore Drive Barna rd ; Winter Style Show I; Community Chest I; Homeroom ROBERTA JEAN WAGNER 634 Bonesteel Street Representat ive 3; Student Da y Teacher 3. Work Barnard; Tennrs 2; Volleyball 3; Memorial Day Para de 2; A rt Ac­ tivitres 2, 3; Christmas Da nce 3; Senior Party 3; Badminton 3. NANCY WEN DE WILSON 198 Ridgec rest Ro ad College Greece Central; Homeroom Represent-ative I; Bonking Clerk I; Cheerleader 2, 3; Memorial Da y Parad e; S.A . A ssembly 4. Work MARCIA GAIL WAUGH 137 Merrick Street G reece Central; Honorable Mention 1, 2, 3, 4; Li fe Saving I: SALLY WITHEROW 322 Lakeview Park W ater Sa fety I ; Games I; Party-W ise Club I; Student Da y Teac her Monroe; Sports Day I ; Bowling I; M inor Scholarship Letter 3; 3; Stunts I, 2; Vol leyball 2, 3, 4; Softball 3; Soccer 3, 4; Tri-Y I; Student Day Te acher 3; Snowball 2; Style Show 3; Athletic Banquet M inor Athletic Letter 2; Band I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Secretary­ I ; Honorable M en t ion I, 2, 3; Swimming Guard 2. College Tr easurer Orchestra 4; Memorial Day Parade I, 2, 3; H ighland Park Concert I, 2; Red Cross Drive 2; J un ior Red Cross Represen ­ ELAINE RUTH WOODS 31 Red Oak Drive tative 3, 4; A ssembly 3, 4; Christmas Dance 3; Graduation H ostess Dryden Central; Orchestra I, 2, 3; Inter-H ig h Orchestra 2· Band I· 3; M inor A ctivities Letter 3; John Quill 3, 4; Service Corps 3, 4; Flag Bearer I; library Aid 2, 4; New York State School Music As: Co-Cha irman S.A . Campaign 4; Docket 4. College sociation I; Choir ·1; Memoria l Day Parade 2, 3; M inor Activities Letter 3; Life Saving 2; Water Safety 2; Office A_id 2. College DONNA WAYTALAK 6 Canary Street No. 34; Honorable Mention 4; Alternate •Homeroom Representative 2; Sen ior Life Sav ing 2; Sen ior Choir 2; S.A . Assembly 3. ALICE M. WOODWORTH 197 Rand Street Undecided Brighton; G raduation H ostess 3; Junior Prom 3. Work

VIRGINIA CAROL WEBER 256 Flower City Park VIRGINIA B. WRIGHT 123 Knickerbocker Avenue No. 7; Cheerleading I , 2, 3, 4; Swimming I , 2; Homeroom Alter­ No. 7; Social Dancing I; Junior Choir I; Halloween Hop I; In ter­ nate I; 8th and 9th Grade Mixer I; Assembly I, 2, 3; M arch of Junior Choir I; Inter-High Choir 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 4; Ping Dimes 2, 3, 4; Memorial Da y Parade 2, 3; Hal loween Hop 2; Pong 2; Ju nior Prom 2; Homeroom A id 2, 3; Honorable Mention I, Homeroom Treasurer 2; Sn"""ball 3; Student Da y Teacher 3; Athletic 2, 3; Honor Roll I, 3, 4; Minor Scholarship Letter 2; Major Scholar­ Commission 4. Work ship Letter 3; Graduation Usher 3; Advertising Committee John Quill 4; Roc he ster Oratorio Society 4; Executive Day 4. College JOYCE M. WERSINGER 48 Sutorius Drive Philadelphia H igh School; Honorable Mention 3; Honor Ro ll 4; MILLICENT B. YOUNG 274 Pullman Avenu e Graduation Us her 3; H alloween Hop 4. College No. 41; Jun ior Varsity Cheerleader 2; Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4; A lterna te H omeroom Represen tat iv e 4; Co-Captain Vars ity Cheer­ ALAN TODD WHEELER 71 Holmes Road leader 4; 8th and 9th Grade M ix er I; Spring Swing I; Rating Greece Central; Baseball I; Basketball I; Soccer I, 2, 3; Tumbl ing Clerk I; Swimming I ; Stunts I; Junior Choir I; Senior Choir I; 2; Wrestling 3, 4; Tra ck 3, 4; Foot ba ll 4; St udent Day Teacher 3; Lunchroom Cashier I; M emorial Day Parade I, 2, 3. Work M inor Athletic Letter 2; M ajor Athlet ic Letter 3; Spanish As ­ sembly 3. Service RONALD L. YOUNG 506 O akwood Ro ad Barnard; Intramural Bask etball 2; Jun ior Band I, 2, 3, 4; Senior MARLENE WILL 170 Pomona Drive Ban d I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; Memorial Day Parade I, 2, 3; Barnard; W inter Style Show 2. Work Jun ior Prom 3. College



Abell, David 95 Future Teachers of America ...... I 09 Aberdeen Nursing Home ...... I 03 General Baking Co...... I 0 I Aero Hardware I 00 Grinnan's Grocery I 02 Alhart Electrical Co. Inc. . . I 06 Guistino's Realty ...... 95 Allan's Men's Shop ...... I 05 Hall's Flower Shop ...... 97 Al's Dewey Avenue Service ...... I 04 Hanan Funeral Home ...... I 19 Ann Marie Flower Shop ...... 97 Hibbard's Service Station . I 07 Baxter Atlantic Service 95 Homeroom 8 ...... I 15 Bi -Rite Market .. I 04 Homeroom I 0 . 129 Blake Chiropractic Office .. I 05 Homeroom 40 ...... 122 Blanchard Florist ...... I 0 I Homeroom I 02 ...... 131 Bonsignore, A. G. Co. . . I 08 Homeroom I 03 .... I I 5 Bonsignore, M. M. Co...... 106 Homeroom I 05 ...... I 12 Book Store .... I 14 Homeroom I 06 ...... 127 Brighton Place Dairy ...... 119 Homeroom I 07 ...... I 17 Buonomo's Inc...... I 18 Homeroom I 08 ...... 130 Buy and Key Realty Co...... I 13 Homeroom I I 0 ...... 126 Cabic and Badge Motor Sales . I 0 I Homeroom 124 .. I 16 Cadet Cleaners ...... I 06 Homeroom 140 ...... I 13 Cameron Photo Service 99 Homeroom 153 ...... I 14 Cass Funeral Home ...... 98 Homeroom 202 ...... 125 Cassata's Bakery ...... 99 Homeroom 208 ...... I I I Celmet Co...... I 02 Homeroom 226 .. 134 Central T. V. Service ...... I 09 Homeroom 228 ...... 120 Chap's Texaco Service ... 109 Homeroom 231 ...... 116 Christoff's Market ...... 95 Homeroom 239 ...... 132 Clair's Dress Shop ... I 17 Homeroom 240 ... 123 Cliff's Milk Bar ...... I 17 Homeroom 241 ...... I 19 Cliff Hardware and Heating ...... I 19 Homeroom 302 ...... 128 Compliments of a Friend ...... 97 Homeroom 31 I ...... 134 Compliments of a Friend ...... I 0 I Homeroom 318 ...... 121 Compliments of a Friend ...... I 02 Homeroom 319 124 Compliments of a Friend ...... 103 Homeroom 320 ...... I 18 Compliments of the Advertising Staff ..... I 13 Iamon's Beauty Salon ...... I 00 Compliments of Fred Barres . I 03 Jackson's Fine Pasteries ...... I 03 Compliments of Norman O'Brien .. I 00 Johnson's Bakery ...... I 17 Conger's Service Station ...... I 09 Jerry's Greeting Cards ...... I 05 Cook, Bill Inc...... I 06 John's Garden Flowers ...... I 02 Cook Hardware ...... 98 Jones, Don Garage ...... I 00 Cooper, Ada Dress Shop 96 Jones Jewelers 94 C~op~r's, Norman 98 Kiddie Korner Children's Shop ... .. 96 Cnflc s . . . . 101 Kuchman Dance Studio ...... 135 Cropsey, Helen Beauty Shop ...... I 00 Kujawa Radio and T. V...... I 00 Cupid's 98 Lake · Tire Service .... I 00 D. and D. Snack Bar ..... I 05 Lippa, J. S. . .. I 02 Defendorf's ...... I 05 Lucie's Beauty Salon ...... 95 Denise Inc. 99 Mac's Variety Store ...... 96 Dewey Avenue Pharmacy ...... 95 Manhattan Restaurant ...... I 0 I Dewey Avenue Sweet Shop .. I 04 Marshall Hi-Y's ...... I 08 DiJuno's Gas Station .... . 99 Martin Insurance Co ...... 118 Dudley Esso Service ...... I 03 . Mary's Delicatessen .... I 04 Duke's Esso Service ...... I 0 I Mechanic's Laundry Co. . I 05 Ernie's Do-Nut Shop ...... I 03 Michael's Kay Beauty Shop ...... I 02 Estelle's Beauty Shop . . 99 Moulton, Clayton Insurance ...... I 07 Farrell Brothers Funeral Home .... I 18 Naum Brothers ...... I 04 Filmar Florist ...... 96 Newman Flooring ...... I 05 Frear Chevrolet Inc...... I 02 Nicholas Wyman Inc...... 97


CHRISTOFF'S FOOD MARKET DEWEY AVE. PHARMACY 404 Lexington Avenue 602 Driving Park Ave. 291 0 DEWEY AVE. Glenwood 2000 Glenwood 4205 Bill Burke George Smith

Glenwood 2747 Carpenter, Mason, Electrical Work LUCIE'S Custom Carpentry BEAUTY SALON Call 68 I LAKE AVE. P I N K Y Rochester 13, New York 196 BROOKRIDGE DRIVE Closed Mondays CHarlotte 0594-J

Compliments of Off.: LOcust 4352 Res.: Glenwood 1988 ROCHESTER CREDIT MEN'S LEONARD A. GIUSTINO SERVICE CORP. Realtor - Insurance 249 Powers Bldg. Rochester 14, N. Y. 39 EXCHANGE STREET LOcust 4440

STILLMAN'S MEN'S SHOP WALKER'S 831 DEWEY AVE. GROCERY and MARKET "Headquarters for Nationally Advertised Men's Wear" Frozen Food, Matheos Ice Cream Cold Beverages Van Heusen Shirts- Interwoven Socks 758 RIDGEWAY AVE. Superba Ties - Hickok Belts

BAXTER ATLANTIC Cards, Stationery, Wedding Invitations CERTIFIED LUBRICATION DAVID ABELL WASH and POLISH We Keep Your Car On The Go FINE JOB PRINTING ATLANTIC 70 Dorothy Ave. Glenwood 4658

95 Glen. 3333 Open Evenings PALMOS SWEET SHOP

ADA COOPER 321 Driving Park Avenue MILLINERY HOME MADE ICE CREAM 834 DEWEY AVE. LIGHT LUNCHES At Driving Park Ave. Rochester 13, N. Y.



Ben Lucciter, Jr. COngress 0774 STATE SMOKE SHOP ROCHESTER AGENT Webster Office Machines COMPLETE SMOKERS SUPPLIES MAGAZINES SALES and SERVICE 559 State St. EMpire 0483 195 Norton St. Rochester, N. Y.

WALT AND AL LOcust 3795 CORNER SERVICE FILMAR FLORIST GROCERIES - GAS CRITIC'S ICE CREAM 601 PLYMOUTH AVE. NO. Store Hours 7:00A.M.- 12:00 P.M. Rochester 6, N. Y. CHarlotte 1170 Mark R. Chafel


28~ DEWEY AVENUE 836 RIDGE ROAD WEST (near Stone Road) Glenwood 7673 Doug. Walker CHarlotte 1167

96 NICHOLS-WYMAN INC. HALL'S "When You Need Lumber, 2075 DEWEY AVENUE Call Our Number" Glenwood 2662 Glenwood 2243 FLOWER GARDEN 2435 Dewey Ave. Rochester 16, N. Y. SHOP STORE

Glenwood 9125-M Toyland School Supplies Bicycle Supplies, Hobby Craft ROCKCASTLE FLORIST

ZACK'S Hardware, Toys Flowers For All Occasions 1318-1322 DEWEY AVENUE Indoor Gardens a Specialty Rochester 13, N. Y. 2015 MAIDEN LANE We Deliver Glenwood 8017 Rochester 13, N. Y.


Photos Today ..• Treasures Tomorrow itfR1 LOVE Al\l Funeral Home Inc. ~~- Wells· Pal PhotoCJraphers 1511 DEWEY AVENUE ~ TEL. GLENWOOD 1451

5734 West Main Street CHARLES L. YOUNGLOVE

SCHREINER MILK CO. Compliments of a 286 CLIFFORD AVE. FRIEND LOcust 3461


Established 1923 Compliments of Homemade Griddle Cakes and CUPIDS The Best Chocolate Sodas In Town 630 MONROE AVE. DEWEY at DRIVING PARK Glenwood 1300


Compliments Compliments of of CASS FUNERAL HOME


Compliments Communications Engineering Co. of Two-Way Radio Service REICHENBERGER'S JAMES STAGNITTO FOOD STORE Wishes All The Best 291 DEWEY AVENUE to the Rochester, N. Y. CLASS OF 1956 ------"We Sell Comfort by the Gallon"

STATE FUEL COMPANY "Our Service Is Always At Your Service" ROCHESTER GAS FUEL OIL -KEROSENE -RANGE OIL & ELECTRIC LOcust 7115 - After 6 P. M. Call Glenwood 8107 or Glenwood 5262 89 East Ave. Ro'Chester 4, N. Y. Office: 287 Smith Street


Wholesale and Retail Complete Line of MEAT AND FISH BAKED GOODS Glenwood 3536 534 Dewey Ave. 457 Lexington Ave. Glenwood 6372

TOWNE MEN'S SHOP ESTELLE'S BEAUTY SHOP 36 PULLMAN AVENUE Van Heusen Shirts - Hi·ckok Belts Glenwood 2797 Interwoven Socks - Lee Riders Hoping To Make Your 2884 DEWEY AVENUE Beauty Dreams Come True CHarlotte 1425 ESTELLE - Proprietor



Compliments of the Congratulations




9 NEWTON ROAD LAKE TIRE SERVICE Rochester, New York Phone: Glenwood 1947

Congratulations to the Good Lucie to the Grads CLASS OF 1955 AERO HARDWARE from the 1430 Dewey Ave. W. E. VanPUTTE SEED 892 W. Main St. COMPANY 136 North Ave. Greece, New York GLen. 0361 GEn. 3043

CHarlotte 0951 KUJAWA Compliments RADIO and TELEVISION of

Specialized NORMAN O'BRIEN TELEVISION AND RADIO SERVICE In Radio Since Radio Began 512 Stone Road Rochester 16, N. Y.

SCHMANKE'S INC. Compliments of Three Nationally Known Shoes ROBERT J. POOLE ROBLEE for Men AI RSTEP for Women Funeral Home BUSTER BROWN for Boys and Girls 1305 DEWEY AVENUE Dewey Ave., corner Ridgeway Ave.

DON. JONES GARAGE Compliments of GENERAL REPAIRING lAMON'S BEAUTY SALON 2960 DEWEY AVENUE 1040 Dewey Avenue Glen. 5284 CHarlotte I 170 Open Evenings




MOTOR SALES BOND BREAD GIVES FORD SALES and SERVICE 19 M.P.L. 3570 LATTA ROAD Nineteen Miles per Loaf North Greece, New York


WALLACE'S Compliments of

SUPER SODAS and SUNDAES RUSSO'S FRIENDLY SERVICE Tobaccos . •• Greeting Cards and Gifts 386 LYELL AVENUE 1481 DEWEY AVENUE Glenwood 78 18 Road Service Accessories

101 J. S. LIPPA SANITARY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR BARBER SHOP Commercial and Residential Wiring PHIL and JOHN KROECKEL 97 Ambrose St. Glen. 1956-J


I 182 Dewey Avenue Call Glenwood 6614 Open Evenings Until 9 P. M.


Compliments BEST WISHES

of from


"We Own and Operate Our Own Plant" Compliments of NICK and ERWIN DRY CLEANERS FREAR CHEVROLET INC. 'ALTERATIONS- DYEING- REPAIRING IT'S BEEN FREARS FOR YEARS Tailor - Cleaning - Pressing - Repairing Plant: 3145 DEWEY AVENUE I I I 0 Stone Road CHarlotte 3686 CHarlotte 2468 Store: 1227 CLINTON AVE., N. COngress 2230

102 Compliments of WALT'S SERVICE VAN'S MACHINE CO. Collision and General Repair AAA Service I 18 GENESEE STREET 1163 MT. READ BLVD. GEnesee 2029 Glenwood 7969

DUDLEY ESSO SERVICE When Better Doughnuts Are Made You Will Get Them At COMPLETE LUBRICATION Tire and Battery Service ERNIE'S Towing 1777 DEWEY AVENUE 1051 DEWEY AVENUE Glenwood 3127 Wilbur J. Dudley Rochester 13 , N. Y. Special Attention To Party Orders Proprietor Glen. 7396


225 RIDGE ROAD WEST Glenwood 9559 Glenwood 4886-J

Glenwood 5846 The Aberdeen Nursing Home MAX TAFFET 1290 LAKE AVENUE ROCHESTER 13, NEW YORK Variety Store A Pleasant Home For the Convalescent Jewelry, Dry Goods, Confectionary, The Crhonically Ill, and the Infirm Greeting Cards, Stationery, Etc. S. L. Alaimo, M.D. Owner, A. G. Richter 744 RIDGEWAY AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK


103 Plowing and Fitting - Grading RAFF'S WOMEN'S WEAR New LAwns - Driveways 451 RIDGE ROAD WEST MARTIN SCHNEIDER and 3800 DEWEY AVENUE Landscaping DRESSES COATS SUITS ACCESSORIES 144 RODESSA ROAD Phone: CHarlotte 2152-W



1450 DEWEY AVENUE 3948 RIDGE ROAD WEST Rochester 13, N. Y. George Anti vahis, Proprietor

NAUM BROS. MARY'S DELICATESSEN Rochester, N. Y. 1042 DEWEY AVENUE 2373 Ridge Rd. W. GLenwood 6376 GLenwood 0983 Sporting Goods - Appliances 7 Days a Week-I 0:00A.M. - II :00 P.M. Jewelry Re-loading Supplies

GENERAL REPAIRING Compliments AL'S DEWEY AVE. SERVICE ROGERS SUPER MARKET 1687 DEWEY AVENUE 1458 DEWEY AVENUE GLenwood 7227 We Deliver GLenwood 1698 We Take Pride In Our W ark

.Compliments of Compliments of



BLAKE CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Furnishings of Distinction 42 RIDGE ROAD EAST for Men Rochester, N. Y. North Gate Plaza CHarlotte 2286

Compliments Compliments of DAIRY ISLE and SUTORIOUS BUILDERS D. & D. SNACK BAR CHarlotte 080 1-R 2395 DEWEY AVENUE CHarlotte 0388-W Glenwood 8149


Beautiful Wedding Invitations Best Wishes To Printing of Every Description SENIOR CLASS JERRY'S GREETING CARDS Complete Line of Greeting Cards MECHANIC'S LAUNDRY Beautiful Gift Wrappings and Stationery Personalized Napkins and Book Matches 14 GLENDALE PARK BAker 6085 52 Watkin Terrace JERRY CAVAGROTTI

NEWMAN UNELL'S RESTAURANT FLOORING Complete Line of Floor and Wall Coverings 466 RIDGE ROAD WEST COMPLETE FOUNTAIN 630 RIDGE ROAD WEST Glen. 5998 Rochester 15, N. Y. Rochester 15, N. Y.

105 Dodge Plymouth ALHART'S


270 LAKE AVE. Glenwood 3800 1110 CULVER ROAD

Compliments Congratulations and Success of



Rochester 10, N. Y. 420 Norton Street C Ongress 5440

106 Compliments of Compliments of


Complete Insurance Service


Realtor-Photo Multiple DEWEY-BENNINGTON SERVICE Listings

1534 DEWEY AVENUE tAl so Glenwood 2182 SUPREME




74 LAKE AVENUE LOcust 8503


Front Row : Archie Provan, Di ck Karkkainen.' Carl Behnke, Noel Kuhrt, Lee Strassner, Peter Judge, Dick Chapman, Jim Bartlett, Da vid Chapman, Dick Beam ish, Jim Hanlon, Norman Freeman. Back Row : Jim Pelham, John Preston, Reggie Campbell, Kenny Wehner, Phil Mullen, Jim Bal lerstine, John Holtman, Marc Thorne, Wayne Statt, Steve Rood, Walter Manzek.

108 Congratulations to the . CENTRAL T.V. SERVICE


Glenwood 8256 from the

Elmer W. Snyder Club •

Future Teachers of America 494 RIDGEWAY AVE.



Corner of Flower City Park Motor Tune-Up - Brake Service Phone: GLenwood 7641 Mufflers and Tailpipes Springs - Lubrication Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service Car Wash - Accessories for the FACULTY OF JOHN MARSHALL


.. kci.. CJ

FROM 105 ~~o(

112 HOMEROOM 140

First Row: A . Rob in son, S. Lec on te, D. W ethe rell : Second Row: B. Bal d eck . B. Bianchi, J. Clayton , M . (me, J. Ens ign, F. Beatty. Third Row : R. Ewing, P. Fennessey, B. Frank, J. Lam b, D. Ca sperso n, B. La Fave, J . Grot h. Fourth Row: B. Loveland , N. Preston, H. Scholze , G. W ilson, B. M iles, G. Mce ler. Standing: W. Haefele M . Speziale , M . M atteson. R. Bennett , J . W illiams, H. Sin g leton .

The Sign of Action for Years Tops in Realty HI-C CLUBS Rochester Youth BUY AND KEY for Christ REALTY CO.


WITH COMPLIMENTS 485 Lexington Avenue FROM T H E Rochester 13 , N. Y. John Marshall Advertising Staff 1955-1956 W e Buy - Sell - Trade DENNIS PATTON NANCY EDDY Residential - Industrial - Commercial JOAN ROWLEY JAM SMITH VIRGINIA WRIGHT


Seated, First Row, left to right: D. Godwin, B. Tr ipp, S. Margeson. Second Row: J. Standing, G. Barker, D. Copeland, C. Bidwell. Third Row: P. O'Hare, R. Maier, J. Hein, P. Larae , J. Bartle tt. Fourth Row: R. Milne, B. Fordyce, J. Ne uffer, D. O ualtrough, A. DeV os. Fifth Row : C. Houle, M. H art, T. Card illo, J. Bieh ler. Standing: Miss Leader.

JOHN MARSHALL STUDENT STORE School supplies and review books carried for your convenience. ...-----Purchase supplies here and support the Student's Association .

STORE ASSIST ANTS: Ann Marie Barrow, Linda Calhoun, Donna Detsch, Roberta Ewing, Betsey Fordyce, Esther Liebert, Jane Lu·cyshyn, Joan Meinhardt, Pat Meyers, Linda Tinelli, Phil Kron.

114 Compliments of TRAFFIC SQUAD

First Row: Jerry Van Orden, Mike Miles. Second Row : Tom Saltsman , Mike Reil ly, Gene Mur ph y, Tom Dav is . Third Row : Lee ·Piver, Wayne Stat!, Da ve J ustice, Chu ck Perry, Da ve Howard. Standing : Norm Edgett, Gary Schaffer, Bill Stan in, Marc Thorne, Mr. Gerace, Mr s. Jerry Herring.

103 Right Corner: Mrs. Fulford , Teacher. First Ro w: L. Bea ls . Seco nd Row: S. Kennedy, B. Ketterer, S. Lun d, D. O'Brien. Th ird Row: C. Townsen d, P. Hoe decker, C. Sc hwartz, P. Vie au, G. Weber, G. Wright. Fou rth Ro w: P. Abendroth, R. Ha uck, R. Cli ff, K. Kaufa l, C. Sennett, B. lngerick. Fifth Row: R. Gie bel , L. J olid on, J. Houg h, R. De­ Bock, L. Merritt. Sixth Row: B. Noonan, T. Teal, T. Ra nke , B. Romig. Standing : Mrs. Dona van, Supply Teacher; B. Schnei de r, R. Muelle r, G. Steidel, G. Frank , K. Hugo boo m, Y. Paton, D. Pear­ so n, J . Titterso n, J . Hix , S. Cronin .



Seated, First Row, left to right: J. Hayward, D. Abell , K. W il son, M. Ottomano, D. Hendricks, N. Clarke. Second Row: W. Dietz, M. Altoft, N. Sherwood, J. Peters, L. H uff, C. Coleman . Third Row: E. Brown, J. Smith, S. Sc orse , L. Lurz , S. Donahue . Fourth Row : L. Cornell, J. Reynolds, S. Mac­ Arth ur, W. Geisler. Fifth Row : W. Kai ser, R. Makely, C. Malthaner, N. Castner. Standing : R. Romig, P. Sm ith, R. Wag ner, B. Camper, M iss Powe rs.

Congratulations Seniors! FROM HOMEROOM 124


,, ~-y


First Row , left to right: B. Sm ith, J. H art, R. Spa ll, B. Ra wlings, J. Wyant, R. H echt, J. M cAvinney, J. Baart, W. McQuaig, J. H anley, D. Butler. Second Row : M iss O ' Reilly, M . Smith, J. Myers, M. Nagel l, C. Beane, S. (harleton . Third Row : \' . C. Nellis, K. Jermyn , S. DuPont, M . Schumacher, S. Gibaut, P. Ba uer, J. H oyt, S. Croucher, D. H app.

,, ,,

116 HOMEROOM 107

First Row, left to right: B. Ingraham, J. Br iggs, P. Thorpe. Second Row: J. Clark, l. Wood, C. Adam, S. Schmanke, C. Pre ston . Third Row: E. Lie bert, A. Rybke, D. Payne, M. Bolger, R. St illman. Fourth Row: K. VanVeghren, G. Gordon, D. H uff, J. Newlyn. Fifth Row : A. Hetzke, C. O'Brien, B. LaC our, B. Walkley, G. Cox. Sixth Row: E. Epping, D. H amill, L. Heffer, J. Eckert, D. Cofran, P. Carroll . Standing: B. H igham, B. Lambert, T. Leeson .

Glenwood 6454 CLAIRE'S DRESS SHOP CLIFF'S MILK BAR Blouses, Lingerie , Hosiery 1678 LAKE AVE. Skirts, Sweaters 838 DEWEY AVE. at Driving Park Clifford Laundry Proprietor

Rochester 13, N. Y.

Compliments JOHNSON'S BAKERY of


I 17 Compliments of HOMEROOM 320

First Row, left to right: J. Crist, B. Ca ss. Second Row: S. Manfredi, F. St. Maurice, K. Reed, N. Wharmby. Third Row : S. Crary, D. Mahan, E. Mambretti, D. La Force. B. Currie , B. Kopp. Standing: B. Zok, N. Weld, B. Statler, H. Hovey, G. Saffran , M. Lane, C. J ardine, J . Ainsworth , R. Usborne, A. Nazzaro, M. J osh , H. La throp.



118 See HONAN FUNERAL HOME The Big M for 1956 616 GENESEE STREET at GEnesee 0978 E. H. PETERS iNC. HAROLD D. HONAN Rochester's Oldest Mercury Dealer Licensed Manager 385 Ridge Road West Glenwood 0365

BRIGHTON PLACE CHar. 3427 585 Stone Rd . SEAL TEST DAIRY Cliff Hardware and Heating Inc.

339 EAST AVENUE Complete Hardware and H eating Store ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Rochester 13, New York Lenn ox Heating and A ir Conditioning Equ ip.

119 Main Office: Franklin St. at North • Downtown Office: Main St. West at Fitxhugh Start a SAVINGS BANK Account Now • Ridge-Clinton Office: .uJto·o·o ~t/ / 1775 Clinton Ave. N. rr Y~ ROCHESTER Tht. / l,"~k SAVINGS f,r ) 01 R B A N K.... "h"'" r""'h MJMail UDIIAl OIIII'OSH INS.UIAHCI (OILI'OIATION

HOMEROOM 228 Gug ~in

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12 1 MRS. cox·s HOMEROOM 40

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124 Compliments of HOMEROOM 202

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First Row, left to right: J. Klapp, J . Pratt , l. Vallone, B. Clark. Second Row: J. Fleming , J. Lesco, S. Danno, B. Lockwood, H. Pfeiffer. Third Row: P. Clark, F. Potter, D. Ralston, R. Kenyon, G. Kemp. Fourth Row: J. Smith, G. Sn ive ly, M. Bran ch, D. Mansfield, P. Larry. Fifth Row: J. Owen, C. Wilson. M. Lamb, T. Stefanini, R. Axon. Sixth Row: D. Ellis, B. Hassel­ wander, G. Lauricella, F. Conte, R. Cantaben. Standing: E. M. Dunn .

126 Compliments of


First Row, left to right : R. Sylvester, R. Horeth, D. Herrick, R. N ewman . Second Row : R. Anderson, P. Norris, B. Shawhan, F. W illiams. Third Row : P. J ohnson , D. Harris, J. Caress. Fourth Row: J. M c­ Stravick , B. Barnard , J. Cropsey, A. Beu f ve . Fifth Row: C. Da il e, A. Ca ll ipare. Sixth Row: J. Duemmel , N. Da vie. Standing : Miss Bartholomew, G. Purd y, K. Wehner, J. Ballcrstein, M . Wa ls h, R. Kark­ kainen , L. DeVos, J . Fox, A. J unker, F. N ewman , C. Hein zman , N. Free ma n, W . Kannan.

127 Complimeuts of


Front to Back, First Row: Ed Sm ith, Barb Robson, Donn a Vinton , George Lejnieks. Second Row: Alan Prevost, Marilyn H icks, George H oreth, M itzi Johnson, Bev Drury, Kathy Kane. Third Row: Sue Powers, Ga il Bush , Kathy Dunhaver, Colleen Finucane, Doug Flagg, Lynn Searles , Doug Weining. Fourth Row: Don Allen, Terry Compton, Rog er Conkey, Da ve Swartz, Les M otter, Gerry W il son. Standing: Mrs. Olmstead, Pa ul H otch kiss, J im H uff, Dick Er nest. Absent : Dave M iller, Rosalee De ­ Cre sce ntis, Carole Dettman, Arlene Haley, Tr udy McHenry.

128 Compliments of


First Row, Front to Back : BMbara H oppe, Carol Pa sca l, Beverly Bianchi, Carol Thoma s, Linda Calhoun. Second Row : Anita Isabella, Jane Lucyshy n, Margie H igbee, Be tt y Bi anchi, Judy Simpson, Rose Marie LePore, Th ird Row: Dutch Perrin, John McGuire, Pa uline Branafino, Fred Berbert, Carol Sm ith , Marian Clark . Fourth Row: Gary Pinder, Robin Fogarty, Bob Rueml in, Francis- Brennan , Bill List, Jackie Poy ne, Elaine Benn ett. Fifth Row: Doug Giblin , Dave Heiligman , J oh n Pre~ o n, Merril l Herrick, Gary DeR oo, ShMon W ilson. Standing: Mr. Swanso n. Absent: Jerry Botsford, George Brown, Fre d Rossite r, Joh n T urpyn, Pat Ph illips.

129 VOL~ 105

Standing: Mrs. Biddle, Fran ces Karpin ski, Loretta Pan iccia, J oanne Polino, Carole Chapman, J une Gilbert, Nancy H ou le, Nancy Temp, Judy H erzog, Yvonne Villard, Larry Bates, David Chapman, Jerry Swan, Eugene Pie rle oni, Jerry Sheive, Denn is Turk . First Row, left to right : Be verly J ones, Sandra Hardwick, Gary N ie dermeier, Alan Bierworth. Second Row: Roberta Schwenke, Florence Scott, Helen Kenyon, Cordell Turner. Third Row: Br ia ~ La wrence, Ph yllis N ichols, Phi li p Ke nnard. Fourth Row: Shirley Atwood , Karen King, Margaret Maloney. Fifth Row: J ohn Eckardt, Donn a Waytalac. Sixth Row: Maureen Clifford, Barbara Peacock . Missing: Lorn Mac Umber, Evelyn Benton. Compliments of HOMEROOM 102

131 HOMEROOM 239






• Class and Private Instructions in Acrobatic.

Ballet. Ballroom and Tap •


Floor Shows Arranged for All Occasions