MAJELIS TARJIH DAN AGENDA PENGEMBANGAN PEMIKIRAN ISLAM DALAM KONTEKS PERUBAHAN MASYARAKAT DI YOGYAKARTA MAJELIS TARJIH AND ISLAMIC THOUGHT DEVELOPMENT AGENDA IN THE COMMUNITY CHANGE CONTEXT IN YOGYAKARTA Iwan Dwi Aprianto1, Insanul Muttaqin2 1Staf SD Muhammadiyah Trisigan Dusun Trisigan, Kelurahan Murtigading, Kecamatan Sanden, Kabupaten Bantul 2Staf SMK Ar-Rahmah Srandakan Dusun Kedungbule, Kelurahan Trimurti, Kecamatan Srandakan, Kabupaten Bantul Pos-el:
[email protected] Naskah diterima 20-07-2020 Naskah direvisi 23-11-2020 Naskah disetujui 30-11-2020 ABSTRACT Muhammadiyah’s thought struggle that oriented at the religious reformation and purification was realized by institutionalizing the study of Islamic thought by established Majelis Tarjih. This council’s position in the Muhammadiyah organization is a fatwa institution that determines the law on issues disputed by Moslems, mainly its members, which concern the religious field. This study aims to de- termine the early development process of the Majelis Tarjih and the main points of thought, which resulted in Yogyakarta’s changing context. The method used in this study was a critical historical method, which consisted of four stages, i.e., heuristics, source criticism (verification), interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that Majelis Tarjih played a role in developing the mission of the Muhammadiyah organization in the purification efforts of Islam by returning all religious is- sues to the primary sources, i.e., the Qur’an and hadith. In its development, Majelis Tarjih generated various religious decisions in response to various problems faced by Moslem. Such contribution dem- onstrates Majelis Tarjih’s ability to answer contemporary issues, even methodologically, to changes adapted to science and technology development.