Information and Knowledge Sharing Workshop for ILO Chief Technical Advisers and National Project Cordinators in Africa Nairobi, 15 – 17 February 2010 International Labour Organization Copy right © Inter na tio nal Labour Orga ni za tion 2010 First published 2010 Publi ca tions of the Inter na tio nal Labour Office enjoy copy right under Pro to col 2 of the Uni ver sal Copy right Con ven - tion. Never the less, short excerpts from them may be repro du ced without autho ri zation, on condi tion that the source is indi ca ted. For rights of repro duc tion or trans la tion, appli ca tion should be made to ILO Publi ca tions (Rights and Per mis sions), Inter na tio nal Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Swit zer land, or by email: pub
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