Cognitive Semiotics
COGNITIVE SEMIOTICS Multidisciplinary Journal on Meaning and Mind Issue 5 . Fall 2009 PETER LANG Bern · Berlin ' Bruxelles ' Frankfurt am Main · New York · Oxford · Wien COGNITIVE SEMIOTICS EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Per Aage Brandt and Todd Oakley CO-EOrTORS Ana Margarida Abrantes, Tim Adamson, Une Brandt, Riccardo Fusaroli, and Jes Vang EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (official address and address for unsolicited submissions) Larimee Cortnik Department of Cognitive Science Center for Cognition and Culture Case Western Reserve University College of Arts & Sciences Crawford Hall, 612D Cleveland, Ohio, 44106-7179 USA Phone: (+1) 216 368-6538 · Fax: (+1) 216 368-3821 COORDINATING EDITOR (general address for solicited submissions and editorial contact) Jes Vang · EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Liliana Albertazzi, Bernard Baars, Enrique Bernárdez, Peer Bundgaard, Roberto Casati, Christopher Collins, Seana Coulson, Ian Cross, Terrence Deacon, Merlin Donald, Shaun Gallagher, Barend van Heusden, Robert Innis, Jana M. Iverson, Mark Johnson, Torben Fledelius Knap, Kalevi Kull, Ronald Langacker, Michael Leyton, Ricardo Maldonado, Juana Isabel Mann-Arrese, Erik Myin, Frederic Nef, Pierre Ouellet, Jean-Luc Petit, Jean Petitot, Martina Plümacher, Roberto Poli, Ernst Pöppel, Andreas Roepstorff, Bent Rosenbaum, Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Chris Sinha, Linda B. Smith, Göran Sonesson, Frederik Stjernfelt, Eve Sweetser, Leonard Talmv, Evan Thompson, Colwyn Trevarthen, Reuven Tsur, Mark Turner, Patrizia Violi, Wolfgang Wildgen, Dan Zahavi, Lawrence Zbikowski, Jordan Zlatev, and Svend Ostergaard. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS For style guide and other directions for authors go to the journal's website: PUBUSHING DETAILS © by Verlag Peter Lang AG, Hochfeldstrasse 32, CH-3012 Bern Tel. +41 31 306 17 17; Fax +41 31 306 17 27; E-Mail:; Internet: All rights reserved.
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