MHS 6421 1 COLLEGE of EDUCATION School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education Counselor Education Program MHS 6421: Play Counseling and Play Process with Children Fall 2016 Instructor: Sondra Smith-Adcock E-Mail:
[email protected] Telephone: 352-273-4328 Office: 1209 Norman Hall Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 and by appointment Class Meetings: Mondays 9:35 – 12:35 in 1331 Norman Hall and required off-campus activities Required Text: Axline, V. M. (1964). Dibs in search of self. New York, NY: Ballentine Books. Kottman, T. (2011). Play therapy: Basics and beyond (2nd Ed.). John Wiley & Sons. Kottman, T. & Schaefer, C. (1993). Play therapy in action: A casebook for practitioners. Rowman & Little. Other required selections (journal articles) will be distributed in class. • Students are expected to read assigned chapters/articles prior to each class meeting. Course Description: This course is focused on the use of play and expressive arts in counseling. Theoretical orientations to play counseling, foundations of play counseling, practice of play counseling, and assessment are major areas of focus of the course. Play media such as puppets and dolls, art, creative dramatics, music and movement, games, and sand play will be integrated into the course curriculum. Demonstrations and experiential activities are a primary method of teaching and learning the theory and practice of play counseling. Both directive and nondirective play counseling experiences are included in the course. Course Objectives: At the conclusion of MHS 6421: Play Counseling and Play Process with Children, students will be able to: 1. Define play counseling 2. Discuss the history of play counseling 3.