NAS 224 Native American Beadwork Styles Winter 2016 NAS 224 - 4 credits Instructor: April E. Lindala 12 Monday meetings from 5 – 9:10 pm in Whitman 127 Office Hours: Appointments early are best. Center Native American Studies in 112 Whitman Hall CNAS Website: Phone: 906-227-1397 EMAIL:
[email protected] NOTE: Please put YOUR LAST NAME NAS 224 W16 in the subject line. Thank you. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner, but I will not guarantee an answer during evenings or weekends. Teaching Philosophy (Active Learning Credo) · What I hear, I forget · What I hear & see, I remember a little · What I hear, see & ask questions about or discuss with someone else, I begin to understand · What I hear, see, discuss, and do, I acquire knowledge · What I teach to another, I master Course Description: The purpose of this course is three-fold: first, study contemporary forms of cultural expression of Native bead artists; second, examine laws and cultural responsibilities associated with Native art, and third, produce a portfolio of original beadwork. Course Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course successful students will be able to… Create a portfolio of original beadwork that demonstrates mastery of multiple stitches, Reflect upon and give examples on how beadwork functions to share stories, values and ideas, Recognize federal laws in relation to Native American art and artifacts, Recognize the diversity of beadwork styles among differing Native nations, and Identify multiple Native bead artisans. Native American Studies here at NMU Mission Statement: The Center for Native American Studies offers a holistic curriculum rooted in Native American themes that .